PAGE EIGHT HERALD ANT) NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WKPNKSDAV. JANUARY l), 1952 . ..n . - day. 1:45 p.m. Masonic Teninle for election of officers fol lowed by cards. Mariner Meet at First Presby terian Church tomorrow, 6:30 p.m. for potluck and forum on juvenile problem. Circuit Judge David Van denberg and Klamath Juvenile Of ficer Francis Mathews are to speak and answer Questions from the au dience. Promoted Merle D. Booth, son of Mrs. Blanche HUinski, 2334 Jiome Ave., and Mr. Arlcy Booth 1784 Arthur fit., has been promoted to the rank of sergeant wnile serv ing japan with the 40th Infantry Division. He entered the army in November 1050 and is now serving ai a company aidman with the 234th Infantry, Regiment. Mother's Club of Sacred Heart Academy will meet Thursday 'l:3tt p.m. in the Academy auditorium. Rummage E-i'e The Mother's Club of Sacred heart Academy will hold a rummage sale in the near future and all pertous having ar ticle to contribute are asked to take them to the academy as soon Dwayne Proett as hostess. Ruth as possible. iMcClellan will give the lesson. All , - women of the Peace Memorial The Merrill Home Extension Church are urged to attend. Unit will meet Thursday, 1 p.m. 111 toe recreation hall lor a lejson Congregational Church Officers on easier ironing tips No. 2. Pro- will meet tonight at a special meet Ject leaders will be Mrs. Charles to.s 7:30 at the parsonage. Dessert Cunninuham and Mrs. Warren wu be served. Girl Held On Theft Charge An 18-vear-old rhilrmnln Tnrflnn girl, Pauline Hemdon, has admit ted Uking "over 1100" from the person of Elmer Manning, 48, as he apparently uty ut-au in bathroom of his Agency Lake cabin, accorulnn to r fli Agent ! rosier, Montana. The FBI man sain uie girl ex plained that she believed Maiming nad mcrciy passed out louowing a drinkina nartv in his cabin Fan-haven PTA Meets Friday. Larceny cliarsros were nieH 7:30 p.m. Special program for fath- acamst the girl yesterdav be.ore ert. Refreshments. IU.S. Commissioner Bert Thomas and she was placed under a 11.000 First 19SS Meeting Kathryn (bond after waiving preliminary meet Friday. 10:30 a.m. with Mrs. Bailiff Post Abandoned Here The Job of bailiff of District Court has been abandoned and the small duties of Uie position have been assumed by Constable Ouy Mer rill. vn order abandoning 1Mb Job was signed by members of Uie County Court on recommendation of Dis trict Judge Nick Carter. li nad been created last August Merrill Hi News By YVONNE t'ONNIilt and KI)N MAK KKKVKS We're all back from our Christ mas vacation and busy studying for semester tests, which will be given at the end of the week. Merrill Huskies defeated the Gil christ Ortaslies at Merrill, 40-3B. Jan. 4. H was our fli:t conference team as a sort of pension position for game. Merrill Huskies "B" iiary . cozed In recocmtion or ; imn th tiit tn M his many years as constable, and Malln traveled to Merrill Jan. paid 1100 a month. Cosnd died Dec. 5 to win a victory, 4iV30, In a 29 at Snn Mateo. non-conferenrn same. They also bent our "R" leam SB-SI. Merrill will inert lv on their basketball court for the second oontetenc same ot Ihe season, Friday nlithl, Jan, 11. Prtirls cornea to Merrill (0 chal lftiee our Huskies In a non-con-frrenoe name Suturdav, Jan VJ. The proceeds of thla anine will 80 to the March of Dimes. B General I Hans Froi I BOOKKEEPING I Service 2154 St. tth PK.. 3 03v3 Fruits. Everyone Is tend. llrrri-H tn ;. Lames io rtrst cnurcn of uod will meet all day Thursday at the winotn. uvifir. r-inh rill mt home of Mrs. John Vicar. 3038 Can- Thursday 2:30 p.m. at the Wlnema jn0D Ave- Potluck luncheon at noon. school. Mrs. Harry Mitchell is president. Roald Lodge S3 Sons of Norway will meet at the City Library Audi torium Friday, t p. m. Maniung'a body was discovered yes;erday morning by Joe Betlle. who was delivering eggs at Uie cabin. State police who Investigated, said death was apparently from natural causes but added "that an autopsy would probably be con ducted. Manning, a former trapper, re cently ODeued a hunting and fish ing guide service. The Indian irl said that after taking Maning's money as he lay on me Dathroom floor, she re turned to her Chiloquln home with out knowing Uiat Manning was dead. TAX OPPOSED The Final Meeting of the Com munity Chest will h hlri at Lh C'humoer of Commerce rooms, 4 ' To Portland Mrs. Paul Dalton p.m. January 14. ruiaj reports ure I'"1 "J "T roruana mesaay, TOKYO Ll Seven hundred ren. to be g.ven and all division heads. 