WEDNESDAY. .JANUAHY 0. mr2 IIEnAI-D AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN i ii i lit 1 DSA Winner Selected By Committee Churchill, Truman Agree On Ail-Out Support For Unified European Army The communique, Inforiiiiinln re- pnrlcd, will announce evrrnl npe clllc point, IncliKllriK nn bi cp- ment on ruw mrUerlal nuppllcA. hl.i In exported to nnure JO it a In Mrxlrn C'lly mole lliun tnpino.'. pmitln .ikyM-rnprrrt A nppi'liil eoinmlllro linn Helen, d KliiiimUi C'mthly'H iiiitr.liinulnx yciunu citizen ul HKil but. lilrnilly nt the pri'Mop to be IkiiioiciI Ih known nnlv to member ol Ihe live-mull nrlri'llun I'oiiiiulllrp. The oulnliimlliiK yntiiiK clllm In In receive) Ihit .lunliir ('hiimbrr ul Cnmmerce Utfilliimilnliril Hrrvlce A win (I nl Hi" Henlm Junior Clinm hrr minimi dinner meeting here Jnn 16. TImi dinner In to he nerved l Ihe Wlllurd Hotel ul II 311 p m. neclplenl l Die Kliiinulh DMA nv.ard will he considered lor Hie (iiilewhle iiwnid nnd winner l Ihut one will he n ciindldnti) (or the nnllunul nunrd. PnllowhiK nntloniil Jiiycre pulley, neupoll.v llo on" rr.repl niMnnern oi inr t.elenlloii iinninlllee In In know whom h" hee'i nelrrlrcl (o reieive Hie engraven) 1).A kry. Honieiline dm Inn the Jn. I! merlin, nwiird inn l Uie key will he unnounced. The honored youiiir i itlen will he d'ked In rl'e nnd receive the DHA ty 'nml will be Ihe tlrnl time the' nurne will be known to nnv-,.,1-i.m.. the I'oiiniiltlee. One humrd "f thin prmilre In the lurtM Lhe honored voiinii emwn Tot Htnnd the dinner meetlnit. However, the Jiivcren iimhiIIv ninn me 10 nwnire Ihe irclDlent'n pre ere wllhout Willing their hand. The DSA BWiird In mnde on rounly-wldr bnnln mid In not eon tmed lo Jnycee member. Any rltlirn not more tliun 35 ycur ol me In eligible. l.nnt yenr'n winner wm City Counrllmnn Durrell Miller. Even lh" nrlerllon collillllllee In fecret: linme.n ot the committee men ore known onlv to Jayiee I're. Hob Hmilh, who appointed the committee. Thin yenr'.n minimi chnmber din ner meeting In ricM ilbed by Chnm ber Pre, Arthur I Kicky I Rlckhell el "pprhnpa the mo-.t InipnrUnt meetlnit In rhnniber hl.-tory." Hie meellni; In lo lornnilly lnunrh Ihe chnmber n Important una) of rxpnndlnit and biinner.a In the county. Two prominent NmthwrM buil ders luurrj are to be Kuenl tpeak era. Thev are: lllllmnn Luede maim. vice president and general inannucr ot 1'ope nnd Talbot and prenldenl of the Went Coant Lum bermen Annoclntlon; and Edgar Smith, prenldenl of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Tlrkein for the dinner meeting are blnir aolrt bv dlreclorn of bolh the Benlor and Junior chambers. iiv Jons m. iii;htowi:h WABIIINUTON I I'rhne Mln l.'ler Cliurrlrlll leaven WanhlnKton Wednesday Ice a vIMt lo New York iuld Otliiuii, apparently convinced Unit his tnlka with rrenldenl Tril lium have Iuld n new bunl.n for tightened co-opcr-iilion around the world. In a final White House aennlnn, ending T'.iewliiy night. Churchill nnd Mr. Truman agreed to give ii ll-oii t nupporl to formation of a unified European clclense army. In cluding Oermuii, French, Italian and Low Country trooph. Mr. Truman had wanted auch commitment from the Hrltlnh lead er In the hope ol npeedlng up the army project