MONDAY, .IANUAHY 7, W2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN TIME OUT! mm mm "Well, to murh for Die flral prrliiil!" TIIK ANNUAL Oniion liluh achool bnskRlbnll poll, conducted u, the Ansoclaletf I'lunn, will bo printed lor Hie Mint time this aca- In toniorrow'a paper. Bporl.iwrltcra and apurlacaalcra lli.ounliout the alato compete In litis Meekly vote tn Minn tlin tup ten teama In the Mnte eiicli week. We'vo ntrriuied no mnny tunes In I he paal thai r.uch pulln miika ttood leading mil II ends there. 11 nulurnlly can't lie nil neonate yardstick on the ability ul Hie leiinin. r'lnslance, your writer who alr.o voien each wk, tun only ilor the moat parti go by acoren. I ilon'l Itel to watch a tram in action un let. II fncivi Klniniith Kalla. Hill with nil Its holca, it's good weekly feature. nv WAY OF rcmlnlNclim. hcrr'a the way the tenuia Mulshed In the liallotlng Juat be I old the Mule tour iiainvul lam year. 'Hie Halfin Vlklnics paasetl up Central Catholic niter the Itaina had been named the tup Icnin tnoM ol the ticaaon. In third was Klamath f'alln, then c ame In order, Lincoln, Murahllrld. l.a Grande, Lcbiinun, Kiigenc Liranta f'aaa and AMorla. One llilnii Is Inlcre.itliift. Giants Paiwi una the only leuiii in tho tup ten nol to compete ui the HIr bhow. Ihl.n la lurlhrr prool ol the strength ol Southern Orexon'a Dial. 4. 'Ine lVllcaua you'll reiiirmbrr, beat the Cavemen In the InM. und aliowduwn, Kaine ol the aeafion lo etrn the Eugene trek. BIT LOOK: ' Salem, koiuk Into the tourney as the number I choice n! the ma jority ol "expert," I, knocked out by Astoria, Number 10. the Inst ji.ulu ol the tournament. tiecond place Central Catholic, lit clddiUlly picked by your writer lo w,u Ihe title, also fell victim to "flrat-nlRhtlt." But In tlila case Jt!l(er..ou tinned the trick. il: i'ortlnml Jclla, enterliiR the l:iyol(.i with the nhoddlfH record hi ell, wem on 'to Hwcep aside Hend, Luttene and then Klamath I'all.'i in the final to win the crown. Jeiieraon wasn't even mentioned aboye a whisper In the last Al poll. TIIK I'KI.ICANS, Lincoln and Marahlleld, ranked three, lour and live in the I Mm I prr-lourney poll, finished fairly true to form. The Klamath quint waa accond br.'.t when the tournament bunting was over; Lincoln Ilnished third, falling to the Pel In the aemts; and itlnrshlicld ended up lourtli. La Grande beat Lebnnon In the consolation tcnil-llnals to Rive tho truth to the respective nl.xlli and aevenlh place ruling of these two clubs In the last poll. Eugene climbed olf an eighth place poll ruling to go all Ihe way to the championship arml-flnnl. tailing to the championship Jclfer aon team. DON'T MISUNDERSTAND me. 1 m not "agin" such polls. If lor no other rcnaon than their being darn good copy, they're worth It. The story won t be In until to morrow illuming on the wire bo 1 don't know how the flrsl week's balloting went. But It seems fairly certain the first week's top spot will be be tween Central Catholic. Lincoln and Klamath Falls. Look for strong backing, also, lor Salem (recent conquerors ol Max Anderson and Co. of Jeffer son,) Mllton-Precwatcr (with the two Jerrys, Criming and McAllis ter', - McMlnnvllle, The Dalles, Jefferson Mcdford. Marshlleld, University High of Eugene, Cleve land of Portland, Corvallls, Astoria and Kugono. Tempers Rise, Antlers Win By HAROLD McKAY In a game punctuated with flar ing tempers and near fist lights. Bonanzas Antlers defeated the Klamath Junior varsity, 37-31, Sat urday nights preliminary to the Pelican-Bend game. Bonanza's all-counlv forward Irwin Crume, was sidelined In the lourth period when his glasses were broken and he sulfcrcd an eye cut in n skirmish on the floor. Several other players on both teams left the, Moor, either by the personal foul route or by order of the officials In 'tho heated contest. The Antlers held a 1D-B first-half lead but