PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TtttlRSDAV. .TAN'l'AP.V 10 IW2 . KFLW-1150 Kc-PST Thursday Evenlnr, Jan. 10 -1:00 f porta Hlfhlllhli :IB Hom Town Newt , -. .18 World Newa Summary 8:30 Suburban Servmada T 43 lleadllna Edition ABC S:5S Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 Mr. President ABC 1:30 Bedtlmo Slorles 1:00 Orig. Amateur Hour ABC . HAS mint star . DO Hollywood Etaa Playhoui ABC :30 Concert of Europe ABC lt:M 10 PM HeadUnri 10:13 Club Can Di ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary 11:03 f Ign Off KFLW 1458 He. PST Friday, Jan. 11 8:00 Sign on News 8.-09 Corn In the Morn 8:45 Farm Fare 7:00 News Bkftt Edition 7:15 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred It Newa ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:M Jean Conte Sinf ABC 8:00 Braakfait Club ABC 8:00 Hank Henry Show t:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley. News ABC ' 10:19 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My Trua Stcry ABC 10:99 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Batty Crocker ABC 11:19 Stop It Shop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:43 Musical Roundup 11:93 Market Report 13:00 News. Noon Edition 13:13 raylest Sidewulk Show 12:30 Lucky V Ranch ABC reoNTiNvova rao : 11111 POORS OPEN 1:45 P.M. CONTINUOUS FROM 1.4 THEfUrVNlESTPfCIURE IN..: NINE i ice - TIMES f s muana-stATON XMUGARB TMar HiuwfumaT twwr PAY " M GENE tOCKHART "'RHUBARB DON'T FORGET KIDS! Die Cat Contest Saturday 10:00 Brine Your Cat (on leash), lie Hay Win One of the S Prizes courtesy MCflPIIY'S Seed Store 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1 13 Better Living l::w Mary Margaret McBrlda ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:13 Accent on Melody 2:30 Jyc Jordan. M.D. ABC 2:43 Rom. Evelyn Winter ABC 3:00 Ted Malona ABC 3:13 When Girl Marrtaa ARC 3:30 The Perfect Husna .d ABC 4:O0 Mary Marltn AQ- 4:13 Requestfully Youra. .S:l run Factory ABC 9:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 It's Movie' Time . 6:00 Sports Highlights - 6:13 Home Town Newa 6:23 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 6:33 Si lk NW4 Roundup ABC 7.00 Gillette Ftr.hU ABC 8.00 Richard Diamond ABC 8:30 This Is Your FBI ABC 9:00 Ozxi and Harriet ABC 9:30 Cone, of Favoritea 100 11 P V. Hi-''ll" 10:13 Dr. Glno's Musicals: ABC 10:Ji Insomnia Cluo 11:00 Newa 11.-09 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Thursday Evening. Jan. It 8-00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:13 Klam. Theater Quia. 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hates News MBS 6:33 BUI Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony Time 7:13 Snorts album 7:30 Bobby Benson MBS K: i .: .-.-: 8:30 Adventure la Your Heritage 6:3 HeioelDerg tiarnioiiaires 8:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 6:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 Rod & Gun Club MBS 9:39 3-Mlnute Final MBS lo.-on 1 Love A Mvftery MBS 10:19 Stars on Parade 10:30 Family Theatre MBS 11:00 Nlgnt Owls taition 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc. PST Friday. Jan. 11 6:00 Muslcai Reveille ti-M -ai e ' tuileun Board 6:99 Local New,- 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:19 Breakfast GiM MBS 7:30 Newa 7:49 Best "-US'! 