t TUESDAY. .IANUAUV II, 10,12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Y 10 SERVICE WM. A. HOGKHS SILVKIIWAHK Miulr. mill Uiliirnnlcril by Om-klti, Ud, Roy Rinehart's CHEVRON STATION Una, Oil. Tilt's, Tulifi Ilatli-rlCM, I.uln lin Uin, VVttbliiiitf HOIJTII tilXTII iinrt MIDLAND HOAIJ Kliiiimlh Fulls, Orriinii J'hiine 2 11237 The only Hrrvlip Ht.iilnii In Kuin:iih Falls IsMilug Itiiiicri Hllvrrwurr Curds 2 LOST AND FOUND 'I WU lieiier, nnr ev Itmmleil Immki titirrn- lil ' I " ml Irll will (ivuruo Lew- JMeiue cull J. inn m , Mill Petivn Avrnui- 4 GENERAL NOTICE uiiHKiMK,rh'itil Cenlei it open to the public. MnirMjay II Ml to 0 JO for fir I fir him-lit lint i ui-t iooi. HI NO Kit Hi:WIN(i f KNI'MI W Ml"n .. IMmne 3513 6 PERSONALS H'1 ANt.fcY" )l"iii I'toihiili hi.ne"tni.iU Wf. m..l.e record of anything Ilecniding Co al t'oiuiert Service Co .none ii'lVH ur 3 :tOi;i WATKIllMlOOr'INll pi..ilui'i.rri.lV ItfiirmrnU ur nm(. Phone II.H7. OH tr NOW I 26 10 SERVICES bepric I anks Cleaned Nrweat Sanllnry Method Alan , ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean Hewer l.tnea of Knots, Elo El) F. KINO 2434 Orrhard Phone 0841 TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYH FURNACES 8TOVKH OIL BURNER SERVICE Phone 111011 or 2-3310 EXCAVAIING Moot! Hhovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt lopuill Cruthed ttork Driveway Clndcn Compreiuior CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Mmt.e 6M1 or 01 10 Km" "HXPEMT tf'mmlfKri,' t-fttilnpt "or furnllura rcmlririf. I'rmiiii 4JHJ. llltKr" LAViNt.- i)r our ittVli'u ilrnW If not rail OUn boKK Yu!H rirrpUr ncrd rctisif ? rit 2-mni. I'llfe TMAWlNti. 0l( 4QlA cvinino nrl wrrkrrtili. I Ai tills t J ." It rr" ( t'tv- k fill I tliui vx luring. waII rpr riconintf, witii nr wofxlwork whin by liotir or ronlmct. Ihn 2.n?1 htjtwi-m ft (inrl 0 p in VVAIUII Hr-4'AlttlNU, itc ttKmaute. Ill VAlNtltfO"Td 7H 17. Kl.dfinS pitTuha)'"l,hoiirti2mi S HilM' HAl'TO p'ntini,""b..)y TTiVfirT elef wrh Phnnit 4fwn ('AHI'KNTKH work ""tt?'iir;; ir-itvi.lr)" Ititt nd new cnnvlnirllnn I'hnne a-oniT. M AC'i" Varm Enu I pmc.il Co , t rUMn 4fl44TTr I'lmrii nvi i: i . r,l fine wmis or worC"b y!.., U to t-nlrart I'hnnf 2-(010, Y1. t:nV"irsm.iJiiti A ud lirfAlloiu i:inr tnr.. NINTlS'lJ, derm a ting, pirr hnnBinij, ?'a irr-hoi-d tutlahliiEl. pra,v mlnlintf r warn. X I It TAlNH luiiii'-ra Anil Helctii't l'hii"e 4014 Tutttir ArriiiintAnl id Atirlit'ir nrfir Al Sftn N 7IH - Phone fH 12 EDUCATIONAL ' t'lm.D'CAtir and duration. Prt ichool cenltr I'htme 4270. . li()(JKkh:tiMNCi"liornionf1 tvuing kin clrrf iibterti, nffl' nmrhlnei tit. am ati) iiusiNrss CMU-KSr 7T3 Ptn 1hon 47W U HELP WANTED. FEMALE"' MinUI.R.AfirO UtW do tUM-worH. Live m. una In lamil). 304 Haiian ; Hrie 16 HELP 'W ANTE 67 MALE vAN i ED "Sawiiilil" timekeeper " ?-2A4fl. NVAN'TKll, hrel'"cut.ofi""men. P t)re. I'hnne :iO'J54 after A p. ni. 3.17711 Medfnrd. in s"iTUATioNSWAisiTFr) bAY vo.krroinred -g.ri: Phone a.ni practical Ni'iisF. win give invnm rare to children by day or hour, riione ' 2-24.'.0 ilAHY'Siri'lNG. I'iione "j-OMJ. . . CHILD CARE In" my " hcuro liif 'lw'u r thrre rhUtlren. Phmie U2A'2 KXPFJIIKlVC'Kli-' lumber eVieta.-y and hoUkeeuer tJe-lrea full 1 1 mo employ ment. Phone 4H74. I'KI'i.MlAHLK womRn nuiit work. Will contldrr hotueheeniiiB Job in town. Write Mn-c 112. Keno. Oregon nr 2 O0IH. CaiLl) CA'tlE. Pnnna 2 -I74S" WILL care ftir rlnldren tn my home day or your home evening. Call 3'IIWS. ItOtiH work. Pnui'e 7H15 22 ROOMS F0RRENT 1G room for gentlemen ;t 1-ARtiK Herplng "room with Ileal. Clote Pi. Phone MM. i.uj.n ana board for geitueitie.i. Pnuur arai. IIOOMS. 