in Kuroiic. , A 1.200 word communique Miin- 'mliiK mi reaiilla of the lour dnyn of lowenl atreel In tnlkn. but omlltlng Information on mile higher Hum the laerret military dincunnlonn. in ex n ol New York City a iiiected to be Innued Ihl.n nlternoon aller Churcntii oepnriurc uv irnm. Transport Plane Plows Into Swamp MINNKAPOUH ii -- A four en Muc Alrlllicn Iraiihpurt made a Inrcrd Innillng In a nwiimp Junl ultrr It had taken off Wednes day on a pilot check Might. Time crewmen, Ihe only pcrnonn aboard, enenped Injury. The DOt plane 1 11(1 about 600 feet In miow, nhearlng oil three piopellom, Ahoaid were dipt. Hob AuMry, Co-IMIol l.eroy And'Tnoii and O. IJ. Kchroedei, check pilot, all ul Mln- of more American aleel and Unllcd Htnlca of ilrlllnh tin. The Prime Minister In leaving behind lor further consideration a iiuuiher of Innuen which may be jmonlhn In nolutlon plun ionic po litical problems prcnumahlv cen tering on Iho Middle Eant for dla euulon between Foreign Secretary t'.acn and Hccrctary of Mate Achca- 011. I Churchill to understood lo have 'expressed lo the President a de sire for greater exchange of atomic Information among me united States, Britain and Canada and for the ! arrangements lo test Britain's atomic wcnppna here. This Infor mation exchange would require ac tion by Congress to relax present rigid atomic aecret restrictions. The long disputed matter of as signing an American admiral an At lantic Commander under the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was reportedly reconciled In discussions by the two government chiefs and their military advisers. One report was that thev agreed the United States should exercise the Atlantic command. In turn, It was said. Ihe U.S. agreed to back M end Mar DOCTORS SAY: "Pfft In til and nronoserl Middle East eommnnd. manKina. After Tuesday niRht'n session. Churchill told newsmen the Amerl- enn people were enrryins out their mission In world affAirs "not (or J rjjr ST.JOSEPHl Wjf I ASPIBIN I ! X "TB FOR CHMEHj HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley Proprletorn and Joe Earley AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tulelak or dial 9578 Klamath Fall Hospital To Battle Law PORTLAND Physicians and fiurgeon.n luwplial denied a 100.-: oou grant 1 goliiR lo. liy.lo (le. i Mm kil federal hn.Miiliil gn'lUn In J 'Oregon. IU nltorncy aald Tueadny, The hospital "will file nn In junction or lake olher appropriate action agulimi the Stale Hoard of Health challenging Ihe manner In which (Itsburnemenls o( Hill-Burton Act irdenil Itinds vero handled," the attorney, tiniest Burrows, atd. If an Injunction Is granted the entire 57fl.OOO which Oregon hnn received under the act might not be disbursed lo the dozen or no hospital project lor which funds already have been allocated. The HIII Dtirlon Act provides for a federal griinl of 1-3 of the cot of a hospital providing the re maining a-3 of the cost in put up bv the ho!.pllitl and certain olhcr conditions ate met. The Hoard of Health distributes the lunds. Burrows explained that l'hyslc In an and Surgeons applied for a WO. 000 grant some lime ago. He said the Board ol Health approved the grnnt In 1050 and told Ihe hospital thai the lunds would be