PAGE EIGHT MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Prices Show Slump Today CHICAGO W) Oraln and soy bean futures nrlces slumped Mon day through prollt-Uking sales and lack or demand. Wheat, corn and soybeans were down 2 cents a bushel or more times. Oats were oil more wan a cent most ol the session. There uau a rniw ncur the close, how ever. Disappointment over lack of export news causea a laca 01 uc mand for wheat after an opening buying flurry. There also were re ports mat expor du.vuik vy many and Japan had been post- P$heat closed l'i to S!'. cents lower than the previous unisii, Mnrrh t2.68.-?. com was off 1 to l'i March $1.91. oats were to 1 lower, March 95-95!, rye was down 1 to VA. May $2.11 li. soybeans were V lower to V Matt er, January, " man io to n cents a hundred pounds lower, January 14.55. WHEAT Open 2.60 2.49'i 2.57U 2.50 Men Low Close Mar Jly May Sept 2.60 . "UWi J.58S 3.41)14 2.4T. 2.4T, 2.57'i 2.55', 2.55U 2.50 a.:a Selling Waves Breaks Stocks NEW YORK U) A of hit Oit kmrkt Ule in th -.Ion Mond.y and prices c.k' A iharply from their btst of the TO- The market generally "' with a substantial number of issues lotnlnc the decline!. .. ihr ' Chemical., which were "" alronser groups lost considerable frDow' chemical was down more than 3 poinU at one time. .,.n-r Hadio.televl.ion stock, took 'r )y weak pell with Admiral In the loa- vTu'm. w.. arnd 1.50MJJ ,,r. a llttl- better than ihe "" lor the first four sessions of the new Sear. .Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press 26'i Admiral uorporauuu Allied Chemical AUis Chalmers American Airlines American Power 6c Light American Tel. & TeL American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrows Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft DuPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney J. C. Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Fhilco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox L'nlon Oil Company Union Pacific . bV.t 16 21U 1554 63 51 76 51 46J: 63 S 18f4 34i 47's 50', 69' 101 34 1714 53 9'i 60 U 91S 46' 1434 5934 44", Sl'i 23 is 44?i 35 35H 49 70 863, 8' 23!i 18 38'! 65 , 18 62 "i I8V4 34!a 4'. 693i 18 3i 10. 2734 244 61 34 41i 58 Wi 33 52H 56'4 353. 62 2 503, 75 '5 333i lO'i 33 23-4 20'. 38 104 United Airlines 33 United Aircraft 33 United Corporation V United States .Plywood 33 United States Steel 40' ' Warner Pictures 147a Western Union Tel 41 Westinghouse Air Brake 26'a Westinghouse Electric 405i Woolworth Company 43?'. PnrMffiH Mvectnck PORTLAND fAPl fUSDAV Cat tle: Salable 1200: market active strong to 80c higher: beef cows and fed steers tip most: supply includes around dozen load, fed steers: load mostly choice 1.029 lbs 35.00: load goodholce 1.062 lbs 34.73, lightly sorted; other good fed steers 33.25-34.50: few good fed heif ers 32.00-33.00; load 797 lb commercial . heifers 30.50; utility heifers mostly 23.-00-28.00; canner-cutter cows largely 19.-00-22.00: shells down to 16.00; utility cows 22.50-26.00: truck lots 1.201 lb com mercial cowa 27.00; uUltty bulls 25.50 28.00. Calves; Salable 100; market about steady; few choice vealers 34.00-36.00; commercial-good; cull utility B.00-25.00. Hogs: Salble 800; market fairly ac tive but mostly 50c lower on butchers; choice 180-235 lb. mostly 20.50; small lot 222 lbs 20.75: choice 255-280 lbs 19.00 50; choice 350-550 lb sows 16.00-17.50: few good choice 80 lb feeder pigs 19.00; heavier weights down to 18.00. Sneep; Salable 1,000; market active, ttrong to SO cent higher; three deck, mostly choice 105-117 lb fed wooled lambs 29.50; sizable lot at 29.35: few good-choice shorn and wooled lambs 2B.00-75; good-choice 75 lb feeder lamb. 28.75; cull utility ewes 7.00-10.00; good ewes salable around 12.50-13.