WEDNESDAY, .JANUAKY 0, 10M HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE r -i Heavy Fighting Breaks Out In Korea; Reds Mass For Assault; Planes Work WINS CONTRACT Kath leen Hughes (above), a wil lowy blondo with hazel eyes who was born right in Hollywood, is the winner of 10.12's first screen con tract. Universal-International signed her up after a talent scout spotted her on a radio program as he sat in the audience. She is 5 feet B Inches tall and lives with her mother. Victim Of Cancer Dies ATMNTA Vi A foiir-vsir fljhl atalnat cancer hat ended In death for IB-year-old high ichool beauty queen whoso ahtllereU romance with a young aallor touched a nation a heart. Dark haired, dark eyed Betty Thompson died late Tuesday after noon, valient to the end. Her parenta. Mr. and Mrs. E. P Thompson, said Betly had been growing weaker steadily for U past three weeks. 8he was con scious until about four hours before he died. To the very last aha was atotit hearted. "I am rendy to die." llctly told her. Umtly. Tuesday. "Don't break down or grieve for me when I am gone." Last May her doctor told her she was Incurably 111. A Utile liter, Betty broke her engagement to Tom Amburn, her IB year old sailor awocihearl of Sioux Falls. B. D. Soon after learning that she was hopelessly 111, Belly said brightly:. "Tha doctor told me to llvo one clay nt a time, and that It what 1 intend to do." Murder Charge Filed Today EVKHETT, Wash. l,B Humid 0. CIihsu, 31, won cliiirifcj with! 1, rt ucjde iiiiisrK'i- i,. uv (l connection with the death of Ur, I ItuMtcll H. Bradley, Everett upturn-otrl-il. Uiinne, furnier IJiirrhiuUiii, W;.h. ' nun nhal, told uuthorltle.H hint week he strmiKled the uiionioirlt and 1 ulio wiin ranpoiislhle lur the dculhsl ul two other prruguii, Tna Jusvite iu.i. H LGiniihilnt filial by I'riMucutor Phil Hlicrlilmi i hnrn ,1 ' Bradley wiih choked to dcuth by the ex-miirshul. The ilculh In Dec. 1UW urittlniilly wan altiiliutoil to a cormmry Oiroiiihuxl. : 'I lie murder tin. mo lollowcd an BUttiy 'it r.oini'.a .lo.iiu- ,11'ui.i on Dr. Bradley's body. Bherldun said the autopsy revealed Bindley 1 had nut died of naturul causes. . Chase, held here on ftrnl degrco arson dm rues, told County olflccrn last week ha killed ' Dr. Bradley and robbed him of 1038 alter they had met In a bar. i Chase also sitld he killed Leonard M. lWii, SO. nt tn No' fern ii hi , Hospital at Bcdro Wooiley In Jun-:- . !. rn-' a mm c 'e i . -v i at San Francisco last September! or uc-.ouer. Seaside Man Heads Medicos SALEM Mi Dr. O. C. Hag meter, Brn-lilc physlciuu. Is the new president ol the Orcfc-on State Board of Health. He was elected here Tuesday at the Board's annual meeting to suc ceed Dr. Thomas Orllflth, The Dallcr. Serving with Hagmeler will be Dr. N. E. Irvine, Lebanon, first vice president! l L. Rlgas, Port land, recond vice president. Dr. Harold M Erlckson, Portland, will continue as secretary and State health officer. In other action Tpdttv the Board allocated f2t.1U federal hospital grant moruxv for constru tlon of the proposed Santlam Mem orial Hospital at Ftaytnn. nd re commended that the Stata Health Of'lce in Portland stay open all day Saturday. By Ml Ml rtNP.TI SEOUL, Korea l South Ko rean troopa killed an estimated 1.000 Chinese near the Panmunjom truce talks site Tuesday In the war's heaviest fighting In six weeks inr ii. H, Kigmn Army reported Wednesday. But the South Koreans had to give up two biiiiiII hills west of Koruiidpo when the Reds hurled i.ho"t 4,nn troops Into the battle of Snsl Bulge. The vicious battle has raged since Dec. IX. Tne Allied troons were Identified Wedne-dsv ' "l fnntrymcn of the Republic of Ko rea (UOKl Division. An Eighth Army briefing officer said since the fight for the outpost began, 