Jit TUKSDAY, IANUAHY B. lOM JIKItAL.) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE TIME OUT! VOTED TAT IdST "I murli prrfrr bowline limn gulf with I''rrc1 hrrn llir nolne drown out III rnimrlt nflrr tmd Mint!" Al 'Hilt WATCHING the I'clloiin.i '' In six local ante ciikuiiciiiiiiI, ' there's bound In come some lather irimllo opinions. Those xrlcviiiK uvrr t lie cut ut graduation just one n'ltulm. llulpll Cm roll, la liaik from lust yeurs tcuni cnn put away their irylnit towels. Tnka It lor wlml It's worth but In my book thin sciimiii's I'rh me Urllnllcly belter tliun lu.it join t. (.HADI ATION robbed thr fell emu ol Hilly Toole, 'loin Bcliubrrl, Jerry Ovrmi biI KU y,iiru.lii.iki Co ineiuioii just the reiwlnrs. All lour lire luindy guys to hnve around. Whul. thru, In the major dllfrr rnce between the current club mid ltt.il ycar'nr Id uy It TEAMWORK, (he key Hi any upon. Tllln year's 1'cln have more pat lent and superior nil-mound aliooi Intf talent. I didn't aliare my opinion with muny Inst year but It cuine as a tiurpru. to mo when the llKo-fl Pelicans went nil the way to the final of Ihe state touriiainciu. i knew It bj u good teambut linidaiiiciitally af-emrd to be one that rushed lirndloim' down the Hoar with no dellnlte plun in mind. II wan run and shoot. I thry were on, all Kond and well. Hut there appeared to be no pattern In their attack, TIIKKl: WAS, ol coun.e. one ex ception and It surprised me prob aoly nioro than uny one mUliiR In nl tho stale tourney the nliilii Ihe Pels toppled Awed Hnllirook and Co. oi rorllnild'i ' Mncoln hl!i tciiool. tin Hint oicaMun. the Pels mil I a quick mid nlxeable lend, thru p-.it on the Irceno. For one entire nui.iic r, the third, II my nii'inury iitiici inc correctly, tho Redblrria Xm liUicola Bl PP.u.rvoiui' "1 b.i'l maybe K.o time. It was bendy siralny by Conch Putil McC.ill mid esveuted to per fection by his Tel. It paid off. Hut it tu a definite ttnii-iihoul-fiicc move Unit siii'inlscd cane custo mers, pnrtlculnriy coming from the Pelicans, renowned for their dazz ling fast break. Al.TIIOI till Mill employing the last brcoK, this season a team Im presses me an one that knows where It'a koIiik. In addition, scoring power l.i bet ter npreari. Tor laitance. take a look at the Din Four In acorlnit. Ralph Carroll, who has shown a marked Improvement as Keeper of the Key, leads with 104 In eight games to date. Ray Bell has 89. Jerry Johnson 17. and Jack 1 lor ton (18. Although basically a boy valua ble for his defensive talents, Cnl Clllmore Is one who can scoro when It count. He has 35. And he sat out most of the Bend series with an Injury, A HQl in of this type would be bottomless without a prediction. It's too early In Ihe season In guess at tho state champion. There are a flork of good teams bouncing around In the state. But I will go at least part wsys out on the limb. Here It Is printed fodder for scc-ond-Riiessers when the league shooting Is over: I pick the Pels to win the Dlst. 4 title without too much trouble. Girls Open Cagefare The girls city league basketball campaign opens tomorrow night nt Mills with Orlggs meeting Potrotf's at 7:30, Oregon Wool facing Poy ton's at 8:30. In a pre-season Jnmborcb last night, Orlggs ,won three games without defeat, downing Pctroff's, 10-2; Poylon's, 12-10 nnd Oregon Wool, 11-10. In other games, Pey ton's beat Rocknla, 15-4; Petroff's beat Rockets, 14-10; Pcvlon's beat . Petroff's, 13-5 and Oregon Wools bent Peyton's, 16-8. Willamette Nips Whitmon WALLA WALLA Wl Willamette. University defeated Whitman Col lcgo 77-74 In n Northwest Confer ence basketball game hero Monday night. Doug Louge's free throw and Dick Hoy's basket in the closing seconds broke a 74-nll deadlock lo give Willamette its third straight conference victory. Th JAYHAWK Says . KSamcsths Nip Rams In Ballot It v The AHiii'liilei I'reNS '11m Kin math Knlln Pelicans DOM'd out Central Catholic ol Port laud lur llio No. 1 position In I lie Unit weekly AsMiolnlcd Press poll o Ihe Oickuii high school bucket ball ncuMin. 