I SATURDAY, .IANUAIIY B, 10B2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN m mm ;.'.'' '-'4 '4'" ENGAGEMENT From Seattle comes tho nnwo of thfl cnxirjoincnt of Mury Lou Monixu, daughter of Mr. mid Mre, B. L, Mnnrao, Hciittlc, ti) Joseph Cunhy, mm ol Mm. II. E. Conby, u,.c(.,n,cr 27 iiml the Ir.lo Mr. Conby, Corvalln Tiny ncrol's ciinluliilnit the an nouncement were pawed out to each kuc:1 ly the nlcco uf Ilia bridc-c'.cct, Lynn l'edcrsoii, Mury I.011. In a former music teacher In the Kli' ninth Falls pUb- IIC fl,'llOO'H. I3I1C IH U pi UUM.iiu ui r WnnhliiKon HUite Collide, wncrc DeMolay Annual Sno-Bell Dance Tho D-Molny Biio-Ball dame at Realties Ooi; mid Country Club on wtix a ftur-liil event of the (.cuiioii lor lounauins. I Barbara Arnold vus crowned queen und her court Included: liarbiini Custer, Dorothy Collier, iJenn Dunlitvy end Bet'y Karncx. I Chapcrones lor (lie evening wcro ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jonci, Mr, and William Milne, Mr. mid Mrs. Chaiictt Bouncy, Mr, and Mr. .Charles Frlcdcl, Mr. und Mrs. Frank Tarr, Mr. and Mrn, Charles (Cookls) Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. II. ;0. Primer, Mr. and Mm. Joo 'Ilioin'ta, Mr, and Mrs. John Albce alio wan a incnibcr ol Alpha cm Omnia r.orority, Mil Phi ICpidlon, iiiu.Mo lioiiorury, und PI Lamda I Theta,' education honorary. At Iho ! preunit time 11I10 In on the Htalf j -or me pmmc acnooin m i-oruu..u . M M NerBCth. as inulo Uncter. , won) prc!ldent f Mr. Cosby In a graduate o( Ore-1 R,.am,,H Ml. vejnar and (foil Btalo College where he was MrKi vvclmur, the board o dlrcc u'fllluted with Beta Thcla PI, Ho 'mrn mid their vivc, Mr. and Mrn. In on the teaching nli.fr of the Porl-lM''"''-. land public! -.hool. A June wed- ;f. V.oadt;. Mr. ,md Mr frank h. 11 i iiiiiiiFd iMoccbar and Ur. and Mru, C. J. t . . HHM.-v.rr,tJ MR. AKD MP.S. S. L. MONROE of Seattle announeo Hit! eiiKaisenicnl of their (latiyhtci'. Miiiy Lou, to Joseph Coshv, son of Mim. II. V- Cosby and Hit! lale Mr. Cosby, Corvallis. Tlie nnws was roverl(.l lit an informal sorority ilinrier parly Kiven at tb liritlo-elect's home in Seattle, December Ti. A June weiltling h ph'iincil. Photo by Kcimell-Ellis, Seattle , THE QUEEN'S COURT and young men guests at the DeMolay Sno-Ball which brought out some of the prettiest formals and smart masculine attire seen in many a holiday. From the left, Betty Karnes, Ronald Kinmark, Jean Dunlavy, Lyle Mills, Dorothy Col lier, Marvin Nerseth, Barbara Custer and Clayton Hannon. Photo by Carlson MR. AND MKS. HAROLD DUANE HANSEN, whose mar riaRO was solemnized at the First Christian Church, Decem ber 20, when Rev. George Aider read the service at 7:30 ) m. before invited guests and members of the family. Photo by Ferebec DONNA EACRET BRIDE OF HAROLD DUANE HANSEN First Christian Church was the setting for the marriage of Donna Eaeret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eacrct, 3033 Lotli, to Harold Duanc Hansen, Tulclake, sfln of Mr. and Mrs. Hans K. Hansen, Pine City, Minn. Rev. George Alder read the service at 7:30 p.m. December 20 before an altar decorated with yellow pompon chrysanthemums, white daisies and green.!. Donna wore n Moor lene.!h Rown 0' white Kltpper stain, with lace oko trimmed In seed pearls, loiiu Mecvcs with pointed wrisui. Her llngertln IciiRih veil was ludd 111 place with a crown cup' trimmed 111 rhlncstcnes and her bouquet was two white orchids with pink throats oil a while Hlbl". Her Jewelry was n sti-lnn of pearls, iilfl of the bride (iroom. She , was escorted to the 'allar by her father, who gave her In maiTlnnr. v . Maid on honor was Viva Max 'trell, In n yellow laco dvess. She carried a bouquet of yellow and white chrysanthemums tied with green Fatlii ribbon. Joy Fair bridesmaid, wore Rieen nalln and her bouquet wan yellow chrysanthemums wllh yellow rib bons. Geneva Prince, the other brides- Christmas Party T.ANOELL VALLEY Mr. mid Mrs. Louis Staller entertained with a Christmas parly at their home on the cvenhm of December !!2. Pinochle was enjoyed until ft late hour with a bullet supper nerved at Ihc close of cards. There was a Rift exchanoe with SanUi present. Oucsts were Mr. mid Mrs. Ocorfro Fernlund, Mr, and Mrs. Joo Potucc!e, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bclimcdll, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ran dall,1 and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Hchmedli. maid, wore pink mitin and carried a bouquet exactly as the other bridesmaid's. Best man was Ronnie Plncc mid ushers wcrc Dolbert Yordy. who also acted as candlclishlcrs. For her dauKhtcr'x weddlntt. Mrs. Eiicrcl chose a roynl blue dress Iwlth black accessories. Her vor sap;o was of white carnations with cold ribbon. Mrs. Hansen, the brldeirroom s mother was unnblo to attend. Tho reception was held at the church Immediately after the cere mony. Loulsn Walkley poured cof fee, Wynemla Redden cut tho cake, Myrtlce' Prince was at the punch bowl and Yvonna Kirkpatrlck mid Donna