MONDAY. JANUAHY 7, H).r)2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINR ,y CLASSIFIED RATES Ont dy per word V Three Uayi P w"rd He Week run prr wuril m Month run pit wurd 03o MINIMUM The nilnliiiuiii chiuiio lor any one id In Mli'. IIOX NUMIIHI13 Answers in licln inuy 1)0 handled thiuuuh mix nuinuiis nt I no iiiier ' (or n Krvliii clitii itv ol a.'ic. !."' -, DUAD1.INK3 Clr.tuKleil am uixepicu up to 5:30 ' ' p.m (or following dyt publication ' C!ullled display mis nct'oplpd up : to U noun lur following iliiyi ihiu- Hen l Ion. ADJUSTMENTS Pleuse mime un. ennuis lur adjust r menu wltiuut dolny. j Corrertlons ir runtcllatlons re .. i ceived by 6:3(1 pin will be mum ; la following diiy'n puoiiration, ' Herald & News , .Want Ad Agents . V ' BLY , HUNTS cahh jiioci:ry Phono 1&3 Box 31 UCKItlS ' y. MRS DORA BKANHAM Phono 7M Ml E Hn ,1 Henley Tulclako RUTH KINO Phono 8153 Kie 3. Boj (It ;.. LAKEVIEW BLUE NOTE MUSIC . t Phono 2701 126 B. 8L No V MERRILL ROBERTA DEWEY Phono 8201 Merrill is MALIN 1 MRS. JOE HAI.OUHEK Box 114 Mnlln Phnne 374 , C FUNERAL HOMES IWAltblt klirmiliiinira'l'llnii(. Hi Huh BU..I Phone 3X14 1 MEETING NOTICES " rK'ntcl-MeelliiKof Soil- tlsh II Ho llodles Mnn day. Jan. 7. nl 8:00 p. in. Inttitllnllon (it officers of Consistory, mid conferring of the 4Ui Drcree. Refresh ment will hp served. HERMAN OISVOLD, Hrrrrinry ? I O O F No. 137 ..; Evcrv Tuesday 8.00 P.M. Fifthjincl Main Sls il.COHtll.lCH " ANONYMOUS mrVfi frlday. 0 i in . fur information, wine P' 2H4. I'hoitn :i:illi LOST AND FOUND LOS" YOUNG HLACK I.AI'iRADOR MALE RETRIEVER i ' Chnln Colinr 7 Lost Seen On Oenry Bridge $50 REWARD I'or Safe nnd Immediate Return PHONE 2-2072 Dor Can Be Positively Identified By Owner - iSTItAY Hrrenrclbranrted'u lttT!ur7rr L H. on left hip. Owner phone 2-llltf. Klnwer firm. Midland, Oregon. J.OHT. Male t'eklnaeae "doit ChiuiVwr lleliirn lo Mrs. L. II. Gilchrist. TOST. Main (ifrmin police. HUrTm liver, while cheil. tun les, no rnllur, S(i5jr plee rcply M7 k or P -; r.OH fTYw nmonl hTo i rf ' 1 ri hH Her' in SJiitn c,d,"on 2:155 ndcltffe, phone NTIIAYKD: from O D Recrfer pmrr. Two Hflfrm. one HnUtein, one flucrn- ey. nrnnrled Dtnmnnd "K" on left hip. I'lea cll 2.1175 or write Gforjre Lew , H. .m4H Ilenver Avenue. HbiifnUi ie re'euirrr(fSrotcii CoThe Six er old. KnlnrfiM Joint front leg. Meward. Phnne 2-W2. Hud White. , Merrill lllchwjiy. LOST, rhlnealone necklace. " He war?. IMione fl.12 Hftrr fl p m. GENERAL NOTICE tOUH Sincrr Sewine Ce'nir nmr 1o the puhtlc. Thursday 3;30 to 5:30 iwr irrr eiieenmeni tnmnirllont. SINGEH SEWING CFiVTER 33 Miln Phone J-2815 6 PERSONALS t SI ANI.KYiome Prndijclt" Phnne flflito! WE make recordt of anything TXy'i . Record Ine Co. at Connera Servlr Co. Phone 0H7B or 2-3013. -, WATKIMtdoriNO""produTi0rTeVky , t)jmentm or roofi. Phone 0347. OH llER NOW. 10 SERVICES MOVING?... Cull 7425 i Locnl-Lonrc Dlslnnce Tlnno and npnllnnco moving a npeclnlty Trnnsfcr imd Stornue Bekln'a Moving, nnd Blorngc Peoples Warehouse (ne? ii8" RADIO O'jr Buslncu Is Bound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phono 6078 Septic I onks Cleaned Nrwmt Sanltnry Mctlioria Also nOTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans fiewor Linen ol Roots, Eto ED P. KINO 21.74 Orrhnrd Phono Mil TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER SERVICE Phono CMS or 2-3310 hXCAVAIING Mobil ehovcl end Trench Hoe Build' pr Pill Dirt lopsoll Ciuahcd RorK, . 