PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1052 Check Forger NabbedByFBI ? CHICAGO W) Robert W. Frel tnann, .11, w jelwd by th FBI Wednesday nJ admitted, agents .Id, refletfertag 0 times for the draft to get Identification cards needed - to cash 17,700 in litolen .checks. ' ;.',,.. ::' Harry V. O'Conner, hend of the Chicago FBI office, said among Checks Frelmann stole was a (60 government check issued to Mrs Joe Willie Riley. ' Mrs. $lley, a Gold Star mother. War classified 1-A by a draft board recently and ordered for Induc tion. A board official said a false endorsement on Mrs. Riley's checks may have been a factor In classifying ,"Joe Willie Riley" -A. '; O'Connor quoted Frelmann as aylng he needed the registration cards for Identification in cashing cnecKS ne awie iruiu iciici wm -..the past two years. tuna Boat Springs Leak ! ASTORIA UFI The Astorla owncd tuna ship Tin lan is heading back from the Pacific with a leak. r The leak was found when the ship was 400 miles south of here, eff Cape Mendocino, Calif. . The captain, A. A. Anderson -Seattle radioed to the owners, the Columbia River Packers Associa tion that he had turned back. The report Indicated there was no dan ger, and that the ship would reach port Sunday. . , It had been bound for Japan to pick up f load of tuna for process ing here: A converted LST. the Tlnlan carries s. IB-man crew. Tax Evasion Charge Filed ' Charge of. federal Income tax evasion was. filed here yesterday afternoon in the office of U.S. Com missioner Bert O. Thomas against Dr. Miller E. Cooper, dentist, 1062 Melrose St. Dr. CooDef was released from custody ol U.S. Marshal Paul M. HanlUi of Medford after posting of 11000 bond by Keith Cramer, 239 Alameda and W. J. Kessier, 20H Melrose. According to 'the charge Dr Cooper Is accused of "attempting to defeat and evade- large part of the Income tax due and owing the United States of America or the calendar year of 1945 . . . by filing a false and fraudulent In come tax wherein he stated his in come was $4191.40 and the tax due was $664 , . . wherein his net in come was actually $10,071.97 and the tax due was $2426.63." Dr. Cooper's attorney, L. Orth Sisemore, did not. indicate what action his client would take, with regard to the charge. -Commissioner Thomas set no date for appearance before a fed eral court judge In Portland. ' killed PORTLAND I The- first traf fic fatality of the year was record ed here Wednesday. Fatally in jured In a two-car collision was Mrs. Anna Clayson. 78, route. 4, HUlsboro. DIES DEPOE BAY UK The founder of the coastal community of Depoe Bay died Wednesday , while on vacation in cmua vista, am. Ke was Paul Baird, 64, who or ganised a land development com pany for Depoe Bay 25 years ago. He operated the first store, service station and postofflce here. Fishermen Quit Bridges ASTORIA m After two years with Harry Bridges, Uio Columbia River Fishermen's Union Is going obck to independent status. Secretary Robert Hicks reported the union decided by a IB-vote mar gin to drpp its affiliation with Bridges' longshore union. The fish ermen Joined Bridges' forces two years ago after dropping from the CIO. Once a 3,000 member union, the fishermen now have 400 members. They lost 1,600 cannery workers when they left the CIO. The can nery workers formed their own unit and joined the CIO. Wife Of Ship Skipper Waits PORTLAND W The red haired wife of the Pennsylvania's captain waited anxiously Thursday for word of the rescue of her husband and the crew of the stricken ship. "He's always come back safely. through tne war and all. but It's certainly hard, waiting and not knowing," said Mrs. -George P. Plover while waiting beside her radio. Waiting with her were the cou ple's two sons. Patrick. 