Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 10, 1952, Page 17, Image 17

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    TIIUItSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1032
TIiIn mill Tli m About Woini'ii
Edited by Ruth King
"It's A Woman's World"
o I .
IT WASN'T FAME NOR HIGH HONOR that Isabel Teare Jackson sought when she made
the big decision to become a teacher . . growing up she decided that nursing was to be
her life work, but always, as she smoothed fevered brows, she was haunted by the yearn
ing to teach small girls and boys. Now . . she would rather spend a day in the class
room than sing an aria, model in clay, be a second Rosa Bonheur or make a name in
She loves children, and to Isabel Jackson, the sweetest music in the world is the
correct answer to a problem in arithmetic. . . she teaches Fourth graders at Mills
school and there's a strong suspicion floating 'round that the teacher is "adored" by
her borrowed' brood. This is her second year at Mills . . once she taught the "really"
young for four years in a local kindergarten. She was born in the Sierra Nevada moun
tains near Bishop, Calif., of English parents, the late Malcolm Teare and Mrs. Teare of
1843 LeRoy, where she makes her home.
She went to school here and in England, went to classes at Willamette University, the
University of Calfornia and received her B.A. from Southern Oregon. She is the mother
of an honor roll son Malcolm, U. of 0. freshman, who won the Walt Beane scholarship
from KU11S . . a daughter Sharon 7th grader at Roosevelt and a "beginner," young Ron
ald, who is trying out his wings this year in the first grade.
Mrs. Jackson is a member of the Business and Professional Women's club, the East
ern Star, Amaranth, White Shrine of Jerusalem and serves on the hospitality committee
of the Oregon Mother's Club . . she helps keep house, baby sits for new arrivals in the
homes of others in her family . . dotes on dabbling in photography and collects "Bright
Sayings of Children" as a hobby. Here she shows pretty little Joan Campanella, daughter
of Mrs. Mary Campanella, the "how and why" of dividing numbers.
Baking a smoked boneless pork
shoulder butt? About hnlf an hour
before It's finished mix a trble
spoon of prepared mustard with
three tablespoons of brown injur
and a couple of tablespoon of or
nriKe Juice and spread Uie ham
with this mixture.
Those of us who have grimly
viewed scalloped hemlines, hklmpy
bodices and skln-ugni sleeves,
melted holes In dainty frocks from
loo much heat and suits that didn't
wear will be Interested In the new i other thermoplastic fibers, can be
rulln made by the Federal Trade
Commission on Identification of
'acetate' and "rayon , two textile
fabrics that play an important part
In the wardrobes of women oi
ill fir iiir TniYrliTT-iriili B . - k
Know Your Materials
Save On Clothing Costs
moires and fused selveges can be
"set Into" or placed on acetate
fabrics. They are partially melted
and then remolded to the desired
shape. But acetate like nylon and
more easily damagol by excess heat
than can rayon.
Acetate has qualities that rayon
does not, which help acetate fab
rics recover from wear-wrinkles
and soft-creasing. This is the rea-
NOW. . under tne new ruling. ICX- SDn whv acetate fabrirjl ore nrh
tile fabrics containing acetate yarn ; favorites with women travelers.
y used they will produce more
satisfactory fabrics, and when con-j
sumers and sales personnel are ;
more familiar with the Individual
characteristics of all the new man
made fibers, better selections of ap
parel will be possible.
This new ruling Is a step toward
this goal so read your labels, ladles
read your labels!
must be identified as "acetate
rather than classified under the
former all-Inclusive and oiten mis
leading term "rayon.
Acetate and rayon are chemical
Moths will not harm either ray
on or acetate. But, like cotton,
rayon Is attacked by both mildew
and mold while acetate is resistant
to uamage irom tnese two trouble
Apricot Float is a nutritious and
delicious dessert for a whole fam
ily meal. To make it spoon layers
of custard sauce and apricot puree
Into sherbet glasses and chill; just
before serving top with Whipped
cream or whipped evaporated milk
and maraschino cherries.
two fibers acetate fabrics, like silk
are soft and supple. They have
"loft" and "hand" which makes
Soft drape and luxurious appear
ance that acetate lends to such
fabrics as satins, failles, taffetas
and Jerseys make them favorites
of foremost dress designers.
These are but a few of the basic
differences which show up in the
behavior of the garment, and to
consumers It is behavior that counts.
All fibers, natural or man-made.
have their proper place. When wide-
Speciolist Accepts
Sabbatical Leave
Dr. Clara A. Btorvlck, professor of
foods and nutrition at Oregon State
college, lias accepted an Invitation
Irom aclenllMs at Columbia unlver
i ally and the University of Denmark
to study ways to measure the
"make up" of human blood.