'Driveway Clndon Compressor ' CRANE SERVICE CRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or Olio h HKHE'3 NOTHIWaTlKB Herald & News Ctaiiied nds whe: It comes to turning un-nccdablca Into I cAsn. pnone Bill. SERVICES iiiilt h i.A VIMo- iJ iki jour llitnlat drw7 If nut mil 1H4H. InihH " VoUil jlieiilai-e neetf 'nv'airt on a-WHii. I'll'f; ' "'I IIAW(N(j. Call iWtiTMMnilP and wenVemlii. i N 1 HKt Mieei ri'"!. U4 tiirlnii. witll papnr rlrnMiMK. wall and Wfindwui-k wantilnii hy liunr or inntnicl. I'lmnn U.WA'A Imtwpeti fl nnd II ' .VA t J( " . M A nl I i. ill 4 ji a i.e. '. MiiM- Htrrel. I'AINVINU and piut-rhiinfiiif I'hmie 7H17. M',Aflllri"'tllililPliniirJW " I ItM'P n A U'l'O bainiiil'budy and (f ri ftif work Phnne 4(Wi CAHl'KN'I'KiP'wnrk"' Heyairii, i niii'dVl. Inil anil new I'niutrurllnn I'hnrie MA."H"Vtiriir ICiiiHMiit:)lC'u"r rti(iiw (l.-nlf-r. J'huiia It.t.l I. i;i;i:(."iim.' wiiuNci work"iy1ioiir or inntrn'-l l'tnuie 3-1010 l:Xl''l' (lifiauinHkliitf nnd" nitemuuiia. I'hnitii I'7IH. PAl'N'ri'NtJ, iiitr(MahVifVnp" nil ni (nit. iilliRtri'-li'inid (InUllliiK, fcpiay iinlnllriH Phnno IHI'ili. uVliTAVNft'lBundi'frt and tiruiif'i (hnne 4'iH ' anriiKAnf Pulillr At'cininiant and Auditor Office at aim No 7th, - Phnne PUB 12 EDUCATIONAL rilli.ft'r'ABK and education.' I're-tchool rrniei'. Phone UtiOKKKKI'lNU Bh(irlharHl"toin Kill diet tutijrcia, iiffhe mnchinet KI.AMA'Ill liUHINKSH (JO I, UK: if. fine Phone 7; 16 HELP WANTED, MALE AtlV. NflVril.T'Y u'nver lele'phnnr dlMl, rati M-llcr lllrrel coinui. frre miLjilfi Arum Mftf. 1)7 f-Chclin(orJ Kl . Hwlnn Tl. Mm. WANTKIJ. " SewuilH tltnokerper " I'hunc- a-3-'i. w WANTfll. llure i-ui-oll" "mriir t'ti'trml. ore. I'hne :-l2H alter 3 p. in l'hn ;i.77H Mfdfurd. 18 SITUATION WANTED MAN frer lo Kit anywfiere v.-lliei iU. What have you? Phone 2 A Till. Ml f.rd. Ore nr write tux 7fHJ. Cherry ht II AMY KITTING. Phone 2 iM2 i'AHK in" my li-m e for iwu or thtrp fhildrnt. Phone n'H'l KXI'KltlKNCKIi luinher ret-rtrtarv" nu book keeper dnlrea full time nnploy tnenl Phone 4o74 JjKI't-NDAHI.K woman inmt woik. Will tonldcr hoiMeherpinU Job in town. Wt lle Horn: :i2, Krnn, Orrim or 2 milK Wll.i, ll( tping ol any kino tn (n It'inx' (ffrre ore civeii. Phone OOOfl t llll.O l AMK" Phone' J -l7A- Wll-L eaie fir rhlldicn In iny home day or your horn evcnlno. Call MMI , htl IHwii rk. P hone T IS . 22 ROOMSF0RRENT Hi-KKPiNC room for grntlcmen 3B Mln 1- AlSt.'if-let;'p."iig"rootn"'with heal. Close in. PhoneJlTiT. j t(ij)ii'auuiKiru lor gcaueine.i. t'nune 3331. . ROOMS. week. UJM iofferon. HEATED romrn P;u fir - e.'T.n e. HlKJMS. . block ott Alain. Phune 2- 3227 KOOMK. prpei reuMUiatile. Phuie 4II2T roonn for ren I. W.-i. weak Cioi in. Phone 433t. tuioKH I(w4 lliati" 24 A PA RTME N TWOR REN T 6lt"l'liNT. three room (urniitiefi apartment, Hot water heat. Adult. Phone :utlUl. TIIIIIIE ROOM" fVirnihed apa'rimrnr. ( lope in. Laundry fnrlptlc-. S:;l N. ih. Couple nnlv. No rti. 43.C1I 3-3 170. ONE lli:i)ltOiMlurnlhed hotua wltn On bui line. :14l AIU- inont. Inrnilre 7;'fl Plum. I"1"'' rblt RENT, two "bedroom f'urnlihe'd up fialri apartmenl. Jfeat and water fur nliltrr) fl' S (irnt. Phone 2 0212. I.ARGK- UiVre rpom iieafi heated apurlment. AdulU, no pet. 213 Cedar, s'll" roil ItKNT three room furtiohed H'tai tme'ii. ? '.,, itUiUALVhnY. tir.vaie rtiirnntr. I titer roor.i furnlhed apartment. Electrically equipped. Oll hent HtfMMaln KOIt'ltENT. '8fr I clean apa"rUTieni in duple):. Kullah'o lor couple. 2011 Sum inert Unr. Afternoon J"5ve,n.,lJL KOliitENT. AUrarYive two room' pari. lv furnlthed aparlment. Klectric heal. Clot a to town. Phone 3-"97fl. 'uCiiKt. KUOM apailnic.ii. lurnHned. iiM' Included,, 3fl Main. P6li RENT. Two room apartment. Cell 9-02.10. F6it HENT. furnuhfrt one c(.ionm apartment PrK-nle i)Blh. 'hone g-g-B; VotJit liouM liirYinhed npiriinen . 5iW f'atlet. Phone JKI17. K(3irTtKNT. cleanlwo room aparlment. On eouipped. llefrlferalor. I.ifht nnd water furniihed. .'I2M. 142 So. Blvar- atde, A PA itf" M ENTS for rent, rirrad. (ire analer. Inquire 246 KUHNISIIED two room apartment S4: Inrue one room cabin, 27.30; all ulll- lite lncluded.4tflNo. loth. FOR hY:NT, nice unlurnlihed duplex. 