THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. ORF.ON 46 PAGE TWENTY ONB FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on youi aulo On vom eulary or furniture up to IJOO "Pay Day" loniu tpirtnliy - tlO. tli. 150 loaned till "pay daV or longer Ht coat out in ccnu lor one wee No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO.' 115 Nn lOlll St. M-3M II IJON Mi INTVIIE. Mix 43 Von Prlriidly 8crvu MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALl" Phone 3-3531 am FARM MACHINERY As I om moving from this territory, I must sell the following equipment right away: 1 MODEL "G" JOHN DEERE TRACTOR Willi starter, lights and rowertrol. 1048 Model. ss AUTOMOTIVI SOME REAL BUYS FOR YOUR$$$'s MM HU1CK OUI'fcR 4 DOOIl BEDAN--rtudlo, heater, Dynaflow drive. Very low mllcnge 1018 1IUICK HUPI4II CONVKiniBLE-rindlo, healer. First clusi In every way, Lot of equipment 1011 fjl.Dfl 0" 70-4 Dlt. BISDAN-rtiidlo, heater, Hydra, iimllc drive. A dnndy buy at the low price of . 1050 I'OHIJ V-8 CUSTOM COUPE SEDAN Il.'idlo, heater, low mllencc. Just like new 1018 CHKVIIOLKT Fl.EKTLINK 4-DIl, 8KDAN Radio, healer. It' a buy at , 1010 FORI) V-8 TWO-DOOR BEDAN Tutonc flnlnh, heater, good and clean 1010 PONTIAC "B" BI'OliT COUPE Radio, hratrr 1 NO. 400 SERIES JOHN DEERE long, 1048 Model. LANDl'LANE 45 ft. 1 JOHN DEERE 12A COMBINE 1940 Model. 110 FT. INTERNATIONAL POWER GRAIN BINDER. Model. 1919 18 FT. OLIVER DOUBLE DISC GRAIN DRILL. 1949 Model. Contaact: L B. DEMOSS DORRIS, CALIFORNIA 9 Miles South on the Old DeMoss Ranch 1018 CHEVROLET ?, TON PICKUP 4-ajircd IraiumlMlon, A real bargain at 1047 DUICK ROAOMASTER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. New finish. 1048 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio, healer. Looks and drives like a new one $1995 $1495 $525 $1625 $1195 $245 $1025 $1245 $1225 -$1195 AUTOMOTIVI A- YOUR CHOICE USED CAR SPECIALS $1545 25 MORE TO SELECT FROM 1940's to 1951's Priced from $250 to $2000 OUR WARRANTY IS: "The Customer Must Be Satisfied." TRADES We Meet All Legitimate Terms ' H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE USED CAR DEPT. Main at Broad Phone 5151 ft AUCTION FRIDAY - JANUARY 11 - 1 :00 P.M. OLENE SECOND HOUSE WEST OF STORE Am Leaving and Will Sell the Following at Public Auction: Coldspot refrigerator 0.7 cu. ft. Like new, s pc. bedroom aulte, two Inner iprlng mattreanei, one box iprlng, coll spring, Coleman four room oil healer, 5 pc. heavy chrome dinette set (a beauty) hand carved antique aland, treadle towing machine good order, Maytag late model square tub. washer used 3 months, electric roaster, pressure cooker like new, electric plate two burner, dresser, chest of drawers, Ironing board, hardwood chairs, two niellos, five sets of drapes, blinds, electric waffle Iron new, 100 cans fruit and pickles, dishes, house plants, large dic tionary, shingles and other articles. These furnishings are like new. In case of bad weather sale will be held Inside. Terms Cash Vnyone desiring credit comult the Commercial Finance Corp. 107 No. 9th WILLIAM HERBERT OWNER COL. SWIGART, AUCTIONEER 1 Talk to Live SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Friday Nlsht, Jan. 11, 7 p.m. I1&II Auction Mart Wocus Tables, trailers, tkates, skis, eating potatoes, merchandise of all kinds. Goats coming fresh. Bring your Items for talc. COL. FRED L. HOWARD, AUCT. PHONE CI10 ) FUEL HEATING w STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Syatem METER PRINTUD TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Healing Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuel that Satiafy-Plus Service Since 1910 31 Spring St. Phone 41 S3 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTKO TO KENT, two or thrre Iwilrunm unfurnished home tn Ptron rv-h-il i''Mrtcl. rh'm 2-2010. S' I . W C OM KM to K lam ( fi rVprcnU W of cotueni. tietirca two nr ihrr rMfn linfnrnlthed hoiue fnf rcn!.Wlll Irrtttv Call pjoj, WANTKD fd"'HI!rit f.Va or ix bed- room hoiire. Would teat a or with op tion to hnv. Phon flfllS, WANTKl) TO II U YTaltTBurUp 'mkES. I'ftVloM and Company. H:.'S Market. WANT Kl) In 'iraie or rcnt5Tto lion her hay land Write Herald Newt n 4f) tflvhtrr full partlcu ara. .VK NKKD CAMS Mob. Motor Co Ulh end BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. BJ5 Market Ph. 5149 J-.!'