Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 10, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIU'HSDAV, .IANUAI1Y ID, nr..!
' 'Vi
' Grains Fail To
Hold Early Rally :
CHICAGO Ml An early rUy
In grains failed to bold on the bonrd
of trade Thursday. Toward the fin
;. Ish most contracts slipped below
1 tlio previous close.
Oaliia ranged to around a cent at
the start. Buying developed on mi
nor export business and official
" confirmation of a very small Aus
tralian wheat supply. There never
was any follow-through demand,
Wheat closed ,i lower to ! high
er, March S2.58 6i, corn 'Hi low
er. March 41.91 'i-3, oats
lower March 95-95 4 rye 'i-l 'ii
lower May $2.11 3i-2.12. soybeans
1 cent lower to 2 ! higlier, Jan
. uary $3.00 !b-li. and lard un
changed to 15 cents a hundred
' pounds lower January $14.85. ,
Open High Low Close
Mur 2.59 i, 2.59 2.58 , 2.58 4i
May 2.56 . 2.57 ! 2.55 i 2.ii
Jly 2.49 5. 2.49 ?4 2.48 2.48 ,
, Sept 2.59 2.51 2.49 -S 2.49 5.
Broad Buying Puts
Market Fioures Un
NEW YORK f - Broad buying gf' PCrePlyW0Od
lifted the slock market substan- Hmnestake Mininir Co
tlally Thursday in a general re- It"?"!',?., h"'"?as,1
suffered earlier tills week.
There wcr mnny gains of b
twecn 2 and 3 points among lead
ers at the best, while a selected
few issues pushed sharply beyond
that. The great bulk of the gains
of course ran from fractions to
a little past a point.
Rising prices encouraged trading
of an estimated 1.600.000 shares,
the best volume in more than a
month. The total yesterday came
to 1,370,000 shares
New York Stock
By The Associated Tress
Admiral Corporation
Allied Chemical
Allls Chalmers
American Airlines
American Power & Light
American Tel. & Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Atchison Railroad v
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airplane Co.
Borg Warner
Burrows Adding Machine
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar' Tractor
Celanese Corporation
Chrysler Corporation
Cities Sen-ice'
Consolidated ftdlson
Consolidated Vultee
Crown Zellerbach
Curtiss Wright i
Douglas Aircraft
DuPont de Nemours
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio .
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Two Hurt In
Road Wreck
A 54-year-old salesman for a
Portland clothing firm, Mack Ja
cobs, Is in Klamath Valley Hospital
with Injuries suffered In a two-car
crackup 38 miles cast of hero on
the Greensprlngs highway in Jack
son county late yesterday nioriiiiiR,
Jacobs ronortedlv suffered chest
injuries, lace and Knee lacerations.
His condition was reported as good.
Jacobs said he fkildcd on an 'cv
stretch of the highway and crashed
ms i47 Cadillac heudon Into a
1947 Dodge operated by Jack San
born of Mcdford, headed for Klam
ath Falls.
Jacobs was brought here by Kil
ler's ambulance, and Sanborn, with
a possible back injury, was taken
to Mcdford in a private car.
Klmir Carl klnitultiu. JH Amik-v
l-kt. Ore. died tl.ei Jmi. 7. Mnmttiii
a name or tmiim and na r.
Mdcd In Klnmntti County (or the t
tf j vHiii am vivwft incuiae mr mm...
i Mr. HlltU Muiienm. IMrtlmut,
d Uirrt? tUUrr. Mr. Unrtirrile K.
kvlttay mid Mr. Helen Johnson hull.
of I'orlluiu, Mnd Mr. Kli Paul o(
note uoditc. ure. The utmy ton iwvn
cnl to the Little Chapel of The Chime
b held Jan. U. at ll in . with In
torment lu follow in Hin. Cllv ccinr,
tcry. Ward's KUinnth unerul homo
in crmriia of tlio mrnngvnipnt.
