TUESDAY. JANUARY II, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN , '. 1 fei sv Idaho To Eye Trucking Law , HOIHK Al" Oov. I.cn Jordan Mumlny ciilli'd a,j)fclnl acaalon of Jim. li. l(i puns n luw cniibllnx (he ntute to make moior vehicle license reciprocity agreements with neighboring ntntpn. .Jorcliin mild the luw In necea- nry to prevent 'bnrclrr warfare" uf a remit of tne now motor ve hicle luw which tontiilim no pro vluloim lor Mich, agreeim-nla. ' "The fdliiiillon wii.i cn lined hy It combination of ovcrnlKlit und not knowtng what the altitude of our neighboring Htntcii would be," Jor dan nuld. , The Mieclul neiwloii, limited by luw Iroin eonitlderlnK anything oth er Ui ii n that included In the cull, will be linked to pirns a aoparate bill enabling ziome :tnte odlciuln to inuke the reciprocity agreement. Jnrdun nuld Oregon nnd Wunh liiKion had thrcutened to uturt crucklnit down on Iduho liuckcru. Under t lie new luw, 'vehicles be tween 6,000 und 20,000 pouudu kiosk welKht muni buy Idnho licenses. Those over 20.000 pounds niu.'it puy the ton-mile tux, UNITED AIR LINES' office here Is managed by the two station agents above. Tliev are il to rl; Harold Drydcn, 2121 Eberlcln; and John Alter. 4420 Crosby. Wanger Pleads Not Guilty SANTA MONICA, Calif. i Walter Wuniier entered u mm "not guilty, your hnnoi" to u shooting charge Mondny, nnd hl lawyer added: "not guilty by rea jon ot tempornry Intimity " February 28 wua net lor Ihe trial of gray haired pioduror ncruned of (hooting Jennings Lang, agent for Wanner ' wife, Actrcra Joan Hsnnttl, laat Dec. 13. Wanger, churned with esuault with a deadly weapon with intrni to commit murder, told noli alter the affray, Hie broke up my home." Lang wat. wounded In the groin. Too Much Of A Good Thing Now ' KUOKNE 11 Dorothy F. W.tc.uk. liil. ttugent. In getting tlrcil ol arcing Cecil Hunt. Not Hint tlii re Is anything wrong With Hunt. It's Just that he la nil ambulance driver. Blie first hiiw him uller a cur struck her down In Riwcnr ubout a year bko. Hunt drove the nmbu Lhilc thut took her to u hospital. I.uM summer she (ell out of a cm- nt Himngfleld. Hunt again oume to Ihe rescue. Bhe miw him again, alas. Sntur duy nlitht. A cur knocked her down Oh u EiiK.ne utrecl. Up drove Hunt In the nuibulnnrr. und curried her olf for trrutment of face cuts. Real Estate Exam To Be Held Soon 8ALEM W Suite examinations for reul cstiiii- brokers and miIch incn will be held Jhii. 1 0-22, Stale Ileal Estate Commlmloncr Al. J. Crone announced Monduy. Tlie teiti will be held In Klam ath Falls Jan. 10, Med ford Jan. 17, Eu'true Jan. Id, 8nlem Jun. 21. and Portland Jan. 22. Cro'e anld 1 7& nnlenmen and IS brokern arc eligible for the examination. Cloud Seeders To Cover Wide Area PENDLETON W A large nee lion of KuMcrn Orccon und South western Idnho will be Included In a cloud needing project. J. D. Dyer, irciircKcnlatlve of the Wntcr Re hourcen Development Corp., Den ver, nuld Monduy. He nuld cloud needors would seek to brum rain In the lute Miring to Ihe Powder River and Baker Val leys and to mime land around Huntington In Oregon. Idaho operations would cover the Iiidlnn Vullcy, he said. Realtors Deny House Charge EUOENK I A former presi dent, of the Eugene Realty Board nuld the group wan not responsible for moving Ncgroen Into Inade quate housing In the Eugene area. M. S. Chrlstianson. bourd presi dent In 1040, Raid Baturdav that Dm board "nmypathlzc with the plight" ol the Megrocn. Chrlntlannon's remarks were mude In reply to Edwin C. Berry, executive secretary ot the Port land Urban League. Berry was quoted kb telling the Htute Fair Employment Pracllcen thut ijugene realtor In 1041 had made a "deal" to move several Negro families from the Ferry Street Bridge area Into swamplands outside the city. "If there was a deal. It wan not rnndn t)V the reulty board," Chrln llannon said. "We urged help and dome kind of citizen's committee was formed