PAGE TWO ( KIXW Tupwlay Evcninf, Jan. 8 1 1:00 Iportt Htfhllfhtl 0:in Nomr Town Niwl 0 25 World Nawi Summary :50 Suburban Srend 0:45 HMdlln Kdltlon ABC 0:55 Coming Attractloni on ABC 7:00 Greatest Story ABC (t-(rt Mr, AuHH'" ' Air ABC 8:30 United or Not AnC , 0:00 Town Meeting oi Air ABC 10:00 10 PM Headline! 30:15 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Iniomnla Club 11:00 Nowa Summary J 1:05 Sign Off n Kt'LW Wednesday, Jnn. 9 00 sign On Newi Summary 11:0ft Corn In tha Morn , 0:45 Farm Fare 7:00 New. BkM. Edition 7:18 CharlVa Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred A Newt ABC 7:40 Ton o' tl Morning 7:55 John Conta ABC n.uu BreakUM cluu ABC 0:00 Hank Henry Show . 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 1U:00 Chat Huntley ABC 10:15 T one Jrru-'p" J 10:30 My Trut Story AEC 10 55 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop 0i Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:43 Musiral Roundup 11:55 Market Report 12:00 News. lS'oon Edition 12:15 Paylass Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky-U Ranch AEC 1:03 Pavl H--vev ABC 1:15 Better Uvlnf aB 1:3J Mary McBridt ABC 3:00 Basin Briels 3:13 Accent on Melody a:: l Joyce Jordan. M.D. ABC 345 Rom. Evelyn Winter ABC i 3:00 Ted Malone ABC 3:13 When Girl Marriei ABC 3:30 Perfect Huaband ABC 4:00 Mary Marlin ABC "eT't!!' 8:00 Fun Factory ABC 6:30 Chet huntiey AUC - 5:fl lt'i Mo'1 "n 6:00 Sports Htghlighti 0:15 Home Town Newf 6:25 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 The Lone Ranger AC 7:31 Mystery Theater ABC fi;00 The Top "mt Arr 30 Rogues Gallery ABC lt:o l l-r-i:-iV t ail 8:30 Northwest Artists ' 10:00 10 P.M. Headlines Jli:13 Dream Ha-bcr 10:30 Insomnia Club , 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFJI TuedaT Evening, Jan. 6:00 Gabriel Keatter MBS 0:13 Klamath Theater Quit 6:30 Around Town 6:43 Sam Hayes Newi MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS 7:30 Peter Salem MBS WE Bring the gang in M Coffee Km . . .! ! mm ak. " - " ' 1 YOUR EARN AT Me Dorris, Effective Jan. 1, 1952 we pay interest at the rate of 2'i per annum on all new and re newal savings on time certificates of deposit of 6 months or mere. Interest begins on the date of your deposit. The Butte Valley State Bank is an independent bank, serving the Klamath Basin since 1908. Banking by Mail Is Convenient! Let us handle your banking business. All accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, up to 510,000 each. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 3 6 00 Count Monte CrlstO MBS 0:30 Roving at Rudy i 1:45 Heidelberg Harmonafres fl:uO Gienn hardy-Newt VilS 9:13 Fulton Lewis-News MBS 9:30 Official Detective MBS 9-33 3-Minute Final MBS 10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Here's to Vets 10 30 Opera Concert MBS 11. -OO Night Owls Edition 11:05 Night Owls Ctub 13:7? Sign Off KFJI Wednesday, Jan. $ 6.-00 Musical Reveille b:-J. rarm Heporter 6:33 Local Newa 7:00 liemini way -Newt MBS T:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Newa 7:45 pest B!a :00 Cecil Brown MBS 0:15 Breakfant Gang MRS 3 30 Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Homemakers Harmonies 9:13 Platter Party 9 43 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 Glenn Hardy MBS 10:15 Tello Teet MBS 10:30 LaPointes 10:45 Helen Doege 10:35 New MBS 11.00 Lad its Fair 11:25 News MLS 11:30 Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:13 Newa 12:30 Danre Tunes 12:43 Market Ik Livestock 12:33 Newa 1:00 Jack Ktrkwood MBS 1:30 Tune Test 1:55 Local Newa 2 00 Platter Party 2 45 Answer Man MBS 3.00 Ricky Request 4:00 Fulton Lewis Newt MBS 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:;t0 Kceed Gtson MBS 4:45 Sam Hayes News MBS 5:00 Name the Record 5:30 Clyde Beatty MBS 5 55 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Keatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Quiz 0:30 Around Town News 6:45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS 6 53 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Mysterious Traveler MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS : What's Narr- of S- MBS 8:30 Behind the Story MBS 