Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 07, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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- -r-'-.twi.'-... .i.iin,-,iiiiniiini mannrm inn n . t mninJ
KFJI 11M Kc rST j
. Monday . Eveninf, Jan. 1
6:00 Gabriel HMlItr MBS
Quia Show
6:J0 Around Tontn-Nw ,
1:49 Sam Hayaa. Newi MBS '
6:99 BUI Henry MBS 0.
7:00 Pftr Salem MBS .
:M Bright Star
COO Let Cieorpt Do It MBS
8:30 Hollywood PUyhouie MBS
(:49 Dick Haymaa Show
6:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS
9:19 Fulton Lewla Newa MBS
9:30 Crime rifhtera MBS
9:99 9-Minute Final MBS
10:00 I Love A Myalery MBS
10:19 Countrv Music
10:30 Crowell'a Neat MBS
11:00 Night Owla Newa
11.09 Night Owla Club '
11:00 Sign 0(1
KFJI 1150 Ke. PST
Tursdajr, Jan. 8
:M Muelcal Reveille
6:45 Farm report
6:99 Local Newa
7:0O Henunt.. Newa MBS
7:19 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 Headllnea and Byltnea
7:49 Beat Buya
1:00 Cecil Brown MBS
6:19 Breakfait Gang MBS
9:30 Haven of Reat MBS
6:00 Homemakera Harmony
S:19 Platter Party
9:49 Familiar Favorltea
10:00 Glenn Hardy, Newa MBS
10:19 Tello Test
10:30 La Polntea
10:45 Concert
1 ):?.1 r.e!er Dwre
10:55 Ken Carson MPS
11:00 Ladlei Fair MBS
11:15 Newa MBS
11:30 Queen for a Day MBS
12:00 Name Banda
12:15 Newa Headline!
12:30 Your Dance Tunea
12:49 Market and Livestock
12:55 Newa
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS
1:30 Tur.e Teat
1:55 Newa
3:00 Local Newa
3:09 Net Newa MBS
2:19 Tea Time Tipa
3:49 Answer Man MBS
30 Ricky's Reoutat
4:00 Fulton Lewla Newa MBS
4:19 Hemingway Newa MBS
4-30 Speed Gibson MBS
4:49 Sam Hayea MBS
5:f Sergeant Preston MBS
8:30 Sky King MBS
8:55 Cecil Brown MBS
6:00 Cabriel Heatter MBS
6:15 Klamath Theater Quia
6:30 Around Town
6:45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS
6:95 Bill Henry MBS
7.00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem. MBS
8:00 Count Monte Crift MBS
8:30 Roving at Rudy'a
8:45 Hiedelberg Harmo.aire
9:00 Glenn Hardy New MBS
0:15 Fulton Lewis News MES
9:30 Official Detecllve MBS
"v 0:53 5-Mlnute Final MBS
10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS
11:19 Here's i- Vets
10:30 Opera Concert. MBS
11:00 Night Owla F.dition
11:05 Night Owla Club
12.00 Sign Off
Monday Errnlnj, Jan. 7
6-00 Sporta Highlights
6:15 Home Town Newa- -6:23
World Newa Summary '
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:55 Coming Attrac. on ABC
7.-00 The Lone Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC
7:45 Prev ew Of, Tomorrow
8:00 Could This Be You
8:30 Time For Defense, ABC
0:00 The Big Hand. ABC
9:30 Pin Plarhouae. ABC
10:00 10 P.M. Headlines
10:15 Navy Star Time
0:30 Insomnia Club -
11:00 News Summary -
11:03 S'tti Off
KFUV 1450 Kc.-PST
Tuesday, Jan. I
6:00 Sign On News Summary
6:05 Corn in the Morn w '
6:45 Farm Fare '
7:00 News. Bkfst Edition :'.
7:15 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred, News ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
7:59 John Conte- ABC
8:00 Breakfast Club ABC
8:00 Hank Henry Show
9:30 Break the Bank ABC '
10:00 Chet Huntley ABC - .
10:15 Lone Journey ABC
10:30 My True Story ABC '
10:53 Edward Arnold ABC '
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC :
11:15 Stop and Shop
11:30 Against the Storm ABC
11:49 Musical Roundup
11:99 Market Report
rMod About Myonshln. (Comedy! " A'UHDA . gOlI AaUFIf CD '
J Lincoln In W. WMt. Hooa. (T.e.Sp) II I1UKU '(nANULtK
.CPLOB CARTOON & HEWS . " "n"n Vn. WlalallJ
am uwvv vjjjfr rvwww
1 1 1 i .limn
. WWW .wnu.. lVlVJTMJ.Tu JI
12:00 Noon Edition Newa
12:9 Hayieae SioewwiK Snow
12 .10 Lucky U Ranch ABC
1-00 Paul Hin t)- ABC .
