WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 0, 1952 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREC Inventory Coming - Stocks Must Go! Savings Up To Vi In Many Departments! Odds and Ends! Odd Lots! Remnants! One of a Kind! floor Samples! 3 TREMENDOUS DAYS OF PRE-INVENTORY SAVINGS! EVERY DEPARTMENT PARTICIPATES II: QUESTIONED IN DEATH OF TEEN-AGERS Anthony Redmond (center), 20, of Royal Oak, Mich., is shown after he had surrendered as driver of the car which struck Jessica Anastos (left), 15, and Barbara Holloway (right), 17, on a Pontine, Mich,, street, at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Bodies of both girls were found in a snowbank. Police at first suspected foul play. Police quoted Redmond as saying he was driving along tho street In a heavy fog, "watching tho time because of the New Year coming in." It was exactly midnight we were saying 'Happy New Year' to each other when I caught a glimpse of a girl's coat and felt a bump." Resources Meet Dates Announced OREGON STATE OOLLKOE DatcJi for tha fnurth Iiuilltule of Northwent Rcnourccn, which will bo lield In connection with the 1052 Oregon Blttle collrne auminer Men tion, have been announced on June 23 to July 6. . The liulltute la dcalgnrd to pro vide better underMundliiR of Uie norlliwen throUKh ucrumte coordi nated knowlediie of renourcea. Uicir dIMrlbutlon, ullllnnilon, coimcrva tlon and poleiillnlltlea for dcvclop liient. All aeaalong are open to the Ren erul public but either under uraduatn or Rruduate credit inny ba obuined for ntudenta enrolling for the full tiemliRir course. A four-day eenalon pliw apeclal mrctliwa will be held on the cam pus followed by & nine-day field trip o Boutawealern Oregon featuring forest and recreatlonul reaources. PAKTV PRETTY SALAD For a partyUh eaiy-to-muke aalad you'll need 1 envelope plain gelatin, a M-ouncc can apricot whole jrult nectar, an B ounce can trull cocktail, 1 orango and 1 imill Calavo. Soften the gcluUn 111 a half cup nectar and dissolve In the re mulnlng nectar which lina been heated. Add the canned fruit cock tail, diced orange and diced Cala vo and chill until linn. Stir a couple of timed while It's chilling. Ry MARY KG AN Yen, the wonder, worry, and work of ncineatnr cxninn Ik now upon Acndciny nluclrnln. But by to morrow noon they will be flnbhed, Unit In, for another nine weclm. Tomorrow nfternoon the monthly ntudent body meeting will tnke place, bringing to a clone nchool tor thin wa-k. and aementer. Fri day MudentA will enjoy a mld-yenr hoilday from Uie tolla of atudy. Uut Monday? Report curdnl Tlie Annual, ntuff can be een about everywhere these duys, col lecting baby picture and nnap show, running down to Guderlan'a Studio, and having more clusn pic tures taken. The deadline la not far away for the Annual to be ncni to the publisher. Speaking of deadline! a la.M minute reminder to the Junior Tucnduy, Jim. 16 In the deadline for Uie deposit on clans rings. Sonic duys come oftcner It seemn, as the Trojnnn enjoyed a first conference victory over Malln Frlduy. Last night the team again saw action agninni tne iicnicy nor netn on the home floor. Tho next conference buttle will find Inns traveling to Gllchrlnl Friday (or a game with Uie Grizzlies. The Invitation to the Sock dance after the game, an guentn of Gil' Christ, hnn been accepted. You can lie nuro Uie Acudciny "Will be Uicrc!" COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE TRY TUI8 ONE During winter months hot potato salad mode with diced hot unpeeled baked potatoes Is tops. Add sliced hard-cooked eggs, crumbled bacon, wedges of mealy ripe olives, chop chives and parsley. For dreanlng combine and cook over hot water until slightly thickened 1 teaspoon flour, 2 tablespoons brown sugar. j cup water, t cup vinegar and 1 beaten egg yolk. Tlie farmer usually gels little lens than half the amount than Uie city consumer pays for farm pro ducts. The remainder goes to hand lers, wholesalers and retnllers. RWCE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main of Esplanade Ph. 3121 - K"" i' (SEARS) V ROEBUCK AND Ca if Modernize Inexpensively With Harmony House Light Fixtures m 1 A MU W IILUaY I arangnr 4.69 CompUttly wtrad. rofclaln namal flnlih. 