PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 10.12 Moomies Col TIME OUT! -ir Coafliiaiy Cage League ion i - - . T 1311 31 "Hoots! The Royal Caledonian Curling- Club should dismiss Mo Fherson for this brash infraction o' the rulest" warn - A NEWS STORY sometimes is misleading. The account of Oregon Tech's loss to Humboldt last Friday night, because of lack of space and lack of detailed information from Ar eata, Calif., merely said In straight down-the-mlddle style uiat ureiecn Guard Don Sutphin was ejected from the game after mixing with Humboldt uuara Kay juecnais. Because Sutphin plays hard and plays to win, he often finds him self at odds with officials and close to rhubarbs with opposing players. But manv have got the opinion that the high-scoring boy is hard to handle. COACH ART K1RRXAND has supplied some details of the Hum boldt fracas that clarifies the mat ter. It was late In the game and Ore tech was trailing, 61-65. ' On instructions from, the bench the Oregon Tech players were nat urally pressing to get the ball. They closed It to 63-65. Just a minute remained. Sutphin. along with Mechals, went after a loose ' ball. Sutphin was all-out because a two-pointer would have tied the game. ' He collided with Mechals. Mechals too a swing at Sutphin. That started a rhubarb. .' But. strangely enough. Mechals was allowed to stay in the game. But it was Mechals who threw the Urst knuckles. Sutphin was thrown out by the boys in black and white 1 '-.' SUTPHIN should have ignored . Mechals when the HumboMt eager s started the beef. ' ; But that's a stiff order. The next night Sutphin led the . Owls to a. 58-46 win with 17 points after the Owls lost the first night even though : Sutphin canned 19 points.. " At one time, Kirland said, four Humboldt players, this time behind in me score late m me game, climbed Sutphin's frame. - ' Sutphin -tended to his knitting.' ;. I thought this explanation neces f -eary- In, view- of what many sub f scribers,:ean "read into -a story". v JIM McGBEGOR has left Oregon .? 'Tech . ' i '' from. Yreka, Calif., where he was voted all-Siskiyou " County forward in his senior year, ; McGregor played some varsity ball " with Oregon Tech this season . . . ; at this writing Vanport must be given the favorite's role in the Oreeon Colleeiate conference- bas ketball race , . V the' Vikings are i defending champions and already hold two wins over IJastern Ore - gon in conference play . . but r" look for the Owls to give the Viks a stiff battle for the crown as they did last year . . .Skeet O'Connell, , who quit Oretech's head basketball job to skipper the school's intra . mural program, is said to be mak- ing great strides . . . since taking ' over, a ski club has been formed , end eight teams have entered in 'the round-robin basketball tourna ment . . . then there's bowling, badminton, volleyball and tumbling . , . a belated compliment from this corner to Oretech Publicity Tlimetrti- .Tprrv Ylrnnnman fnl nut. ; ting out a fine, informative basket '. ball annual, a handy tool for radio and press . . . Basin In 2nd Round After the first' round of play, six teams share the lead in the 12- - team Klamath Basin independent basketball league. After tonight's second -round ; shooting is over, there can't be - any more than five unbeaten teams. Because Merrill and Chlloquln, two of the undefeated fives (1-0), collide at Chlloquln. Dorrls will , seek its second win against Klam ath Sons (0-1) in the other half of the twin bUl. . At Keno, Bly (0-1) faces Jay hawks (1-0). and Beatty (0-1) meets Keno (1-0). The sixth team with a perfect 'record, Tulelake hosts Sprague Kiver iu-ij. me opener on this front puts Latter Day Saints against Malin. Both were beaten on opening night. The hoop bills open at 8 o'clock on an tnree tronts. Rickys Eye 