SATUHDAV. JANUARY 5, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE TIME OUT! IS "Meal darn lulile I ever knrwi llir nilnnl lie rl lout, lit knows II!" fifing Injury LOOK Kill a derided trend In. 'I'm actually were more luipri-x. ward tie-emphasis nl football In -lvr on the itliol-Minuv defense I'jyj. Ihey tnrew uji ii'nhul the mvad- ic UnlvcrMly of Kentucky, ai rl'h from the norlh, seventh-place proficient as any loothull ihuil 1 Ili'.KhiTH In the state touruiinirut i, m. ciiinrn iinnirilliili'ly to mind , la'l yriir. In iiiillierliig plnvcis Inr mid wide, Holier Wllcy'H Bears didn't kd pointed the trend I Ills week when Into double lliiiirc.i until n minute It aillioiinred there would be a del- and n hull Into the third riuiirler iiii'.u nlow.ilown on n-trulllng lor when Dick I nur.-ien. Bend's bucket. proselyting If Mill wiMn. boy dumped a foul ahnl. hi, very likely next New Yciir n I.I.A" Unv UI ee JUM major Howls Hut bv Hint tiiue the Klamath in oiirriitlou. 1 n"d 31 lnti to match bend's Don't think for a moment put- lu tun Uio iiuietn on grid coiiiiner- lliilltlme score wan .! 0. cliillun will hurt llio nnie. I Hend held a lend once In the it'itlirr It v. Ill help. opeiuiiK momenta when Jerry llivnlrv will be Just an keen and : Hamilton hit from til- foul line lo cio.a will n.lll Hock to the munc muke It 3-3aller l.iiuivcn lind -poMlbly een more mi whe.i lliev evened the count at Mill In the cull nee "the kid thut ui.ed lo live viike ol IlnlpJi Ciirroll n Ice-break-nriL door" nlny Instead "I Mime pair of Mini from the loul miy lunied Joe from far-off Knla- inn too. AM. IN Al.l.. Ihe pnttern Is be (tlnnlim lo be net lo lake footoall oul of BuiUieM How and Klve 11 uiwk lo ihe kU who piny uie ones, after all, who count. it all mnkes noisei! like a happy atari to bIK "ports year. iu a cinch Una Is O-Year (Near lit ftreulnni for eolleite football. With 30 plitskin pinnw ioiuiok UMh 0.7 Bduvantu(ie. allies over-ciiiphuals Blurted in yot u OOAI.S ratnesl a few yeara back and Bul Br, mnie U) (nr Mn ,lrsl. Ihe majority of them blr, nchoola U,rirr frustration with four rapid In Ihe thick of thlnK" footballlcnl. e ,pl( g,, ,hc sec0nd ly thliiKS hRVO been golnn Irom ,,.,,. Meanwhile, the bad to worse. iculnl threw up a stiff defense tint Don'l gel thf Idea that the kepi Bend scoreless from the field alluallon Isli'l aerlous and appar-'i,, Die necotid ounricr nlllioiiKh the ently University of Kentucky ofll-,LavN were rlmmlnii the hoop on ciala realize II. They probably (ik-, several shoi.v urc they'd rathor have teains po- j i.uur:.en and Jerry Iii Ick.-jin pre albly Ju-il a npieak lower In qual- vented a ..ecoiid-iinrter blank with Hy than hneluforo than not have ,re throws. a team at all. 1 Morion and Turroll went on the Does this sound like exasgera- ntotepalh In Ihe thlr chapter to lion? Not at nil. 'lead the Pels to a 47-20 third- ihe old saying goes "You've c,uurtcr bulge, not lo have a leaBue to have a A'tr Ken Younc connected mid i jcpm," I Bi-ll scored on a thrown-lu steal to ; ; ' T balloon the count to 51-20. Pel DON'T roil a moment think Conch Paul McCall let the reserves ; that whnt has happened to schools et the bench klnfcs out of their "lo HI. Murya. Ooiimkb. Portland 1 les the rest of the way. ! V.. Loyola of Los Anuelea and le;iAVl i Univvnlty of ban Francisco to ' Hamilton wn.i a acorlne threat ; mention junt hanciful of Catholic , for Beiui throughout while nny M hools on Ihe coast - plus some Toin Hunt showed a lot of savvy ii nihers throiiBhout the nation bnll-'iantlllnii. i c in happen to 2 blaac? boys.0 i Bul the Pels came equipped v.