8:00 Cec. Brown MBS 8:19 Ii.vakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS S no Honem'er Harmonies 9:13 Platter Party 9:49 Favorite oi Yesterday 10:00 Newa MBS 10:19 Tello-Tett 10:30 LaPotntes 10:43 Concert 10:90 Currlns 10:99 Ken Carson U:uo Lauies r six MB9 11:29 News 11-30 Queen for a Day MBS 12 00 Name Bands 12:13 Headline Newa 12:30 Dan-: Tunes 12:43 Market-Livestock 12:33 News 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1:30 Tune Test 1:39 News 2:00 News MBS 2:05 NetworK Mn MBS 2:13 Tea Time Tips 2:4s Answer alau aoBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Speed Gibson MBS 4:43 Sam Haye Newa A IBS 9:00 Twilight Time 9:30 Wild BUI Hlckock MBS 3:39 News MBS 6.-00 Gabr'el Heatter MBS 6:19 Quiz Show HDAYCARSOM X 7"'" - nc , m mm THE AMAZING ADVENTURE of tlx man on a raft across the Pacific . . . Ehotographtd y th man thtmialvasl nr. mm n.iiir.iiii ijj. il jvi hlU l f MUHlPflhl MalaV III J Mil Mil kdllf latlllaiallll They Chopped Down 9 Trees And Floated Thet 4 nbiu i tie Pacific! mm " SECOND HIT I The amatini iaa oi six men who deliberately risked their Uvea to prove a theory! On a primi tive type raft of balsa' loga they drifted over uncharted seai from Peru to the -(ilea where the hula girls wall! 101 days and 4,300 mile of storm, sunshine, peril and peace. No contact with civiliza tion. No sight of ship or shore. Nothing but themselves and their astounding ad vent ures with strange man-ealing monster of the deep and their heroic eflorti ' to keep busy, alive and afloat! . . . An epic of daring hailed as the greatest aea adventure of our times! Dimes Fund Boost Eyed Siskiyou County received mora financial aid from the national polio foundation than was collected in the county's March of Dimes campaign and a determined effort is being made this year to Increase campaign- collections. in last year s Siskiyou drive, the March of Dimes received about S2.700. Total bill for the county's DOlio cases amounted in nvr 47 nno rand the national foundation made up me auierence. 'mis year, the Dimes March is being directed by Bud Kohn, Mount Shasta. A major feature of this year's drive is a Dorris dance, Jan. 12, at the Red Barn, with music by the Oregon Hillbillies. The dance is being sponsored- by the Dorris VFW and Auxiliary. Members o.' the two organizations- are Rollins? tickets house-to-house and tickets will also be on sale at the dance. 6:30 Around Town News 6:43 Sam Hayas News UBS 6:M Bill Henry MBS 1:00 Adven. o( Malil MBS l:.. i ..r.. ' . 8:00 Bkitbl. KUHS vs. Med ford BM i;lti t ha . New ttts :13 Bkitbl. KUHS vs. Medford 6:43 Fulton Lewis Jr. 1ii:iO I L -ve ir-y MBS 101.1 tt. S Navy Band 10:30 Proudly We Hail 11.00 Nlgnt Owls F.uition 11:09 Nisht Owls Club 12:00 Sign Oil Jernstedt Will Head Seed League PORTLAND Ml L. R. Jern stedt, Sherwood, was elected presi dent of the'Oregou Seed Growers League Wednesday at the conclud ing session of the League's annual meeting. Jernstedt succeeds J. F. Short, Redmond. Tom Ruckman, Imbler, was named vice-president, and Rex warren, Oregon Slate college Ex tension P"rm Orot- Soeclnlit, wis elected Secretary-Treasurer, suc ceeding K. K. uackmnn. Jackman, also an OSC crops specialist, had served as secretary treasurer since the League was organized 11 years ago. He de clined another term. Because of a nitrogen fertilizer shortage, Arthur S. King. OSC soil conservation socialist, dv!1 farmer-seed producers to buy early. The League endorsed a resolu tion by State Sen. Howard Belton's federal government to halt foreign seed imports at less than domestic supported prices. A resolution favoring a 1953 bal lot measure limiting state taxes on property to six mills was also passed. Japs To Survey Fishing Waters TOKYO (IP) Japan's llsheries board announced Thursday it