000 Oak. , KOK RENT. Iwo room apartmenl with larpe pr.vaie hith E'ertric ainve. refrigerator and hot atrr. C34 N.nth ?oYtiti:NT furnlaVied apirtr-ent In- q u t re Sin III f h NKW'I.Y deconitod. private bath, kit chenetle. Steam heat, alecltlc ranat tl" week Rex Armn Anartmenl 6N be'drobtn unfurnlnhed aparimenl. ; equJ ppedCa llM2-0tllJ THHKfc room turhlihed courl apart tnenl. 1421 Wall. AdulU, no peia- Phone 7.UUI. clean aiMirtment. 1 4:11 Nrth lOlh. Eietlncaliv TllTikK room (urnifhed apartmenl CenJralW JnfJijyiJS.? ?nd.: r KtlHNlsifKO bachelor aparlnYent. I'tiH Itlct paid. S32.30. Phone 4000. 1003 Mar lliu 26 HOUSES FOR RENT ONB " II K DIM ToM iurni?ihcd nnuo lor rent. CaH 4120. Apt. 40l or UNVuIINISHED one bedroom duplex. Ileal, electric atove, refrigerator, hot and cold water furnUhed. 433 No. 7th. Phone 20fl. rOH RKNT, two bedroom lurnlnhed hoti.e. 3073 Boardman. Inquire at 2.01 Derby ONE ROOM cabin. LlShla end water furnUhed. Acrnna from Pelican ichool 3 'to llnnk Htrerl. KfJK - RENT! Modern tw o room furnished hnu.e. Phone 73Rfl, ONE HEDROOM furnlflhed and one bodrnom iinfurnUhed houae. Modern. Phone a-naiw. MODERN cnblm for rent. Junction Service Station, Weyerhaeuser. Phone KKl. V:OH RENT. Two bedroom dupiex. tur nlhed.c Imc In. 1 1 loutre 720 North Uth. FiOlI RENT. Clean, ntcelv ftirilBheri one bedroom home. Couple only. 22 l.tnrnln. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE I I TRUCKS; U DRIVE Move Yourself SAVE y2 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E Main Phone 830'i officii for mil. li23 Main. Phone 7lin. rull IIKNT flour sanUDrs intent lypu ettuipniftnt Suburban l.umbor Co. Illh snrl Wnlntn Phone 7700 cAn STonAon - hkatf.d. dy woo& or month. Earl Lamb, phont 4A73 or 7700. 30 REAL JSTAFk FOR SALE CALif'OnNIA and TimiU-St. Sacrifier fur Sr.lin.l. Two beilrooni home at 015 Cnllfornln. Cnll i-omx uE IN THE" KNO W I Read Her ald St News Classified ads dally Oet the latest Information on what's what In everyday business trends WilUf, CONSTKUC'lEU roomy two bedroom home. Newly reclct orated. Antfimatle heat. Hardwood floor,. At tached flnrngo. Well located In South Suburbs. S0930. Phono 0141. 10 30 REAL ESTAffc fOR SALE II" VOU AUK PLANNING TO BKM Tim HPHINO; HKK UH NOW H(J THAT WK MAY MAKK THK PHOPKIl PUKPAHATIONB TO HUCCKHHPIJMoY IIAN1IK YOlH PIIOPKIITY. WI1 NKWJ MOUK MSriNUH TO MKiST OUH UUYKItU NISEUH. H."P or Cull Ji.nicn MencUiiiQ tirayt Kiiton 6oo mi Bulc.'im"n WlLh M. L JOHNSON ItKAl. FOTATiS 4:-A Mitln H. Ofllfp Phone ftlin CAFE FOR SALE. Ow),1 lo"ntlon on well tnivrli'd tlioiwiUhfiire. Low of parking spare. An Ulrnl set up for n mmi mid wlfo or Iwo people. All equipped with nii'di rn up to dine fixtures nnd eqiilpmcnl. Priced for quick h:iIo nt 577S. Terms avnll uble. 3 BEDROOM HOME I On '. ncre good soli In the Hlumtii Ulstrlel. Well built und liiMilutcd. Courete foundiitlon. gnrage und , invjIuU'd cooler room. Auumi'itlc ijieui. Piicrd rcnsonalily fit lUiOO. I TERMS AVAILABLE. Mills Addition Home, j Only B months old. Il-rc h n home thni enyene would be proud to own. Surrounded by lovely new ! hmes und pleasant neiuiihors. Well constructed nnd conveniently ' arr.'UKCd. Automatic hent. hard- ! wnn.l f!(Hir Ihl oliuh lllt. II lid sell- nrale diiiln: room. I.ol-i of cloiet nnd storage space. Uar.iifC with small woritsiiop. Paved street. Owner IciivIiik town. Must be sild lmm'dla'.rlv. S."oa. tunc of fered. Shown by appointment. CHEAPIES J1C00 for this partially furnished 3 room home In S.ewurt-Lcnnox addition. Re isnnnble tenm. $1200 for this two room collage on cirner 'i acre In the Altuincnt District. 