In New York she will study the
partition of thiamine, vitamin B-l,
in the blood of leukemia patients.
Dr. Btorvlck will spend a second
three months In Copenhagen where
oiiLHtancllng work bus been done
In emyme research and use of
Various methods for analyzing
blood will he tested nnil the best
ways will be adapted for use In
the OSC nutritional research lab
oratory. Dr. Btorvlck has been
Itranted seven months sabbatical
' Check up on your poultry termi
nology. Dressed poultry means the
birds have been bled and the feath
ers removed: drawn poultry have
had head, feet, and viscera removed.
to different fibers. Rayon, like cot-, maker,.
inn nrf linen, is 100 oercenl ccllu- . , ,.
. - . . oTCnuftB oi uiuerenuca in specil-
lose and lakes the same dyestul Is lc Bravjty and (he stif(nes3 0f ,he
nn niwni: ua.uiai -
takes the sumo dyestuffs used for
nylon. They require umcreni spot
removing agents.
Ordinary stains are more eas
ily wushed out of acetate fabrics.
The moisture absorption of acetate
fibers Is only about half of that of
rayon. That la why acetate dries
more quickly and when ironed
slightly damp requires only a slight
smoothing with a warm Iron. Less
moisture absorption means acetate
swells and shrinks less than rayon
fabrics. Fabric construction being
equal, acetates are more diincn
sionally stable than those made of
rayon. On the other hand, the abil
ity to make a fiber shrink gives
better crcping qualities to rayon
mid Greater absorbtlon means ray
on is more desirable for hosiery or
athletic garments.
Rayon s tensile strcngtn is great
er than acetate's and Is better
suited for utility fabrics or sheers.
It should be remembered, however,
that when correctly used all fib
ers are a great deal stronger than
for the purpose Intended.
Unlike ravon. acetata Is thermo
plastic. That means that with: the
proper equipment, pleats. creBscs
fV-f ? llP i 1 fir Jhf deriul w'mterttme special. This
hfttW'- r J (H I iwZf icecream is made ot the sweetest,
aMk V f JflSjQ creamiest chocolate fudge fou've
Xv-XJy " ,i2" "C) i ') ever tastec? P,us crunchy nut
V - ZrfV 1 " meats that go together to make it
: I a 'as'e treat... a regular "sundae in a package"! So serve it
i 'l tT5P I like a sundae... every delicious spoonlul is "chock lull" oi
Jsgfjfj SaTivff 1 1 fivr- Pickup the red, white and blue Medo-Land Bulk
YiV "'-S r ''v Pk package from your grocer's ice cream cabinet. It's a
VJ wintertime treat!
ii f
904 Klamath Ave.
Phone 6076
tool cooking .
fir 952 Ehetrh fotfe
f 219" Y3S?--J
I $33 DOWN JjZ'
I m
Model DDL1
"Divided" top. Seven
heat speeds. Deep-
well cooking unit can
be raised to serve as
surface unit. King
sized oven with
Raiseable Unit optional ot extra cost.
"Colortrol" switches give precise
control of all surface units. New "Hasty
heat" Unit heats faster than any cooking fuel.
Exclusive SeH-sealing, Self-adjusting Oven
Door keeps more heat inside. Oven Thermo
stat with Automatic Oven Pre-heat.
see the eesens
ef area features
en aM 10 stunning
Cresley Renfee
m Mi-smmc disishs au comme no ctosun
At No Extra Cost! A genuine COSCO
KITCHEN STEP-STOOL (17.95 value)
with the purchase of each Crosley
Range Model DDL1.
1001 Main
Ph. 2-2518
A new 120"horsepower Commander V8
A new Champion in the low price field
rhPom wliert discs optlonul it. ntr cost Dfcorntlv
oU utuor pcciociuoas iiiujm to obiBge without uotlc.
Now ready for you to see now ready for you
todrivc the far-advanced new 1952 Studcbakrrs
that all America has been waiting fort
Thoy'ro flaok and beautifully proportioned
new Studcbakcra witb a awept-back aerody
nainic grace of line you're sure to love on tight.
And boil of all, the daringly different design
lug of lhce newest .Studebaker style stars serves
to make them amazingly saving of gasoline. The
sparkling power they generate is unimpeded by
unnecessary excess bulk.
Stop In right away the drcamlined new 1952
Studcbakcrs are on view for you right now the
sprightly Studebaker Champion in the low price
field the brilliant-performing 120-horscpower
Studebaker Commander V-8.
Mcculloch motors