but action was not de cisive." . ' Berry said the shocks where the Negroes now are living have no niinltury facilities and water must bo curried hull a mile. Hells Canyon Lake Could Be Wonder NA.MPA. Idaho I The 1 inlle long hike created by Hells Canyon Dom would provide Iduho wuli one ol the world's top tourist attracttoai, the president of the Idaho-Oregon Hells Canyon Assoc iation said last night at an organi zational meeting of a Nampa chap ter of the group. Albert C. unman of Baker, Ore., said the proposed high dam on the Bunko River north of Welser, ! Iduho, would provide cheap power j needed to develop Idaho's vast I phosphate developments. I Ullinan said the bill pending In Congress contains an "Iron clad" clause protecting upstream Irrigation. Forest Service Puts New Ally-Planes-lnto Full Use In Fighting Blazes By JOHN KAMPS WASHINGTON, W The Forest Service Is turning the airplane Into a workhorse for fire detection and control. C. A. Oustafnon, forest service fire control chief, reports planes llew 12,032 hours on 8.878 Forest Service flights last year. The conventional type planes and helicopters transported 12.201 men by air, handled AOS tons of freight and dropped 436 tons of supplies by parachute. Items carried by air include fire fighting supplies, food, tractors, bridges and short wave walkie talkie radio sets. Aside from fire control work, planes arc used to spray Insect ridden forests, to resced burned over tlmbcrland, and for other purposes. When the flro hazard rises and planes fly regular patrols, helping lookouts posted on mountain peaks to watch for telltale smoke spirals. Fire fighting crews are flown In largo planes from city airports to luniilng strips nearest the fire. When a fire is spotted in a re mote area which couldn't be reached In a hurry to groundsmen, parachuting smokejumpcrs are rushed to the scene to put out the blaze or alow Its progress until help arrives. foresters soy the use of air planes has saved many millions of dollars worth of timber by mak ing It possible to control fires ropidly and every minute counts when you're fighting a forest fire. They sav crews averaged only 2 i miles an hour getting to fires in roadless areas early this cen tury, compared with more than 100 miles an hour last year. Comparative figures are cited for. the region comprising Montana, Northern Idaho and parts of Wash ington and South Dakota. The average annual fire loss there between 1005 and 1930 was 252.000 acres against 8.M8 acres from 1040 to luio. Guxtufran gives the smnkejum pern much credit for keeping the fire loss low in the Montana-Idaho-Washingion-South Dakota region during the past decade. Fires In the 30 million acre re gion burned only 865 acres In 1051, when large areas were scorched elsewhere. Most of the Forest Service's 257 nmokclumrjers work in the region. about 150 headquarter at Missoula, I Mont. The rest are at Idaho City and McCull, Idaho; Illinois Valley, lOre., and Intercity Airport, Lake ineian wasn. Between May and July some jumpers are transferred from MIs- New Manager Named For Accident Unit SALEM 11 William D. Jones, who has worked for the Stale In dustrial Accident Commission for nine years, was appointed Monduy as manager of the commission's Portland office. He succeeds Fen S. Waite, who died recently. Jones has been assistant man ager of the Portland office for the past few years. . souIa to Deming N. Mex., to work in the Gila forest, which has a million-acre roadless area. Smoke Jumpers made 1,045 leaps on 325 fires last year. Gustation figures they saved about I86S.0O0 in fire fighting money which would have been spent if they had not been on the Job. This doesn't count the mil lions of dollars worth of timber saved. SPECIAL HOLLAND TULIP BULBS FOR INDOOR PLANTING 55c 8tolOBulti Highost Quality Large Bulbs Regular 98c Pkg. TROY V. COOK CO. Phone 4803 South 6th at E. Main sriAKKit KIKK I UMATILLA i.P-Earl T. Newbry. JUNCTION CITY, Ore. Wi Fire i secretary of stale, will speak at destroyed' the Interior of the 'detention reremonles Wednesday Church of Clod. Seventh Day. hereifnr Ihe Clara A. lirowncll Krude Sunday night. , Damage was estl- school und Uniatllln gymnasium, mated at 1600. The new buildings con S310.000. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Siiccttttnllr TrtlUi Cmrlailo Mtlb HI Ka. 1th Khn 1M They Take Their Movies Seriously ROME, W Arnaldo Moccheltl. a 41-year old movie actor, reported to a Rome hospital Tuesday with a swollen face and a severe head ache. He toli the attendant on duty that he had rehearsed a scene with Movie Star Anna ufagnunl for eight hours. The scene called for Anna to slap hint across the face. 2 MIRRORS I ' Room In Hi Homtly Calhoun' V- 357 E. Main t to.C-'V-Tfe',,'iCl SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT S6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main from Coti Up Yowr Chimaty IumIImmI Nt Sft Mtf Cvbt Rt Miff um 9 tff 25 rtr Wi ttr's SPlr tf CmI, Oil. t Wm. Ut Iiajvti (4K til, ptmiu fit Mil flMM. if RuiMm cliniM tfipvtits Utm Hit Mt ! tfeiMty Up ir Mikts batiftfl MMipntat tut IWItV ir Sttt! Ciif tt n! USE RED DEVIL At Leading Hardware, Grocery and Department Stores. M. K. GREGORY CLINIC 2115 Orchard Ave. Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 9 AGNES KEESEE Medical Masseuse 7 A.M. to 12 NOON MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY GIVING FOR WOMEN ONLY 1. MASSAGE 2. EXERCISES 3. WEIGHT LIFTING FOR APPOINTMENT, Ph. 3663 or 5506 For body buiding, Re ducing and Relaxation Hour of steam batht and hours for men to be announced later. 'w mm scow THE "H(D)W B(0)11',WM rJi FEATURE .- popc c . . S V " V 1 son.! jyu- I f f 3- 1 i-LIIJJ' ''i "pFlT 7 rl-Jl;W-isi GET FREE DODGE "SHOW DOWN" 1 BOOK ON CAR VALUE 1'Ir.nt'l pnoor . . . free proof . . . that the excilinff new '52 Dodge niukcs your jnnncy torlh more. Wo call it tlio "Show Dovn" Way to judge cur value. You get straight fuels, not limey claims. The "Show Down" Way lets you com part the '52 Dodge wllh cars costing hun dreds of dollars more . . . for roominess, Spilllcallu nd tqulpm.nl Sub.tl lo Chonga Wllhoul Nolln visihility, riding comfort, safety. It's the sensible way, the money-saving way, to choose your next new car. Come In Ihe first chance you get. See, drive the new '52 Dodge. See . . . coin pure,. . discover , , . you coud still pay hundreds nf dollars more for a car and not get all tills great new Dodge gives you. 0W: DODGE -TINT SAFETY GLASS Available now in the new '52 Dodge . . . at stibslanlialhj lower cost than older type tint glass. Anti-glare and anti-heat, nrw Dodge-Tint Safety Class adds to driving comfort, safety. Cuts down glare of sun, snow and headlights reduces heat from sun rays 21. few, ticten DUGAN and - "TV ai mu n M n e b I A V ' nw wn iirni m MEST 522 So.6 th. St. mm. o o 'The two most mazing new ranges since electric cookind bedan f HOUSEHOU? RANGE HAS A ! O U V AN OENlrllS BIS! J ' . ( LETS YOU BROIL A STEAK ANP A . . ( BAKE A CAKE. ..AT THE SAME mmiwmi Thrifti-30"Electric Range You can roast a 351b. turkey or bake six pies at once in the giant oven of this Frigidaire range! Yet the whole range is only 30 inches wide fits easily in the smallest kitchen. And it has fast heating Radiantube surface units automatic Clock Control . all 'porcelain finish, inside and out full width utensil drawer. Priced at only AAA Alto ovqilobla without Clock Control, uttnsil drawer 83'" Wonder Oven'Electric Range Use the "Wonder Oven" as one big oven or just slip in the divider, and you have ttee ovens with individually controlled temperatures. Also has Radiantube high speed surface units automatic Cook-Master Oven Clock Control-three-way Thermizer . cooker and. all- . fia "" porcelain finish, inside and out no so no so 344 00 BUY KVSPW BEFORE?? VERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365