WKDNKSDAV, .IANUAHY 0, 111.72 JIKHALI) AND NKWS. KLA-V1ATII FALLS, ORKCON PAGE THIRTEEN .1 71 tiMiiil i:xit tiik i;ms. A bright IiiciiI upon picture li (liirknin! this work Ijy llin dcilli ill i ulr nnlonal liuii'liiill in Kliim- III Full". It comes (Irllnlli'ly im Ihr .,nit fatality of the your on tlm lurul front but It alnu ioiiiim with no burprlno tug. league liuii brum flinintlrrlng round In red Ink lor tlin limt two y im of IU lour-yi'iir rxlnli-nci. The big Mtlur-plrxiiH blow ciimr. nf course, Inkt ynir wlini li'imun ofllclaln voted to put tin" IriiKiiu on a hoiiic-andlioine liniinciul baeln. Thill means In simple terms Hint home teams got Hit money, the visitors sot tho trip mill Hint's nil. TIIK I.KAfltlK'M IIIIAKS wok" mi thin yrnr to voin back In the UU-40 pill but It was loo hi If. The league- vh luiiPv I'vrrv num ber was already riddled with hi debledneiui. 'Ilie Kliuunlli Full" rhil). In lake Ju.it one In currently wallowing Hi a I'JO.OOO pot of rr Ink. Purl ol that In coming to Unnln Hum. n Ky llml diirnn'l llkn to unit lor hit money. Ilul Ml 111 Ihr dli i'Olinn of Ihr Grins well planning In ko alinitl nnd piny Imneball. A huni' monirv raining plnn was In the lorinutlvc kUkp. This corner's compliments ko In I he director lor their willlUKiir-n to keep pIlrhlllK rtrville u '.Ml-gruntl dellrlt thnl laced them. Thev wnnled to gu uhrnd UK CAUHK T1IKY KKI.T THAT I'ltO KEHflIONAIIIAHKHAIX IH HOMfc TJI1N0 WE SHOULDN'T LOHK. TIIKV WT.ItK ItKillT. We do need professional base bull. Ilundredn ol Inriil baseball fnnn aro hnrd hit by thn hiiiiouik e meiit Hint there will be no league lllln yenr. I feel sure Uie Ooni would luive somehow kepi operntlUK this yenr. Dul you fun' I piny If there's no one tn nlnv with. Redding and Mrdlord, I'm told, i lust plnln threw III the sponge nl Monday's leniiue meeting In fled-; ding. That left three tennn with no choice but to follow null. TIIK BTOItV ol the end ol pro trnMonal baseball hern Is mude ad ditionally and for those who've been around baseball lor lonw lime. Because they know llml Jerry Donovan's announcement Hint the leaguo would tnko year's liollduy lo atralKhlen It's nuances, then bounce buck In the running aiuln. b pure and simple "sour grapes." And Donovan knows It ton Ttiere have been lew Instances 1,0 few Hint nono como Immcdliitely lo mind where a town waved go:a bv to profmsloiwl baseball, thrn came bark In. Tlie sportAwrlllnR boys at Med ford lold me that Donovan "ex pressed optimism thnl tho Fur West league would be operating next year iWMi". Sounds good and makes a Rood alor. Hul Donovnn has been r.round bascbnll too long. Mi toivnie wns In his check bin .rod when he smiled nnd stild, "We'll . be back." KIKK IIMIKK'K. business man ager of the local club, had another lory lo tell. "Donovan was almost In tears." Derrick said. Nslurslly. bemuse the leniine prexy who also heads Iho Culllornln Hlate leniiue. knows that It will be live or ten yenrs IF AT ALL. before there's another Fur West league, at least comnrlsed of the trams that folded Monday. CollBPsh.d a lensue Is i wnitmmv. Major league clubs will immed iately switch their affections now and look lor other plnces lo plucc Class a Dull ciuos. Don't be surprised If California pops with a Class D leuKue. When the major league pull out, they seldom come back. And a Class D lengue needs affiliations with major leniiue biiscbnll. Say, for hypothetical cases, the now-defunct Fur West league cranks up nmln next year. Plnvers wl'l be ns sciiroe ns straight