THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. inn? PAGE TWENTY-TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Youth Needs Talked BPW Monday Meet Th for better and more recreation facilities for the young peoplo or Klamath fans u ex pressed bi a stirring talk by Rev. Lloyd Holloway, pastor of the First iLfAthnriiNL chnrrh befor Business and Professional Women Monday night. He wus Introduced by Edna Russell following the 6:30 dinner hour at the Willard Hotel. -He staled that Klamath Palls Is faced with a growing juvenile proo- Mcm and suggested mat lunds raisea here during the Community Chest drive - might be diverted to help cope with the situation. Tt was announced by Isabelle Brlxner, chairman for the state convention to be held here this year that May B-10-lt have been set as convention dates. Blanche Petroff reported that 44 patients at the county infirmary were remembered with Christmas gifts, that carolers from Sacred Heart Academy sang at the in llrmary and later at Hillside and Klamath Valley hospitals where treats were presented to every pa tient. Transportation was furnished all day by the Yellow Cabs and Hurry Cabs. Ty Keller, Tulelake vocalist sang three numbers, "Lovllest Night of the Year," "Daughter o: Rosle O'Grady" and "Great Day" with his mother Mrs. Lynn Keller .at the piano. Ty, following an audition here some time ago, spent several months at the - Columbia Boys school New Jersey for instruction, DANCED Sandra Pemberton. student of the Isadora Moldovan school of dance presented an acrobatic and an Or iental dance number. Beth Griggs was program chair man. Tables were centered with ar rangements of spring flowers and places were marked for 48 mem bers and guests. Busy Cooks Cut Corners Cookie Baking Busy cooks like semi-sweet choc olate lor their baking because of its convenient form. Morsels of semi-sweet chocolate can be used whole as in chocolate Crunch Cook ies to stud the baked cookies with little pieces of chocolate, or when melted chocolate is required, the morsels melt faster for more ef ficient baking. Semi-sweet choco late has a more delicate flavor that is delightful in home baking. The recipe for Chocolate Crunch Cookies is printed on the back of each package of semi-sweet choco late morsels, and the recipes for the other two delicious gift cookies are included with this article. COCONUT CONES Vi cup butter or margarine 2V4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar 4 tablespoons evaporated milk 3 cups finely cut coconut 1 package semi-sweet chocolate morsels Melt butter over low heat until lightly browned. Stir in confection- arc1 eiiiyar AVBiuirntfH tnillc fitlH - - P " ' i ..... n. taaenj-wm ftntn VUVU1IUI. LrtUJ . Will hooj w.i.m a waxed-paper lined cookie sheet. When cool, shape into cones. Melt semi-sweet chocolate morsels over hot, not boiling water. Dip the bot toms of the cones Into the melted chocolate; return to waxed paper until chocolate hardens. YIELD: 3 dozen cookies. BROWNIES 1 package semi-sweet chocolate morsels a cup butter or margarine 1 cup sugar 2 eggs , cup sifted all-purpose flour 4 teaspoon salt ' I cup coarsely chopped nuts Vi teaspoon vanilla Melt semi-sweet chocolate mor sels over hot, not boiling water. Cream butter; add sugar gradual ly and cream well. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat after each ad dition. Sift In the flour and salt: beat again. Mix in ,i cup of the nuts, melted chocolate morsels and vanilla. Turn into a greased 8 lnch square pan. Sprinkle remain ing !i cup nuts over the batter; press in lightly. Bake in moderate oven (375 F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Cool, cut Into squares. YIELD: 16 squares. Supreme Court Hears Appeals SALEM (PI Arguments in the lirst degree murder appeal of Mrs. Sigurd Hansen, Corvallls, were .heard by the State Supreme Court She was sentenced to life in the state penitentiary for the murder of her husband, sne was accused of crushing him to death with their automobile in the family garage. Her attorneys contend it was accidental, and that there was no evidence to Justify the conviction. The high court also heard an appeal today in the Portland uen eral Electric Company's suit to prevent the city of Estacada from annexing territory which includes company property. Vet Loans Paid Out In State SALEM Ml The 6.300 Oregon World War II veterans who have state farm and home loans paid $489,045 in property taxes, the State Veterans Departmeni said Wednesday. The department nays the taxes by taking them out of the veterans' monthly repayments. By paying them before the November 15 deadline, the department cot the 3 per cent discount and saved the veterans $15,125 In taxes. X-TRA EGG PRODUCER Field teiti have proven thit thli full nutrient balanced feed produce more lift per feed dollar. It maintain! bodily health and furnUhe an abundance of egtmakin( ingredient. For larger tga and more abundant yields feed your Hock Xt Egg Producer now! 1 -lleil.rll Tror v. Cook Co Klomath !! Sharp Grain Co , Merrill, Oreion Home Extension News LANGELL VALLEY The Langell Valley Home Exten sion Unit met at the home ol Mrs, Clyde Wooteu, January 2. for a discussion on kitchen planning led by Mary Glenn, Each member brought a plan of her own kitchen for suggestions for improvement. The next meeting will be Feb ruary 6 at the home of Mrs. W. D. Campbell subject to be Easier Ironing 2. Present for the meeting were Mrs. Dick Botens. Mrs. Frank De Bel, Mrs. Ted Schmidli, Mrs. W.D. Cmnnbell. Mrs. Les Urbach, Mrs. Joe Potucek Mrs. Ed Scott Mrs. Louis Staller, Mrs. Clyde woolen, Mrs. Russell Walsh. Mrs. Bob Col- wcll Mrs. Rob Seater and Mary Glenn. CONGER-FAIR VIEW The Conger-Kairview Home Ex tension Unit held a regular meeting January 4 at the home of Mrs. J. B. McCarty. and Mrs. Frank McCormic demonstrated frozen pre-cooked and prepared foods to a group oi zu memoers ano guests, Mrs. Bob Lowe. Mrs. Vtilham Moore and Mrs. Alvin Nelson. Mrs. F. O. Reynolds baked an at tractive birthday cake for Mrs. Gene Woods. Mrs. Lloyd Myers. Mrs. William Bourell and Mrs. Bob Lowe whose birthdays fall this month. The while elephant was won by Mrs. A. L). Tilton. The next lesson on textile paint ing will be January 18 at Uie borne of Mrs. John Matthews, 1605 Ore gon Avenue. Mrs. Koy Huggins was hostess to 19 members for the annual Christ mas gift exchange potluck lunch eon. FILES SALEM Wl Howard Dent Jr. The Dalles, filed Wednesday for delegate to the Republican Nation al convention for the Second Con gressional District. He javors oenerai Eisenhower for President. 1 cup salmon, drained and flaked tl 8-ounce) can. Vi cup shredded Cheddar cheese Cook onion and green pepper In butter until soft; combine with cooked noodles, soup and salmon. Pour into a Jj-qimrl casserole; top with cheese. Bake In a hot oven (400 F) about 30 minutes or until top is lightly browned. Makes 6 servings. If desired, garnish top of cas serole with green pepper cut in the shape of a fish. A REAL PRIZE CATCH is a casserole that joins together the charms of cream of mushroom soup, big chunks of sal mon, noodles and cheese. Make a gay garnish for the top with a thin curl of green pepper shaped in the outline of a fish. Serve