TUESDAY, JANUARY il. 1052 HERALT) AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAUJ8, OREGON PAGE TOREK Republican Takes Over As Boss Of RFC On Heels Of Symington's Resignation 'II "a vLr- i. ouii..N ir I The Palomino I P l lllondo and hrr w jov rniicNu II "T v Tw r,i,: "'""iiiE ,.11 r vi huh I H Hnntrrn .Swine I -Vy. - WTKIl TAYLOR J f ltHlliqun( WASHINGTON. Wl All active Republican propured Tunxclny to bi'coino bona of the multi-million dolliir Rdcoimlrucllon Flnniico Cor poriillon under an nnnounccd policy of loiuiK "on a biinlM of bunlncns and merit no polities." Even oh Hurry A. TvtcDonnlcl, nnuncliitcd UiIn policy, however u niovn NpnuiK up to luuncli a now Himiile InvtmtlKiitioii of the nunc Hciindut-Kcnrred Kovcrnmciit lend Inn rtgnncy. Bon. Miiyhimk D.- S.O., 8emtle UitnkliiK Commlttue chairman, nn uounend ho hud ordered nn Iwiulry Into tho rcHiKiintlon of W. Btuurt SymlnKton an RFC udmlnlntriilor. Ho mild Bonnie notion on I'renl rlmi Trumnn'a nomlnntlon of Mr Dopalcl to muccpccI HyinlnKton prob nbly would be held tin until after the Inuulry. McDonald, now chair iniin of the Biwurltleit and Ex I'hiuiKe CommlriMon, In a clone per noniil friend of Bymlniilon. Bymlnuton. a top Trumiin admin IMrullon of I lcl'tl for Mx yenra, In qiilllliiK Jim. 16. The President, In n letter Mondiiy nddreMrt to "Denr Rtu", Hiild he accepted the rcxlunnllon with "utmont reluc tance." McDonald told n renorter lie would continue Symlnitlon'a (told flMi bowl" policy of dlncluHUiir all Inforiiuillon on government loann. He ld h hoped In re'tiln most of the kev RFC ptrmuinel. As tor millMenl Influence. Mc Donald nald, "We lunt don't expect anybody to trv It. We certainly won't permit It." Mavbnnk Md he would anltn the new RFC InveMtliatlon to a mbconiniltti-e he1ed by "en. Ft'. brliht D,. Ark. Thl I5 the anme "roiin whoe bcorin"M tn-t unrlnc forcpil a nhniceiin of tHe apencv and hronvht BynilnRton hi as trou ble nh'ioler. a THE BANKER TAKES A BRIDE Marriner S. Eccles, 61, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and bride of Ihree days, Mrs. Sara Madison Glassie Eccles, 43, of Chevy Chase, Mil., greet the new year with a smile in their New York City hotel suite. The couple plans to spend sev eral days in New York City before leaving for Eccles' Salt Lake City, Utah home. nu.fiiNfi? l.ITTI.K ROCK. Ark. fliir Rliim. apparently plnnnliiK to put the Miiee.e on somebody, alole eluht Klrdlca from a clothing Mure Monday night. Rodeo Cowboys OK Nsne Shows DENVER I' Hie Rodeo Cow bov.V A m . it! t on, rneriip" iieri prior to opeiilnic of Uie 1952 na tional Western Block Show mid Rodeo, Monday approved member parllntxt' en "1 n,ne ro:!e-js thi year with tolnl prize money of Uli. 650. The list of rodeos, daten and prlo monev Includes: Yuma, Ariz., Feb. 10-17, J3.000. Dnlou Rouite, La., March 1 - 7. (8.000. Strong City, Kan., June 6-8, $3,000. Lincoln. Neb., June J2-15, J2.500. Del Mar, Calif.. July 3-5. 13.600. Topeku, Kan., July 18-20. (3.S00. Pretty Prairie, Kan., July 29-31 $2,500. Lewiatown, Mont., July 31-Aug. 1 $2,250. Spokane, Wah., Aug. 20-23, $3,000. Bill Llndcrmim of Red Lodge. Mont., president of the RCA, said, the convention is expected to ap prove many more 1052 rodeos be lore the session ends. Land Grant Attorney To Make Meet PORTLAND lPi The attornev for the Association of .Orcuon and California Land Orant Counties will leave for Waahlmtton, D. C, Jan. 18 to represent the uroup on any proposed legislation affecting Oregon's revested tlmberlands. The attorney, Frank Sever of Portland, was given authority to "review the proposed national leg islation and to use discretion on coming amendments." At a meeting of the association's executive committee Monday, Lane and Clackaman County represen tatives said they were preparing legal action to obtain their snare of $4,250,000 which they claim is iiu" 1R Oregon counties from the federal government. At present the counties are en titled to 75 per cent of the reve nus from tho 2'i million acres of tlmberlands. The remaining 25 per cent