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy New MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 Wrestling 9:53 3-Min. Final MBS 10:00 Wrestling 10:15 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:30 International Airport MBS it", vi-ht Owls Nii 11:03 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign un 5 Poles Get Death Charae WARSAW. Poland (f A mill- tary court sentenced five Poles to ; deata Monaay nigm aiier mey Xnc dinner meeting !s scheduled nleaoed gu'ltv to charges of bo nTfor U)e wll)ard Jan 15 6.30 p m "spies sent Into Poland by the. it is to be a joint meeting of American Intelligence Service.' Uhe Senior and Junior Chambers Their trial lasted one day. Sum- for both men and women. For men mingr up, the prosecutor accused 1 the U.S. embassy here of leading i nUlM .Mind VaUhiI " t. i -m k very first day of diplomatic rela- Tickets are being sold by direc tions between the people's Poland j tors of both the Senior and Junior and the United States." 'Chambers. The condemned men are accused Highlighting the program will be of working with American spies to ; talks bv Edgar Smith. Portland Germany and with the "White j chamber of Commerce president, Russian American spy center known as the Committee to Aid Escapees." Don't lock the door after the horse is stolen. Insure with Bans Norland NOW! 6i7 Pine St, n if m lank Calif. Ladino Cut Asked By Seed Men PORTLAND dV The govern ment support prlr on Ladlno Clo ver should be reduced 15 cents a liound, the OreRon Seed Growers LeaRuo was told hers Monday. The league's elover committee sld the present support price of $1.25 mlEht cause a surplus. The commlllee urged that the support price be cut to $1.10. The con velillon will net on Uie commit tee s report Inter. In other business Monday, grow ers were told of two possible new clover crop seeds Romack peas from Georgia and R new rust re sistant ryegrass from South Amer ica. Virgil Freed, Oregon State Col lege agronomist, described a new spray, IPC Chloro, which he said would aid In controlltnir velvet and other annual grasses In fescue stands. The new spray soon will be available commercially, he said. James Short. Redmond, league president, appointed a committee to Investigate a proposed tonnage lax on Oregon grown seeds, the proceeds to be used to advertise the industry. George B. Davis cf Oregon State College reported that rough hand ling damaged 43.5 per cent of the Oregon potato crop. He said the damage resulted In a grade reduction of 13.1 per cent of the marketable crop. Chamber Set For Big Meet Tickets are now on sale for the annual Chamber of Commerce din ner meeting . . . And If early en thusiasm Is any criterion, persons wishing to attend had best be about getting their tickets. Chamber Pres. Arthur (RlcSi'i Rlckbeil says the Willard Hoiel banquet room v. ill accommodate "about 300." Interest In the meet in; Is high and Rickbeil has said the meeting will "be perhaps Uie nlost important In the chamber's history." unable to take wives or women guests there will be a special stae 1 wi- am Hillman Luedemann. vice pres ident and general manager of Pope aril Talbot Company and president of the West Coast Lum bermen's Association. Also on the program is the Jay cecs' annual Distinguished Service Award to the county's outstanding young citizen of 1951. i A five-man committee Is ; now trying to decide on the reclp ! lent of the honor. : The person j selected Is to be known only to the ; committee until the moment of j actual award presentation at the I banquet. j This year has been dubbed Klam . aji's "year of decision" and the chambers are launching a two . pronged campaign to bolster the i basin's business future. Concerted drives are shaping to promote de velopment of the basin's vast and untapped natural resources and to draw new industries. KLAMATH 'FALLS. OlltSM. AMERICAN CHINESE Faodt at their kesrl . 