PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALkS, OREGON WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 0. 1052 SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA laeoesaralte ' Treaua j Eselillr. M.lkse tl Ne. 7th rhea. 7MI tnirepreetl. P-vslelaa MIRRORS I for any Room in Hit Home!, Calhoun' A wm iT m.7.8 1 iv A I. Hiidebrand i By MRS. T. P. MICHAEL Mr. and Mrs. Ernest RIttrr mid children. Lld and Robert of Hen Icy, visited on Saturday with Mia. saran Micnaei. Olaf Nelson, who la employed at PIANNE Lighting . . . Speeds Learning "j . Young eyes see easily and quickly when the light ing is PLANNED for seeing. Older eyes, too, need good lighting for working, reading and playing. Why take chances? Let our Home Lighting Specialists show you how YOUR .t 'i. s . i r.T a rTTr 11 l . - -l hpi. - jtc.ugnung can oe rLAinLU tor au visual tasKs. ineir Weyerhaeuser near Sprague River, spent the holidays at his home In Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Carolle Hurst and family, who have made their home in sprague River, moved on Sat urday to the Olaf Nelson home In Dairy where they will make tllclr ilUlllV. Mrs. 8. K. Hnrtzlrr and son, John, and daufthler, Mrs. Joe Sulli van, were transacting business In Klamath Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rttter and children Llda and Robert of Hen ley visited on Saturday with Mrs. Emma Rueck. Albert Garrison of Eugene was calling on old friends In Dairy last week. He was a former resident of this community. Mrs. Rosa Vleira entertained wilh a dinner on Christmas. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Viclra. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vl eira, Jerry and Lee Vieira and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Murvin Michael and Mrs. Charles Boroughs, attend ed the ball game at Bonanza oil Friday evening, Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael had as their dinner guests on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borough and Myrta, Mclda and Maurice Chandler of Sprague River. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael spent Christmas evening with Mr. ana Airs, uu-e cam and lamtiy. Mrs. Mary Robertson had as her dinner guests on Christmas, E. L. Kooertson of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robertson and family from Hiidebrand. Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove and Leo Rob ertson, all of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sullivan and nnt l.nprif mnrl riannu nf f.inHtr Calif, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hart zler. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sul livan. They left Saturday, Jan. 6, lor ineir nonie. Jan Clark who Is attending Ore gon State College at Corvallls. spent the holidays with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ooben of Klamath Falls spent Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falkouskl and family. Mrs. Sarah Michael had as her dinner guests on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoefler of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Welch of Lakevlcw, and Floyd Hoefler, Eddie Welch, Hay Hoof. ler, Loy Welch Gloria Hoi-dor Clarene Welch and Wnndu Hucller. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Robertson and children, Dale Robert, Joan and Jan were shoppers In Dairy on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Jones and daughter, Elaine, were dinner guests of their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones of Klamnth Fulls, on Christ mas Day. Westside 7 -. Send for our booklet - "Eyn Our Windowi to the World." It's a complete story oa light il affects oar teeing. It's free, of course. 