piping hot. Mushroom Salmon Quick Winter Meal Ml'SHROOM-SALMOX For that carefree feeling about cooking, turn your job over to those two fine friends cream of mush room soup for the cooking sauce, and a big deep casserole dish. So many good quick-meals result from this harmonious team. The mushroom cream sauce plus a fill er-upper ingredient like noodles and just a taste of meat can come out in the most mouth-watering concoctions. A shining example of this Is "Mushroom-salmon quick meal." Just Uie ticket to answer your la ment for something simple but simpiy wonaeriut to serve this win ter. The preparaUon is merely a matter of mixing the creamy rich soup-sauce with cooked noodles, chunks of salmon, and seasonings. A half hour In the oven and there's a scrumption dish that comes easy, goes easier. Mushroom Salmon Quick Meal ' i cup chopped onion 4 cup chopped green pepper 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine. 2 cups medium-width noodles (about 4 ounces) cooked and dramed I can (l-'i cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION If you resolved to entertain more this year, start right by planning a simple basic menu to serve when friends come to supper. For in stance: Hot celery-tomato soup tt can each of cream of celery and tomato soup plus l'i cans of milk) chicken-almond salud, and toasted cheese rolls. Dessert pineapple sundaes and cookies. Sliced corned beef, thinly shred ded green cabbage, and Russian dressing make a flavorsome filling for a rye bread sandwich to pack into a lunchbox. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Mora Comfort- FA8TEETH. pJnt atka1n (non icld) powder, hold false te'tti more firmly. To l and talk In more rom fort. )ut aprinkl a little FAST BETH on your plates. .So (rummy, nooey. paaty taat or frcllnr- Chcks "plat olor (den turt. brrftth). Gat K AS TEETH at any druf atora. Rumpus Room Can Be Any Room Un-Used Prescription for a rumpus room: Take any unused space in the house, add facilities for recreation, then mix family and friends well. Dosage: As often as desired, be cuusn this medicine is harmlossl A bnseiuentless house can have a recreation room, too. Or an attic less home. Or a dwelling which has neither. Use an extra bed loonY, if lurge enough, or a garage or utility room which can be spared. There is only one "must:" Uie rumpus room should be as easy to clean as possible, with washable floors and walls such as clay tile, no matter where it is located In Uie house. More and more homemakers are learning the value of the recrea tion room In sparing the rest of the house clutter and upset. The mothers of teenagers, particularly, rate the rumpus room high. Tele vision, plngpong, coke-and-sand-wlch parties, and canasta sessions may all afford pleasure to young people in this room, while Mother and Father relax in Uie living room. sr.n If you parents have been discuss ing the need for such a room and wondering where to locate It. bear in mind Uiat any space of suitable size will do. whether or not It's the conventional site, basement or uttlc. Consult a builder or archi tect about Installing durable clay tile, not only on floors and walls, but also on snack bar counters. The kids can keep the place clean themselves In a JUfy It all dirt catching surfaces are simple to wipe fresh. Homemakers can have a lot of fun decorating such a room Inex pensively, too. Nautical motifs, with blue denim draperies carry ing out the color Uiemo: western schemes with lots of rustic furni ture: Enrlv American themes which call for the simplest of fur nishings and accessaries, all are easy to do on a budget and will