Hrtlyh J, C. Jt'huMtn. 4'A, Kly, Nm,
died in Lu Vega Jan. 8. lie vt a
I1M VI C a.U .it.v 'll -HI. i I
lncUide the mother, Mrs, KMe Rmv.
father William H. Johnson, .Mtr. Kuil.
Mm U hew all of Klnuulh r'all. and one
on. Jimmy Lee, tn Korea. Funeral ar
rangements are to be aimoiuu'ed later
by Ward's Klamath funeral home.
Funeral services fur Hertiert Chester
HemmingKen. who died tn Color.uto
Spring. Colo, Jan. 8. will take place
from the Sacred Heart Churvli, Suiur
day. Jan. 13. when a mas will be
celebrated for the repoae of hi noul
commencitvg at H:J0 a-in. Hev. T. V.
u T. n .iv .. m . t
and vault entombment will follow in
Ml, Calvarv ale mortal Dark. Kecitation
of the Holy Kowiry will lake pl;i.e
Potato Shipments
January 9
Month 10 date .. .
Season to date
1950-51 1951-53
244 U2
5441 5075
Potato Shipments
Potatoes: 39 cars on track:
' Calif. t. Ore. 5 arrived; market
about steady: Klamath Russets
No. 1A 3.90;
Potatoes: 1D9 cars on track, Ore.
12. Idaho 13. Utah 1 arrived: 19
arrived by truck; market steady:
Idaho Russets No. 1A 6.00; some
held higher.
arrivals 133. on track 321; total
. U.S. shipments 800; supplies mode
rate: demand moderate: market
slightly weaker on Colorado.
6teady on others: Colorado McClu. 1 United Aircraft
res $5.10-50; Idaho Russets J5.50-J United Corporation
6 00. , 1 United States Plywood
International Paper
Johns Manvllle
Kennecott Copper
Libby. McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
Locw's Incorporated
Lon? Bell A
Montgomery Ward
Nash Kelvinator
New York central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Packard Motor Car
Penney J. C. Co.
Pennsylvania R. R.
Pepsi Cola Co.
Philco Radio
Radio Corporation
Rayonier Incorp
Rayonier Incorp Pfd
Republic Steel
Revnolds Metals
Richfield Oil
Safeway Stores Inc
Scott Paper Co.
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Socony-Vacuum Oil
Southern Pacific
Standard Oil Calif
Standard Oil N.J.
Studebaker Corp.
Sunshine Mining
Swift & Company
Transamerlca Corp.
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Uionn Pacific
United Airlines
48 1 a
9-14 Northern California Cloudy
59'awith occasional rain from MeU
90i4 1 0rj alU Salinas northward Thurs
46V day, spreadUiR to all areas Thurs
14'ilday nitiht or Frldav. Snow in
59 1- .mountains. Temneratures below
43'i ; normal. Southerly and southwest-; rU;,.n I .'vncfnrlr
Sl'-ierly winds of 15 to 25 mil hi. V.niCOgO LIVCSTOCK
nour soum of Half Moon Bav. ! mioAuo wi iusuai o;u- 10 uer cent 2 47: 11 iw rrnt 1 4R
43 Southerly and southwesterly winds able hogs 21.000; cany sales liuiuer 13 per cent 2.49.
34'3'of 20 to 40 miles an hour north of weight Dutciiers 15-25 cents lower) Cur receipts: wheat 50- barley
35', 'Half Moon Bay. luut nucr 2a-4U cents km or on all I: flour 8; corn 3: oats 1; null-
47 'ii Klamath Falls and Vicinltv jwclgnts burrows and gilts; sows ! feed 1.