goes to the federal govern ment. The counties, however, have not received their full share. It i over this shortage that Lane and Clack amas Counties threaten suits. There has been discussion In Congress recently to reduce the j counties' share to 50 per cent with part of the government funds being ; set aside for fire protection, ac- j cess roads and a sustained yield j program. The group also voted preliminary i approval of a plan to sei asiae about 145 acres of O. U C. lands near the Oregon caves for a per manent camp site. Family Claims Fumes Harmful PORTLAND M-The Paul Martin family filed a $350,000 damage suit in Federal Court Monday, contend- j Ing they were poisoned by fumes ; from an aluminum plant. i The Martins Paul, his wife! Vcrla, and their daughter Paula i said winds blew fluorine fumes i from the TrouWale, Ore., Reynolds The Reynolds Metala Company Metals Plant onto their farm be- recently was ordered to pay $78,000 tween November. 1946 and Novem- for damage which the fumea ber, 1950. The suit said they now caused to livestock and crops In must live in Arizona for their the area. Similar suits asking two health. million dollars were dismissed. . OTI Registration Set For Jon. 14 Winter term registration at Ore gon Technical Institute has been scheduled for Jan. 14, according to Director Winston Purvine. Ai present, Purvine said, all courses are open to registration and students r cjIH have -r trorYe in selecting the classes they want. Cevlon is an Island in the' Indian r an n.lln- nit lha cnolharn I tip of India. SALE! NEW COTTON DRESSES! SEC Ponders Power Firm Sale Plan WASHINGTON W) A Securities and Exchange Commission official indicated Tuesday the commission may not act on the proposed sale of Washington Water Power Co. common stock until next Monday. Secretary Orval DuBolse told a reporter: "We certainly will not come to any verdict before all the testi mony is in." In announcing a 10-day extension of Its time for consideration of the sale, the commission last week in vited interested parlies to confer with It "Individually and Informal ly" this Friday. The deadline for SEC consideration is the close of business next Monday. One opponent Robert Smylle. Idaho attorney general , already has presented his views. He him self was unavailable for comment and the SEC declined to discuss what was said at Monday's con ference with him. Smylle earlier, however, ex pressed belief that a stock sale notice filed by American Power & Light Co., owner of Washington's stock, did not meet commission specifications. He also contends sale of the stock to the three Wash ington State Public Utility Districts would be contrary to Idaho law. SALE ON NEW FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS We have a few new models k Slightly Marred Demonstrators AT Special Low Prim I BUY NOW BEFORE ? VERN OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS COMPANY 124 No. 4th Phone 8365 I w ON YOUR SAVINGS BEGINNING JAN. 1" AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR A FIRST NATIONAL BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT Now your money arm mor at First National Bat. Be ginning January 1, 1952, 2 tnteritt will be paid oh new and exitting savings ac counts, regardless of size, in all branches of the First National Bank of Portland. So, save regularly end earn 2 at the First National. Deposits made on or before the 10th of January earn 2 interest from January 1st. Open Your Savings Account Today! (ON CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT) A Three Year Certificate of Deposit Pays You 2 Vt per Annum at Maturity. , FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland DECEMBER 31, 1951 Mmbr Ftd.ral Dtpoiit Insuronw Corporatioa RESOURCES Coih In youII and la hdwol l.irv tank.. $ 19,664,193.01 . .1 Du from lanki .' 3,517,75M7 Total Coih $121,111,147.11 Unlld Slolti Govtrnmtnt Obligation!,' - rl jv Dlrtet and fully GuorontMd 7.. 1 4 J, 556,119.71 Ital., County and Municipal Bondi and Warronli 39,719,364.41 Oth.r Bonds and Socuritioi 1 5,161,872.49 Stock in fedtral Rtianra Bank . 