WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 0, 1002 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGK KIKTKKN 10 RIAL 1ST (l FOR SALI ELOSE TO ACADEMY l.irilt four bedroom horns oil Irvel lot. Hnadrnu living ihhI tllnliu room, larnn kllclirn, fonlh nncl mill I", Ilnrinriit, ruiil'imuiln liiuniln I nn gitrnitn. larar Int. Only Hirer blorxi to Main Hired. Itlrnl loin- lien, tvi.m. 'lei nil. ST. FRANCIS PARK QUICK POBHKHMION nil tills, com fortable two brrirauin home. Llvlim iociiii with (Irrplucr, nlm linlli. an. teniNit kltrhrn mid illiirlle. Cnn rifle fatintlaUni), gii'intr. I'W&O, term. SUMMERS LANE Very nltrnrtlve llirrrbrdrixmi liniiir located mi 13'j acres, rxccllrnt IiiikI. Hrautlfiil lame kllrhni mid (Union red. CUmuifd In norrh, Inrtie null, ly room mid walk In fruit room. Two brooder hmuim, chicken hutinc, burn. Do not nils seclns. $18,000, terms. HArmy van (icve. torn JOE LEONARD tISvfs. 20XT AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone a J 1 1 160 ACRES All under gravity Irritation, level. Good Improvement.!. 4S acre nl new clover, 17 acrct nl old alfalfa , ready (or pntaUien. Well equipped. ' Price $05,000. Terms. JACK C. MACE Real Estate Tulelake Phone 71011 NEAT as butcher's block after hours I TRIM s a fresh haircut I COMFORTABLE an old pair of tllppcr I ft $5,965 Vi la all It will east to own this well constructed. 3-btilroom home, ' lo cated on a comer lot on California Avenue. There's a nice lawn. lots of ahrubs and room lo move around In outdoors. The recently redecorated Interior, with new carpeting lit the living room, enjoy clean ash free heat from at new gaa floor furnace. Truly, It's a real pleasuro to live in. The handy kitchen and extensive utility porch will make "Mom'a" nork easier. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED Don Klikpatrlck, 8alerman iRvenlins Phone D7I18I EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. till Phone 8401 SOUTH SUBURBS T.vo bedroom home on 1 , 3 acre. Irrigated land. Venetian blinds. Will trade equity for good house , trailer. Immediate possession. 1 BEDROOM HOME In South suburban district. 17000. Terms cat) be arranged. LOVELY Two bedroom home. Nice neighbor hood. Electric hem. storm windows, beautifully landscaped. LARGE HOME Within easy walking distance of town. An Ideal buy tor the handy man: This home has unlimited pos sibilities. Low down payment. Im mediate possession. 2 BEDROOM HOME In Mills Addition. Fine place. Close to school and bus line and stores. Immediate possession. WE HAVE SEVERAL MORE IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS. BEE OUR SALESMAN FOR INCOME PROPERTY AL LONGE, REALTOR 111 So. 8th St, Phone 8283 3 BEDROOMS See thla well constructed modem home with dining room, breakfast nook, convenient kitchen, full nicnt. Automatic piped furnace heat. Very well landscaped, paved street and sidewalks. Price $12,000. YALTA GARDENS Attractive 3 bedroom modern home on Vi acre gocvl sandy loom. Fire place, automatic heat, storm win dows, all floors completely cnrpelcd. Attached garage. Paved street, convenient to bus nnd stores. Price 9300. FIIA terms. DUPLEX ' Within easy walking distance. Auto matic heat, one apartment, com pletely furnished. Price $0100. Walking Distance 1 bedroom furnished home 8 blocks from Main. Insulated, weather- stripped, attractive yard, paved street end sidewalks, Total price $3700, Easy terms, OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Ece Homer Stilc.i Don Sloan Fred S:olt, Ph. 2-2160 Eves , 6058 Eves. 