THUnSDAY, JANUAHY 10, 1052 IIKRAJ.n AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Kk'?- tin- 1 2 ' :."L- Butter, Egg Prices Show Slight Decline; Citrus Fruits, Lettuce Drop COMINi HUMe Aclrcss Nancy Valentine, wife of the Mnhnrajuli of Coocli lichar, she says, by virtue of a secret l!i'!9 marriage, poxes in the Mayfnir hotel in London after her arrival in England from India. Her status as a mMiaraiioe has not been clarified by the Indian government which controls the maharajah's income. She will sail for the United States. W'urkly pond Itnvlrw lly The A.aoc laird Prm Kalull price (it biitltr, !kh, clt 'U nuili., ccli'iy mid IfUuco wurs luwur In lildit nluiM Dim wroK, C'hlokoim cunt a Mile inoro In runny place but channel In incut and poultry Ucmn generally were Irrciiulur und wrll hoiUUtciI. Milliter ahlpninnta ol tnup beam uruawln apruula, carrot, cucum lioi'H, onlunn, peppers und n(jn.ll made them a trills more cxpen Ivn nt rclnll. Ilulter und eiiK prices varied widely from More to alore und city to city, a l.'i (rniucntly the caic In nn umcltltd niurkel. Dccllnca In butter nt retail rmiKcd iiuiii one io nix cnuia u potinu, mil top Kiudo crk were off nn much nn clulit tenia In borne places with the punnlblllty ol even Mr ther cuts oi alarekeepcrit put both ItruiH hiifh nn their lluls ol ! vnrllned week-end apeclals to at tract khoppera, Butter climbed from n round '. cents n pound lit New York Ifi mid Brpirinher to nearly $1 n pound hint week before prlcen turner! down wnrd. Some Krocery store were even above. II. Kkks hnve been engine ftporadlc ally ever nlnce shortly niter Thunkn- rtlvini( Dny, nnd now are almhlly below the year-ago levels In ninny place:i. I'roductlon la expected to be nboul 4 per cent larifer through next npiinit than In the like months last year, ho no nhnrp upturn price wise la anticipated. Heavier recrlpta of Florldn or onuea. grapefruit nnd Inngerliira sent their prices oil aharply In most markets this week and drupe frull wnn (cntured an an adverllned bargain by muny stores. Cullfornlu navel oranges were down lena. 1'i'urs, hoctu, cnullllower, und ru- dishes iiImi were Mlghtly lower pnecd. And the Agriculture Uc purtment put klllnrds kale, escur oli:, endive und hplnach on the bent' ouys lint this weak. . 'ilie Agriculture ' Depurtinent stressed hum, pork and pork prod ucts thin week nn moat-plcntlful loods for thrifty buying. Food prlcen at the wholesale lev el dropped thin week to the lowest iivcrniie level alnce Nov. 14, 1050, according to the Dun & Bradstrect food Index. At It compared with S0.04 last week und $7.02 n year ago. The 11)51 low was S0.03 on Dec. 18. Thin Index represents the total cost at wholesale of one pound each of 31 foods In general use. Tele -fun by Warren Goodrich Montana Now In Spud Battle WASlltWITON W nep, Mann field ( I). -Mont. I Wednesday pro tested that new celling prlcen for poiatoe discriminate against Mon tana urowers. lie told a reporter he had written to the Ofllce of 1'rlce 8tnhlllr.allon after receiving, complalnin Irom Montana farmers. The new potato celllnd prices, an nounced last week, are to be ef fective January 10. They will pro vide for price rollbacks nvcrnKing from five to 10 per cent. Mnnsfleld quoted William Ander Hon. a KTOwer at Deer LocIkc, Mont as saylUK that nil potatoes sold firlor to December l.'i were Mild at ess than pt'rlty, and that Rigwcrs must avcrauo approxlmaiely lot) per cent ol partly over a period of venrs to continue In operation. In 193B n, strnnue 5-fool-lonir fish was cuimlit oft the tin of South Africa v.hlch was believed by Ich thyologists to have become extinct bO million yearn uuo. SNAPPY HOT DISH MACARONI ' we ' Fill Your Cupboard with the Very Best Foods at