1300 down and balance like rent. AI Loni;mlre Kves 6721 Joe Perry Eves M32 Willi BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR s INSURANCE 1037 Main Phom 3G05 or 3421 ELDORADO BLVD. A very comfortable 2 bedroom house, practically new. Fireplace, attractUe yard, (food RnrPRe. Close lo Hooscvclt Sehool. This excellcn: location will not last Ions. Price $10,500. ONLY $5250 A roomy well built 2 bedroom house with a double Karaite, paved street, In a quiet residential area, north of town. Partly furnished, newly decorated, available for Im mediate possession. Any reasonable terms will be accepted. YALTA GARDENS Here Is real value. In this modern i bedroom home, located In Klam ath's exclusive suburoan area. This homo features dining room, fire place, attached garaxc, siorm win dows, automatic heat, and Is com pletely Insulated. Well lamjscaped yard, paved street. Total price only $0500. DUPLEX - CLOSE IN Only 4 blocks norlh of Main Street, extremely well built duplex. 1 bed room apartment and a 3 bedroom with 2 bath aparlment. Iileal ren tal property. Only $12,000. Will carry maximum loan. WANT ACTION? Right now buyers are waltln? to pay a good price for your home. Call us now if you want to sell. OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-2 ISO Eves. Don Sloan ' 5358 Eves. Fred Scott . 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Phone 45G4 or 5529 We asked for listings and got them, so look these buys over OPPORTUNITY A FINE HOME IN PERFECT CONDITION Nicest home of this type that we Imvo been privileged to offer in a long time. South Suburban, two bedrooms, large living room, din ing room, nice garage. You can move right in, furnished or unfur nished. A TREASURE Have to go seme to find fault with this super value. A very nice one bedroom home, nice large living room, dining room, nnd lots of closet space. Nicely lnndscaped on i acre of ground. Just off Shasta Way. Bo sure and see this excel lent buy for only $5500. $800 MOVES YOU IN Nice two bedroom home, two acres You can't afford not lo see this buy. A look will convince you. but you must seo it to believe It, Total price $1250. BUSY CAFE Here Is a busy enfe and fountain for sale lease or trnde. Very rea sonable rent. Also has good living quarters. Call 7521 for appointment. Apartment for rent $30.00 Clalro Ellis Ph. Eves. 2-2650 Jay P. Griggs Ph. Eves. 4254 W. W. Thompson nt Mnlln J. W. SANDERS Realtor 1213 Mala St. Phone 7521 SUBURBAN An unusual buy of five ronms on acre, Scparute dining room. Iwo bedrooms all on one floor. This property locHtnl In South Suburbs on paved ttrcct. 13250. Immediate Possession Outi .landing large family home. Ideal locution close to schools and shopping center. 14r.30 llvlnit room with beautiful stone fireplace. Large dining room and kitchen. Thine spacious bedrooms with walk In cloaets, Klassed In sleeping porch, sun deck, double garage, full con crete basement, automatic heat lo all roinf. A home to be proud of. $10,0!)0 terms. Partly Furnished n- hiwlrnnm hnme. nlastered. Lo cated on Noi llisldc. Clone to schools and stores, garage, heated with Has j floor furnace. Immr.llate txnsev ! slnn. Ideal for couple or Invest I rnent for rental purposes. Only 1 65250. j HARRY VAN "Eves. 80211 ; JOE LEONARD Evcs. 2 0527) ! AL SCHMECK 1 REALTOR AND INSURANCE i 017 Mll Phone 3211 STEAL i You won't be prosecuted for buy ! Im this one bedroom cottage In ciw llinils. Insulated, weather ! stripped. Oil heater Included. Near 1 bus, Miliool and stores. 