t SATURDAY, JANUARY B, in3il PAGE SIX HF.RALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r i I ?, y A 7 -iiiumf ' A lift T- v -I'll- 1 J y- ; ' ' v 1 . : I 'j 1 Jr . &a filililMJ HIT, INTRODUCING RANDY AND RIXEY BALSIGER, twins who will be six years eld Janu ary 25, with Elmer Balsiger, who needs no introduction. From the absorbed expressions in the picture they could be gazing into a crystal ball, seeing future happenings of 1952. Photo by Miller-Brumbaugh KLAMATH GIRL HOLIDAY BRIDE IN PORTLAND A holiday marriage in Portland was solemnized recently, when Jes a!ee Keffeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Proebstel, Bly, became the bride of Charles Fosterling Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fos terling. Spanaway, Washington Dr. Richard M. Steiner of the First Unitarian Church read the service at 8 p.m.. December 22, at' the home of Miss Patti Lincoln. Only immediate family and c'.ose friends of the couple were present. The living room of the Lincoln home was decorrted with Christ mas greens and lighted tr.pers. Miss Lee Zoller, Miss Randi Raanes and Miss Patty Lincoln served the cake and assisted about the room. Mr. and Mrs. Fosterling Jr.. are students at Reed College, and will continue their attendance until oe' ins graduated next year their address is 4635 S. E. 23th avenue, Portland, Oregon. Patrick Hennon Trudy Eberhardt To Wed in January New Year holiday guests at the Francis Hannon home in Tulelake were Catherine Krumlinde, sister of Mrs. Hannon of Richmond, Cali fornia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han non, Heiieley, Marion Lighthouse, Oakland, Trudy Eberhardt, Ocean Park, Wash., and Pat and Bill Han non home from the University of California. Trudy and Patrick Hannon will be married on January 26 at Sea View Wash. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Eberhardt, Ocean Park. A student at the Uni versity of Oregon, she is a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. They will live In Berkeley, where Pat is working for his Ph. D. at the Uni versity of California under the of fice of Naval Research Contract for the Environmental Physioiogy. and is a teaching assistant at that university. NORMA DELORIE AND her fiance, Roy H. Butcher, who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dutcher, 528 Pacific Terrace, over the holidays, were guests of honor Sunday, December 30, at an "Open House" when Norma met about fifty of Roy's Klamath Falls friends. They have planned a June wedding. Both of them live in Medford at the Dres ent time. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Delorie, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Phoio by Kettler Rainbow For Girls To Be Instituted . The newly formed Klamath Falls Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for girls will be instituted at 1:30 p.m. at the 100F Hall, Sunday, January 6. Institution will be followed by Initiation of charter members. All Master Masons and Eastern Star members are Invited. Installation of officers, which Is open to the public will take place at 3:30 p.m. Vernon Bowmans Visit Family Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bowman of Portland, and their children, j Ruth and Forrest, spent the holi days visiting with Mr. Bowman's parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Bjw-1 man of Merrill, and Mrs. Bow-1 man's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dale j Rexford, 611 Delta. i Mr. Bowman atendcvl high school ' In Merrill and is a graduate of j the university of oregen. He Is teaching In Portland at the present time. Rotarian Yule Dance The dance sponsored by the Ro tarians for college, students and their friends home for the Christ mas holidays at the Villard Hotel. December 28 was attended by over 50 couples. The crowd of your.g people en Joyed dancing to Sync Halaas' mu sic from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight. Punch and sandwiches were rerveU during the evening. Chaaerones present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prock. Rotarian officers present were: Mr. Warren Bennet, president, and Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Scott Warren, vice president, and Mrs. Warren, Mr. O. K. Puckett, member of the board of directors, and Mrs. Puckett. MR. AND MRS. DAVID GERALD KING, who were married in M. Paul s Episcopal church, December 17. Rev. V. C. Wissenbach read the double ring service. The bride is the former Thirza Elizabeth Glidden. Photo by Kendall Betty Glidden Bride Of Jerry King at St. Pauls St. Paul's EniscoDal church was the scene of the wed ding of Thirza Elizabeth (Betty) Glidden to David Gerald (Jerry) King December 17. Rev. F. C. Wisscnbrdi, formerly of this city and now of Bend, read the double rinj service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis A. Glidden, 4505 Denver, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David S. King, Medford. The bride's gown was of white' salln, with lace yoke, long pointed sleeves and a court train. Her fin gertip ell was held with an ar- P I ; - v " . Y ' A' X i , 4, ' I. 