'Ihe balloting was extremely rlonp Willi lour leu ins bunched a I the top of Ihe heap. Central Catholic got the moot lltnl-placc voles, but the pelicans piled up the moat points In vut luu bv Ihe state's Miorlitwrlteis mid spoiticaMers to deleinilne the top 10 teams. Kliunaili Kails, rininer-iiii In the stale tournament last year, won three llriit-place votes and a total 101 points. Central Calhollc earned live liriit-plaee voles mid 07 points. Lincoln ol Portland was clor.o be hind with 80 point.-,, and Balem was only a men behind with 84 points, Lincoln got one vote lor first place, Balctn two CHAMP DOWN l.uM year's stale chiiniplon, Jef. (cimjii ol Portland, was back III the ruck, getting no vole'i for llf-t I'lacc. Jellerson was liiimbled bv Knlem last week-end. ii-3t), and wound up us the No. 7 (cam III the balloting. Two leiuns. unbeaten bv high school opponent."., edited ahead ol Jellerson. 'I7ie Dulles, boasting n record of seven wins without a loss, got one lli'M-pliice vote and 58 points 10 capture f if tli place In the poll. Mr Mliinvllle was No. 6 wllh 54 polnls, McMlnnville has downed seven high schools, and sullered losses onlv at Hie hands ol the I.lnlleld College frosh and the University ol Oregon frosh. 'l"'; , Astoria and Mar-hMeld. each ol lliem wtnnlng u pair ol games over the weekend, wound up In a lie lor eighth place. Corvallls. desultc a weekend lors to Lincoln. 30-28. got the tenth iP01 , One Class H school almost broke Into the tP 10 Powers, the dc lendliig champion of Ihe B schools, was the Nn. II tesm, drawing o'es alter downing several Cists A sch'wls. In the balloting ten points were awarded for it first-place vote, nine lor a i.ccond - place vole. etc. Tlie balloting wllh the number ol first-place votes, then the teams record listed In parentheses I. Klamath Tails 3 0-1 2. Ciim.l catholic o 3. Lincoln I &! 4. Bdcm ? S'J 5. The Dulles 1 7-0 ti. McMlnnville 7-2 7. Jellerson 8. Mar hlleld i s 0. Astoria - ia rvirvullU 5-4 Others- Powers' 18 Mlhon-Frcc-water 17. Baiter and Eugene 11 each Bcnppose 10. Clevelund of l'orllund 0. Roosevelt of Portland. 3 La Oianile and Pendleton J each. Rcdniond. Mllwouklc and Medlord 1 cuch Webfoots Win To Cop Lead Kf Th. Axaclslil P" n I- en, Ortttan - v-.liliifton Milhi --- OrrKnn Sll " ' 0 l.UUu I sun ei .son Orrtfun Wanlllnslnn SUle Twraday -hrdulf Vhlnton Hull t Oioa. KUOENE. Ore. (Pi - Tlie Uni versity of Oregon Ducks climbed into the lead of tho Northern Di vision, Piiclflc Coast Conference, Monday night by defeating Wash ington Slate College 59-45 In the Ducks' conference opener. The win gave Oregon a 1-0 record while most other division teams t.n.... . 1.1 rjtenrl WoshillQton Stole, however, has now lost two and won one. uko nniifmrn nominated the first quarter of Monday night's game. Oregon failed to scoro In the first 8 minutes and 13 seconds. 