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND HI Coarse Irln. 18 day shipmenl, bulk, coast delivery; Barley, No. 2 43 lb b.w., 71.50. Wheat bid, to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coasl: Soft While S.44: Soft White excluding Rex 2.44; White Club excluding, Rex 2.44; White Club 2.44. Hard While Baart! Ordinary 2 45 10 per cent 2.45; 11 per cent 2.48; 12 per cent 2.47. Hard White Baart: Ordinary $.43; 10 pen cent 2.45; 11 per cent 2.48; 12 per "1 Car receipts: Wheat 32: barley 3; nuur u; corn f, oata a; mm ieea 7, Potatoes CHICAGO W IUSDA Potatoes: Arrivals 325, on track 378: fotal U.S. shipments Friday 098; Saturday 797, and Sunday 37; supplies rather tight; demand slow; market dull and un settled: Colorado McClurea $5.50-75; Idaho Russets $0.23.40. Weather Western Oregon Intermitted rain mixed with snow in places Monday and Tuesday. Continued cold. Highs Monday and Tuesday 35 to 45. Lows Monday night 28 to 36. Winds off coast southerly and 15 to 30 miles an hour, becoming westerly to northwesterly Monday night and Tuesday. at Eastern Oreimn Mostly clnnrlv with occasional snow Monday and t,1.hv rh.n in i. r.,.. ture. Highs Monday and If 2S In 35. I.n. Mnnriav niiilit 12 r: ,7 - " to 24. By The A.ierlatei tre. Readme, for the 34 houra enditc at 4:30 Monday. Mai. Ml-. Baker . ... 25 19 Bend .13 IS Eugene . 38 Klamath Falls La Grande . Lakeview Medford North Bend Pendleton Portland H Rosebura Salem ..... Bolw Chlcugo h. lcnviv Eureka ........... Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco . Seattle . Spokane 31 30 3S 41 28 45 33 36 34 .... 27 40 30 si : .15 32 30 23 Chicago Livestock Chicago - ,'vsda i Salable hog. 21,1X10: moieratcly active, very t-neven; most sate, barrow, and gilt. around 23 cent, lower than Friday s avarage; numerju. butchers SL0 1b. and over unsold late and bids off more on these: sow. steady to 23 cents ; . & . . oi;, Suviri- 18.2A-18.oO; top 18.65 lo order Duers. large and .mall packers too 18.65 to order buyers large and small packers 18.50 down 230-270 lb 17.25-18 75: 280 - 300 lb. 18.75-17.23: choice sows 400 lb. and lea. i5.oo-i6.25: mostly 15.25 and above; 4uo-5oe 14.00 and below. Salable cattle 15.000: salable calves 500: high-choice and prime steers ac tive, strong: other grades fairly active. steady to weak, mosty steady: heifers and cows steady to weak: bulls active, strong; vealers steady; few loads prime luo-ljo id. steers Mt.a-jti. ra: nign prime 1.075 lb. weights 38.75: bulk choice and prime steers and yearlings 33.25-38.00: most commercial and good grades 28.50-32.50: choice to low-prime heifers load prime l.oso lb. mixed yearlings 36.50; commercial and good heifers 26.00-32 30. Salable sheep 7.000; no slaughter iambs sold; bidding 1.00 or more lower; two loads good to choice 88 lb. shear ing lambs on Michigan account 29.90: early sales utility to choice yearlings about ateady at 22.00-25.50: bulk year lings unsold; siaugnter ewes xuiiy suaoy, scarce at 1c.uu-13.uu. Potato Shipments 1930-51 1951-52 January -4 .. Janutry 5 January 6 ,,,,,, Month to date Season to date , 43 61 37 103 50 0 171 212 5368 5580 Portland Poultry PORTLAND I Egg to wholesal ers: Candled eggs containing no loss, cases included, f.o.b. Portland: a large 55 -4 c; A medium, 32Hic; A small. aouunu a graac, iarge, -o-oc. San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FHAWriSrO UROa Cattle: 350, suply coiuUted of around load and onhalf steer, balance main ly cowi. xainy active, steers not fullv spou one dollar higher, one lot utility nairy vype siaugnier steers 923.25, can ner and cutter cows aiR.00-2l.3ft. utniiv dairy type cowi up to S23.50. waives: iu, no early sales. Hogs: 250. butchers 25 cents lower. sows steady, 180-240 pound butchers $2000. choice sows $15-00. Sheep: 600, mostly fall shorn and wooled lambs, no early sales. Oregon Alumni Tour Slated A covev of University nt Orpcnn alumni and faculty members will be In Klamath Falls in two weeks to attend the Oregon Alumni Tour scheduled here Jan. 17. Dean James