THUHMMV. .IAivDAHY In, 1n, I . -' vi- -'V'.' . . , ' ''"'ii'-'- ' -v 'ATHLETE OF THE YEAR' Maureen Connolly leans on fence at the stadium of the West Side Tennis Club in Porest Hills, N.Y., where she won the national tennis championship. The 17-year-old blonde from San Diego, Calif., who won the crown 12 days before hex birthday, has been chosen as the female "Athlete of the Year" ot 1951 in the annual poll conducted by the Associated Press. : .Jv-,- (a m r i 1 33 1 r ZOO'S BOSS Pretty Julie Allen, above, holds a rare job for a young woman. She's director of the Miami, . Fla., Crandon Park Zoo. In addition, she performs a lion-taming act, using only a whip and a stick in a cage full of snarling beasts. Damage Suit Filed Today PORTLAND Ml A $38,500 dam age suit was filed here Tuesday, an outgrowth- of fire aboard the Danish motorship Erria which claimed 11 lives. One of the 103 survivors, Angus M. Brunlees of Edmonton, Atla., and wnuenorse. i .i., iuea an ad miralty libel action asking $15,000 death damage for his wile Kath leen, 46; the same sum for his daughter Elizabeth Mary. 6: $5,000 damages for injuries to himself, and $3,500 for the loss of personal possessions. The complaint, filed with the fed eral court clerk by John D. Wil liams, who said he was administra tor of the victims' estates, said the ship was not seaworthy and was operated carelessly. Ship's officers failed to sound a general alarm. failed to hold a fire drill, failed to send up rockets for help, and di rected passengers to the ship's lounge where eight of them died we suit saia. Manv of these mints were In vestigated at a recent Coast Guard hearing on the Dec. zo disaster out no findings have been reported. TOPPED BLUE DEVILS DURHAM. N.C.. Wt Jerry Bar- ger, freshman quarterback from Salisbury, N.C., led the Duke Uni versity footbal team in net yards gained this year with 613 yards, 336 of them by passing. Red Smith, sophomore halfback was next with an even 500 yards, 442 of them by rushing. JOB OPEN WASHINGTON (in The civil service commission announced Wednesday it will receive appllca-1 tions for the postmastership at j Cresent City, Calif., with the dead line Jan. 28. Names of the appli- i cants will be made public Janjl. Expert Gun Repairing end Rebfuing THE GUN STORE jf if FINAL CLEARANCE! TOPCOATS SUITS At Low As As Low As I495 2900 Tweeds, Flannels, Sharkskins, Gabardine's '"' i Worsteds. All nationally advertised at Greatly REDUCED PRICES! V , ALL LEE HATS ON SALE! $10 Voluet $7.50 Values 3 mm . y Electric Proposals Blow Fuses ofU. S. Chorines By RICHARD KLEINER NEW YORK NEA) Hugo Gernsback, go to the rear of the Health Unit Asks Time SALEM I.H The State Board of Health asked the State Emer gency Board Wednesday lor per mission to stay open Saturday mornings. Employes of the board, as do all other state departments, work a five-day week. The Board of Health said It could give the public better serv ice by remaining open Saturday mornings. If the Emergency Board makes the investigation, it probably would decide whether all state depart ments should work a 5 a day week. Staying open Saturdays probably would require additional funds. The Emergency Board Is a legislative committee that advises the governor on how to spend his emergency fund between legisla tures. class, and take your electronic matin? machine Willi vou. An rv- haustive survey of American worn annooa (wen, we talked to lour girls, and that can be exhausting) proves unquestionably that thev want no truck with machine-made marriage. Gernsback is editor and publish er of Radio-Electronics Mugailne. In his annual forcast of things to come, he predicts the world of the future will see a contrantion which will "tell prospective couples if It is safe for them to mate, or not." Four chorines two marred and two single from "Guys and Dolls" didn't think much of the idea. Tn fact, cute and single Barbara Fer guson wrinkled up her cule and single nose and said, "Humph, I never did believe in electricity." Onna White, tall, striking and married, was even briefer in her comments. She didn't