PAGE TWENTY HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 10152 ft- V '"""i 7. If u ll By ROBERTA DEWEY Mr. and Mm. Charles Cunning ham and family spent the Christ man holiday In Paradise, Calif., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Don Crawford and small dauKhter visited in San Diego over the holiday and went into Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bryngclson visited during the holiday season with his parents in Minnesota. A large segment of the Merrill population attended the East-West game In San Francisco. Some of those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paschal) Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. Al Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Larrjs ' Sowell, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ratliff, Mr. and Mrs. Mcrvyn Shuck, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cahan, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Shuck, Mr. and Mrs C. M. Cahan. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Stew art, Mr and Mrs. Dwight Eagle and family, the Robert Walkers, Warren Walkers, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merrllees. the John O'Neil Mrs. O. D. Wilson and young son of Longvlcw, Wash. wor. hero for Christmas at the Murray Howard home. , Holiday visitors at the C. M. Cahan home were Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Soger and son who live in San Jose. Mrs. Soger is a sister of Mrs. Cahans. Five brothers and their families enjoyed a holiday get-together at the R. L. Dragoo home. Coming from Redding, Calif., were Mr. and Mrs. Art Dragoo, Deanne and Dnn nelle: and from McCloud were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dragoo. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dragoo and Kathleen: and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dragoo with daughters Karen and Susie. Murray Howard spent Christmas visiting his mother In Monmouth. Cliff Shuck made a business trip to San Francisco last week, j tenants weiss jr.. oi rode down with him returning again after he graduates Feb. 4. Bill Noonan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Noonan. drove out with the Shucks, and has also returned to Chanule Field. .v': ? Mai in By MRS. JOE HALOl'SEK Mrs, Fred Anderson of Portland returned home this week after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. P. Q. Wilson. Donna Colfclt of Provo, Utah spent the holidays with her par fills. Mr. and Mrs. Heinle Colfelu Local folks spending Christmas In Los Alleles where Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Con Johnson and family. Tulelake'. P . " " - ICIH1PU iiir Oil. U1C iwnunu KNIIIO CLASSIFIED RATES On day Three Daya Week run Month run from a Christmas furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wynant of Merrill, and Mr. and Mrs. Rny Bigccrs of Klamath Falls, drove south for the East-West game on Dec. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shuck arrived family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bcrnace Dec. 23 from Urbana, 111., for the Wilson and sons. Christmas visitors In Merrill were Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Burkes of Empire, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wolfram, Lee and Jerry, drove to Ontario, Calif., for Christmas. Some 35 members of the family enjoyed the holiday together. holidays. Christmas night an infor mal get-together was held for the young couple at the Clifford Shuck Lf t and spent News Years in San Fran- ! Cisco were Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn ! Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Raima. