PAGE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OKKOON WEDNESDAY. JANUAHV 0, MARKETS and FINANCIAL Truman Speech Boosts Grains .CHICAGO Wl President Tru man's speech to Congress helped mild upturn In grain futures pric es Wednesday. Soybeans mid lard also were higher, helped by export reports. '" Trade sources said President Truman's call for strengthening farm price support programs caused some buying and short cov ering. The advance caused profit taking, however Wheat closed higher than the Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical . Allis Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel i to 3 's cents i Boeing Alrplrtne Co. previous ilnlsli, Borg Warner March $2.55 V i. corn was up . Burrows Adding Machine to . March $1.92 ti-93, oats were California Packing to higher, March 95 V96. ! Canadian Pacllic rye was 1 to 2 cents up, May $2.13 Caterpillar Tractor '4-1, soybeans were ahead 1 ' jCelanesi Corporation to 2 t cents, January $3.01 'j-S, 'Chrysler Corporation and lard was 15 to 32 cents a hun-i Cities Service dred pounds higher, January $14.92. Consolidated Eidson Mar May July Sept WHKAT Open High Low 2.57 ' 2.59 U 2.57 2.55 a S.56 U 2.55 2.47 2.59 2.47 2.48 2.50 'B 2.48 ! Consolidated Vultec Close" j Crown Zellerbach 2.58 :!.55 2.49 2.50 : Most Stocks On Losing Side Today Curitss Wright Douplas Aircraft DuPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper NEW YORK M" Strong cross currents were set up Wednesday in the stock market by government and corporate developments, and prices were widely Jumbled over Johns Manvillc an irregular range. Kennecott Copper Losses ran to a little more thaniLibby, McNeill a point, and gains were largely i Lockheed Aircraft fractional with some issues push-1 Loew's Incorporated ing abruptly higher. jLong Bell A The volume of business came to ; Montgomery Ward a substantial 1.500,000 shares. This jNash Kelvinator compared wiUi 1.390,000 shares New York Centrtil traded Tuesday. Northern Pacific The presidential message on the Pacific American Fish state of the union evidently helped Pacific Gas : Electric the aircraft division get ahead Pacific Tel. & Tel. moderately. j Packard Motor Car American Can raced ahead i Pennev J. C. Co. nearly 8 points at times after di- IPeisylvania R. R rectors proposed a four for one stock split consisting of a two for one split of present shares and then a 100 per cent stock dividend. Potatoes Pepsi Cola Co, Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. CHICAGO (PI (USDAl Pota toes: arrivals 119. on track 206: total U.S. shipments 871: market: Scott Paiwr Co. unsettled: Colorado McClurcs $5.25; 'sears Roebuck ts Co. Idaho russets $5.75-6.00, utilities $4.- ' Sosony-Vacuum Oil 30, bakers $7.00. Portland Poultry PORTLAND WWEggs to whole salers; candled eggs containing no loss, cases Included, f.o.b., Port land: A large 53'2-M2. Potato Shipments January 8 Month to date . Soatoa to dale 19JS-31 1951-St Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift It Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft 337 1 United Corporation sow United States Plywood' 251, 75 60, 15?, 21 ( 155 03 i 49H 74, 50 ' 4t)l.j 1 18', 27, 33", 4S' SO', 69-', 9'j 33J4 184 53 , 24 58' i 90', 464 14', 59', 44', 5P, 23 43 34", 35', 47'j 68 8534 8-s 23, 17 37'. 65', 184 18', 61", 18 34', 68'2 18'4 10 27' i 23', 61 4U4 57 54'4 32-1, 51'., 55T, 365, 61 S 51'4 75'4 33', 10 'i 33', 21', 194 37 104 3234 32. 