TUKSDAY, JANUAHY 8, 1052 IIKRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE J..1!..-.....!-..:.. ... , . J. ... ... - : ..,,.... ..i.:-. Dr. K. IMilir-tn Kliinmlh Vul try llii.tpllnl with u bi'okni ankle Niiflei'vU Sunday while netting Into liln cur. , 1 Npciicor Panne Word wim re reived In Morrill nf tho clcutli In I'nrlliilid Deo, 31 of Ucuin Bpcncrr, ((inner Ilureuu of Itctlninnlton em ploye. Bpenuor died nt tho Vetor nti'n Hospital In Portland and. fu neral net-vlcee' wcro held at Urants J'aaa Jan, 4. A llrldul Khower will be held Jul). 11 nt the Lunitell Vnllry Com munity Hull In honor of Mrn. Krneat Wulker. Mm. Walker won Hlidle Juiuincu belmo her iiinrrlnne "and nil friends lire cordliilly In vited by tho linnirwca, Hlclla Dr llel. Blllle Culwell, Kdim Howl, 'ullle Wnlker Opitl liurrlo and Carolyn Dearborn. National (itiurd rieserve will hold ltd regular inniithly meeting In Hie County Courtliouue basement tonight Bl 7:30 p.m. Improving Mrn. Curry C, Kills' :ill4 Uiuirdiiiiin, In reported improv Iiik nt home viler Millcrliiu acveral lieiirl llttuckl In the pint three niuntlu). Frlt-mlly Circle Will niret lor luncheon mid bimliie.ui inietlug 'Ihui'Mhiy, 12:30 p.m. at the home ol Minnie 1'uiluell, 412 Uphiim, house. All parents mid tho public fa Iliullnrl l uMnn.l Mlillnlcil-Wurren Ellin, 737 No. Oth HI., linn cnllHtod throUKh the local U.S. Army recruiting office, und nun been aantgncd to Fort Lewis, Wash, , Air Force Wilfred ft. t.oanley, Ohllixium. and L. D. i'etty, Ash land, liuve cnll.itru through the local Air Force recruiting office mid liuve been iiwiluncd to Lack lund Air Force Base, Texan. Dunce Club The Elk's nquare dunce club which ineolN every TueHdny nluht nt the Klk'n Temple will meet 8 o'clock tonliillt. Otto Kills will cull. Htt. (,', I-:. Mumi-of din locnl Army mid Air Force rcc-rultlng of fice stilted lodnv Mint the perlodn of enlistment lor tho WAO (Worn en'a Army Corpnl hnve been lowered In two ycurn and for the WAF's (Women's Air Force), three Venrs. Anyone deslrhiK further In formation mny obtain snme from his office, room tlOO, Ponlofflce bulldlnK, or call 8401. f Orluix Mrrllm Tmiliihl nt 8 'p.m. l home ol A. U. WlgtiUut, U.'O Eldorado. W'SC ('Ire Ira First Mclhodlnl Church will meet 'IhurMluy, l:3u p ui. for ilrwrrl luncheoiin. Entlirr Circle will meet with Mrs. Wcs McNce, 10.13 Aiilmrn: Muitlm, with Mrn. Lee Mclirldc, 407 N. IIUi St.; Mnry, with Mm. Don Anderson 443 N. LhKUiiu: Ruth, with Mia. Lawrence Phelps I0i7 Auburn. Klumnth Camera (lull Movie niviMon meets ul 102H Mnlu St., tonlKlit ul 8: I'roiiriimmrd In n allowing of n movie prepared by Kurl Clentry, Tulelnke. nnd "The Knlle Thrower," n niovln filmed iiimIiIc down und buckwnrd by the club. Daren Circle Meeting sched uled nt Firm Presbyterian Church, Thursday, 2:15 p.m., with Mrs. Paul Tinnier and Mrs. Adam Miller hostesses. Word hns been received here bv Mr, mid Mrs. B. K. Bchnke, 3347 llomednle Unit their son. I'fc. Ken neth K. Bchnke. 