3 week. ICft Jeffenin. 1 1 E A T E 1 riMt ni n7SXl Pnj' I lb JT c r r iiee. IIOOMS, block' off Mom. Pnone a-:i2a7. PUiJMHr"prli-BH"re'ni.Tinilhte. l'"lniEi'itl27. I-bVELYBimri for rcrul 90-$7. a week Cott in. Phont 4S3B, y IttiOMs ii:i4'"nign " 24 APARTMENTS fOR RENT FOR RRNT'two room furn'dhed apnrt iinmiB. Coiiplei. Phono 7;hh. FOR RENT nlcn rlenn mwlern npnrt Inent, Quirt. Couple preferred, Vlllfi Mnrtjiili.e. Inquiro 1:CI4 unk. NICE twn room Apartment gas equippen. rnono hihu. TWO ROOM apnrlmentR, sun equipped "bo malt three room hoiiac, wood licit, flu lllgn. FOR RENT. Lnrgo fnur' ruoin furnished apartment. Phnnu l!n. i FOIl LEASE," nix month. Two bed room iiniirtmenL CnrpeU from wnll to wall. Wnlcr, light iinit hrnl f urn Iwlurd. No oh.lcctlon to one trtlld under twelve. :il)4D HI ui in Wny. FOR RENT. Two 'comp'etely" furnished two room apartment. Cloun. titti Wll low, FOUn" OOMftirnlnhed npnrlment " fnr rent, with sleeping pon-h. Electric Move nnd rcfrlKernlor. 912.00. CUmo In. 1 till Wnlnut. VllKKK room fuVnlrthpd" iipiirlincnf C'entrnllv locnled. 121 So. 2nd. ( h uUNiNHEi) bnclirlor npiirlmoit. tint Idea pnid. :i2 I10. Phone 4llllU. 1(10,1 Mur Ln. Von RENT. KuruKhcd one beunumi ni!itmenl. Prlviiln bulb. Phone 2-0.12H. h OUh iiooivPiui ntKheof Tphrinien'r'oOJ .'h'net;H7 A .'AltTMENTS lor rent, litqulrii iwTl iironi'. hro mnntiHer, MlltNlHflklJ iW(i room iinnrltncnt 4U. Iirgo ono room cnbln, 927.AII; all uld !.'lJneHiden4injii, mill. Foit itUiNi, ntco unuirniiihcd duplex. Ml O;;!: lull lit NT, two ruum npnrlnn.nl with ri '.i pr.vme Inth. Klcrlno heu, et'tvo. ttIdI!Srj,JnPMJU!,l ,,nl 'ftlr. o:i4 N, nu.1. I oiT tiKis'v, fi'irit lit lied" aptirtr'CiH in tulre 51 it 1 1 1 g h r LWLY rirrarate'ti," private bath, kit tienette, Steam heat, elpctrlc tange f'n week Hex Arm Annrtnieni he d mom unfurnished apartment. jeqpppdJCnll 2-01111. i'tlltEE room tiiriilNiiod court nimrt tneiH. 1121 Wall. AtltilU, nu poll. Plume b.nAi.i. cicnn" ntiiinincnt."" equipped. 4J3 Norih loth. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT lull itr.N'l' hum I rkuii .i.mriMiim. in luple;i. Hiiiidliln f or couple. ItliHi Hum met I .an iv A Hp riii'nn nnd (veninK. Hill' ili:NT At.rmtKe two ri-om iiuii lv llii nliheil .i.titiiienl. Klclilc iiuat ( ln l- l.iivn Plume a-lWfl Mill HKN'I . linen room turnuhrd ii ti i UriMii Hot water neat, Adults. Hume ;u!iii), Ft III HKN'I'. iwii hrlriiiTr'furniliifruir Ult'i Mfini Itnritl, (lent and witter fur- liUhrit ma (.milt. I'lioil 2 KUlt ' IIKNT linen ruum furnished it,mi Intent 1147 r.nl, i...tiu.nl li tir nr vulr fitiirt'Mr. tfMi mhihi fwrnMied ftnm tntrnt. Electrically ciiiiKjtrtl. tni hen I. mn Mum HOUSES FOR RENT UK NT. Out briJro'niir"" iimdrrn M'tiiL liifulrit 1414 lltjinedale lluad. I 'ho no " uder 7;o p. rn. run IIKNT. (urnlahrd "iwo lrdroam lou r wllli iiarttiiff. .iO iiiijitlh. Iiuiuirt KOIl HKN'I' riiritUhrd.on.Vtrdr(om linii-e. Il(i;t t'al;r..iiiiti Ave. I'hnnc J lili7. KUHNIMMiai two mom 'tiuua. No rlill dirn. Hiifiirtirr Lane, ONK MOIJKIIN tirnuhr.l " huUh " fi.r tnii with naiaete, 2u:i7 Artliur. ran' IIKNT Six' rw.rn mdrrn fur. iilnhrd lirtik. Near but lln. 950. H'iti Hlinalfl Vmv. nth ItKNT Ihrrr'rnnm' urnl.hcd" rol- tn!". Hi Ortliard. hut MKNT two bedroom timioe. Phorir air.u, TWO I tOO MM "r.Hnnlflrly'furnUhcd u ta:d gnM-ctlct. 