plans to send a survey team into northern Pacific waters soon to Inspect pos sible areas for obtaining salmon, trout, crao and lur seal. Japan has reached an agreement on North Pacific fishing rights with the United States and Canada. When the pact Is ratified the Jap anese expect to resume fishing in the Aleutian, Bering and Okhotsk waters. LEAP YEAR WINNIPEG, Ont. 11 Mary Jackson Taylor and Henry Charles Reynolds admitted their marriage this week was a leap-year affair. Yes. said the blusmne. timid bride of 73, she had "popped the question" to the groom, 74. NOW PLAYING 1 ,ha.evefhithe$treenlJR I -10U'l.'M,0.j jJiH. RITZ BROTHERS QyNDREmSISTERSj ViTILIS Coniioncs Meof JJ Capitol Hill Spy Hunters Dig Into Background Of 'Protected' Publication By It. I LIVINGSTONE WASHINGTON Vfl House spy hunters dug decprr Thursday lino why the Stale Department gave votectlon to an American ptibllra- .1 in Shanghai dcsptlo Chinee t jrges It was a Communist front. A "mystery witness" Identified only as M. L. Appelmau oi Denver. Colo,, was scheduled to appear be fore the un-American Activities Committee in its investigation of Max and Grance uranlcli. The Oranichs. who edited "Voice of China" in Shnnghnl in 193B-37 before belntc forced to suspend, are said to be living now at Wilming ton, Vt. They have been summoned to appear next week. They have denied thov were Communist when asked by con sular authorities. Tiie committee heard testimony Wednesday that the State Depart ment intervened to protect "Voice to China" after Chinese authorities twice confiscated Issues and 11.8. consular authorities refused to go to Urtmlch's aid. A surprlso witness was John Car ter Vincent, now State Department representative at Tunglers, Moroc co, who said he dialled Instruc tions to protest the selturcs. Vincent Is to appear next week before the Senate Internal Security Committee investigating the State Department. Ho has also come un der llro In attitcks by Sen. Mc Carthy iR.-wis) on State Depart ment security risks Vincent testified he dratted the consular officials on the "purely protest Instructions to Shanghai legal grounds" that confiscation of Uranlch's paper was an "unwar ranted Invasion of American Juris diction" over American properly In the International Settlement oi Shanghiil. Ho said lie also prepared two KF Students On Honor List UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, B:u geno (Special I Six students from Klnnialli Kails are on tlio Honor Roll at the University ol Oregon, They are: Helen Elir.nbcth Jack son, diiiitilitcr ul Mi', and Mrs, M. H. Obrnchiiln, Illy, a Junior In English; Ronald James Lowell, sun of Mis. Margaret McLaughlin, 320 N. lutli St., Klamath Falls, n sophomoro In liberal arts who In also n 4 00 student; Paul Ktlgnr Koake, City Center Lodge. Khun- State Department memorandum.- expressing the opinion "Voice o( China" was not dissoinlnallng Com munist propaganda. Clnrence E. Gauss, former U S. ambassador to Chliin and then con sul itcnrral In Shanghai, told the committee he "cllllered radically with the Stale Department." QitUHs Is now a director of the EMiort-Imuort Bank. He testified thai from the start of Granlcli's publishing venture in early 11)30, there avbs a "strong Indication ol Its being a subversive publication ' . . . tlesluned to stir tin and loment agitation among Chinese students." alii rails, a nophoiuni'o In muslu; Wesley Kay Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred D. Robinson, 1HI0 Croaccut St., Klnntutli Falls, a sen lor lu speech; Patrlt'lit