4th Victory TAnlffhll. .11., 1- otters unbeaten Rickys (3-0) naatiw, Manuel bull . uuiliuer . IQ, (1-2) in the 9 o'clock main event. Hercules (1-3) opens the show at 1 o'clock against Herald and News, Beesing lis urst league win (U-3) Taylor Honored : CINCINNATI, . Wl Charles tunuck) Taylor of Stanford Uni versity will be honored Thursday night as college football's "Coach ti tne year." Awyiur. wno iea me unaeraog In dians to the Paciflo Coast Confer ' ence championship and Into- the Rose Bowl; was chosen by the na tion's coaches In a poll conducted by Scripps-Howard newspapers. Ted May Be Lost To Bosox BOSTON Ifi Ted Williams, baseball's top salaried slugger, has been recalled by the U .8. Marines and. if physically fit, probably will be lost to the Boston Red Sox until he reaches the comparative old age of 35. The SIOO.OOO plus performer is one of several hundred former Ma rine flyers being called back- as replacements for Korean veterans due active service release, . Reports from Marine headquar ters in Washington were that Wil liams, now 33. will report at near by Squantum for a physical exam ination on April 2.- If found fit. he i wiu go on active duty on May 2 for at least 17 months. That would take him through most of the com ing American League season- and for aU of 1953. Williams phoned General Man ager Joe cronin from his Florida Everglades fishing retreat, saying he would "go through all of the spring training and I'll stay with the club and await further orders." Williams' chances of passing the Marines' strict physical tests for its flyers are considered dubious in that service's local circles. Ted fractured the head of the ra dius bone in his left elbow during the 1950 All-Star game and the re sulting surgery has hampered that arm's extension and mobility ever since. He still requires the atten tion of therapeutists. Hereabouts, many recalled re servists, especially flyers, have been rejected for similar handi caps. Sukeforth Leaves Dodgers BROOKLYN W) Clyde Suke forth was out of a lob as coach of the Brooklyn Dodgers Thursday, ana Billy Herman was appointed in his place, but Sukeforth said there was nothing to reports there were strained relations between him and Manager Charlie Dressen. suKeiortn, in tne Dodger organ ization 19 years as a catcher, coach and even manager for several days on occasion, , resigned suddenly Wednesday, the Brooklyn manage ment announced. At .the same- time, they said Jackie Robinson had signed his new contract, for 1952. : ' Sukeforth was in charge of the Dodger bullpenjast fall when Dres sen called- for a relief pitcher In the ninth inning to throw to Bobby Thomson of the New York Giants in . the, memorable final playoff game for the National League pen nant. He told Dressen Ralph Branca- was "ready", and Thomson hit his game-winning homer on Bran ca s second pucn. At Waldoboro, Me., Sukeforth de nied this caused strained feelings Between mm ana uressen. No figures were given on Robin son's salary, but it was reported to be in the neighborhood of $40,000. Dye Grooms Parsons fiEATTT.TT- Pi Th. Wahinatnn halrMtha11 (Mm fliae emith ,n -a. vallis, Ore.. Thursday to open what iuacii iyiy uye uays may De me Huskies' most important Northern Division road trip of the season. me uusiues lace Oregon State Pridav and fintnrrinv anrt thAv'll be playing without their prize cen ter Rnh TTnnhrofre inlnnul Int week against Idaho.' Until he was oiucuiicu, nuuoregs iea uie nortn ern Division in scoring. DnilCT Urlfln, Tl i 11 etq.t e, am. ter for Houbregs but Dye also has groomed Dean Parsons, six-foot-seven freshman from Eugene, as a Parsons, a reserve since the start of the season, saw brief action when Houbregs was injured in the Idaho game. FINANCE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS and SERVICE Example: Spend $300 Interest for 1 year $18 TOTAL $318 If you paid Nothing Down your payments would be only $X50 0 per month WMWM.,...,... . . .