449 hi Otiit T Take Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. CHAIN PASSENGER SIZE 5.50-1 (S, 6.40-16 710-15, 6.70-15 LIGHT SIZE 6.00-16, 6.50-16 7.00-16 7.50-16 TRUCK SIZE WERE 8.25-20 Single Highway $25.70 10.00-22 Dual Highway $58.75 11.00-22 Dual Highway $75.15 BUY NOW AND SAVE PLENTY! JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE, INC. 11th and Klamath ' Phone 2-2581 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Demo Finance Boss Quits PORTLAND Ml Abe O. Gil bert, who startled Democrats last month with his plan to rulsc funds for the 185'J camnalun. hr.s re signed as chairman of the Ore gon Democrats' Finance Commit tee. The resluuatlon was the out growth of a disputo at a meeting of tho Central Committee Inst month when Gilbert was quoted as saylnir businessmen should bo solicited for party contributions In leturn for consideration from Uie administration. Gilbert, a Portland furniture' dealer, tnld the quotation, taken out of context, created Uio wrong impression. At the same meetimr Ollbert crltlclsied National Committeeman Monroe Sweellnnd. He snld dif ferences with Sweetland and other Democratic leaders, made his Job impossible. William Jossltn. Central Commit tee chairman, announced the resig nation. No successor has been chosen. Examination Proves Tale Of Murder EVERETT, Wash. W Prosecutor Phil Sheridan said Tuesday an au topsy disclosed that an Everett op tometrist whose death was attrib uted to a heart attack actually was slain. The autopsy was performed after Harold O. Chase. 22, former Dar rlniton marshal, told authorities he killed Dr. Russell R. Bradley In ! December, 1950, by pressing his fist against the side of Bradlev s neck. In his statement Chase said he had been out driving with Dr. Draatey alter tney met in a bar. Sheridan reported. The prosecutor said Chase drove Bradley to an Evett: bcotwl n I .ten--! ants the man apparently hid suf- fered a heart nttnrk Tli H o t h W8S list?? officially as due to that cause. Sheridan quoted Chase as saying he robbed Dr. Bradley of Organisation. The events sched- sponsored by Uie Camp Fire Conn 38. iulrd. during her visit will begin cu. Members of other Camp Fire Cnase also has told of killing two with a colfee hour at the Pelican oirl round' Irum j-ir-rn o-e. other men in the past three years. ; Cnfe at 10:00 a.m. for all the Camp ! j0n nnvp Drrn Invllrd to sprnd oiiciiuun siiu ne noma nui 01s- close the specific findings of the : ""'"PSV o vold 'revealing the nv f lh rlfnca " hut aHHarl case to the defense," but added: "The doctors are satisfied that Bradley did not die from natural causes." The autopsy was performed by Dr. Charles P. Larson, Tacoma, pathologist. Mrs. Helen Hart, Bradley's for mer wife, said Monday Bradley did not have heart trouble. She said she bellsvel It was ' quite possible " he was slain. Chase, now held In the Snohom ish County jail here, also has said that he strangled Leonard M. Lew is. 50, at the Northern State Hos pital in Sedro Woolley In January, 1040 nnH thnl h fclllpH a man called "Joe" at San Francisco last' September or October. Damage Bond Held Legal SALEM (.ft Truckers who get permits to haul overweight loads on county roads can be required to put up bond against , damage to the roads or bridges. Attorney General George Neuner ruled Tuesday for District Attorney Robert G. Davis of Douglas County. A bond Isn't required, Neuner said, because Uie county can make a contract In which the hauler agrees to pay for the damage. TO MEET THE DALLES LTI The 1952 annual meeting of the Oregon Wheat Growers League will be held In Portland Dec. 4-6. Dates of the convention were an nounced here Monday by League President Floyd Root, following an executive committee meeting at Pendleton. SALE! CAR CHAINS WERE NOW $10.20 , 8 00 $10.55 8 20 TRUCK WERE $13.90 $17.00 $17.25 NOW H2.00 $12.75 M2.75 NOW M9.50 $47.00 '60.00 FALLS, OREGON MISS MARTHA F. ALLEN, national director of Camp Fire Girls, Inc., who will arrive in Klamath Fulls Jan. 11. Sev eral events are scheduled in her honor. Camp Fire Director To Be In Klamath Falls Jan, 11 Miis Mnrtha F. Allen, natlonnl director of Camp Fire Girls. Inc., ... .,.. h.r. on Jlimlllrv n ! "1 rrl e here on Jn"ry accord to Naomi French, local Camp Fire executive director. ' rtrln ,o Blau In Vlnniflth Fulls. Miss Allen will be feted by all the branches of the Camp Fire r ire ooara memDers ana miss Travel On State Roads 'Difficult' SALEM W Highway travel j Women, Columbus, Miss., and re was still difficult in Oreirnn 1 celved a Mnstcr of Aria decree mountain areas Tuesday, as well as in mi- othj- ct'ou i-t t ie stale, the Highway Commission re- poriea. The commission's 9 a.m. sum mary of road conditions: Government Camp and Timber line Snowing llshtly. packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 5 Inches new snow. Portland Pavement bare. Wilson River Summit Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, car ry chains. 