WKDNKSIMY. .JANUARY 0, 10f2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAUB MVE LJ PACE-SETTER FOR STUDEBAKER'S strikingly designed new IWZ models is the "Star liniT," a five passenuer. hardtop convertible. It Is offered in both the Champion and Conimnmlw lines, and is available in eleven different two-tone color combinations. Up holstery trim Includes two different nylon options as standard, and two leather options as cxtru-cost choices. This model on display at McCulloch Motors, 8th and Klamath, Thursday. i rw I. H''. Bad Weather Kills Travel Cruli-r Lake wlntrr truvfl ha dropped 02 per cent under lunt yeBr, according to rcporU received iiore lodny from the National Park lipndquurtcm. Last month 4M cam traveled the park brlDKlnn In 310 eklers and 1000 others. Travel In December, 1050, aaw B10 nklera In the park. Chief ranit cr Lou Hallock reported that the i.kl tow operated on both Saturday and Hundaya Janl winter, and la operullnif ontS"nl,y onlv tnla year. Main reason for the drop off, he Mild, was probably the rounh winter. Delegates To File Friday CONCORD, N. H. VPi Cnndl duiea or delegate places at the na tional nominating conventions will bcnln to lite papers Friday to run primary the Unit In the nation. The voting on March 11 will at- ford a test of the strength of Ocn. i Dwlght D. Elsenhower and form- j rr Minnesota Governor Harold : Btaahen and posalbly Ben. Taft (ft. ' Ohio i If he decides to enter. ! "Gov. Sherman Adamx, who heads , the "1 Like Ike'' Committee. In dicated he will submit Elsenhow er's name after the state attorney general's office Tuesday certified the general as being a member of the Republican Party. Attorney John W. Oulder, a friend of Btassen's. has said he will sponsor the former Minnesota governor. Certification of Elsenhower as a Republican quashed an earlier con sideration by Roderick L. McKay, ty Democratic. Committee, to tilt the general's name under a Dem ocratic label. HERNIA McClure Keeps Grange Post Tax Sought To Finance Symphony PORTLAND IV) Some 4G00 signatures were filed here Tuesday In support of a property tax to I. f ,Ua n..-,la.irf (3u.nt.lir.nU PORTLAND 1,11 - Elmer Mc-1uv. ,ur - dure, Mllwaukle, will continue as Oregon 8tale Orange Master for Water Storage In Oregon Held Good MEDFORD ilPi The first snow report of 1952 Indicates water storage In Oregon mountains Is above average. The snow contains more moist ure than usual and Is Piled up In far greater depths than last year, the Federal-State Coopera tive Snow Survey reported. The report said the snow depth In the Willamette drainage area was 213 per cent above normal; Hie Umpqua 207 per cent; the the Klamath 251; the John Day 178; Harney Basin 24u: me uranue Ronde 156; the Powder 183; the Burnt 175: the Malheur 205; and Owyhee 282. McCall To Go Back To Radio Work PORTLAND 1 Lawson (Tom McCall, Governor McKay's ad ministrative assistant, will go back Into radio work Jan. 15. McCall, who has been with the governor for 2 Vi years, will again become a news commentator for Portland Radio Station KGW. He will have a 15-mlnute program Tuesday through Saturday at 5:30 p.m. RUPTURE PILES IH.mohold.) COtON ...STOMACH Im'M Vitktit WlWtil tiintiM ").00 until J 00 Moft.lliOwsh tti. JnM :00 .m. W0(i.,Wtd., PH. CDrr DcKriptivi iookii mCC Wf.po, coil THE DEAN CLINIC IN OUR 42nd Yl Aft ina. Our ft Hr 1 I 014 NOITHtAST SANDY IOUIEVARO Tljphon IMt 591ft Fori kind 14. Or. SEVEN WOMEN AFTER ONE MAN Heor This Topic WEDNESDAY 7:30 P.M. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 1735 Main St. , Klamath Fall, Ore, I another two-year term. I Ills re-election was announced here Tuesday. He was unopposed In the Orange primary election. The olflce of overseer tho Orangc'i second highest ofllce la being contested and there will be a runoff. W. O. Howes got 3585 votes 111 the primary, and will he opiHiscd by Vern W, Lanlz, Itedmond, who got 3118. Olher opponents for the finals: State Lecturer Hellish Moore. Oregon City, Incumbent, and Helen Brewer, Hilbboro. Executive committee three to be elected Bertha J. Beck Port land: Clnrence Carter, La Grande: Luke Relf. Incumbent. Powell Butte: Charles Wlcklander Incum bent, Portland; Ray W. Gill Port land; and Henry Gustafson, North uena. Secretary Mildred Norman. Bel- ma, and Melvlna Carver, roresl Drove. , 8teward Roscoe Roberts lncum bent, Medfnrd, and James King Baker County, Orchestra. An oruanlzntlon known as the Music for Portland Committee will alteinnt (o gather 14. MU signatures on petitions so the proposed levy can be placed on the May 16 elec tion ballot. The levy. If passed, would raise about 82,ooo. PREVIEW Mary Jane Wolff (nliovc) will model this fonre-shoulilL'rcd velvet swim, "High .Altitude'! hy -vCole of California, 'tvr. Hmyers gathered for the Los Angeles Market Week. ' t I Prefer Mrs. Stewart's Bluing For Best Resultsl More Die In Egypt Battles CAIRO, Egypt ifl Two British soldiers, one of theni an olflcer, were killed Wednesday In a fight between British ty-oops and Egyp tian guerrillas six miles west ol a big HmvhI Air Force base near the Slier. Canal. A British spokesman said there were several other casualties among the British forces. Guerrillas opened heavy fire on a British military convoy shortly alter daylight two miles west of Ihc RAF base. Two hours later the British Third Infantry Brigade engaged Egyptian fighters four miles farther west. The brlRHde ap parently had come to defend the ambushed convoy. A at t" X. Savt Mr. WillUm llanlinc MM S.W. SprniR d.inlcu St., rnrilaml. OrcRon. "I have lcf n an ardent mmt of Sirs. Stcwiin'it Mining lor years ami am very nlf.ictl iih the rfni1t I'm rsnfciallv plc.ivd a( hnw well Mrs. Stewart kcr ps the tuhv ft thine white: Mr. Sfwart' Mlinng i a laundry neicsnity lor really while rlothfi . . . ii tc it in either an automatic or regular washer. It's so etottomicol . . . lesi than n penny a wash! A bottle, too, in your luthroom keeps j-our "hand-washables" una r kline. Compare Mrs. Stewart's with unvkind of hhiinc at any price. Like Mrs. Hard- itiR, you'll rind it does (he best job for the teas! rosti l.et it at your grocery More. m TV- STARTING JANUARY 1st ON YOUR SAVINGS THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT Savings Deposits made on or bcfoi'e tbe 10th: of January draw interest from January First. t ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT A Three Year Certificate of Deposit Pays You 2Vi5SPer Annum At Maturity. OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT TODAY , Klamath Fills Branch jt South 6th Street Branch, Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK , S OF PORTLAND ft rf rJ-OriN 10 TO S SIX DAYS A WMK UTS IUH0 OUOON TOOfTHt" RlMib.r r.rf.ftf buwr.iK. C.r.or.tlm FANTASTIC HAT BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY AT .. . ...TWO EXCEPTIONAL PRICES 500-to-2500 REDUCTIONS ALL ONE-OF-A-KIND Rich and luxurious looking felts and velours ... in dark and pastel shades. 3" -to -10" REDUCTIONS SOME ONE-OF-A-KIND Lush piled velvets, fine quality felts in stylei lure, to please and flatter your face shape 2) JKtiM. FINAL IS N SAL OUR ENTIRE STOCK LADIES swts mm POUSSES V: 2 AND BELOW EVERY GARMENT MUST BE SOLD WITHIN .15 DAYS A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SAVE ON . . . ALL-OCCASION DRESSES MATERNITY DRESSES WEDDING GOWNS UNIFORMS FORMALS SUITS COATS NO REFUNDS N0 . EXCHANGES FASHION SALON - SECOND FLOOR ALL SALES MUST BE FINAL