-....rnAr naru.L-Larnry COME IN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS HAVE WORK DONE DRIVE OUT! ALL WORK GUARANTEED , IHIi a r ftpti II BAGGIN ELK comes easy for Earl Liston (left), 2563 Wiard, and Mel Fitzpatrick, of Tulana Farms' Williamson River Ranch. The nimrods went to North Yellowstone, Mont., recently, were both back in camp at noon the first day out, each with an elk, both weigh ing between 350 and 400 pounds. The Herald and News photographer caught the men with Fitzpatrick's elk. 1 " 2' RED HURD, SPORTS EOIT09 V T- Walcott Eyes Tiff With Kid CAMDFM Tf T in cott says he has beep offered a 250 Don rnmranlA- an.1 OK na of the television rights to defend his ueuvyweigni Doxing tine against Harry Matthews this . summer at me ms angeies coliseum. In a radio broadcast Wednesday, Walcott disclosed the offer was made hv fl "Orpal fem-ila mn.iia star." He declined to name her. Matinews recently turned down a chance to meet Joey Maxim for thtt licrht hMuvarAlnh, tilta Tn Ca. attle, Matthews' manager said he had not been approached about a fight with Walcott. Under terms of the contract signed - before Walcott took the Charles last July, Walcott agreed io give ine iormer cnampion lirst crack at the title. Walmtl onA . - vnnnnaaa ka..a indicated they believe a bigger gate iiuK'ii, ue rcuiiaca uy a line ue fense against some contender other Only Vi of 1 Per Month Example: SPEND Interest for TOTAL Pay $50 Down would be only Giants Beat Walcott For Comeback Crown of 1 95 1 SANTA MONICA. Calif. fr The selection of the New York Giants a the comeback champions of 1951 was hailed by Manager Leo Durocher Thursday as "another wonderful honor for a great bunch of guys." The peppery pilot of the polo grounders paid this tribute to his men: "I never saw a team with more determination or will to win." Which explains the New York ers' surge to the National League Pennant against odds so stagger ing that 165 out of 214 sports- Gun Store, Metier Mix Victory league cagefare swings Into its third round tonight at Fairvlew. Gun Store and Metier Bros,, both unbeaten with one win, collide In the 7 o'clock curtain-raiser. TicI (0-1) faces Crater Lake (1-1) In the 8:15 afterpiece. . : $200 $6 6 months $206 and your payments , $OZ00 ' per month Leaders hSf Travel ' x JZP'S m- Friday : iCi " 01 I;.' . writers and sportscasters picked It as the No. 1 comeback in the Associated Press Annual Poll. The Giants" feat of winning the flag after dropping 13 ',. games behind the Dodgers In August earned them a total of 549 points In the AP poll for the greatest comeback by a team or Individual In 1951. Jersey Joe Walcott's knockout of Ezzard Charles for the heavy weight boxing title was rated sec ond, with 127 points. Other leading comebacks (on a 3-2-1 point vote for the first three places): 3 Bobby Feller, baseball, 52 points; 4 Stanford, football, 47: 5 Hen Hogen. golf. 40; 6 Chicago White Sox, baseball, 33; 7 Ray Robinson, boxing, 32; 8 Auburn, football, 17; 9 Joe Dlmaggio, baseball (In world scries), 12; 10 Detroit Lions, football, 11. 'Michigan State's' football team played before t a total of 426,903 fans during their nine .game sea son. . . LOOK AT THESE LOW PRICES v , ON Skis ' AND EQUIPMENT A complete range of the original CHIPPEWA SKI BOOTS 9.95, 13.95, 17.50 A & T LAMINATED SKIS $19.75 Metal Edged Skit Juvenile SKIS . . $5.95 Metal SKI POLES pair $4.95 - Complete line of SAFETY BINDINGS The four lonripra In thn tri County Class B baski-lbiill league travel tomorrow as the cage cir cuit swings into Us second round of leuituvftirc. Chlloquln visits Henley, Sacrrd Heart makes tho lonu trek lo Oil. chrlst, Bonunxa motom to Malin nna Merrill goes to Bly. In all cases, prellmlnurv gumrs pairing Junior varsity tennis of both schools, start at approximate ly 7 p.m.. wllh the varsity main event following. On tho record.