'CI.a enmrnvi ll 13-3 it I. miff tlllin and 14-6 at Uio end of the first pe riod. Then the Ducks playing their n-., ,rnm iiMlr., tholi- ncw couch, Bill Borcher, slowed the Cougars. Oregon's toll Forward Dob Peterson and Center diet Noc begun controlling the backboards and the Ducks began hitting. Peterson was the night's high scorer with 15 points and sot ft' new Northern Division record by capturing 21 rebounds. He had set the record of 20 lust season against the same team. Brown paced the Cougars with 14 points. ' Golf Rookies Tie Harrison LOS ANGELES iP) The Lo Angeles Open Oolf Tournament went Into a three-way playoff Tues day with Dutch Harrison pitting his long experience against n couple of graduates of tlie youth and enthusiasm school. Jack Burke Jr. and Tommy Bolt won their diplomas by finishing with 289s, five over par, to Join the Dutchman In Ihe top bracket at the finish of the regulation 72 holes Monday. I Four West Folds for Player Shortage Blamed REDDING. Cul'f. W Economic and manpower (roubles arc lorcing the four-year old Far West Bu.sc ball League to shut down for a year. Directors of the Class D loop matle the decision Monday. Presi dent Jerry Donovnn said they plan lo spend 11152 rebuilding their fi nances und trying to organize three moro clubs. He said some teams were having trouble signing play ers. Tie league finished Its 1051 .season wllh live teams after Cali fornia's Murysvlile. Pittsburg and Willows dropped out. ' The suspension was voted by , Redding and Oregon's Klamath Falls, Medlord olid Kugene clubs. ! Director Paul Walters said he ! understood the suspension wos de , elded upon alter Redding and Mcd- ford announced they would quit. I Redding hod considered dropping ; out ut the start of the 195U season, but local businessmen ruined to us support. Medford's grandstand burned last season. Grid Code Gets Hot Criticism WASHINGTON I College sports as they now arc conducted would be completely changed under a far-reuchliig plan proposed by 10 college presidents studying inter collegiate athletics. The presidents came up with a code that would rule out spring football practice, forbid post sea son gumes and wipe out athletic scholarships. As expected. It quickly drew crit icism. President Hugh C. Wlllctt of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. NCAA, in Cincinnati described the proposal as "a little premature." The presidents, members of a special committee set up by the American Council on Education, recommended that: 1. Athletic scholarships should be forbidden. 2. Each sport should be played and practiced only In Its season. 3. All post season games would be forbidden. 4. A scholarship, to be given pri marily on tho basis of educational ability, would be limited to actual expenses while at school tuition, books, board and room, 6. Any school which got out-of-bounds athletically would have to answer to Its accrediting associa tion. 6, Ho freshman should be allowed on varsity teams. Junior college transfers should wait a full year be fore being allowed to plav. SHUFF STUFF Th" tavern shufflebonrd league opened lost night with Mecca blnn ng Tot's, 4-0; Wocus whitewash ing Summers Lane, 4-0, and VFW and Roundup splitting, 2-2. EOCE Loses 10th in Row LA ORANDE. Ore. Ml Center Lowell Mlkkelson rolled up 21 points Moiidny night to lead Seattle Pacific College to a 74-C8 basket ball victory over Eastern Oregon College of Education. It was EOC's 10th straight basketball loss. RED HURD, SPORTS EDITOR AT ! I ILL 1-L'fhw r-iC. it'll farwcll of the Air Force will represent the United States in the Winter Olym pics, hard by Oslo, Norway, Feb. 14-25. Farwell is to train at the Mountain Home Air Base, Ida. He holds the national ski mark in cross country and classic com bined, boasts a record jump of 252 feet. Jayhawks Top Poll NEW YORK im The University of