3 inches new snow. Sunset Summit Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 6 Inches new snow. I Warm Springs Junction Packed I snow, plowing, carry chains. 2 ' inches new snow. CaiCPdr Locks Snowing llsht ly. packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 5 inches new snow. Troutdle Slush, pack Break ing up. 4 Inches new snow. Astoria Silver thaw. Ice form ing, chains required. Salem Spots of tee. Corvallls and Newport Pave ment bare. Salmon River Summit Slush, pack breaking up. Silver Crek Falls Snowing lightly, sush. pack breaking up. 3 Inches new snow. Eugene and Grants Pass Bare pavement. Roseburg and Mcdford Spots of Ice. Union Creek nnd Siskiyou Packed snow, plowing, chains re quired. 3 Inches new snow. Coqullle Bare pavement, , Tho Dalles Bare navement. ' Ochoco and Bend Packed snow plowing carry chains. - Snntlam Pass Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, carry chains 12 inches new snow, Willamette Pass Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, car ry chains. 2 Inches new snow. Chemult Packed snow, plow ing, carry chains. 2 Inches new snow. Bly Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, ' carry chains. 2 Inches new snow. Lakevlew Packed Snow, sand ed. Pendleton Soots of Ice. Mcacham Packed snow, sand ed. La Grande, Baker, Ontario Spots of ice. John Day Packed snow, sand ed. Austin Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. Seneca Packed snow, plow ing, carry chains. Burns Packod snow, sanded. Tuna Import Slash Asked WASHINGTON IJPt A west Coast congressman proposed a slow down Monday on Imports of brine-packed tuna. Rep.' Mack (R.-Wash.) told re porters he has prepared a bill to increase the duty on the product from 12! j to 45 per cent. Imports primarily from Japan Increased from 3,779 cases In all of 1949 to 204,341 cases In the month of September, 1951, he said. "This Increase threatens to cause vast unemployment among the 23. 000 cannery workers and fishermen emnloycd by the Pacific Coast 112 million dollar tuna Industry," Mack declared. rv4 ., I f '''y ' . V. ' ' J-'l !V'ir '. V'' ' ' ' Allen. The Lenders Association will honor the distinguished visitor with , Frl(1 B,lornoon. a ,0 5 at e Flkx pi, noom AcHv,M wU, bo cllllMlxclj wllh , bunnucl Friday ' 1 . .... n.n j Cafc. at which time Miss Allen , win nink The bxnnuet will be , ),. h.v in Kliimnth Fai t durlnit the national directors hlny. Mrs. Percy Murray Is In charge of all arrangements durlUK Ml.ns Allen's brief time In Klnmnlh Falls. Miss Allen has been associated with Camp Fire Girls, Inc.. since 1941 when she became nsslstnnt national director. In April 1943. she was appointed national director. Her wide experience In administra tion, education and community re lations has aided her In mnklng Uie organization one of the natlon-a?ly-recognlzed youth agencies In the country. Miss Allen graduated from Mississippi Slate College for , from Columbia Unlvcralty New York. "lLAST TIMES TODAYI f covmroi s fhm "TIT" f 'I r Guardian loo millionaire tomcat I r r n n Gal... r r n Hi. rTy st m ' curvy n,7 blond lrjT bambthc-m r K Hair to $30,000,000 cmdabaMballtcam! . FROM THE IAU6H-WBWDED PACES OF B. MIEN SMITH'S . . (EST-SELLER 1- erm nrrtG-SEATON T r.rklE LOCKHART Attention Kids I Saturday Morning at 10:00 'Bring yoir cat to see Rhubarb, and enter him In Cat Contest r 5 BIO PRIZI S courtesy Murphy's Seed Store uy.. 1 Boy Found Chained To Befl In Salt Lake City House, Tells of Long SALT LAKH! CITY Ifl A teen nun uoV was found elmlnrd In a bed In n filthy hiiuse here Tuesday. Ofllcni Mild Die I "t tld lliem he was nbuiied Hoxuiilly by tho man who