Bourbon at a church con vention. Thine that niny be on the loose will look with some skepticism on league that mny fold the next week or month. I CAN IIP. WKONfi. I hope I nm. I'll be the first lo welcome bnck professional base ball here. But I can't cook up any opti mism along these lines. TIME OUT! 55- OA t "l.ooks like they've discovered Texas' defensive weakness!" SHUFF STUFF The second nlitht of shuffle boarulnu Inst night saw Suburban blank Roundup, 4-0; Tat's shut out Ihe Eagles and Bill's Plucc and Schtiss Tavern split, 2-2. Games to night will clone out this week's flay- IT'S POOLE'S . 'v ; For SKISond SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS fom $9.75 els, Li Klamath Home To llv III I) III III) 'I'he Pellr-ntin h i'e currentlv Inbhrd ns the bent hhdi school : li'uiu in Oregon, uccordlnii to the m i iiniiiliiti'd opinion ol thn state's I sporliiu rileiK mill spoi Iscimters nl- lllhiti'fl with the Associated I'ress. The lllnck Tom:, o i. Me llunl bnrnly slipped Into the first week's 1 poll wllh li teuth-pluco honorable mention vote. Thiil, two cliivs before Khimulh I Kulli mid Mi dlord otjen Ul .i 4 1 pluy V'niliiy nnd Kutuiduy nlKhls I on iviirufi Ciiiirl. Rives the I'els ! u bulky i-ilKC mi puper. Hut l''nnirt HotTiiuiot will bihm lib leiiin liere holding a big psy- rholiKicii cilKC opi;n i.CAfii i: ; It till nnikes lor n touch-und-Ro si'i ies mi the two Houthern OreKon powers hiuiich Iimiriiv cumpulk'iiH they hope h-uds to n plucc In the JACK HORTON, whose basket sent the Pelicans into an overtime victory over Bond Saturday nifiht, will be at a forward spot Kriday nitwit, when the Klamath five hosts Med ford in the t)ist. 4 opener. Muri-h sliile loiirninent. Paul Mi-Cnll s Pels llv s (1 1 1 record In pre-lenttue Riimes. In Ihc same number of khiR's-X outlnRS, M-dford hns won five, lost three. , On the win side of the books, Ihe Tanwirio count Corvnlljs i twice i, Cottaoe drove, Reedsnort ' nnd Coqullle as lis victims. I ReddliiR, Ko'-eburn and Univer sity HlRh ol Eusenc have dealt i Me-lford !i setbacks. n i:iKi tik Compnrallve-wlse. Ihe Pels tied ReddliiR In a name Hint saw the ; nll'etnl srorer lo his mathemntirs j nnd edited Ihe Shastns the next j lllKht, 4J-3B I Olher Klamath Fulls victories have been al the expense of Spring field twice. Bend twice and Cen Irul Catholic. The Portlnnd Catho lic five handed the Pels their only loss m the remntch. Roelnndt will have three of last sen.son's regulars on his squad. They arc Din Spinas, Dennis Con ner and Ed Bingham. Jim Holloway. member of last year's stale B champion Phoenix team, Is a transfer who promises to heln Medford. ItKADY McCnII said yesterday that Cal vin Ollmore, who saw Just brief ac tion In the Bend series, will be at full strength for the district open ers with Medford. Ollmore dislo cated a finger In scrimmages last week. With the often under-rated psy eho'cgiral factor rldliiR on Me;f ford's side, tho Pelicans will need Ollmore. who teams with whlj boy Jerry Johnson In Ihe guard positions. Bin Ralph Carroll Is at center while Riidnr Ray Bell nnd Jack Horlon hold down the forward spots. The Klamath Junior varsity oc cupies Ihe 6:45 preliminary spot both nights, meeting Klamath Pack ot the Victory league Friday night, the Mi.lford Jayvecs Saturday. HOCKEY Pnolflit rnaaf llnrkev lly The Associated I'ress Saskatoon S Tacoma 1 Bon Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th & KlamatH Pit. 2-2581 I wis. Aw Wolves Host To Oretech With a respectable 7-4 record In