-, Chlloquln. Sacrrd Heart und Hominzu look adrquntv enough to add to their unbeaten league marks (1-0). GOOD M'OT Bly looks In a good position to run Its record to 1-1 at the ex pense of the other unbeaten team, Uie Merrill Huskies. In seven gumes to date one ol them lust week's 53-31 lengue win over Bly Chlloquln has lost only to the tavorcd Trojuns of Sncrrd Heart. Henley matches the Panthers 6-1 record wllh Jut two wins In cliilil outings. The Trojans put their unbeaten 80 record against Uie Grizzlies, one-time winner In a llve-gaiuc suite to auie. II'SKTS Bonanza already holds a nun- league victory over Malin In the season-opener for both teams. But of late the highly-rated Antlers have dropped two surprising de cisions, one to Henley, Uicn lo Chlloquln Tuesday night, both klng's-X tilts. The Mallll Mustangs figure maybe Hit their turn In a game that counts. Bly holds a 4-4 record In eight outings, while Merrill hits lust one win In seven games. But that one was over Gilchrist In a league gnmr lost week and gave the Huskies a fourth share of the league lead. Lovelette Leading Scorer NEW YORK Clyde Love lette, towering University of Kan sas center, dunked ' 25 points through the hoop against Oklahoma In the Jayhawks' only game of the Inst week and retulned his lead Thursday as the top major-rollege basketball Individual scorer. Figures ot the NCAA Service Bu reau disclosed that In 11 games the six foot-nine. 235 pound Love lette had averaged 27.1 points for the team rated No. 1 for the last two weeks In the Associated Press poll. Dick Groat of Duke ranks third In the averages wllh a 24.3 murk, but lends In total points with 340 In 14 names. ! Grout has an average of 8 3 scor ing assists a game to lead the pluy mukcrs. Clarence Hunnon of Army leads Oregon's Bob Peterson In ro- j bounds, with 20.7 recoveries lo 20.2. 1 but the West Point soph has played only three games, to 12 lor Pe terson. Lindley Seeks Billiards Title SAN FRANCISCO im It looks like Howard Lindley of Portland, Ore., or Eddie McOchcan of Phil adelphia for the 8.F. Open Pocket Billiards title. But Jimmy Mills of San Jose, Calif., still Is a threat. Llndlev, with on unfinished run of 76 defeated Mills 125-113 Wednes day night In five Innings. . . Lindley nlso defeated a fellow townsman Bob Archer. 125-96 In 14 Innings. Lindley's high was 27. Brion Shatters Bascom's String ST. LOUIS IJB Veteran Vesar Brlon of Argentina shntXcred Young Wcsbury Bascom's victory string Wednesday night with a unanimous 10-round decision In a heavyweight boxing feature bout at the arena. $14.95 and $8.95 u-nvei tomorrow as me cage clr- I , . " '?f - f ' . illJi cult swings into Us second round I V V ' 9 ! & ft , 1 . ' fif I ; I I K'hrlst. Uonmmi motors to Mnllii I f. I I ' A. -Vt . J A POOLE'S Bicycles, and Sporting Goods .222 So. 7th i:'. IK BLOODY, DAZED IMo Belcastro Rets attention from Dr. Kobert Woods (right) after lust night's hectic mutch at tho armory ended in "no contest" between tho Weed Assassiflj and German Kurt Von Poppenhelm. Tho two purses wcro both held up and next week Peto and tho Proud Prussian will mix for the whole pot in a no-timo-llmit match. Pete Treats Fans To Bloody Mat Return I'ele Belcastro hasn't lost Ills knack ol Hvuillng wrestling funs nome mixing to themselves. And he stills bleeds lor the fans. 1710 Weed Assassin will be bark next week alter last night's bloody lllf with Kurt Von l'opprnlieu'u was called "no contest" bv Referee Buck Davidson. Davidson held up the purses of both wrestlers niter the wild melee finished In the Inns ol the custom ers, each holding one (nil In the