-l.h ! And you probably havcn'l heard "inch radar and a d.scouraRlni; , prtiiiri,-n Cnll-Bullf-1 .tf hld?hb!:-un -aKh'for Bend w,h aqueer.ed out the smaller schools on the coasi. MrUonald seems lo have the goods on the I'CC blu-wics. At icu .i, there has been lorthcomlnx no loitlcnl refutation of his charges, in facl, Ihcro has -been none nl if the de-emphasls ball keeps ....tti.... In- nl lnl tinrl nf Ihe 3t. del unci leiims to gel back Into the BWlm Hits year. AM) IV the Irend continues, the next lew years should see lootbnll back lo normal and nearly nil the terms thai lo piny back In moleskins. ' it. cutis nntl alumni of Loyola have rnllied to the cause mid .an gled up 60 grand t'other nlrtht In lc:-s time than It takes lo tell nbotil II to pill the Lions back ill the lootbn)l picture. 11 would bo nice again looking Just al tho local scene, the Const lo see 81. Mary's, Portland, Oon r.aea ahd USP follow suit. PCC Hchools can help by sched uling these schools, Santa Clara Is now the only Catholic Independent still hiuiRHii; on. The strange pint of It all Is that none oi these schools were ever really small-fry. , Ucnwiiuu, first lo go tho way of commercialism on the Coast, had a reputation as the West's mighti est giant-killer. t'iie olhera are Always tough and St, Mary's and Santa Clarn have lung fielded top (light teams. IT MAY bo gelling somewhat off the bcalcn track to mention this but publicity has again played r large part In strnlghlenliig out IlllUKIll.U IUOIUIIII iiicliiiu. Harry Clrnysnn, NEA sports edi tor (National Edltorinl Association, recently ran n. Herle.s of articles ihpt hit print in papers throughout tne noiicin. The hard hitting articles con eerned college "pressure football", tiraycon, not one to null punches, didn't pull any In this enlighten ing series that proved how col eges have drawn together on their campuses footbnll teams good enough to scrap for the national title. A hush-hush policy has never helped. Orayson brought tho facts out Into the clear spotlight of truth. And don't think collcgei conches and presidents didn't squirm. Seems to mo Grayson helped the nation's football brass see llio "handwriting on tho wnll". Commerrlnllvm in fonlball Is threatening to swnllow the sport completely. Look lor a turn-nbout fnce ln 1032. I'll bo the first to give such a move toward de-emphasis a couple Pf heartfelt "huzzas". Oil McDougaltl, ''eccntly voted the American League's ton rookie, was r,lr bankethall player 111 high school lu San Francisco. Pells IU1 umboldf Ecoes Horton High In 61-29 Win By It I I) III Hi) A free . whcelliiK Pelican cane Irani til.ipohr'l o llif InvutllliK llniil Litvn Hears In winchiiliiul liiMilon ln.-.t lilnht bv Ol-Ml count. The two tennis mix attain to. nliiht al approximately 8: 15. Thr KUI1H Jayvccs inecl notianza of Hi" K In iiii th county H IcaKiie In u ic tl:H5 prrlin ilnn ry on Pelican court. DeMiiln the enc-wav hcoi'p. the " Hut Jerry Johnson made It 4-1 for Klemnth I-'ull.t on u hci shot and thn f'ellcnnx lound (heir stride mid tnrtid to byUil Irom there. Ihe Hend Imjvs kept Hny Hel from hrenkiiiK Into the lime In the firm ciuurter btjt Johnson hit tor two more from fur out und Jack lloilon, who finished with IS and liifth-polnt honors, hooked In four .told KOuls- to take up Uie slack and Ihe Pels ended the first Irsnic rroii was riHiu DPiuna Morion core: llfMl lUni.llan. f ITeiiann, f iiiiIh, r liiii.en. s Hunt. Itekervri: liy ICiirkaon ..... arlio.Aoiv it pr tr I i i . I 0 ll 2 . u II II I. I 0 1 3 II 7 II. II i ii i r ri ti- nuuen 'niuna Tntl hi AM V I II Hell. I . lloilon, f ... C'airoll. c . Johnkon. s . Solum, a ... lie .ei ver. I'enre (Illnmrt fieiu-h K. Mocchlnl llArrnn . . Summer I. Klocrhlnl l.undalen I'lher ii 1.1 i i ToInU j.l n la ill lliilllime trore: Klxnuilli 2.1 Hend a. Mined tree throw: Hend S itlenaon :. .Smpl 1. Uiuren Si; Klanntli 7 (Hell I, llorlon .1. Johniion 1, Young 1. Oil more In OlflcUlii Blihop and Kelt. Irom, Jayhawks Jar Jayvee Quint Hy HAROLD Mt-KAY The Jnyhnwk Oilers rolled over I ho Klamath junior varsity, 55-311, In tho preliminary to tho Pelican Bend game last night on Pelican Court. The Oilers led nil the wnv, hold in,, ii 0:!.I7 lnnrl l,-v.Tnll. ,cit wlt, ln points. Teammate Bud Bnnta had 17. Sophomore guard Don Mills wns hlRh for the Jayvecs with 10. llos irore: .IAVIIAUM (M) (.1!) JAVVKi:a llnrer n f 4 Ftnrron nrnwn 4 4 DnuKherlv Dve 19 C 7 Kelln- 'niln 17 f! a Delroll Bryant (I 10 Mill. nwk siil4 Klma S. GIK-hiil 2. Pilteroon. .Tsyvce nL- rw' gs n. Sum mer 2. Mnll. Flnnlgnn. l!nlfllm tcoitt Jayhnwki 20, Jnyveok 17. IAST NIGHT Bv The Associated Press New York Chlco Vcjnr, H6 'i, Stamford. Conn, outpointed En rique Bolunos, 143, Pasadenn, Cal- ll. iu. Hollywood, Cnllf Lnuro Snlas, I 12U. Monlerrev. Mexico, and Bobby ! Why, 127 H, Santa Barbara, Calif., I arew, iu. i West Palm Beach, Pin Alex I Flmbrcls, 123, Phoenix, knocked I out Chill Canloro,. 127, Havana, 4. I Hoymice Bend mmk Pi FIGHT FOR BALL Bend's Jerry Erickson (26) and Klam ath's towering Ralph Carroll (35) fight for rebound last nijjht on Pelican court and Carroll seems to have the say so. Jerry Hamilton (31) looks on. The Pels won handily, Gl-29. , . mp hucp, leotr; ono . Script Followed In County Loop Opening Trotans AnHers Win Pushed By Mlm Sac red Henri Acnoemv nip-nno-lucKcd hs wuy to an ojienlng conn tv loop basketball victory over Ma lm by a 51-47 edge last ntghl in ihe Trojan gym. , In a slew iirst half the Muttnngs knotted the count three times, but wa.'c never able to forse ahead of the Trojan's 11-4 first quarter margin. Academy held a two-point, no-la linlilimc advantage. With .slilfiy Wayne Ncubcrt, Tro jan guard, leading the way with 17 points the Trojans race-horsed lo a 34-26 count at the three-quarter mark. Towering Wayne Rick, top scorer lor the night with 20 counters, al most gave his Mustang nmes a i nial victory. But time ran short in a comparatively foul-free contest wh:cli saw 6 lculs each chalked up lo both clubs. Jim Mahoncy was second high for the Academy with 16 and Bob Stevenson followed Rick for Malin with 11. In a B-team preliminary game, Malin swamped the Trobabcs, 43-23. . . i Tore: MAI. IN HI) 1,111 SAC. II T W. IIIrK 20 T Id .Mahone.v Mnrlten B F 3 Heidcrer Stevenson 11 C 2 Wcisell Pari 4 n a Beard V. Rlrk 0 li 17 Ncu'ierl Millln H'lM.-Mnuney. Sncred Henri ulu Howard 4. Pratt 1. llalftllne ttrarc Sacred ..carl 20 Malin 18. Chiloquin Beats Bly dene Gentry potted 18 counters to lend his Chiloquin mates to a 52-31 win over Bly In a league opener for both teams last night on the winners' court. The game was nip and tuck the Panthers holding a 34-26 lend nl Ihe end of three frames until Chiloquin broke loose lor a scoring binge in tho last chapter. Chiloquin also won tho B prelim over Bly by a 55-25 score. Ho:: ac?rB: , III.V lllll (33) CIIII.OOCIN Weiell II F Parker ' brmti S 11 David Martin 4 C la Clenlrv nillavnu .1 C. 11 Varten Hutchinson 9 C! DuBola Bly miba L'hrnp .ler. S?.iatrona. Chll i. n ath-foe 4, Nicholson 8. Hes rock. llniftlme scorn Chlloqula . 