TllllliSDAY, JANUAHY 10. HIM IIKKALO AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OHWJON PAGE FIVE ; I ft,' ) I WW'I 'WW HP' ..1Vi,.i1-ip,l,ii.. .. 1,11,1 11 II ' 'I JM . , ?-, '"""',,' f J 't-j- k'vV l-ir - , ... i, -v., .. .... .... ?, Huininrm Hi'liiml ITA January iiii'I'Umk wilt ka hrld KrWIiiv III llio m'hiHil iiym, A ironrnm, "Hiiiikb ii! llir Hrnhoii," ly Urn tlilril kiikIh MiHliMitN will Mint Hie iiifcUiik at 'i it Slmi Climfd Hrlln JuIiiimiii, op frutcir ol llrtllr'N Hniulv Biilnn, ';il Mn Hi. Imlli'iilpd her nlion will hn rinsed Ihrnuuli Jim. IB wlillc she In (III VIU'llUOII. March of Itlinm-A l)Micllt (lulled (ur tlm Mulch (il Dlinrn will btr MHiiuioriri by Hip Civic Improve ment ClitlJ of Port Kluiiinth Hiilur lii.v, nl thn C.I. cliiuhoiiNn In Fori Kliunnlh. Diiiii'Iiik will he liiini III l. in. in 1 n ut. The public In Invited to nltriid. Sunday lllunrr Buillhrrn chicken tiniilio nntl linked pork chops will he on Ihe menu for the Klnnmlli Yncht (,'luh dinner fnmi 4 In 7 p in, thin Hundiiv lit the Yncht Club. Mnko renerviillona with Mike Re urn. I'rlrmlohln Cnimi OHIIH Royal NelKhbuiD n( Ainerlcn will hold rcu- 1 1 n i inrcllim Krliluv, 8 p.m. In the KC Hull. All vlnltlliK member urn invited tn iitlend. Mm. M. W. Blrnn Min, punt oriuje, htm usked thut pretieut oillrrra itnd iilllcem-elecl utiend tn miike pluini mid piucllcc lor iniinlliiUon. -4-11 'hih-1.ava lied Aimle' llrst mertlnit of the yenr In scheduled lor Hiindnv. 2 p. in., nl Wlnemn Hchnol. 'luleluke. New membern mnv enroll nnd pnreuli lire In vited. Joe Cox In the lender. turned Into hint nluht tram Port land where they uttended the Ore linn Bred Grower' Lciikho nnnuiil conveiiUon In the Miiltiioiniih Hotel. Aliihn Nuclal Club UICK will meet Friday. 1:4ft p. in. nl the Manonlc Temple lor election ol ol Ilccrn, Inllowcd by cardn. The Mntlier'n Club (it Hncred leiirt Al'iiileniv will meet loulkht, 7; 30 lit the Academy auditorium. All members nrc urcd to attend. A KiiiiiiiinKe mile In pluniied In the ncur lulure by the Molhei'n Cluh nl Hncred limi t Acudemy, All rinvliiK riimiiun are nnked to tnne It nn noon nil ponnlblo to Hie academy. Leaving Mr, nnd Mm. Chnrlen E. Drew Sr. nre leaving toduy iThiiriidnyi lor Lon Anticlen und Phoenix, Arli. for a vIMt with Mm. Diew'n nlnter nnd brother-ln-luw, Mr. nnd Mm. W. P. Johimon, loiiK-tlme ri-HldenU of Kluinutli Kulla who now own n cltrun grove nenr Phoenix. They will vIhII Old Mexico before rclurnliiK to Kliun ulh Kalla Mnrch 1. Cloning U.B. Army nnd Air Force recruiting nervlce ofllce In tn be cloned tomorrow nnd Hnlur iv. Pcraonnel ha been culled to iv Kuxeuo conlerenco on new reitu lullnini lur WAC nnd WAP enllnt inentn. Teacher, Molhera Prlmnry de partment teuchern ol the l'renbyterlnn Church nchool nre to meet with mnlhcrn tomorrow, 7:30 p in.. t Ihe church for n preview of ntudy ninlerlnl for the next qunr ter. A.U'W International rtelntlonn Bturiv lirnini hi postponed lt meeting until Jnn. 17. when It will meet with Pbyllm Wales, 4M3 Clin ton St. ' In Sun I-'raml.i'O -Ralph Bans- : berg. blmsU Natlonnl Forest Fire Control ofllcer. In spending Uiln week In Bnn Francisco working on . program for training fire con trol nuiinlnnlx. With him nre Mrs. ' liang.iberg and non, Bert. Iteturn Del.o Mill" nnd Joe fitecle. both Klnmnth Falls 're- Ill Mm. Ann Dnrni. nn employe of Lung's In recovering nl HlilMde. llonpllul InllowliiR nuijor surgery Mondny, Bhe In nblo to huvc vIMIors. The OTI Home Extension Unit will meet 10 a.m. Jnn. 17 nt the home ol Mrn. John Hownrd. In hlcnd of thr Ic.vkhi oil plitmilUK n Mvp-nnvlng kitchen there will be n dcinoii'trntlon on cornnne mnkliiK nnd gift wrnpplng nv Mrn. Murk Taylor nnd Mrn. Oenc Woods. Plenne tnke table ncrvlcc. 