1 where she was called by the illness members of the board, chest agen-, her sister. Eva. wife of Dr. ermen. packers, exporters and sea- cy representatives and county work- jKben Coe. mrn signed a petition Wednesday crs ere asked to be present. - - , I p-w'-n prcwed n-v v. s m. uiiui mHim Mrs. narry i-eiiz : - , , . Sr so c-irtnr.ri. i- i . mw Km irozen (una v. . vaww aw V t 1U1 COMING!! THE NEW 1952 VR0L ; Cfn MADE WITH as m r E : CHE 1X1 Traveling Mrs. M. R. Laird and Mrs. N. C. Wilkinson, Tulelake, will leave January 18 lor Burlington. Vt. where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Laird and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laird. The men both serving with the Air Force at Ethan Allen Field are twin sons o Mr. and Mrs. Laird. Mrs. Raymond Laird Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs. Robert Laird Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester LonfVvnhr mUn Ar TV ,1 .(---, www v a UJC- Aloha Social Club will meet Fri- No Tax Up Seen Coming WASHINGTON W Key con gressional leaders agreed Wednes day there will be no general fed eral us increases this year even If President Truman asks them. Chairman Taft tR.-Onioi put the Senate Republican Policy Commit tee unanimously on record against any more tax boosts late Tuesday. 'We decided that we should take position against any further In crease in ta:;es In 1952." Taft told reporters. He said Republicans al so would light to slash government spending. Taft said federal tto). .j i i taxes now take "over 30 per cent ui mc national income and that is cbout Uie limit even In an emergency. Earlier Tuesday House Speaker jv.j.uu.11 (.u.-iex.i told newsmen he doubts" that Congress will pass uiureabe ims eiec.ion year. Hayden Speaks At Merrill Club MERRILL John Hayden. clerk of Klamath County School Board spoke on problems of youth at Monday evening's dinner meeting pf Merrill Lions Club. He particu lerly stressed the good ef.ect 4-H Club work has on young people. Pres. Clyde H'.mmond an nounced that the "citizen of the year award will be made at the February 4 meeting. This Is the second year such cn awerd has been made. Dr. F. E. Trotman year honore recipient last .Jbe club membership voted a J25 donation to the IOOF Lodge ,,ile &.d.ef.ray expense of the an nual Christmas party held In De cember. Twenty-seven members and one guest, Mr. Hayden. were present. San Francisco where she will be Joined tomorrow by a sister Mrs. Frank Hirst. WilllamsDort. Penn The two will spend six weeks or two months In Arurona and Cali fornia. Mrs. Pelts drove through. Crater Snow Nears Record Unusual weather has brought ab normal snowfall to Crater Lake NaUonal Park, according to Chief Ranger Lou Hallock. and snow depth there mav exceed all ree. ords If It continues at the present rate. At the end of December, the ranger reported, snowfall stood at 135 inches, creater than anv nre. vious year recorded other than 1948. Total snowfall lor December (overall fall measured daily) was more than 179 inches: total fall from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 was 323.5 ! inches. Averasre total fall for an i entire winter is 22.S inches. I Hallock noted ' that three snow months are yet to come, but a!-1 ready more than 50 per cent of j the average total baa been reached. ine 44 per cent average wa-1 Ur content snowpack offers a good i reservoir for the coming season,' Hallock said. Kyodo News Service said the no tation also asked reduction of U.S. duties on canned and oiled tuna and pegging of duties on canned and salted tuna at the present level. DITCH 0af 5a far 4mmthwr NiuM N Mtltr Imw May Tm4tt jtm h IrivtJ for 1 1 chine tf rrttmrn. piatisM. iflfrftUntv. tfctttf'a foot r whaltrtr ymr kim ttnkl hit tw.-anytlHtn trmm in. f (hI-WO N O E R HALVE and USaDER Mr4iratd SOAP raa ala Dm(i4 K aWva im ia 4rm im f 4H fv-'i t hm-tm WONDEB 8ALVK U wbil. irraMlrM. aatlwBtic K sjjlr appraranrt. 