the Jayvces closed the count to 21-27 at tho threo-quartor mark. Don, Hubble. Bonanza for ward, was high with 12 points. Box score: noNANJA (31) (.11) .IAVVKES F,"IS" E . " Bah-an lluhlilr 13 f 7 Douxhirlv n,j,i.rtiji- s c ;, K,ufr (i 2 Drlrnll pinania eiiha Dye s. Baniev. Liuu, lawyer, Roberta. Jnyvre aiiha Sum mers 7, C. Mild 4, Owlngi 1, Hall, J.. niaan, Wetdon. . Hilltop Wins Hilltop Cafe walloped the Beattjr I.akers, 83-44, Saturday night on llig losers' floor, Faul Hclns scored 28 for Illlltop, city league mombcrs, ' i , Pels KFBops Bend In Overtime Ity It I : I III 111) The Klaiualh falls Pelicans knucklo down this weekend tn the serious business ol basketball games thai count alter a close squeak Hntunlny night gave them a 0-1-1 record In the play-lor-lun circuit. The Klamath quint won In overtime, fi.1-47, over Bend. The Hend Luva Bears, a team Unit was a listless sel-up lor the nhurp-sliootlng Pels Friday night, turned lulu it last-breaking, hard drlvlni: cage machine Halurday nlghl that came within 25 seconds ol upsc-lllng the big Pels. Jack Hortnn counted Just seven points lor the Pelicans Hulurday nlghl but his was the basket that counted and prevented an upset by the npunkv Hears, hM.M.I. ( ItOWl) - After I'rldny night's lack-lustre, landslide (11-20 win by the Pels a slim gathering ol Kattirday night hoop customers showed expecting another rout by the mil boys in red and white. Hut thev saw a hrpped-up Bend live that made II nip and tuck in the lirnl hall, grab a lead early alter Intel iiilsslon and keep that lend until Ihe big clock showed just seconds lo go. Pandemonium took over when Horlon took aim on a sel shot from sldecourt with Ihe Pels trailing 4i 45. When the ball hit dead center to lie the game, you couldn't hear your own voice In the bedlam. 'Hint sent tho game Into the ex tru period ulter Ucnd tried In vain lo pull the game out ol the lire in a pell-mell rush down the lloor. I'l ltK II' Tho Pels nerked un and the Lava Bears seemed lo lull apart In Ihe overtime. Elongated Ralph Carroll and Radar Uuy Bell scored on hook hoi In overtime In rapid succession lo give the Pelicans a 40-47 bulge Just barely Into the three-minute tackecl-on Irame. Dick Laursen. Big tlx ncorlnR leader, who along with Tom Hunt, tiny package of caRe TNT. paced the Bears all evening, closed H to 47-40 with a hook shot bul that was Bend's last big bid lor victory. Horlon hit ngiiin with his pet shot Irom sldecourt and Jerry Johnson calmly dropped two free throws and the Pels had a win that almost got awuy. K 'Player of the Evening hon ors were dished out they would go to Hunt, whoi.e driving, dipsy-doo-dlc leadership .was a constant thorn lo the taller Pels. Hunt's Held generalship and smooth ball-handling mime me plavs and gave the liny eager 17 points, the same number polled by Laursen. Carroll led the Pels with 18. SKK-SAW In tho first half, the lead chang ed hands six limes and the score was knotted three limes. Bend led 13-12 at the end ol the first frame and Bell led the Pels In a second quarter splurge that gave the local club a shin 24-22 lead at the hall wav mark. But Hunt scored on the business end ol a dazzling last-break and Dean Benson tallied on a tip-ln to open the second half and the Pels spent the rest ol the second hall trying to catch up. Bend held a 31-37 lead toward the end of Uie third Irame bul buckets by Bell and Ken Young closed it to 36-37 at the end ol that quar ter. Bid LEAD , , Midway In the lourth chapter. Bend surged ahead 45-38. an Impos ing lead In a game that was tough-and-go nil Ihe way. But Horlon and then Cal Ollmore scored lrom the field nnd Horlon found the net on the second ol two Iree Uirows to close It to 43-45. Less thon a minute remained nnd. Bend tried the freeze act. With 35 seconds lo go, Benson ' fouled Carroll In the act of trying for the tying basket. The btg boy missed the first shot and the Pels took the ball out of bounds. Hor ton took o pass In sldecourt and pumped In the tying bucket. Mcdlord comes here for a Frl iluy Saturday double header, u Dist. 4 opening scries. "Nil ,fi,JrS1o Hamilton. I I rttnaon, f J ' J Bampeu. J " ? ,J IwniMcn, 7 .1 J 17 Hunt, a 8 4 17 i.nv .1 l a a Krlrkmn J '' ltnaamuuien .. .