81. Paul' tiiilld of the Kplsco pul Church will hold a rummage ..L Prllnv nnri HntlirrtnV nl thUI week nt the Buburbnn Lumber Co., Hill ana wainut. Highway . Travel Said Hazardous BAI.F.M 'PI Highway were hn.iirdoun 'IhurHdiiy In nil of Ore- Kon'n moiintiihi nrenn nnd In the custom purl of the ntule, ihe Btule Iighwnv Coinml.iMon mild. The Old Oregon Trull Highway hud been cloned between Union and North Powder nlncn Wednea dnv iiftcruonn, but the Comtnlnnlon mild 11 hoped to reopen the route Mime time Thiii'idity, IIu::o nnow drills were piling tin on ihe rond. Thn I) n.ui. roud report; Oovcrnment Canii) nnd Timber line Knowing lightly, packed miow, plowing, cliiilnn required, IS to 18 Inuhcn new nnow, Wllnon Klver Summit Snowing lightly, packed nnow, plowing, car ry chalnii. 4 Inchcn new nnow. Sunset Summit Snowing light ly, nlunh, pack breaking up. 4 inchcn new nnow. Warm Bprlngn Junction Snow ing hard, packed nnow, plowing, chain required. 7 Inches new nnow. Portland. Trouldnle, Cancnde I.ockn. Anlorln, Snlem, Corvnllln, I Salmon River Summit, Eugene . lloKcuurg, uruiun i nm, mcuiwiu Uure pavement. Union Creek nnd Bl.iklyoun Bnowing hard, packed nnow. plow ing, chalnn required. 8 Inches new nnow. The Dalle Pavement bare. Ochoco Packed nnow. plow ing, chnlnn required. 4 Inchcn new snow. Bend Snowing hard, packed now, plowing, carry chnlnn. 6 Inchcn new nnow. Snntlum Pann Snowing hurri. packed nnow, plowing, chalnn re quired. 20 Inche.n new nnow. W lluinctte Pnnn Snow ng lightly, packed nnow, plowing, chains required. 12 Inchen new .snow. Chemult Snowing lightly, pack ed nnow, plowing, carry chnlnn. u incnen new nnow. HIv High wlndn, pneked nnow, plowing, chalnn required. 4 Inches new nnow. I.nkeview Packed nnow, plow ing, carry chnlnn. Pendleton Pavement bare, Mcnchain Packed nnow, nruHled. .n Ornnde Snotn of Ice. Bnker Snowing, packed nnow, plowing, carry chalnn. Ontario Packed nnow, plow ing, carry chain. John Day Snowing lightly, pneked nnow, plowing, curry chnlnn. Austin Snowing lightly, pack ed nnow, plowing, chalnn required. 10 Inches new nnow. Seneca High wlndn, highway Impassable. 10 Inches new nnow. Bumn Paced snow, plowing, chains required. Weston Elgin Packed nnow, Closed temporarily by nnow drifts. Spy Trial In Poland Pushed WARSAW. Poland W Five more pcrnona charged with spying for the U.S. go on trial Thursday before thn Warsaw Regional Mili tary Court. All are accused of Illegally cross ing the frontier alter being enlisted for cnplonHg by U.8. ylng cen ter In Berlin. iThrcn days ago five Poles were sentenced to death after a one-day trial on similar charges. A series of other prosecutions nave been an nounced since Russia hn made much of Its charge that America Is financing sabotage, spying and diversions in Communist nations.) The five going on trial Thursday were identified as Wltold Bllrullc.. Jnn Koja, Poawel Grlegcr, Jerzy Baron and Alfred Plcnta. CAGKR.3 ARE TALL TUCSON, Ariz., Wl The Unlver Klty ol Arizona basketball squad averages nearly six leet 3 Inches nnd 180 pounds. Talent man on itne team Is Tom Cash, t-1 sopho- more forwnrd. Shortest Is 5-10!i Jack Howell, senior guard. Five of 'the Wildcats are 6-5 or over. Oldster Plans To Wed Young Woman . VANCOUVER, Wash. "PI An IM-ycar old man and his 37-year old neighbor from North Bend, Ore are expected to be married here Thursday. The happy pair is Seth Thomns Lnnegan, 84, nnd Mrs. Esther L. Dlllnrd. 37. who live across the ' street from each other In North i Bend. Lnnegan said he has known the woman since she was a child. Each lost a mate by death some I Enough milk wan produced In the : United Slates in 1D51 to fill a river . 3.000 miles long, 40 feet wide, and three feet deep. I time ago. It will be Mr. Dlllard'n second mm riant. unw,uii. . SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month W , DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER 2-2513 633 Main k. . . 