HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON PAGE THRKH lliclr dnuiihter, Mr. acorns Oar Ion and liunLiuiid, Mr. nnd Mm. Newmiin Kline from I.ukevlow itprnl ClirlNlniiis Uity Willi her pnrentii, Mr, mid Mm, (luy fouler. Tho Chrlnlmim dinner wnfi enjoyed lit the homo of Mr. mid Mm. Jiuiien Fouler. Mr. nnd Mm. Henry Murium nnd mi j 1 11 11 koim micnl ChrlntiiinM will) her purenlH, Mr. nnd Mm. II. C. Iliirrlx. The Murkun family now liven III WimhliiKlon. Mr. mid Mm. Alun Wither for merlv of HI. LoulH. Mo., hut now numuier, Mm. Pike brouKht the Mri TfnwfirH neennn watt hrnne ner guests of the Cliff Branhams. Mrn. A. E. Robinson received medical treatment In Klamath 'Falls recently. I Pfc. Erwln Dresser, non of Mr. land Mrs, Phillip Dresser, former Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. Gerald Sheldon, son of Mr. and Mrs, Guy Sheldon of Bremer ton. Wash., and former Butte, Val j'Summer Lake dinner an Mm, Klder In mill not Dbrris from Nupa College In Idaho. Jack l.ee wus alio homo Irom college with hl parentn, Mr. and Mrn. O. Lee. Jack, a well known Butte Valley, high nchool xraduatc, George Lybrond on the birth of a son, Dec. 23, at Klamath Valley hospital. The Lybronds have a daughter also. ,' . nblo to Knt around much following her recent operation. ley iresldenta, is expected home shortly. Jerry has served nearly .J Mr. and Mm. Jena ndberUi from I.nkevlew. Mr. and Mrs.! . hue My MltH. K. II. NI'I.SIIN Tho wnnllinr In mi rmiKU unci winiory In till lucnllty, I liiivn liroii tumble In KH out rnitl collect nowit. An ii rrsull It In ncnrcs tlil week. Mr. niid Mil). Jim I'llchrr were Clirlalmim kui'Md fioin KluniiiUi J" II" lit tlmlr tliiUKlitcr, Mm. JnniM Curlun uml her liUHhiind. By DORA BIUNIIAM Tlio Norman Mcekn spent the hollduyu with Mr, and Mm, Fled Murlln In Bcntllo, John Kempke wan home for the holiday from hln ntudlen at Unl vernlty of Orciian. Itobert Kempke, who In atudyliiK ut the Unlvcrnlty The Carl Boyds were Christmas guests of the Mervyn Robinsons. Congratulations are due Mr. and Mrn. Hillary White on the birth of a daughter, Jan. 3, at Klamath Valley hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Art Stallcop of Mac doel were holiday guests of the Cliff Branhams. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips of Yreka visited relatives and friends In Dorrls during the holidays. three yenrs wun tne Air Fore in the Far East as n radar mechanic Crockett from Portland mid Shir wu De rcmcmoereq lift one Ul M Clems pltchlnK uvea. y anA Urn .1 W Cn nnH teachers In Dorm and now at Chlco, visited friends In Dorrls Wednesday, Erwln In In the Air Force. Seaman 1-c Harold Smith In on leave from duties with the U.S. Navy and Is visiting friends In ley I'ernoll aponl Monday at the home of Mr. and Mia. Bud Fcrnoll mid family. The hunting nennon for 11)51 of ficially cloned Dec. 31. Tho wciitlier In very ruxifed In thin locality. A mixture of mow, ruin nod wind la the order of the day, UBiially. The nchool movie, "Mr. Belve dere Ooen to Collexo," wan ahown m the Anu Hlver nchool houne Thurmluy evening with a Kood crowil iillendliiK. ITie nchool cnlcn dur him not yet put out a lint of the coinliiK nhowa no we are un able to report the title of the next film. Mr. and Mrn. JIuuo Leyva en tertiilncd their aon, Uar, and hln family from Monroe. Ore., Mm. Bully Damon from Chemult an Ulll Force to ChrlxtmuH dinner. Jim O'Ki'clfo and duuxlitcr, When You Buy Atpirin, Hart's ONE NAME to remember non. Herbert, visited the Byard neucy a, , . . Roger Hitchcock. Ron of Mr. nnd mum of Now Mexico wan ulno at home. Mpa ITat-l Mllfhrw!, brifdl the John, a former teuchcr at illy and Hubert, who ban been at New Mexico for a 10-montlm courne by the Kovernment, are nonn of Mrn. William Gregory. Arlene, a diiuKh tcr, In now on her way to Japan for duty with the WAF. Bob Hhclley. non of Mr. and Mrn. Joe Hhclley, wan home for the holidays from Ban J one State College. Gordon Beenon, non of Mr. and holiday with hi parents aud si-t Dorrls. I Rev. and Mrs. Adams and fam ;ily are on a month-long trip in the South. Warkenil vlnUoin of Mr, mid Mm. A. Ui'lmy were: Mm. Lloyd lii'lioy mid niiiiiII tliiimlilor, (llciinii. from Kliuiiiuii