'services are free, so call us today. Plan Your Lighting For Pleasant Living THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Bettor Light Means Bttttr Sight Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment I , 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709, Wake Up To More Comfort Without Nagging Backacho Narclnt backache. Ion of pep and snare-, headaches and ditsJness mar be due to alow down of kidney function. Doctors say rood kidney function is very important to good health. When some everyday eonditlon.such as stress and strain, causes this important function toslow down. many folks sutlernar glnc backache-feel miserable. Minor blad der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause setting up nights or Don t neglect your kidneys if these con JU Hons bother you. Try Doan's Pllis-a mild diuretic. Vied successfully by millions for over 60 years. It's amaslng how many times Doan 1 1 give happy relief from these dlscom. forts-belp the IS mllesof k Idney tubes and in ters flush out wast. Get Doan's Pills today! ACT TODAY to earn more in 1952! Now is the time "to work" x cash reserves to tighten your grip on security. Savings placed with us by January 10th earn two liberal returns in the coming year. stop in and save today! W 71 $73 ,615.95 IN EARNINGS PAID OUR SAVERS DECEMBER 31st! CURRENT RATE 2Vi PER ANNUM FlRfTFEDERALUVINES .VL0AN ASSOCIATION 540 Main Street 1,11 Un.CI V Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. Perry Anhcraft were visiting on Wednesday eve ning with (riouda at the Ulll lint man home. O. D. Storkberurr silent the uiuistinns holidays with tr ends. (Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Homo tnul laniiiy at their home In Seattle. Wash. Dean, as ho Is well known, was tormerlv a West Side school teacher having made this his home tor several years. He later served In the U. S. Army and following ins aiscnargc decided to ruler the Dentistry School at Porlluiid. He ana lus family lived there during his schooling and following his graduation lust year, Dean decided to open an office in Seattle. Mrs. Violet Wagers was taken 111 on Christmas Llav and hurt in go to the Lakevlcw hospital Thurs day evening. She was able to mine home Sunday. Mrs. Wagers Is our local teacher and we are mrrv she had to spend some of her holiday vacation In bed. Mr. mid Mrs. Gordon Friday and son. Dale, have been enjuyiiig sev eral days at Sucrnniemo, Calif. Mr. and Mrs., Henry Albertson's home was the scene of a family dinner and get together on Christ, mas Day. Present were the follow, ing: Mr. and Mrs. Put Alberlson, Mr. and Mrs. mil Sundet and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kimri..i mi ranilly, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle nic kels, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rich aroson. Frank, Jack and Lvnn Al berlson, Everett Becralt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hasklns and son Jesse, nun ivirs. mil swarm and Mrs. Stella Clark of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Alberlson and fam ily ot Hazelton, Ida., and Lloyd Alberlson of Bandon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson and son. James, were dinner guests on Christmas Day at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Delmar McGarth In Lakeview. Mr. and Mre Xflllnn pnnK. o.. lamuy are planning to move to iown sometime this week. We re grct seeing them leave. Mr. and Mrs. Hurrv Knlh Imri relatives Irom Klamath rnuntv ui. itltig them over the holidays. Would like lo take this opportun ity uj wisn everyone a Happy New may tne new year bring happiness and peace everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. '.falls. Purr!,,- ...,l family had dinner Christmas n,iv -- fwy nooeris nome. Mr. and Mrs I.lnvrl Wnmn. ....... . ".c tiuiiunvs wun irienos and rela tives at Tulelake and Malln. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowl and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morris Jr.. and J. W. Crowl motored to Alturas to spend the Christmas holiday with relatives at the home of Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hartlcrode. Sunday dinner guests of the Har ry Crowl family were Mr. and Mrs Leo Alberlson and family of Hazel ton. Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Al berlson and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morris Jr. and the Crowl family. CLASSIFIED RATES One day ...... Three Days Week run .... Month run ... . per word . per word lie ,. per word !10o .... per word 65o MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers lo ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service chargo 01 ?9c. DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 5:30 p.m. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up ic U noon for following day's publication, ADJUSTMENTS Please muse all claims lor adjust ments wttnaut delay. ' Corrections or cancellations re ceived by t:30 p.m. will bt mads in following day's publication. Herald & News Want Ad -Agents BLY ' HUNTS CASH GROCERY Phone 7S3 Box 343 DCRBIS MRS DORA URANHAM Phone 1B3 201 B Haxeo llenlev Tulelake , , RUTH KINO Phone Rte 2. Box Sit LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC Phone U701 138 E. 8t- No MERRILL ROBERTA DEWEY Phone a.'Ol Merrill MAUN MRS. JOE HALOUSEK Box 114 Malln Phone 374 A CARDJr-THANKS Mr. aii(T.Mrtr L. A Stnlih slid patls'iils of the Cuuiily infirmary with to thank everyone for the food, romlv and nils that wars given during tlia Holiday Sfason. C " FUNERAt MOMIS WARD'S Klamsth funerallloma.' flis High Street Phone 33.14 fc Paisley By MRS. CLYDE BRAMLKTTK Fires broke out twice, here In the past week but both were ex tinguished with slight damage. Last Friday. Dec. 28, the Post olilce caught fire from a defective chimney. The blaze was discovered by the assistant postmaster, Mrs. Anita Banister, when she returned to the office from lunch. The fire was confined to the chimney but a sack of mall lying near by narrowly escaped being burned. Saturday evening about 7 p.m. the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Heller and two chil dren was ablaze. The local fire department kept the fire confined to the attic of the ten-room struc ture, most damage was done by water, clothing and food supplies getting a good drenching. A defective chimney was the cause of the conflagration. The Heller family Is staying with Mike Murphy until a house can be found. Rental property In Paisley Is at a premium. Frank Pate passed away Wed nesday morning at the Lakevlcw hospital after a leg amputation. Mr. Pate was a long time em ploye of the Z. X. ranch and was about 70 years of age. In 111 health for the last 12 years he suffered a broken hip In a fall from a horse over a year ago which failed to heal satisfactorily, necessitating the amputation. Funeral services were held Sun day Dec. 30., at the Methodist Church In Paisley and Interment was In the Paisley IOOF cemetery. The Valley Falls Orange mem bers and friends gathered at the Grange hall Monday evening for a New Year party. A potluck sup per, dancing and group singing were the highlights of the evening. On Jan. 26, the grand opening will be held at the new Grange hall. Everybody Is Invited to at tend. Mrs. Fred