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1000 111 N. 9th St, Phone 4504 or 6320 HOMES POD SALE EVERETT DENNIS REAI.'IOR , Don Klrknalrlrk Salesman iy N Sir Phone Slai I'OB SALE two houses at Henley. In red of repntr. I3B00, Rmiill clown pay ment, balance, monthly. Geo, Carson, Airway Road, 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FHIST CALL I Up to f.'iOO on your auto On voui (alary ur furniture up lo 1300 "Pay Day" lomni I tueclaliy - I0 fit, KO limned ' till "pay day' or lowirt I tib ennui but 18 cent lor one week No other charges LOCAL LOAN CO. HA Nn 101 h 61. M-3M DON Mi INT Y RIS, Mlir. 43 Vi-r Friendly Service SI- MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION FRIDAY -JANUARY 11 -1:00 P.M. OLENE SKCOND HOUSE WKST Oi'' STORK Am Leaving and Will Sell the Coldspnt refrigerator-0.7 cu. ft. Like new, 5 pc. bedroom aultc, two Inner aprlmi miiltimra, one box spring, coll spring, Coleman four room oil lienter, ft pc. Iienvy chrome dinette set 'a beautyi hand carved antique aland, treadle aewlnn machine- good order, Maying lute model (square tub war.her u.ied 3 months, electric rountrr, prehnire cooker like new, electric plate two burner, clrrnser, hardwood chairs, two radios, five seta of drapes, blinds, electric wnlllc ; Iron new, 100 cans fruit and pickles, dishes, house phuus, large die- llonnry, shingles and other articles. These furnishings lire like new. In of bad weather sate will be held Inside. Terms Cash WILLIAM HERBERT OWNER COL. SWIGART, AUCTIONEER I Talk to Live 10 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IP YOU ARE PLANNINO TO HELL THIS SPRING: SEE US NOW BO THAT WE MAY WAKE THE PROPER PREPARATIONS TO SUCCESSFULLY HANDLE YOUR PROPERTY. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS TO MEET OUR BUYERS NEEDS. See or Call James Headline Gratce Eaton 6060 7737 Salesmen With M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office plKiie SI 13 WUtC CONHTitUCTKi) iou,ii iSi bedroom home. Newly rr'leiuralea. Automatic heat. Hardwood floors. At Urhed aerate. Well located in South ftnhurbt suoso.JT'liohe A14I. NEW HOMES lor tali. William B. Powell. Phone B3M. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Pill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Gunrnntee Of Heating HailMactlun FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" -Snce 1019 Snrlinr St. Phone 4153 BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD $3.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market . Ph. 5149 j-WtOLOGS Pickup or oVoY.rVd. .k '..V',,n.' ,'n" "" 0 So slPhotieSoril or S-oaoo LtJl URKMSTAS!rs YlveTneTiT d'"e- 81 a-82" '"I oromot clW yaokns sional Btnvict UiM 80 sth STANDARD" i!EATlNa-6it Stove, rurnave ll(ht fuel. coal. wood, rrurcoal Peyton and Co SIS Market. Pnone 9140. A TS" P ETSS PO B TS7H O B B ICS POINTKil pupt for 'le! nenooaLle J;!!!'! Denver Avenue. Phone 3 '.tMn. Hill SALE. Boi'toi) lo bul'l doe. Phone SXII. fonSALE.-2" lemalebicTiTiu7id p"iM One red. one blark and tail. Wormed .d. rtlimpeir ahol, Call after S p.m. MM Kherleln. Phone SJOII. ?,;ii"i;'!J'N.. """""ns KenhehT-Phone HH7 San l)ela-enll Humeualo BOARDING KENNELS Do boarding by day. week or month S.inltary kenneli Well balanced dlel Clean Individual o-lldnnr runt for eneh doj Don nandled durll matlna. Will olck up and deliver Viiltou Welcome Phone S07S Merrill Ru . RtlASl'A CASCADE KENNELS "4 42 LIVESTOCK 4V POULTRY FOUL I RY WANTED Cash paid for t.ny amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONR 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE. Cood youiii white-fnTe eyei to atnrt lamhlnf February 7. Will to I In Iota to ..III. Ilaahlna nnd Rein- mm'' M,rr"l n. Phono