PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANIJAHV 0, lr2 Farm Building Plans On Hand From State College Want to build a water wheel? A merry-go-round lor a playground? A manure pit? A nut drier? A bay clacker? A house? A barn? These and many other plans are among more than 200 available in the Oregon State college plan serv ice. Each plan Is drawn in sucn apeclfto detail that even amateur carpenters can ioiiow uiem. In nearly every Instance the plans grew from a definite need. When college bams or other build ings were constructed, plans were adjusted for use on a smaller scale. Whenever demand was strong for such things as sheep dipping vats, feed mixers, milk houses, or other equipment, they were developed by the agricultural engineers for the 060 experiment station and the plans made available for public use. Following the war, when there was a great need for more hous ing for farm labor, plans were de veloped for small, low-cost rural houses. These followed research by home economics and farm manage ment workers so that features were Included which farm laborers par ticularly wanted. The first list of plans was pub lished In 1936 by the extension serv ice but as the project grew it was reorganized and placed under the direction of OSC agricultural en gineers. All other such information was coordinated under this plan so that USDA bulletins on con struction could be easily accessible. This eliminated unnecessary dupli cation and the service was made more complete. Professor H. R. Sinnard, agri cultural engineer for the OSC ex periment station, reports that coun ty agents, home demonstration agents, and extension workers help many Interested persons locate the building Information they need, while others write directly to the collcee for nlans. Oregon material, after thorough testing, Is used in me plans small service charge is made to cover blueprinting costs. Hearst Estate Tops $16 Million LOS ANGELES Wl A partial inventory lists assets of the estate of the late William Randolph Hearst at $16,070,255. Largest item In the Inventory, filed Monday, was 13,600.O00 In stocks of Hearst publishing com oanies. Next In most was $1,650,691 In antiques and art objects stored in five warenouscs at eau ouueun, Calif. Hearst died last Aug. 14 at tne age of 88. Battle Casualties Still Mounting WASHINGTON Iff The Defense Department Tuesday identified 131 additional battle casualties in Ko rea. A new nsi no. reporieo. 29 killed, 79 wounded, eight miss ing in action and IS injured. It also listed four dead who were previously reported missing. , Parliament is the legislative KOV' ernlmr.bodv for the United King' dom. It has no power over the Dominons. .i citation ol Externally Causea PIMPLES To gently cleanse broken out skin, then soothe itchy irritation, and so aid healing use time tested RESINOUS I ft The Wesfs Oldest and Largest Retailers of Auto SuppBes Prices Effective Thru Saturday OFF YfJ BATTERY Regardless of price, you can't buy a better battery than a "Varcon." It's built to the most exacting quality speci fications known to the industry. It gives surging power, quick, sure starts and longer lite. 94 MONTH fMIARANTH mm VARCON "DELUXE" 96 11 Exchange NO. 1 Case prts most nodvli of Chevrolet, Crotlty, Ford, Katstr, Dodge), Noih, Plymouth and many othtr ftiakti, 3 -MONTH UARANTH Varcon'Super-ActiVe' 14 20 IxdMUga ran MSTAUATION No. I Cat. rtmt lilted obov. h hai th Fiber. glai Insulation and tb sv per-leature "Waler-Guord" which gim 50 nor water protection ovor th. platos. Ofkor bott.ri.t that com maW thU 25 OFF SALE an Hi "D lo" 'No. J, No. It, No. 2F and No. il Cosn. Alto, "Super-Acfiy." No. it end 21 Com. Atk for pricn and izt to t Thora't VARCON battery for ovor car. Famous Crest Twist Link TIRE CHAINS .iM Itf. $7.95 ST99 Pair yovr riMd. tMm-HMvy hardmtvtj crow chatftt rotftivlock rMi iprtng alt up WITHOUT CHAMf 1)1 WITH CHAWS lUPPMatndSUDMO l.'l MR. lull MIVHI VARCON SPARK PLUGS SET OF 4 00j, o mors eT TC Reg. 49c WW eh Gives off a hotter spark for quicker engine turnover and fast, smooth acceleration. SEALED BEAM FOG LIGHT Reg. $4.19 Gleaming chromed plated finish. Easy, gravel pan mounting. Exceptional buy. 100 Wool AUTO ROBE Size 58"x64" rsa TMi oxcolltnl Auto Rob. is mad of 30 nw wool ond 70 ruid wool. . Cmi In Mm, Orn or Red multi-col-ortd plaldi. Fringed ndi. Ideal for cold weather driving, (125-3835) Three Days Only .... Thursday Friday and Saturday SHOES!... Odds and Ends . . . Mostly Large Sizes . . . Walking Heels . . . Limited Quantity. $ SKIRTS ! Closeout Group . . . . . Broken Sizes. Checks and Solids $1 LOAFERS ! NYLON HOSIERY ! $ 60 gauge ... 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