non-counters under their belts, the Oregon Tech Owls sturl plnyliiR for the blue chips In a Frlduy-Siilur-dnv basketball series ugulnst the Oregon College Wolves. Tha two-game cuge set, opening Oregon Uolleglato Conlnience i.hootliii; for both tenuis, i.,iows on OC'IC's Monmouth court. Vunport lends the OCC circuit, scoring two wins over Eustern Ore gon College lust weekend. I're-luuguc activity points ill) a wealth of conipiirlson between the Owls nnd Ihe Wolves, 'Ihe Monmouth five bus won four, lost three. ' Two of the wins and the sumo number of losses have been ugulnst Himthein Oregon College. SI'I. IT 'I'he Wolves split with Mnllcld In a pair of close contests, the same team the Owls beat (J7-54 In a single showing. 'I he other OCR triumph wns over Pacific University. Oretech 'h record agnln.'.t the Raiders of Southern Oregon hasn't been as Impressive. Thiec of the Owls' losses have been to the Ashland quint. 'Hie Hill toppers won one from BOCE. The fourth loss was to Humboldt State In Arcalii, Cnllf., over the weekend, but Ihe Owls won the re turn sculfle Bnlurduy night. GRANT) HI.A.MH The other lour wins by the Owls have been two-gnme grand-slums over the now-defunct I.assen JC team and Bhnsta College ol Red ding. Art Kirklnnd has made another switch lor the OCE series. Wayne Holzfuss will open at cen ter and Homer Duncan goes back lo his lorwurd spot lo work with Jnck Plnkley. Guards nre Deadeye Don Sulphln and Lcn Cenetln. Tom Schubert will go back to a forward spot along with Jerry Wyati on the second team. John Koch understudies Holzfuss at cen ter. Jack Brown hus been boosted up from ihc juyvces lor ihe trip at a guurd position. The good news la the return of Murv Hummuck, letlcrman guard. Hammack broke his wrist Dec. 7 uguinst SOCE and has been on the shell since. WII.I. IIKI-P Klrklund said he wasn't In shape to go "lull speed ahead ", but he'll help. The other ' two spots on the 12 mun pleyer squad that leaves Thursday morning are open until Just before dcpurlurc, Kirklnnd suld. Big gun for the Wolves Is letter man Harold Pitcher, who operates at center, although Just six leet lull. Olher leltermen on the OCP team nre Howard Sullivan, last year's leading scorer, and Bob hushnell, "most valuable player" on the 1050-51 team. Packers, , Metiers In Wins Metier Bros, spanked DeMolay and Klamath Pack got by Crater Lake in the Victory league cage agenda last night at Falrview. Tex Robinson led Metler's 46-17 romp over DeMolay with II points. Klamath Pack distributed Its scoring among Dean Lowell 8i. Herb Barrett 8i, Chick Qulnowskl (Ai and Gary Clark (7) In Its 38-31 win over Crater Lake. George Han son and Louie Tnuchcr had 8 and 7 for Ihe Craters. Bftx aeoret .MKTI.I.R 1401 nneltrher 7 Cheyne S nohiiuon 11 Meller 7 (It) m.TIIOI.AT 4 Pirkett 4 Hnnnon 3 Kilredie Montgomery c. Thornton i; KlnmarK Metier aiiba Dow 4, Crawford 1 l.vona 8. Roberta 3. DeMolay auba Vlahga. Smith i. 8rhoender 2, Hoiel man, Ciimmlnga ?. Porter. I aATKR 1.1 1 1 (Jil KLAMATH PACK St. John 3 F 8 Lowell Hnnaoii B V 4 Davidson l.entx 4 C 8 Barrett Dexter (1 3 Dixon flora 7 7 Clark Crater auba Miller 1. Taurher 7. Rpratfue. Packer auba Overen, Wrlffht. Qullnowaki 8. Oldham. The Hcrshcy Bears of the Ameri can Hockey League have missed the post-season playoffs once in 13 years. That was In the 1949-50 sea son. Altamont Jr. READY Oretech letterman guard Marv Hammack, after ' an early-season injury, is ready to go again against Oregon College in Monmouth Friday and Saturday nights. Coach