4', 33?, Weather I Basin Men To Attend Western Oregon Rainy and i OPS Confab 'I windy Wednesday. Showers ami cooler weather Wednesday niglu and Thursday. Highs Wednesday 40 to 48. Lows Wedneatay tiliiht 30 to 38. Highs Thursday 35 to 40. Winds otf coast southwesterly and 35 to 50 miles an hour Wednesday, 25 to 35 miles an hour. Eastern Oregon Cloudv and windy Wednesday with occasloiml snow Wednesday Afternoon. Kiostly cloudy with snow (lurries Wednes day night and Thursday. Highs both days 28 to 38. Not so cool Wednes day night with lows generally 10 to 22. . Northern California slowlv In. creasing cloudiness Wednesday with occasional rain showers In extreme north, spreading .south ward late Wednesday night. Show ers win reacn visalla and Santa Maria late Thursday. Not quite so cold In Fresno area Wednesday night Snow above three thousand feet. Southerly winds off coast 25 to 45 miles an hour north of Point Arena. Southerly winds south of Point -Arena will become 15 to 25 miles an hour Wednesday night. Grants Pass and Vicinity Oc casional rain and windy Wednes day. Snow in mountains. Showers Wednesday night and Thursday with few snow flurries In moun tains. High Wednesday 47. Low Wednesday night 37. High Friday 40. By The Associated Press 24 hours ending 4:30 a.m. Wed nesday: Paker Bend Eugene La Grande ... Lakeview Medford 40 North Bend 45 Max. .'. 25 34 .'...45 37 Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem .31 39 ,41 . 46 .44 Boise 32 Chicago 37 Denver - 44 Eureka 49 Los Angeles 5S New York 35 Red Bluff 35 San Francisco 50 Seattle 43 Spokane ... 27 .Mln. 2 18 39 22 30 40 3 36 36 40 12 31 16 37 29 32 36 41 18 Funeral (Continued from page one) ncy." ' . ,.' ' Tho commissioners said ' there was a general feeling among the growers that had the potatoes been left alone, tho law or supply and demand would have taken care of everything. However, thev did assert that the threatened "shippers holidays" would be bad for tho Industry. "We don't burudge, Idaho lor getting a better price (a 20-cenl premium over local spuds beeaune of 'unusual crop conditions result ing a poor crop,'" I the eommis slmiera said. "What they got ahows the formula used is flexible. There may be an opening there for ui. too." . Other commodities, they pointed out, had ceilings too. and there is llttlo chance to dcleat the Idea. "But Ave might Correct It," War ren said. Meanwhile. Klamath Growers Randall Pope and Bryant Williams were expected back today from a meeting in Boise where potatomen were mapping plans to fight the ceilings. Shipments of local potatoes were just about "cleaned up" as far as pre-OPS order potatoes go. The department of agriculture In spection office this morning re ported 60 more cars were shipped yesterday, but inspectors were ex pecting a few to go out today. All shipments to date were thought to be the pre-order potatoes. There have been no sales of potatoes at the ceiling price which isn't yet effective. 10321 Obituary II ; mm inc. si: Mf Mrt"t ' no "tc ' iri'mineM', 41. Klamath Fulls, died In Colorado Spring. Colo.. Jan. 8. Mr. Hemmlnfttn wn a native of Hutchinson. Minn., and hail resided in Klamath Fall for the pat 31 year. Survivors Include: the widow, Vr . - i .Oae Hrnimmc-n, MM '"roa cent Ave.; a daughter Marilyn. Klam ath Falls: five brothers. Victor and Paul 'of Euncne, Sidney, Albany. tloyd. Portland, and Harvey of South gate. Calif.: three sister. Mr. Helen Moore, Portland, Mrs. Anna Mae Webb, Salem. Mr. Grace Ltbke. Klickitat. Wash.; and parents, Mr. and Mm. Peter Hem minnsen of Eugene, Mr. HemmlnRten was a member of the 4th degree Knight of Columbus and the ITU. The body will rent in Ward's Klamath Funeral Home. 923 High St.. upon arrival from Colorndo Spring. Colo.. Friday morn ing. Funeral arrangements will b an nounced later. JEXXISOV Funeral services for Edna Victoria Jen ni son. 53. who. died here Jan. 7. are to be conducted from the Chaoet of Ward s Klamath Funeral Home. 925 High St., Thursday. Jan. 10. 10:30 a.m. ,..ik H Rv n Anriri-m nt the Klamath Temple officiating, interment Potatoes: 32 cars on track; Call- Potato Shipments SAN FRANCISCO l (USDAl- Wen- Friends are respectfully invited. 