Carey was taken to the Lakeview hospital Friday eve ning suffering from pneumonia. Mrs Carey was placed under an oxygen tent and her condition caused much concern but at. this time she Is improving. Recommended By Many Leading DADY DOCTORS to relieve distress of " CHEST COLDS And Irtak Up Painful Uuliztd Cong lien A number of baby doctor! today are recommending Child's Mild Munterole to promptly relieve coughe, ore throat, localized inflam mation and to break up congestion in none, throat and upper bronchial tubei of the lungi. J unt rub It onl MuBterole instantly creates a wonder ful Bennatlon of protective warmth on chest, throat and back and brings am fil ing relief, There's also Regular and Lxtra Strong Musterole for adults. . Child's Mild . mmm MEETING NOTICES A Crater Lake Lodge No. 311 A FA: AM will hold a special communica tion In MM degree Thursday, January 10. at 7:30 p.m. By order of the W.M. WILLIAM FINK Secy. Legal Notice notice or noND SAi.r. sealed proposals will be molted by the Common Council of tha City of Klamath rails, Oreenn. for tha pur rhae of sewer Improvement bonds. Series M. srrlini. rour Thou.anil five Hundred Twenty. two and 33-100 Dollar.. .W.J3J33! duly authorised by ordinance of Ihe said Clly of Klamatn falls, for the construction and laying 3D. Of sewer lines In Niw.r tlmt ST- of said Clly and serving the property between Mouth Slxlh Street, the OCs ... nm, mni Ol Way. StlSSU Ws and Waihburn Streets. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and Including Ills 4th. day of February. 1H32, at Ihe hour of seven-thirty o'clock p m. of said day and opened Bt a regular meeting of ihe Common Coun. ell Immediately thereafter; said bonds shsll be dated rehruary 1. IBM, and shall be In amounta of lirxi 00 each, e-icepl bond No. 1. of said series, which shall be for the fractional pert of said sum. and all shall be due ten years after the date of Issue, payment of the entire bonds optional with aald City at any coupon paying data on and after one year from Ihe dale thereof. Said bonds will hear Interest at the rale of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st. and August 1st. of each year, principal and Interest pavahle at the office of the treasurer of tha City of Klamath falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of tha proposal. The Common Council reserves the right to relect any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to Ihe legality thereof by the law firm of Wlnfree. MrCulloch. Shuler Si Sayre. Spalding Building, Portland. Oregon. This notice is authorlred by ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Klamath rails. Oregon, dated Decem ber 17. mil. ROBEHT M. FLDr.R, Police Judge of the City of Klamath rills, Oregon. D-31-J-l-.!-4-S-'7 - S - ft 10 - II 12 M 1.1 . IS . 17 . IS - III - 21 - U . XI 21 - 23 - 21 - 28 20 - 30 31 P.I - 2 No 2. NOTICK OF THE ANNUAL MKK'I IN(i OK MKM1IFRS OF FIHHT FKDF.RA1. SAVINGS AND LOAN AHHOLIA11UN OF KLAMATH FALLS Notice Is hereby given lhat the an nual meeting of the members of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls will be held at the home office of the association at .140 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, at two o'clock In the aMernoon on the IBth day of January, 19.12 for the pur pose of electing three directors and for transaction of such business as may properly come ffefore the meeting. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls Ily: Van S. Mollison. Secretary J-3-9 No.- S40 NOTICF. OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the under. flnnl account In the office of the signed administratrix of the estate ol F. W. niggs, deceased, has filed her county clerk of Klamnth County, Ore gon, and the court has sat Friday the nth day of January. 