held linn uupllvo. An uccuscd bunk rubber, vlinrgcd with a SO.OOO holdup durlUK a smiwntorm Monday, wna mimed by ofllcera na the youth's enptor, John D. Illllett, SM-yrnr-old used car aulrsniiin, wna utrr.itrd 011 the bunk robbery charge Miintlny night. nrnulv Sheriff T. A. Cnllloott snld illllett Inter udmltlrd kldnuti- Inn Itlihurd Kvnn Itickv ncurim- sen, who had been missing since Inst Ociober. Cnlllcott snld IMllell then led ollleera to the three-room house where the 14-year old boy wns held. The hid hud bruises over much of his body but. oUirrwIse was In lair physlcul concilium. Cnlllcott sulci the uov told of ttumrruus srxiiul ItKllKiillIrs nt the hnnds of his captor. The ninn slept with him most of the tlmn ho wns held. Culllcol said Kicky told hliu. Russ Honor Stalin Aide MOSCOW l.n Georgl M. Ma leukov, deputy premier of the Sov iet Union, brcuniD 5a yen is old Tuesday and the government, Com munist Purty, unci preica marked his anniversary with a warmth (lint net him nMdr as sonicllilng special In the Russian lllerurchy. Newspapers published big pic tures of him on their Ironl pages. The ovrrmii'Mtl nwiiilil him the Order of Lenin, tho Soviet Union's hltmcst decoration. Tho Central Committee of the Communist Perty and fin govern ment's council of ministers sent grerttiiRs praising him as a "true pupil of I.rnln" and lifelong fight er for Con11iHl11l.Mi1. Mnleukov Is n protege of Pre mier Joseph Stnlln. He bossrs the purty muchlncry. which Blnlln also controlled In Ills rle to power. Ho npprnrrd on Stalin's right at the 1951 Mny Day celebrations, add ing o speculation nmonc Western rxperls on nusslan politics that the aging Stnlln was handing over some of the active control of the Soviet Union to Mnlrnkov and Lav renty P. Berla, who controls Uie police. STARTS I SCOTT i J A N9W HANT ON A I . 1 , VUT ol0 nuiNOi wan ura . lull Uliux v-' ouu mmt - Hum tdma 1 1 JZ nnMTAVlOR rU , ALSO 0M THE 1 m TUESDAY. JANUARY H, l n52 Captivity Ricky's falhcr, Kvnn II. Itrnrlok. sen, is a gnrnito mechanic. tiw,. In only one other child, ret.r ltlcky's twin nlhlrr. ' Ciilllcnlt sulci lllllnlt hud ftervrtl n prison seiilriids In C'nlllcniiiu lir rubbery, IicIiik released Jnnci a 1115(1, on condition ha leave, g stnte, His deputy aherllf sulci Hint . flfier-i, I'liosl'"" Oll'xli on ihn Callfornln robbery chnrue, loiimi n siillor bound and gugMi-d in JJIlletl'a room, He wan not rlinrtiecl III connection wlUi Hint Incident however. ' Hlckv dlsapjienrrd Inst Oi-i 30. Local offlcern Imd (iiie.itliiiied ninny nrrsous. Including lllllrtt, tun ,, been unable to run down a fungible, clue. Uoth rtlcky unci Billed were mi. Iiloyrd at a Used car lol, the i,(n. serving as car wnshrr and errand boy. Last Oct. .M Illckv sulci llllleit told him he wn.i a spninl nohco officer. The Jail anld ho wan nr. cused of vniiniin iheft.n aim wm Inlnriiicd he would havo to wi with Illllell lor tiuefllonlnit. "I really thought he wna a poller. man." Illckv snld. "He took nw to a tourist cabin acro.m Ihe Mrert nnd told me I wna under arresi and not to run awnv If I iljn't want to gel Into trouble with the. police. "We stayed there four or fiva dnvs and then moved to Uie house. Johnny told me In nlnv awnv from the windows and not try to nm n'"', ... He had a pnlr of handcuffs ami used Uiem to laMnn me to thr bed v' li-'t a rhal", "o, n m nf the time he fastened Uie chain around one or both my ankles nut locked 1110 to tho bed with a pad lock. " Illcky then told Of n srrlen of beating, whl''h ho aald were dr nrr"ed pn "-eri fn w j ,..,...14 confess to stealing all Uiat stuff." Georae Opposes Anv Tax Increase WASHJNOTON in Sen. Oeorcr D.-Gu. said Tuedny hn li not going to sunport a new general tax boost under any rlrcumstances he can foresee In 19.13. Oeorire told rrnnrtrra Cniurrris should begin considering lux reduc tions bv next year. The veteran senator Is chairman of the Bentate Finance Committee and would have the Job of strrring a tax Inrreasa bill through Uie Sen ate If President Truman submitted one and the House paued It. Wednesday . The Glory Storv U0fTheU.b. f?f:Submarine J"6ER SHAM li 1 -- 1 SAME PROGRAM 1444 ttl I HI i rtl 4 - , -