25. Inch overall Ungth. It. LA. accepted. Something New In Bedroom Lighting 'New VOrystalite" Design ,98 Sparkling, efficient illumination for the entire bedroom! A shimmering sea of brilliant pyramids, molded in each of four tenses, gives this beautiful fixture directional lighting. Polished aluminum mounting will not tarnish, chip or peel. Easily installed. Sold only by Searsl . tiBi Chromium Fixtures Brighten-up Kitchen or Bath 1 -light Style ... 2.98 Clear louver In wfttle enameled gtast hade dfffuit wft light. 6-lnches In di ameter. Extendi down 4V4Wn. At Seonl lll rF H...H.L.IU;, i.irr-cvf rrrj C Marine Brackets Copper-plaled or Brass-color At Seart 2.49 full o warm glow around front doonl ' Clear fiwil-typ. ihode wMti oiati awntol brm ring. 7-tndm hlghl ' Strip Fluorescent While Enameled Steel Body With Bulb ......4.95 . for dUploy cam, eabkMto, valenn ttgMlny Hot hnochoiit la aiMlt lo petailt . oMa MrifM. 225-1. leeg. IILLlllll Modern Fixture Uniquely Designed Tinted Shads For One Light i v 2.98 Unutwal celling flulure for 1 Kght. AN tractive Ivory and gold-colored holder Choke el roie, blue or tvory thado V J v i 1 A. o ,''1 Aci.T- . o 0.0- -A ' ftQC I m n$vt wjr MyT.-'m"atiw WHILE THEY LAST 10 TO 50 OFF! FLOOR LAMP Six woy or modern style. Come in now ond save. DINING SET Fine quality walnut finish. 8 pc. set. Save 40.07. Reg. 239.95. DINETTE CHAIRS Originally priced in a set of four at 50.00. A real saving! 188 199," 26" BEDROOM SET Save 22.07 on this Bed, Chest, and Vanity combina- H QY88 tion! Reg. 209.95. IO SILVERWARE Harmony House complete service for six, 50 yr. guarantee! Reg. 42.00. ENAMELWARE ROASTER Self-bosting cover. Sanitary dork blue enameled steel. Save on this clearance special! Reg. 1.69. ALUMINUM ROASTER Flat satiny bottom with smooth rounded corners for easy QO cleaning. Reg. 2.19. W HEAVY DUTY ROASTER Our best weight aluminum. . Buy now and save at this . . J99 low price! Reg. 4.19. imt- 34" 99c LIMITED QUANTITIES! SAVE! SAVE! i ! mm WOOL SHIRTS A real saving in woshable 100 wool dress shirts. Broken sizes. Reg. 7.95. LEATHER WORK GLOVES Roper style in color grey. Reg. 1.98, FLANNEL PAJAMAS Assortment of cotton flannel in Middy or Coat styles. Reg. 2.98. MEN'S WOOL SOX Here's a real buy in popular 100 wool arqvle. Reg. 1.98. 48 r 1 99 150 COTTON ANKLETS i Elastic top in a wide assort ment or stripes. Reg. 29c. 4.:, 1 00 SNOW SUITS A January Clearance feature in sizes 7 to 14. Values to 15.95. Save at Sears! : CHILDREN'S DRESSES A 1 .98 assortment to go at -this clearance prite. BOYS' UNION SUITS 10 wool and 90 cotton. In sizes 12 and 14 only. Reg. 1.79. .88 V7 1 BIG SAVINGS ON HOME APPLIANCES! KENMORE DELUXE IRONER 1 CQ" "Demonstrator" Reg. 179.95. '. 137 KENMORE ELECTRIC DRYER ' 1 Od8S Good as new "Demonstrator" Reg. 214.95 . ; KENMORE DELUXE WASHER 19d88 With Automatic Timer & Pump Reg. 149.95....... - I V 14 CU. FT. COLDSPOT FREEZER OCO88 Floor model "Demonstrator" Reg. 389.95 KENMORE COOKER HEATER IK8 2-Burner Kerosene Reg. 26.95. I KENMORE ELECTRIC KITCHEN HEATER Id88 Fan & Pilot Light Reg. 18.95. I 5 m m 1 t4 "SaZcdjhcpaaMrtZUtf SEARS 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 Store Hour: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 So. 8th Phone 5181