eaia or IooNF.Wiraml)hlropulletta"ylni. Phone 4iK2. WANVED TO I1UY. Cowj ao-23-head", a to fl year old Hereford or Durham. All to enlve thl miring. Phnne or write Oeorae Ornst. Tulelake, Co Ifor. nlat.'nl Newrtl2aae or aam. WAN I'ED colored bona Phone 4D0I riltiHKST prices Daid (or poultry, hoiit and UveMock BIG V MEAT MARKET Lakevhnv Junriin Phone 4nrn ArtTIKIt'lAL niTrTKDINU SEKVICK Phone Km M C. IChurkl Warren. Rt 2, no S2I 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED TO RKNT. Two or Ihree leitronin tlnfurnlshed hou-.n In Petcraon q-h"-l f'lt:r'ft. Phone ft-2fllO. NLWCfisiErj to Klnm.illi, iTpresctllii tlve of Natlonot concern, dcnlrea two "r three l-rlrwm unfurnished homo for rem. Will lenre, Call 02ns. WANTED TO PENT. Five or bed room hnu.e. Would lenre or with op tion to buy. Phono flfti?, WAr?ftT W "liliVT ' OaeJTrufiar) ' aaeks. le'tin and Company, flas Mnrliet. WA'N'iicD to teriic or ren"t. n'i i aiiii neves hay land Write Hemic Newi rtn" ssn glvlnff full nnrlteu'arw. ' t v hone M'iSnin'eli Chain Siw, Ope-ir nirek, Dairy, Oreenn. L NEED CARS! Gel ton price now io. Motor Co (tth rnd Plum. WANTED lined haga cotton or burlap PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE' WANTED to rent. Four bedroom fur. nlthed holme or two homos on inme Int. Phnne 2-2HBB 40 BUSiNESS OPPORTUNITIES HEALTH cnur.CN ancriflee of hire c enn tivern. Vrlte Henltt News Vn 400. F'Oli SALE. Beauty aainn In tulelakV, California. Owner movlntf. must soil. For further information call Tulelake 7-1S71. LOANS Phone a-'J&ril H-'i7 FOR SALE Following at Public Auction: client of drawers, Ironing board, 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pny Onl $100 $7 27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP i'O 8JUU ON FURNITUi;!!. OR 8ALARY up ro $1200 on cars THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nance! at Dank rate "VJNEY IN A HURRY Motor Investment Co. to years serving Klamath Ba-ir 8ee "Chuck" Bailey Mr 114 N 7th 8L ' PHiine 33?! H-341 M-n Commercial Furnishes Cash- CSH LOANS (60 to S3O0 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Aulomcllles i paid for or noti Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Cob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie S-J5I N-i.-j 107 No 9th Phnn 7711 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE 4023 WINTER STREET Complete furnishings of a two bedroom house. SATURDAY AFTERNOON JAN. 12 1:00 P.M. DRiVEWAYH'TAT'ERiAT FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. j; Barnes Ph:J765!) Pli.7991 FiVE lonrnx of furniture for SMO frw dudes electric rne with tr.ih burn "!"', Ci,-.E- "efriRi-rator, washing ma chine. Phone 2-0477. FOR SALE. Six or sevenroom oil hVaH er. Phone 2-1342 or see at 444U Winter Avenue aiier it p. m, KLtiCTRIC STOVE, Oilier model Hot point, no -d oven. $23. Small new piano. Phone (Woa. VOti SALK heavy plate uUk nnd plv wond nhowcBsi. 11 ft. Ions. 3 (I. 6 in. hiuh, 211 in. wide, double ".helves and fttiding doors. K.cellenl condition. S30. Cnll2-.'i81.1eves. or 3-10(17. FOR SALE fireplace and furnace wood'. lenRih 1(1 inches to 4A inches Phone a;n;(. FOR RALE. Refrigerntor In verv good condition. Priced very rennonnble. Xn quiie(MS Commercinl or phone 7403. FOR SALE. Good Used We.itltiBhnitKe electric ringe. Phone tWI3. 4MU Sum me is Iiuc. AO TONS baled aUnlfa "hay. Phone200t Bonanza, Dave Robinson, Bonanza, OrcRon. COLDSPbf ReffiKento$iOOPerfect condition. 