PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY I), 1032 ""'J V W" 4 Y t. ' KFJI-1150 Ke. PST Wednesday Evening, Jan. 00 Gabrltl Hcatter MBS :15 Klamath Theater Quit f :S0 Around Town News :48 Bam Hayea Newa MBS C:U BUI Henry MBS 1:00 Mysttrlous Traveler MBS 1:30 Cisco Kid MBS 1:00 What'a Name Bong MBS 1:30 Behind the Story MBS 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonaires :0O Glenn Hardy Newa MBS :1S rulton Lawla Jr. JO WreiUlnl t:M S-Mln. Final MBS 10:00 Wreitlinf 10:15 I Love Myatery MBS 10:30 International Airport MIJS 11:00 Night Uwla Newa 11:05 Night Owla Club U:00 Sim Off KF.II 1150 R. PST Thursday, Jan. ,10 S:00 Mualcal Reveille 6:45 rarmera' Bulletin Board S:S5 Local Newa 7:00 Hemingway Newa MBS 1:15 Breakfast Ceng MBS 1:30 News 1:45 Best Buya 0:00 Cecil Brown MBS g:13 Breakfast Gang MRS 8:30 Haven of Rest MBS 8:00 Homemakera Harmonica 9:15 Marlon from Mttlera 9:30 Sons of Pioneers 8:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS 10:15 Tello Test 10 TO LaPolntrs 10:45 Miniature Concert 10:50 Helen Doege 10:35 Newa MBS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 13:00 Name Bands 13:13 News Headlines 12:30 Your Dance Tunea 12:43 Market Livestock 12:33 News MBS 1:00 Jack Klrkwood Show MBS 1:30 Tune Test 1:55 Local Newa ANP GO PLACES EVERYTHING NO DOWN PAYMENT ONLY $5 A MONTH 713 Main Street $75 Jf Only Headband and bena eenducllen devices available at moderate extra cost. 9:00 Newt MBS J OS Newt 1.15 Platter Party 1:40 Talk Back MBS 3 45 Answer Man MBS 3 00 Ricky's Request 4 00 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 413 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Speed Gibson MBS .Vnt Prt-i MBS 9 30 Sky King MBS 3:33 Tex Fletcher MBS 6 00 Gabriel lleatler MBS tl:13 Klam. Theater Quia 6:30 Around Town Newt 6 45 Sam Hayes Newa MBS S3 Bill Henry MBS ' 1:00 Harmon:' Time 1:13 Sports Album 7:30 Family Theatre MBS 8 00 Tarsan MBS K .iO Behind the Story MBS :45 Heidelberg Harmonaire 9 00 Glenn Hardy News MDS 8:13 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS ti:;o R'nI it Gun Cluh MBS 9:33 S-Mln. Final MBS 10:00 1 Love A Mystery 10:13 MnroV by Jlxonu 1 10:43 IVS. Navy Band 11.1X1 Night Owls Newt 11:03 Night OwU Club 12:00 Sign Off. KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Wednesday Evening;, Jan. 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town Nrws 6:25 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:43 Headline Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attractions on A 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7 Jl Mystery Thcaier ABC 8:00 The Top Guy ABC 8:30 Rogue C.t'le.-v ABC 9:00 Proudly We Hall 9:30 Northwest Artists 10 00 lo p M Headlines 10:13 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 SKn Off KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Thursday, Jan. 10 6:00 Sign on News Summary 6:03 Corn In the Morn. 6:43 Farm Fare 7:00 Newt Bkfst Edition 7:13 Charlie's Roundup 7.30 Bob Garred & News ABC 1'40 To if the "n'nll'g 1:33 John Contt ABC B.utl streak. ass liuo AllC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 0:;0 llrcik the Bank ABC 10:00 Chat Huntley, Newa ABC 10:13 Lone Journey A IK' 10:30 My True Story AHC 10:35 Edward Arnold AI'C 11 00 Betty Crocker ADC 11:13 Slop & shop 11:20 Jimmle Fldler 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:43 Muiloi.1 R.mmtiii, 41:33 Marktt Reporta ia:tw notn E.'tiion ,ews 12:13 Paylew Sidewalk Show "!30 f.ucky U Ranch ABC , i:00 Paul llarve:' ABC . : 1:15 Hetler Living 1:30 Mary Margaiet McBrldt ABC 1:00 Basin Briefs 3:13 Accent on Melody 1:30 Joyce Jordan. M D. ABC 2:43 Rom. Ivelyn Winters ABC 3:00 Ted Malone AllC 3:13 When Girl Marries ABC 3:30 Perfect Husband ABC 4 00 Mary Marlln AllC 4:15 Reaueatfullv Youra Swi TVni cYrbett. S.'act Patrol ABC 5:2.1 Will Rogers ABC 3:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 It's Movie Time 6:oo S prta Highlishis , 6:13 Home Towii Newr 6:23 World Newt Summary 6:30 Suburban Srrenade 43 Headline Edition ABC 6:33 Coming Attractions on ABC 7 00 Mr PresWen" ABC 7;30 Bedtime Sterlet ti:. i t. i- ",icur Hr. ABC 8:43 Guest Star 8:0U Holbwuod Star Playhouse ABC 9:30 Concert of Europe AllC 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:15 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Inaomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off GT ON T-HE VT r-i n - rflUflB 1 Hans Norland Fire Insurance L, - 1 Phone 2-2515. Better-than-ever Standard Furnace Oil