2250. Anc Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 : 2-0188 iBOGUE DALE, Realtor i 122 8. flth Phone 7266 t250U One room house on acre. I $500 down, $50 per month. $5250 Five bedroom home, north I hide. $1100 down, $52 per month. ! SM.500 Two apartment home, all lumlshcd. $4000 down, $100 per month. ; $3500 Modern two bedroom home on highway, six acres Irrigated. VERNON DURA NT ANDY 51 LAN I REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9195. 5544 or 7923 KOIt SAL.C, food tour room noute lo be moved. Fred Pope. 3 mile. N. W. Ma'ln. MulifclHN two bedroom duplex. Newly painted, partly furnUhed. Small down panient. Kenlal of one tide will make inoxt of monthly payment. Phone 7709 or 4:tai) evening,.. Humes rem bale EVKHf IT Ut.NNIS REALTOR Don Klrhpatrlck. Saletman 121 NBth Phone 8491 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Svstem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Ol Healing Satisfaction FRED f-L HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring; St. Phone 4153 BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE LOAD S8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Ph. 5149 Hili.V'lOLOCS pickup O? delivered m. o "'. s"n" Servlc. 2360 So ......- .mii or s A H cjiEEN STAMPS riven on heat. tn oil. Phone 36SI ot 2-U2G0 for orompl del'verv CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE I STANDARD HEATING OIL furnace llfht fuel. coal. wood. 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES HLACK cocker spaniel needs home Wonderful with children. Phone 2-.KM7. OK SALE. Thoroughbred Irish Set- 5JJiLlli pupi' Llllcr "S'"ercd. Call VOli SALE, Boston toy bull doss. Phone I'OR SALE. 2 female Dachshund pups. One red. one black and tan. Wormed and distemper shot. Call after 3 p.m. MM . Eherleln. Phone 8280. A.MiEHKON Board inn Kennels Phone W47 ,tim Delawa-e oil Homedale Doc boarding by day. week or month Sanitary henneli Well balanced diet Clean individual cjtdonr nms for each do Dors nandled durti R ma Una. Will Pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phone 3078 Merrill Ra Rl 2, Box 304 sham I A CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY :-OULlRY WANTED Cash paid for bny amount. Top market prices ,frr good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS WANTED TO ntlV. Cows 20-23 head. .1 to 0 year old Hereford or Durham. All to cnlve llili mrln. Phone or write Gcnrao Gross. Tulclake, Ca'.lfor. mi.. v.hii i.cweu Mti.w or ;i;iifi. 'OK SALE. One s'iv month. nM 47IT necfoiir month, old Bull Calf. Phone WANTKIJ lo lease or rent. 30 to 200 ncrea hay land. Write Herald News :l-iL Kivina inn particulars. WANTED colored liens Phone 43M HiGHKST prices paid for bouitryi, hoe, and livestock. BIG V MEAT MARKS'! I.akevlew Junction Phone 402(1 ArtTIKK.'IAL BREEDING SERVICE! Phone B72I M C. (Chuck) Warren. Rt. 2. Ro S22 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WILL PAY CAS1J tor fnttory built liimseli-iillcr. Phone BfKJl Merrill. WAi iu. , ;vc hoino Mcculloch Chain Saw. O.tca" Busclt. Dairy. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT; Two of three bedroom unfurnished house In Peterson School district. Phone 2-2tll0. WANTED TO BUY. 20O bale, hoy. De. llvcred away. Roatls are fine. Tom I.onK. Williamson River Store. (".illoouiM, Ore-ion. ,Vt NEED CARS! Get top price nowl Rose Motor Co th end Plutr.. WANTED used bags cotton or burlap PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE WANTED to rent. Four bedroom fur. nlshert hou-e or two houses on aamo Int. Phnne 2-2I13S. FOR SALE, 90 ton excellent oat hay. Hou.e Bros Bly. Ore. USED Rex Air cleaner. $17.30. Phono 9200. 