,.IONI)AY, .IANUAHY V. HIM HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE Work -In pronri'imlnn on Improve liirnt ill tiuilrt In ciivrn In thu I.iivii Jlriln Miiliiinirnl, VVIilrnlliu ol the I'niuU lino tilt Merrill ten riivim waa iinilrr way wIiimi tlio hint hUii iii lilt. bUl'lnx KCKitl wciilllfT ii rtculrfilp waa put on ten inlli'H of oiled roud Iron) Hie north rnlliiinr to Indian Well mill ii tin re nillr ntrctcli Irom II f KhI entrant' to Indlun Welln Oavri wna oiled. Another three inilra townrd Miirnmoth Cuvca lina been iiriidrd mid Wilened. Mujmirilrr- (.'lull will meet Weil licndiiy. Jiiiniury 0, 1.1:30 p.m. lit the Wllliird lloiel lor 11 no-hoHt lum linon. All newcoiiiem ore wel come. Tim I- rlrniUhlp Chili -piii'ly linn been pontpuned Irom .liiniiniy 9 to February 111 duo to weather con dition. Al Meet Mr. unci Mm. Don rinher will be In Hull Kninilnco jnn. al where Kinder will ultend conference, ut the riKlimul olllcen oi the National I'nrka Adinlnli.tru tlon. (lunr Jutiu WINiim, h"ii I Mr. mid Mr. J. 8. WIIhoii. 431 Ahi medii, lell enrlv In January lor junta Hurburn where he luia en tered Hiirke-i Institute of Photoa ruphv. He wn-i nccoinpuulecl to Hun Kraiiclaco by hl abler Kiilhryn H. Wllaon. who him n position In nur Kry at franklin Hospital. Hhe uiailuated laM AukuM Iron) HI. .loseph'H Colleite of Nuim ji. Hun Francuico. Minn Wllnon wan culled home In bile December by tho III lima of her liilher. lonn-tlme re.il dent of Klumaili County. The Itebekah Hixlal Club will meet 1 pm. WcdneMlny In the lOOP II ii II for n pot luck luncheon and bii'.lnesi meetlnu- Hack lo School -llelene Flaclier. dnURhter of Mr. and Mm. Oeoruc Fischer. Tulehike. left Sunday for Portland lo return to dames at tit. Hrlrn'n Hull. Mr. and Mm. Finch cr. llelene and their nnn Cieorne were south lor the Ho:.e Bowl Game New Yeum Day. North Mm. John iBtnnnvi Huh f)ord ol HKirniv'ft Heiiutv Kalon H leavlmr lhli week lor Heattle where he will upend a few days wllh her Imt.bund who la returnlUK from Hanebo, Japan. He Joined the mer chant marine bint June and hna made fieveral trip" Bcro.s.n the Pa- J cillc. Meetlnr Tile Klamntli County Leamie ol Women Votem will hold a boaid meetlnu, 1;30 p.m. wrci neaday at the home of Mrs. C. E. Dennl.n. 103 Pine. New Boy Keruconl and Mm. John F. Tripp are parents ol a aon, Richard Curtis, born Jan. I at the United Mates Army Hospital. Cati; Huberts. Calif. The buby weighed seven pounds, one ounce. Paternal grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Tripp, Klamath Kails. Mntemul urandparema, are Mr. and Mrs. Rov I.oper. also of tills city, fill, and Mrs. Tripp make their home In Banta Maifiorltn. The .Inn Lutheran -Ladles Aid met at the c'uirch Jan. 3 with 13 members mid lw"0 KUeU present, kev. Cln.cl presented the topic on "The Dllfcrence Between Lutheran Imii and ProieitanOni." Plans sere discussed for the Fun Krollc to be h'ld In February. Hostesses were Mrs. Margaret Klrkpatrlck and Mm. Madeline Anderson. The neNi regular meeting- will be held Jan. 17, 1:30 p.m. in the church parlors. Reminder to members of the Ambrlcu Club of the mceilni! Tues day, 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alma Llser, JMi SmgculH. Orion A nieellnir has been planned lor Tuesday ol 8 p.m. ut Hie Arthur WIkk'h home. 820 F.ldo laclo. Instiilliitlon will be held, Back to Krhool Judy Larhon. daiiKhter o Mr. and Mrs. John A. Larson, 13(1 Lewis, has returned to Pacific Lutheran College at Park land, Wash., alter spendliiR the hol idays with her parents. Happy Hour Club Mcetlntt sched uled for Tuesday has been post poned. WCTl' Regular meeting will be Tues.. 2 p.m. at Plli-rlm's Holiness Church, 2301 Wanthiud. Midland Home Economics Club will hold lis rciiular meeting: Tues- LUCAS Pay only $10.95 down ; $6.50 month. SAVE MONEY ON A r-bj? Lois Of Valuer vou win , jFmpi ( ""d co,orfu' ex,ension I I If S VvT ''"'h1 I Jv' jij genuine micalitb table top I I jj J II ffliyQjsmmJfe ' is heat and burn resistant, I f ff'-'i m " I II ff The bright colors will not I II ft' Ii Jill! 11 n 'atJe. duran upholstered 1 I (( IM tt 8 chairs and table wipe clean I V I If II f N wih damp cloth. Table I I I measures 30" x 42" closed I Reg. 84.50 jff " Ui nd 30" x 52" with the I $. r. V extension leaf. No mar bock. w n n 9 J I I Choose from S IfTi MsTV I Manv ofhor ,tylel and vpe I colors: Yellow, Red, I Hsw i J I in Chrome for this January I Green, Grey, Blue. I lUCA iday. 1:30 p.m., al Hie homo of I Mrs. Joe Mlhinl. Women of Moose Itegillur meet Iiik luesday, B p.m., In Die Moose Hall. IOOF Hwaunii Fncaiiipinenl No. W la to hold insiHllallon ol oili er in. Friday, 8 p.m.. at Itmiaiua. At the wint time, lha LEA Auxil iary la lo meet there. Home Dale Tally, now iilatloned at the Han Diego Naval base, spent the holidays here with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tally, Kouto 3. Home llxlenslon Llndley Height milt meets Wednesday, 10 a. in., at Ibe home of Mrs. Curl Hearth. 