please the younger generation. Pork sausage patties served with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut and apples, and a green vegetable makes a hearty winter dinner. (ithvdpool AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tulclake or dial 9578 Klamath Falls Witpmm. oAfiMn' mmt trim itfii baled at luffct tm ehangr uUhout Mc UBWIW""" 'f DOLLAR TOR DOLLAR YOU CAN'T BEAT A PONT1ACI Take the wheelyourself. . for the Priving Thrill of your life! We want you to be among the first driven in America to personally experience a basic advancement in motor car engineering Pontlac'i new Dual-Range performance. Dual-Range performance means that Pontlac has combined, for the first time, a powerful high-compression engine, with GM's new Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive and a new high-performance, economy axle to give you selective per formance for any driving condition. In the Traffic Range you have tremendous acceleration and snap and go! At the touch T0E PW EB TOV WAXT W'HK.V TOV WAXT IT WHERE YOV WAST IT of a finger you can be In the Cruising ., Range, riding so smoothly, economically sT r n r i if i i.- and effortlessly you almost feel vou're W 1 mgii-wmiircaiiiun engine coasting. Come In and drive it for sensa tional new proof that dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontlac! Opiional at txtta Out. Jr Wonderful Dnal-Wantrn Hydra-Malic Drive New High-Performance Economy Axle PARKER PONTIAC CO. 4th and Klamath 'Ave. Klamath Falls, Ore. T m w m THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY SALE 635 MAIN IUjhl lUitivad la Llmil Quorum! 1 HADAC0L Reg. 1.25, 8-or. size LIFEBUOY SOAP REGULAR SIZE CAKES (Limit a) PAPER TOWELS 150-SHEET ROLLS (Limit : 3121! ' 3 I 4 I iyTTerry GUEST fep v JM m TOWELS fefel gl MATCHES W iVv-;7. (Slight Second) i I (Limit IOC IK li' l"9y OlAftW r , V 5. ill 2 only) . . 1 0 li" 11 - y ' A fc U II forll Brinds l v' ll U ;. rMJu II 5 COUGH If Til S1.57 Nitchta Tawi's fj to DROPS X",'-WlB38ln.-lln.l.M. J? "I? I 59c r jl ill (Limit AAeltl I Pur AntihltUmlnt 4-Wsy CoW ritfpTGrova'l Ubkt$. Ill 2 only) . 29 l I Dry Sniffle , ANEFRIN , BROMO- -71 1 with Anahlet with APC ' f QUININE) J yr,i u.'lr5J Thrill - QQe Bout, ; QQe"rlof AOAol I 2C22J II nzt, 40 . .go , ei 25 . ; 0J u hr r? oJ Jl n II 'om',, '8 Rtlitvaimiiaiy.l Famoui eold halp. M '39c sh jl Z. M A 111 CAMPHOR- (I )) REM for COUGHS VICKS VAP0RUB V .VlS ATPfl nil li' II Duslocoldi. r7e Popular cheat OOC m MICU U1L iy 11 3.0I. bottle 3l rub. l'A-oz. ..... 00 ill ; 49c Kulmttttr Stock-Up! Savtl Of Softttt Ttrry If 11 KITCHEN PERFECTION 10 WASH l5rp?rP 1 KNIVES HAND CREAM CLOTHS IfWfWTJ 2 50 ftSt-.. 69' 3 -2V l: I COLGATE Ik Choice of kinds. Smooths', protects. (Limit 6) P 1 TOOth POWdCr IPil WMlOrdiIEwllIlToUtllll. U... ondI,IUldi '' I STOPS BAD BREATH I J; i DOCTORS SINGLE EDGE Good Health fhSToi W' RAZ0R BLADES FOUNTAIN SYRINGE C I Can II Rog, 25e "f Complcto with CQ POWDER PUFFSSfBAKr3! Ill Regular 10c ' 11 til ALL-PURPOSE I Ml SIZE ? 15 rh 2 , lie ll il ANT,SEPT,C m SERUTAN H if. Coupon for U Jl 6 oz. Q tJI AOclM VWSlfSI ViUmin-ttHtJ in Fsmtd f K TIGER I I I ( SQUIBB mil) f9M QQe I 1 w f ) B-COMPLEX aOl f-W 1 PENETRAY1 One capsule daily equals t'.'Xy I I L J t Lamp & Bulb 100 adult B requirement. I 1!: I rr.f.lon,lmo,,l.l y j xqq AYTINAL Jr. 198 51 BREGK t mTTTmTl i I Olafsen multiple vitamins ., , l l ft I CUAKDflA I mm'l 90 A & D TABLETS (4 17 ) MflWrUU I ; r.Tj'ffa If One-A-Day (Brmd), vMamin . I"" I 3 types. I'l ll MULTIPLE VITAMINS 79 J ouncM I (ii affn 1 1 Drops for children. 55cc .... T 111 f J j 'IIP C I - ' -,J) fjjgol