Kansas Jayhawks remained the No. 1 college basketball team lor the second straight week Tuesday in the nation-wide Associated Press poll but Illinois is hanging on closely in second place. The nation's sportswrltcrs and sportscastens sent in 102 ballots, and Kansis'got 38 firsts for a total of 812 points. A week ago, only 12 points separated Kansas and the No. 2 team, Illinois. This week. Il linois received 21 first place votes, and had 774 points, or 38 points be hind Kansas. SPLIT Washington split a pair with Idaho last week and dropped from No. 3 to No. 6. The Huskies re ceived one first place vote ond hod 293 points. ' ' There were two newcomers to the. top 10, Scton Hall moving into tlie No. 9 spot from No. 11, and Iowa taking over 'No. 10, oflcr being No; 12. St. John's of Brook lyn, beaten only by Kentucky, sklcr ded from No. 8 to No. 12. New. York University dropped from No. 6 to 13. -Jl'MP St. Louis Jumped from seventh to the No. 5 spot. Kn defeated Arizona and Kansas State advanced from No. 8 to No. 7. while St. Bonuvcntuic moved from No. 10 tp No. 8, after beating Westminster Ph. ' The top 20 In order were: Kon- sas. Illinois. Kentucky. Indiana, St. Louis, Washington, Kansas State, St. Bonoventtire, Seton Hall, Iowa, West Virginia, St. John's, Newl York U., Syracuse, Louisville, Duqucsne, Siena, Oklahoma City, i Michigan State and Dayton. , Johnny Wooden, head basketball I coach at- UCLA since ' 1948. is a i former slar performer for Purdue ( University. .', ' K3 Oilers Wallop Saints The Jayhawk Oilers and Kcno made it rather emphatic when the Kli'.math Basin Independent basket bull league opened last night that tnoy Intend to do some point-scoring this season. I he Oilers rammycackled the Lat ter Day Saints, 82-8: Keno walloped sprasue River. 60-19. In the rest of the 12-come slate. IChlloquin beat Malin, 47-35; Tule- le.ke drubbed the Kiamatb Sons, 4H-26; Merrill nipped Bly, 37-38. and Dorris outlasted the Beatty Lakers, 51-45. ... : Garv Dawes and lesmmate Brv-1 ant led the Oilers with 18 and 17 points respectively. J. Ramsey, jonnston and Dow paced Kcno wllh 12. 11 and 11. The Hatcher brothers went on the scorcpath for Chlloquln. Chief Hatcher scoring 12, Wayne Hatcher 11 and Gaylor Hatcher 10. Tulelake's Welch took up where he loft off last year, scoring 26 to spearhead the attack of the Inn ers. Bly's Moore had 13. Beatly's Ralph Weiser and R. Faithful. 17 end 15. while Egeline and Robin son paced the Dorris viciory with. 12 each. -1 Hps .cores: JAYHAWKS (S1I I-DS Homer. 13 F 6 Lvneh Uilrhrift. 10 T Yader Dawel. IS C 1 Hojbern Hanta. 7 ti Morrill Uoant, 17 U Schey Jahau subi 1-altersoa 0. Brown U. Kline 9- SPRAIll T. 1191 KENO HamUton i F 11 Johnston Uiva V 11 Dow We.ser 4 C 4 Ramey. D. Hutchinson 7 i 3 Foster Lugo 3 G 2 Sevruck Kcno fubn Lay,cn 8. J. Ramsey 12. Du.icii 5, K. Ramsey 2. rilll.OQl'IN u: (HI MAMS G. Hatcher lu . F a Woodley W. Havener 11 F 2 OKeele Mmalo 4 C Conroy Miller 7 i 7 Anderson C. hatcher 12 G S Kenvon Clutoquin subs Souers 3, D. Smitn. Geincer. Wampler. Bration. Malln subs Vmi, Viclonnc 3, Brightman 4. Mc Kocn, Lindsay. Tt LEI.AKE (IS) '. HO) SONS Crawlord 7 T 1 l.ubach F 2 P. Hill v-.ii. -Ml C .2 Franks Dali'lc 7 G- ' 13 Miller l.i .il.nB 2 t; ' ' 2 Mlnato i-..L l- ...lu Jnn K Greftham. Kirkpalrirk. Klamath Sons suba HaU. I'.erson 6. MciaNand. I., uui. I.AKERS HI) I). Weiser 17 F W. Brown F Kdithlul 15 C Sandcrvil!e G Riddle 11 G (all DORRIS muiams 2 Owens 12 Eeeline 12 Robinson 6 Plunli Lakers suut o Weiser 2. Dorris subs Haskins 3, Porlerlleld 6. ren wlch. BI.V I3fi Moore 18 Thrasher Stanley 2 I'chll ts;) MERRI11 7 LUkey S Kandra 2 Winters 3 Knox 1 Gibson Palske 12 m.. c.v.