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rujnus and I family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dra- : zii. ' Spending Christinas with the Don : Smiths were Mr. and Mrs. Tex Williams, of Hollvwcod. Mrs. Wil liams and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schremer home. Jim has been stationed at . have returned from a vacation trip Chanute Field and returned there j to Stockton and Oakland, where December 30 to finish his training. I they visited with friends and rela His mother and wife Joanna dov-1 tives. While in Stockton thev vlsitel him to Reno from where he took ! the Ray Rigors and the A. M. the train. Jim expects to be home Thomases. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fisk and i children left before Christmas for Redmond, Ore., where they for merly resided. Mrs Fisk and chil dren will remain there until busi-1 nets matters are attended to Be fore returning to Malin In the spring Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Rajnus are on a vacation trip to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson have purchased the Jim Draail farm and will move soon. Mrs. Nell Retterath was In Port land last week attending meetings of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Mrs. Ethel Hamilton and Mrs. Lester Schreiner attended the in stallation ceremony Friday night of Manzanlta Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rajnus and i children Willie. Vlasta. Ellen and Evelyn returned home Sunday aftor a tu-n-wppk trin to Chicago. - A musical comedy, sponsored by the adult choir of the Malin church is being planned for sometime in February. It will b heH at the church "and proceeds will go to wards the organ fund. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kajnus nave STARTING JANUARY 1st ON YOUR SAVINGS J per word V per word tie per word 30c per word 65e MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 50c. BOX NUMBERS Answera to ads may be handled tlirough box numbers at the paper i or a service cnarge oi vac. DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 5:30 pjn. for following days publication w Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon for following day's pub lication. - ADJUSTMENTS Pleas mane all claims lor adjust ments without delay. Correction or cancellations re ceived by 5:30 p.m. will be mads In following day's publication. Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH GROCERY Phone 753 Box 343 DCRRIS MRS. DORA BRANHAM Phone 783 301 E Huen Henlev Tulelake RUTH KINO Phone 6453 Rte. 3. Box 516 LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phone 2701 126 E. St. No MERRILL ROBERTA DEWEY Phone 8201 Merrill MALIN MRS. JOE HALOUSEK I Box 114 Malin Phone 374 10 Si'RVICI WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE Made and Guaranteed by Oneida, Lid. Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION Phone 3-0237 Gas, Oil. Tires, Tillies Batteries, Lubrication, Washing SOUTH SIXTH and MIDLAND ROAD Klamath Falls, Oregon The only Service Station In Klanintti Falls Issuing Rogers Silverware Cards CARD OF THANKS IN AIPllKCIATON WC Ink this opportunity in thank our many inemii lur uieir soa winr aim nU-0 ants llveu to ui at our Silver Weddlni Parly. With ipri-lal thank to the lu-ta and hmtriiwi. the mil Uunt- lielU. OWen Pennle. l.lnvit Clflt. Kilt- ott Hnuam, Dee CllMiullria, Mari'v Fla tten, Cerll ltaleva, Wilfred Nohlen, ami the Pete llnueea. Kvervthliitt nai lovely. COI1A AND l.KS l.EAVITT C fUNIRAl HOMIS W.KDTS Klania'tii Funeral- Hume Mr Htsh Street Phone XI34 MEETING NOTICES Crater Luke Lodse No. 311 AFiVAM will hold a special communica tion In MM degree Thursday, January 10. pt 7:ao p.m. By order of the W M. WILLIAM KINK Secy. 16 HELP WANTED, MALI VA?ltMJ."tluee ruV-oitinen. Phoenix', lire Phone after 8 p. m. I'hone a-ITTH Mcillunl. is situation:, wanted BAVOItK,'colored 