even bother wrinkling up her nose as she re marked, "It stinks." TWO TESTS Gernsback 's electronic marriage counsellor would be based on two teste first, an elaborate question naire to see if the couple meet proper standards for successful marriage, and. second, a "linked" test ttaken while kissing, holding hands or otherwise In close con tact) to see If they have what Gernsbuck calls the proper "elec tric reaitionsnip." The four young ladles thought highly of the "linked" lest Idea. l.ltll ILf HVn......U.... I. -14II single, fait Unit somewlng like thnt would be important, "How," nlie asked, "can you live with some- oony wno does noining to your She added that she's felt such electric- responses with men of the op. poslte sex at times. Corroborating evidence, in the form of a faint smile and the word "Yes" came from the other single girl, glamorous, red-halred Alicia Krug. Marcla Mnler. a cm-lv . lmlriH brunette who Is married, wasn't quite sure If she d felt an electric response or not, "A chemical resnonse. ves." she said. "If electrical response and cnemicai response are uio same tiling, I've noticed It." About those standards of mar riage, however, there was no agreement. In fact there was an interesting hen session .about what standards are Important, "You must have adequate fi nances." said Miss Fcrmison. sin gle. "Not necessBrllv." said Miss (later, married. "You can be hap py even If you'ro a uauuer. if you are In love." 'Ridiculous." said Miss Fersu. son, single. "If you're starving. Hie guy noesn t look so good any more." HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IU0INI, OR!. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Barley Proprietors and Joe Eurley Mlsa White, the oilier married girl, went along with Miss Fergu son on the llnauclnl lilrn, which probably provna iiulliliig. Win iilao added "love" and "undprslnntllng" as prerequisites for a hnppv uinr llano. Besides money. Miss Ferguson mentioned some other tilings. She Mild she thought sense of humor and mutual Interests such as children and pits were vital. Miss Muler just said, "Chemistry," bringing tluil up again. Gernsbat'k's own list of stand ards Includes such things as hered ity, Individual tasle. education. It), hralth. texlure of hair, odor pref erences, musical sense, arilstlc sense, color perception and physi cal contour. The slnglo girls, surprisingly, were much fussier than the mar rlrd girls. Miss King felt seven of those 11 Items worn Important, Miss FcrKiison e liht. Miss Muler thought only five mattered, and Miss wmie said no to an out lour. All of them agreed that similar backgrounds of education and 1Q were helpful, and none of them felt that similar texture of hair or color perception meant anything lo the chances of a happy marriage. MOOT POINT The big problem, of course, and one winch may fare romantic young things in years to come, Is SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Sacrturallr TrUA Kicluilv MHh4 11 No. 1th rhtnt 10M 1 hlranrarllo I'hvilrtin whether they would go abend and man v If Uio machine predicted an unhappy union. 'Hie girls said they would. "I'd marry the guy," Mls Maler muttered, "I'd get married, anyway," said Miss While. "I'd throw the machine out the window and gel married," said Miss King. "I'd go right ahead and get married," said Mlim l"cigiim Uernsback's machine voui L the rostilt In percentages-,,,,, a It per cent cluuico Hint u ,J ring will iticcoed-nnd lli fell thai a 60 per cent v' would be enough to give l,,' lighting chance. """ Which proves there'll alwuy. i a woman and no maihn,, V ohaiigo that. " Does your oil heator""! GIVE TOO LITTLE HEAT, f BUM T0 MUCH OIL?! I End your troublef odoy, I SWITCH TO A I aHHMHHHHaflBHBHaaiaBu TROPICAL FLOOR HEAT 1 GET TWICE THE HEAT! SAVE HALF THE OIL FOR THI NAM! Of YOUR NIARIST OIALIR WRIT! SIIGLIR, CINTRAUA, ILLINOIS 9th and Pint Phont 3188 CLEARANCE SALE 43.50 ZIP-LINED ALL WOOL GABARDINE TOP COAT 35.88 Tailored of 100?o wool worsted gabardine, with water repellent "Norone" finish. All-wool zip-lining provides cold weather protection. Sizes 35-42. REG. 57.95 WALNUT CHEST 5 large drawers 49.88 REG. 159.00 FOAM RUBBER INNERSPRING 99.00 Mattress and box spring sets, twin size only REC. 39.95 GRAY WALNUT BED 09 77 Twin size LI .1 1 "REC. 13.95 HOLLYWOOD HEAD BOARD Plastic Cover, full size. Twin size 8.88 .. REG. 4.95 WOOL THROW RUCS Size UVixAO", assorted colors. ... 