PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 0, 10.12 f M I I v i ''1 TWO TOUCHES OF VENUS Franca Faldini, an Italian actress now in Hollywood, was chosen "Miss Cheese cake of 1951" by editors of the European edition of Stars and Stripes. The G.I.'s called her the neatest pin up girl among the thous ands of cheesecake photos they viewed during the year. Gal on left is the Venus de Milo. Frederick Cracks Halbrook's Mark HOARD, Ore. (A Oregon has a new high school Individual bas ketball scoring record. It was posted by Johnny Fred erick Jr., Tigard guard, in a game with Newberg Tuesday night. He scored 52 points to lead his team to a 96-31 win. for 10 dcysonly! - f " X f) ignre Solons Frown On Tax Hikes WASHINGTON Wl Senator Lodge iR.-Mnss.) said Wednestmv he believes the door still Is open for Oen. Dwlght D. Eisenhower to return to civilian life before the Republican presidential nomi nating convention. Lodge told a' reporter he does not interpret Eisenhower's state ment that he would not nsk for relief from his European defense assignment as foreclosing all pos sibility aside from presidential ac tionthat the general take off his uniform oeiore July. "But I agree that he can not make any statement on the issues of the pre convention campaign while he is still in uniform," Lodiie said, a strong Eisenhower suppor ter. Lodge said in some respects the Eisenhower campaign will parallel that which won the OOP nomina tion for the late Wendell L. Wlllkle in 1940. 'We are going to mobilize tne Pains, distress of "those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' tests I Here's wonderful news for women and girls who each month suffer the tortures of "bad days" of functionally caused menstrual cramps and pain headaches, backaches, and those 'no-good," dragged out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering! Here Is the exciting news. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound gave complete or striking relief of such distress In an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases in doctors' tests! Yes! Lydla Pinkham's has been proved to be scientifically modern in action This news will not surprise the thousands of women and girls who take Lydia Pinkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring. And it should encourage vox fit you're not taking Lydia Pinkham's to see if your experience doesn't match theirs... to see if you, too. don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness. Irritability and "iMAGT types has ill I iA II - l f - All these women wear a size 34, yet each is a differ ent figure type. Some ore toll . . . some short . . . some slim in the hips . . . some full . . etc. Yet for each, there is an IMACE slip which will fit her to perfection. Yes, no matter what your size, 32 to 44, there's an IMACE slip to suit your own individual proportions . . . bust, waist, hips and length. Soft, Bur-Mil rayon crepe in white with delicate, lacy trim. sentiment for Uie general which Is sweeping the country," Lodge declared. Against this type of campaign by proxy, Senator Taft (R.-Ohlo), an active candidate lor uie nom limtlon. outlined an intensive speaking and hand-shaking drive which will keep him busy until April 1. He begins his tours with a Jan. 21 ceremony opening Taft neadquarters tn Madison, Wis. Taft told a reporter he will make a west coast swing in February speaking in Spokane and Seattle In Washington, Portland, Ore., incycnnc, wyo., ana ueuver. Aftr April, Tuft said he plans lo invade the Eastern area where Eisenhower supporters claim their greatest strength wllh visits to Pennsylvania, New York, New Jer sey and Connecticut. More than a third of the pro vince of Saskatchewan is forested. The U.S. produces about a fourth of the world s apple crop. Uruguay has been at peace since the turn of tne century. How Lydla PintriMm'g wrki It has a "colminf and soothinf (Sect on the uterus . . . quieting the contractions is the chart) (fiat so often cause menstrual pain, era mpj, other distress. pain so often associated with "those days ! Remember Lydia Pinkham's. too it you're suffering the "hot flashes" and other lunctionally- caused distress of "change of life' Get Lydia Pinkham's Compound or new, improved Tablets with added iron Urial size only 59 . mart, taxing itjatafinx nam s loaaji 98 . regularly 40 ii McCarthy On Finance Board WASHINGTON Ifl Sen. Butler (R.-Neb.l. who heads the Rcuub. Mean's Senate Committee Assign ment Group, said Wednesday Sen. McCarthy iR.-Wls.) will return to the Appropriations Committee this session. McCarthv was "bniniwH- off flint key committee last year when the niemberslilu ratio was cImiibikI nil. er the Republicans lost a Semite seat because of the death of Sen. vanacuocrg (K.