22 Bly 18. FINISH LINK MOVI'.D HALLANDALE, Fla.. i-4'i In an ticipation of the opening of the new club house nt Uultstrcam JiM'k. the finish line at the race course was moved 29 feet closer to the stand. All the ropes around Ihe strip were al-o moved a simi lar distance. This will give club house pni roils a better view of the iintsii. mo old camera booth stop Ihe grnndslnnd Is being switched Into nn announcer's stand. IT'S POOLE'S , For ' SKISond SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS Irom $9.75 In Rough Go In n rough game marked bv 67 fouls, the Bonanza Antlers avenged its recent non-league cage loss to Henley last nijiht at Bonanza by a 63-41 count. This was the league opener for both teams. I Irwin Crume and Don Hubble teamed up to score 14 points each as the Antlers led all the way. i Nine players were benched for an over-quota of personal louls ' live for Henley and four for Boniiiizn. Henley wus hurt in the first half when Gordon Ramsey I was thumbed to the sidelines in the first quarter, Don Anderson ln I the second. Bonanza lost Crume, ' Chandler and Marhn Wilson in Uie third frame. Jim DeVore was high for Henley with 12. Henley won Uie junior varsity preliminary game, 3S-32. Jos ccare: III M i l 111) (031 BONANZA Anderson 4 F 14 Crume Hill I F 14 Hubble Jonei 4 C 7 Chandler Ranniev 4 CI 11 Halcv Lehlo 2 U 2 Wilson Henlt-y ut- Case 3, Hnye 5. De Vore 12. 2. Yaden 4. Bonan za suba De 10. Barney 3. Lugo. .aw ter 2. Halftim acore Bonanza 37 Henley 17. Huskies Win On Rally Merrill Is counting its first bas kclball victory today after a de termined scoring binge In the last three minutes last night gave the Huskies a 40-38 win over Gilchrist in a Klamath county league opener on the Merrill floor. Trailing 10 points with three min utes left on the clock, Bill Wel shans canned three buckets and Oick Reeves hit to give Uie Hus kies a 30-38 lead. Wes Hasklns add ed a free throw for good measure. Wclshans ended high with 12 fol lowed by John O'Neil with 11 for Merrill. Gilchrist's' Freeman was high for the evening with 16. Merrill also won the B prelim inary game, 26-22. Box acore: (iii.riiRisT (s (40) Miami i. Freeman 18 F 11 O'Neil Wllllngham 4 F fl Hasklns Bradcr 11 C 2 Winters Sine 1 tl 2 Reeves Bliss 9 O .1 HendrU-ksni Gilchrist subs -- Garrick 1. Men".! subs Welshan 12. Honeycutt 2. Hall- iwe score Ullcnrm 24 Slerrlll 22. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES ond SERVICE 11th Klamath Ph.2-2581 wis Sutphin Ejected In Fight Don Butphln led the Orctech Owls with 19 points last nlht but ho also got himself thumbed to the showers In a mix with Humboldt guard Ray Mechals In the fourth frame and tcilny the Owls arc looking- back on a 67-63 defeat by the Lumberjacks. The game was played on Hum boldt's Areata, Calif., floor. A re match In scheduled lor tonight. The game was nip and tuck all the way and 8utphln'B ejection could have made some difference. The score was tied three times In the last half. After a mad scramble for the ball. Sutphin was booted out by the officials when he and Mechals squared off. Mechals stayed In th game. Dick Stacy, substitute, led Hum boldt with 18 as the Lumberjacks posted a 34-26 lead at the half. Just three minutes were left on the big clock when the Owls knot ted the count for the third time after Intermission at 59-all. bnortiy afler that Sutphin and Mechals staged their extra-curricular rhubarb. rfox icore: III MIIOI.IJT F(; ,t ,.r Tp Wallace. I 0 0 1 12 ftunnwny, I 4 3 2 11 Andenon. c .... 2 1 .1 Mediate, i . .. e 2 4 14 riemnung, f 2 1 a s Urtervei: Stcy Oliver Totriln . OHI1 1;( II Ptnkiey. t .. f Duncan, c Sulphin, g Genetin. g He ivcrvej; Schubert Humphrey Holzfuu .8 2 3 1ft 1 0 2 2 21 9 20 67 KJ IT PK TP 2 2 2 0 ft 14 3 19 3 10 0 2 0 2 1 2 Total ... 