23. has arrived In Jnpnn with the 6th engineers combnl division. He enlisted two vrnrs ago after graduating I rum IilKh school In Hnn Jose. Prior to that he attended KUHS for three yearn, lie wan home on leave be fore ThiiuksKlvliiK. Ills wile Emmn nlso resides here. A second son In the liunlly, Maurice K. Bchnke, 31. serving with the Air Force him finished school in Ohio mid hns been transferred to an alrbase at J :1k In. Florida. He was home for Christmas. Dirts Thrts Kho Installation of nfllcers Is to be held InllowliiK a short business session Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. at the IOOF Hall. Friends are Invited. Income Tax Assistance lor de claring cstlmnied taxes will be Klven nt the Mnlln PoMnfflre to morrow, at the Lskevlew City Hall Wednesday nnd Friday nnd nt the Pnlsley Chewnucnn Hotel Thur ilny. Assistance will be avnllnble here until Jan. IS In the Poslofflce. Utiles N'ljhl Tonight nt 7 It's T ml irs NilIu nt the Whieinn for Klumnth County Junior Fnrmcrs. Bill Murshnll is chairman of the nllnlr. Dnuililers Xulelnm Nile Club will meet Weilursduy. 1 p.m. nt Y'eiled's. All members of Daughters of the Nile cordially Invited. Christian Women's Fellowship First Christian Church meets Thursday, 1 p.m. Oroup 1 with Mrs. Alva Custer. 241 Hillside; Ciroup 2 with Mrs. Curtis Stock still, 2363 Appleitule. Falrvlew Study (iroup meftlnj Is canceled this month, due to the illness of tho hostess. Mil. C. O. Hudtrcnn. Installation Pythian Sisters meet lor InstnlUtlon of officers Friday. 8 p.m., In the IOOF Hnll. Past chiefs will serve refresh ments. Members are tuned to be on hand nnd wear formula. ' j Henley Associated Women - of Farm Bureau will-meet wltli Mrs. Don Johnson, Thursday, 2 p.m. howlers Mrs. A.-C. (Dennl Buckes, President of the Women's Oregon Stale Bowlers Association nccoinpnnled bv Mary Bothwcll and Martha Cassldy, the latter two ilclemilcs from the Klamath Falls Howler'B Association will leave I Sunday for Salem to attend n meeting of the association which will plan for stale tournament pluy In February and March. Curst - Mrs. Axel Jncnbson. 2H25 rtecliiinullon has as her house Kiiest, Mrs. Axel Johnson, Enter prise Oregon. Mrs. Johnson Is a former Klamath Fnlls resident. Meelhis- There will be a rcRUlnr meeting of the Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Thursday, 8 p.m. In the K.C.jHall. Keno PTA will meet tonight ! (Tuesday) 7:30 p.m. nt the school CitBySerpants By (len. N. Taylor j There In tho desert. God's people spoke nttnlnst him nnd he sent ; flrey serpents to stlng them to tlenth Numbers 21:0, BIBLE. When the people repented, Ood told Moses to lift up on a pole, a ser pent of brass. Let the people who wcro bitten, look on it mm live. Many did nnd the plnguc was stoo ped. C c n t n r ies Inter came Christ. He pointed to such as hud be lieved nnd lived. Sn Id He "As Moses lifted up the serpent In the w 1 1 d e r n ess, so must the Bon of Mnn be lifted up that whosoever believes on Him shnll not. perish but have eternal ! life . , ." John 3:14-10 BIBLE. I Christ Mighty Today" "I hnd lost my family, business nnd wns the Maker. "Then I looked on Christ town drunkard," said tho Harness nnd believed. I hnvo my Inmlly nnd business back nnd am no more the town drunkard." i A Whlto Pino Drive family sonds tills Message to say that Olirlnt stands ready nlso to lift you out. Your pnrt Is to Look BELIEVE and look utterly to Him. Leaders Muhlc Hanson nnd Evn Burkhnllnr nrc leaders for the tlrciit ilixik group discussion Thurs day evening, lu the city library. The group will discuss Song of the Volsungs and Nlblungs, Oone Pvt. and Mrs. Lylc Steers have relumed to Camp Cooke, Call!., alter spending