- 0 0 O n ToInU tt t lll.A.VATIl CALLS Ml IT I'K 11" Hell. I . 4 14 0 llorton. f . I 1 1 ' Carroll, r . . II 4 a la .Inhimml. . a S O a Ptnrc. I I 0 I 3 ne-.prvei: Vmnir . . 1 0 a Ollmore ... .' joa 4 Tolal jl II 14 53 llnlrtlmn score: Klam.ilh a4 Hend 22. Frre Ihrowa mlaird: nnd 0 iLniimen 4, Hunt Si; Klamath 1.1 inell 4. Horlon a. Carroll S. .Tohnnon 1. Youna 3. (Ill more H. 0((lclla: Dlihop and Kell atitiin. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Himday Hesnlts Seatllo 4 Edmonton 4 Saturday Itesulls Saskatoon 3 Calgary 0 New Westminster 4 Edmonton 3 Tncoma 6 Seattle 1 No Games Monday In 19St Ihe New York Giants led the National League tn total earned run averago with a mark of 3.48. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDF0RD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J, E. Earlcy 1 Proprietors' . and Joe Earley . , Skill fir Blmk lirmisi(ol(D SpBBS With biiilbeirjsib :- V ' RED HUM), SPOUTS EPtTOgr;; ' v V ,-, ' - :.: - I, . 4r- sua FLYING HIGH Betty Weir takes to the air during. a downhill run on Dollar Mountain, Sun Valley, Ida., where the United States Olympic ski team miss from Omaha is training for the Winter Olympics, hard by Oslo, Norway, Feb.-14-25. Ducks Could Capture Lead in ND Quarrel Ily The Associated Tress W I. Pel. Washington . 1 1 .500 Idaho 1 1 .500 Wash. State I I .500 Ore. Slate . 1 1 .000 Oregon 0 0 .000 Oregon makes its first bid tor recognition In the Northern Divi sion. Pacific Coast Conference, basketball race Monday facing Washington State In a tussle that could hit either team to the top of CATS NIP HORNETS The Klamath Wildcats edged Henley. fiO-48, in overtime Satur day night on Henley's new gym nasium lloor. The Hornets held the upperhand In the first hall, leaving the floor at the rest period with a 25-18 lead. But the 'Cats staged a third quarter rally to pass the Hornets, 31-30. The game ended In a 42-nll knot. Henley surged ahead 48-48 in the extra period, but Klamath's Leo Davis hit for the tyliu; bucket and Don Summers scored the winning counter. The Klamath freshmen dumped the Henlev Bees, 50-30, In Ihe pre liminary game. n.x arore: Wll.hf-AT (51 lll'NI.r.V Suminera OF 4 Anderson DnvK 7 P 111 B. BUI Oevana 1.1 C 1.1 Hnvea Armstrong 10 O 4 Ramiev MM!il S (', S l.ehlo WUdrata anha Wnlinn a. Chime. Gnrdy 4. Mcller 1. Harm-ove a. Wells. Vounc, Pll. Henley auha R. Hill .Tone .7, McPheron, Yaden 4, Cai 3. DeVore. CLASSIC LEAOIIK ,1V I. Tel. Ore Hon Woolen 2rt 13 .ttt!7 Piirkmor Drive In S2 17 ..i!14 Suburban Kitrhen I!? 17 .Sl',4 l.nndry Insurance w 19 20 ,4a7 KKI.W ... 17 21 .4:111 Dick Reeder'a 12 27 sou IVertitfaday'a Reaulla Pnrkmor 2 Landry I - , Ormon Wool. 2 KKLW 1 Suburban 2 llcedrr'a 1 KFLW, near the basement In Ihe Classic bowling league, broke Into the honors column lor the first time this season last week with the high game of 779. But despite this one big game, Ihe league-loading Oregon Wools had too much for Uie radio boys, notching a 2-1 win and garnering all the rest of the laurels In Uie process. Tho Woollen rolled high series, 2042, while Mel Robinson, pushing Charlie (Automatic) Booth for hlcli season's averago mark, had a 189-213-185-687 line for high game and scries. Farkmor's Charlie Booth holds to Ihe season's high average but his 187 Is Just a squeak nhead of Rob inson's 186. Al Hakcnwerth. a regu lar now with Dick Rccder's, Is third with 183. General Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 2254 So. 6th Phona 2-0293 mm M r r&:i the standings or drop It Into the cellar. - The