." '"L.0 . Pickup or a.llverrrf Cilf Vultni Rlfnal K'rvic.. isco So ath Phon asm or 2-P20O, 31 OATSETS SPORTS HOBBIES Plinr-BnED, three monlhi. Golden lie- """i irmaw pupi, jjj, Juniper i V' "l.,,wy '. six nillea soulh IUINTKR pun, (or .ale Avenue. Phone 2-Z04S. anno Denver lui.lik pupi. llriunnable. Liner regl.lcred. tail Vm n,,on W bull ltu. I'honr F6KSALjt. 1 feTTai DacKih"undpup. One rrrl. one lilarh and Ian. Wormed and duiemner hot. Call aflar a p.m. AMItilSON Boarding Kannali Phont S047 BSSB Ualawa'a oil lloniedala DOARUINa KENNELS pt hoardlnf hy day. wrelt or month aidlary kanneli Wall balanced did Claan Individual endoor runa for onch ni uoi pica up f Doat nandltd durlrt mallng. Will ca up and deliver Phon B07t Vlillora Welcom Merrill ha Rt 2. Box 804 KENNELS SHASTA CASCADE 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY HOULIRY WANTED Cah paid for t.ny amount. Top market prlcea frr good quality. For quotations PHONF, 3aS7 KLAMATH POUl.TR? FARMS nirrt rnvvno Pan-rendy In plnatir hn'. Turn left r.n. un iir man touin or niorriii-uaKe- ibw trunciion. win drllvrr. IXOVD OIUKKIS Phone a-UM m. a. Box 817 TOn BAtK Good you n ir " white fnce w to iinn inmntnc reiiruary 7. Witt ell In lota to aim. llaaklna and Rein mlllar, Merrill, Oreion, Thone Oflia or Gel top prlre now riun; WANTED TO KENT. Bmsll modern un. fnrn'ahPd houe for retired couple. Pre ttr South Suburban re. PhoneJIM4. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow pn Onl $100 J7.27 Mo Kepay in 18 installments UP it IJOO ON PURNITUIta OH 8ALARY UP TO f 1200 ON CAR3 HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cara ''nancpl at Dank rate "WUNKY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. it) yeara serving K'ainalh Ball See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. Ill N 7th 8L Phone 3( S-341 M-37h DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes Ph. 7659 I'h. 7991 rlvK roinu of furniture for KM in. t-ludca clectrlr ratiKe with tiah burn ei (j. K. rclriirriator, wathliic mi rlilnr. Phone 2.0177. FUit HAl-E ircavypVg",ciro3pi"-a7ul ply', wood ahowror.e. ft. long, 3 It. 0 In. hlfh, 28 In. wide, double thrive! and sliding doors.!)pni condition. M. Call2-3(113 eve, or 3-1007. FOH SALE flrrolace and liirtiaem "u-on!. leni:li lu Inchea lo U tnchea. Phone DO J. KOR SAUE. Ref riserlorTn" "very ood condition. Priced very renaonablr. In quite 01S Commercial or phone 74U3. ron SALE. Good used Weitlnghouie electric ru.ijic. Phono 013. 4aV0 Sum. men Lane. 30 TONS bated alfalfa hav. Phone 2031 lionanta, Dave Hoblnt.011, Uonanza, Oregon. COLD S P OT riVf r 1 g'er a t ofT" 1 00Pe r feci rondllion. 1723 Oak Sheet. FOn SALEllalf beef.103r"llomcdale. miCK "NO! il Sewing Mncnme "witn Hamilton Bench sepnrnte motor. Hard, wood cabinet. Excellent condition. At tachment. (30. See Mgr. Empire Hotel, M4 Mam. itfcT your snow caps now: Wt bur u :ed tire O K Rubber Weld- "... !P9l.Jio O'n- Phone 4.113 FULL Lit biuinea. Hnonc irtltrt or sHrtl TRY NOW . . and you'll ask HOW we can make you such a good deal. THE ONLY WAY YOU'LL KNOW IS TO COME IN AND SEE US! 49 49 49 '48 48 48 '47 41 '41 PONTIAC "8" 2-dr. Sedan PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan HUDSON Super -6" 4-D.. PACKARD 4- Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpe. OLDS "8" Sedan CHEVROLET 5- Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "8" Sedan $1845 $1595 $1645 $1395 $1495 $1145 $1265 $395 $425 1950 Ford Custom Dlx. Fordor Radio, heater. Good condition throughout 1 949 Mercury Club Coupe Has overdrive and heater. 