67 I Occasional light snow sometimes around Io-l'j cents lower; bulk inu-
i! 1 mixea wun rain inursaay and 10 ouicners io.uu-io.jo; sonic
Red Riflemen
Stop Allies
StWL, Korea, Ul Coiiimunlst
lillcnioii sloppnl n U. N. rutOlim
party which (.lonncu up uie mi".
of 11 hill northwest of Yoiu hon In
snow-t'ovoicd Wiihtct'ii Korea be
fore tlawn ThuiMlay.-
The U.S. Elghlh Army naltl the
rnlilcrs lulled to reach the tup of
Hi., hill Thrtv nullt'd ilili'k llllrl'
This party inemoer Mild Aluc-'j ij hiiuis umler heavy nuirlur
Mac May Be GOP
Confab Speaker
sibility of Inviting Gen. IHiiikIus
Mucrthur to be keynote sneaker
at the Republican Presidential
IMlllllllflllll, COIIVI'MIUMI 1.H ItllHt!'
discussion by iiiembers of the
Piiriy'.i kxeciillvv roiiunltti.
A nromlnent GOP official who
asked not to be quoted by niiiuo,
told a reporter that he mid his
colleagues huvo lolked over such
1111 invltiitlon to the general.
1IIIOOKH llnrii at Klanialll Vallry
Ht,..indll jn ... llt.'J. Im tn
Ijiio II1-0X 'HI No a "l. WflfHI.
5 IxilllliU W olMU'aa.
Mnrllia K. Wllrlirr . J"H" II Wlli'li
rr. aull tor lilvoii'e. Couiilo ninrilcil
11, . '
rruiillv. I'Intnllff mb riwtmlv llirrr
inlniir i'hllilifii, H' imr "H ''''I'1
Ntliiiil'l. aim allniMt'V rcca ami ritli,
U. II. I'riirtiir. alliMintv lur ilnlnllll.
IVi Ti'it fin'i u w'tfwi lai-B.. '!-
ICunlliiiiril front Mn llt
INTACT, but Willi no lili'iriunili
iiriniiiiK inn piiruoio nluiiniy ..
JoilNhiiN-I'ltnv. 1u.i1.tl L. John- ' '.' L . , " """'HhIm".
ni-n r r 'o.. " t "I'll ifwiiitii't
ke1 to make a nwior. apetv,. onlv llltt contacts were reported l','"' '-,..'i " ' "i '' i""V' ",l,t ,.,,!;,!Viwi!,, '"" "'- ",
at Hie July convention 111 any elsewhere on the 145-nille Iruiit as ovonnou - kniiiiit cioiiriei a. ne "" H'OK I'KOM him n
".!...'!lt.cl.",T!.."!1,mCl, 1,1 i""!..'"11! X blanketed Koreit. , " ""Ji'V.lil. JiiVMS IVKt A-r ifcKI ANU l,AV": 'ly
b llnalilnlll III KIBIIt- I
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore. Ifl Coarse
grniiUi. 15 day shlument. bulk.
coast delivery: oats No. 2 38 lb
wiiue 79.50; hurley No. 2 45 lb
aw IJ.OO.
Wheat (bldl. to ni-rive murk. I
oasis No. 1 hulk, delivered coast
from the chapel of Watd'a Klamun I Suit White 2.46: Soft Whllo lev
Funeral Home Friday. Jan. 11. a( H ;,. 1.1.11.,,, pvi vi,i . m.'.i
pin. Frlenda are respecllully mmeUiVi.. Rcxi J.40, White Clut
I Hard Red Winter: ordinary 2.41:
1 10 per cent 2.41: U per cent 3.48;
! 12 per cent 2.49.
I Hard While Baurt: ordinurv 2 47
85,j Friday. High Thursday 32. Low
2313 Thursday night 20. High Friday
ll5, 30.