3.070 Communists hnve been killed, H52 wounded and ten cap tured. He snld Allied were "much lighter," but gnve no fig ures. A new scrap, broke out during the curly morning darkness near Heartbreak Ridge on the Eastern Front. An attacking Red platoon pushed n United Nations unit out nf an advance position, but the Al lies recaptured It In a counterat tack. Allied Naval forces on the north east coast pounded Red troop posi tions near Kosong. Carrier based planes from the Essex and Valley Forgo cut roil lilies In 10 places. Pilots snld they killed 181 Com-miMil-.t soldiers. Fifth Air Force fighter oomoer pllois snld they hit 34 Communist Held guns Wednesday In bombing, strafing and fire-bombing attacks immediately behind Red front lines. V." "chun-ler'eu mnrfe P cms In re II lines In the Sunchon Chong Ju area of Northwestern Korea, 4 irk. w -"fa Mb I THEODORE WRIGHT (above) has been named assistant to the president of the Southern Pacific railway. Writjht joined the SP as a clerk In 1911. Terrorists Blast Legation Autos SAIOON. Jndochlna W Com munist terrorists exploded delayed action artillery shells In the rear trunks of two stolen U. 8. legstlon cars in the heart of Saigon Wed nesday, killing four persons and wounding 30. Shop windows within 100 yard radius on the Rue Calinat. the main atreet. were smashed. At the front In North Indochina, furious attacks by tha Communist led Vietmtnh forced the French to rend parachute reinforcements to the key fortress of Hoablnh, 40 miles southwest of Hanoi. Square Dance Set Tonight Square and folk dancing has be come one of the greatest of all Amerloun family recreations. It begins In Klamath Falls tonight on a community scale with Fremont school as the site. Under the sponsorship of the city recreation department, the square and folk dance program gets underway at 4 p.m. with a unique setup a room for beginning square dancers and a room for advanced dancers. Otto Ellis Is Callcr-ln-Charge, and has arranged a number of guest callers so the program will be varied. A 25 cent charge will be assessed tonight, mostly for expenses for refreshments which are to be served at about 9:30, according to Ella Redkcy. Witness Saw Money Made PORTLAND I Milton 8. An thony, accused of possessing a counterfeiting mold, was seen mak ing counterfeit dimes while he was en Inmate In the state prison, a U. B. attorney said Tuesday, E. B, Twining, the attorney, de clined at Anthony's preliminary hearing to name the witness. Anthony was released from pris on late last month alter serving a sentence on a, morals conviction. He was arrested again last week after a woman was picked up in Salem and charged with passing counterfeit dimes. The woman Is Mrs. Lucy Jackson common law wife of Convict Dew ey Jackson. He is serving a Ule sentence for murder. Police said Jackson told them he found the dimes while working In Uie prison Bnnex. Mrs Jackson said she got the dimes from her husband, police reported. Anthony's hearing was continued until Monday. Paper License Thrown Out RIVERSIDE, Calif. Ifl Re quiring a newspaper to pay a busi ness license Is unconstitutional, a superior court Judge ruled Tues day. Judge R. Bruce Flndlay said the city of Corona "abridged the freedom of the press" In imposing n &12 a year license on the Corona Dally Independent. The California Newspaper Publishers Association supported Publisher Jack Ham mond In opposing the license. In New York's Bronx 7.oo a herd of giant Onlnpngos tctn'sen r.lCMi.. eats and travels In cliques accord ing to some mysterious social rank. Ing. CHOKED GAS? THANK HKAVIN8I Moilttckltr Jgit teld trditntioa. Whin it itrtkti. uki BfU-ini tablet. Thtf contita the (tttit-aetinf tnrdtc'nei known to doctor for tha r41e( ol I haariburn, as and atmtlar