'ilrirrhoile'a-aa. Oft ktmletil, married with 'family Wuhan work after a p.m. Plume il-IHS. WASHING and lroiiin I'honeaoiiir i.AOY with one t-hllt! deities work In motherless home or atalalaiice tu moth er. Phone HVM. 7.1.1 N. ami illONINt;Cnll "j3ilAII. IIAHV" SirrlNti. Phone"! U.17a. Cllll.t CAHtt Phone a'tJJS. W'll.L rare fur children in my home dava or your home evening!. Call I3J IHll'll wiirtTT'lioiie lull 22 30 REAL ESTATE 'OR SALE Have You Thought of Selling Your Home?, We have buyers walling now for good homes from $8000 to $18,000. Contact us today for an cstlmnto of the valut of your home on today's market. For prompt and courteous help on your real estate problems. CALL 2-3545 'PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3345-0446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 14SI KLAMATH LODGE No. 77 AFA.-AM will hold a Pancake and Square Dance Putty Friday, Jan. 11. Starting tune 6:16. All EA and rV Invited. Brine the fam ily down aril have a good time. Dale Bebber Worshipful Master THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT Savings Deposits made on or before the 10th of January draw interest from January First ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT A Three Year Certificate of Deposit Pays You 2Vz Per Afinum At Maturity. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY S 1 Klamath Falls Branch l ' South 6th Street Branch, Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK - ' OF PORTLAND hfnanidiM-OflM 10 TO S MX DAYS A WIElC UTS 1110 0M60M rOGfTr-r Member FetfereJ Deled Imreece Cereeredea Solons Split Over Speech f.O.t WASHINGTON tfl T,.tA i Truman rmrir r.nnnr., n.'. mnveri to the OTT caillUUS tor thft inoncivo nnt In r j winter monUis while Carl attends aay with his call lor a continued OTT Here from Adel, Ore., to attend the weddinft of Sarah O'Keele were Mrs. Nora O'Keefe and her daugh ters. Norene and Sadie, Sarah's aunt and cousins. ouua up Of U. S. defenses hut the members found much to criti cize or praise depending on Indi vidual leanings hi other parts of his State of the Union message. Democrats who have supported :j w- i I. Tllo nr!. """"""'-1 caYiedlo ling Beach after Chris,- Has" a family spent Christmas in Eugene , Scng,e Den,-.,..,. Leder M. Farland (Ariz.) said "It was a very constructive message. It will give us olentv of food fnr of PaulilaUve ,houht 81 Uts session." ocn. niuiiain (K.-coio.l. chair man of the Senate OOP conference, said. "It was a hash of accep table sentiments, of repudiated pro- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cullimore and Judy motored to Ashland ana Mea- ford for news xears. Jimmie Petrasek, son Petrasek, spent the Christmas va cation at Coos Bay with relatives. He made the trip alone by bus. Maior M. M. RacKICU, wno nas spent the past seven years in Ger- PP.,na repetition of tired Sort lwito'hi" sTsler" Mrs , Senor t of Ohio, a candidate S.rfrH for Republican Presidential o0r,w nf the Lairds nomination, told reporters he 5AhV,-CKL0Ln.,Vrdror."Kht Uisue a statement later, but wcic wu. i nan no immpriiain MmvtAnt r iI.hi tk. Tnm T.ati-rt" con. v. The Friendly Neighbors Brithday club honorol Mrs. LuciUe Gray Fri day, December 28 with a party at family enjoyed a trip to Soulh Da kota durine the holidays tn be her home. Bingo and refreshments relatives, KU'MTH VALLa Acrlo No. 20t0 RcRiiliir meeting every Friday tght 7:45 pm w &T&B07Zxi(i Walnut, Vu. tii uiemoers cordially invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 am. A LCO HOLICS ANON Y M OUS tiwej 1 1 Friday. 