1 . Grants Pass and Vicinltv
65 Showers through Friday, occasion.
18'i ally mixed with snow in hills. Hi-rh
280-310 lb 16.50-17.00; sows 14.00'
Saluble cuttle 3.500: salable cal-
Portland Livestock
ves 400: steer yearlings grading,"" salable 200; market uneven;
good and belter und niaiure steers I H"uc,l lu , low utility cows slow,
choice and better tully steady; olh-1 5c lower: some sales 100
..111 l.ll KIIIUIIUVU. ........ K,,,, at,
witiplunes urio mostly grounded. 1 ,11, r.li., tna
The North Korean radio reported 1 on t uv.
lliiiisday nlglil mat Ked Hoops
captured two more Islundtt south
of the HH'li parallel, The broad
cast identified the Islands us Clin li
mn and Ohwu, south of the Oullli
peninsula oil I lu' West Coast. The
iteds said South Korean troops had
been Using the Islands to "create
unre.tt on the coast."
lSiltoday 40. Low Thursday night 32. or grades weak: hellers steady to , '"tter lor two days. Other classes
623 High Friday 43.
Iga, 1
35 Western Oregon Occnsionul
110 rain Thursday and showers Thurs-
4'i!day night. Friday mostly cloudv
69 w ith more continuous rain bv even-1 choice steers 30. 00-32. 7a: coinmer
18s, Jng. A little cooler Thursday and'eial grades 27.00-29.50; loud choice
10 (Thursday nioht. Hichs both davsinnd prime 1.025 lb heiiers 35.25:
10 36 to 44. Lows Thursday niaht 32 1 liood and choice heifers 29.50-34.00.
24'i to 38 Winds off coast southwesterly I Salable sheen 2.500: short loud
(51 jand 25 to 35 miles nn hour Thurs-' choice to prime handy lambs to
aay. oecoming more southerly; eastern shippers 30. i. or sirong
weuk: cows weak to mostly 50 moderately active and steady; load
cents lower; bulls steady to 50 cents good 1.000 lb fed steers 33.50; good
oif; vculcrs steady; few sales i 1 - lbs 33.00: late Wednesday loud
choice to low-prime steers and ! R.d d choico 1.095 lb steers 34..
vearllncs 33.00-36.50: trood to low- 'a'-. utility and low commcr-
Thursday nisht
Eastern Oregon Occasional
snov Thursday except mixed rain
and snow in northern vallevs. Con-
sidernble cloudiness and snow flur
56 ries Friday. A little cooler Thurs-
3l :day night. Hichs both days 30 to 38.
62, .lows inursony mgm lu 10 .3.
75'i Pnrtlnnrl Pnultrv
111. I " " 1
j, ,lum. 49'i: B grade, large 47-49.
375, United States Steel
asking above 30.75 for light lambs;
slaughter ewes firm at 12.50-15.50.
Employment For
December Record
cial heifers 25.00-31.00; light dairy
type down to 22.00; cutters down
to 21.00. ranner and cutter cows
mostly 18.50-21 50; shells down to
15 00; few utility rows 22 00-24 00;
light cutter dairy type bulls 21 50
22.00: few utility buls 26.00-28 25.
Caves suable 50; niaret fairly
active, steady: odd choice vealers
35 00: commerclnl und good 27.00-
J3uu; culls downward to 15.00
Oregon Turkey
Admitted Biggest
ST. LOUIS '.41 The biggest
turkey in the country comes from
Oregon. F.ven Gov. Forrest Smith,
who conies from Missouri, will
admit It,
Sinlih, who looked over some
big Missouri turkeys two mniilhs
uuo, challenged guvi-i Horn n( the
other slates to send a bigger tur
key to the National Turkey Feder
ation convention here.
When the Judges gut throuuh
Wednesday night. Smith was duinli-
CITY Il k K Nl'ITI V I'll rian k.
Flr-l. i'.'l N li'Ui. William , a.t
..i..r .-- wialil. Wllllant Kaltott
IKIU I'elatiuu.
AMVOI.O lli.tn at Klamath Vallav
ii.Ui.nAl Jan In Ima. 10 Mr anil Mt.
1 1 asaiiine Hint thin u. ..
iiiilHlu of our lewuinulilv ,,..''
jilnuse: "Iliein n hun tills '. ,'"
A leglllmuln profit, ynu hr.