H. Gilbert. TJniver. sity economics department: Dean Theodore Kratt, music department Ray Ellickson, physics depart ment; and Track Coach BUI Bow erman will be on hand for the sec ond such tour in recent years. Alumni, parents of students and friends of the university have been invited to attend a banquet set for the Wlllard hotel. The tour is similar to one held two years ago in Klamath Falls. SteeTStrSke Talks Opened WASHINGTON 11 Thi. w Stabilization Board started its stop-the-steel-strike drive Monday by appealing to the inrlHstrv nnri lie CIO workers to set aside their "im mediate self-interest" in behalf of the nation's safety. The appeal came from Board Chairman Nathan P. Feinsinger as the full board began drafting a program for hearings which will start Thursday before a special six man panel. He Said in & Rtfltempnf ha la pnn. fident the strike can be headed off. The SteelworkprR nrielnallv KaA fixed Jan. 1 for the start of a strike in support of demands for an 18"2 cent an hour wage increase. But the strike was put off after an appeal by President Truman, lor 45 days from the start of the WSB hearings. Storm Front Moving In uy The Associated Press A new Atirm trnnt I.. t Oregon Monday, bringing more snow to Portland and Eastern Oregon and rain to most of the rest of the state. The Weather Bureau said Port land, where some 6 inches of snow already has fallen, might have some rain mixed with the snow Monday, but the forecast of -S.ree temperature Monday night will turn any rain to snow and atrain mat. ,it Jg DMbCS W1U1 st0.rni. brought rain to the coast and the Willamette Valley, where temperatures Monday morn inir were in the low nx mMio 30s, East of ttm nnH. tem peratures were generally below freezing. Redmond and Burns reported low of 11 decrees. th in,t i the state. Ice Covers Most State Highways SALEM iffl Most Oregon hloh. 1 ,""?. "' M ana j ,iTrsV i "H .,,,S.,',0ces5,;''y !" 11,e Cascade Mounlalns. on (he KfrKnffieflS : ! "S "a 111 !0,,,e Parls East- ern uregon. The Highway Commission's a.m. road report: Government Camp Snowing "Kiuiy. pacat-a snow, sanded., inch new snow. Timbeiline Snowlno- lishtlv packed snow, plowing, carry chains l men new snow. Portland . Snowing lightly, slush, puck bieakiim uu. Wilson River Summit Snow- uig lightly, spots of ice. Sunset Summit Snowlno- hard. packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 1 inch new snow. Warm Springs Junction Snow ing lightly, packed snow, ulowimr. carry chains. Cascade Locks Snowlnir lieht- ly, oare in exposed areas. Trouldale Snowine Imhtlv. packed snow, plowing, carry chains. Newport Spots of Ice. Salmon River Summit Snow-Inn I "Si"'.' , oare pavement. Mcdford Spots of ice. Union Creek and Siskivous q,.-,,,.,,,, iit,,, , , h-;u ouuw, (jiu- Ulg, chains required. t Ochoco Packed Snow, plow- U,K- cari"y chains. i j r . , I Bend Packed snow, plowing, ' carrv chains. j Santiam Pass Snowimr lieht- , -J""11"1" t-.- OIIUW Ulg IlKlll- ". pacited snow, plowing, carry lbjcnains. j incnes new snow. Willamette Pass Packed snow. plowing, carry chains. Bly Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing carry chains. Lakeview Packed snow, sand ed. La Grande Spots of ice. Baker Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. Ontario Snowing lightly, bare pavement. Tax Expert To Give Aid Klamath farmers may have help starting Tuesday in Klamath Agen cy tor tiling tne declaration or esti mated income taxes for the calen dar year of 1950. According to the local office of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Depy. Collector John B. Koeppen will be in Klamath Agency tomor row to give help for farmers from that area. Deputy Collector C. G. Davis will be at the Malin Postoffice Wednes day for the same reason, and CD. Moran will be in Lakeview at the City Hall Wednesday and Friday. xic wm oe in raisiey at the Che waucan hotel Thursday. Assistance