Art Kirkland said Hammack would see "at least limited duty" in the first action since he broke his wrist. Webf oots Puff Lead In Northern Chase EUGENE, Ore. tfi Oregon kept Its role as early pace-setter In the Northern Division. Pacllic Coast Conference, basketball race Tues - day night wllh a 59-45 triumph over Washington State I'he win gave the Ducks a sweep of the tfc'o-ganic series and lcit them alone atop the standings with a perfect record lor the siill-youug season. The Cougars, who lost to Ore gon by the same score Monday night, were In Ihe cellar with one win against three losses. The divi sion's three other teams have a win and a loss apiece. Oregon dominated the play al most from the start. Paced by Forward Bob Peterson, who cap tured 26 rebounds to break the Coast oCnference record of 21 he set Monday night, the Ducks pulled out in front early in the opening period and were never headed. They led 27-20 at the half and 43- Hutchinson Dunks 30 Franklin Hutchinson waxed hot last night to dunk 30 points in Bly's 04-53 win over the Klamath Wild cats on Bly's floor. Bly led most of the way and held a 39-37 halftime lead. Davis scored 15 for Klamath, while Don nle Wessell added 18 to Hutchin son's 30 for Bly. Box BCore: WILDCATS (M Chut field 2 Summers 4 Dnvij 13 Revana If m.T 18 WeaaFll 7 Lybrand 7 M. Martin 2 Dillnvou Armstrong 11 30 Hutchinson Wildcat aubil Chase 8. Clordv 4. Mi- Ihla. Bly uba J. Martin, Wlnfleld. Cannon, Hadley. GRIZZLIES . Gilchrist lost. 37-20 non-league basketball decision to Laplne last night on the losers' floor. Lapine also won the Junior high preliminary over the Grizzlies by a 21-20 squeak. JANUARY 11TH PAYLESS DRUG WEED 8 P.M. WEED "B" CLUB vs. HILLTOP CAFE 7 P.M. High Gym oot Hp peimeirs in 4 m RtD HWO, trOtTS IDfTOg "' ' ' 30 at the end of the third quarter. I center Chct Noe and Guard Ken Hunt each posted 15 points for Ore- ionn for scorinir honors. Center George Rosser was high for WSC with eight. " DEC, Q28f7 tMSBO mm I.ADIBI (i l.Y.MA V. Srhmerk't Hii.Kip.sV'hulz Molfttore t Marvin n . ..... Rblinrlup Lowell lacker ,. M IB ..II 21 .. VI 24 .24 28 . 211 32 ..vm .4112 10 XI l.aal Wrrh'l KiUlU Shoop-SchuU 4 Roundup 0 Marvln'B 'A Lowell'i I Schmeck'l 3 Molaturi'i 1 Although bowing, 3-1, to Al j Schmeck s bowlers, third - place Molatore's copped three-fourths of the honors In the Ladybug kegllng circuit last week. Schmcck's had the high team se ries, a 2464 performance, but Mom-1 tore's notched a high game, 880 and two of lis bowlers came through for individual laurels. Marie Fields rolled a 207 high I game, Darotha Koberg a 483 high series. ilone of the team or individual marks were high enough to earn a place in the season's Big Three, however. Panthers Upset Bonanza Chiloquin served notice last night it may be the team to watch in the upcoming Klamath County Class B championship tournament when it whipped the highly-rated Bonanza Antlers by a 52-44 count at Bonanza, a non-league game. The Panters Jumped Into an early eight-point lead before Bo nanza scored. But the Antlers started rolling and tied Chiloquin, 25-all, at intermission. Gene Gentry led the Panthers vith 24 points in one of the best .'coring exhibitions this season In county play. Chiloquin had its big quarter. after the rest period running up a 44-34 three-ouarter lead. Chiloquin won the jayvee pre liminary over Bonanza, 40-32. Box teort: HII.OOI'I.V (51 (II) BONANZA Parker 2 7 11 Cnsmt D3vid 9 F 8 Hubble nentry 24 C S Chandler Vaden 7 G 10 Halev Dubotf 10 