NOT wicked In Jrf.ua' eyrv ' "
What tihiiill this word "tolrntf
The talent of nncleiit th,lrt '
Marvin Arnol.l. OMII1'. I.an.a.lrr. . llr.v , ,
Wriahl n 11...11..I. 10'. uun.e.. ... l,.l,rr.. u,,,l 1 1
I Itr.MI.At'Kfll Hum al Klamalh " '"'Jti''" ""Cll H,i, Wor.h
Vallev II...1.M0I. Jan II. IUU lo Mr. . lllliMll .IJ.0UO III Olir IIKHlrtu ,rar
anil Mil. Itli-tirtin I'ruiniin.-aer. 10 HI , ntllllllolt 1 Inontiy nm ... ,'. ,r"
KlH-rlrm. a !..) W.l,lit p.iun.U 10', (jr1l BM,ul ajnn '""
ounrra I '
M.lldWN Horn al Klamath Vatlv H wnll t lllat porki-t rham. n,.,
Jl'ir-'Mwn": ffii Turn','..:".' X eilllllUe,. hla J,
('(Mll'I.AIMH lilt II
llrliv Dnugmi v Millie lutf.tt. Mill' ,
ftr iMvoicr 'otit Mirrltl ) 7. A . mm
1'MH. II f nu. Nrv Charge. rrui-ll. tl if BVHM I
CotttlQld, ttlOrnn rr ilAlcr( I fllHlrl I il
Get New Ship
' fin I I. all
The bluest of all Wu.h Ihf 4f- t i:nan) Kimrk
Dorulhy II. Wntlt vs. Howard 1.. Wad
iiihrHti r i iH Hr 1
Jack C. Uiini'aii. lrcM"l"t1. !
...... ... nr.w Tiiiitv i.r nc in.
' Truman !, Cw-ke. ovarkngih- rf- "I lr bbriiiHllHrii Mil nruiioutuVd
rrii n hait nn riiiiitmn.chukcfi "Wrii djiif
i) it'.tuii 1 1 s nu-uuiinu io- l ; . w...tti ' mill rniinntiiwi itr uiir.ii.
overload YtifUH
m ine "
pound 8-ouiice entry from l.orcn : , v u.r , A nhlp'a bell III the olllrr ri Halt.
Sutton Death
Reported Here
235 lb weights 20.00-20.25: few 250-
'H) IhK 18.10.10 00- -l.riM 'KMl.liln
SALEM tfl Employment In; lb sows 17.00-17.50 : 400 lbs 10.50;
Oregon last month was the largest heavier weighu Quotable down to
for anv December on record, the 115.50; feeder nigs scarce: choice
PORTLAND ifi Ecus to Slate Unemployment Compensation : lightweights Quoted o 19.00.
wholesalers: A large, 52" .; A mcd- j Commission said Thursday. Sheen salable 50: few small lots
ine tonimtssiun estiiiiiuea nto.- inuoa ana cnoice no, t to wootea
400 persons were working in De-j lambs salable around 28.00-29.00;
camber, a euin of 2.000 over the medium anH vood terriers WpHrm;.
39'J ' total for December, 1950. day 27.00-28.00: good slaughter
M3 j Employment was high in trade, ewes salable around 12.50-13.00.
' 2 service, government, meiais. ma
261s : chinery and ship repairing. It was
Word was received here this
week of Die drulh Jan. 5 tit Cres
well of Ward K. Stilton 71, long
time resident of Oregon. He wus
Hogs salable 300: market rather I"10 brother of Lee Suuoii, Klamath
slow, mostly steady: rholce 180-
ru'- Mna .a
j. 1:101 niititsrn totiefl llir m. ni .
Kdwln tlahl. no otiaral.ir'. Ilcanw ' ahlp B he reud to nrwainrn a t,.
riAnrl K.lrhcr.l.l.. nmi.aupprl minor lo Cnpt. Klirt Carlarn and a
rhllilrvn. Illamid
Wamer Pictures
Western Union Tel
Westinghouse Air Brake
Westlnghouse Electric
Woolworth Company
Mechanical drvlnir reduced the
39' 4 down in lumber and logging and j danger of fire from spontaneous
43a ; construction. combustion In hay.