1 950 Chevrolet 4-Dr Sedan Equipped with radio and heater 1948 FORD STATION WAGON Radio, heater. CHOC New car condition C5 I I 7 O SEE THESE DEPENDABLE OLDER MODELS YOUR CHOICE $395 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 1941 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE 1941 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE BALSIGER USED CAR LOT 2152 South Sixth Phone 4354 DIMBAT BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Clean as can be 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. All the extras 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE 18.000. Really sharp $1545 $1645 $2095 Commercial Furnishes Cash; 1011 NFW iiamTi.iilro" 1'ltuna anna, pullfltii I.ayltiB''. WANTS!) TO nuV. Co'wa ao-2liTienii. 0 10 o year old llorofnn nr Durham. All . to calve thin aprlnd. Plinno or v r.w upnrae err., 'lutpiaue, uniiror- r!;!!.NK''li orjnoi. V.wTkB caTora iwna hint liil fiiliHKSTprii,ea oald (or poulify. n'uai and llvejilnrlc BIO V MEA'I MArtKK'l I aaa-ifiy Junclln Phone nr iJREKUINtJ SEHVICt. C. IChurki Warran Rt rhnna ".721 M 2 Bon 922 MISCILLANEOUS WANTED ANfEfj uwd No. rRteei linTvea". tar Chain. Call 7BB8 or fl.U0. WANTED " TO RENT. " Storo-mnnagor and wile wou'd Ilka partly furnlahnt or Mnfurlnhed two bedroom modorn noma, cion In, Phone oiioo batweon a a. m..e p. m. WANTED amalt utd DlViio. rhona num. C.SSH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto - Purnltur Livestock Salary 150 to IftOO Autnmorillrs (paid (or or notl Private Snle of Autos Financed Make your denls CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. LIC 8-261 N-'.m 107 No 0th . Phon 7711 ADDING MACHINES, calculatort. 1 p writer, cath rtgiaicr. dcaki. chant (ilea for iatt or rent. pioneer office supply HOT Main Phone 741? cnUfiliKU rock and dnvcwi cinder Phone 2-1 1 til PUMICE BLOCKS, drain Vite, concrete culvert pipe BX1 Market CLr.CTKULUX CLEANER and oullihei jr.d iuppllei. phone 7IU7 farhei Tweet. rKt COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-spced . $S95 1946 Dodce Panel $595 1940 Ford V-J "i T Pickup $795 1949 Int. KB-8 $H995 1950 Ford F7 w 'tag $3795 1950 Ford F8 Air $3795 1948 O.M.C. - COE Tag 2-sp. $3595 1938 Ford Panel Sedan. Motor over. hauled $155 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT 11th fo 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2.181 AUTOMOTIVI. . ASHLEY'S OK USED a n r w- I V-,Arsi We anticipate a shortage of new cars for 1952. This condition will naturally increase the price of used automobiles. BUY NOW at low prices. 1942 Pontiac 4-door sedan, R&II $515 1941 Plymouth 2-door sedan, II. & Antifreeze ........ $205 1942 Chevrolet 4-door sedan $525 1942 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan, Rec. Motor $493 1942 Chevrolet Club Coupe $393 1941 Chevrolet V-s ton pickup. Sharp $515 1941 Chevrolet 2-door sedan. HI torque motor $495 1941 Buick sedanette. R&H '. $495 1941 Buick Spt. Coupe $375 1941 Mercury 5-pass. coupe $395 1941 Nash Ambassador 4-door sedan $325 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 YOUR DREAM CAR 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT The most beautiful car on the road! frr rrr All the extras. Low mileage only 1949 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Dj-naflow 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, fluid drive 1949 DODGE CORONET CLUB COUPE A price that can't be beat $1695 $1595 $1495 LKLSiIl-D ROCK, Phorf iSa41. Mr. anvcuay rmucr. OIL torn go u:U Market. tank a. Peyton and Co FIH bnrty mori. Phone fKMft. AiiAM 8c nnt bungaimv type upright piano. FlemUh oak finish. Good con dltlon. Kny terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY MS E Main USED Rex Air cleaner. n.3U. Phone 9200. FOLKS who like food with the home niAfle taste, , .like to ihop at Johnnv'i Ulg Y Uakery. Merrill - Ukevlew June tlon. LANDSCAPING, evciKrceiis. shrubs and tree. We trim, anray and remove targe trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone vzm REMINGTON electric typewriter, like new. for half price. Mr. Htt't. 07K0. KOIl SALE! Incinerator, dining het. breakfast net. htnh chair, b.iuy uurk.. . desk, cooking utensil. 