25 13 21 63 lUlfme score Humboldt Z2 Oreson Tech 29. Matmen Wallop Cavemen Floyd Pierce and Doug Camp bell, light heavy and heavyweignt for the Klamath Falls wrestling team, came through with fall vic tories yesterday at Grants Pass as the Pelicans won a practice meet from the Cavemen, 31-25. The Pels were trailing. 25-31. when the last two matches came up. Pierce threw B. Towne and Campbell flopped M. Masters to pull out the win for the Pels. In o; r matches, Conner (KF1 threw Logan (GP), Norton (GPI threw Keady IKPI, Shearer KF) decisioned Brown (GPi, Dsxter (KF) decisioned Zalltnla (GP), Dollarhide (GP) threw Gutman (KFi. Newman (GP) threw Dear Ing (KFi, Wells (KFi threw Leviah (GP), EHis (KFi threw D. Camp bell iGP) and Treby (GP threw Simmers (KFi. Louie Taucher was Injured and forfeited his match to Grants Pass' Carrothers. Winning exhibitions Jor the Pels were Orville Swindler; last year's state champion: Don Bichn, Larry Matthews, Perry Williams, Dean Johnson and Elvis Mitchell. Klamath's George Bradford and Don Shell lost exhibition matches. Sam Wilbur drew in an exhibi tion. Vikings ip EOCIE LA GRANDE. Ore., Wi A nip-and-tuck basketball game was bro ken up with three minutes left to play Friday night when Vanport's Emery Barnes tipped in a basket that started his teammates to an 83-72 win over Eastern Oregon Col lege of Education. The score at the time of the tie-breaker was 68-68. Vanport had held a 44-36 halftime edge. Manager Tommy Holmes of the Boston Braves plans to retain his status as a player in 1952. It will be his 11th season with the Braves. Aitamont : Jr. f 50c W YORG CRETORIAN ... in debut here BeScastro, German In potlight Even basketball moves over next week to make room for wrestling in the local sports spotlight. Lecause Pete Belcastro, a magic name in Klamath Falls wrestling circies, comes back to the armory to headline an all-star card. Matchmaker Buck Davidson, pinch-hitting for Mack Lillard, is handing the Mauling Milkman a tough assignment in his comeback u out beicastro is a guy who is always ready. The Weed Assassin tangles with German Kurt Von Poppenheim. currently slugging a wide path through Northwest contenders with nis rough style. HIS BUSINESS But roughness Is Belcastro's bus lness. That's the reason the Weed wreiycer was Klamath's Number 1 drawing card for many years. He's Mr. Wrestling as far back as the old-timers can remember. Parting on the mat warpath when he was just 16. Belcastro is now only 38 (a squea from 39) and still explosive. it's a dynamic match that touches off the new year. Castle oerry's arugs, ticket headquarters, is preparing for a landslide sale of reserves tickets for Wednesday night's match. iJavidson has gone all out to land a top-drawer supporting card for me one-hour main event. UNORTHODOX Tne 4j-minute semi-windup puts together two wrestlers who have never been accused of orthodoxy in the ring Hurrican Herb Parks and Gene Blakely. Blakely, a rugged rodeo perform er. ioo his lumps from Herb's brother Billy on the last card here colore the Christmas holidays and he's out to avenge the loss at me expense of Herb. But getting rough with Herb usually orings lumps. Billy (The Kid) Parks returns In tile opener against Yorg Cretorian, an Armenian lad who has been impressive m recent showings in Northwest rings. Willamette, Cats Win By The Associated Press Oregon teams copped both North west Conference basketball games I Friday night in conference open ers at Caldwell and Walla Walla. Williamette University's Bear cats showed strength In drubbing College