2lilB Autumn Ave, "Subject Is to be Eas ier Ironing No. 2 Instead of Htep biivluK Kitchen as originally pro grammed. liny Hi'outs Troops Af. Is lo meel at the First Presbyterian Church, tomorrow, 7 30 p.m. First Presbyterian rhnrrh An nual connrcKatlflnal meeting today, 0:30 p in. Potluck. Three R- - Club meets In the coin muiillv building. Washburn Way. Tuc'dnv, I p.m., with lunch, and cards lo follow, .cola Wryn and Dacle Hover are hostesnes. Tounseml Club Meets at the home of Maude Cross, 531 Pies cott, Tuesday, 8 p.m. Vets Mail Bag Kllutble disabled veterans who apply for automobiles or other con veyances under a luw passed by the lust session of Conxress will have to wait lor their cam until CoiiKress reconvenes and can ap propriate funds to administer the act, according to the Veterans Ad ministration. The VA says that since the new law does not contain an appropria tion ol lunds for the curs, It will have to ask Conxress lor a special appropriation when It reconvenes. Meanwhile, the VA Is acccptum uppllcatlons under the new luw and adjudicating them. All completed applications will be held until mon ey has been provided. The new act Public Law 187; applies to eligible disabled veter ans of World War II and those who served In the armed forces on and alter June 27. 1950. the start ol the Korean campaign. To be ellitlble lor automobiles, or other conveyances, these veterans must be entitled to compensation for any of the followlnn aervlce connecied disabilities: 1. Loss, or permanent loss of use, ol one ur bot.i feet, 2. Loss or permanent loss of use, of one or both hands. 3. Complete loss of sight 111 both eyes or permanent Impairment ol vision of both eyes to the degree as lo constitute vlrual blmdncs.-.. Under the law, the VA Is author Ired to puy up to $1,600 toward Ihe purchase price of an automo bile. Including special equipment. No payment will be made by the government for repair, mainte nance or replacement, and no vet eran Is entitled to more than one automobile or conveyance. The law stipulates that an other wise eligible veteran must have a driver' license to nuallfv for an aulomohlle. but that If Ihe veteran cannot qualify for a driver's license he will not be deprived of this benefit providing he lies another person operate the cRMor him. Vetersns may - apply for this benefit within three ycura from the effective dale of the new law. Oc tober 20, 1P51, or three years from the date of (heir discharge or re lease Irom active service If they are not discharged or released until on or after the effective date of HEADACHE RELIEF always buy JANUARY Many other styles and types In Chrome for this January Speciall Nationally Adver tised. CHROME SET AT fast 7 i. !; mV.-4:Jt ' i's- ' 'I amll YOUNG ENGINEERS Santa Claus appears to have made a real hit with the three boys above. They're operating a "giant" crane constructed from an Erector set. The boys arc (I to r): James Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis, 2550 Reclamation St., Ken neth Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Williams, 903 Mitchell St., and Allan Wal 1 i ii, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Wallin, 2102 Ebcrlcin St. The Erector set was one of Al lan's Christmas gifts and the picture was taken in the Wallin home. the law. Jl ICKTION OF TIIK WKF.K Q. What requirements does a re-cently-dlsche.rged veteran have to meet lo take out the new ly of non-convertible government term Insuroncc? A. He must have been ordered to active duly lor 31 days or more: served since June 27. 