't ' MARY LOUISE SEXTON, whoso engagement was announced at a family Christmas pnrly at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Sexton, 2:(r Hiversidu lnu Her 'fiance is Lt. Gillette E. Gordon, now stationed now at Ft. Benning. He is th sou of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gordon, Berkeley. The brido-clect is a member of a prominent Klamath Basin family, and her engagement snouncemcnt is of Interest to her many local friends. She is a graduate of University of Oregon, and her husband Is a graduate'of the University of California. An early spring wedding is planned. Photo by Fehly, Eugene Eulalona Chapter DAR EIGHT ET FORTY First meeting In for Eulalona chapter. Dnunhtrra of I the Anier.can Revolution, will bo iiM Moiv.lnv evrnlnc. January 7. Hnjot Mo, r,'i.i,in it i'l the WlUnVd hotel 111 one of the Cocktail ceremony Doris Pctus served the c:ike. Mrs. F. C Wissenbach and Mrs How- Eliihl el Foity held their aimunl the new venr 'Christina party t the American l.fglcn Hall on December l when lliev cnlrrtKlntd anil fr.ends at a hour was from 6 to 6 FAMILY PARTY ON CHRISTMAS Mrs. flo-.e Kce.ife anked innii. their huiibands I hers of hrr fumiy for a "t-M. llu:k dinner, jtourthxr" Chrlilmas iij:lit. 'Dili u rangement of orange blossoms. The veil was borrowed Horn her cous.n, and the blue garter holding tnc lucky penny, was ako borrowed from a cous.n. Her handktr;hie. was the something old, having been carr.ed by seerai menuers u. he.' family at their weddings. The dime in her shoe wr.s the same cue tnai her mother wore in her thoj wnen she was married. Betty carried nn arrantement of two white orchids surrounded by pink carnations on her prayer book. Catherine Glidden, sister of the br.de was maid of honor, and wore a dress similar to the bride's, o, aqua tafieta. She carried pink car nations and pompon chrysanthe mums. The other two attendants, Mirv Ann Dennv. who wove a ; j.e satin dress and carried yellow chrysanthemums: and Etheljane (jUini). wnose aress was oi uiue net and taffeia and carried laven der chrysanthemums. Both were classmates o: the bride at Good Samaritan School of Nursing. Paul Fiurv was the best man. Ushers were Willis Glidden, broth er of the bride, and Robert Ball. Mrs. Glidden. mother of the bride, wore a navy blue afternoon suit, with white accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy blue dress with white accessories. Both wore purple orchid corsages. The reception was ' held In the parish hall immediately after the a family tradition. MovIhk pictures were taken and chanter Alter dinner an evening of games later a buffet supper wot r,prvrU SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $6 per month We DELIVER SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 2-2513 633 Main PIANO RECITAL Mrs. Margaret Davles presented her piano students at an Informal recital at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Riker, 63D0 S. 6th, De cember 19. The following students were pre sented: Marsha Hitchcock, Mary Wells, Betty MacDonald, Dorothy ! officers Aloha Chapter 61 tonight Riker, Judy Ferrcll, Alice Schlegel!at the Maronic Hall. Mrs. L. A. and Edward Tucker. I Murphy will be Installed as Worthy Refreshments were served after Matron and Elmer Bramlett will be the recital. I installed as Worthy Patron. Aloha Chapter 61 Installation There will be an Installation of Dorothy !.: W l j tog a.'; Wedding Invitations ana announcements , . , Which Are Socially Correct! Beautiful , , . Engraved ... 42 tylei of cngrevinj to choose from . , . Spociol ONLY 16.95 per hundred Coll for your copy of Wedding Cuitomi, by Evelyn Murray, fti.ii..--.... Voighfs Pioneer Office Supply 6V Ma.n iana hi 2 Dorotl w u i Gray Creams CELLOGEN HORMONE CREAM Keg. 5522 Sale252 For younger-looking ckin use Ccllogcn Hormone Cream. Kach ounce contains 10,000 International Units of natural estrogenic hormones. SPECIAL DRY-SKIN MIXTURE Pcg.422 Salc'lS Kcg.222 Sale122 Enlra-rKli emollient cream for gentle, effective lubrication. Limited lime only! fy- 4-oz. Jar All plica plot tax upstairs dlnlnj rooms. The meet. ,,m - .5 caned icr : -l' . trp. VVni-rmi n Kni-trli aid Glidden, the brldrs aunt Verteni, will prc ide cluriivj the bun- inusio wrs enjoyed by 33 to: Mr. and Mm. Cllrn Oulley, poured at the coffee ti tle Je.in Iness se-slon. when deh-gati-t lo couples. Clirlslmns gllLi, which ' Uoiuile, Janice and Dnrcne Uullrv, Rumollt:ut ar.i Mi-.ry Nel-oji both the nutlcnul cong.-ew ami I the wc,c llmml,.(1 by , individual ! Mr., and Mrs. V. 11. K'rsrr mid served the punrh. Haw Mac Olid- stale conference of the Diuipht-rn .,,,,... , .. Hi.irin- Mr iu,n, . den had charge of the guest book, of the American Revolution will bo '',"i"s weie picked up at the 8mr!r, Mr. and Mrs. William A. and Rosemiiry and Karen Spctz as- elected. P'rtv and fnrwnrdrd to the pnllenls ; Kccuce and Darrell. ami Jerry, slsted. j Mrs. Robert 0;lcll, chairman ol 'ru hcspllal at tho Dalles. I Mr. mid Mrs. William 1). Krrr) After the reception, the now Mr. the hostess oonun'tli'i' will lie nv Arlena Ecliubcrt and her cwnnill. Joe and Mnynann Keo'"l, Mr, and Mrs. Kin? lt)!t for a short trip slated by Mrs. C. D. McC'Icll.in. ire. Myrtle Mi tlrhey, Kllinbelli Mrs. Robert Kcn.ec. Mr. A. II south. On their ritwii they will be , re. B. W, Zollmnn and Mrs. prtciJlc-incr and Jean Frye niadciWnde and Mr. and Mm. K, at home in Medford. lAlvah Custer. .the iim:u",ciiirii; for Dm party, I Cooper. 8 g Watcls AAonday's jj For Carpel: I 'S Valtios I' j You Cam's Afford' I To Moss SI i 5lh and Main