'arK. United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union 'Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 39'i fornia sales. t, Oregon 13 arrived, no LOS ANGELES tfl (USDA 1434 -Potatoes: 109 cars on track: Call 40J 1 fornia 4. Oregon 6. Utah 1. Idaho 9, 26'4iby truck 17. arrived. Market un 3934 settled: Klamath Russets No. 1 A 43J '$5.60. BRAND-NEW SHIPMENT-JUST ARRIVED AMERICA'S GREATEST 35MM CAMERA Free 10-Day Trial: We're so certain you'll love taking pic tures with this outstanding Argus C3 35mm camera, we'll let you use it for 10 days. If you're not com' . pletely satisfied, re turn the camera and get Your Money Back! - vii t.. : a a 1 -.-.v . i r asm 1 -"j mm i- XtJy I Complete With ,V 1 . . 'J ' ,USH ATTACH- -3aL. MINT and CARRY- 1Jl! iBSl- ,2ZJ ,N0 CASIHDnly $69.50 &J COMPLETE WITH FLASH AND CASE Check These Features: ArSUK C3 is Amprirn'a trroatHt Mmm camera buy. It's the camera with all the most-wanted features: ic Removable Clntar f3.5 lens coated it Coupled nngeflnder for accurate focus Ing from 3' to Infinity if Shutter speeds up to 1 300th second k Factory flash All these and many more features make this camera a precision instru ment that helps you obtain good" pictures in black and white or sparkling color slides. Take This Outstanding Camera Home, Today! PAY NOTHING DOWN, $1 A WEEK MAIL THIS COUPON, NOWI I STANDARD OPTICAUCOMpTnY """" j 715 Main, Klamath Falls, Ort. I Pl itnd mt en ARGUS CI cempUtt with fltlh : j one' larrying ai for mly-M. SO, , iNome ,,,M,,,,i,i,i,,i I j Addf.ll I ftcleit tUA or moniy O V4"' P,l IASY WAYS TO iur " 715 MAIN IN KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON account Q C O O. (Caih en R-opert your elej J dtllvtry) nccount - ! Q Chord fTtrmi oi( Entlott $5 (0 put (ft ! odvtr tiled) ' toyowoy ! lt'i taiy to optn en account. For faitut itrv!c, Itnd Mho nomti end eddrttut ef thfit rtdlt roftrtnH. Portland Livestock PORTLAND Ifl (USDAl Gal lic KKlnblo nmrki't luiily no tlv, niUHlly .slciuly; lew uooil 900 I.U73 lb tod steors 3t (H); tiltlttv und eommorcliil steers U7. 00-3:1. 00; odd light dulry types down to 1M.00; odd good steers 20.00; 1 lot Rood BW lb fed heifers 3J.S0; utility mid coininerclnl beef heifers aii.0O-30.0O; cniinrr nnd eiitter cows liunelv 19.-00-23.00: few utllllv cows 113.50-30.00 commerclnl 37.00-3B.0O; coiumeivlnl bulls 39.00-30.00; llllllty 36.00-38.00. Culvei snliible 00; ninrket nellve, fully stendy; few choice venleis and Unlit cnlve.i 34.00-3tl.50; com merclnl und good calves mid venl era 37.00-33.00: cull mid utllllv 15 00 35.00; scnttercd lull Koort 3H0-475 lb slock calves 35.00. Sliceu stilnble 50: setittered lots stendy; few Rood nnd clwlco wooled lninb.i 3B.50-3U.OO: itood 80 lb feeders 38.00; no sliitiKhter ewes avnlliiblc; lew cull ewes Tuesday 7.00-8.00. Chicago Livestock ' ClIlCAaO W - (UBDAI Snlnblo lings 18,(M)0: bni'row.i nnd Kills 10-35 ceiiui hlttlior; sows 35 ccnls hluhrr: most miles 180-230 lb 18.25-18.50 lew lots 18.66-lB.tW 10 order buyers; most puckers paid 18.35 down: 330 370 lb butohers 17 35-18.35; nuiiier oils londs Bround 350 lb 17.75-17.85; SW0-310 lb 10.76-17.36; sows M00 10.35. Stilnble entile 13.000; siiluble cul ves' iOO; choice nnd prime yenillims nnd llglil steers weliililnii uu to 1.15 lb mostly stondy: oilier Hiiules steers slendy lo 60 conls lower; bulls snd venleis stesdy; few londs tiverimn prime to hiKh-pi line under 1,300 lb steers 38.26-38.76: Olid Iilwh prlme loud held nbove 30.00; most hlttli-oliolcn mid prime steers nnd veurllims 35. 50-38.00: londlols prima 1.3O0-1.