172.1 Oak street. .onLEZ.H?lLteofOoai-i,"dnle-FltKK NO. S SewlilK Machine with Hnmlton Bench separate motor. Hard, wood cabinet. Excellent condition. At trchmenta. $.10. Sea Mgr. Empire Hotel, ;:;4 Mnin. CtKT, YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy lifted tires. O.K. Rubber Weld 2:1(11 3o "h Phone 4315 FULLER Jiru hes. Phone I1U4 or SH77. AOOINU MaGh.NEH. calculators, type, writers, casli reulsters, dotks. chairs, flies for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY J5JM-n Phnne 7418 CftliSHKl) rock and driveway cinders. Phone a. i it;7. iMiMlCti BLOCKS, drain tile, toncrete culvert pipe PEYTON tk CO. fl.'lA Mnrket KLf.CTROL.llX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phnne 7167 rarkei Tweel. oiiMi.rket CHUSHBO ROCK, drlvewny cinacrs. OIL slornge tanks Peyton and " Co n:i.i iviariwt. FiR body wood." Phopo"tinSnT a (JAM Schaf bungalow type uprlgtit piano. Flemish oak finish. Onnd von dltlon. Kaoy terms. fiHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY U45 G. Main AUTOMOTIVI NOSALE! JUST EVERY. DAY Down -To -Earth VALUES ON LATE MODEL, SAFE-BUY USED CARS1 GUARANTEED IN WRITING TO SATISFY YOU i031 mercury sport coupe Radio, heater, overdrive. Traded Lincoln ... . I960 LINCOLN 6-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, Hydra matlc I0D0 MERCURY 8-PASSE.NOER COUPE Heater 1959 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN Radio, heater and overdrive 1019 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN This Is nn exceptionally clean, wiui rauio, neaicr ana overdrive A good buy for 1010 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN 6-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1048 MERCURY 8-PA8SENGER COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1049 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1849 CHEV. 8TYLELINE DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. Excellent condition. 1948 PONTIAC 8 STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE Hydramatlc. radio, heater 1948 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater . 1947 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Heater, radio 1847 OLDSMOBILE '981 SEDAN Hydramatlc, radio, heater ; 1046 OLDSMOBILE' CLUB COUPE Black, but not exactly a beauty - NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS vr Come in We'll Talk It Over ! '41 Buick Sedan $495 '40 Olds Sedan $375 '39 Buick Sedan If you're suffering with a cold, visit our indoor used car sales room at 432 So. . 6th. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 424 South Sixth DIM BAT- BETTER DEAL USED CARS South Sixth at Plum 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 4-DR. Clean ss can be 1050 PLYMOUTH" SPECIAL DELUXE 4-DR. All the extras I 1850 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB 16.000. Really sharp YOUR DREAM CAR 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR NEWPORT The most beautiful car on the road! Jr) o Q r All the extras. Low mileage only CP-eCOD 1949 BUICK SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow , 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, fluid drive 1949 DODGE CORONET CLUB COUPE A price that can't be beat THE CHOICEST USED CAR IN THE KLAMATH BASIN 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Real low mileage. (f 1 Q O C All the extras. Only CplJ70 1949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN MOO Radip, heater, overdrive. Tops In every way but price f) I 1941 BUICK SUPER SEDAN & A H tZ A remarkable buy for only p4z0 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN tOO C Run!!! Don't walk to look this over $2.20 DIMBAT USED CARS Where YOU are GUARANTEED a BETTER Deal So. 6th at Plum Phone 9139 Evenings & Sundays phone Layton Sleight 8823 . SEE IT NOW The New