1:19 Belter Living
1:30 Standard School Bdcst.
2:00 Basin Briefs
3:13 Accent on Melody
- 2:30 Joyca Jordan, M.D. ABC
2:49 Rom. Evelyn winters ABC.
3.-00 Ted Malone ABC
3:13 When Girl Marries ABC
3:30 Perfect Husband ABC
4:00 Mary Marlin ABC
4:15 Requestfully Yours
5:0ft Tmro. Corbeit, Soaca Cadet ABC
9:23 Will Rogers ABC
6:30 Chet Huntley ABC
1:43 It's Movie Time
6:00 Sports Highlights
6:13 Home Town News
6:23 World News Summary
C:30 Suburban Serenade
6:43 Headline Edition ABC
6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC
7:00 Greatest Story ABC
7:30 Bedtime Storlaa
6:00 Met Audltlona of Air ABC
8:30 United or Not ABC
8:00 Town Meeting. ABC
6:43 Paul Carson at the Organ.
10 00 10 P M. Headline?
10:13 Dream Harbor ABC
1C:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 Newa Summary
11:09 Sign Off
Congress To
Buckle Down
On Tuesday
Congress starts its election-year
session Tuesday, with politics like
ly to weigh heavily in all major
The next six months are expect
ed to bring lourth decisions, one
way or the other, on such major
matters as universal military train
ing, foreign military and economic
aid. economic controls at home,
and defense spending.
Leaders are hopeful the session
can wind up in time for the July
political conventions so members
can go heme afterward for the fall
All House seats will be at stake
in the November voting. So will
32 Senate seats, as well as the
Presidency and the vice-Presidency-
President Truman will blueprint
his legislative program in his State
of the Union message Wednesday.
The President is expected to re
new his request for civil rights
legislation, compulsory health in
surance, and tougher wage, price
and rent controls.
He may ask for more taxes.
Investigations, providing heavy
ammunition for political cam
paigns, will constitute a major leg
islative activity. Committee prob
ers will delve into charges of graft
in high places, scandals in tax
law enforcement, waste of public
money, and Communism.
Inquiries started last year and
to be continued this year already
have provided Republicans with
campaign slogans riealine with
mink-coats and home freezers to
toss at the Democratic administra
tion. Methodist Church
Missions Planned
odist Church announced Sunday 13
metropolitan and state-wide evan
gelistic missions.
In addition, special evangelistic
campaigns will be held in Alaska
Mnrfh 13.97 Ttctinn TYnlnh C i-itch-
man. president of the Methodist
board of Evangelism, said.
The schedule of missions to be
held in this country includes March
8-30. Portland, Ore., area.
' Continuous From 1:45 ''
I.J I Fa.TflwWlHO
J Sal - W litl
IT AIN'T SAND Don Kettler, (above), Herald and News
photographer who came here a few months ago from the
warmer clime of California, is rapidly and painfully dis
covering the difference between snow and sand. One les
son Kettler is learning above is not to park in snow banks.
R. E. McTavish, of Mac's Farm Equipment Company,
hauled Kettler's car back on the road and took the
Ava Gardner
Says She
didn't know that Ava Gardner is
shy. And domestic, too.
These fascinating facts were un
covered in a chat with the glamor
queen. I discovered that beneath
that shapely and well-composed ex
terior lurks a snrinkmg vioiet.
Ava was talking about her recent
trip to England, where she met
members of the royal family. She
remarked that Princess Elliabeth
was verv shy, "Just like me."
Ava shy?
"Absolutely she replied. "Peo
ple frighten me. You should see
me in a crowd: I get terrified.
Why, if I had to do all the things
that Princess Elizabeth does, it
would kill me."
if she is so shv. how did sue
get in the acting business?
Thai s a gooa question. one
replied. "I've never been able to
figure it out myself. I'm com-
Facing New
trict attorneys throughout the na
tion mapped plans Monday for the
convening of pial grand Juries
to investigate "racketeers, gang
sters and organized crime."
Attorney General McGrath sent
out orders over the week-end for
the calling of special grand Juries
in each 01 the 93 Federal Judicial
districts "as soon as possible."
McGrath specifically directed
that underworld figures be brought
in for questioning.
The attorney general said In a
letter to the district attorneys that
much of the information developed
"prooably will not establish the
commission of specific federal of
fenses." This means evidence to
send wrongdoers to Jail,
Nevertheless, he wrote, 'this
type of information, if obtained
from the proper sources and later
adequately evaluated, will be of
great benefit to the Justice De
partment for. general law enforce
ment purposes."
Some observers viewed Mc
Grath 's move as another step by
the administration to take political
ujiiitiuiuuon away irom lis critics.