of Idaho 48-31 at Cald well, although the Coyotes did suc ceed in slowing; the fastbreaking Salem quintet by some deliberate ball handling. Williamette led from early in the first period and never appeared in danger. At Walla Walla, a freer-scoring contest saw Linfield's Wildcats beat the Whitman Missionaries 61-53 aft er the Northern squad wilted .In the second half. The Whitman five held a 29-27 halftime edge. The same teams meet again Sat urday night. Duke University's defensive line held the Wake Forest gridders to a minus three yards rushing ln the second half of their recent game. JANUARY 11TH PAYLESS DRUG vs. WEED 8 P.M. WEED "B" CLUB VS ' HILLTOP CAFE 7 P.M. High Gym CAGE SCORES ' College Basketball By The Aaaoelated Press FAR WKST Idaho 56 Washington 51 Wyoming 71 Alberta 46 UCLA 81 Stanford 63 California 65 Sothern California 55 Oregon State 53 Washington State 45 Portland 70 Oonzaga 56 Seattle Pacific 67 Northwest Na- zarene 65 (overtime) Willamette 48 College of Idaho 31 Central Washington 52 Western Wash 47 Santa Clara 69 Fresno State 63 Southern Oregon 59 Oregon Col lege 52 Pacific Lutheran 62 Eastern Wash 58 Humboldt State 67 Oregon Tech 63 Linfield 61 Whitman 53 Puget Sound 48 British Columbia 42 EAST Colgate 57 Bucknell 53 Connecticut 59 Wayne (Mich) 58 Trinity 73 Bowdoin 71 Rhode Island 72 Maine 33 SOUTH Furman 55 Miami (Fla) 53 George Washington 90 Wake For est 63 South Carolina 76 Davidson 61 MIDWEST Oklahoma A&M 52 DePaul 49 Houston 42 Tulsa 41 SOUTHWEST Southwest Texas 58 Baylor 56 Texas Tech 87 Arizona State (Flag staff) 50 Oregon Prep Basketball P.oseburg 56 Myrtle Point 23 Drain ou Oakland 37 Gervais 47 Detroit 45 Pendleton 47 Kenewlck, Wash. 37 St. Helens 55 Clatskanie 42 Scappoose 66 SeasVle 42 Oregon City 54 Hillsboro 44 Falls City 52 Philomath 50 (over time Sweet Home 53 Lebanon 42 Marshfield 45 Grants Pass 42 Rogue River 39 Illinois Valley 35 Central Catholic (Portland 58 Til lamook 40 Franklin Portland 34 Camas Wash. 32 WY-East 64 Columbia Prep (Port land 58 Willamina 40 Sherwood 36 The Dalles 55 La Grande 49 Dallas 40 Estacada 37 Toledo 51 Siuslaw 36 Canby 53 Sandy 32 McKenzie 33 Pleasant Hill 30 Woodburn 52 Sllverton 46 Parkdale 43 Moro 36 Eugene 48 University (Eugene 41 Cottage Grove 42 Springfield 40 Rufus 50 Mosier 40 Rainier 44 Vernonia 33 Brownsville 34 Sclo 26 Sublimity 52 Chemawa 45 Corvallis 54 Albany 44 Harrlsburg 47 Halsey 40 Knappa 37 Star of the Sea (As toria 36 Klamath Falls 61 Bend 29 Dayton 47 Amity 34 Junction City 55 Willamette (Eu gene 47 Sheridan 46 Banks 29 McMinnvllle 63 Beaverton 23 Newberg 41 Forest Grove 34 Astoria 61 North Bend 53 Central Union 48 Cascade 37 Portland U. Frosh 61 Grant (Port and 38 McLaren School for Boys (Wood burn 57 Sisters 38 Tigard 53 West Linn 46 Vancouver Wash. 54 Roosevelt Portland 63 Garibaldi 54 Oregon College Frosh Crater 55 Ashland 46 Westport 87 Jewell 25 Cascade Locks 46 Hood River B 44 Evashevski Answer Due Tomorrow SPOKANE Ml VnrAs) ft.W ski will decide by Sunday whether! he'll be back next fall as football! coach at Washington State College, i 'he president of the WSC board of i tegents said today. Evashevski and the board chair-' man, James McCluskev. conferred ! for two hours here yesterday after 1 the coach told newsmen he has ; been contacted by other schools but i has made no effort to get any offers. "Mr. Evashevski Is to let me ' know within 48 hours probably Sunday what his decision is," Mc Cluskcy said. 