the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steers and Mr. and Mrs. Hnv Keeven. Lyle Is with the 1112nd Signal Corps and attends teletype school at the camp. On comnlclton of his course there he will be transferred to Camp San Luis Obispo In December. Mills School regular Jnnunry PTA meeting will be held Wednes day, 2:15 p.m. Entertainment will he lurnlshed by the high school string ensemble directed by John Drysdnle and u vocul ensemble, di rected by Andrew Loncy. Guest speaker will- be Joe LeClalr, Di rector of Audio-Visual Education. His subject will be "Foundations for Good Citizenship. "Rooms will be open to purenls between 1 nnd 2 i). in. An adult supervisor will care for pre-school age ahlldren. Coining Home Sgt. 1st Class Wayne A. Gober, son ot Mr. und Mrs. Elmer Gober, Rt. 2, Klamath Fulls recently left tho 7th Inlanlry Division on the fighting front in Korea to return home under the Army's rotation plan. Ho hnn been In recent action against the Com munism In the mountains north of Hwachon. He landed nt Inchon September I0S0. He has been In Korea 12 months. He In a graduate ol Henley high school. Houlh-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woods aro In Ban Francisco this week Ulnnrlu m IMtrttfltt1fr Ami surgery. Woods la manager of the meat department at Orlggs Market here. They plan to return Saturday. Japs Lay Off Fishing Right WASHINGTON 11 Japan has become one of the first nations if not the first to refrain from exercising Its legal right to fish eries on the high seas, Milton C. James, assistant director ol the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, aald Friday. Japan made the concession at the recently completed Internation al conference with the united States and Canada, during which fisheries of the North Pacific were discussed, James, who apent seven weeks in Tokyo holplng to draft the pro gram, aald Japan agreed to ab stain from fishing for halibut, her ring or aalmon In areas off the cosst of North America where commercial fishing has been or could be conducted. Under International law, all nations have equal rights to the fisheries on the high seas. James aald, however, that In the new agreement Japan recog nizes that the fisheries specilied are carefully managed, at consider able expense to the United States and Canada, and that entry of another nation into the field could wreck, the conservation program. TRIAL PORTLAND 11 Fred Meyer, Inc., and two of the chain store's meat market managers will be tried Feb. 5 on charges of selling meat at above celling prices. The trial date was set Monday OJhvJpool AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tuleloke or dial 9578 Klamath Fold by Federal Judge Gua Solomon cent to charges of price violations, after the defendants pleaded Inno- Inst fall. Wi-iie-mu COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Dinners from from 125 Southern Oregon's Finest There will be a regular meeting of District No. 8, Oregon State Nurses' Association Thursday at the Public Health Department, 1S49 Main, 8 p.m. -ON SPECIAL ORDER la one of these your Towlc pattern? Then here la an op portunity to fill in your own set, or give a friend soma much-wanted pieces. These beloved Towlc pat terns are available for sum mer delivery. Order before February 15th. Illlack tNTC"BU(ir v ihi ' ' iUPO tABVLL FRANKLIN HE A BURY LADV THMONY OLD DOROTHY ARISTOCRAT GEORGIAN CONSTANCE CHASCD ENGLISH MANNERS - Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE ! 