two-ol-Uiree-lall match. The German handed Pete a bloody nose in Uie enrly going and that's when the tun started. FIRST FA I.I. Alter slightly more than 10 min utes of slugging. Uio Proud Prus sian scored the first f nil wllh Uie bnck-brenker. Hut flclcnslro look sumo of the sting out of Von Pop's pet hold when he turned sideways just as Kurt was bringing him town across his knee. Tho Mauling Milkman went ber serk In the second go-round and It look li I m Just one minute lo even the lall-t-ouilt. Alter chasing Von Poiipenhelni all over the ring, Bel castro Ilnally cuukIiI up wllh him and bounced rights and Iclta oil Pop's bearded lace. A shattering uppercut and a body press and Pete had the tying fall. Ot!T -ok king Belcastro latched on with his famous surlboard In the third heat but Von Pop squirmed tor the ropes. Hut Pete wouldn't let go and both fell out of the ring. Then the root caved In. Both delled Davidson when the arbiter tried to gel them buck In legal territory. In fuel, Belcaslro dropped But-k with a right hand, then knocked Von Poppenlieliu Into the second row of scats wllh a whistling right. When Pete tried to get back In the ring, Von Poppenhelm pulled htm out again, dumping Belcastro on his back, but hard. Then the German stomped Pete's head and neck with his blgi broguns and crnwled hnek In the ring, , PKNAI.IKI) Belcastro couldn't mnke It buck In the allotted 20 seconds. But Davidson refused to give the nod to the Prussian, penalizing both lor waging their bitter fight out of the ring. Next week there'll be no time limit. The winner will take the whole knboodlc. Both have prom ised an early finish. Yorg Crotorlan bent Billy Parks In the opener wllh what ho culled CHAIN PASSENGER SIZE 3.50-1 , 0.40-16 710-15, 6.70-13 LIGHT SIZE 6.00-16, 6.30-16 7.00-16 7.30-16 SIZE (.25-20 Single Highway 10.00-22 Dual Highway 11.00-22 Dual Highway BUY NOW AND SAVE PLENTY! JUCICELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE, INC. 11th and Klamath the Rumanian Cobra hold, fly an imme. it worked In 13:40 ol Uln hull-hour bout. Iliirrk-ane Herb Parks beat Gene Ulukely In the seml-wlndup, the second tail coming by disqualifica tion. Herb won the first tn 23 minutes with Uie Momplng to hold. WAHMS IT Blnkely warmed up to the task but smnewhnt too much In Uie second chapter. Alter massaging Parks' fnee wllh the ropes, the Texan cowboy wrapped Parks' fool In the ropes, then proceeded to commit general mnyhem. Davidson tried lo break It up when Blnkely was methodii-nlly Inking the trapped Parks nnsrt l with the woll-klller and any other nelnrlous maneuver Blakely could Uilnk ol. Alter warding Blnkely off several times, meanwhile trying to free Parks' leg. Davidson awarded the second lull and match to Parks. Brown's Boys Favorites LOS A NO ELKS M'.-Ifs nalhl'it new for Paul Brown, but his AnieV Iran Conference All-Slur team has been installed lis a 'i-puint In vorlte over Uie Nationals in Sat urday's pro-bowl gnnie. The people who moke the odds figure the Cleveland coach has tho stronger line and therefore Is In a position to swing the balance to Uio Americans lu a close game, The gnnie, pluyol for charity and sponsored bv the Lo Angeles new v paper publishers, will be held II Memorial Coliseum. Jockeys Hits With Fines ARCADIA, Calif. 11 Three Jockeys at 8nntn Anita have run ulnut of the Board of Stewards. Gordon Gllsson was fined '-00 Wednesday for careless riding Jan. 5 aboard Jouik, which won Uie race. Johnny Adams and Ralph Neves wero set down (or live riding days apiece for failure to keep straight their mounts after the break In the San Vicente Stakes last Saturday. SALE! CAR CHAINS WERE NOW $ 8.00 '8.20 $10.20 310.55 TRUCK WERE $13.90 317.00 $17.25 NOW M2.00 H2.75 '12.75 TRUCK WERE $25.70 $58.75 ' $75.85 NOW '19.50 '47.00 '60.00 Phone 2-2581 t it