1I4.'I Pine. PAHTI.V riMININIIKD one "bednwm h .uie tor rent IU25 SUktyou, Phone W J ranter 2 03WI. NKAT modern home at llagar. Call H147. liftK "tlKlJM'iOM lurnnVhed houa' lor rrnt (VI 4l3tl, Atl. 4fVt or tl.71 Vt)H" mNT, two "hedriioiii hirniVhrti lifiu-e JU7:t noardman. Inquire at 2701 Derhv. ONI: ltOOM"TAhln' Lighli-and wTler furniihrd Acron from Pelican ichool. :i.tO Itnnk Mirrt run" ItKNT.' Mmlern twu room rurnthe1 Iwniie. I'hotie 7;tlMi MODKHN raldnt" fnr-"rent, juni'tj'on Her vice Htatlon, We crliAeuter I'hoiic nrjmi r "lltNT." Two bcdriMim diiiilex. liir niditiV i Ime In Inoiilre 72 Nnrlh lllh. Mll IIKNT Cn, nop twdfoom hour. I.lnroln ilit'' lur li Couplt only. 2B MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE FRUCKS -U DRIVE Move Yourself save y2 New Trucks for LonR Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E Main Hione83(Vi UH-ICK ""itir"'renl. oaj Main. Phont J nil . toil KKN'f (HMit tandcra iall lp iiulpnirm SillMirban Lumber Co. lllh and Walnut Phon 7700 CAiritTOnAOB -"IIKATKD. dav or inunlh. Carl Lamb, phona 4873 or 77011 10 REAL EST. It FOR SALE CLOSE TO ACADEMY Lnrne four bedroom home on level lot. Smirioi'i HvliiK r.nd dlnln'? roam, lnrsie kitchen, bath and utlll- ty. 13:i.semeilt, cont'liiloii.4 founda tion. Bi'rr.pe. IniKe lot. Only three bio. kn to Main Street. Ideal loca tion. $12,750. Terms. ST. FRANCIS PARK QUICK POSSESSION on tills com rmble two bMroc.n home Living ! room with fltcplncc. nice biith, con- votrcnt KltPl.en mid flinetic. fjon- rrrtr founclntlon. gnrngc. $7250. terms. SUMMERS LANE Very nttiacllvc tliroc-bcdrooni home Incnlcfl rn 12'j ncrrn excellent Innd. 1I:uui(iiI IniKe kitchen nnd dining nren. Cilnssed In norch, large utili ty r on m nnd wnlk In fruit room. Two brooder houses, chlrkcn house, barn. Do not miss seclns. $18,000, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8024) JOE LEONARD I Eves. 2-0527 AL SCHMECK rtEALTOR nnd INSURANCE 517 Main Phono 3211 Immediate Possession Pnrtly furnished modem home with extrn rcom for stornge. Nenr school nnd grocery store. LOW DOWN PAYMENTSI VERN E. EMLEY Hciil Estnlc nnd Insurance 2001 So. 6th Phone 2-3230 Eves. 0725 or 5100 SUMMERS PARK You will be proud to own this ex ceptionally well kept two bedroom plnstered home. onK floors in it v Inn nnd dining room, vcnctlnn blind.i, electric (lent, Insulated, wentlii'istrlppcd, storm doors nnd windows, stoniRc bulMlng for Rnr den supplies. Ponced bnckynrd, pntlo, concrete driveway. Shown by appointment. Priced $11,000. ALSO Two bedroom home, St. Francis Pnrlt. $3000. New two bedroom on Radcllffo street. $0250. Lnrgo two bedroom nnd finished attic room, Will no O.I. $3200. Hot Springs Two bedroom, full basement, flreplncc. $11,750. Anne Mason Eves. C714 Eddio Hosley 2-1083 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Oth Phone 72CG FOHS ALR 1 wohmiseTa t1 1 en ieyTTn nood ot rcpnlr. s:t:;t)0. Kina 1 down pny mrnl, h.-ilniifo niunllily. Geo. Corson, Airway Hond. mi NEW HOMES for anlo, William O Powell. Phona 6.02. 34 STEAL You won't be prosecuted for buy ing this mo bedroom cottiirte In irllv limit. Insulated, weather stripped. Oil heater Includrd. Hear bun, school nnd stores. 22S0, Ane Mason Eddie Hmilry Even. 07 14 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Real tor 122 8. Olll Phone 72C0 I'JMIU-Ono rii'iin Iwune (in acre. ,')0(J down, tW per month. $.12.10 -Flvo bedroom home, north hide. $1100 down, $52 per month. 