Klloulse Ward, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Wtluuin E. Ward, Keuo, a Junior In general social science, and Wllllnui Vernon Norval, Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Veincm Norval, C'lilloquln. Norval Is a Junior In law. A Nludenl must Imvo a GPA of lit least 3.50, based on not less Ihan a. 50, to mako the honor roll. The averaae Eunllshmaii Is la tinned lo only about 60 pounds of meal a year, P"' KLauATM SALL6. OnStW. AMERICAN CHINESI 'seek rkatt ksetl ' Pa. 44 fei Orders Is Take 0a4 Bon B. L4, Mgr. Deliveryman Is Really On The Job 1NDIANAPOMM 111 William nawllnnoii titai'letl out lo deliver a refrigerator lor Drake's Refrig eration Servlco Wednesday. The trip look hint near hln home, no ho stopped to sen his wllo Urtty, Five mliiiilea later ho delivered an eight-pound son, Tito rerrlgerator never did rtich Its destination. (Iclni Ihs sn In nt 1 Colls tint . . .11 I WMF) igjlB fe? iv 59e CANNON BATH TOWELS STAMPED PILLOW CASES I Y"Urt ",ft0 AN0T$ 'b- It Imagine! You jivs Air on .m Heres a reil birgiin! Resdr- M 4 f w'"1"' doublt dipperf in . - a thick, sbwrbent towels! Blue. rl. Jl to-embroider hemstitched pil- Ills J Cfocolole! R9. 69e ,, ISf CO- p.nk, vellow, green. O " I . low cs in 4 lovely psltem.. IX A . . ' ,b- ,3Clb. 7C ff 20" x 40. Fine 64-60 muslin, Kr. 09c. T ima"J 1 ''t" 1 SEBCDEfl - ?r(?K Smasl1 va,U8S for wty sl,oppers! Itfliai aasssssss-sssssva vsss. V'l lT T X PLASTIC WALLIT VAIUIJ L 1 ll lalll'll ll 1 I f- ! VII WOMIN'S PASTIL ANKLITS Men's and Women's electronically sealed, AQr colorful billfolds. Fin voluo! plui lax Expertly mad anklets n Bin Pink, Yllow ond Whits. Suet 7','i lo 10. A tmoihlng volue! !...,. VALUt-PACKCD OILCLOTH 46" wld lobls oilcloth. Becaaul they'r slight tecondi, you pay to little! yd. SAVI 41 ON 54" PLASTICS Durable, eaiy-to-cleon plastic in gay colors. Uit It for table cloths, dropet. 54" width. Regularly 69c yd yd. 4 P; 8?C Many special purchases that cannot be repeated . . . Spectacular savings! SPECIAL! WOMEN'S BRIEFS Run-reiV. rayon in elastic or band leg, eisitic waist, double i , crotch. White, pink, blue, J " msize. 5 to 7. Reg. lie . 69' ;r:r Grond tovings on pure tilk beauties ?AVf 0N MJN'S HANKIES Large 35 ,33" size. Regularlv 89c 79C C,!,n hf ' colored border,. C .ft STRIPED KNIT DISH CLOTH '" ,5e h 5 lo, 49C OutS,ondng Voua f0f homcmoke RAYON TRICOT BRIEFS 3-5 .i..A5,ditfipc, 6 f0f49c e,ric4tat!r7;e'05,,e0fb0"'- 1 PLASTIC DRAPE SPECIALS !!" ' P0""- c 3- (o, Morvelous sovlng, of 70 l0 5; 0rS BLAZER ANKLETS Smart pattern,. Rc9u,0flv ; va,ue In bright, -ped . ft MEN'S WHITE HANKIES - ,04 4 pr, 98C Stock up now on ,ors(( f.n(j co(( "LEI CLEANSING TISSUES hank,,,. Reoulorly ,0c sj Che. K MN-S LIGHTWEIGHT HOSE ' "C . Thnft.prlced white cotton anklet, or half F t T0"-TRIES hoi. Siz., ,0 l0 I2 "h0,f 5 98C 'J ,0 W on mou(h Wo,h. . m powtfer( thampo0( mony ofh;-2 iyc - 1 rra, 5- A.'" .a' 'A' It 4Se PLASTIC APRONS Amaring values! Granc telec tion of gaily coioreo prints in bib or half style. All of dur able plistic Stve 31 now! i for i NON-SKID CHENILLE MAT Don't miss this outstsnding buy! Fringed, deep-pile mat in rich, wishible decorator col ors. Urge 30" x 48" size. 1.98 MEN'S RANDOM HOSE Lightweight cotton an kins or half hose. Sizes 10', to 12. Outstanding value! At this low oriceT s-98' SAVE! SILK PRINT SCARP This specijlly priced scarf fnmei in lovely assorted prims. Larpe 35 x 33 ' size. Rolled hem. Huy icversl and isve! HignUrly 80c. 79 Shop WooIwortiVs First for everything 811 Main Street ---CfS'''