FiiIIk. Clirlntinim iluy flliiiirr rupkIa iiIko Incliiik'd Mr. mid Mm. Clmrlle Cumiilirll, I'alNlry; Mr. nnd Mm. II. K. -iiuilll. Mm. Colleen Hurley and bnliy mid 'J'rucy lihilr. Mr. mid Mm, Mauilro Anidnnd, imkovlow; Mr. mid Mm. II. C. HeiKlermm rum I'nlhley were among Clirlnlnmil Day uuegld ol Mr. Mid Mm, H. V. I'wiW. ' Mr, nnd Mrn, A. II. Knnpl from Portland spent Chi Immiit with ier. limn Florid"., npent Uio hollduyii with liln pnrcnU, Mr. nnd Mrs. Vmiull Wllhern mid with her iur oulfl, Did MnddiHkn of I.itkovlew. Our.sifi lit the Bummer Luke Lodito enJoylMK it Clirlnlmun dinner Were Mr. und Mrn. tlowurd NiiIhoii nnd family Irom Wcntoldc, Mr. und Mm. K. It. Nelnoii nnd noun, Omry, Clarence mid Merle, clu lMtiuiin Uay Kuenln of Mr, nnd Mm. Lea Klder wore Mr. mid Mm. Oimii'uii I'lko mid family . from I'lilnli'v; Wnyno Klder, from AIiih kn. Wayne In I-eii' brother nnd an.l Arm A W HiinKnn nf Klamath Fall were recent dln- THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, lOf.2 Big January Savings On Home Appliances! Save 40.07 on giant 19.4 cu. ft. Knthlccn, from Merrill npent Christina Duy with Mr. nnd Mrn. Jack Lynch returning to their home the nexl day. 'oucrntcn u fluhlllK boat 111 the 7 ' Big savings on our furniture floor! SAVE 20! 2-pc. Bed divan set C0LDSP0T FREEZER REGULARLY 479.95 66.00 Down, 23.00 Month en Sean Eaty Terms New giant size Coldspot home freezer you a full 679 lbs. of food storage space! Yet it takes up less floor space than the conventional 14 cu. ft. freezer.. Save 20.07 on this GIANT COLDSPOT A-$139.95 VALUE! Special for this event. Regular 139.95 value. Full size bed divqn with matthinq choir. Divan lets down into comfort able bed. Lorqe bedding compartment. Coil spring con struction amply padded with felted cotton. Choice of color in topestry cover. '"'"T'l :'r"i 18.00 Down, 8.00 Month en Seert Eaiy Payment Plan 3 -pc Bedroom set Bed - Chest - Vanity 1ST88 vtf Regularly 209.95 29.00 Down, 1 1.00 Month on Sean Eaty Payment Plan Beautiful almond finish new style! Extra large drawers in chest. Beveled edge plate mirror. Full size bed. Buy now and save! 2-pc. dresser set. Reguarly 167.95 Now 149.88 8-pc. Dining Set with walnut finish. Regular 239.95 Set of four Dining Chain. Regular 50.00 3-pc. Bedroom Set Bed, Chair, and Dresser. Regular 239.95 3-pc. Early California Bedroom Set, Regular 169.95 Bed Daveno with tapestry covering, Regular 79.95 Bed Daveno with frieze covering. Regular 99.95 2-pc. Divan Set with frieze cover. Regular 179.95 Occasional Rocker with frieze cover. Regular 37.95 Platform Rocker with tapestry cover. Regular 39.95 Platform Rocker, foam rubber filled. Regular 74.95 199" 26 217" 144" 69" 87" 157s 32s 34" 64" j, fjssBs Floor Lamp 9 11.95 Value 88 6 - way floor lamp. Bronze plated base and stem. Com plete with plastic shade and reflector. Save at Sears! i fell! Assorted Pictures 29 x 35-in. Size: Smartly Framed Special Buy!.. 4.88, Highly embaiitd fram In natural, ma hogany or gold-color flnlihtd wood. Many wb)tct, glass or olleHad finish. Here you get almost 10 cubic feet of refrigerated area at a price you expect to jay for 7! Plus full length COLD storage! Save at Sears! REGULARLY 239.95 21 988 33.00 Down, 13.50 Month on Soars Easy Payment Plan f TP- "UJ q: J ' f SPECIAL PURCHASE! 42-inch Kenmore GAS RANGE 179 88 27.00 Down, 10.00 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan . , Famous Griddle Top Model Giant 20-in. Wide Oven All the deluxe features at an amazing low price! During this sale only you save extra on tho range that answers every cooking need. Kenmore Automatic WASHER Kenmore Automatic DRYER 95 32.25 Dawn, 1 1.50 Month on Sears Easy Terms! Put ctothei In and they come out fluffy dry in minutest Now drying clothes i$ fast ond sure regardless 1 of the weather! - . . , . ' .. ., '.- : - ; 40.50 Down, 14.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms! Load it! Set it Forget it! A touch of the dial and Kenmore does the hard work of wash day for you! 269 2W , . m rrinr Store Hour$: , 9:00 AM. to 5:30 P.M. &a&fad&ft, jwazart&edoz, youa nottey facA 133 So Bth phono sin cas SEARS Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 133 So. 8th Phono 5188