TJIUKiMlAv". JANUAHY 10. KIM HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH KALLS. OKECJON PAGE THIRTEEN 0D iiPll t45 POM CHOPS ,ure 10 bo tondor. Once aaetin Safewav oiim in vm nM tW a big selection of tasty favorites that are high on eating satisfaction and low in price. Com . .pare quality. Compare cost. You'll find 'SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS are consistently your best buy! 5ro; Id J, ?m 'Wo. o . SEA FOODS Firm, flaky rfic steats lb. 37 Rllet of Sole Selected ' C-fC Pre-packed lb. Di Fresh Oysters Medium aCOC iuot Pint 07 Save by sliqinj your own Bacon by the Piece Bacon Jowls Flavor lor any dish Brookfield Links sSt' Pork Sausage Country slyle Pork Spareribs Heavy mealed Pork Steaks Pork Roast Pork Liver Veal Roast Shoulder blada cull Round bone shoulder cut Nice and tender Shoulder cut POMS ROfiS? Tako your pick of Loin ond or Rib and. cut of lb Loin. The perfect Pork Roast for lb smaller family. Average weights 2 to 3 pounds. Top Quality Standing Style Beef Chuck Roast Cuts Beef Round Steak Beef Rib Roast Pure Ground Beef Beef Lamb Roast Juicy Shoulder Cuts Leg o' Lamb Roast Fresh Fryers Disjointed, Pen-ready Fryer Rabbits Young. Mtty v. ekjw. - . . . - viv. it r Or Marblehead at this same price. Famous Winter varieties thick, meaty pieces. Nice flavor boiled or baked. Lb. LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT can II can If TOMATOES ORANGES Carefully Selected for U-OZ. COltOn Quality Fine Quality Large Seed less Navels PER LB. 25' 10' LIBBY'S CORNED , BEEF HASH ,43' No. 2 can ' , ROYAL SATIN Shortening ' Fof ptrftct baling I Bananas 1 II Cotdc" Fruit I 3-lb. can 83 Apples .vsswte 2 ibs. 25c Oranges 5-H.bag49c Carrots h- 12c Avocados c" 2 23c Rutabagas sib. 8c Turnips ib. 12c KRUSTEAZ Pie Crust ;35e Values for you in 0! OH Sfock up for lunches and snacks Famous '.'GRANDMA" varieties ? HONEY FRUIT, 7-oi. pkg. SUGAR, 8V4.01. pkg. RAISIN, 7-oi. pkg. FLAKY NUT, 3-01. pkg. If . eanut Butter It's time for steaming soups 1 Campbell's Tomato, IO'j-oz. can 12e Campbell's Chicken Gumbo, IOV2 02. can ..18c Campbell's Vegetarian Veg., 10' 2-02. can 14' Campbell's Cream of Celery, lOVa-oz. can 14e Campbell's Cream of Mushroom, IOV2-0Z. 1 Ranclio Tomato Soup, 22-oz.can...;.;... -18c Ranclio Vegetable Soup, 22 02. can 21c Snow's Clam C!;owder, 15-oz! can 7C QS? Strained HONEY fridge Cpuportf Hera 24 49c MUD. GENTLE DETERGENT , IVORY TIDE SOAP Powder Mediifm Size OQC large QJc Bart 45-ox. pkg. 0J GRANULATED GRANULATED RINSO WHITE SOAP MAGIC ,ftpl,g,63C. 23.o,.pkg.30e GRANULATED FOR DISHES WHITE ? JOY KING LIQUID pkg. bottle 3& LIBBY'S Tongue Spread 3-oz.can BUMBLE BEE FANCY TUNA 29s Values in Our Grocery Section Dalewood Margarine 25' Fr.-coI.r.d tni ptct.d in four Individual oibtu Fine quality nerferine, BfW te seve yea SMM. t v i' Corned Beef Ubb9l No. Vj can ALL VEGETABLE SPRY Shortening 99e Lemon Pie Filling J.ll W.I I Kraml 3b. can UNCLE BEN'S NEW RICE 28.01. pkg. 38c Savory. bontUti. cyn.d ba.t. An eHf-H-pfBe dime wrHi aaaa idaal ht lemfc time seeaVtaaee. 4'OZ.Gkg. JJC Tha modtrn, quiet, way fa mala famlty-ptaailt limM pit. CmWaf A rlrj, lai Hotcake Syrup 26' 49' SlMpy Hollow W think -tfirs h the kt taitinf ytup en ttt. martat tarfay- five K a try. y'll efrea.. ' Spaghetti & Macaroni 2 b 29' Sunrii'e brand. Gat Into tne thrifty habit of tarring one. or two macaroei athkM every 1 . . -ematr . v MILD CHEDDAR " Cheese ,.59c SUGAR Cone or Beet 10 Ibs. 89c Homogeniied quart 23c PEARS Green 4A Tag brand No. 303 can Nob Hill Coffee IJ-75c b2;'gb-14' Airway Coffee big 73c SJ-'I45 Edwards Coffee 77c 1" Vienna Sausage Ro9er 5on 1 Sandwich Spread LuBeh Boxpinf 38c Bread n. wright$, jof P' c ; White n' Wheot 1 i-lb. C Kitchen Craft Flour ,0.,b. pk9; 89c PEACHES Penthoate AC( brand No. 2'i eaB RICE SHOW BOAT Lang 2-lb. e 3ib CC Grain pkg. pkg. Zealtk " Prices In this ad ere effective throuih Saturday, January I J, at Safeway Store Cookies, 25c