8 p.m., for Information, writ Box 304. Phone XUO. 2 IOST AND FOUND POUND. To7oni:BllowWltiri)l'clt m-rbunCk. Phone S2h. LOST loltfvn (ox turner "neir"Arth"ursr Child pet. Reward to finder. Phone 2-3QV2. STRAY Hereford branded with Rafirr If. S. on left hip. Owner phone 2-1183. Flower Rro. Midland. Oregon. LOST, rhinentone necklace. Reward! Phone S:20 after 6p.m. LOST. Back and white Cooker with Springer markmii. Name Spotiy. VI cinll' Summers Lane. Phone 9 J 13. STRAYED:" from O. D. Herder plare. Two Heifer, one Hol.leln. one Guern sey Branded Diamond "f" on tft hip. rieae can a-iu or write oeorge Lew it, afriB Denver Avenue. ROOMS FOR RENT I.AltCJK lreping riHim with lieat. Ciuii tu. f'liiine MU1 Aim UimiU fur i.t.'diivtiieiii'T'ituii iWJl. itOtMS,"aw:eek. tiil 4etftvtu HKATKt) riMHiu. .VIJ "T'ai'if K l eirai V KODMS. block "till " Mali Phone MOOMS, ptkr rriiVinaile. PhrnielwT L6VELY"roomJfor rent i week' dun Ur Phone 5t. WANT huuicworh by hour. Phone t-VJl. hOOM s 1 6.1V 1 1 ig h. 24 APARTMSNT$ FOR RENT FOR RENT two nwm"" modern apart inrnt. Adutti. IVil Hniad. SUMMERS PARK You will be proud to own this ex-i-eiitlotiiilly well krpt two bedroom plastered llume. Ouk (loom In liv ing and dtiiliiK room, Venetian blinds, elrctrlu heat, liuuilHlrtl, weathcrslrlppcd. norm diHiri and windows, atorage bulWIIng lor ur den Mipplles. Fenced backyard. j patio, ronc-rete driveway. Hhouii by MJfUfllllll?ll. ( invu eii.wu. ALSO FOR RENT. Two room apartment. Call 4 ROOM furnishrd apartment on Kat Main. Pnat bath, i Iwdroom. oil hrat. Adult No pelt. 130. Inquire at ai ID Applcuatr. NORTHHIDE. Clow' ln ""l-Pitarur' M.kI. em. nice small A-room undirnUhed : AtltlC Md.tOn ap.irtmeut Adults only No nu ; alchnliCK. Reterenre. lM Owem. j Eddlfl HOAlfy FOR ItK NT lar-e llirre room lurnUhad apartment. 1U7 El St. t TWO UrnROOM "unfurnl.hed ment Adulu. 4.14 Nu. 3lh LARUE three room ' ileam heated apartment. Adult, nn ( -ji oif Pine. FL'HNISHKD. three room, riean. nrw lv redecorated. Nice view. 4 50. Phone :tJ, Fl'RNIStlED t wo "room aVTfn"tenY $. $ one room cabin. 2t, all utlliliei in. Two bedroom home, St. Kmncln Park. $8000. Nrw two bedroom on Radcllffe street. $1UW). Ure two bedroom and finished attic room. Will ro O.I. $8'J00. Hot Hprmafi Two brdroom, full ba.icincnt, (Irrptnce. 1 1,750. apart- Kve.1. 0714 310B8 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. tth Phone 7:86 GENERAL NOTICE fOUK Slnfer Sewing Center la open to tho public. Thursday 3:30 to S.30 or free attachment instruction. SINCER SEWING CTNTER (33 Main Phone I-Ul PERSONALS STANLEY Home Product.. Phone wilHJ. WAT ERPROOKING product, tor leaky hA.rment. or roof.. Phone KM. OR DER NOW. 10 SERVICES were enjoyed by: Mrs. Edwin Stas- tnv, Mrs. Charles rrye, Mrs. tua Johnson, and tnree trurest. Mrs, Besiie Cornett. Mrs. Elmont Ken- yon and Mrs. Bill Louder. Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Shogren and '-J !!). I "f m;: Now Enjoy Canada's Most Luxurious SPA Resort SPECIAL WINTER RATES Come for health, relaxation or fun! Enjoy low-budget luxury now amid llic mountain grandeur of evergreen British Columbia. A 2,(HH),000 renovation has made Harrison Spa a paradise for gay holiday pleasure. Every sport, including scenic golf, right at your doorstep. Sparkling spa waters give you new zest for living. Two heated pools! Exotic Copper Room for evening relaxation and dancing. Spend a day, a week, month it's all yours now at low winter rates that cut the cost of your holiday in half! -REDUCED WINTER KATES Till April 5 (European IMan) SINGLE with bath 4.00 to S5.50 DOUBLE with bath $6.00 to $7.50 Sl'I'KRB :l IMNK Dreukfatt - .90 Luncheon - 1.R5 Dinner - - 2.50 A' V HI For reservations, write, wire or telephone the Manager, llarrinon Hot Springs Hotel, Harrison. B.C. or ace your travel agent. Color bro chure on request. 