Chrysler 180 h.p. & more Also the new PLYMOUTH For '52 s NOW AT OUR MAIN SHOWROOM 3rd & Main 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED Rex Air cleaner. $17.90. fhone liaoo. roi.KS who like food with the home made taste. . .like to ihop at Juhnnv'a Hln Y Bakery, Merrill Lakavlew June tlojv CANDSCAPfNO. everxreena. ' ahrurn and trcen. We trim, ipray and reinova Inrfte trees. LAKESHOrtE GARDEN!) NURSERY pnone 421m RKM1NGTON electric typewriter, like new, for half price. Phone Mr. Unit. 97ne. KOK SALK. Inclnernlor, dining sot, brenkfnat let, high chair, bnliy miRiiy. desk, cooklnff utenalH, afun Summer. I .a ne aflernoona and even inga. PAIR FIGURE akatca. Mlnaes (lie 6. worn a few timea. pnone n-aiaa. OIL STOVE cornplele wllh tanki arrl oil. 40, 1D3S Lexington call after 4 p. m. FOR SALE, no ton excellent oal hay. Housa Broi, Bly, Ore. $2395 $2295 $1895 U. . . I In on a new TOWN SEDAN one - owner ccr. Equipped $1395 $1795' $1595 $1595 $1445! SI 295 1 $1095 S995! $995; $895 '41 Chev. Sedan $395 40 Olds '98' Sedan .. $295 . $195 If you're hale and hearty you can track down a real bargain on our lot at . . Main & Esplanade MERCURY Phone 7778 SEDAN $1545 $1645 $2095 COUPE $1695 $1595 $1495 Phone 7763 19.11 MERCURY club eonpe. Special paint lob. radio, heater, overdrive. Ny lon Interior. Phone R. F. Wright. Wl nema Hotel between 5 and 8 p. m. lfMfl JEEP. Very Rood condition. Priced SiiOO. Six tlrea. radio and heater. Can be seen Tower Richfield Service Sta tion. 2J.M So. etll. Phone 3757. MUST SELL. 1941 Plymouth acdnn. Sun visor, new tires and completely overhauled. A-l shape throughout. 11C3 Crescent. Phone 3120, CROSLEY TIRES 4.30x13, brand new, below retail. Phone a:i04. BARGAIN! 1031 Ford Convertible. Pur chased new. November 22. Over $-100 discount. BUS SARGENTS Vred Cara " .Phone BS03 REPOSSESSED 1041 Ot.DS five passenacr coupe, lly dramatic. Make offer. Phone 2-2.139. KOK SALK. 1951 Chevrolet udor 1'e luxe. Radio, heater, (eat covers, $1799. Call (330. PRICES SLASHED! .INVENTORY CLEARANCE To make ready for 1952 Models all these cars must be sold NOW. Here's Proof We Have Slashed Prices To Clear Our Stock: Here are a few examples Many more to choose from at same reduced prices! 1959 Cadillac 81 scries 4-door. Radio and heater. Hydramatlc. Very clean and low mileage 19j0 Ponticc Chieftain Deluxe 4-Door Hydramatlc, cadet visor, new tutone green. A one-owner ear 1947 Olds '78' 4-Door Sedan. Radio, I drive. P.ccently reconditioned. 1949 Studebaker Champion Regal overhauled. Radio, heater, overdrive. One-owner car 1948 Lincoln Custom Sedan. Custom interior, radio, heater, overdrive. Excellent condition PREWAR Models - 1 939 to 1 94 1 - Make us an offer on any pre-war model all run and in good shape rr- 7th and Klamath JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to Take Advantage of US! Come in . . . let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 49 ?49 49 '48 '48 48 47 41 PONTIAC "8" 2-dr. Sed8n PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan $1845 $1595 $1645 HUDSON tTlO Super '6' 4-D.. IO 7J PACKARD 4- Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpe. OLDS "8"' Sedan CHEVROLET 5- Pass. Cpe. $1495 $1145 $1295 $395 COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-specd $895 1946 Dodge Panel S595 1946 Ford V-8 Si T Pickup $795 1949 tnt KB-8 $3995 1950 Ford P7 w'tai: - $3795 ' 1950 Ford F8 Air .. S3795 1948 G.