10.88 3.44 LINOLEUM REMNANTS Large enough for bath or I A OCC small kitchen - wrr ODD CHROME DINETTE TABLES 30 77 Plastic tops, assorted colors J 7. ODD CHROME CHAIRS 7 (V) While they last ' ,w REG. 239.00 DAVINETT & CHAIR I OO 00 Gray frieze, make full-size bed 7. 00 REG. 1.49 BOYS' JEANS I 07 Button front, 8 oz. denim REC. 1.79 BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS I CI Bright plaids, sizes 6 to 18 1 ,3' REG. 1.98 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS I cj 1 Star Brent, colored, all sizes 1 ,a WERE 1.45 MEN'S TIES 77r Fine foulards, rayon satins ' ' . WAS 23.95 PLASTIC SEAT COVERS 16.77 Words finest ready-mode. Built to look "custom-mode", stay that woy. Mode of Soron plastic that con't scuff, tear or strain. Trimmed with quilted plostic thot won't chip or peel. Choice of 3 patterns. Instolled FREE. REGULAR 39.95 FINE ALL WOOL WORSTED MEN'S SUITS 34.77 A wide selection of smoMly tailored conservative or d'apt models In handsome overplaids, sharkskins and gab ardines. Not every size in every fabric. Come early. WERE 7.98 BED SPREADS 4 07 Chenille, twin size only. White only. ' ' WAS 16.95 FIBER SEAT COVERS Best quality fiber, assorted 1 1 07 sizes. Installed FREE 11 REG. 6.30 SNAP ON TIRE CHAIRS c 77 Set of six . . . for emergency only O.l I REG. 77c SPONGES 47 Deep sea, larg esize. A REAL BUY. .. c REC. 4.95 FOOTBALL o 07 Official size and weight ,cow hide cover. I REG.,3.49 WOMEN'S PAJAMAS Good quality cotton broadcloth O Qp good assortment of sizes Z.70 REG. 4.98 WOMEN'S SKIRTS All wool, wool and nylon, -) rir assorted colors, sizes 22 to 30 J.wU WERE 1.98 WOMEN'S BLOUSES nn Rayon crepes, sizes 32 to 38 1 ,w WERE 3.98 WOMEN'S SWEATERS Pastels, al wool cardigans, o nn sizes 34 to 38 WERE 6.98 and 7.98 MISSES DRESSES Rayon crepes, wools. 1 . r pp. Sizes assorted O.UU WERE 10.98 WOMEN'S ROBES ' ' k(Y Satin quilted, all sizes 'UU WERE 5.98 WOMEN'S ROBES Good quality chenille, assorted O pn colors, all sizes L.KAJ t WERE 45.00 WOMEN'S COATS or (Y) All wool, zip linings, all sizes OD.KAJ WERE 19.98 WOMEN'S COATS . All wool sheen coverts, oil c rv sizes ... A real buy! ! 1 -uu WERE 2.59 BATH TOWELS 1.97 Beautifully-styled ond vory serviceable. Absorbent cotton terry with floral design jacquard-woven on colored ground. Moss, rose and other solid colors. VALUES TO 39.95- ALL-WOOL WORSTED MEN'S SUITS 21.77 Rich-looking, long weoilng 2 ply v.orled. In skarkKlns, plaldt, st'ipet, gabordlnti tcngl or double-brtailed models. Be here early for the best selection. WERE 5.98 MISSES DRESSES " Street cottons. Good assortment a rf) of sizes, plaid gingham t.DU WERE 2.49 KITCHEN CURTAINS 45" long, color ... . creom muslin, Qlr checked trim 7C WERE 1.19 HAND TOWELS 77- Solid colors ' ' C WERE 39c KITCHEN TOWELS OQ- Stripes and checked , LC WASH CLOTHS TO MATCH SALE 39c WERE 1.19 LUNCH CLOTHS 52x52" Fost colors, floral design. WERE 1.59 GIRL'S SHIRTS Cotton plaids, sizes 7 to 14 REG. 3.98 CRIB BLANKETS All wool, rayon binding. 36x50". 77c 1 1.17 2.97 REC. 1.79 CIRL'S COTTON SWEATERS I A J Bright stripes. 6 ond 6x ' REG. 1.98 INFANTS ROMPERS 2 pair plastic lined pants 12 and 18 onths REG. 2.19 BOYS' PAJAMAS One piece cotton flannel, 4 to 12 REG. 2.69 CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS Cotton flannel, 2 pair pants 1 to 3. . REC. 1.19 TEEN ACE SLIPS Cotton, white ond pink, 10 to 16 1.67 1.77 1.97 97c REG. 2.19 CIRL'S PAJAMAS Q7 Cotton crepe, 8 to 16 ' ' C REG. 8.98 GIRL'S JACKETS Satin twill, 8 to 12. , 6.97 REG. 2.98 MEN'S SHIRTS 2.17 ., Brent 3-Star compare fovorobly with nationally od vortlsed shirts. "Perma-FIt" collar won't wilt, tapor tailored body for smooth fit; extra fine construction In a fine, high count combed cottoYi, Assorted sizes.