- . nn.-la K.inrihr 1. Sh 1. Shoulder- blade. MrCloud i. Hall 2. Verriil mb Barry, Dehls 3. Duncan 11. Soul 1. Roadkings Head Fpr Lakeview LAKE VIEW With a record over the post 19 years, of 2233 winning gumes and only 151 losses, the Harlem Roadkings will meet the T.nitevlew citv leastue all star five at the Lakeview High School gym Jon. 22, at 8 p. m. Once Ihe Harlem Roadkings take the floor and have the gome well in hand, fans con look for some of the zaniest basketball as the traveling colored team displays its routine of clowning ana siae-sptu i-ting horse play. IT'S POOLE'S SKISand fSKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS from $9.75 Hp Year Payless, Hilltop Winners STANDINGS Rlckyi .... " . . Hilltop Coca Cola Hercules Hcrald-N'ews . 2 1 .2 2 .667 JjO .2SO .000 Payless Drugs and Hilltop regis tered wins in the city basetball league last night to keep their sec ond and third places behind Rickvs. Payless drubbed Palmerton. 69- 38; Hilltop outshot Coca-Cola, 43-36. jiin rainier led Payless with 16 points as the Druggists took a 30-15 lead at halftime and coasted in over Palmerton. Roy Harris paced Hilltop with 14 points. . Games Thursday out Hercules against Herald-News in the 7:30 p.m. opener at Altamont, while iticicys laces Palmerton in the afterpiece. Box scores: HILLTOP (45) Hefnt 8 Marline 10 Harris U Carrier 4 , JC) COCA COLA 4 Mavffeld 8 Newman 4 Demetrakos Berelorff Jackson 6 Hunter HH1 too tubs Fr end 8. Mlllltfan 1. Cora Cola subs Kunz 3, Alexander. Treel 11, Arant. PALMERTON 1381 Bell 7 P Bliss 2 F Burns 8 C Hall 9 O Foter 10 G Palmerton aubs Payles subs Pope Derrah 7. iu navi 4 HeMbrrnnt!r 9 YounK 11 Erlandton 16 Pa mer Yee. Zalanardo 2. 6, cada. Bigger o. Billiard Tie SAN FRANCISCO W Jimmy Mills of San Jose and Howard Ltndley of Portland. Ore., both won Monday night to maintain a three- way undefeated tie for the lead in the S.F. open pocket billiards tour- nament. NEW PROTECTION FROM YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER AND THE FORWARD-LOOKING LINCOLN-MERCURY ORGANIZATION ' THAT'S WHAT Today, when you pay your repair bill at your Lincoln-Mercury dealer, you get responsible, visible proof that every operation you ordered has been performed with the factory-trained mechanic's own RM seal attached to your steering wheel to verify his skilled workmanship! Under a new $110,000 program, we have' joined with the forward-looking Lincoln-Mercury organ ization to train every - mechanic in factory approved servicing methods. Each of our men will be certified as an L-M Registered Mechanic. And as such, he stakes, his own reputation on Assassin's Fires Mat Pete Bclcastro Is never in a Kood mood when he steps through the ropes of the armory wrestling nns?. He'll be usher still tomorrow nlht when he answers the bell axalnst Kurt Von Poppenheim In the mam event on an all-star card. Because a Saturday nieht fire on Belcaatro's Weed diary farm de- KURT VON POPPENHEIM . . . due for come-uppance stroyed some $20,000 worth of hay and farm equipment.' The tire has no definite connec tion with the match except that the Weed Assassin just "ain't hap py.' me return of Bclcastro has fired the imagination of local mat fans and Buck Davidson, who made the match, is preparine for a full house. CAGE SCORES COLLEGE By The Associatrd Frets FAR tV EST Oregon 59 Washington SUle 45 Lewis and Clark 55 Pacific U 44 Seattle Pacific 74 Eastern Oregon 68 Linfleld Ore 55 College of Idaho 50 MIDWEST Ohio State 7.1 