Peterson assisted with the Ktiest book and gifts. ponv Mnynes accompanied oy Oeraldeiio Johnson sanir "I Love You Truly." Both are Horn Tulclake. For her 00 in nwav coslumc. the bride wore a brown suit with gold and brown accessories. The new Mr. and Mis. Hansen went to Pine City, Minn., to visit with the bride- Broom s parents, who were unable to attend their son's wcddlnff. They will bo at home In Tulelako after January. SNO-BALL QUEEN AT THE DEMOLAY F ORMAL Barbara Arnold with Paul Jones, Master Councelor, who had crowned her queen just before the picture was taken. Photo by Carlson v cm svjnrT''' si&Mi,. ...'1 tin " ' ' MRS. CHARLES FOSTER LING JR., who was recently married in Portland, is the former Jcsalce Keffelcr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procbstel,, Ely. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosterling of Spanaway, Washington. MIRIAM CIRCLE Miriam Circle of the First Pres byterian Church had a holiday meeting and potluck dinner at the church December 27. Mrs. R. H. Dunbar led the devo tions and called upon Mrs. J. B. Reed, Mrs. Marguerite Parker, Mrs. Hal Agle and Mrs. Fred Flet cher to speak on "What Christmas Means to Me." Mrs. C. E. Dennis reported on the gift the circle gave to all in valid, Instead of exchanging gilts. Mrs. W. B. DeWitt read minutes of n meeting of the group held Just 17 years ago. Greetings were read from Mrs. Effie Ridcout, a former member, now living? In Portland. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Genevieve Kettcnbach rtt the piano and "Happy Birthday" for Mrs. Ada Sparrcton, Mrs. C. E. Dennis and Mis. Ella McMillan. The next meeting will be held in the church on January 24 with Mrs. Marlon Hanks and Mrs. Delia Schrocder as hostesses. Mrs. Logan I" --'- vin leid the devotions and KCV. uavid narneii. wtu bpcHA u .. --..ew Year" theme. Returns to School Glen C. Miller, who spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, 1739 Blsbso St., has returned to St. Louis to resume his studies at Washington Medical School. CHRISTMAS HAY RIDE LANGELL VALLEY Judy and Sherry Crawford entertained at their home on Christmas eve for members of the choir of St. Barn abas Church. Loyd Crawford fixed a truck with hay and took Uicm all carol ing. They made the loop around Langcll Valley stopping at the homes and singing Christmas songs. They returned to the Crawford home where Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Wilfred Noble had delicious refreshments ready for the group. Those present were Rev. Gordon shbce, Roy Ashbee, June Noble, Catherine Dearborn, Leah Dye, El wood Dye, EUicl Perry, Charlotte Noble, Sandra Lindsay, Joan Key ser, Mary Leavitt, Judy, Sherry and Tommy Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Noble, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford. ' '!? fit I j Y r')''8' M At. -v- DEMOLAY SNO-BALL FORMAL at Ream es Golf and Country Club, December 27, was a highlight of the holiday season from the left, Tom Humble, guest, Bill Milne, Mrs." Milne and Mrs. Marvin Nerseth, chaperon es. Photo by Carlson ... DELPHIANS Delta Gamma Chapter of Del phians will meet next Tuesday, January 8, at 9:45 a.m. at the YMCA. The program is entitled "Ball, is the Rose of the Winds." The leader will be Mrs. Andrew Collier, and the following members will open these discussions: The Floating World of Ball, Mrs. Rob ert Elllngson Jr.: The Charming Balinese, Mrs. Charles Larkin: s Million-Year Heritage, Mrs. Frank Weaver: Village Life of Bali, Mrs. H. E. Getz; and Recretlon and Re ligion, Mrs. A. G. Goehring. SHAW STATIONERY 7J9 Moln WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Engraved 01 Emboti4 en lineit quality poptr. 4 DAY SERVICE! Alto cups, plotei, nopklnl for (ho reception. CONVERT YOUR OLD COTTON MATTRESS Don't buy a new mattress! ! Carlson's XXSZ, into a 312 coil INNERSPRING A 59.95 CA ' Quality 2405 So. 6th Save with Carlson'i Phone 4510 M. K. GREGORY CLINIC 2115 Orchard Ave. Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 9 AGNES KEESEE Medical Masseuse 7 A.M. to 12 NOON MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY GIVING FOR WOMEN ONLY 1. MASSAGE 2. EXERCISES 3. WEIGHT LIFTING FOR APPOINTMENT, Ph. 3663 or 5506 N For body buiding,. Re ducing and Relaxation Hours of steam baths and hours for men to be announced later. TUSSY WIND AND WEATHER LOTION large 2 size now only jf regular $I size ?l7 1 WIND ,t ! 2k Fl 1 mmtK I LOTION limited lime only A V.'.: , 'I 'rrfrw Handy family carton Six $1 size bottles now only $3 At tliis special price put away a year's supply! Use it as an all-over lotion 1 l'inlc, fragrant, creamy... it helpj protect against weather irritation . . . makes hands, elbows, heels, legs feel silken smooth. Wonderful as a potvdcrbax,too! rmrrm SPECIAL SALE ' ' TIICCV Uflkln Aun UE ATUED HAND CREAM $125 Regularly $2, now only 1 . Especially created for those who prefer hand cream . . . with all the wonderful skin-beautifying properties of the lotion. CURRIN'S for drugs Phone 2-3475