2010 Summers Lane nfternoun nnd cveninRt. FOR dALET" "Nearly now-dlvldecPtop Inrfie gux rnniic aUu MontRomery Wnrd Wnnhlng Machine used :t months. Phone funa or sec nt SASO Avalon. REASONABLE:" Must bo Bold soon. 3 Till conts, Hre Vi, ill. Dark Brown Ucaver, mall kid Caracul. 210 N. El dura do. WANTED. Bedroom ict. Under $73. Phone Wittl or H-10, WE ARE prepared to buy," for" Imme diate cash, one piece or your entire nuuicno.a oi iiirniiure. it you nac lumcming io ru can us. tve ouy ANYTHING. SUMMERS LANE AUG. TIONMARTj Phone Sril3-0210. FOR SALE gnt ranges." 710 Main St. urccr Apts. Call at Manaiter'a apart- BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS HEPRESENTEO vVest-Hitchcock Corp. i unit uaii; UKALER s 7th Phone mi For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International Truck- Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES i un and Klamath .'hnne ?-25) COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIR1NU BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade 55 AUTOMOTIVE 11)37 Plymouth. Cionrf mninr aimri l.nriv S1B0 cnsh.Ihono 2-2102 altoi- b iii. FINANCE nn' or "nil nuto rnpnlra nl only onc-lialt ot ono pcricnt nl Dlc B. Miller Co. Kbn SA!.Ertp irtiilr- lnjnlrnr,ii',trt "civiac. inquire ai mid urcgou Ave. alt er a p. in. KOR 8AI.K ""mo "Fonir"WlirtakoWe"r car In trHtie. Call 2-uull. FOR SA1.B 1H47 Kaltcr 8elan"r$37srSc at 3103 Cannontlaya. or call 3077. FINANCE any "or all "aiito "rapalriTat ?."'?. .?.n"hn" ' on P'rcenl at Dick !1. Miller Co. CROSLEY TIRF.S 4.90x13, uciow reian. rnone 0304. brand now, 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES flrJAl.Tll cniiKea Hiicrlflce of nlca cieon Invirn. VHto JloraJnNowa Bp 4(M. r6R SAt.E. Bemily anion In TnVainke, cm forma, owner mov ntf. mtiat .all. I huh mai.u imti iiH.rni., TtT" ri, luimcr iiiiurinaiiuu vail Auieiana luxe. Haaio, neater, seal coveri, S1709, 7-1071, . Call 330. BARGAIN! !M1 Ford Convcrllhle. Pur chaacd new. November 32. Over S400 discount BUS SAROENTS Vitd Cart Phono 8203 1049 ynusL,EY Station Wajon. also or nt i. 1" oil """S" ' Ion Expreu fi?i p "W ,S0 mllM- Pnon 11)40 PONTlAf' H "f"'"- A-l engine. Full price 5. See' ... win, rnone. nav ,711 WHV WALK7 DRIVE MOHE MOTORS mu a. Main Phone 3.179 "We will lell l-;.--"" ""y ann trnrie' BH?.- SARQANTS USED CARS " WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Sliaata Way and Arthur Street! Phone fi203 ifiSl MERCURY cilTb coupes Special paint lob, radio, healer, overdrive. Nv lon Interior. Phone R. F. Wright. Wl ncmn llolelbelwcen a and 8 p. m. 11,15 J,?EP- Very "good "condltloiiT Priced shoo. .'. x tlrej, radio and healer. Can be seen Tower Rlchlleld Service Sta tion. 3jl So. Olh. Phone S757. MUST SELL. 1S41 Plymouth-iedan. Sun vltor. new llrea and completely overhauled. A-l ahapa throughout. 1183 Crescent. Phone 3120. HEPnssRRcien ll)4t OLDS five pnsnenger coupe. Hy- IHEHE S NOTHING LIKE Herald Ss News Classified ads whe:- It comes to turning un-nceclables Into casn, I'none mil. THE CHOICEST USED CAR IN THE KLAMATH BASIN 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Heal low mileage. All the extras. Only '. . $1395 'Big Chief PONTIAC HAS THE BIGGEST USED CAR VALUES IN TOWN All Guaranteed "PARKERIZED" Used Cars 1950 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan (TQAQC Kaaio, heater, Hyaramatic drive vPcU 7 sJ 19o0 oijLia "6"' jueiuxc 4-Lr. oeuaa Kadi6, heater, Hydramatic drive 1950 