Indiana 73 Illinois 53 Wisconsin 49 Michigan State 82 Northwestern 49 Iowa 54 Michigan 46 EAST Columbia 85 Puerto Rico 49 Seton Hall 84 St. Peter's 61 SOUTH Kentucky S3 Xavier Ohio SO William and Mary 97 Wake Forest 75 Maryland S3 Virginia 53 Vanderbilt 58 LSU 47 Mississippi 103 Georgia 52 Mississippi 103 Georgia 52 Tulane 71 Tennessee 65 SOUTHWEST Oklahoma City U 62 Texas A&M 55 New Mexico AficM 62 Uardin-Sun-mons 53 . Lewis-Clark Beats Pacific FOREST GROVE. Ore. ( Lewis and Clark took a 10-6 lead at the end of the first quarter and went on to a 55-44 Northwest Conlerence basketball win over Pacific Uni versity Monday night. Frank Buckiewicz, Pacific guard, was high scorer with 20 points. Seven of Michigan State's backs averaged better than 4.5 yards per I carry during the '51 football season OWNER LINCOLN-MERCURY'S ''r'V' WORKMANSHIP BRINGS TO YOUR CAR every job he performs by stamping his own RM seal on a tag youll find neatly attached to your steering wheel rim! That seal once and for all establishes job responsi bility. It promises premium quality workmanship. It assures you that every job has been done with complete thoroughness and efficiency In th quickest possible time. And in auto repairs, that swift, competent workmanship means a better job at less cost. Why not drive in today and get tha practical benefits of exclusive RM ' Certified Service from now on. Comeback Customers Even wllh Belcastro'a renutatlon as probably the rouirtiest matman ever to climb throuith the ropes nere, on roppennenn may be too much for tho Weed Wrecker to handle. The Proud Prussian can match every unorthodox trick Pete know and he knows 'cm all. The bout Is a natural, one that a a cinch to bring the mayhem cus tomers out in droves. The Bclcastro . Von Poppenheim scuffle Is supported by two out standing preliminary bouts. Hurricane Herb Parks tangles with Gene Blakely, a tough Texas rodeo performer, in the 45-mlnut semi-windup. Hero s brother. Bin, wno snowf promise of surpassing even his brother s mean reputation in time, faces a rue&ed foe In the ODener. Yorg Cretorian, the Rumanian Ape. All in all, it a a mat show loaded with dynamite. Advice Is out to the mat faithful: Be on hand early to get a seat. - Castleberry drugs has reserved tickets for sale. The armory box ollice opens 7:30 p. m. tomorrow. MOOSE PA'S W L ret. .891 .70S .583 .341 .22 .200 K-Amusement Bray's Team -.. So. Ore. Weil Drill . Wards Stone's Signal Serv . 43 S 34 14 28 20 13 29 11 37 Leach Service . .-. 9 36 Last Week's Resells K-Amusei ent stone's 0 ra", 4 Sr.. Ore. Well 0 Wards 3 Leach 1 Season highs: High Team Series K-Ainusem" - . High Team Game ..1T7S -t6t K-Amusement . Simla High Series Cluu. Booth ..va . 142 Single High Game It was all K-Amusement again Jriday night to the Moose Pa's bowling league as Charlie Booth led that team to a bigger lead la the kegling loop. , , Booth rolled high game and $ ' Ties. 235 and 562. The team's high marks wera 115 and 2623. - KLAMATH COMPANY KUm.th fftllt Main at Link River Bridge OPEN SATURDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Starve! Befrlgeratart Oeneral Water Hcatcri Dtarborn Jfc Remor Hcatcri Wed k wood and O'Kcefe Herri tl Ranges Storage Tanks Furnished PR0PANI Gat $nric.i vtr Th Intir Klamath Basin Bill Steer, Manager Chen 2-2541 NEW 11 HI "l0ISTI"SD MICHANIC-MiANS CIRTIFIID SERVICf, BACKID Y THI MECHANIC'S OWN NAME AND fiRSONAl tIPUTATION. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN-MERCURY THERE'S KONE BETTER "91" Odan. Ethyl 31c j 1 JAYHAWK GAS 213S South 6th 424 So. 6th St. Phont 7771 1 IT