14, 100 Two apartment home, nil lurnlMicd. $4000 down, $100 per month. $8.100 Modern two bedroom home on hliihwiiy. Six acre Irrigated. VERNON DURA NT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 03 1 So. Sixth Phono U105, (544 or 11123 I IK YOU AH I! PLANNING KKLI. THIS HPIUNO: 8KB TO HAT WE MAY M AKiC ! I NOW SO !IHK PKOPKU PHKPAUATIONS TO HUCCKSSFULLY HANULK YOUH PKOPKRTY. WE NEKD MOUK MHTINGM TO MEET OUIl UUYKIU3 NEKUti. Bee or Call Jamc lltaclline Grayer Futon Snkhiiifn Willi M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 CAFE FOR SALE Good location on well traveled tlttioUKhfarc. Loui of parkuiK M.icc. An Ideal act up for a man and wife or two people. All equipped with modern up to date fixtures and equipment. Priced for quick sale at $5775. Terms avail able. 3 BEDROOM HOME On 'i acre good noil In the Shaata District. Well built and Insulated. Concrete foundation, garaiic and Insulated cooler room. Automatic Ileal. Prlce.1 reasonably al $6500. TERMS AVAILABLE. Mills Addition Home Only 9 months old. Here Is a home that anyone would be proud to own. Surrounded by lovely new homes and pleasant neighbor. Well constructed and conveniently arranged. Automatic heat, hard wood floors throughout. Biid sep nrnie rilnUiz room. Lois of closet and storage space. Garage with small wori-.shop. Paved street. Owner leaving town. Musi be sold linm-dlntcly. $9500. First lime of fered. Shown by appointment. CHEAPIES $IC00 for this piirtlnlly furnished 3 room home In 8tcwart-Lennox addition. Reasonable terms. $1200 for this two room cottage on comer 'j acre In the Allamoiit District. $350 down ana balance hko rent. Al Longmirc Eves 6724 Joe Perry Eves 5332 witn - BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR & INSURANCE 1037 Mnln Phon? 3065 or 342f ELDORADO BLVD. A very comfortable 2 bedroom house, practically new. Fireplace, attractive yard, good garage. Clos; to Roosevelt School. This excellent lorn t Ion will not last Ion;. Price $10,500. ONLY $5250 A roomy, well built 2 bedroom house with a double garage, paved street, In a quiet residential nrca, north of town. Partly furnished, newly decorated, nvnllab'.e for Im mediate possession. Any reasonable terms will be accepted. YALTA GARDENS Here is real value In this modern 3 bedroom home, located in Klam ath's exclusive suburbnn nrea. This home features dining room, fire place, attached garage, storm win dows, automatic heat, nnd Is com pletely Insulated. Well lnndscnped yard, paved street. Total price only $0500. DUPLEX - CLOSE IN Only 4 blocks north of Main Street, extremely well built duplex. 1 bed room nnnrtment nnd a 3 bedroom with 2 bath apartment. Ideal ren tal property, only sia.ouu. win carry maximum loan. WANT ACTION? Right now buyers arc waltlns to pay n good price for your home. Cnll us now If you want to sell, OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Sec Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2460 Eves. Don Sloan 5658 Eves. Fred Scott ' 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since -1900 111 N. Oth St. Phono 45C4 or 5529 160 ACRES ' All under gravity Irrigation, level. Good Improvements. 45 acres of new clover. 17 acres of old alfalfa rendy for potatoes. Well equipped. Prlco $65,000. Terms. JACK C. MACE Rcnl Estate Tulelake Phono 71611 HUMES FOR SALK IVEHEH UKNN18 REALTOR Don Klrkpalrlck. Salesman 121 N ni pnone nm VKLL CUNSTHUCTKU roomy two lictlroum homo. Newly rr-rieioralcu. Automatic henl. hardwood (lour. At tached BnrnRo. Well located In South Euburba. tUMU. Phont 0141. 30 REAL ESTaTI fOR SALE FUEL HEATING 8TANDAUD 8 TANDAHD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Chock and Kill System METKR PRINTKO TIf.'KETS Your Guarantee of Heating KnilHfactlon FRED H. HEILBRONNER "t Batinfy-pius service Hlncc 1919 fl3IHtriMtr Ht. Phone 4183 BLOCKWOOD" DOUBLE LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 l'IIKIOI.O(iS pickup ur Cilff Yadenii Hlgnil Krvl( (Illi Phnn Mm or S-(i2l dKtlvarrd. 