lNAan AMUAsariDOH 4-UK. biiDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1949 KAiStK 4-Door Sedan . Radio, heater, low mileage. Many extras 1949 PONi'IAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1948 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater, Hydramatic drive 1S48 HUDSON Club Coupe . , Radio, heater, automatic transmission 1947 PONTIAC Four-Door Sedan ; ' Radio, heater 1947 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater 1947 DODGE Four-Door Sedan Radio, heater 1947 MERCURY Four-Door Sedan ' ' ' Radio, heater 1946 PONTIAC Sedan-Coupe Radio, heater ;. ' . 1946 LINCOLN Club Coupe : Radio, heater ft PRE-WAR GARS $1995 $1145 $1745 $1445 $1345 $1095 $1145 $1095 $1045 S995 $945 ft 3 '41 Chev. Sedans 1 '41 Plymouth Sedan 1 '41 Mercury Sedan 2 '41 Pontiac Sedans 1949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive. Tops In every way but price 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN A remarkable buy for only 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Run!!! Don't walk to look this over $1295 $495 $225 DIMBAT USED CARS Where YOU are GUARANTEED a BETTER Deal So. 6th at Plum Phone 9139 Evenings & Sundays phone Layton Sleight 8825 SEE IT NOW The New Chrysler 180 h.p. & more Also the new PLYMOUTH For '52 ' NOW AT OUR MAIN SHOWROOM 3rd & Main Phone 7763 SEVEN DOLLAR DOWN SALE ' ENDS THIS WEEK! This sale has been a tremendous success but our stocks are running low. Climb on the band wagon and get one of these pre-war used cars before this Saturday. 1 '42 Pontiac Sedan , 2 '41 Ford Sedans 2 '41 Olds Sedans 1 '39 Ford Coupe ' : NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS ON PRE-WAR MODELS. SEE US FOR A'REAL DEAL DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a PONTIAC and r DOLLAR for DOLLAR You can't beat a ' PARKER PONTIAC DEAL! PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Th. 6221 1938 Plymouth Coach $127 1939 Olds Sedan $397 1940 Olds Sedan $297 1937 Dodge Sedan $127 1937 Chevrolet $ 97 1938. Lincoln Sedan .. $147 1941 Studcbaker ........ $447 1941 Chrysler $397 1929 Model "A" $ 97 1937 Plymouth Coupe $127 YOU GET THE BEST AT , DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th phone 8101 IF YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST TRY THE BEST 1. THE BEST in late model used cars! All below are top-notch one-owner cars that have been traded-in on NEW PACK ARDS. 2. THE BEST in guarantees ... our famous BLUE RIBBON! Unconditional 1000 miles or 30 day written guarantee. 3. THE BEST possible deal for you! You'll agree when you check our deal, our sale price and our top allowance. 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN ' 1 . Big 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive, rfrl 1 " Our new low price 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a price) anyone can afford and in such sparkling condition , . M nnr you'll be proud to own it vPlOO 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN '."-. Have two of these beauties to choose from, Identical hi cquioment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. tlOO Never before priced so low Cf) I WD 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has auto matic transmission, radio, heater and f r 1 ftf nearly new tires. Now only ..' spji I Z.0 1949 PACKARD "8" SEDAN : ' This late '49 model Is cleaner and nicer than most 80's. (tlVIC See It at this new prlco and you'll want to own It .; ' s 1 OO NO FOOLIN' . . . HUFF HAS THE STUFF! See them Try them Your Comparison will prove it!! PACKARD ft WILLYS ' LEE HUFF MOTORS 7th and Oak Phone 7253 1940 OLDS SEDAN. SI 7.1. Small down payment. St at 107 N. 9th. Ptiun day f IQftO CHEVROLET two door dlux. mi. iV NKfcU LARHt Ut tun one nawi Row Motor Co. 0tto and Plum. 24.000 mlUf. Radio, heat nr. nthar antral. new Urea. Excellent condition. Phona 4344, -..'-. 1