8ft far rtiilarcii. Gtt WONDER SALVE ana WONDER 80AP retail ar wrr ttiaviH. Tratr arasrfcrfal prarmtlaa. SI4 fa h'limatb Fillf hy Pr).. aot) naJtrrca Drag giarti; ar yar aaaaf. Iowa droffUt. New New features! colors! New values! Soon at ASHLEY CHEVROLET lHKIM AND CKATCK LAKt C0TTACB CHttSt LOAF 410 So. 6th. Phone 4113 2 ft. DJf wafar Property Tax Return Good Approximately 65 per cent of the 1951-52 Klamath Countv oroDertv tax levy has been collected, as of Jan. 1, according to the tax office. Collections from November to that date amounted to 33.396.362.38. of a total to be collected of S3, 678,629.89. Actually the percentage of col lections is greater than 85 ner cent of the potential of the prop- ! eriy tax. since manv navments have been made in full to take advantage of a 3 Der cent dis count. Edwards Dies OSWEGO Wl Fred Allen Ed wards, 73. former Oregon football player died at bis home here Tues day after a long illness. Edwards was organizer and coach of the university's first freshman football team. He had been a resident of the Portland area for 25 years. TyeaM Ago- . Mondoy, January 7, 1929 At the suggestion of a number of ottorneys, ond on a motion of E. L. Elliott, Circuit Judge W. M. Duncan has oppointed a committee of five from the members of the Klcmoth County Bor Assoc. to study the rules of court ond the odvisability of chonges. Members oppointed ore: C F Stone, Claude McColloch, W. S. Wiley, Williom Goneng end U. S. Bolentine. . Tuesday, January 8, 1929 The regulor meeting of the Pelicon . City Community club will be held ot the club house Wednes , day. Players porticipotlng In the musicol program will be: J. Olin, morimbo, banjo ond trombone; Chorles Feosel, saxophone; Joe Gentry, piono ond Eston Kiger at the drums. Wednesday, January 9, 1929 J. F. Moguire, Sr. has left for San Francisco ond other California points, on o combined busi ness ond pleasure trip. He will visit with his sons, James and Charles who are locoted in San Francisco, end Richard who is 0 student at St. Mary's College. Thursday, Jopuary 10, 1929 William Dalton, Bert Holl Bruce Dennis, Tom Walters and H. D. Mortensen left last night to ottend the banquet in honor of retiring President Sproule end incoming President Sho-jp of the Southern Pacific. Fridoy, January It, 1 929 Announcement of o tractor farm ing school to be held here on Januory 23, hos been made by J. W Kerns, deoler of form implements. The school Is put on by the Rumley Foctory specialists without cost accordino to ' Mr. Kerns. Saturday, January 12, 1929 Miss France. Balin, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Bolin wos guest of honor ot a birlhdoy party ot her home on Sargent St. with Mrs. Bolin presiding as hostess. Guests were: Misses Mary ond Ella Frymire, Rilmo Welch Mofy VI Cromblett, Dorothy Berglund, Beverly Remand, Dorothy Nelson, Helen Kreuger, Virlginio Fernonde, Margaret Rice, Modelon Gain, ond Richard Igle. THE "Insure With Landry" Jlan&uf. Go.. LIABILITY FIRE V. T Johnson John A. McCall O. L. Themat PROPFBTY figuring on hard surfacing your floors? Do it With 1st Grade m Ml NOW-- at a savings during FIi7 Covering One Lot Of lilt? m lit II LINOLEUM '"1st Grode ... Standard Weight Marbleized Straight Line Embossed Spatter Jaspe Strypelle While It Lasts!! (Q)(g) Sq. Yd. Tile 6 B Cplors & Other Colors Reduced Accordingly-!! Now Is The Time To Tile YOUR FLOORS AND SAVE!! LINOLEUM CARPETS If Sf lffffMVf THE lAKOIST STOCK Of OUAUTy7(oO CoW$UilC''S IM U7 (AST MAIN STUICT f BL.INDS THJ KLAMATH lAJlM TELEPHONE 4?f . f ttp. tmtt M t$0. ' 2 faasf. aWflcaa it wcef fif $hltt Itwc 2 faaaa. minfd araan J Mf Wat I cwa ram a 'a jvJct f cv aatrapa ktt I wmmll cm iktlmft cfiMtV "I eaaW Caak McaraAf fa Mini uHl i4r, m$ Ukaff rfJatl. On' rtfiea will vm wafar. Mtar 9 JJ5 af'tae. Jav't alii 14 fppttrt In buffer vntll ranWtr. Ta rht fmmtmm vJca, m44 mnlmm mifwra. tmtt, apar, Vacffar Mra awcaana'atf A44 ktlmpt garrf ahaaia n4 wacarl; miti. Pawr Inf fraotaa ht a a, tmkm In afarfarsra van vntll Htm fvh. Rtmfvi Ut 9fn4 tlv mlftvfa Wrare vntfiatfVtif. na with famaroa or treaft iavct. Wtkti ii -, it.,- : It y MOULDED FRUIT SALAD SUPREUt I plj. Itmn sr Km. a.f.ln T cua Creftr L.U ll.t chfta. I cup w.Kr i tup hnktn wonun I cup fic.vy criMi, wklpptJ !j cue morairtfn. clicrrlcf I i cruiW plntaepl; mil Wr.lncrf 0nolv (fcfn In ntt wtl.r. Chill uMll partl.ffy (. foU lit c.llesc clini. cni mhlpptl tnt4, wolnult, cUrrlf a J plmtppl: Put Inf. 1 at. ttlad mtvH, .r rcfrlgw.r.r Inr! thill until Urn. CHAT LAKt COTTAOt CHEESE COOKIES (? ,up Kt"" cue tue.r Yl Hp. toll Vi tup Cr.r.r Ll. ..not. ri..e Cnan kwltor .nrf ch..i. until thnu,Mv tltnM. Sill N.urrm..firr., nt tilt with tutpr, kmkln, powjtr mni Mall. AH thlt t. flrrt Til" F.Vj lnl', ' !"i 'P". ""''" 'c. thin, .nj pl.t, tllghtly ll,i .aklnf .h..f, Sod. In m.a'.r.l. v.n 10 mlnut.i, mr until ?000 fM BCAlSe r S MiOS- BSHT trees KUMArwfiAur AUTO 419 Main Stroer Phone 5612 landry Paul 0.