rA KIKTKKN THURSDAY. U1ILLUU. XU.HIL1LU JANUARY 10, 1052 alfiBWBVaBQWfiaV. Klamath. Medford In Rifle Knot CAI.'Ont UTANDINOI ' fV P Starts 9:a.m: Friday At Hermans! Grandest Ever ! U w Kl.in.lh rail! :l Mrrirmd Ttaiil 1 ...... 'J Aahland ........... n U. I'im Teem 1 ... . ..y Con. nay . .......... t Lanarll Vall.y a Mjrlk I'olitl .. , Jl hmll Va lay ... . t M.tltoi'U. Team 3 1 llulln "v.lt'v " , ..'....,.'..'... it li. i'au Team a ............ U MKKALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH RALLS, UKKUUN PI a . . .. .... a.A,y f r, f . ... S o'-.S X J tJv.z? J.VJKJ'MMII ft a..A ft aO'lL'.sSSri, A. AT HOME Jean Conant will bo in familiar sur roundings as stewardess of the Chicago National Boat Show at the International Amphitheatre there, Feb. MO. At 17, she Is a cham pion outboard racer. CAGE SCORES Collar. Basketball By The Aaaoclalrd l'rrt FAR WKHT Eastern Montana 13 Abcrla 60 81. Marys tCallf) 50 Bun J one State 4V Seattle 84 Western Wash. 10 Central Wash, tt Sta Martins (Wash.) 03 I'acltlc Lutheran 53 Collrite or Pu- get Bound 61 rilla 73 Syracuse 49 Coliinto 00 Cornell 31 Columbia 68 Hnrvurd M Yale 64 Brown 69 Holy Cross 14 Trinity (Conn) 60 I'rnn 79 Delaware 64 Vlllanova 79 CrelRhton 01 Army 78 rurrto Rico 01 sotrii Miss 77 Mlfa Slate 03 Oeorrla Tech 60 Auburn 64 M i Marv 75 llnnipden-Sydncy 69 Navy 77 C'atholle Unlv 39 SOUTHWEST Aranaaa Blato 67 Hendrlx 40 Eugeno 43 .lunctlon City 38 IIHill 8(11001. H.dlord T.am 3 130 Only 7 Remain Unbeaten NEW YORK Ifl Syrnciwe nd MirnlMtlppI Bl'ilfl were knocked out ol the unbeutcr. rink hi college basketball WcdncHdi.y night, nnr ruwitm Uio llAt of undefeated ma jor tcanm U tievcn. Syracuse took 72-49 Incline lit lhf hnndu of Pitt At Plttabtiwh while MiM. State absorbed 77-03 v.-hncklnir from MlsMaMppi At Uni versity, Mian. Syracuse hud won 0 in a row and 8 Mi to 9. ThLn leave Kaunas 11-0; Florida 10-0: 8eton Hall 10-0: Iowa 9-0; Il linois 9-0; Dunuennc 8-0 and St. Bonaventnre 8-0 As the seven un- ueuten majors. Syracuse was ranked 14th In this Week's Associated Press poll. Lou isville, No. 15. beat Xavlcr of Ohio. 77-07. Okluhoma City, No. 18, trimmed Wichita. 53-46. and Day ton, No. 20, walloped Ohio Unlv, 101-71. Mc-Uof the nlKht's action was In the East. Columbia opened defense of Its Ivy League crown with nn easy 68-ftl conquest of Harvard. In i.on-leaRiie names Yale nicked Brown, 04-59; Cornell took a (10-34 Ihumplnfr from Colnatc and Penn sylvania routed Delaware, 79-51. SHUFF STUFF aTAsniNoa i. rn. 1.0(10 .ma .7M .7.10 . .a;j .250 auburb.n Woc-uj nni'i rue HrhUM Mfcca : i.m VW .. Itoundup Summ.ra Lan. .a a o a .000 Snbuib"n turiiel In aecond whltewa.Mi Inst nlRht to lend the tnvern ahufdebonrd league after a wcck s activity. Ruhiipbnn h'"nked Summcra I in 4 0. Other