2.100 So il CiirE.N STAMPS (ivtn on htll inn olli Phone aeal or V.OJW (01 nrompi delivery' CLIfr VAOKNS SIGNAL HEItVICt 2.VBo fith STANDARD HEATINtiTbtf Htm; lurn.t. light ful. col, wood. :lurcol Ptyton and Co eaa Market I'nune 3148 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ft I j A C K cor k e r an ml rTtTtZ fCTT V'nn"er1. yi.L.''1- P"fne 2-:io.i7. v"v- ". laii KOit JaALE."ilolon toy bull dot. Phiii Hi SALE. 2 female Uachihunf. nuAZ One red. one blnrk and Inn. Wormed end d Mem tier shot. Call after S n m 2115 Krwrlfln. Phone f!2')U. AMJKRRON Boarding Kennel Prion TM7 nmiH Orlnwa-rof! Homedile BOARUINO KFNNELS Oig boarding by dav. week or month Snii Mary kennels Well balanred diet Clean individual trjtdoor runi for each dot Dogs handled durlig mating Will olck up and deliver VUltori Welcome Phona 5078 Merrill ftu Rt 2. Box 60 BHA S 1 A C AST A DE K KN N KLS 42 LIVESTOCK V POULTRY rOULlKY WANTED Cflfih paid for tny amount. Top market prices frr boo a quality. For quotations PHONE 3867 KLAMATH POULTRY FA R.MS FOR SALE. Good young White fare eu-ea to atari lambing February 7. Will tell In loti to (lilt. Hasklnt and Rein mlltcr, Merrill, Oregon. Phone 0812 or HKO J. 100 NF.WIIomplir.lre pulleti7Laylng. Phone 42112. WANTED TO BUY. Cowa 20-23 head. 3 to 6 j ear old Hereford or Durham. All to calve lht aorlnf. Phone or write George Croat. Tulelake, Ca'lfor- nia Call Newell 2334 or 230. . FOR" HALE. One etx montha'old IMfeT one four month old Bull Calf. Phone 2-nfi.?t. WANTKD colored hann Phone 4591 HIGHEST prices oaid for poultry, hoftt and llveitork. BIG V MEA1 MARKE1 I -ake-tew Junction Phone 4TT" Hit rlKiCiAi Phnne 5721 M 2 nnx .122 rSREKDING SKHViCK C tChurki Warren Pi 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to leate or rent. 51 In 200 ncrea hay land Wrlle Herald Newi " v v 1 n full partlru a n. WILL PAY CASH for foctorv bum brtii.e trailer. Phone 8901 Merrill. f.U. 1 e hsree McCu'lccn Chain Bune!:. oalr". Oregon. K NKED CARS' Oct iod prtr now Ho..- Motor Co 61h end Plum WANTKD med bail cotton or burlap PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE WANTED to rent. Four bedroom fur. nlfhed home or two home, en same lot. Phone 2-2638 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pn? Onl $100 , $7.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP i'O $300 ON FURNITURB. OR SALARY up rn $1200 on cars HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars "nanccl at bank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. i0 years serving Klamath Batlr. See "Chuck" Bailey MgT. 114 N 7lh 8U PBone 3325 S-34I M-27! Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. L1C S-Ubl 107 No Oth Phon T711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOH SALE- District agency, all Unci, featuring Mayflower Auto Insurance with lowest rate In Oregon. Renewals over sum monin. memoes aii ofrtce equipment. Cash or terms. Reason for xeiunR. promotion 10 siate malinger of Colorado. Write S. U Terstege. 622 W. Oalt,noselntrff or phone 2-ani. FOR SALE.eauty salon in tulelake California. Owner moving, must uell. For further Information call Tulelake 7-1071. 51 MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE FOR SALE fircDlace and furnnco wood. length 10 Inches to 43 Inches, Phone FOR SALE. Refrigerator In very good coiuiiiiuu. rr iicn very rcnuunnuie, in quire U1S Commercial or phone 7463. FOR SALE. Good used Westlnghouse electric rnnge. rnone twu. 4aoa sum. mers Lane. flO TONS baled alfalfaTtny. Phone 2081 Bonanza, uavo itouinson, Bonanza, Ore con. COLDSPOT" Refrigerator. 