G 2 Wilson Chiloquin tub Anderaon. Nichoiaon. Bonanza tuba Dye 6, Barney 2. iGame Cornish PORTLAND Wl The State Game Commission will meet with sportsmen Friday to discuss rhnmree In nnelinir reeulations. Final regulations for 1952 will 'be announced two weeks later. DUGAN 522 So. 6th. St. CRUNCH Kurt Von Pop penheim applies the head lock on a helpless victim in a recent match here. But the big German will have to have his headlocks in work ing order tonight to beat Pete Belcastro, the Weed Assassin. Belcastro Returns Tonight Pete Belcastro. whose name Is a by-word among wrestling goers lh - ' r.,llrn. , .h. rin ' be(ore an evnctCd tammed bouse cf customers. Belcastro meets Kurt Von Pop penheim. the arrogant, sadistic German, in the main event of an all-star card. It's a blazing start to the new year of matfare. one that will crobablv set records for mayhem that will be hard to break. The semi-windup also promises more out-of-rinc action than in le gal territory. This one puts Hurri cane Herb Parks against Gene Blakely, the rugged rodeo perform er. Herb's brother. Billy the Kid. mixes with Yorg Cretorian in the j openeV at 8:30. Cretorian, dubbed the Rumanian ADe in rings to the north, will be making his first ap- Ipearance here. Big Powerful, High-compression Engine TSmS U,n. Durvivnrl LTrrimA LONG, STROHB SPRINGS Heavy, Rugged Frame and big-capacity xxles Molded, Tapered, Cyclebond Brake Linings ScuT Better Weight Distribution - - PLUS SCORES OF OTHER GREAT EXTRA VALUES... COME IN TODAY and MEST Phono Trojans Wallop Hornets Bv IIAVK UNDKRHILL Sacred Heart's Trojans continued their scourging of County Loop op position with a convincing 47-26 win over Henley last night at the Academy gym. Though not counting In league standings, the Academy's win showed it will take hard pressing to roo ma irojans oi uie county bauble this year, Henley hit the scoring column first with a push shot ' from th side by Guard Gordon Ramsey, But ouunawKing Kay Beard and bob Howard soon knotted the count at 2-2 with gift shots, and the Tro jans forged ahead to a first quar ter ii-o jeaa. The slow scoring Dace continued as the Academy five managed to double Its margin, leaving the floor i nauume witn a zi-iu jeaa. Lead by Substitute Forward Wayne Neubert a deadeve from side court with one handers the irojans coasted along to a Z.-21 advantage at the three-quarter mark. Neubert took top scoring honors with 12 points. Henley's Bees trounced the Trobabes, 37-25, in a preliminary. Box score: HENLEY lie) Ajideraon 7 F b. hiii 2 ,r Hayea 2 C Ramsey 4 G Lehto 2 G (13) SAC. HT 2 Helderee 5 Koch 4 Mahonav a Howard 8 Beard Henley auba D. Hill 2. jonei. Mc- Pherson. DeVore 5, Case Yadon X Sacred Heart subs Neubert 12, Pratt 4. weaael a, McAndrewa 1. Smif h Top Trapsman R. M. Smith was the top shooter at 16 yards when the Klamath Gun Club held Its first regular shoot Sunday on its. Wocus traps. Smith hit 48 targets of 50. Nelson Reed and Bill Davis tied in the handicap competition with 45x50 Scores. ' Gun Club Pres. Vern Moore Is extending a cordial welcome to the public at the club's Sunday shoots. Starting time is iu:3o a.m. . Sunday s results; 1 T. Baca. 43 43 4 X VJL 47 X f 47 4 . 46 43 43 43 X 21 -.42 x n 4 S Smith ., -, o.nev r. vartln Reed Davis - m Rundell .. isranainaa ...... fqrland Moore bud Cloak Brovles c. J. Martin BalslRer DriscoU Grant Colley Mrs. Cloake Hilton ...42 x la 42 40 X 7t 40 40 ' 40 40 38 40 33 X Jl X 21 X 11 Pierucclnt .til X It x-hot at 2S target only. 8101 ' ." ',''