19S0. and been released Irom active service. Cargo Taken From Gutted Freighter PORTLAND ti Workmen be gan removing" the cargo of the flic-dumugcd Danish Ship Erria hero Monday. The vessel was towed here Sun dav from Astoria where It burned last month with the loss of 11 lives. Agents for the East Asiatic Line, owncm of the ship, said temporary repairs would be made here so It could sail back to Denmark under Its own power. Final rcpulrs will be made there. PKNDLETON. Ore. tJ"i Water rates will Increase here Feb. 1 to meet an estimated annual 112.000 water department deficit. City Manngcr Ray Botch said the new monlhlv minimum rnie of $1.10 still Is the lowest of any com parable community In the Pacific Northwest. "I would iuggst you put ut thi fir and leave, t juit bought thii proporty from Boguo Dolt, Realtor." SPECIAL! , OmrailMe" by -A M FURNITURE 195 E. MAIN 1 Weather Slows Troop Ships K SEATTLE trs Two military transports laden with rotation (troops Irom the Far East, have been delayed by stormy weather on the Pacific. The Navy Transport Pvt. Sadao Muncmorl. which had been sched uled to arrive Monday afternoon, I fTrm Stv 11 soon..J 0p McCuI!,och Motors Klamath Ave. and 8th was rescheduled lor 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. The Sgt. Sylvester Anto- lak, due Tuesday morning, has been delayed "indefinitely," offl- i cials of the Military Sea Trans- 1 portatlon Service reported. SAV 2 2i KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH DIKICT IRANCH OF THI UNHID STATIS NATIONAL SANK Of PORTLAND Outdoor Store Sale Reported TULELAKE Announcement of the sale of Mickey's Outdoor Store here has been announced by Hodges Brothers. Merrill. The new owner Is Vern Smith, Merrill, co owner of Ala Place, Merrill, for the past (our and one half years. He operated a business In Chllo quln prior to coming; to the south ern part of the basin. There are four "aerial rivers" which channel a majority of all migrating birds: The Atlantic Fly way, the Mississippi, the central and the Paclllc. iff. I.Jttf'-H S"t RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $ 139,775,942.79 United States Government Bonds 245,287,702.42 Municipal and Other Bonds 55,057,486.40 Ijoans and Discounts Net 185,560,690.99 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 720,000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches) ' 7,416,374.49 Customers' Liability on Acceptances 386,225.41 Interest Earned 1,763,631.43 Other Resources 191,129.31 $ 636,159,183.24 LIABILITIES Capital $ 12,000,000.00 Surplus 12,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 13,406,532.45 37,406,532.45 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc 2,087,760.53 Acceptances 613,623.22 Dividends Declared 300,000.00 Deposits 594,087,6'8.21 Interest Collected Not Earned 1,622,109.50 Other Liabilities 41,489.33 $ 636,159,183.24 Thit tlatement includes 40 branchet in Oregon Head Office: PORTLAND, OREGON l Wf IM i wiui iHuruuiVu inieiedi and BAM safety on savings deposits up to any amount Deposits made on or before January 10 draw interest at the new rate from January 1. AND on Certificates of Deposit Deposit a certain amount of money, leave it for three years and then, at the expiration of ' that period, collect 2Vi interest per year. These higher interest rates are effective January 1, 1952. The business ha been operated by Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Carr who , Carr's 111 health. They have left here (or Las Vegas where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their family of three children will live Announcing the Appointment of WESLEY J os a representative for 7$ IMVCCTiODQ DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Established 1894 As Investors Syndicate Principal Underwriter for INVESTORS SYNDICATE OF AMERICA INVESTORS MUTUAL INVESTORS SELECTIVE FUND INVESTORS STOCK FUND 2221 Darrow, Klamath Falls Phone 8269 Wm. B. Boicow. Divisional Mgr. STATEMENTOFCONDITiON THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of Portland, Oregon DECEMBER 31, lfSl AMAMA Al W M on hi MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCi CORPORATION t In Merrill until accommodation can bo arranged here, "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relUvad In 63-80' of cattt In dolen'lh) If you're miserable from the "hoi flashes," and accompanying Irritable, restless feelings of ''chungb of life" you may be suflcrlng unnecessarily I For ... In fesM by doctors . , . Lydla Plnkhum'a Compound and Tablet brought relief from such functionally caused suffering to &3 and 80 (re spectively) of the women tested! Complete or ttriking reltell Veil Redesrch has proved these mtd lelnea fooroueftly modtrn-ln action,. , tins shown you where to loo; for relitr from thoe distressing, nertous, "oui ol sorts" feelings of mid-life "chsne"l So... let Lydls E. Plnnhsm s Vyrtbt Compound or new, improved Tablet, . with added Iron I I Wondrfil, loo. lor lie junctional paint ol menstrual periods.) B---H--aaB- II arts Ihroeih a wemea'a fTaiTII ermpslhrlh- nefvoue srfflflSS M. SMITH 9" MaTS sft t ram