Savings We can't beqin to fill this ad with all the excellent values in nationally known, packaged foods . that are ready to fill your cupboard at bargain prices. Buy in quantities . . our spectacular "dollar" values plus our week end specials wil save you plenty at Oregon Food Stores! Remember Ve meet all Legitimate Advertised Prices! . ci i4 4 '1, S,t'A "Why, I wouldn't give yon two scents for that old llst.l'll look up the correct numbers!" . . . Keep your personal list up-to-date by checking it with the latest directory . . . Pacific Telephone. . . taa-. Vv . IN MOTHER'S OATS Hi -I CiDaVSV.Si. 4 Festive Colon for Mixing and Matching.' Whil a thrill to collect ihe vtlushle, uicfu! premtumt ihil come intide every bin iquiri ptcktie of Mother's Oilsl Start todiyf No waitittR no coupons nn money to tend for IhU gaily colored Oarnivsl X'are, or Alumi num Wire, "lire-Kind" Cup and Saucer, or 'Wild Rote" pattern China. And rcmemhtr, there's no rinerqualily, more dtltcioui, mnra nourishing oaimcal for your family than Mother's Oati! Gel it lodayl MOTHER'S OATS a product of THE QUAKCK OATS COMPANY NONESUCH AflnceMeaf mm PRODUCE SPECIALS TOMATOES Bluebird tube 29c LETTUCE lb. 15c GRAPEFRUIT 8 lb. bag 49e GRAPEFRUIT Large Siie each Sc POTATOES U.S. No. 1's 25 lb. bag 1.59 Poteefs Market Owned and Operated By Bob & "Peanuts" Potect Good Lean BEEF Roast ib. 59c Skinless WIENERS LB. Pure Lard ' 4 lb. Carton ' 85c . Kraft's or Borden's . .' COTTAGE CHEESE , Pinr 24c I 'iPint 13C DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Krispy Crackers 2 bobx 57c Sunshine ORANGE SLICES 1 Ib. Bog 25C Durkee's Coconut J0bzog25c Durkee's Whipped Dressing 59c Hi-Pop Popcorn 2 for 29c 8 or. Can Hunt's String Beans 82fer 29c friskier Kroft Dinners 2pkgs 29c Borden's American CHEESE '."A 69c Jewel Shortening 3 lb. 79c Borene Granulated CA1D Ciant 70. ' Dka. H 1 Bar Feedman's Borax Soap Free Ken-L-Meal DogFood 5bQbg 59c , Bond's Fresh, Sweet Cucumber DiriIEC 12 oz. can 15c RosebowlNo. 1 Sliced ' ' Peaches 2 CQns 29c Prices Effective Friday ' and Saturday 1710 Oreaon Ave. .... Phone 3860 y,, Frea,. Tbclirery On $5.00 .""Orders. H Or Over, Save With These DOLLAR SPECIALS Yellow Quarters "A'? - A NUCOA Green Beans CORN whole Kernei P Happyvale BE AC Early June Ib. pkg. Stringless Cut No. 2 tins Rio Grande State Fair No. 303 tins No. 303 tins No. 300 tins 17UJ A TitEC IVPiMIULJ No. 2! i CATSUP Kew Potatoes """" . 300 FRESH LIMA BEANS DICED BEETS Di" N. 2li. PINEAPPLE TIDBITS. 2 ti. FRUIT COCKTAIL '""r,.,.. HOMINY Wk- ASPARAGUS A,6""SN!',in, V S il SSP Hk. til av ooi Mm&r TUNA T MACKEREL J0U,hernGem SARDINES Mo,e',n0i, Vi't No. 1 tin 4 for ! 8, 1.00 7,, 1.00 8,., 1.00 10,., 1.00 5, 1.00 7,, 1.00 11,.v1.00 8,.. 1.00 10 1.00 7,1.00 4, 1.00 9... 1-00 3,., 1.00 6, 1.00 6,, 1.00 10,1. 1 i W 1. 1 u,r I CRATER LAKE FLOUHu so ibs. 359 Mayonnaise Qt.65t Sandwich Spread : 45' CiDEul ""-eAPPle. Gaen49c PEACHES - 23' TUNA Liyhf, No. 23' ? ' Meat and Produce E Specials for Fridav & Saturday . X I JuicaSixe i 1 f I s Oranges usz -,c 1 Grapefruits: 8 48cl UJ I Blue Bird A Orl g Tomatoes -"-U c ui I . I - Potatoes;b10-55c JPotatoes 10c49cl I jlLettuce & - 2E I 1 Don't Shop Around Yellow Bag 75' NYLONS 51 GAUGE IS DENIER Red Ib. Bag lb- Grocery price, effeeriv. rrioooy thru Sunday 73 I ' 89t, I rv55cl COFFEE PensSS55c FOLGER'S J Country Style I ,t 89' ( Porfc Sausage 39c hked Bacon -J9c; ' .IT peed Bacon fv4fc) ; 4480 So. 6th , If' UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE EVERY FOOD ITEM WE SELLT z. o ) ui fid O ui loiioiirii mm mm 4480 So. 6th 1749 Ore. Avo. . WE RESERVE THE ?410 a Uh NO SALES TO RIGHT TO LIMIT, ' 30, OTn DEALERS OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABfcLS SAVE OREGON FOOD t