11132, at Ihe hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said date, In the Circuit Court room in Ihe court house In Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing oblec tlons thereto and the settlement thereof. Daled this 11th day of Die., 1031. Louisa Jllggs Administratrix A. W. fichaupp. attorney U.-12-19-2I1-J.-2-0 No. 814 The local oxvgen tank at Dunns Chevrolet garage came In for use when Mrs. Cary's condition be came serious. A physician from Lakeview was called and on ar rival the doctor ordered the Dis aster Car from Lakeview to take the stricken woman to the hospital. Paisley has hod lots of snow the past week. On Friday 12 Inches- of new snow fell. Road crews worked around the clock. Portland To Buy Defense Equipment PORTLAND tm Portland's City Council authorized the expenditure of $5,000 Monday to purchase civil defense training and disaster re lief equipment. The State of Oregon will put up another $5,000 and the federal government will match the $10,000 for a total of $20,000. Radiological monitoring' equip ment and first aid training kits will be bought with part of tha money, civil defense officials said. It Is estimated that one million Americans have undetected diabetes. 10 SERVICE VM. A. ROGKItS SILVKIIWARR Made anil Cllini'iiiitt-od by Oneida, LUI, Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION rhonc 3-mi Cliis, Oil. Tires, Tillies lliitteiles, Liihilriilliin, Washing SOUTH H1XTII mill MIDLAND ROAD Kliiinalh Falls, Oii'iiun The only Hrivlro Hlallnii In Klitmulh Kails Isaiilng Rogers Ullvorwiun Curtis MEETING NOTICES LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and Initial Ion every third Thursday W. C. 1IOOPKK Secretary 1010 Pine KLAMATH FALLS Aerlo No. 20U0 f Ol Regular meeting All II, every Friday AMI if ..i,.!.. 7;4i m " O. K. Hall, Uth ind Walnut. Vuuuiuj tiiemoers cordially Invited Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to I am Hlirlne Club dinner iiirrlliiK on Wednesday, Junimry 9. at 0:30 p m. at Jened's, 413 Mnlu street. Kefrrahmrnla and eiitertaliimeiil. All Nobles are welcome to a l lend. PAUL WINTER. President ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOtlH mrels Friday, a D lit., for Inlurnialion. wtiia Hon 3o4. Phone 3.UU. IS SITUATIONS WANTID HAiiVai'iTiNti, l'ii.. iis a iiiria, t'llll.11 I'AHK Phono 2-1743, WILL caio tnr' children In my dnys or your huuia evenings. ' I.. S.I, leTllS- LOST AND FOUND N'l'IIAYHereforit branded Willi Halls? U. II, on left hill. Owner phone 21103. Mowerllros. Midland. Oregon LOST, rhinestone necklace. " Hewaril'. PhiineS.rin after S p in. LOST.- Hack and whlleCo.-ker"wlth Nprlngrr markings. Nettie noony, Vi cinity ounimers Lane. Phone WJI3. LOST, near South ttlslh and r.i stsm' black d.. answers lo "Dleckle. ' 83 re- wsru. I none I sou r!T!IAVt:il: (rum &fr-H.lerT5r.'rT Two Heifers, une Holileln, one duern sey llranded Diamond "F" on lelt hip Please cell 3.1173 ur write Ueorgo Lew is. 3Q4S Denver Avenue. 4 GENERAL NOTICE rOHR Singer Sewing Center Is ' open lo the public, Thursday 3 30 lo 0.30 for free attachment instructions. Hingis siwino cin 833 Main Phone 1-1313 PERSONALS Sf XS'LEY"'HonienMiucTe. Phune ootS! WAT ERPltOOFINa' "producls" f,,rlisf basements or roofs. Phone 8347. on. UF.H NOW. 10 SERVICES Septic lanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Btwer Lines of Roots, Etc CD F. KINO 7434 Orchard Phone fP.41 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone (1505 or 2-3316 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hot Bulldoter Fill Dirt Topsotl Crushed Rock - Driveway Clnden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or 9110 MOVING?... Call 7425 Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" RADIO Our Buslnens l.i Sound CONNfcH'8 BURVICE CO. Phone 687S HKW.NO and n I Urn lion work, baity-.).