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 1942 G.I. 4x4 $695 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT 11th to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 177 S 7th Phone TTTi For a or USED TRUCK NEW Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tti'cH Ocaler JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llfh anrl Klamath ?hon J-25S1 COMPLETE Radiotor Service CLEANING FLUSHING . REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR" CO. Main at Rsnlnnaae WHY WALK? DRIVE MURK MOTORS 302 C Main Phone 3379 "We will (ell ynur car for vou " We buy ami trade' BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY, SELL AND TRADF. Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 8209 AUTOMOTIVE OPS Ceiling Price . $3602 Sedan. Radio, heater, seat covers, beautiful (fOl A A with best of care 4JZ.IUU heater. Hydramatlc (tlO'A' A one-owner car vp I Lj Deluxe. Motor Just CtlCrvC flJVJ. $1387 55 B. MILLER CO. OLDS-CADILLAC SEVEN DOLLAR DOVN SALE ENDS THIS WEEK! , . This sale has been a Iremendoos-success' but our stocks are running low. Climb on the band wagon and get one of these pre-war used cars before this Saturday. ' 1938 Plymouth Coach $127 1939 Olds Sedan $397 1940 Olds Sedan $297 1937 Dodge Sedan . $127 1937 Chevrolet $ 97 YOU GET THE BEST AT DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 IF YOU HAVE TRY THE BEST 1. THE BEST in late model used cars! All below are top-notch one-owner cars that have been traded-in on NEW PACK- ARDS. 2. THE BEST in guarantees ... our famous BLUE RIBBON! Unconditional 1000 miles or 30 day written guarantee. 3. THE BEST possible deal for you! You'll agree when you check our deal, our sale price and our top allowance.. 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN Big 155 h.p. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with radio, heater and economical overdrive. 'tOIO Our new low price 4).ZO I U 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a pries anyone can afford and In such sparkling condition (M QQv you'll be proud to own It f)U7J 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN - Have two of these beauties to choose from, Identical In equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrlvo. M QQt Never before priced so low V ' ' ' 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Another nice one-owner car, tip-top from bumper to bumper. Has auto matic transmission, radii, heater and $9 nearly new tires. Now only - . - S3 ' 1949 PACKARD "8" SEDAN This late '49 model Is cleaner and See It at this new price and you'll NO FOOLIN' . . . HUFF HAS THE STUFF! See them Try them Your Comparison will prove it!! PACKARD LEE HUFF 7th and Oak TOR SALE, equity In 1048 Chevrolet Arrow Sedan A-l condition. Phone 8683 or 3316 Cottage. - 1949 CROSLEY Station Wagon. 150 or consider best offer. See at 107 N. 8th. Pho" i't", 7711. . EQUITY IN 1931 Dodge 'a ton Express Pickup Snow tires. 7300 miles. Phone 5331 evenings and Sundsya. 194 PONTIAC 8. streamliner. Radio, heater, A-l engine. Full price S893. See at 107 N, Sth. Phone, day 7711. N.A.D.A. Used Car Guide's Average Retail Price $3602 :$2145 $1150 .$1400 41265. Our ' , Clearance Price i $3295 $1995 $1095 $1275 '$1095 Phone 4103 1938 Lincoln Sedan .. $147 1941 Studebaker $447 1941 Chrysler $397 1929 Model "A" $ 97 1937 Plymouth Coupe $127 TRIED THE REST nicer than most 50's. want to own It $1735 ft WILLYS MOTORS Phono 7256 I9S0 CHEVROLET two door deluxe. 24,000 mllea. Radio, heater, other extras, n-.w tires. Excellent condition. Phone BS44J 1940 OLDS SEDAN. pnvment. Sea at 107 N. 179. Small down Dtn. pnone nay 7711 will TAKjPiteM for my enully In 1949 Nash "000" 4-door. Overdrive, wrathereye heater, and bed. Fhono ai23aftcr 8 p. m. WKrJL) CAKUl Oet tup price owi Rosa Motor Co. th and Plum.