Ducks, idle' over the week end while Washington, the defend ing champion: Idaho, Washington Stale nnd Oregon Stale each post ed victories In series opening the 1952 season, host the Cougars at Eugene in the first game ol a two Rame set. By sweeping the scries either Wac or Oregon could lake over sole possession of the tot) of the league. A split would throw the race Into a live-way tie going into the week-end when Washington is billed for a pnir of games at Ore gon State and Idaho a single clash Saturday al Washington Slate. Washington, rated No. 3 in the nation in last week's Associated Press poll, and a surprisingly strong quintet from Idaho, opened their 1952 campaign over Uie week end with a victory apiece at Se attle. Washington caipe back slroiid Saturday to whip the Van dals 81-4'i after dropping the Fri day opener 51-56. Washington State and Oregon Stote nlso split a pair. WSC staged a last minute rally to upset the Beavers 54-44 Saturday night after losing 45-53 In the inaugural Fri day. Tourney Pairings Complete PORTLAND I ' The Oregon School Activities Association an nounced pairings Saturday for the annual High School Basketball Tournaments In March. The OSAA said the bracketing of teams at the tourney was deter mined bv draw. The Class B Tourney Is sched uled for Salem. March 13-15; the Class A Tourney for Eugene, March 18-22. The pairings: Class A District 10 (North Coast area) vs District 9 (Tuala tin Valley): District 5 (Portland) vs 8 (Ncwbcrg-McMlnnvillc area); 14 (Lower Columbia) vs. g (South west Coast); 3 (Mid-Columbia) vs. 13 I Portland and adjacent area); 3 (Central Oregon) vs. 4 (South ern Oregon); 18 t Portland) vs. 11 (Snlcm area): 7 (Albany .Corvallis area) vs. 6 (Eugene area); 1 (La Grande-Ontario area) vs. 12 (Clakamas County area). Class B District 5 (Southern Oregon) vs. 4 (Southwest Oregon); 8 (Northeast Oregon) vs, 3 (Upper Willamette Valley): 7 (Eastern Oregon) vs.1 2 (Lower Willamette Vallev); 6 (Central Oregon) vs. 1 (Northwest Oregon) -I. Ski Winner GOVERNMENT CAMP l.fl The Portland Trail Club's Class A Men's Ski Race was won here Sunday bv Joe Llsac, Portland. He ran the 2 'i mile course In 0 dilutes, 20 seconds. - M 1111 1HV !-. rilllleVlltJ & (or any K Room In the Home! J Calhoun' A 357 t. Main V ' A CAGE SCORES College Baksethall By The Associated Press FAR WKST Woshlngton 61 Idaho 42 (JSC 44 California 43 Stanford 73 UCLA 71 Washington State 54 Oregon Slate 44 Nevada 84 Chicago State 54 Portland 69 Gonzsga 58 Southern Oregon 60 Oregon Col lege 58 Wyoming 71 "Alberta 49 Montana 72 Utah Slate 70 Utah 40 Denver 38 Snn Francisco 75 Seattle 62 Western Washington 68 Pugel Sound 53 Vanport 74 Eastern Oregon 71 Whitman 81 Llnfield 64 Pacific Lutheran 54 Whitworth 41! Central Washington 62 British Col umbia 43 Washington Javccs 67 Sand Point Navalalr 56 Northwest Nazarene 63 Seattle Pa cific 55 Oregon Tech 58 Humboldt State 46 EAST St. John's (Bkn) 59 St. Joseph's (Pa 57 New York University 59 LaFayette 49 Fordham 71 Vlllanova 66 Syracuse 81 Cornell 79 Seton Hall 80 Boston College 48 Pcnn 81 Yale 55 Rutgers 75 Army 72 M1DWKST Kansas 71 Oklahoma 48 Illinois 52 Minnesota 43 Indiana 58 Michigan 46 SI. Louis 62 LaSalle 46 Iowa 61 Michigan State 60 Purdue 79 Wisconsin 64 Northwestern 75 Ohio State 70 Kansas State 78 Arizona 52 Bradley 67 Drake 60 SOUTHWEST Texas Christian 52 Texas 43 Texas AitM 47 Arkansas 42 Southern Methodist 57 Rice 53 SOUTH Vandcrbllt 80 Tennessee 60 Louisville 65 Noire Dame 59 Mississippi State 83 Georgia 55 Kentucky 57 Louisiana State 47 OIIKOON PREP BASKETBALL By The Associated Press Crater 54 Ashland 46 Astoria 68 North Bend 50 Elgin 58 Eastern Oregon College n-osh ai Portland U. Frosh 58 Cleveland Portland 49 The Dalles 61 Baker 50 Redmond 59 Madras 30 Marshfield 44 Grants Pass 43 Klamath Falls 53 Bend 47 (over, time Lincoln (Portland 36 Corvallis 28 St. Patrick's