is available this mnnth until Jan. 15 at the local revenue umce in me rosiomce. After that regular income tax assistance will be available. Dorris Bank Clearings Are Lower Clearlnes. snvln ce anil i-..,,....., . - n uu UUUMIIU incr loans at the nutta voii. a,.A Bank. Dorris, all showed a small decrease as of Dec. 31 in rnmnnri. son with the close of business in according to figures supplied byW. G. Hagelstein, president. The fact that eleariners -hrlre passing through the bank and out standing loans were down t the Dorris bank apart from most of the other financial Institutions in me mamatn is as in. All had renorted an inprpnc In clearings, and only the First Na tional orancn at Merrill reported a decrease in loans outstanding In comparison with a year ago. Hagelstein reported clearings for 1951 totaled 27,045,355.32, compare to 827,633,677.41 for the previous year, ueposus were up consider ably, to 3.541,542.64 as of Dec. 31 compared to 12,708,385.04 at the end oi ousiness in 1930. Loans outstanding totaled sl.585 777.08, compared to $1,601,839.11 a year ago. The Butte Valley bank is to an nounce an increase in savings de posit interest rates within a few days. Bridges May Take Senate Floor Post WASHINGTON W Sen. Brirlir. es (R.-N.H.) said Monday he has agreed to become a candidate for Senate Republican floor leader with the stipulation he would hold the Job only one year. . Bridges told a reporter he was not anxious to take over the post vacated by the death of Sen. Ken neth Wherry of Nebraska. But he said he was willing to become a compromise candidate to avert, a factional fight among Republicans who are backing different men for their party's presidential nomin ation. DISTRICT COURT Flne"6 8' Brn"' no v,hlcI liMnst. La'wre'nce E. Shelly, four in drlvsr's seat. Fine Slo. Charles W. Hammond, no wheel covers. Tine, s.5, Kelley L. Lazarrus, insufficient clear ance. Fine 30. Robert L. Walker, failure to stop at stop sign. Fine SO. ML'NICIPAL COURT Henry A. Mungoven, drunk. Tine, S15 or 7'4 days. Francisco Montanei, drunk. Sentence 30 days. Dean George, drunk. Pleaded not guilty. Robert Harrington, drunk and dis orderly. Forfeit 40 ball. Ted Bordeaux, drunk. Fin, $90 or 3$ days. Obituary HALL Baby Hall, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hall, died here Jan uary 7, 1952. Besides her parents sur vivors - Include grandparents, Mrs. Mercy Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson of Ashland, Oregon. Baby Hall was laid to rest In Klamath Memorial Park on Monday, January 7 at 4:00 p. m., ev. u. u. Kroetl or tne Peace memorial 1'resnyierlan -I... u ficiatmg. Word s Klamath Funeral Home in cnarge oi arrangements. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON V t il i i? Police Chief 'ilia -i(ri I ' -M-l ) - mM Theory That Force Needs More Men, Promotions Police Chief Orville Hamilton to day discounted the theory proposed by the Civil Service Board Friday that higher positions should be cre ated on the Police Department to make room for promotions. Hamilton also took the Board to task because he "wasn't notified the Board was going to meet." On the promotion problem the Chief suited it was foolish "to make a Mexican army of the Police de partment top heavy with brass ana no lower ecneion." "Even with the Department at its lull strength ol 26 men it now stands four short at 22 men in- Square Dance Program Set A unique square dance program on a "mass" community scale has besn scheduled to begin at Fre mont school Wednesday 8 p.m. The project is under the sponsor ship of the city recreation depart ment. According to Director Bob Bon ney, sessions will be held simulta neously for beginners and full- fledged dancers in separate rooms. mis program," Bonney said, "is being instituted to Drovide Klamath people an opportunity to square ana tone aance. Nationally mere are lew otner activities with the appeal of