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On voui salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Dy" loans s epeciahy - 110 125, 150 loaned till "pay day' or longer 125 costs out 18 cents for one week No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St. M-354 DON MdNTYRE. Mgr. 43 Years Prlendly Service SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ' LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday January 9 1:30 p.m. CATTLE -HOGS -SHEEP Special consignment of 25 head consisting of well reigned gildings and quarter horse marcs with papers. Horses will be sold following the regular livestock sale. LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE. ONE HEAD OR A CAR LOAD. i KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Phone 3974 Midland Road R. E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone 4032 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pn? Onlt $100 $7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP i'O $300 ON FURNITURi OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrov Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nancei at Dank rate "V'JNBY LN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. to years serving K'nmath Batfi See "Chuck" Bailey Mgr. 114 N 7U1 SL Phone 312t- 8-241 M-27H Commercial Furnishes Cash? CASH LOAN'S $50 to $300 Auto - Furniture) Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid tor or not) Private Sale ot Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dea-'l Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie S-251 N-a&i 107 No Sth Phono Till 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE District agency, all line, featuring Mnj f lover Auto Insurance with lowest ra'.e in Oregon. Renewals over S150 month. Includes ah office equipment. Cah or terms. Reason or selling, promotion to btatc nmnarer o: Colorado. Write S. !. Terstege. 622 W. Onk. Ro.-ebur:: o- phone a-Piffll. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE 4623 WINTER STREET Complete furnishings of a two bedroom house. SATURDAY AFTERNOON JAN. 12 1:00 P.M. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .T. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 OIL STOVE complete with tanks nnd on. s-iu. idjo Lexington call, after S p. m. FOR SALE. 20 foot trailer house SHOO. Trrma arranged. Inquire Allumont Trailer Court. South Sixth Street. KOK SALE 101) Ions good quality sec ond culling baled alfnlfn. covered. Phone 2-361.1 evening or 2-1067. FOR SALE. Frigldnire. 3 cu. fret, new sealed unit S50. Iron Kiiemnrt oil burn er, Klear Klcen furnace, 210 gnllon tank. Complete $150. Baraboo Electric. 614 Klamath Ave. FOR SALE. Hood cur battery, j. Also door, window and windshield glass for Model A Ford. Phone 2-00.17. tOii SAui,, bprtq.H, Hlo. Call 2-2"V)! after 4 p.m. FOLKS who like food with the home made taste. . .like to shop at Johnny's Big Y Bakery, Merrill Lakcvlew Junc tion. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees, We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42WI BUTANE gns heater for Tn e. Call 8000 auer j p. m WARD'S Electric Blanket. sim:ie con trol, full niic. $20.03. Equals others at SU7.00. 73 percent wool, 23 percent cot-tcn-easy to wanh. 3-ye:ir guarantee against mechanical defects Choose from ee vera I rich colors. Same blanket with two separate controls, Montgomery Ward, 0th and Pine. Phone 311111. BOY'S BICYCLE. $10. Phone .V11I0. REMINGTON clcctrlr typewriter, like new, for half price. Phone Mr. Halt. 9700. HM'liSSKSSED Ul2 wojI .ne?e rug. was $11B.S0, now S04.20. 10-6x12 wool frieze, was $137.90. now f lofi.00. Mont, gomery Ward. 9Ui and Pine. Phone 0ESK-$2O Dresser, large min.or.S12, Dining table six chairs twine scatsj 933. Phono 3-1000, LOANS Phone 2-2537 o- 10 of Texas bred quarter horses ! INC. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE For Sale Grain Elevator 13,500 in. capacity truck un loading. All concrete founda tion. LOCATED AT SUTY SIDING G. N. RAILROAD SEE OR CALL Joe Chotard Malin, Orgon PHONE 135 FOR SALE 7 ft. Coronado refrigerator, table model radio with table, chest of drawers, Montgomery Ward De luxe washing machine, davenport with new tailor made covers. White electric sewing machine. See at 3616 Boardman FREE NO. 5 Sewing Machine wltn Hamilton Beach separate motor. Hard wood cabinet. Excellent condition. At tachments. S50. See Mgr. Empire Hotel. .vl4 Main. GET YOUR SNOW CAPS NOW! We buy used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld- er. 2391 So 6th. Phone 4313 t t'LLER brushes. Phone StiQI or 5tW7 ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type v. Titers, cash registers, doska. chair,, files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY m Main Phone 74U CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. PUMICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe PEYTON 8t CO. ttJo Market LINOLEUM remnants up to tixl2 1-a off. Montgomery Ward. 9th and Pir.e 31.18. hifujvrt v Aian la.e .d. Cost S75 sell for S25 cash. Phone 2-0445. EL.CTHOLUX CLEANER and ootisnei ar.d supplies Phone 7167 larkel Tweet 12i Market CU L SHED ROCK, driveway cinders. Phci-. etc. OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co 835 Market. Flit body wood. Phone 9056. frOH SALE. Stroud player piano. $123 Sectional bookcase $25. Rollaway bed S3 table top electric range S33. '"IS So Sixth. AUA.M Schaf bungalow type uprignt piano Flemish oak finish. Good con dition K3sy terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY MS E Main FOR SALE. Incinerator, dining set. breakfast set, high chair, babv otiggy. desk, ccoking utensils. 2919 Summers l.ane afte-noona and evening?. f'OK SALE. New oil heater. Used two months. All attachments Including 40 ic?t of tubing and oil drum, .'none 7-171. PAIR FIGURE skates. Mi$FCt size 6. Worn a few times. Phone 2-31D2. 55 AUTOMOTIVE BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 8205 FOR SALE, equity in 1948 Chevrolet Arrow Sedan A-l condition. Phone 9083 or 5315 Cottage. 1949 CROSLEY Station Wagon. siaU or consider best offer. See at 107 N. 0th. Ph oneday. 7711 or night 0007. MUST SACRIFICE 11)40 Hudson Super "' Club Coupe. The "new-look" car; Radio, heater, automatic drive. Low mileage Call Willard 6221. evenings 2-0708, Ceiling $1431. cut tn S1223. KyUlTY IN 1051 Dodge la ton Kxpres Pickup. Snow tlrc.s 7500 miles. Phone 5551 evening.! and Sundays. SPECIAL 1949 Kaiser De.uxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Very low mileage. Light blue. Radio, henter. Celling st470. cut to 512fi5. Phone Willard 6221, evenings 2-0708. FOR SALE -1941 Chevrolet Pickup. Gn.-id rondit'on. i-'our aneed. i'hone 'Cu. 1940 PONTIAC B. streamliner. Radio, heater. A-l engine. Full price $895. See at 107 N. 0th. Phone, day 7711 or night 0907. FOR SALE. 1039 Plymouth 4 door sedan Good condition. Can be seen at 2333 Wantlnnd or phone 991S. Vtl NEED CAHSt Gel top price now Rose Motor Co 6th and Plum 1936 CHEVROLET, live good tires. tu. Phone 58B0. 1050 CHEVROLET two door deluxe. 2I.0J0 miles. Rad'o. heater, other rxtras. new tires. Excellent condition. Phone 5344. 3 BARGAINS .13 Ford coupe, good. SI 23. 1936 Ford Sedan, not bad, $75. 1942 Dodge Pickup, good. $373. No trades. 1308 E. Main. 1931 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR. Power glide radio, heater, spotlight, only 4.000 miles Substantial discount. Call 83tH after 6:30 p m, FOR SALE. 1047 Kaiser Sedan. $3. See at :tt(3 Cannon rava nr fall HOV7. 