dtitrtu. ISf. I tVls A A Ml Cage Meet CINCINNATI Wl The National Collr glate Athletic Association Tuesday stamped It official okay on the western regional basketball tournament to be held March 31-22 at Oregon State College. Pacific Coast and Mountain states champions, and two teams picked at large, will compete. National finals will be held at the University of Washington March 24-2 One Call Gets Them All! On cell to CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS geti you ell tha services you nttd to solve your transportation problems. Of offers COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS STORAGE, LOCAL CARTAGE, POOL CAR DISTRIBUTION, HEAVY HAUL. ING SERVICE, LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING in all major Western distribution centers plus fait, dependable MOTOR FRE.IGHT SERVICE t more then 900 important points from the Grsst Lakes to trie Pacific Coast. RIGHT NOW we have -1,0C0 of WAREHOUSE SPACE for you at , . . KLAMATH FALLS call 41S1 today! KLAMATH FALLS TERMINAL: 645 Bread St. Mountaineers Drop Eleventh LA GRANDE. Ore. tf Eastern Oregon College lost Its 11th atralght basketball game Tuesday night, bowing n-ltf to Seattle Pacific College. GARY, Ind. Wl The Gary Jun ior Chamber of Commerce, which annually presents a distinguished service award to one of Its own members, got shock Tuesday night. A (.election committee (composed of non-members) reported to the Jaycees' annual meeting that 11 could find no outstanding member In the organisation. ICE ON YOUR WINDOWS? -WET WALLS? DRIPPING WINDOW SILLS? MILDEWED WALLS? These conditions can be corrected easily and economically - Bring your problem to us Advice free -of course Swan Lake Moulding Co. Phone. 3169 i 3226 So. 6th St. - Time Tells In Building - m ftm f vecmbofi we new J i ' fv.:.ff;s w m w or m - s m sVaaAOsiHinn m m earn rSm P'51iea "wseP 2 mocx ii - .wer wonder cat II W- -...i,'..J...MJ Gam fll N wFsP WWFra?FwWW WWW WffllWlf f yHTffTWWWWTWyY 5 .. ... HARD OF HEARING? 10MEW Improvements in Better Hearing are packed into the new Silver Anniversary S0N0T0NE ! sonotone m Stf CirtrfliRg V Mr ! 1,1 Nwm 1 Midget lir m e Ij-""""- A Supfreswr. J conduction hf y Jmm0?ry p ' lBofltCondoctioal J A tafiBfMr I Improved tone t , V,A AttacbMenL ( quaUty. Better I X J V srt3"n : Pmnt fer Yfi$?s''U 'Ns e,ar- I I lCertiir - TH f kSs1 I CwforEaiyt K Economy 4ttA) L Weariss. Electric r Cone see this . great new SoMUte today! SONOTONE 839 E. Jackson .Medford, Oregon Hearing Center WINEMA HOTEL January 10, 9 AM tc 9 PM L I ii "i 'i ' ' i I qeh? i ...that makes this G-E SPEED RANGE You get both, for the price of the G-E Leader range alor '. ! Yes, now you can have deluxe, automatic G-E "Speed Cooking" luxury and you don't pay one red cent extra for the amaring G-E Lamp and Timer unit that makes your range com pletely automatic. . . THE LOWEST PRICED FULL SIZED, FULL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE ON THE MARKET TODAY! HI-SPIED CAIROD UNITS with five exact cooking speeds! MG MASTER OVEN bakes, broils, roatti, with electrical accuracy) BIG THRIFT COOKER 6-qt. deep-well cooker for easy, economical meals! BOTH FOR THE PRICE OF THE "LEADER" RANGE ALONE A $259.95 Value For Only $20995 LIMITED QUANTITY SEE US TODAY I If I Q.,Q,NAL , . Silk Taffeta ' f V Shantung if. 22'5 Silk, symmetry end spring three fashion ingredients carefully blended by DOROTHY HUBBS to set your belt foot forward. In pure SILK TAFFETA SHANTUNG, brightened by rhiiW stone buckled bows on the sleeves, this dress is t natural Sprint selection. Colors: Rose, Cold, Natural sires: 12. 18 SHOP THE STORE YOU ENJOY THE TOWN SHOP 500 MAIN ST Pick out your '52 Studebaker today! FYCK' 1001 Main , Phone 2-2518 X: AlcCilloch Motors Klamath Ave. AT 8th.