11th A Klamath Ph.2-2581 slviui Paul oio y oor chiscd Lor SLVISC HOCADC CHILTON LASS DiASA ASr Budget Accounts Invited ! fitci EGISTERED JEWELEI AMERICAN CEI S0CICTT 70J Main St. Phone 3151 m u2i Geo. N. Taylor , C'"AS c LA?1" 1 4 3 tVZS- : : : ! , SIG LE Wonderful way to remember those who gave you Christmas checks I a way of loveliness and grace. A fitting way, too . . . those checks turn into a Sterling treasury, a lifelong investment in value. For all TOWLE Sterling is solid silver- good all the way through. Let us help you select your pattern. We'll register It for friends and relatives to be guided by 'there are lots of gift days in a yearl) You can start your collection with a small outlay. Six-piece place settings start at $27.50, teaspoons at $3.35, serving pieces at $3.75. And you can budget your way to this Towle beauty) Prices Include Federal Tax BUDGET Oi w INVITED " 700 Main St. tICISTIIte JIWILIIl IIIIKII SIB Will IWILIll Phone 31 SI FbTnTMUXTTn'O Nprj...STOCK YOUR LINEN FJbifJh Yg 18?$P CLOSET AND GAVE! FOUR BIG FLOORS OF TREMENDOUS VALUES FOR THRIFTY H0MEMAKERS! f Ztfk " W V &Ate ' J-t 01 it J jtk ... ... mm JUST ARRIVED ! Little Girl's Washable COTTON DRESSES 98 Size 3-6x! Dainty trim! Fresh spring colors! 2 SECOND FLOOR JUST ARRIVED! RAYON-SATIN WOOL COMFORTERS 90 Delicious colors! Full 72x84 size! Thrift priced DOWNSTAIRS 9 BUTTERFLY NYLON! WOS. NEW SPRING Nylon Crepe Dresses 75 Now! You save on CANNON TOWELS LUXUUr QUALITY! HOME-GLAMOUR COLORS! Big, thick, wrap-up-size bath towels you'll match with wash cloths and face towels they're famous Can nons! And they're made with packed close loops for tingly rubdowns! So long-wearing! And so decorative in your bathroom! Choose rocket blue, sungold, lightning pink, citron, mimo sa ycllotf! BALCONY " 5 1 3 9BC I 59c L I 27c '--J I WOS. and '. half slzesl Gay colors! Distinctive stvles' ' SECOND FLOOR 12 HEAVYWEIGHT! Men's Army Tan Twill WCRKSHIRTS 98 14'2-17! Dress type . collar! Reinforced! MAIN FLOOR 3' HAND SIZE ... WASH CLOTH 10 WOOL MEN'S LONG SLEEVE UNION SUITS 69 38 to 46! Warmth without weight! MAIN FLOOR 1 PENCO 42" TUBING 59c PENCO 81" SHEETING 99c NATIONWIDE 42" TUBING 49c NATIONWIDE 81" SHEETING 89c 36" BLEACHED MUSLIN 39c yard yord yard yard yard SPRING CASUALS! WOS. TWO PIECE RAYON DRESSES 90 Men's wear fabric! Contrast colors! Jrs. 9-15 SECOND FLOOR 5' taw. slsiiii NATIONWIDE MAnRESS PROTECTORS 98 3 Full Six. These are sturdy pads with zig zag ' stitching that keeps filling In place, prevents bunching! ' Twin Size ,. 2.98 DOWNSTAIRS SANFORIZED GINGHAM PLAIDS New high-fashioned plaids, both sanforized and mercerized I Crease resistant finish I Come see Penney's big selection. BALCONY REDUCED! WOS. NOVELTY CASUAL SHOES i Red. green, black suede Broken sizes! DOWNSTAIRS 3 00 HAND WASHABLE! BUTCHERWEAYE RAYONS NEW ARRIVALS! Was blue & white Check SPRING COATS All wool fabric! - Box style I Sizes 8-18 SECOND FLOOR 29" 59 vd. Preshrunk and crease resistant to keep Its crisp look longer. Come see Penney's rainbow ar ray of colors. You'll find value in every yard! Hand washable I BALCONY JUST ARRIVED! Woi. Lace Trimmed RAYON GOWNS New rich colors I Exquisite Styles I 2 98 MAIN FLOOR