-I5O lb wclchts 30.00-30.76: most choice steers 33.00-36.35- most choice hellors 33.76-34.50; commer- Portland Grain POHTI..ANO I Course (irnllls, 15 dny shipment, bulk, const de livery Dills No. 3 38 ID while 70.60; barley No. 3 lb H,W. 73.00. Wheal ihldi, lo nrrlvo tnaikol, hnsls No. I bulk, delivered const: Bolt While 3.46 j; sod while lea- ciutiiim icni "110 t'""' J'llard red wlnler; Ordinary ll.4lt(t 10 per cent 3.4tl j U ,1'C i"" 2 47 'j: 13 per cent 2.4H a. llnrd white bnuit: Onllnnrv 3 4(1 a; 10 i:cr cent 3.4U II Pel' cent 3.47 'j; 13 per cent 3.48 '.j. Wednesdny s cur recenu.i; nmn III; bnrlev 3: flour 11; corn J: onl 1; inlllloi'd I). . Iclnl cows 2:1.75-311.00 , 8nlable sheep xnoo; no siinis" ' lambs sold: undertone weak; bid-, tllnu 30.60 down. nskliiK 31.00: deck j ,.fl,H veiil'lltlUt 2ft. 111. I shumhtcr fwes linn at 13.30-16 50. Legal Notice I city or fiiii.nqniK' , :, CIIII.OgDIN. URKoN ' null will m rr.lvcl at , Hall, Thuriitay, Januaiy 17, .J-"' l.r- h- Tim l J'. (, ,,, laraalatl wa and (nrn t,.i fliat ur allita wall rguplln,, J , ", .100 1 1, ".' inohati-d a anil (ion traalail ,1.w, Inn or alula wall uuui.lhua la no , " aaotluua. ,w tllla mini aoaolfy rtra.t. f ,w ini.MlMr at yaara suaraiilatO, L'llv h ' rrla.'l nv or alt bull. ' J.j 13 No. il INVESTMENT SECURITIES INVIJTMINT SIRVICI LUIad. Iliarllva, IfHllaltt aR. Uvar-ltia-lnaiitar baadi tt stark, lavaslmtnl rana-i 101 aivti.iian nm. rnaa Mdi KLSMain rALll TOTS -TO -TEENS WEEK-END ANKLETS NYLON REINFORCED 3-r.$1 PAJAMAS BOYS AND GIRLS Flannel Pajamas and Gowns Sizes to 16 $15,t0 T 1 T-SHIRTS ALL NEW PATTERNS Stripes and Figured . $' SWEATERS ALL-WOOL CARDIGAN AND SLIP-OVER Sizes 3 fo 14 ' Famous $199 $099 Brands "to JEANS r HEAVY 8 OZ. Joans Sizes to 12 $179 PARTY DRESSES SUBTEENS-REGULARS Taffetas, Pecoloy, Velvet, Dotted Swiss Sizes 7 14. Tto $5M ALL WOOL MITTENS AND CAPS 1 to 1 S79 Htm 1) in i e -Just if Unj these famous Us miyky VfipA IOUST Ch0lC6l New! delusive! And at no extra cost! The 3 dog I IOW Y I foods so famous for complete nutrition now rirf vm.r dog of bad breath and offensive body odors, too! ALL 3 CONTAIN ODOR ENDING ttUfiROPHVlUN For meal users ; ;: KEN-L-MEAL FortHM wllh chlorophyllin New meaty don meal that coats only ponniea a aerv inff. A complete food, re quire no aupplfttnenta. In 2, n, iti nnd M lb amw. Knda dug odors , . . fait I All 3 foods now contain chlorophyllin. If, the best news for dog owners since dogs You can now rid your dog offensive odors . . . SktSfiLf the rcmnrkflble ,,cw Ken.""Kfliion' ; n. B brthnn.d ,b0t!y r1"8 VnniHh liko m"Kic from your dog . . ; often after the first day's feeding! Odors completely disappear from 9 out of 10 dogs after 7 days' feeding . . . Why? N otheruc(J1niPIcle j of dog foods contains nature's odor-stop-ping chlorophylhn-only Ken-L-Hation, Ken-L-Biskijand Ke -L-Meal offer you this wonderful extra benefit. exlraActremSlm"fcr lr0phyllin "n extra ''0efit l extra cost. Complete nourishment is still-as always Ihe bie reason for (Yw nir U,. r. - . tin uiwHys ... .r...B 11V.U iuiiiuuh (10g lOOUS. btart feeding the "Kcn-L' dog odors forever. way today . . . and say goodbye to For biscuit feeding;;: KIN-L-BISKIT FertnW with Monphytlk This la the "dog food of champions" ... rich in meat flavor. A complcto dog food with sppotizing "snlft"sppsal." In 2, 4,20, and 60 lb. sines. Ends dog odors . . , fast I i mmmmmmmmmme America's leading canned dog food I KEN-URATION Forlilhd with chlorophyllin Tho fnmons dog food packed with Joan mcnl . . , choice cuts of U. S. Govt. Inspcclod. horso meal. , MOVl IT.. .WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY I MAKE THIS 7 DAY TEST I If after an exclusive feeding of Kon-L-Ration, Kon-L-Biskit, or Kon-L-Meal (or any mixture or combination of tl,eo throe) for 7 days, you arc not sntinfled in every way with tho nourishment and deodorant benefit,, your purchase price w,H be refunded. This guarantee app.ic, on,y if Koii-L,' I roducts are fed exclusively . . . wiUl0Ul duli or , mentmg with other typo foodfi. 1 Tho Quaker Oats Company, Ken-L-Products Diviaion. ' as only cemptts lint edeg foods that deohrlig as they nourish!