'mm tU SPA ef)Cwi(k Mr. and Mrs. Hub Wilson and children enjoyed the holidays at Newport with Mrs. Wilson's family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halousek and Gary and Neal returned before New Years from Redmond, where they spent Christmas. While they were there Mrs. Halousek 's moth er, Mrs. Ben Daniel, was admit ted to the Redmond hospital with a case of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Loosley are recieving congratulations over the birth of their first grandchild, bo-n to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wlssenbach. the former Dorothy Loosley. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Monfore Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Hewer Lines of Roots. Etc ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 0841 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 6595 or 2-3316 EXCAVATING Mobil tihovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer - Fill Dirt Topaoll n,"H?"iTl:,'n"C:,i!::! Crushed Rone . omew Cinder. points. eluded 4)0 s. Tenth FOR nKNT two rxim"furnUhed apart menu. Coup It . Prions rOH HE NT nlc clean modern" apart', ment. Qutrt. Cmtplna preferred. Villa Martin,. Inquire IXti 6k. wit e two room apartment, equipped. Phone tUUH. TWO KOOM apartment, equipped alio m mil three room house, wood heat. SIB HlfH roil ttENT. Urw" fnurroom" furnl.hed apartment. Phone KUG. FOR HKNT Twoamptetely furnUherf two room apartment. Clean. blB Wil. 3 BEDROOMS I Hlikt: "TitrTTTuTiTTTrtrIITrTmeur Ceniriillv Io-ted. 131 So. 2nd Fi'KNlSl.EYtiarhrl tttea patd. .a 30. Phant 1803 Mar tin. FOR RENT. Kurnlahed ITrTe bedrunrn apartment. PrKate hath Phone 2-ai-f(l. I-OUHROOM furiiuhtd aparimiii."w APARTMENTS fur rent. inquVreT" FOR ItKNT, nice un 1 uriti jKe"ddu pTe wwiak. FOR RENT, lurnuhid apa7t;nTifo" qui ra 318 l(if h NEWLY dero rated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heal, electric rant 10 week He Arm Apartment SMALL cican nptrlciienr. Electricatlv ran in nrd. 4:n Norh loth. FOR RENT. Sntail clean'opa7Trnent " in duplex. Suitable (or couple. 2010 Mum- meriLanrAfternoon and evening. FOR RENT. Altrartive lwor nairT pa? t" lv furniatird aparlrnent. Electric neat. Clowe to town. Phnnr 2-Oft7H. FOR RENT. three room furnTTheB n pur ment. Hot water heat. Adultt. Phone 3flB8. IP- FOR HENT, two Iiedrooin furnUhed' tain apartment. Heat and water fur- nunca. iea urant. i'hone 2-0312. Legal Notice NOTICE OP BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, fnr the pur chase of lewer improvement bond. Seriei 92, aggregating, Four Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-two and 33-100 Dollars. ( $4,522 33 duly authorized by ordinance of the said City of KJamath Falls, for the construction and laying of sewer lines in Sewer Unit No. 20, of said City and serving the property between South Sixth Street, the O.C.& E. Railroad Right of Way, Shasta Way and Washburn Streets. ProDosa i to ourchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 4th. day of February, jH.iz, ai ine hour ot seven-tniriy o ciock p.m. of said day and opened at a regular meet in of the Common Coun. cil immediately thereafter; said bonds shall he dated February t, 1052, and shall be In amounta of 9500 00 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be for the fractional part of said hum, and all shall be due ten sears after the date of Issue, payment nf the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the dale thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February lit. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest pavable at the office of the treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon. All oroDOsals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as i to the legality thereof by the law firm j of Winfrce, McCulloch, Shuler He Snyre, Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon. This notice Is authorized bv ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. 