UKiLT " . V yi ffAt al""!.s:ST:?.LE7JI STANDARD fTiwMiU FURNACE OIL JUMM WITH THERMISOL JXJ IQ7JVN0I1EW$ SISTERS! County Buys Equipment A new air compressor, bousht from Nelson Equipment Company, Portland, hns been delivered to the county shops here tor use by iue uouniy koho Department. . The two-stage compressor oper ales oft sn International dlesel en. Kine, and cost $8,375. less 01.200 trade-in on an old machine. - The net cost, delivered, was S7.175. The Porllnnd firm was low among five bidders on the equip. ment. .The compressor was given try. outs today. The County Court also has or. dered J70.000 transferred from the county special Jiul fund to the road fund in order to pay Koad Department claims until more road money becomes available front tax collections. The Jail special fund was created to be used in construction of a new Jail several years bro, but the money has not been used for that purpose. Wind Rips Up Vancouver Area VANCOUVER. B.C. fP1 Windows were shntteroi and power and com munlcations lines Jumbled early Wednesday when winds sweeping down from the Queen Charlotte Islands struck Vancouver. Wind Rusts reached 60 miles an hour and heavy rain accompanied the gale, which began to subside as It moved inland. There were no reports of serious damage. TOA5TM ASTERS Toastmaslers first meeting1 of Speeclicraft Course is scheduled for 6:30 tonight at the Wlllard rtoiei. a no-host dinner meeting; everyone welcome. L. I i LA7Y RfthlFC Tnct K'll-irr til Ihn cut It. Kn,.:.. w.w aj,,, ,i till? ouii la UUIU1II1IIK SJIIUUII to these six beauties at Daytona Beach, Fla. It's enough to make a fellow think of taking up beachcombing. SAMIA SENDS! Egyptian dancer Samia Carnal, famed for her bellv dance, eoes into her net at Innnl almnrt New York City as her bridegroom, Sheppard "Abdullah" King of Texas, watches approvingly. The honeymooncrs ar- nveu aner a storm-ueiayea piano trip irom t-airo. ana Finds 'Merry Widow1 Frantic but Not Romantic Listening to someone with experience can many times save you a lot of trouble. Folks in this area, for example, know from experience that Standard Furnace Oil with Therm isol makes oil heat better-than-ever . '. . and actually cult heat ing costs! It eliminates sludge one of the main causes of service calls keeps filter screens, atomizer nozzles and feed lines clean. Switch over now to this pure, dependable fuel. Far pel-type (kesstoiraj heatm, nit for Standard Steve Oil By ERSKINE JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD (NBA) Movies Without Popcorn: Lana Turner Is panting In tho arms of Fernando Lamas on the set of MOMs "The Merry Widow." But lfa In the script. The stepped-up. fast-and-furious portion of the famous waltz scene is being filmed and Lana, huffing ana puning, leans against her co star for support. Again and again the two stars whirl dizzily as the camera soars upwards on a crane to photograph them. 'Time out and I strain to over hear the conversation between Lana and Fernando, hoping; for a romantic morsel for fans who dote on the offscreen heart didoes of stars. 1 Romantic? Lana. easDlntr for breath, pokes Fernando In the ribs with her elbow and says: - ."Mother told me there would be days like this." Two scientists. Dlavcd bv An drea King and Peter Oraves, are waiting for a message from Mars to flash on a giant television screen in "Miracle From Mars," the first Independent production of Anthony v enter ana uonaiu j-iyae. Against a background of strnntri" laboratory equipment. Including a hydrogen-powered motor, Andrea and Peter turn on switches and pull levers. Finally six white parallel lines appear on the video screen and the stars register great excitement. "Whatia exnect?" an assistant director mutters to an agent visl' ing the set. "Dagmar?" juay Hoiiiday and newcomer Aiao Ray are the stars of Co lumbia's "The Marrying Kind." However, a crown roast being used as a prop In a butcher shop se quence is stealing their thunder. Set visitors gaze, In awe at the meat, ask If It Is real and guess its weight. Director Oeorge Cukor dismisses tne company for lunch, quipping: "And get somebody to guard this roast. The price of meat being what it Is, I don't trust anybody." mm- Ordtr fnm roar Standard footing Oil Mstrlbvttr r lotal Standard Oil OHit KLAMATH FALLS, ORgget. AMERICAN CHINK! Faaets at rhtii ! n. 4H Far Orders Te Take Oat ft B. Lit, Mgr. once upon a time It was corn- naxes that doubled for snow in Hollywood, but now the unbleached cereal is