9100. Perfect conmtiun. i7B;t uan street. FORSALE.IalfeerrMlHomte". FOR-SALE good used snowsult and cap, sua a. Cheap, rnona ewe. 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On voui salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loam a tpeclalty - 110 fit. 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer J2a costs but IB centa (or one week No other chargea LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10lh St. M-354 DON Mi lNTYRE, Mgr. Veara Prlendly 8ervlce 43 SI- MISCELLANEOUS LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday January 9 1:30 p.m. CATTLE -HOGS -SHEEP Special consignment of 25 head of Texas bred quarter horses consisting of well reigned gildings and quarter horse marcs with papers. Horses will be sold following the regular livestock sale. LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE. ONE HEAD OR A CAR LOAD. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, INC. Phone 3974 Midland Road R. E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone 4032 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE For Sale Grain Elevator 13,500 in. capacity truck un loading. All concrete founda tion. LOCATED AT SUTY SIDING G. N. RAILROAD SEE OR CALL Joe Chotard Malin. Orgon PHONE 135 FOR SALE 7 ft. Coronado refrigerator, table model radio with table, chest ot drawers, Montgomery Ward De luxe washing machine, davenport with new tailor made covers. White electric sewing machine. See at 3616 Boardman AUCTION SALE 4623 WINTER STREET Complete furnishings cf a two bedroom house. SATURDAY AFTERNOON JAN. 12 1:00 P.M. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FREE AO. S Sewing Macninc witn Hamilton Beach separate motor. Hard, wood cabinet. Excellent condition. At tchmenti. $50. See Mgr. Empire Hotel, Main. GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld r. 2:191 So 6th Phone 4315 FULLER brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677 ADDING MACHINES, calculator, type writers, cash registers, desk., chalia. file, for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLV 2f) Main Phone 7412 CKUSHED roclc and driveway cinder. Phone 2-11C7. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe. PEYTON CO. set Market ELhCTROLUX CLEANER and polishel and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet 13i Market CltUSHEU ROCK, driveway ciiiaer. Phnne 1M41. etc. OIL storage 833 Market tanks. Peyton and Co Fill bodv wood. Phone 005(1. ADAM Schaf bunga.ow type upright pi .j no. Flemlih oak finish. Good con dition Ency terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY :i45 E Main FOH SALE. Incineraior, dining tct. breakfast set. high chair, baby missy. desk, cooking utensils. 2119 Summers Lane afternoons and evening. FOR SALE. Kew oil heater. Used two months. All attachment, including 40 tect o tubing and oil drum, none 7471. PAIR FIGURE skalcs. MIsfci size Worn a few times. Phone 2-31P2. OIL STOVE complete with tanks and oil. $40. 1036 Lexington call aftei 5 p. m. FOR SALE 100 tons good quality sec ond cutting baled alfalfa, covered. Phone 2-:itilS evenings or 2-.067. FOR SALE. Frigldalrc. 3 cu. feet, new sealed unit. s.lo. Iron Fireman oil burn er, Klenr Kleen furnncc. 