sauare and folk dancing." Otto Ellis will be caller in charge of the program and is arranging for guest callers to keen the pro gram varied. After the organization of the aance group, Bonney reported. committees will be formed to carry on the program democratically. The charge at Wednesday night's affair, he said, would be 25 cents which will cover the cost of cookies and refreshments to be served at 30. Ella Redkev is tn charae of the refreshment committee. Dancing will continue until 10:30. The dancing is slated to continue weekly on Wednesday nights as long as sufficient Interest is shown by the public. we would like to build this into big time community affair." Bonney said. Eastern Newspaper Men Support Ike NEW YORK (in r.r-nr-rnl Dwlght D. Elsenhower has the sup port of the New York Times and the Chicago Sun-Times If he makes a bid for the White House. Both came out for him in Mnn. day's editions, giving his foreign policy actions as major reasons. They cheered the announcement by dcii, liuuKc in.-jyiua,.j mat iisen- bower's name would-be entered In 1 the New Hampshire OOP primary. -"3 ''VV ' 1.-. i f I s It, Discounts eluding chief and assistant chief and three sergeants there is not room for any captains or lieuten ants," Chief Hamilton stated. Hamilton said he would like to have more men on the Department so he could have a captain on duty all night after the assistant cliicl goes off duty at midnight. "But that has to be handled with the City Council, City Budget Com mittee and Civil Service Board." Hamilton said, "and I thought we rhf1 that all di.'cussed before." Hamilton said he could not under stand why he was not notified of last Friday's meeting, especially since there had not been a meet ing since August of 1950. He stated the usual procedure was to notify a Department head if the Board had anything to dis cuss concerning that department at a meeting. As for a request by the Board for him to supply Judge Robert Elder, secretary of the board, with missing personnel records of Po lice Department members, Hamil ton stated it was not his business to keep the records up to date and that he had to get permission to even look at the records. Hamilton sold a report that there was dissension between the Civil Service Board and Police Depart ment that the Department would not go along with recommendations ol the Board wus not true. He said the two agencies had always seen eye to eye and been In agreement. The Chief said there was some thing peculiar polng on and he would like to find out what it was. PUD Finance Plan Boggles SLATTLE lAt Financing of the proposed Public Utility Districts' and Light Company facilities hit a major snag Monday. Harvey Benson of Anacortes, chairman of the executive com mittee of the seven districts in the purchase deal, said they were ad vised by the Western Investment Banking Credit Restraint Commit tee that it has declined approval of the bonds for the purchase. The committee Is located in San Francisco, It is an advisory group. It advises Defense Mobillsser Charles Wilson, who has final au thority. The districts and the Puget Com pany have agreed on a purchase price of $06,800,000. The districts propose to issue $115,000,000 In rev enue bonds to cover the purchase, improvements lees and otner costs. CONFAB BEND. Ore. Iff) Rotarv clubs of Southwestern Washington and Oregon will hold their 1052 conven tion here Anrll S7-2D. rllnlrlr-.l. nf. ficlals said Saturday. !in jwM. OP SNOW TIRES Men who make those winter treads for your car are Ijusy these snowy days. Above left, Harold Smith, 5040 Altamont Dr., is applying a rim mold.. Right, Smith buffs a tire. Lower left, Cliff Zurburgg, 2124 Biehn St., cements sawdust stripping, or camel back, to the tire. The pictures were taken at Monarch Tire Service, 315 S. 6th St. l . - ;;; BETTER SERVICE Two PT&T men are shown here in stalling a new telephone cable on Shasta Way to relieve phone congestion. The men arc (1 to r) Thomas E. McGill, 1216 Pine St., and Gene Rosecrans, 224 Broad St. hi ,,. 