ahutouts were turned by Hchuss over VFW and Bill's Place over Ragles. Wocua bcut Mecca, 3 1, In Inst nlRlits other contest. ) Oregon Wools, , Griggs Win OrlRgs an-1 OreRon Wool won openlng-nlght Rnmes Inst night as the girls city buskctbnn longuo got us start. Griggs walloped Petroft's, 48-5; '' the Woolles outshot Peyton's, 32-20. Sherry Lnrson and Shleln Mnrvln pooled shooting talents with 18 npd ' 18 In Griggs' landslide win over the Mineral Bath girls. Shirley Ralston was high with 13 i In Pevlon's lo'n" efn i. .Ippnetto Nason scored 13 for Uie Wools. I Klniiinlh Ftill.i and Mrdford nre lukliiK up where tne rills tenuis lcll oif luiit ymr In iiunrrelliiK lor tile C'aUlurnia-OicKon rllle Icuuue tine, Until are unbeaten In Ihrre starts. Mcdlord's Number 1 team won the crown la;,t yenr, Kiamatn I'liiur recent victory wu a IK.'0-Iull Jul) over Coon Huy In the fourth round of ehuolliiu. Mcrtimd brut Lnncll Valley and Yicku In third mid lourtii rounclo. Sox icon: 1 Tlilid Land ibika 113:01 uitii (i. rAM : Dtir .Tin (Ott l .Kit :m IIii.ii ;i7.i i.) I rivtiplvc O. I'AS I 'I lor UlMtUlt Lltw.l.rr UlkJf UO&CDLiM 1 4uuin iuu )tuiciuimp ai4 ; M Oil Lt Hi. binlth u.l 4tlUllWf I4WU it. 6 llnurlrt( 'AM Ml.liruMU t lli..tl lleififiirtlrh .I'll nuh ;uil Con r r Ut,u litiuiilty U. belli. Jill U. U. Afttl Nobi (liJt jl IATI.K ft. MlUlcuti "M ItUtUill .iti AMIu.ANU 153 i Jhiiictwrlfht iii..l llroMH a. A I U05 IlAX iiUti Ihi) :tno HiMbttg ;ii i'u :t..i Hum ley Uoi b.ritir1 .lit tiiiii Mi.nroRu liv&il iltJ lln.t Team tt.uttut(rd Tm i. IA.hj juk; hufh inuivltiual cur jutry )Uttinrlcli, Yrvka, Ul-2;i, lrlb ken4 k. vau. uti mm coos bay opptii aflfl lull jj itiiiKiy At tey Htrtmd KOf.HH 10 Vtfd U.lll J(tchrg .1)4 fltuo il 4 ;t.7 I'r.cjiil J (UK.) MKIirOAU -ilbbrana ;itw C.uriey 37 'jaior 3'i Cu.iy 4I4MII O. TAIh -LitwUlar .174 lieiiancault au M.llar (Uii I.ANGtl.i. r. hti ma M. u, totl)a 3u obl jij lUriii 37J TBEKA Dttcr ;u2 l.yoa )rlvlplr 37 (UIBi ASHLAND !.ukli 37 iuitr Crandall ;uu ituchamp Hill SCOTT VLT Hmlttt MUtewt Uwu lUnurlrk mvrii.l rr, Bullnn ;i.o nu3 J 7.1 3.tl Hhaltrr midiuid i mu Hoi ion 3fll luitianrctch ;.ki Huh .10.-) Coiiftr 344 (. I'AXI 1 (liUt laylor ano luchttrtteoa .io llullar 3M McAlvaf 3,0 Howard i)A i it in im tcor MaOford Team . IS4Jd4x: hifh individual oo( Ortu Utltr, Vrtk. 3U-1TX. Payless Has Busy Program I'nyiem Drugs, becond place 1 team In the city league, has a busy ' weekend lined up. ; The. Drug five hoaln Weed tonior-' row night, 8 p.m., headllner of a cage doubleheadcr at Altamont ' Junior High School. ! 