'mucin lo the yriuiel Hie akinorr
tried fur two weeks to aovr.
Tears welled 111 the ryi-, ,,f if.,,
oidlimrlly-lotiKh shliiplng line niwr.
lie sulci ('apt. Cnrlsrn wm rl
eominand of another Inhranttuu-n
Line vessel "when he Ii ready tm
ll. lit. hnltl tie "exprrl.n'' aiiolju-r
iitaittitT t-iii ar
Fulls, an uncle of Lester Sutton of i Ruhr B luiirr. laiiura io nop al vranrl will be re-named u I'lilnj
this city who went North for the "f" riJ" ."' i Kulerprlsr.
funeral, and of M. L. Sutton Tulc I ril'.nw n "h,r" "r"" ,
lake. Konali D. Chayna. no whirl llrani.
rma i r or the lalrat anil mml up-la.
staiman ll Kim. iiaatini 111. rin riair Inauraner, ron.ull Han. Nor
land, fine hi.
Other surviving relatives some of
Iheiii known here are two daughters
Mrs. John W. Sutherland. Mllivau
kle. Ore.. Mrs. Clutide Harris Plea
sant Hill, Ore., a son Itobert Mil
wuiiklr. Funeral services were held Tues
day with Interment In Westlawn
Memorial Park Eugene.
Weight Is a measure of the at
traction which the enrth's gravita
tion exerts on an object.
Marvin 1. Mhork. no oparalor'. It. ,
ran-a rine ..i
Charlaa W, llammimd. (allura dltplay
PIC plalaa. DUiuluail.
Carl W. Ward, no vchlrla tlranM
rin .3.
Mi'Mi ii'Ai. mi ar
Catl Johnaon, drunk, rin .33 or I2'i
4a yi.
Charlaa J. lvln, ran red llsht. ror.
tall U ball.
1. ..udion, diunk. tinm K3 or
13' day.. .
Liu4. inanife. 'hi4 4
Uar-llial'atn1r . t4
Hack, tattttntnl r .
tti attfO-riafi mf rhm f.ii;
CHiere's the pitch . . . Oregon Woolen Store
is naving a psain old fashioned annual
Sport Coats
Gabs and Tweedi -
20 Off!
No fancy claims! Mo fancy words! Our prices tell the story!
Sport Shirts
Our regular stock in all
size ranges.
288 388 488
Dress Shirts
Broadcloth and fancy
patterns in sizes 14 to
188 88
Dress Slacks
Our complete stock re
duced! All sizes.
10 Off!
All sizes
Tee Shirts
Every fancy T-Shirt in
the store at this price!
Wooj Shirts
Navy blue C.P.O. styles
and all fancy 100
488 C88
43 90
One Large Group
Dress Shirts
Buy one at regular 2.95 -3.65
- 3.95 price and
choose another for only
Odds 'n ends . '. . some whites,
mostly fancies. Slightly soiled by
Christmas handing . . . but still i -:i
all good shirts. Come in, see 'em! i
tJ-G'b$ '
L mm Covcrts
w) iff T
I 'iff to
ILY 4300
Work or Dress Styles
25 Off!
20 Off!
Knit Briefs
Heavy cotton with clastic
waist, Reg. 75c
Work Pants
Greens, Greys, Tons
288 - 388 - 488
Wide choice of plain or
fancy patterns.
188 J98
Blue or grey sanforized
shrunk. Full cut.
REMEMBER . . . We guarantee satisfaction. We gladly make EXCHANGES or
REFUNDS on any merchandise bought here . . . regardless if it's on sale or
regularly priced. With us ... our customers must be satisfied!
Work Pants
Green or Grey
Work Socks
Heavy cotton in natural
4 p,:': l
. Listen to "Charlie's Roundup" .
7:15 Every Morning Over KFLW
Our entiro stock of
regular 2.00 tics!
20 Off !
800 Main
'We Give S&H Green Stamps"
Phone 6873
Rubber Gloves 1; 73c
L. ,