194U OLDS SEDAN. $175. Small down payment. See at 107 U, 8th. Phone day 7711 or night 9907. AUTOMOTIVE NO SALE JUST EVERY DAY- Down -To -Earth VALUES jON LATE MODEL, SAFE-BUY USED CARS GUARANTEED IN WRITING TO SATISFY ! YOU 1951 MEFCURY SPORT COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive. Traded In on a new Lincoln 1950 LINCOLN 6-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, Hydramatic 1950 MERCURY 6-PASSENGER COUPE Heater 1950 FORD CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN Radio, heater and overdrive 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN TOWN SEDAN This Is an exceptionally clean, one-owner car. Equipped with radio, heater and overdrive. A good buy for .... 1949 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN 6-PASS. COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1949 MERCURY 6-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive ... 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive 1049 CHEV. STYLELINE DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. Excellent condition 1948 PONTIAC 8 STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE Hydramatic, radio, heater 1948 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Radio, heater . . 1947 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Heater, radio 1947 OLDSMOBILE '98' SEDAN Hydramatic. radio, heater 1946 OLDSMOBILE CLUB COUPE Black, but not exactly a beauty .., ii NO CREDIT Come in We'll Talk It Over ! '41 Buick Sedan $495 '41 Chev. Sedan $395 '40 Olds Sedan $375 '40 Olds '98 Sedan .... ?295 '39 Buick Sedan $195 I If you're suffering with a cold, visit our indoor used car sales room at 432 So. 6th. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 424 South Sixth THE RUSH IS ON!! PEOPLE ARE COMING IN BY THE DOZENS WHY ? $700 ONLY DOWN (On Approved Credit) ON ANY OF THESE USED CARS '38 Plymouth Coach $127 '36 Pontiac Coach .... $ 97 '39 Olds Sedan $397 '41 Studebaker $447 '40 Olds Sedan $297 '41 Chrysler ' ?3.97 '37 Dodge Sedan L.. $127 '38 Chevrolet - ?127 '37 Plymouth Sedan $127 '39 Chevrolet 127 '37 Chev. Sedan ...l $ 97 '37 DodSe ?127 38 Lincoln $147 '29 Ford Model A .... ? .97 37 Plymouth Coupe $127 . DUGAN-& MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 BEST VALUES! USED i RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp YOUR CMC DEALER 477 S 7th Phone 77ft For a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tn'cK Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Uth and Klamath ?hnne 2-25R) COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at EsDlannae WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS ' 301 E Main. Phone 3378 "We will sell your car for you." We buy and trade' 1930 PLUKTLINE two door sedan. Alt extras. Original owner. Low mileaso Fricen to sen. t.iou. rnone am. tOH SALE. 0J9 t's ton Haloed Cnev. rolet trek. 43 motor. $400. Call J-1001 Tulelake. Georse Bleben. Tulelake Cab inet Shop. $2395 $2295 $1895 $1695 $1895 $1795 $1595 $1595 $1445 $1295 $1095 S995 $995 $895 RESTRICTIONS If you're hale and hearty you can track down a real bargain on our lot at . Main & Esplanade MERCURY Phone 7773 JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to Take Advantage of US! Come in ... let us tell and show you why you should buy DEMONSTRATORS 21951 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect Prices Greatly Discounted 49 49 49 PONTIAC "8 2-dr. Sedan PACKARD "8" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan $1845 $1595 $1645 48 Super '6' 4-D.. $1395 48 48 47 PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan CHEVROLET Styllne Cpe. OLDS "8" Sedan $1495 $1145 $1295 $395 A 1 CHEVROLET 4 I 6-Pass. Cpe. COMMERCIALS ' 1947 Dodge Panel 4-speed .... 1895 194B Dodge Panel 50. 1946 Ford V-8 M T Pickup 1795 1949 Int. KB-8 13995 1950 Ford F7 wtag . $3795 1950 Ford F8 Air 51795 1948 O.M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. 53595 1942 O.I. 4x4 i $695 JUCKELAND'S BLOCK-LONG LOT Uth to 12th on Klamath Ph. 3-3511 r t t