forthcoming. But since then, a number of other hospitals have received Rrnnl.n and Physicians and Sur geons has been by-pnssed, he said. Soft, urftiti, jfibttf TOILET TISSUE MD Toilet Tiasue adda now luxury to your bathroom, yet costs no more than ordinary tissue. Next time, buy Mvernl rolls of 1 CAD IAN T 44EAT Wtet-eve? You Aeed tl s nnmrs- V J uui'7' r I rDCDmLJ LJ ' e ::: w Teyton and Co. ' 83S Market St. Klamath Falls, Oregon Please arranfe to demonstrate- Sun ranel In wy home offlc faetory (check one) Slfned 1 1 Regular Sola Price Prica Extemion Toble, two filler leaves. Grey peorl ploslic -, 89 50 45.00 Drop Leof Table, yellow pcoil top. 79 50 6S.00 Extemion Toble, one filler leaf. Grey wood lone plastic 79 50 45.00 Extension Toble, grey pearl plclic, one filler leaf 39 50 31.95 Drop Leof Tables, grey and yellow. 84 00 49.50 Now In Progress! Klamath Furnitures Annual Tremendous Savings On Fine Quality Stocks! Chrome Dinettes YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OF THESE FINE CHROME CHAIR SETS: Set of four in blue embossed plostic. v Set of four with shield backs, green embossed plastic 43.75 49.50 47.80 55.00 47.80 39.50 73.50 55.00 83.75 44.50 Lane Cedar Chests ALL REDUCED! V 1000 " Sofa Beds, Studio Couches, Swing Rockers Regular Sole Price Price Simmons Hide A-Bcd, Lawson style, Green Textured Cover. 289.50 205.00 Coveno and Choir, green frie2e. 199.50 139.75 Simmons Studio Couch, makes twin beds, removable bolster, red, and red and green stripe 99.50 69.75 Simmons Studio Couch as obove covered in modern print with grey background. 99.50 69.75 Berkloc Rocker and Ottoman, green or grey frieze 83.75 58.75 Berkloc Rockers, choice of frieze covers in beige, green, rose, grey 72.95 51.95 Large Covered Arm Rockers in textured cover, green 99.00 69.75 Simmons Studio Couch, brown tapestry, front pull-out style, makes 2 beds. 1 19.50 83.75 Desk & Bookcases Mahogany Kneehole Desk 23" x 44", File Drower. Regular Price -Rope Edge, 75.00 Sligh "Correspondent" Desk. 26"x50", Mahogany Kneehole Desk. File Drower 159.50 Mahogany Bookcase, Drawer, Gloss Doors. 36" wide 79.50 Open Bookcase 30" wide. Walnut, Adjustable Shelves 52.50 24" Mohogony Bookcase. Drawer, Gloss Door, Adjustoble Shelves 59.50 38" Open Shelf Mahogany Bookcose. 59.50 Walnut Kneehole Desk, Center Drawer Accommodates Typewriter, Two File Drawers 89.50 Solid Maple Kneehole Desk, Seven Drawers. 22" x 44" top 89.50 Modern Kneehole Desk, 23" x 44" Blonde finish 120.00 Sale Price 52.50 115.00 55.00 34.75 41.75 41.75 42.75 42.75 85.00 Living Room Sets Tomhn'.on Sofo, Red Brocatcll Down Cushions Regular Price Spring. 350 00 Chair ond Ottoman, Wine Friere, Attached Pillow Bock 129.50 Tomlinson Sofo, Green Brocotelle. 225.00 Wing Choir, Early American Print. 