1051. ROBERT M. ELDER. Police Judge of toe City of Klamath. Falls, Oregon. D - ill - J - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 8 . a - in . it - 12 - M - l.i - It 17 - IR - If) - 2t 22 - 2-1 - 23 - 2(1 - 28 29 - JO - 31 1-2 Nn. P.2H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I am the duly appointed, qualified and aciing administratrix oi inr ciime oi Grace La n din, deceased. All persons havlntf claims aaainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with voucher attached in the manner provided by law, to me at the office of CI a;-ton J. Burrell, 207 Pine Tree u 'if, -mf i Hir. 'iro v In nix months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Virginia lainoun, rtominmirmrix of the Estate of Grace Landis, rierenserl. CLAYTON J. BURRELL Pine Tree Building ' Klamath Falls, Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. J-10-I7.24-3I No. 844 Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 5541 or 9110 SEWING and alteration work, baby-si? tlnghone 2-0338. FOR EXPERT remodeling, cabinets or lurniture repairing. Phone 4Xi8. BRICK LAYING .JrW vour flreolaee draw? If not call D148. DOES YOUR Call 2-00B1. fireplace need .repair": PIPE THAWING, and weekends. Call 4803 evenings WATCH REPAIRING, Main Street. Reasonable. 75 PAINTING and paperhanging. Phone 7til7. FLOORS polished. Phone 0200." TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen der work Phone 4040 CARPENTER work. Repairs, remodel Inn and new construction. Phone 2-0817. MAC'S Farm Equipment Co., FeTg'uibT) dealer. Phone 8351. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or co n tract. P hone 2-1010 EXPERT dressmakingad11efTtion Phone 07RJ. PAINTING, decorating, pa per "'hanging-. Plaster-board finishing, spray painting, hone :t028. CURTAINS laundb-ed and Phone 4014 stretched J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 308 No. 7th. - Phone 9148 u EcTIONAJr CHILD CARE and educ"atlonrreschooi center. Phone 4279. Between Jnuan and Korea the sea Is mi shallow thai a compara tively slltiht upheaval of the bot tom would permit an army to walk across, BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEC1E 733 Pine Phone 478" 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, exerciser weigh tllftinsr"Phy- ilothcrapy for reducing, relaxation, body building. Rates for scries. Ap pointment, phone :JW3.3300. Medical Masseuse, women only, 16"" help" wanted" male 'We offer arfopporlunlty-toesfahHh ynursclf in a permanent, dignified bii'.l ness. Excellent profit. We will finance ,vou. Give full particulars about your self first letter. Write the J. R. Wat kins Co., i;i7 Dexter Avenue, Seattle 9, Washington. WANTED-under 33j mail experienced In appliance selling. Opportunity for ad vancement, Reply to box 410 enre nf Herald and News giving name, age, ex perience and salary expected. HERE IS a fine money-mnklng oppor tunity with an organization represent ing a large Eastern maufactunrer of a product that la the best liked nf Its kind. If you are a doer and are willing to do more to get more money. If you are clcancut, honorable and m good Eersnnallty, you will do well wtth us, arnings of 8100 to 9150 and more per week are possible. If you would do more to get more come to Room 202, Wlncma Hotel, Saturday 12:00 noon. BE IN THE KNOW! Read Her ald & News Classified ncls daily Get the latest Information on what's what in vryday builneai trendi. GROUND floor, private entrance, three room furnlahed apartment. Electrically enuippod. Oil heat. 1805 Main. 26 MOUSES F0R RENT FOR RENT modernfour room unfur nished one bedroom houte on Califor nia Avenue. Gas furnace, wood range. $40 month. Phone 70H8. FOR"" RENT two bedroom house Oil furnace, garage, full basement. Phone 55B7. FOR RENT. 1220 BwnStreet. Two bedroom unfurnished house, S40 month. 