210 gallon tank. Complete $130. Oaraboo Electric. BI4 Klamath Ave. FOR SALE. Good car battery, S3. Alio door, whitlow and windshlcl'J glass for Model A Ford. Phone 2-0037. FOR SALE, House Rros 1)0 ton excel.ent oat hay. Bly. Ore. USED Bex Air cleaner. $17.30. Phone B2O0. FOLKS who like tood with the home made taste.', .like to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery, Merrill Lakevlcw Junc tion. LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove '"laKESHORK GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42110 REMINGTON electric typewriter, like new, for half price.. Phone Mr. Halt, 0700. SS AUTOMOTIVE i03t MERCURY club coupe. Special paint-Job, radio, heater, overdrive. Ny lon Interior. Phone R. F. Wright, Wl- nema llotelbelwccn S and p. m, 1046'jEEP. Verygood condition. Priced anon Rlv tlr. radio and heater. Can be ecn Tower Richfield Service Sla- tlon. 2331 50.utn. rnone MUST SELL.' 1041 Plymouth sedan. Sun vlsnr. new tires nnd comolctely overhauled. A.l shape throughout. 1183 Cce.cenL Phon. 3120. LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-278 FOR SALE 55 AUTOMOTIVE JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to Take Advantage of US! Come in . . . let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 49 PONTIAC 2-dr. Sedan $1845 49 ..'8" Sedan $1595 49 DODGE 4-dr. sedan ' HUDSON Super "'l-D. PACKARD 4- Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styline Cpe. OLDS "8" Sedan CHEVROLET 5- Pass. Cpe. $1645 . $1395 '48 48 48 47 41 $1495 $1145 $1295 . $395 COMMERCIALS 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed .... $393 1346 Dodge Panel $593 1946 Ford V-8 i T Pickup S795 1949 Int. KB-8 ' $3995 1950 Ford F7 wtag S3795 1950 Ford F8 Air $379? 1948 G.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 1942 G.I. 4x4 $695 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT llth to 12th on Klamath Ph. 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED "i RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED VVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 S 7th Phone 7T!i For a or USED NEW TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tri'ck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath 'hone J-25R1 COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esrianndf WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 303 E Main Phont 1579 "We will tell your car for you " We buy and trade' BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SF.LI. AMn TR A flE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets . rnone bzus FOR SALE, equity in 1948 Chevrolet Arrow Sedan A-l condition. Phone 8633 or aata uonage. 1949 CHOSLEY Station Wo noil. XM or consider best offer. See at 107 N. 9th. Phone day. 77U or night Q9Q7. EQUITY IN 1951 Dud ac 'a ton Express Pickup. Snow tires. 7500 miles. Phone 5551 evenings and Sundays. 1040 PONTIAC 8. streamliner. Radio, heater. A-l engine. Full price $H93. See at 107 N. 9th. Phone, day 7711 or night 1H107. 1V1L CibEU CAHS: Ul tup Pllta nuw Rose Motor Co Hth and Plum 1030 CHEVROLET two door deluxe. 24.000 miles. Radio, heater, other extras, new tire.. Excellent condition. Phone S344. 1040 OLDS SEDAN. $173. Small down payment. See at 107 N. Sth. Phone day 7711 or night 0007. WILL TAKE $230 for. my etiulty In 1049 Naslt "GOO" 4-door, Overdrive, weathereyo heater, and bed. Phone soils alter o p. FOR SALE 1040 rord. Will taka older car In trade. Call 8429. AUTOMOTIVE NO SALE! JUST EVERY DAY Down -To -Earth VALUES jON LATE MODEL, SAFE-BUY USED CARS GUARANTEED IN WRITING TO SATISFY YOU 1951 MERCURY SPORT COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. Traded In on a new Lincoln 1950 LINCOLN 6-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, Hydramatlc 1950 MERCURY 6-PASSENOER COUPE Heater 1950 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN Radio, heater and overdrive 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN TOWN SEDAN This is an exceptionally clean, one-owner car. Equipped witn radio, neater and overdrive. A good buy for .... 