139 50 Early American Sofo, Cushion Style Solid Mople, Loose 199.50 Lowson Style Sofo and Chair, Beige Frieze 399.50 Two-Piece Sectional Sofa, Red Matelasse Cover, Lawson Style 325.00 Billwell Sofa and Chair, Wide Arm Mod ern, Kelly Green Frieze 279.50 Biltwell Two-Piece Sectionols, Light Green 189.50 Krochlcr Club Choir, Light Green Frieze 89.50 Lowson Style Club Chair, Kelly Green Frieze 139.50 Kroehler Club Chair Modern Tapestry Cover in Blown and Green 74.50 Sal Prica 245.00 89.50 135.00 99.50 139.50 275.00 225.00 195.00 150.00 45.00 95.00 52.00 Dining Room Sets Regular Price Duncan Phyfe Dining TableSix Chairs, 56" Buffet, Eastern Made, Mohogony 528.50 Mohogony Corner China 1 59.50 Sotinwood Inlay, Mahogany erver, Bow Front. .199.50 Mahogany Finish Dining Chairs, 5 Sides, 1 Arm Chair 138.00 Mople Finish Round Drop Leaf Table, Six Hitchcock Chairs. Welsh Cupboord 284.00 Mohogony Finish Gate Leg Drop Leof Toble, Solid Cherry 109.50 ' Solid Cherry Dining Room Group. Round Drop Leaf Table, Hutch, Six Chairs. .. 459.00 Modern Junior Dining Set in Bleached Oak, Extension Table, Six Choirs ond ' Buffet 189.50 Solid Oak Extension Table, Six Choirs, Foam Rubber Seats 389.50 Mahogany Ten Leg Table, Six Chippen dale Ladder Back Chairs, Table Extends to 8 Feet 229.50 62" Mahogany Buffet. 159.50 Sal Pric 399.50 129.50 139.50 99.50 199.50 79.50 325.00 135.00 259.50 199.50 135.00 Living Room Tables Regular Sal Pric Pric Modern Step Tables, Oak ond Ash, Poir. Eoch 69.50 48.7J Choir Side Tobies In Oak ond Ash. 42.50 29.75 Cocktail Table, Birch 45.00 31.50 Lamp Table,. Birch 42.50 29.75 Step Tables, Oak and-Ash In Horvest Finish 34.95 24.50 Cocktail Toble, Horvest Finish. .. 41.50 29.75 Corner Tobies, Walnut ond Mohogony, 39.50 27.95 Mogazine Table, Mahogany Finish. 26.50 18.93 Solid Cherry Commode, : Mahogany Finish 34.95 24.50 Mahogany Finish Pier-Cabinet, Open Shelves and Drawers. 49.50 34.75 ALL LAMPS, MIRRORS and PICTURES 209b OFF Bedroom Furniture Regular Pric Vanity cand Mirror, Chest, Twin Beds, - .: Bench and Nite Stand in dark walnut. Eastern made, all hardwood 322.00 Double Dresser, Chest, Full Size Bed, Nite Stand, all hardwood construction. 302.00 Nine Drawer Double Dresser, Landscape Mirror, Full Size Bed, Nite Stand. Modern, Dork Mahogany. ;319.50 Solid Wolnut Bedroom Set including Vanity and Mirror, Chest ond Bed. ., 395.00 Solid Mohogony Twin Bed Set, with Vanity and Hanging Mirror, Chest-on-Chest, Nite Stond ond Bench 674.00 Double Dresser, either Walnut or Mahogany. 69.50 - Sal Pric 195.00 195.00 195.00 i 195.00 350.00 55.00 Floor Coverings Regular ..." Sal Pric v .' Pric BROADLOOM CARPET Plain Rose. 12 ft. width .... sq. yd. 7.95 y .. ' ; S.95 Plcin Beige. 12 ft. width .... sq. yd. 7.95 :. ,; 5.95 Rose Carved Axminster. 12 ft. sq. yd. 10.95 . J.95 Green Axminster, 12 ft. width sq. yd. 9.95 7.95 Figured Axminster. j 9 ft. width sq. yd. 9.95, 7.95 ASPHALT TILE 9 x 9 Yt Size, 90 per carton C Colors carton 10.75 D Colors carton 12.85 E Colors carton 15.95 INLAID LINOLEUM 6.95 7.95 9.95 Standard Gouge, Marbelized and Jospe sq. yd. 2.25 1.69 Standard Gauge, Spatter and Embossed sq. yd. 2.35 1.99 Standard Gauge, Tile Effect, sq. yd. 2.60 2.25 Bedding Regular Pric Inner Spring Mattress, Box-Spring, Box Spring Legs, Single Size Only. Manufac tured by Simmons 59.50 180 Coil Inner Spring .Mattress Full Size Only 39.50 Simmons 220 Coil Innerspring Mottress, Full Size Only. Limited Quantity. 42.50 Sal Piic 41.75 27.95 29.75 and ALL HASSOCKS WALL SHELVES 15o OFF TERMS IF DESIRED "Four Floors of Fine Furniture & Floor Coverings' Ktamatk unnitune Co. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE lit . 'IvjD. Addreat Fhone 221 Main Phon. 5353 or 5339