- tinf. Phone 2-fl.V.H. TOR EXPERT nmortrUng, rablneta of f urn Hurajrc pal ring. Phonc43:ifl. IlKICfC LAY! Mi OnVi your "flrouUce draw? U not call ft)4B. DOCS YOUR flreplact need repair? Call 2-OORI. Pipe tiiawinu. and weekends. Call 4BU3 evening PAINTING. ahenl rnrk flnUhlnx. tex turing, wall paper cleaning, wall and woodwork waihlng by hour or contract. Phone 21243 between 5 and B p. m. W A TC 1 1 KKPAIII I NO. HeaaouHblc. 73 Main Street. j PAINTING ,and pnp'crhanglng! i'honi-7017. rLOOnpol tuned. Phonft B300. THIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen oer worn rnnn ww. CARPENTER work. Repnlrn, rtimfifM Intf and new conMrucllon. Phone 2-JW17. lMAC'S Farm Equipment Co.,' Kerguibn dealer. Phone fl-IM. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract. Phone 2-) 010. EXPERT dreaimaklng and alteration... fnone inm .PAINTING. "decorating, paper' "hanging, plaiter-board Untitling, apray palming. pnone .wan. CURTAINS "Uundtred ' and atretched. pnone ii J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office t nM No. 7th. Phone fl14H 12 EDUCATIONAL CHltD CARE! and ducatfon. Pre-ichool center. Phone 4279. BOOKKEEPING, ihorthand typing kin dred aubjecti, office mnchlne. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE1 TM PI nt Phone 47WO 14 HELP' WANTED, FEMALE GIRL, neat and aggreiiilve, between a Ron 30 and 30. Good atarltng anlary and permanent poiltlon for right party. Phone 2-.M24. U HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED. Sawmill timekeeper Pl."ono WANTED, three cut-oft men. Phoenix. Ore. Phone 3-1204 after A p. m. Phone 3-177B iledford. It SITUATIONS WANTED fiAY WORTC, colored glrl71hone 2-02nl PRACTICAL NURME will Hive loving cara to children by day or hour, Phone 2-2430. Ofi tudont,"' married with f.imlly wlBheti work after fl p. m. Phone 3-1145. WA S H1NQ an d Iron In g. Phohejl'-Ol l"o. LADY with o"he child deiTreii work-in mother1eiaj home or aitilHtnnce to moth er. Phone t.42H, 73B N. 2nd. TRONiNG. Call S-miB." Iioiilt" worhTPhu'i 22 ROOMS FOR RENT I.AIl(llrrnliig fwitwlth'.iat. Cloaa In I'tinn l'M and iHMitl (ur'gvniUnieliTIiwie HtKiMN. ," bloik " ntt MaiPiione IMltlMH. ptirpi' ria.iiialirp Ph7Tna4i(.iX t.oVEI.Y'r.wnn.'fnr rent. M.-t. Vweek Ciu in. Pttctite tMt; MiiuMH "lti:u Migti ' 24 APARTMENTS 9 OR RINT I.AItiiE iixrvm "fmini ulium KaiMj aim. tmrnl. AtltllU, nu ih-u. 1113 Cettar itfl I'lnr. rllNISIIt)ilHair"f(,o'i,ljrleaii7"w Ir itxIr.'.Taicd. Nu-v view. 4H iu. I'hnitv .ttiJi ttltNtHltttl Itiii r.uV.t. -.T-,....-.7r8. tV. mtt rmint rnlilii. . all ullUllea ln rluitcl 410 N Tenth TllltKt. iiMim f tit nul.tif. ' ririiVni. ( it in. t-titi'lry fcilni. Mil N lih. Coupl tinlv. Nn peli. 43. Call 3.3110. ftilt HKNT I wo rMim, furnUltd apart ntpiil. Cuu.ilr. Pliuna 14111. rOH RKNT nice rUan modern it i-in iju.. .,ituiiit nrfrrd Mnriule Imiulia 1114 Oak. NICK twit riKim apartmani, gi Ktiuipiivil, I'hon M4. TWO ROOM m-rt)HMlr'M- eqliipiwd ni niita 1 1 mi p room ioue. hrdl 11 il High. apart . Villa WIH -OM RKNT. I.arg four roum funilih.d aimriinenl IMuma nuu. roll l.CAKK. nx monltta two bad Mmi mmt imrrH Carpvta from wall lo vll Wa(r, llghl antt h! furnuliail. No uli)rrinu to una child under twelve. 3U4U Hltaata Way. roll HKNT ' TwnrwnpUlly furniihad twu rtwiit apatuiianu. Clvan. ! Wll lw EOI'R ROOM'" fiirnlhedaparlrrnt "fof rent, with lnplit imrrh. Kleclrie tuve am) rvfrlgaralur. 