-Mlcll. However, a GOP vai-aiu-v iti-vitl. oped for this session with tlie death ui vu. wiicrry iK.-rieo.i a long time member, Blltler SHlH Kfnr?nrlhv una en titled to first priority on the open, nig and had indicated ho wants to iciurn to uie committee. McCarthy 5ald he would ask to SHEETS Heavy Duty 140 count. Fin est quality muslin by Tex tron. 81x108. Req. 4.75 2 95 DOWNSTAIRS LADIES SCARFS Exquisite colors. In wool or silk. Full sixes. h PRICE STREET FLOOR NEW LOW PRICES CALLOWAY SHAG RUGS All decorator colors in the papular sixes. 24x42, 30x 54, 36x60. 3" , 7" Reg. Priced to 11.95 DOWNSTAIRS GIRLS DRESSES Dainty taffetas for the young miss. Sixes 3 to 12. ! PRICE SECOND FLOOR LEATHER PURSES BILLFOLDS See . these. The newest styles. TABLE TmWri&i Y SKI LAMPS 1 ty s- 5. be re-nppotnted to the subcommit tee which passes on State Depart ment fundi. This would give him an opportunity to quia Secretary Achrson, of whom he has been highly critical dining hearings on appropriation bills. Some conveyor belts with speeds of 10 mllea an hour are used in moving coal In mining operations. The Tasmaniau tiger, actually a marsupial wolf, Is one of the rarest of living animals. The lfl&O convention of the Ameri can Dental Association adopted a resolution endorsing Hie use of so dium fluoride In drinking water as a means of retarding dental decay. I Expert Gun Repairing ' and Rebluing thf cm cthrf PILLOW CASES Fieldcrest finest quality white muslin. 42x36. 1 29 Pair DOWNSTAIRS ARTEMIS TAILORED SLIPS 1 50 Reg. 2.95 LADIES ROBES Suede; cloth and satin quilt ed in shorty or full length in rich vibrant shades. 6" mi 10 95 SECOND FLOOR FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS "PLUMP" Pink and white covers with xipper for easy washing. Reg. 8.95 5 95 DOWNSTAIRS COAT WOOLS Large selection in wools and colors. Req. 4.95 atiunu mwk ut . r.r i i . e- a w ' "z Russians Join In American Party ' VIENNA, Austria m In an unprecedented dlaphiy of Interna tional friendship, the Russians III Vienna agreed Wednesday to send a soldier band and folk-diuuing team to an Antorlciili-npongoi'cu sports event. In a last minute acceptance, the Russians sent a representative lo OU( TO COLDS last-known homt Windy ts u' II . WICKS ..V VapoRub SHEETS Fieldcrest finest colored muslin. 81x108. Req. 4.39 319 DOWNSTAIRS PLASTIC YARDAGE PLAIN OR PRINT 3 yds. 400 DOWNSTAIRS RAYON FABRIC Print or plain styles in dark and pastel colors. 1 Vi PRICE STREET FLOOR LADIES GLOVES Famous name in cotton, wool and kid leathers. Ren 1.50 I '3 OFF To 7.95 STREET FLOOR 3 PIECE BOYS COAT SETS 4-5.6 All wool. Durable. Quilted and flannel lined. r i American Army headquarters lice to aay they would send a bund and 67-tnan folk dancing group to the event. It was believed to be the first time In the six year history of four power occupation III Vienna that the Russians mid agreed to aend their trooix to a Ol affair. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT 56 per month W DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main FLANNETTE PAJAMAS and GOWNS Warm and daintily styled. Most sixoi. 295 , 395 and SECOND FLOOR LARGE THIRSTY TOWELS Fineit Calloway and Can non in your favorite absorb inq towels. BATH TOWELS 69c 1.95 HAND TOWELS 49c 98c POWNSTAIRS SKI SUITS Twill and satin jackets with Alpaca linings. Some with attached hoods. All wool matching pants. Sixes 7 to 12. Reg. 15.95 88 SECOND FLOOR FLANNELETTE BED JACKETS Sturdy fabrics in printed and plain styles. S. M, L. NOW 95 SECOND FLOOR 3 DAYS ONLYI STAMPED PILLOW CASES Bucilla, Ross Society, Bucft ners. Guaranteed Quality B . - 2.49 H 89 1 STREET FLOOR TABLE CLOTHS Craftspun lace, spun rayon prints with matching nap kins. Luncheon sets included. SPECIAL HOLLAND TULIP BULBS FOR INDOOR PLANTING Highest Quality pi" Large Bulbs "iHP Rogulor9Be WW V Pkq. 8 to 10 Bulbi TROY V. COOK CO. Phono 4803 South 6th at E. Main GRAB BOXES Only twice, a year a chance to buy lomothinq nice for practically nothinq. 25c Needlework Street Floor FALL AND WINTER GIRLS COATS Some with legginqs. Beauti ful assortment in fine, oil wool fabrics. Sixes 5 to 12. Wide variaty of season's most popular styles. - Reg. 9" 14" 19" ,14.95 Reg. 19 95 Reg. 24.95 Reg. 34.95 29" DOWNSTAIRS BLANKETS Full sixe in a wide range of colors. Textron, Pcppcroll, Fieldcrest, Satin Bound. NOW Q 00 DOWNSTAIRS 3 PIECE TODDLER COAT SETS Wool, rayon mixture. Flan nel lined. Washable 3 and 4. 1 'A PRICE SECOND FLOOR PANEL AND RUFFLE CURTAINS Nylon, Rayon, Cotton in narrow and wido widths. 1 AM 1 Vi PRICE OFF STREET FLOOR 1 '2 PRICE 1 Vi PRICE I Vi PRICE Home of Famous Label-"- DOVNSTAIRS STREET FLOOR SECOND FLOOR DOWNSTAIRS