It came at a time when some
critics were saying McGrath has
not Dee.-i vigorous enough in deal
ing with corruption in government.
Smith Takes Over
IDS Post Here
Wesley M. Smith, formerly oper
ator of the Golden Creme Donut
Shop here, has been appointed as
co-zone manager of Klamath coun
ty for Investors Diversified Serv
ices, Inc., it was announced by
William B. Boscow of Eugene, di
visional manager.
Smith will be associated with
Martin Putnam, representative for
the firm here since 1946. He has
recently been released from the
armed services. The Investors
Group formerly was known as In
vestors Syndicate.
Fire In Church
Quickly Squelched
DALLAS, Ore. W A fire in
the Methodist Church here failed
to halt Sunday morning services.
The blaze broke out In a pri
mary room two hours before Sun
day school classes started. Fire
men said It apparently originated
from rummage safe clothing
stacked near a furnace.
The blaze was confined to the
basement, caused an estimated
3,000 damage.
Classes and services were held
upstairs as scheduled.
Former Oregon
Professor Dies
Funeral services for Frank Short.
64, former professor of the school
of Journalism at the University of
Oregon, were held here Monday.
ne aiea at nis home in nearby
Mlllb.-ae Friday night.
Short, who retired in 1943, Is
survived by his widow, a son and
a daughter. .
Except In the mountainous west
and southwest, oll-rlch Saudi Ara
bia's annual rainfall amount in
.WVVI . !. U I . "a?
Its. - .
On Shy Side
And Columnist
pletely miscast. I'm much better
equtppea lor navlng babies. '
Was tills a hint? Columnists have
already been rumoring Uiat Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Sinatra will be
welcoming the stork.
"No, It's not true yet." she re
plied, adding "unfortunately." She
remarked tnat she would like to
have two or three children.
Ava Indeed appears to be the
domestic type. She told of spend
ing a whole day scrubbing the
kitchen of the Sinatras Palm
Springs manse. She also does
much of the cooking for her new
husband and glowed with a report
of her first try at Italian spaghetti.
"Frank told me how to do it,"
she said. "It has to be made very
carelully and It cooks two hours.
I must admit that mine tasted
Such dishes may restore needed
poundage to Ava, who is 10 pounds
underweight at the latest reading
(although nothing seems wrong
with her well-known proportions).
She has been trying to gain back
the weight while vacationing at
Palm Springs and came In town
only for the premiere of her pic
ture, "Pandora and the Flying
Dutchman." Much of the weight
was lost on the Sinatras' trip to
Europe, during which they covered
16,000 miles in seven days.
Along with, other performers,
they went to England to appear
at a benefit under the sponsorship
of the Duke of Edinburgh. Ava was
entnusiastic about him.
"He's the most charming man
I ever met." she remarked. "Its
no wonder the English people are
crazy about him. He has a tremen
dous charm and wit and keDt us
entertained for hours. He gave us
mi party, wmca lastea until wen
.into the morning. We did a samba
together and he's a delightful
She was also Impressed with
Princess Elizabeth. "She Is much
quieter than the duke, who is a
good influence on her," Ava said.
"She's very beautiful, much
more so than her photographs
would indicate. She also looked
much younger than I expected.
Why, she's only a baby."
Actually, the princess is 25, but
this seems young to Ava.
"I was 29 a couple of weeks ago,"
she sighed. "My goodness, Id
better start on a family before
it's too late."
Get there faster-
Ssithbaunt Malnllntii
Um at ... .
Lov of... 12:35 P.M.
PORTLAND . . 2 hrs.
SIATTtl 3 hrs.
Narfhtouna1 Malnllntrt I NtSf
! M, lui-wiMi 'Mis i ft Si$?m!w!!?&& l
It "til Iht fell" II Sr(4Jx31
Alrprt Tarialnol. Call 2-2JJ7 of, 1 yiktfxl
. inn utherlMel I VrJMv ? "irfS
1 Mffl From I
1 Ai'.er Wear I
To Talk Here
A noted consulting tuvrholoirlst.
Felix H. Zaffiro. will be the next
speaker before the Klnmnth Falls
Knife and Fork Club. He'll appear
hero Jim. nt the Wlllard hotel.
Zaffiro's topic will be entitled
What Makes Us Tick." He iilnns
to show the magnitude of problems
Draught on by negative emotions,
and will point the wnv to sane and
constructive means of subllinatlnn
destructive attitudes which cause
Illness, Inefficiency, social dishar
mony, crippled lives and broken
Zaffiro Is American born, but
was educated In Canada.
nis practical philosophy, accord
ing to Knife and Fork nfllrxrs
helps Individuals to better under
muiiq tncmselvcs and their neigh
bors. The Chinese believe In Inn nnn-i.r
of a little forest root "Jin-tsan"
to prolong life end rebuild flesh
end spirit. Until recently about a
million dollars worth of It was ex
ported from the United Stales to
China annually.