'I'm hopeful he will stay but I don't know. The situation is just the same." There have been persistent re ports that the young coach, now in his second year of a five-year con tract at WSC. was dissatisfied with certain phases of the Washington State Athletic setup and was con sidering offers from two Big Ten schools, Iowa and Indiana. Sherman Howard of the New York grid Yanks earned football and track letters at the U. of Iowa before switching to Nevada U. i TIRE CHAINS REPAIRED OR MADE TO ORDER CAR HEATERS SOUTH-WIND GAS HEATERS . REPAIRED - OR INSTALLED NEW SOUTH-WINDS WITH DASH CONTROL AND FRESH AIR VENTILATION SAWDUST TIRES Bill Davis Associated Service 2101 South 6th St. Vandals Surprise Huskies SEATTLE im Tho basketball team that ranks third In this week's national AP poll tied lor last In tho Northern Division of the Pacific Coast Conference to day. The nation's No. 3 team, the University of Washington Huskies, failed to awe the Idaho Vandals Friday night and lost a 5641 con test to the hard-driving Invaders. It was the first time Washington had lost on Its home floor ln 24 starts. In the Northern Division's oth er opening contest, the always tough Oregon Slate College Beav ers coasted to a 53-45 victory over Washington State at Corvallis, Ore. The same teams play again to night at Corvallis and Seattle. Idaho was "In" with Tommy Flynn and Herb Millard. The two' men, members of Coach Chuck Flnley's second platoon, spear headed the Vandal victory. It was Flynn who potted tho basket that gave Idaho a 29-29 standoff with the Huskies at halftime. It was Millard's free throw that gave the Vandals the 38-37 lead in the third quarter that they stretched Into their five-point bulge at the end. Washington had the scoring leaders. Bob Houbregs caged ltf points and teammate Doug Mc Clary had 15. But among the Idaho array were 10 points apiece by Flynn and big center Hartley Kru ger. At Corvallis the Beavers grabbed an early lead against W.S.C. and built it up. after the Cougars en joyed a 7-2 edge briefly. By half time the Beavers were ln front, 25-18. While Coach Jack Frlel alter nated his two platoons of Cougars, the Beavers continued to pile up their lead. Forward Jim Padgett accounted for 17 O.S.C. points. Pete Mullins, the Australian basketeer wi'h t-- Pullmanltes, led the losers with 13. Basin Cage Loop Opens Monday Nite The Klamath Basin Independent basketball league, bloated to 12 teams by the entry of Bly and the Mormons (LDS) of Malin and Tule lake. takes off Monday night in a swirl of six games on three fronts involving all 12 quintets. The Bly iioor win see Merrill VFW against the Bly Townies in the 8 o'clock opener and Dorris against the Beatty Lakers ln the aiterplece. Klamath Sons tangle with the Tulelake Inn team and Chiloquin and Malin town teams mix ln tne doubleheader at Malin. Keno will host Sprague River while the Mormons scrap with the Jayhawks in the third twin bill of the evening. The league will operate on a single round-robin basis with play offs tentatively set for Feb. 14-18 at a site to be named by League Pres. Harold Hendrlckson and the board of directors. The last year of the Big1 Ten's new three-year Rose Bowl agree ment with the Pacific Coast Con ference will cover the first season (1953) that Michigan State com petes for the Western Conference football title. DOES YOUR PIGGY-BANK RATTLE? Did you save as much a you anticipated during the past year? How much have you saved in the last ten years? If your savings plan Is bogging down you need a systematic method something along the lines of an endowment policy of the Sun Life Assurance Com pany of Canada. Start saving today ... the sure way. Ph 7777 today! Duane Baker Dirt. Aft. SUN LIFE Duane Baker P ho n. 3413 I J