'L r - GOES OVER SHAKE UP PLAN President Truman checks over with Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder a chart outlining a sweeping shape up of the scandal-ridden internal revenue bureau, The reorganization plan calls for abolishing the 64 offices of district collectors of inter nal revenue and putting ail operating functions of the bureau under 25 district offices, each headed by a district commissioner. MIRTHS UOUECME Born at Klnmath Valley Honpltal, Jnn. 0, 10,12, to Mr. and Mm. Paul Boueche, R10 Oak flt., a girl. Weight: 7 poundi, g ounre. ZIMMERMAN Born at Klnmath VaV ley Jfoxpltul, Jan. S, 19.12. to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Zimmerman, Iflan'A River, aide, a girl. Weight: 7 poundu 4 ounce. CHAWP'OnD Horn at Klamath Val ley Honpltal, Jan. ft, 1 1132. to Mr. and Mm. William Crawford, 422 8, .1th girl, Weight: 6 pounds I0' ounce. Mc WILLIAMS Born at Klnmath Val ley Hospital. Jan. 0, 10.12, to Mr. and Mra, Edward McWIIHami, Spragtie Riv er, Ore., a girl. Weight: 4 poundi 1VM ounre. mail Born at Klamalh Valley ITon pltnl, Jan. 0, 1032, to Mr. and Mm, Taylor High, route 2, box 742, Klamalh Fall, a buy. Weight: 0 pound 1 ounce. WEBB Born at Klamath Valley )to pltnl Jan. (I. 10.12, to Mr. and Mm. Charles Webb, 241(1 tberMn, a girl. Wcipht: 7 pound 61 ounce. GOODE Born at Klamath Valley Honpltal, Jnn, 6,1 052, to Mr, and Mm, Dale Goode, Dorrl. Cnllf,, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds :)' ounce. COX Born at Klamalh Valley Hos pital, Jan. 0, 1012, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox, 027 Addison, a boy. Weight: 0 poundi 12 ounces. "f$ J'JZ, SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Inesassfallr Eicluslr J3i N.. Ilh rhon. 1HM CBlroprarllo Phrslnlan INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE Lilted, Inactive, Unlisted sng Overtlis-Cnantep bond and atotk. Inventment Funds 301 Med-Den. RM. Phnns KLAMATH FALLS Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11 Ch & Walnut Ph. 7709 I I I sfMI MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1003 Legal Notice "r-if-ATrriM" IN Tltfe, Cim'tUT COUNT OK TMK 8TATK Of UMKUON ron tiik county or ki.amatii 111 tht Matter nt Itis AdimlMiit vl AIMKHT UUY LAVKIIN CIIUIICll. a inlnnr. Tn uuy P. rhiirrh: . . . You eta hereby not KM that Then, dnre Man (JtuWer ami lluth (Irauer. of Klamalh rails, Orrgnn, have lllnl a peiltlun In the ahnve enliUed Court, aeettlng lite adnplloii of Alherl Ouv Levant Church, and for Hie clianae nt name nf said child, Alberl Our Lavern Churi'h, to the name u( livetd Alberl (iroliir, and thai by virtue ot an oidrr made and entered in the wi.ov entitled Court by the Hntrai 1vij H. Vaiuleiiherjf on llei'emlier an 111. imi, this rMation I piibiuhnl In Hie Hfrlii and Nvws. and thai Ihe first publlra Him thereof Is Derrmher .list, lit1l. and Hint the laal intlillrallan Ibsreur l January Slal, ItMj. and you era notified to appear and show raiue. If any theie be, on or herre Kehruary 4lll, lUXJ, at ihe luiur of A M , why the pell. Hun of Ihe petitioners should not m gtnitted, and fur waul of such appeet. am the Court wfn make such order as shall h jut and uivrl rnncerninM the ailoptlon nf sid minor rhild, and you are hereby dlieolvd lo show ratiM, If any you have, why slit a dt hi I Jnn phnulil nut be mnd as prayed for In the petition of the nti I loners. IN TKNTIMONY WHfcllKor. Wltitea mv haml and sen! uf the above en tilled Court Hits 2(111. day of Oei-emusr,, 1U3I. CHAN, V Del. AC. Clerk, Hv JANC WEVKH Depiliy. D-Jl J-7-14.21 No. ill NOT1CB Or 1IONI) HAI.K Healed prupiiul will he received by the Cunilnou Counrll of the City of Klemalh rails, Oregon, for the pur rhwie of sewer Impruvemenl bonds. Merles IW, aaiirevstlitg, four Thouaand