Walla Walla 49 Milton Freewater 44 Powers 35 -Oakland 23 Prinevllle 54 Grant Union 45 Ml. Angel 37 Sacred Heart (Salem 27 Iowa Hires Evashevski IOWA City. la. LP Forest Evashevski. a teacher of power football who calls his new Job a "real challenge," Sunday night was appointed head coach at the University of Iowa. The Iowa Board of Control of Athletics named the 33-year old former Michigan star as Leonard Raffensperger's successor within throe hours after Evashevski's for mal resignation was accepted by Washington State College at Pull man. He will report here Feb. 1. Evashevski was given a five year contract and the right to bring his own assistants. Both he and university officials declined to reveal his salary, which is presum ed to top the $12,000 he received at WSC. Evashevski directed WSC to Its best season In 20 years last fall. The Cougars won 7. lost 3 and were considered a strong Pacific Coast contender In 1952. His con tract had three years to run. Malin Dumps Merrill, 40-30 Merrill suffered a third-quarter slump Saturday night and the Ma lin Mustangs passed the Huskies for a 40-30 non-league Klamath county Class B basketball victory. Merrill led virtually all Uie wav in the first half, holding a 21-18 Intermission advantage. In the third quarter, Malin piled up 12 points while the Huskies found just two as the Mustangs went ahead 30-23 and coasted in the rest of Uie way. Bob Stevenson led 'Malin with 10 counters. Jack Hendrickson pump ed ill 9 for Merrill. Mnlin also won the Junior varsity prelim over Merrill by a 43-31 score. Box score: MAUN HID (3 MERRIM. W. Hick 8 r 4 O'Neil Macken 7 F 5 Wslahana Stevenjon 10 C 4 Winters Paris 8 O Reeves V. nick 9 ' G' 9 Hendrickson Malin euhs Mauney, Rajnua. Rogers. Merrill aubs Honeycutt 8, Johnson. Haaklns, Barry. Six members of Uie Brandels University basketball squad from New York, three from Mass. two from Pa. and one from Ponh. v IT'S POOLE'S For " SKIS ond SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS from 59.75 Oretech Saturday Winner The Oretech Owls are prepping for this weekend's Oregon Collegi ate conference opening series with Oregon College In Monmouth alter a split with Humboldt State Col lege in Areata, Calif., Friday and Saturday. After dropping a close 67-63 nod to the Lumberjacks Friday night, the Owls won handily Saturday night by a 58-46 count. it took Art Kirkland's Owls a minute and a half to find the scor ing key. But when they uiu, tney passed the Lumberjacks In a hurry and stayed ahead the rest ol uie way. Don Sutphln led the Owls again, polting 17 points. Glen Wallace paced Humboldt Willi 10, . oitiiifccii Pinkley. t Wyati. .. Duncan, c ... butp.un. t . Genetln, g Schubert Humphrey HoIzIum Koch Paienon .... TerllAner McGrtfor ... Tot sir HI MKUI.OT Wallace, t . Dunaway, S Anderfcotl. C Medial, g Flemming. g Oliver - Matey Watu Randall Wilson Bigger Mat ihe wa Greene , t (i I T PF TP 21 16 32 58 IG T PF TP . 4 2 3 10 .... 0 0 ToUts - 13 20 32 46 Half time score: Ore tec rt 36 Humboldt Vikings Lead OCC W L PCT. Vaivoort 2 0 1.000 Eastern Oregon College 0 2 .000 Oregon Tech. 0 0 .000 Oregon college o o .ooo By "The Associated Press Vanport opened its Oregon Col legiate Basketball season last week end by defeating Eastern Oregon College twice In a row. In Friday night s game Uuard Paul Poetsch scored 19 points to lead Vanport to a 83-72 victory. But top scorer of the night was EOC's Lowell Kolbaba with 21. Norm Hubert sank a field oal with one minute to play to break a 71-71 tie and then Vanport went on to defeat EOC 74-71 in Saurday night's thriller. Both games were played at La Grande. In non-conference games South ern Oreeon College defeated Ore gon College 59-52. and 60-58 in a pair of games at Ashland. Sports Mirror By The Associated Press ! Today a year ago Babe Did- I rlckson Zaharias won Uie Ponte Vedra open golf tournament with a score of 223. Five Years Ago Steve Bel loise. New York middleweight, de feated Ossie Harris of Pittsburgh in a 10-iound bout at Pittsburgh. Ten Years Ago Cecil Travis, Washington Senator lnfielder, re ported to Fort McFtierson, ua., lor Army service. Twenty Years Ago Helen wills Moody of Berkeley. Calif., was ranked first in U.S. Women's Ten nis for 1931. the seventh time since 1923 that she had attained that rank. Louise Suggs Wins Open 1 1 Pi.