14 - and Timothy, 10. Plover was skipper of merchant marine ships in the Atlantic and Pacific in World War IL He also survived one previous shipwreck. That was at the mouth of the Columbia River In 1930 when the Admiral Benson ran onto Peacock Spit ' He was Quartermaster on the ship. Entry Veto Brings Suit; YAKIMA (IPt A Chinese res taurant cook says "maybe the Sec retary of State made a mistake" because his two oldest children have been denied permission to cu ter this country. NO Seld Poy has sued the Stnto Department In district court, nam ing the highest offlclnl. .Dean Arh. eson. and seeking to compel the secretory io aid in outuinmg entry permits. Poy's wife, the firmer Wong Shee whom he traveled to China to wed In 1926, and their youngest child Mary Eng. who will bo two next month, arrived from the Far East two months ago. But Poy was tuib'e to obtain permission for NO Bat Gum,. 20, and NO Chut Pan. 19. to accom pany them. He filed the. suit after consulting attorneys here. He be gan his efforts to get permission for his family to Join him when travel restrictions began to tighten two years ago, contacting . the American consulate, general at Hong Kong. "I was. turned down In Hnng Kong because I couldn't remember the answers to all the detailed questions," he said. J0R SCH001TIMI . Jl - 1 ...tew- 0 TIMOl' MACARONI MEBMM NUCOA Prune Juice SOS Scouring Pods PUREX Del Monte quoit large pkg Vl gal. sardines Corned beef RAISINS APPLESAUCE OYSTERS 29c 29c 24c 25c 10c 48c 4 - 69c 19c 39c No. Va tin Swift's 12 oz. pkg. Standby No. 2 tin 4 oz. tin KRISPY CRACKERS Mb 31 c i 2 lbs. .... 60c SPERRY'S PANCAKE FLOUR 10 lb. bag $12 LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE .4eVoz.tin 29 FREESTONE PEACHES No. Vz Tin 2 9 MRlS-VEfiflABlES APPLES 35-2.98 GRAPEFRUIT 8 49c CELERY HEARTS - 25c TOMATOES SPINACH ; Potatoes cello bog SELECTED Potatoes Red Klamath .Gems Prices effective Friday and Saturday we reserve the right to limit. FREE DELIVERY on gro cery and meat orders. total ing $5 or more. Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30. Puicusai&i ri SAVE ON "HONOR BRAND" ORANGE JUICE .,. GREEN PEAS .. CUT CORN ,. SPINACH - . CAIIACU Cooked POTATOES FF YOUR CHOICE 16 oz. rench ries 9 oz. Ll PKG. Save With These Dollar Specials! ASPARAGUS "tSS:..- 3..J1 GERBER'S BABY FOODS 12..J1 ORANGE JUICE 4 ,., $1 TUNA Von Camp's 4 No. Vi tins for w TOMATO JUICE D""-" ... 4,$1 PEAS Do' Mon'' Eo,ly Gor,'B j TOMATO SAUCE H""''' ...15 ,.,$1 Durkee's Va lb. cubes, lb. CLOROX BLEACH Vi Gallon 28c STOW 'Pcnant' Maple Blend 22-oz. bottle 29 CATSUP -STOCKTON 12 oz. bottle 15c Wisconsin 2 years old lb. NABISCO SUGAR WAFERS com 2 pkgs. 25c s&w Vacuum Pack ' lb.' CHICKEN SPREAD Haley's No. Va Tin 10c AT A SAVINGS! Swift's or Morrell's LARD 45c WILSON MIDGET t p Qt; CAMMED HAMS - 2) BACON SQUARES lb FRESH RABBITS FRESH CRABS PORK . ROASTS Center Cut Shoulder DURKEE'S "AA" COLORED MARGARINE PEAS ib. Royal Club 303 tins -ll-YYvv-jyTAAj-in A a ib a. k. . . . . SAVE ON THESE PICNIC TINS! CORN 14c PEAS 13c BEANS 19c Tomatoes 11c VEG-ALL 12c feaches PEARS 19c APPLE 19c GRAPE. iricots 15c FRUIT 14c liii NBC SHREDDED WHEAT 1 9" KA 125 Ft. Roll WAX PAPER 23( , Quick or Regular MOTHER'S OATS 52' Regular 32e TREND PKG. 19 White Spear Pastry 5 lbs $5 AEROWAX Self -Polishing liquid WAX h Gallon 1.00 MORE DOLLAR SPECIALS! PEACHES "" Fre"""' n.. va 4 ( $1 GREEH Beans c"'""'c"' 7,$1 PORK and BEANS v" c""'''',.. 8 , $1 TOMATO SOUP.''""'"" CORK Thrce Si,ter'' Who,a Kernel 303 1 for SI GRAPEFRUIT JUICE $"" 75 8 $1 PRUNES Tracy's, Confectioniiod No. 2 5 , $1 PRODUCE FEATURES! LETTUCE 2hd.25c TOMATOES ""?r.. ,.fc. 29c Grapefruit AZ. 8,490 Potatoes 50 ,b. 1.98 ORANGES New crop Nereis Ib. 8c GPIGG'S Pjf iDfirWM D FOODS Kl BUD HANSON'S MABKET QUALITY MEATS ONLY SATISFACTION ALL-WAYS TENDERIZED SMOKED Morrell's Pride Tenderiied HAMS taA 59c Shoulders 45c RED ' PORK FRYERS 43c IIOASTSTv,:v45c SLICED BEEF BACON va,; 49c ROASTS., yt 69c BEEF , . PORK - . , -