750,000.00 loans and Discounts 274,371,240.12 Accrued lnlir.lt l.ciivabl 1,917,171.90 Bank Prtfflists, Furnltur. and Fixlur.s and ; Sol. D.poiil Vaults f 6,150,356.6 Olh.r tal Estal. own.d.; ' ;. 1.00 Cuilomtrs' liability on Accounts of l.H.rs ' of Crtdit, Acctplances and Endorsed Bills. 731,250.06 Other lesources 429,926.59 TOTAl BESOUIICES $601,240,221.16 LIABILITIES Capital -. $ 7,500,000.00 Surplus 17,500,000.00 Undivided ProWs 11,875.908.30 Total Capitol Funds $ 16,175,901.30 Reserve for possible loan losses. This reserve is to apply against any loon losses that may develop in the future; It has not been allocated to any particular loans or type of loans. (Established from earnings, $825,- 000.00 of which was added from Jon. 1, 1951 through Dec 31, 1951) 'l,99i,7H.I . J !"" $37,941,761.79 ,,...., DEPOSITS . j T MA. f 557,388,716.62 (Savings and Tim. 159,446,947.13 ) liability for Loiters of Credit and as Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acceptances and Foreign Bills 731,250.04 Interest deceived In Advance i 2,085,382.6 Deserve for Interest, Tu.s, Etc 1,976,120.1 ) Other liabilities , TOTAl LIABILITIES . 1601,240,122.1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP Composite totals for the first Notional Bank Croup, Th. first Notionol lank of Portand and its 46 statewide bonking ofices and 15 ofimarea banks with 18 bonking offices. DEPOSITS The first Nollonol Bonk of Portland and 46 Offices 1557,388,71 6.61 18 other Oregon Banking Offices In the First National Group 127,702.830.92 $685,01,547.54 - IOANS AND DISCOUNTS The first Nollonol Bonk of Portland and 46 Offices. $274,371,240.12 18 olher Oregon Banking Of lies In the First National Group 45,781.268.4 $320,153,508.61 TOTAl P.ESOUP.CES The First National Bank of Portland and 46 Offices $601,240,222.1 18 olher Oregon Banking Offices In the first National Group 137,368,111.3 TOTAl RESOURCES of the 4 BANKING OFFICES In tho . FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP $738,60,040,M Klamath Falls Branch J South 6th Street Branch, Merrill Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANK n pom mneytac6 Sjfo Stort Houri: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 133 So. 8th Phono 3188 iJ Or PORTLAND iW ywr cmvm.c-OPRN 10 TO 1 SIX DAY! A WEEK UTS MMD OMOON roofrm" Aember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (h first Notional Bank of forffand and Iti 44 ifat.wld. bonking offices am 15 allllhltd banks with If afflt.4 Portland Officii Portland Main Offic. lost Portland Branch Hawthorn. Beul.vard Branch Hollyw.ad.Ros. City Bremen Industrial Branch Ilvestock-Kenten Breach Mentavllla Branch Sixth and Morrison Branch Southeast Portland Branch Unlen and Russell Breach Uptown Branch Branch! 0v f of Portland ALBANY BRANCH ASHLAND BRANCH ASTORIA BRANCH BINO BRANCH CINIRAl POINT BRANCH CONDON BRANCH COOS BAY BRANCH COOUIUI BRANCH INTHPI.I1! BRANCH FOSSIL BRANCH GRANTS PASS BRANCH CRESHAM BRANCH HIPPNSR BRANCH HILISIORO BRANCH HOOD RIVIR BRANCH KLAMATH FALLS Klamath Falls Brands South Slsth Street Brooch IA ORANDI BRANCH IAKIVIIW BRANCH MIDFORD BRANCH MIRRIll BRANCH MOLALLA BRANCH NIWBIRO BRANCH NORIH BIND BRANCH NYSSA BRANCH OAKRIDOI BRANCH ORIOON CITY BRANCH PENDLETON BRANCH SALEM (RANCH SHERMAN COUNTY BRANCH STATION BRANCH THE DALLES (RANCH TILLAMOOK (RANCH UNION (RANCH VVOODBURN BRANCH AffUfofotf Bonki in fho frif NofonoBonlt Group Corlm lists and Savings lank lenten County State Bank ICervolllsl Philomath Branch IPMIemothl The First National Bank of Cortege Oreve The First National Bonk of lufeaa West lugtnt Branch Springfield (ranch ISprlngfleld) The First Natlenel Bank of Fertst Oreve The First Natlenel Bank of LshewsB Monroe State m.M State Bank ef Malhewr CevNty lOnleriel Mertlend-SsllwMd Bank IPerllendl The First National Bank of Prlnovlllo Scle State Bank Clatsop County Bonk ISeotMel ' CeelMgeand MtClafno llllveiteol ffftfok 1 twrf HojfVio YmrMII Staff lMk Allthi abov bonb mn mmUn tf th Mtral Dipoiit liwrotK.Crr0tloii. ,..