'Jlion the Druggists jump to Med ford Snlurday night to meet the Crajy Bwayrea on a March of Dimes bnskelball program. Tomorrow's Altamont 7 o'clock 1 opener puts Hilltop Cafe of the city league against the Weed B lei. m. Payless Mgr. Clyde Walsh raid his starters would probably be Forwards George Brosterhous and ' Dick liellbronuer. Center Rex I i Young, and guards Jim Palmer and Bob Eriandson. BiHaaaiianavn mm iast -m NIGHT By The Associated Treat SI. Louis Cesar Brlon, 198 i, Buenos Aires, outpointed Wcsbury Bascom, 181, East Bt. Louis, 111. 10. Miami Beach, Fla. Joe Olar dello, 16S !i, Philadelphia, and Sol DIMnrtlno, 161 New Haven, Conn, drew, 10. KLAMATH COMPANY Klam.lh Fall Mala al Link Rlvar Brl4ia OPEN SATURDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Sarv.l Refrlferatera (Irncral Walar llealerl n.arhorn A llfal.rl Wedran-aad and ll'Kr.l. a, M.rrlll Haniri Slnr.i. Tanks I'vrnUned PROPANE Get Strvica over Tha Enllrt Klamath Batln Bill Stappa, Manager Phena 2-2541 is) U Big Savings k. iv W M M II II T M -t. H I 1 SPORT K H Regular 3.95 M Athletic Shirts 44c -'' 4-" M Athletic Shirts 44c Mi"ta,MS LJ White T-Shirls 44c l ,ar6-95 L J . white ikimmmmMs k A LJ A lil If ICC M (Umits) 6c - i 1 BIG DUKE GLOVES .. :!fl ' LUMBER MITTS .... WH short; 1MW"-W- - SSKSS T 1 larlwKlla M white ox gloves .. yil Reg. 98c 07C tM SHORT CUFF GLOVES K.A mmr li LONG CUFF GLOVES If5I KvI V Cw n I Re9-9,95 Qll - Reg. 14.95' :H Re 17-95 IN Reg-19,95; M W , LJ CLOSEOUT! Big Reductions On All Hew Prices On Gloves ! HOftSIHIDt LEATHER (Limit 3 Dress Hats On A Hundred Different Items! m s?rf,t?n'A''W'r.?'!:cs SHIRTS now 2,88 now 3.88 now 4.88 N0W 5.88 now 6.88 98c 1.98 29c 45c 75c (J i .1.09 U 1.39 1.98 GLOVES - pair to customer) LACKS now 7.88 2 pair for ns NOW! 2, 88 2pairfor$25 NOW! 4 88 2 pair for $29 NOWI 6.88 2 pair for $33 ALL SHOES REDUCED ! 8.95 Plain Toe Oxfords 10.95 8" Work Shoes 10.95 Scotch Grain Oxfords 14.95 Heavy 3-Sole Oxfords 14.95 Fancy Dress Oxfords 8.95 Work 10.95 Lug Sole Dress Oxfords TTop 100 Gabardines at this new, low price Others (Including 100 Wool Gabs) Reg. s45. Check These Outstanding Buys! II. Reg. 19.95 SPORT and LEISURE JACKETS Rtg. 13.95 RAYON GABARDINE JACKETS Rtg. 2o.65 HORSEHIDE LEATHER JACKETS With Fur Callar Rag. ta 9.95 POPLIN JACKETS Rag. 24.85 WOOL SPORT COATS Rag. 7.95 100. WOOL SLIP ON SWEATERS Rtg. 9.95 100 WOOL COAT SWEATERS ... Rag. 1.95 FANCY T-SHIRTS Rag. 3.50 FANCY T-SHIRTS Rag. fa 30c FANCY DRESS SOCKS Rtg. 2.79 BOYS' WAIST OVERALLS WHITE and FANCY DRESS in Black Oxfords . SHIRTS f I i' fS P it ; l-Alv 4 5 8.00 6.00 9 00 8.00 with Cap Tea H 6 00 0 13.00 00 MM 8.88 KS 19.88 j W 3.88 f p4 18.00 H Kaj4 6.88 6.88 nn 99cU 2.48 h H r, i bv 3 JjOOMH u;'!M 1.99 2 . 3.75 f 4 During Sale there will pe r . 4 flight charge mode for r alteration!. First one free. U Values H I 4. icnn 6M 40 $6$mt 826 Main St. V Phone 5471 f v v v v y v v v v v v v v v v v y v v v y A ak j aaaaAaaaaa At Si r f r ejlteVaeaCaWaeWiiiUdiJI