rive llundied '1'wenlv-two and .U-100 tMUra, (UrtiaXii duly auihnrlied hy onllnanre of I ha aald CMy nf Klaitiatn ralli, for the i-omliuctlun and laying ot arwer line In Hewer Hull No. M, of an id City and serving the proper l v between Huillh MUlll Hlreet. Hie UCa E. lUllroad Itlght of Way, ttlvaala Way and Wnahburu Htrerta, ( TropuaaU lo purrhaae said bonds wit be lei-elved by Hie undersigned Up Ut and liuiuillng the 4th. day of tehroery, iu.12, at ih hour of Bvn-ihirty o'riortc ptn, of aald day and opened ai a regular meellng of Ihe Common Coon, ell Immediately thereafter, said bonds halt he dated rliruary I. IttlJ, and hall be In amount of aVMi oo eai-h. except bond No 1, of said serlaa. which ahsil be for the frartlonal part of aald aiim, and all shall be due ten eara after Ihe dale nf Wane, payment nf the entire honda optional with oaid City at any coupon paying dale on and after one year frmu the dale thereof. Haul ixmda will lear Inlereat at H rate of not to exceed ix per cent per annum, pa able eeml-annually on KetMAjarv Ut and Auaiut Ul nf earti year, principal and tutereat pavable at the office of the Ueaaurer of the City of Klamath ralle, t)reun. All pmpuaaU muit be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the prupaal. The Cuinrnon Council reaervea Ihe rlahl to reject any and all blda. The aurceaatul bidder for said bonds will be formatted with an opinion as lo ihe legAlity thereof by ihe law firm uf Win free Mr Cot loch, h holer Ar Hayre, bps tiling lluililing. Portland. Oreenn. Thu rmilca la authorlied bv ordinance of Hie Common Council of lha Cliy at Klamalh Fa I la. Oregon, dated Decern ber 17. 1111. itoiiKMT M. ri.nrn. police Judge of the City of Klamath fall. Oregon. D-J.J-I-1.3-4..T - 0 - IO - II . 12 . 14 - l M IT - HI ttt - 2! 2J - 2.1 21 - 3.1 - 2J - M - 20 - JO 31 M 1 -2 No. notice or riNAt, Mrrn.KMKNT Nollre Is hereby given thai Ihe under. I fried admluutratru of the ealale of Jeremiah Cornelius Murphy, alt known as Jerry C Murphy, deceased, has filed In the Circuit Court of tne State of Oregon for Klamath County lha final account of her r1ninliraum of said e.lala and the Court has ap pointed the oih. day of yedruar). u-j, at the hour of eleven o'clock tn lha forenoon of aald day as the time ani Ihe Courtroom of said Court, in the Court House for Klamath County. Ore- 8 on. a the place for hearing and set ement of Bald accounts. LKine Jan. 7, ll.u. Nellie T Murphy Admtnl-tratrlN of Ihe at late ol Jerry C Murphy, deceaatu. Henry K, Perklna, Attorney for said Aatate. 7;il Mem Nr.. Ktamaih ralli, Oreenn. . J 7 l4-31.Jn r-4 No ntl NOTICE TO cmeditohh notice in UIVKN thai I am Die duly appointed, qualified and artlUK executor of Ihe ealale of JAMKH II. OMINCOLL. deceased All persons having rlainia aaluat as id eitete are hereny notified to present Ihe same, with vouchers attached, In the manner provided hy law, to me at my office at 2ud Pine Tree Building. Klamath rail. Oreenn. within alx month of the dale of Hie first publication of Hue nonce Hlgnedt EDWIN T. DIKCOLL, Executor of the Eatate of JAMEM II. Dill nco IX. Deceased. D-1T.24-3I J-7-14 No. SID IT HELPS YOU In go many wayg when you learn tne trick or bene fiting by Herald At New C la mi fled ads. They're excellent (or sell Ins, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering lost article. Pbona 8111. HAVE WE A CLIENT IN TOUR VICINITY? Writ , . . C EORCE S. ftAX Co.HP,WY i DlrUl.a Itl tMrf Shssl, im risaclH, 1, CsM. tllih.a Mil Helps Heal And Clear bchy Skin Rashl First appllcfttlonx of hlithly medicated Zomo antiseptic promptly relievo Itching of rnhhos, ocr.oma, atlitnto's foot, psorla lit, rind worm nnilalmllaraurfaco akin and acalp irritations. Thon notice how quickly your nkln RtarU to cloarl Uuy Extra Htrtngth Zemo liquid mm mm m m a for atubborn eaimi. L Wm lot. iwnnK ok joi ioi lleralbaitijSeUi fikflmflTH falls , onceon n DIME 7 i 1