-cn V17II T C TT1 n in Tmiica binm 11Q.n,tnr1 fa Vvnlltnn Oa., professional, won the Jack sonville Women's open and the $750 prize that goes with It Sunday with rounds of 73, 75 and 79 for 227 one under par over ' the 6,282 yard Brentwood Municipal course. WE'LL PAV VO0 SIXTy-FlVE COLLARS A MONTH NOT TO PRIVE IT." ; ' Set hi for all automotive serv ice wa guarantee satisfaction! 4th & Klamath Ph. 8146 Packed House Seen For Belcastro Bout An overflow crowd Is expected at the armory Wednesday night when Pete Belcastro, Mr. Wrestling of Klamath Falls, makes a comeback against sadlstlo Kurt Von Poppen heim. It's the first mat card of the new year and one that will proba bly set thrill records right off the bat. Belcastro, a two-fisted dairy rancher from Weed, Is noted as a "spoiler" and fans have been ylp Ing for someone to hand the Proud Prussian his lumps. They probably have "their boy" In the Mauling Milkman who packed Ihe armory for many years here with his hectic style of milling. It's the main event on an all star card. The Parks boy3 Herb and Billy are back. Hurricane Herb meets Gene Blakely, the tough rodeo perlorm er; Billy the Kid goes against Yorg Crctorlan. the Rumanian ruffian dubbed "The Ape" in rings lo the north. Reserved tickets are on sale at Castlebcrry drugs. Fair Cagers In Jamboree The five-team girls city basket ball league warms up for start of league play Wednesday night with a jamboree tonight at Mills. Ten-minute games will be played, opening at 7:30. Wednes day's league opening games at 7:30 and 8:30 will put Griggs against Petroff's Mineral Baths and Oregon Wool against Peytons. The fifth team In tonight's jam boree Is Dick B. Miller's. Montana State Gridder Killed GARDINER, Mont. Wl Don Morris, about 22, of Fort Benton, a member of the Montana State College football team, was killed late Sunday when he was trapped by a snowslide near the top of a mountain about two and one-half miles southwest of Corwin Hot Springs. The young athlete was hunting in the area with two companions, Tom Parac and Holgrim Hollo. Both are members of Bobcat ath letic teams. Featured January Tans Blacks Grains . Cordovans Opportunity to Stive! Most .05 ' Reg. $17.75 SALE PRICES on Nunn-Bush shoes are a strong inducement to "wearers of lower price . brands to make the short step up to Nunn- ' Bush quality. Treat yourself to Ankle-Fashioth : ::: ing . . . the Nunn-Bush development which prolongs smartness, improves comfort and adds dollar-saving miles. Better stop in tomorrow r ; ONE GROUP Edgerton and Portage Oxfords Reg. to $14.95 8.95 .733 Main i lit PETE BELCASTRO . . . in "spoiler" role Prospect Nips Ely Prospect edged Bly, 48-48, Satur day night in a non-leaguer at Bly. The Bobcats were minus two regulars guard Franklin Hutchln. son who was 111 and center John Jaquysh, who hasn't returned .to school from vacation. The score was tied 25-all at the half, 35-all at the three-quarter mark. Box acore: PBOSIT.CT (It) flfl) BIT Snyder 4 F 17 Lvbrand StMr 19 F 10 Weaaell Walla C 3 M. Martin A. Peteraon 6 G 2 Chronlater S-ou 13 G 14 Dlllavou Proapect auba Larson 3. S. Peteraon. Covey 1. Bly auba i. Martin. Bum Toon Moth HoIm Worn Places Reworon SALLY'S REWEAVING S.aHI. rorthma) rieafM kr In DREW'S Clearance! Shoes Style 2308 COMMANDER Ust Sale Price . 916.95 Reg. $18.95 , Styles 1A.D5 19 to to $23.95 OTHER SHOES On Sale Reg. to $12.95 O - $1195 Reg. to $17.95 I I Phone 34J