4ii23 Winter. Two bedroom, nearly new, unfurnished, ' acre.70. Pjinne 3505. FOR RENT! Three room" furnished house, both. Inquire 200 Market, Apart ment 14 after :i p. m. ONE MODERN furnished house for rent with garage. 20:i7 Arthurs FOR LEASE' two bedroom Modrrn house, furnished 933 per month. Call raw. FOR RENT. Modern furnished three room houte with garage. Inquire lHiO Hummers leiine. FOR RENT two bedroom modern part ly furnished house. 9'5 month. Inquire at 5547 Avalon. . FOR RENT. One bedroom modern house Inquire 1414 Homcdale Road. FOR RENT, furnished two bedroom house with garage, 950 month. Inquire 1:122 Lakeview, FOR RENT furnished, one bedroom house, 80.1 California Ave, Phone 2-1027. FURNISHED two room "house." No chil dren. 1827 .Summers Lane FOR RENT. Six " room modern fur', nished house. Near bus line. 930. 4429 Simula Way. NEAT modern house at Hagar. Call 8147. FOR RENT, two bed r oo m turn Is he d houe. 3973 Boardman. Inquire at 2701 13c rby. ONB ROOM-cabini Lights and" water furnished Across from Pelican school. V10 Hank Street. MODERN cabins fnr rent. Junction Service Station, Weyerhaeuser. Phone 521(8. Sfe this well constructed modern home with dining room, breakfast nook, convenient kitchen, full base ment. Au lorn title piprxl furnnce heat. Very well lnntlmped, pnved street and sldewnlka. Price $1.1.000. YALTA GARDENS Attractive 3 bedroom modern )nmt on cre goal windy lonm. Fire plnce. autouiRUc lirnt. Marin win dows, nil floors completely carpeted. Attached KarnRC. Paved street, convenient to bin and itorc. Price WOO. J-1IA tcrnu. DUPLEX Within eay walking distance. Auto, matlc heat, one apartment com pletely furnlahed. Price I9JO0. Walking Distance 1 bedroom furnished home S blockt from Main. Insulated, weather stripped, attractive yard, paved street and sldewalkj. Total price J3750. Easy terms. OPKN KVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Don 8lon Fred Scott Ph. 2-2460 Eves S658 Eves. 5703 Eves CLOSE TO ACADEMY (.are four bedroom home on level lot. Hpiuious llvlni and dlnliiK room, Iiiiko kllclirn, bath and utili ty. Hii.irniriil. continuous founda tion mirane, lumn lot. Only tlirea blocks to Main Hlrcct. Ideal loca tion. 112.710. Terms. A ST. FRANCIS PARK QUICK PO8HKK8ION on this com furtnble two bedroom home, l.lvlntc room with flreiilace. nice both, con- vcnlput kitchen and dinette. Con crete foundation. Karaite. t72&u. terms. SUMMERS LANE Very attractive three-bedroom home) located on 12'a acres excellent land. Ileaullful lurue kitchen and dlnliiK area. Clla.vtrd In porch, Inrite utili ty room and walk In fruit room. 'IVo brooder houses, chicken house, barn. Do not miss seelin. HBOOO, terms. HAnitY VAN (Eves. 02i JOE LEONARD (Evea. 2-0S37 AL SCHMECK IlEALTOfl and INSURANCE 817 Main Phone 3311 160 ACRES All under ttravlty Irrigation, level. Oood Improvements. 45 acres of new clover. 17 acres nf old alfalfa, ready for potatoes. Well equipped. Price Terms. JACK C. MACE Real Estate Tulelake Phona 71611 NEAT i as a butcher's block after hours I 1'RliM aa a fresh haircut I COMFORTABLE n old pair of slippers I i $5,965 CHILCOTE & SMITH Heal tori Since 1009 111 N. 8th St. Phone 45C4 or 5529 FOH HENT. Two bedroom duplex, fur. nlnhcd. cloe In. Inquire 7211 North lltll. KOR HKNT. c.'lran, nlcelv lurnUhfl one bedroom home. Couple only. 22J Lincoln. 28 MISCELLANEOUS fOBJENT BEEHIVE U TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'i Now Trucks For Long Trips Pickups. Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 EMnln Phono 8304 Of'FtCE for rent, an Main. Phone KUfl RKNT. floor niidnrs latent type equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. Uth and Walnut Phone 770fl CAIl HTORACIK HEATED, liay week or month. Earl Lamb, phona 4(173 or 7700. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKI.I. CON8TRUCTBD roomy two bedroom home. Nowlv redecorated. Aiilomatic heat, llnrdwood floors. At tached garage. Well lorntcd In Uouth Kubiirbs S.1ll. Phone flHl. NEW' HOMES for sale. William B. iJouell. .-nnito fl:U,l. homes roil bai.ic EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrkpatrlck. Salesman 121 N 81k Phone M1 KOR SALE. Five roorri hnue"lo he moved, Cheap. I'hono 0(10, Malin, Ore-ton. NEAR MILLS SCHOOL Neat two bedroom home on Inrite comer lot. Two car Karaite. Very close to school, stores and bus line. This lot has future coin mcrcinl possibilities. $0500. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom ranch-type home among newer homes. Paved street aid driveway. Fenced bnck yard, electric and oil heat. Car' rlea F.H.A. commitment for full selling price. $8000. WE NEED LI8TINOS IN HOT SPRINOS HAVE THREE QUALIFIED BUYERS WAITINO. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Realtors Phone 2-3545-6446 1025 Main Evening.') Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 INCOME PROPERTY Self mnnniiccl, located in heart of business district. Income from two buildings located on 'i block with streets on three sides. BulldltiKS well constructed, have long time leases except for portions used for holel which Is manager operated and could be leaned or operated by new purchaser. Selling price $70, 000 with terms. Shows excellent income on the investment. Newhouse Real Estate 20CO So. 6th Phono 8832-5743 THREE BEDROOMS Very livable home. Large rooms, separate dining room, spacious kitchen, continuous foundation, double car garaRO, on 100x105 loot comer lot. Oood terms. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6Ui Phone 8832-5742 Is all it will coU to own this well constructed. 2-bn.lroom home, lo cated on a comer lot on California Avenue There's a nice lawn, lots of shrubs and room to move around in outdoors. The recently redecorated Interior. wun now carpeting In the riving room, enjoys clean ash free heat from a new gas floor furnace. Truly. It's a real pleasure to live In. The handy kitchen and extensive utility porch will make "Moms" work easier. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Don Klrkpatrlck, fiiilr-mnn Evening Phone IWxii EVERETT DENNIS ' REALTOR 121 No. 8th Phono 8491 SOUTH SUBURBS Two bedroom home on 1 ,3 acre, ' Irrigated land. Venetian blinds. Will trade equity for good house trailer. Inunedlatc possession. 1 BEDROOM HOME In South suburban district. $7000. Terms can be arranged. LOVELY Two bedroom homo. Nice neluhbor. iiiiuu. r.uwic neai., storm wlndowr urauiuuiiy landscaped. LARGE HOME Within easy walking distance of town. An Ideal buy tor the handv. man: This home has unlimited pos sibilities. Low down payment. Im mediate possession. 2 BEDROOM HOME In Mills Ai'illtlon. Fire place. Close to school and bus line and stores. Immediate possession, WE HAVE SEVERAL MORE IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS. SEE OUR SALESMAN FOR INCOME PROPERTY AL LONGE, REALTOR lit So. 81 h St. Phone 8283 FOR RA1.K Iwn linti '( unnUul need of repair. Simon, umall down pay ment, bnlimie monthly. Ceo, Canon, Airway llnHd. 32 BUILDING I REMODELING FOR kem.Tnni. Bi'm-- ir-m.'ra Kem.pio. Hco nimln Building Matarlsli, 47114 So. Slxlh. Phone a-ailllll. UNlTKDStalea(lypatim RoofiniTTniJ composition Hlilnsloa at Bnidn Building Material, 47114 Ho, Slxlh. Phona a-M:i. KNOTTY "Pino Pattern Stock as low as ty.VOO per M. Ilssln Hulldlnf Me. i ao. hi: terlnls, 47114 Sixth. Phone 2-asM. 34 FUIL HEATING & II CltRF.N STAMPS alun m jnj oils, fhone 3081 or 3-oaoo for prompt CLIFF VADEN'S SIONAL UKV-Ib joint an. am STANDARD HEATiNci 61L love, furnara. lleht fuel. M1 chareoal. Piv mA r-- . L Pon. .14. " --