'T. iPul.l.ntmn T ' II 1 1 of 4-H sewing groups 1 and i have named ineir ciuo r iuhhik ijt-i-un-n. min. umi nri . nirlnliiinn pnrty lor the glii.i nnd uurillg ine lesson nour uriiniiiMii- ri in ii it n- ... ,,, Ciroup 3 the mulling of cloth toys ill itrnnp 1, j-rniltra uniftc la liiiu reporter. Card Party-r-Tlie regular month ly curd party at the parish hnll in Lnngcll Valley is plnnnrd lor Saturday night by St. Bnrnabas Guild. nephew, mnnuger of the circula tion department. Her old and News, at the request of Dcvcny. one-time Portland resident. The two have not seen each other in 40 years. Miller was at that lime a small boy. Dcvcny nnd Ills family who receive the Herald nnd News saw an ad published by Derby's Music Store which prompted the request. Ratification Of Treaties Asked WASHINGTON lift President Truman Thursday formally asked the Senate to ratify the treaty of peace with Japan, signed at San Francisco Sept. 8. At the same lime, he asked rati fication of: 1. The Security Treaty between Ihe U.B. and Japan, signed at San Francisco last Sept. 8. 2. The Mutual Delcnse Treaty be tween the U.S. and the Republic of the Philippines, signed at Wash ington last Aug. 30. 3. The Security Treaty among Australia. New Zealand and the U.S., signed at San Francisco last Sept. 1. The dodo bird, a large flightless pigeon that used to live on the island of Mauritius In the Indian Ocean, became extinct during the 17th century. An American phonograph and several record ire on their way via air mall to M-Sgt. James A. Deveny, Sealand RAF, Chester, Cheshire, England. The music box was sent by Maurice Miller, a Wi-iie-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Dinners from from 1 Southern Oregon's Finest illlATIi D brogue liver, re. Mill Site SATURDAY, JAN. 12-9:00 A.M. 19 one to four room cabins ! priced fro m $60. f o '245. 31 two to three bedroom homes! Some modern (good furnaces, up-to-date interiors, everything you would except in a modern home!) Some to be bought with property . . some to be oved. Priced from $235. to M 725. 34 other buildings to be moved! Priced from $ 18.50 to 900. rFREEll H Coffee 1 1 1 and I 1 Doughnus I TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON THE SITE WITH OUR SALESMAN, JOHN VICARS or; at ; Mtf 534 Market 10 Phone 4862 Penmey's STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 FRIDAY! SATURDAY! SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY! YOU'LL FIND TREMENDOUS VALUES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! SHOP-SAVE! r J&:3 You get a Dinner J BLUUJt FOR ONLY A BUCK! RAYON CREPE BLOUSES GAY SPRING COLORS! EXCITING DETAILS! SMART, SMART STYLES! Downright amazing at this price! Hand some washable rayon acetate crepe, fin ished with detail you'd hardly Lelieve possible . . . contrasting or matching embroidery, lace trims and inserts, little extras like a separate pin or clip. White, yellow, blue, pink, gray, beige, chart reuse . . . 32-38. MAIN FLOOR NEW SpMnq SHADES 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER Gaymode Nylons IS FIESTA! JUBILEE! MARDI GRAS! GALA! ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Ii Pair NEVER SECONDS! 1 How you"ll love Gaymodes: Their perfect lit, smooth wonderful texture, flattering sheernessl And the Colors! Smart spring "fashion shades" to match every . .j color In your wardrobe! Sizes NEVER IRREGULARS! s to n MAIN FLOOR PROPORTIONED FIT! Women's Multifilament RAYON CREPE SUPS TALL... . over 5'7" AVERAGE . . ' 5'4" to S'6" SHORT... under V2 MAIN FLOOR 2 Four-gore princess cut with nylon fagotted seams. Deli cate lace and embroidery trim. Bias cut . straight panels will not ride up! You can have them in white or pink ... to glamourize your sheer spring blouses and dresses! Sizes 32-44. . is'-"" I t-r MEW rOR irnirw : p BOLERO SUITS . SOLID COLOR SKIRT ,, CONTRAST BOLERO! . NEW SPRING SHADES! SIZES lu-ioi SECOND FLOW JaCQUaRDDESIGHI 50 RATON 50 COTTON BLANKETS 98 T rM3Cl RICH liuw"- 64"X76" SIZE! . 1 23 POUNDS! DOWNSTAIRS O AVE I- ' yum mn HYLOH PAHTIES 1129 U i BRIEF TVLEI 1 ELASTIC or B" ; WHITE & CV- MAIN FLOOR JUNIORS I MISSES! HALF SIZES'. Cotton Chombray Ii DRESSES SECOND FLOOR ism amu 20 LA J Ll E( 1 m CaDAklrr I MEN'S 100 WOOL SLACKS 00 9' u t VIRGIN WOOL FABRIC I jg's to MAIN FLOOR V