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN 6-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1949 MERCURY 8-PASSENOER COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1949 CHEV. STYLELINE DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. Excellent condition 1948 PONTIAC 8 STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE Hydramatlc, radio, heater 1948 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater . .. 1947 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Heater, radio 1947 OLDSMOBILE '98' SEDAN Hydramatlc. radio, heater 1946 OLDSMOBILE, CLUB COUPE Black, but not, exactly a beauty NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS -Come in We'll Talk It Over ! '41 Buick Sedan $495 '41 Chev. Sedan $395. '40 Olds Sedan $375 40 Olds '98' Sedan $295 '39 Buick Sedan ;. $195 If you're suffering with a. cold, visit our indoor used car sales room at 432 So. 6th. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 424 South Sixth THE RUSH IS ONH -PEOPLE ARE COMING IN BY THE DOZENS -' ' ' WHY? ; $"700 ONLY DOWN (On Approved Credit) ON ANY OF THESE USED CARS '38 Plymouth Coach $127 '36 Pontiac Coach .... $ 97 '39 Olds Sedan $397 41 Studebaker ........ $447. '40 Olds Sedan $297 '41 sleT " $397 '37 Dodge Sedan $127 '38 Chevrolet ?127 '37 Plymouth Sedan $127 '39 Chevro,et ' $127 '37 Chev. Sedan $97 37 DodSe " ?127 '38 Lincoln $147' '29 Ford Model A .... $ 97 i '37 Plymouth Coupe $127 DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated'' TRUCKS ;: 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 IF YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST TRY THE) BEST ,. 1. THE BEST in late model used cars! All below are top-notch one-owner cars that have been traded-in on NEW PACK-, ARDS. 2. THE BEST in guarantees . . . our famous BLUE RIBBON! . Unconditional 1000 miles or 30 day written guarantee. ': 3. THE BEST possible deal for you! You'll agree when you check our deal, our sale price and our top allowance. 1950 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN ' Big 155 hp. high compression engine. Clean and fully equipped with' radio, heater and economical overdrive. 'tO'lA' Our new low price . 4)Z.O I VJ, i 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN .' '" ! This popular model equipped with Dynaflow, radio, heater, at a pries i anyone can afford and In such sparkling condition M OQC you'll be proud to own It '. . P ' OVsJ 1950 PACKARD STANDARD SEDAN Have two of these beauties to choose from, Identical In equipment and condition. Both have radio, heater and overdrive. $100 Never before priced so low - P lY7s) J 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Another nice one-owner car, tip-top matlo transmission, radio, heater nearly new tires. Now only 1949 PACKARD "8" SEDAN This late 49 model Is cleaner and See it at this new price and you'll NO FOOLIN' . . . HUFF HAS THE STUFF! See them Try them Your Comparison will prove it!! PACKARD ft WILLYS LEE HUFF MOTORS, 7th and Oak $2395 $2295 $1895 $1695 ;$1895 $1795 $1595 $15?5 $1445 $1295 $1095 $995 $995 $895'. If you're hale and hearty rJ you can track down a rea bargain on our lot at Main & Esplanade MERCURY Phone 7773 SEDAN . . from bumper to bumper, Has auto. 1 arid . , . $010 I ' - saCICf - V ' nicer than most 50"s. M T'lC want to own it P I f Phone 7Z5B