Vou Save Again
loo? COTeirnmigi
KWSr7MKVV Gold Seal
5:10 P. M. ill xr fiCZJ IT 1 J7
Search For
Plane Here
Called Off
Organised search .for an Air
Force trnmport plane with eight
men aboard, missing since Deo. 20,
wits called off here lute yesterday.
Planes and men of the Fourth
Rescue Squadron, MuChoitl Air
Force Base, were called back to
their Tit'omi base. Ilia team ol
seven big planes mid 44 men was
uoiievea to have ueeu me ini'ge.Nt
Air Force search and rescue train
ever set up for a Norlhwst neuron.
The missing plane, a C-47. was
last heard from when It mutle a
routine radio check with Municipal
Airport here at 4:17 p.m., Dec. 20.
The plane reported It was Hying
southward at 10.000 fret and guve
no hint of trouble. The big ship,
currying a crew of three and five
service men termed aerial Hitch
hikers, was en route from Spokuno
to Trovls Field in Hie Sun Fran
cisco Bay area.
Planes of the Fourth Rescue
Squadron Instituted a search here
Dec. 27. aided by the Klunialh Air
Search and Rescue Unit. The baso
set up at Municipal Airport includ
ed facilities for aerial searching
und ground rescue, dipt, ftny Cos
tello. Rcdlands, Cnllf.. was In com
Numerous clues were checked
out as fur as possible but no trace
of the plane was found. Dud weath
er hampered aerial searchers lor
several days.
One search base was still tunc-
The Automat Tuloloke
or dial 9578 Klomoth Falls
Del Tox
Hall Runner
Congoleum Rugs 9x12
tiJ cast
His Only Mistake Was In
Outliving His Money, So
Says Once-Wealthy Planter
MONTGOMERY, Ala. tfl ' My
olio mistake was that I oulllved
my money."
That's how 07-year old Thomas
Union McCiiIIoiikIi sums up tils
futo which tumbled him front a
once-wealthy notion planter to a
broke noniigenurlnn living In a
bourdlng houee on a $30-o-inontli
old ago peusluil.
Before he retired 2 years ago.
McCulloiiKh built up a fabulous
lortiino which kept Hie wolf awny
from his door until six months
ago. Thai's when llio money ran
McCulloiigh, null an erect fig
ure with a Mowing white beard,
explains It this way:
"Both my mother and father
died at 72 and I reckoned I coudn't
exceed this by more than eight
So. at the age of IS. he retired
with what he thought was enough
money In the bank to last him the
rest of his life.
At BO, McCulloiigh revealed, ht
Honing todoy, A piece of twisted
metal, found In the Feather River
runyon near Orovlllc, Calif., yes
terday, was seen as a posslblo clue.
An Air Force search tram that has
been operating out of Red Bluff
was Immnllatcly shifted to Orovllle.
Tats Ian Sladv al Hams la Spatt Tlma aai Sam ft hlife arsjssl Dlalsma
raiCABr. nil Isi t .ll.IS ar t.ara Tiais
ota uaADi'ATis riAVi tNttaro ovra totLton
Dapr. KLA-1-7 1744 Ireastway Oakland 12, Calif.
Heme A
Aatdrtti Apt -
City $
3 Rolls Only
Colors: Green, Gray, Cocoa
All Loop Pile
12 Foot Widths
Made To Sell for
Deep Pile Frieze
- 9xl2 Fibre Rugs
Wat 7.95
B Colors
Other Colors Reduced Accordingly-!!
Now Is The Time To Tile
main rrsrrr
bought an airplane fur "one In -1
fling" across the cniitlnriit, lniu
Mexico and South America,
"I figured three or four iimio
years would lako ma out."
But when lie reluriird linen
yrnrs litter, lis wui still going
As the years rolled on past ihn
Mi, 90 and 96-year inurka, the "In-1
(1111111" conlliiucd and so did Me.
Cullough. Ilia money gavit out (um.
Hut there's one IhliiK you cim
bet on, McCulloiigh nays with ,i
ullnl In his rye, Thut one mlninkn
of living too long "la an error 'im
going to go on making just as long
as I can."
f4t rktli kawtl
. 44ft ft) Order T T.k 04
Itn B. let, Mgr.
or CANNOT Finish
16.95 Sq. Yd.
Sand Color
Qcdkrnm a
Blended Shades
of Roie sq. yd.
Were 23.95
q. yd.
NOW 4.88
:,'sNOW 1"
mtPHONt MM .
Ill Per
only about 3 Inches.
I a " 1 ' maa anail '