43 M, Close In. Uin Walnut. TMUlCK rHin ftir7iiihtl "ipartnitor. Centrally I or It, 131 JHo. 3nd. H'lt.NIMlir.l) lwl.tir"aprimanl. tTtilT lti- paid. i3 iu, Phone 4wg. 10O9 Ur- roitt.1rwuri.riiJ.7d one "badwtm anartmanl Private haihPhona l-OJ3. rotfn' ROOM (umulied apartnunT." 5J Mnrhul I'h.mail7 APAHTMENTJi' ir"TtTCnqttlrVTl4l Urtiatl, lie Msnaavr. Koit "ittNT, nice 'un7urnuKad' dupTV. WKI Oalt roHKtfNt. f ur nuhad ""a par) rrtn L liZ qutra 818 High NT Wt."Y dnrorittd. private bath, hit' rhntta. Hinm heal. I mi tie range. in we-k He Arint Aprtnvanr ONE " brilriKim unfuinrthed apartmenu iaa 'l"PIH'dCalla-O0ll. NM AU. cln aiKtrtutant KieclrlcaTlv ritiimtrd 4.11 .Nirh 10th. roit"itE.NT7" Small clean apartment m diiplcji Kullahle fur coupU. ! Bum ttirii I -art A f ! r nonandavrn imj- riRMKNT Attrariive two room "p'arf y Ivtrnuhrtt apiftmanl. rtactrle heat. Clme In town. Phoneg 0070. KOI! M ENT, t Krea ro)m fVnUMati aparimptti. lloi waler beat. Adults. "Snnr .IMUI. )lt MKNT, iwiTdriKim ftirtfliKorUp Alaira apartment. Ileal and water fur- nuhnt. Ii2-i 'rnl. Phone 2 ia. t.i(t)CNI "fUmrprivale etiirnnt-e." thre room dtrnihrd apartment flectrleally nuipivd. Oil hat 1 - 26 HOUSES fOR RENT 0 lH AHl "l wii bodroum R o(Tf t hoi,., iurnuhed au per month. Call roil IIKNTModern Turnred llirr room houe with garage. Inquire IM Hntnrnei Iine. ron HKNT lwo tridrYiom' ntoSarn" piVu ly rurnuhed huue. t05 month. Inquire al 1M47 Avalon, FOR JIFNT, One iMrlfnom modern hmue Inquire 1414 Hornadale ttoad. FOR RKNT, furnlihed "two" bedroom hniue with garage. (00 month. Inquire i:t'22 Lakevlcw. FOR RENT furnlahed, one bedroom home, lltkl California Ave. Phone 3-127. ri'KNlSMKD two room houte.' No chil dren. 1H27 Hummer Lane. FOR HKNT. ftix room "modern fur nUhivt hoiiR. Near bus line. tW, 4429 Khata Way. FOR RKNT "three room furnlfhed cot tage, al 34M Orrhard. FOR RENT two bedroom houaa. Prion BOIM. PARTLY FURNISHED one bedroom hnue for rent, luiu Sltklyou, Phon W. J. Eater 2 02M. NKAT" modern houia al Hagar. Call 11147. ONK BKbttVioM fuVnuheS fiouie for rent. Call 4120. Apt. 401 or JVM. FOli HKNT," t w o "Tied no rii rVrrTiaheH hour.e. ;tU7a Doaidman. Inquire at 3701 Derby, ONE Rbft'rTaTifirnr.ignt anlfwaier fiirnlHhed. Acrom from Pelican achool. :i.l0 Hank Street. N1 ODER N rnbl na ' Mr rent. Junction Krrvlce Station. Weyerhaeuier. Phone ftami. m FOR RENT. Two bedroomdu'ple"j(r.'nr nUhed, clone In. Inquire TM North Uth. FOR MKNT. Clean, nlcelv fiir'nlalirTT one bedroom house. Couple only. 223 Lincoln. 28 MISCELLANEOUS WRJtENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yoiirsclf 8ave '1 Npw Trucks For Long Trips Plckiip Btakra Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 EMnln Phone 830 OKKici; (or rein. 1133 MaTrT Phone 7 1 iii Foil HKNT ' floor Sanders latest type equipment. Siihtirhin Lumber Co 1Kb and Walnut Phone 770fl. CAM RfOHAGR HKAfrn. day W..IJ or month. Earl Lamb. phon. 4873 r T70. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUMMERS PARK You will be proud to own thl ex ceptionally well kept two bedroom plastered home. Oak floors In liv ing and (lining room, Venetian blinds, elcclrio licnt, Insulated, wnathorstrlpprd, storm doors and windows, storage buHilIng for gar den supplies. Fenced backyard, patio, concrete driveway. Shown by appointment. Priced $11,000, ALSO Two bedroom home, St. Francis Park. 8000. New two bedroom on Radcllffo street, $1)250. Large two bedroom and finished attlo room. Will go Q.l. $8200. Hot Springs Two bedroom, full basement, fireplace. $11,750. Anne Mason Eddie lloslcy Eves. 6714 2-1083 ; BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Alii Phone 726