oDsolete. Great baa of the makings of up-io-aaie snow are Delng hauled on Warner's "Retreat. Hell" set as Frank Loveioy and Richard Carl- son rcnearse a scene against the oaeggrouna or Korea. Workmen deftly mix the ma. terlals and within minutes there is terrain. I read the labels on the bags and discover the movie snow Is now compounded of ground-up peanut sneils, gypsum, pyrocel, rcsut sail ana ncci sugar. A mouthful of the mixture when the wind machines blow Is enough to make an emotcr resign from tne screen Actors uuilu. Yvonne De Carlo gorgeous as a dance-hall girl of cany San Fran Cisco, Is the big attraction on the set of "Scarlet Angel," at UI. She's playing a scene with Rock Hudson, Danish beauty fiodll Mil' ler and a six-months-old baby. On the sidelines stand two moth- crs holding standby babies that will be rushed into the scene if baby no. i cries. But the standby tots and their standby mothers are doomed to disappointment. The first Infant gurgles coos and finishes the. scene like a veteran. And as his mother triumphantly carries him away, he gets Icy looks from the mairles of the two thwarted patjlum guzzlers. Catherine McLeod and Robert Clark are playing a love scene in American Pictures' Sword of Ve mis." It's another historical swash buckler, but the swordplay clatter has been stilled to allow the princi pals to get a little Gllbcrt-Garbo byplay Into the action. Director Harold Daniels alerts Bob and Catherine, and I witness what turns out to be an overlong kiss. When the director finally yells "Cut," Catherine utters two wonls that aren't in tho script. The scene has to be reshot. Not only is the kiss longer In duration than movies censors per mit, but Catherine's yelp of "Jeep ers, creepers!" Isn't in the spirit oi tne ism uenmry. I hope this won't get Hollywood In wrong with the Society for the Protection of Butterflies, but I stand popeyed as workmen chase a stray butterfly around the set of ine uin next uoor, at Fox, It's an Interior ahnt and thai air. borne caternillar clnorlv HnAnn'f belong. wnen fly swatters and spray guns fail, an electrician turns, i Rudd Fealherwax, owner of Las Ble, and asks him what to do about the butterfly. "I wouldn't know" says Wcath- Orwax loltllV. "I dnn't train hi,l. terfUci,' Fashion Gets Hard Knocks NEW YORK l.fl A housewife told a natlioi lng tif I retail nior cliitiHlliiiiig exports Woilnofulny Unit ooiiteiiipoi'iuy women's fashions mo "liyslarlcnt," And sho sitltl the lcxwork In volve! In slioppliiK la "toirlflu." In a speech at it nv.hsIoii of the National Kntull Dry Goods Associa tion annual meeting here, Mrs, Dorothy E. swr-nsun of Orrut Nock, N. V., ileeliiiet'. "There Is no development of style In the giund tmmner of the storied punt. Wo don't huvo lil.i lorlcul fashion any more: now It's hysterical," Deploring periodic chiniBos In lengths of skirls mid dresses, Mrs. Swenson sn lil: "I'm nniiir.i'U that Mm wondtiiful women of lotlny let you store peo ple gat away with all thin cosily nonsense of hein-llno-up-llils-year and down-some-othcr-jciir. I ask you, did any new crop of goigeouai girls In your memory ever loojt m tlioopy and friendless ea Ihosi. i wore what tho stores cnllwrlig 'new look?' Can't you lot titalrViit develop slowly ami orgunlcully?" Bez Sells Out Fish Interest ASTORIA Ml Boil tile Indilslrl nllhl Nlt-k Den has sold out his slock and reiilunecl as board chair, man of the Columbia River Park ers Association. He sn Id following a board meet ing hern Tuesday Unit he had sold his slock to Tmniniiierk's Corp., a Hun Fraiivlaco financial concern which holds a major share of the association's ttock. Boa salt! Ills resignation was tile, laird by tho press of other busi ness. Thomas F. 8andot, re-eloctetl president of the association, snlil tuna packing would gel underway at the concern's cannery heit Feb. 1. OaaaliM uliiO .Jy LttT mowlHO TQHIOMTI ,l Ma'-aMi gW f;-it KgjjJnjj f YOU'VE M-VEft ' taMCAL.. J rwtw twin nasi II II iMk' I nOV'piAYlUG mm .J aVTT ailxPf s t0H HOI?!, vwicn 1ILJV m. nn Exorie nCW smTHfautrs-iN it V CtVsS'f i m" ' ' ussa 'ussi Confinuoui Dolly Show at - 3,00-4. 23 ot 46 . 9t 1 2 PUT- ' X uEtl MAKE r L 'i hi. . PERLDERG-SEATON r The eutragaouil funny sjeceunl ( Iht cat whe Inhtf IttJ $30,000,000 ond a baieboU ttoml rut A,,A"", "eAT i-fiW JAW ' with GENE LOCKHART FOR THE KIDS I Saturday memlng at 10:00 Bring your cat to tee KnUDAKa and enter him In the Big Cat Contest - 5 Prlxei Courteiy Murphy's Sttel Store . , . , ,