SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, US Car Manufacturers Put Effort Out In Designing New V-8 Power Plant Hy DAVID J. WII.KII A Muc in ted l're Automotive Killlor , DETHOIT Ml - Denplle (he broadening relrlolli on iu nc tlvltlen, (hn HUlo IndUHtry Is goluir nhrnd .with work on aeverul now V I enitliiea, Tlieae power mills liuvn boon rol IIiik mil In MibMiinllul volume In Clirynlnr'tt Uraoto ciikiiui lnnt her. 80111c (lino thin your they will lie Introduced In Desoto modem. Mill other cur mukern alo lire workliui oil machine Ionia lor the production of V-8 eiixlnea. Prpnuninhly Ihn bun on new luuohliio tooln, cllccllve on Pob.l, would liiiniier further work on the newer car oiiidnex. However, In inoiit Ini.tiinceK loolinii wo.k hud been woll advanced before the bun wan announced. It represented luventmenl of inuny millions of iliillnrn by the cur compnnie, In at leant a couple of InMnnceit limit nf Ilia toolx needed 'or pro duction ol the new cimlm-it hud been completed nnd delivered. The remainder. It I retried In trude iuurler, either will be rendy by Feb. I. or fnr enouith hlviinced to JuMIfy prlorltle enabling their completion. In liny event Home cur mukern planning V I enulnox for 1063 mod el cum re ciniminK on authori zation to proceed with these pliuui. Hevernl lent ennlne of the V- type have been completed by com panic tint hud planned to (Witch thin year from the eight In line type. II linn been known for many month that new V- engines were In the making for Ford, Mercury and Dodge. It nlno linn been gener ally accepted that a nlinllnr power plant had been blueprinted and readied for production by Bulck. Dodge's new engine program re portedly Is larUier advanced right now than any of the others. How Reeky Lent I 'Gunmen Of Abcleno" lk'i . RedCemeron - "Panl.anJle"y I' .tefil cf whip wii.en jzTs ri RADIO Ut TELEVISION' STARS in I JmcEioiwj C I THE BOMBASTIC PALOMINO 3L0NDE WESTERN SWING SONGS j. "75 j .MATINEE 0 Til 5:00 fxK L EYENING 74t Wf! yJJ i i 1a)fi VON THgfXrtC" Will TMI MOST '"Tliff ioik tHi ivVl ' ril t'lim.'' ! 'i ivt Moti youi I I Jw,Cclt' HUM AWAY! g g M 1952 ever. It hnnn't yet reached the production ntage and Ihem mint bo very deflnlto aanuriirico of btuady high volume output oelorn any car milker will rink announce ment of a new power pliiul. 80 It umy be that the hluh eompreinlon V rnnlii lor Dodge may alno bo deluyed until 1053 modeln go Into production. New Rug, But Not As Good PUEBLO. Colo. W The Hugh V. Olltner family luui n nev rug a good Imltutlon ol the tlou.OOO leopard skin rug ncui to llu-in lunt nummcr by their noldler non In Korea. The new one In a I.VI0 nlinulnted ur fabric rug given, the OiHprrs by the Nanora Fabrics Co. ol New Vork. The other rug, which Hut. F.l verne Olltner tin Id he purchased for 14 from a Korean nlrect ped dler, still in being held by the united Htates government at Den ver whllo the United Hta'.vs and Bouili Korea decide what to do with It. Korea claims that 1.1 one limn or another It was stolen from a Korean pulace. Hgl. Olltner dhln'1 take any chances, Incidentally, with any more souvenirs at ChrlMmns time. He sent hla family three llluMralcd books of the Korcnn and Second World Wars, pubhnhed by the United Slates government. ll.OWN WEU8 L08 ANOELK8 Doio the clown, otherwise known as Vance Do Hurr Colvlg, 6B. was murrled l'riday to Mrn. Peggy Bcrnlcc Al laire, 43. It was the second mar riage for each. I illhH f Ktntl hrtrcliK Sllrrml ; CHARLIE RUGGLES ntii mm iiMti-iicmiti mr tMtDtltft HIATeN CURT 1011 C y- i X-vV V Jfe. rfmttm iHnaiii mi 'AH OBJECT' Klamath Kiwanians were treated to a skit by three local businessmen Thursday noon at the Willard. Here "Hiz Onncr'' Buz (Charles) Larkin (with wig) hears Defense Attorney C. M. Gilmore plead the cases of Kiwanians who failed to maintain 100 per cent attendance at club meetings during 1951. Prosecutor Joe LaClair smilingly pre pares his cases. , 4-H Awards Made At Meet LAKEVIEW Presentation of special awards earned ut the coun ty fair lust full by two Lake County 4-H Club girls were made at the regular January meeting of the 4-H Club Leaders Assoclutlon In Uic routn center. Dlunne ilollowuy, daughter of Mr. 11 ml Mrs. William Holloway, was winner of the Junior bread baking content at the fair, fiho has been presented with a IW scholar ship to the 4-H summer school at Oregon State College, lor that ac complishment by the Sears-Roebuck Foundation. Shirley Scoville. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Scoville, will be presented with a $7.50 check from the Oregon Wool Orowcrs Auxiliary for winning the Junior dollar dinner contest at the county lair, using lama as the main dish. Following the county fair. Shirley was the youngest aspirant in the Junior dol lar dinner contest at the stale lair. F. Alexander Dies At NPC I. A REVIEW Frank Carmy Alex ander died Dec. 31 at his home at New. Pine Creek at the age of 04 years 1 months and 17 days. lie was born In 1887. He Is survived by the widow, Uzmc, New Pine Creek and a son. Ralph, Onklund. Mr. Alexander Is a member of the Eastside Grange and of the Lakevlew Chapter No. 38 Royal Arch Masons. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced by Ouslcy-OMcrman mor tuary. Mr. Alexander hod been Invited for New Years dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Mulkey. When he did not appear. Mulkey went lo find him. Mr. Alexander was lying on the floor. Coroner Everett Oster mnil and Sheriff Tommy Elliott were culled and It appeared that Mr. Alexander hud died the day oelorc Mr. Alcxundcr was a long-time resident ol New Pine Creek. He owned and operated a truck farm, supplying this area with much pro duce. Adel Baby First Of Year LAKEVIEW The first baby ol the year 1952 at the Lakevlew Pub lic Hospital was born Jan. 2 ta Mr. and Mis. William J. Mcssner. Adel. The baby, a boy, was named Charles Oswald and tipped the scales nt 7 pounds, b'j ounces. Mrs. Pearl Kelso, of Lakevlew, Is the maternal grandmother, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl O. Messner, of Ado, are the paternal grandpar ents. 1.1 DIB RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil Ml Fifteen persons burned to death and 20 others were seriously in jured Saturday In the crash of a bus nnd a street enr In Salvador, state canltol of Bala, the Meri dional news agency reported. O Due to weather and road conditions Red Barn Dance DORRIS will be Closed until further notice HERALD AND x- New Arrival Word has been re ceived here of the birth of a daugh ter, December 18 at Good Snmn Ti tan Hospital, Portland, to Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Wlssenbnck. Muternul grandparents of the little girl are Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Loo.slcy, Malln. Paternal graiyJparcnts are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wlsscnback, Shady Pine. Holiday Travelers Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mussel and daughter Rita Jo, spent the recent hohdxys with Mas set's sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Tworck. Areata, Calif. Also visiting the Tworeks at the same time were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Masset Sr. Ukiah. Calif., former resident of Klamath Falls. Leaving Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mack. Henley, will leave Sunday lor Portland where Mack will ot tend an Oregon Seed League meet ing. Death Word has been received here of the death December 29 at Coqullle, of Mrs. Inez Minerva Pinkston. 79, mother of Mrs. Edna Robinson, Klamath Falls who went north for the funeral. She was born In Valley City. Indiana and had resided In Oreson many years. Fu neral services were held last Thurs day. Other survivors Include daugh ters Mvs.-C.-E. Finley, Mrs:- Lena McCurdy, Coqullle. Mrs. Bela Bru ner. now of Eagle Point, former resident here, a son, Gilbert Pink- ston, Seattle, nine grandchildren land 13 great-grandchildren. She Jhad visited here many times. Home Mr. and Mrs. John Bon liom and son, Ronnie. 3744 La verne (have returned from Roseburg af ! ter attending the wedding of a son. ! Alvin, to Marccllne Moore, Rose burg. ! South Mrs. William C. DcPcw of Kohn's Flowers and Gills and Mrs. E. J. Shoop arc spending a i few days In Los Angeles. They drove south together. Home Mr. and Mrs. William Klenas. have returned from Long-1 view where they attended funeral I services for a brother-in-law, Dr. j Justine McCarthy who died sud-: denly In late December. Kenias is ' optician for Dr. T. F. Farley. j Injured Mrs. Frank RuBnne Is recovering at her home 2625 Pa cific Terrnce from a fall on an Icy street during the holidays. She fractured three bones In the left leg. Mr. and Mrs. RuBane are of Harwln's. Guest Mrs. Mike Pctroff. 2134 Stukcl has as her house guct. a niece, Mrs. Harold Williams. San Dear Friends: We wish to thank you for the confidence you have shown in our office by placing your insurance business with us this year and in the years past. We want to assure you that we will continue the same policies and principles established and practiced 'by our late Mr; James H. Driscoll for the past thirty-three years. We will ap. preciate continuing to serve your insurance needs. May yours be a Happy, Prosperous New Year. Sincerely, x. NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I Diego. She will spend two weeks jhere and will be accompanied home by Mrs. Pctrod and Betty O'Leery. I Leaving Pali O'Connor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs,. Hugh O'Con i nor. 133 Grant, is leaving today to ! return to St. Mary's. Notre Dame Indiana, where she Is a third year I student. She spent the Christmas holidays at home. A sister Mary I Lou and Jerry Pierce are driving I her to Reno where she will take a train east. Letter Writer Gus Vourchis has received Christmas greetings from King Paul of Greece and Field Marshal A. Papagos. Greece, under whom -he served in the Greek army Meeting The Bly Home Exten sion Unit will meet Januarv lo at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Dayton Hyde. Easier Ironing 2 will be demonstrated. Meeting Rev. Lloyd Hollowav. pastor of the Methodist church will be guest speaker at the meeting oi Business and Professional Wom en following Uie 6:30 dinner at the Willard hotel next Monday nisht. His topic will be "Youth." Beth Grlgcs will be chairman in the absence of Rita DePcw and Edna Russ ell-will Introduce -the speaker. Word has been received here of the recent death at Cambria. Calif., of George J. Conner. He is sur vived bv his widow the former Sophie Glazner who resided here lor a number of years and was employed by Seors Roebuck and uo. as audit cierK. Mr. Conner was a retired real estate and Insurance broker. Mrs. Conner will continue to live in Cambria. Gone Kenneth Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ellis has returned to his ship the USS Winston now in San Diego after spending thirty days leave with his parents. He re cently returned from 11 months in Korea and this was his first Christ mas home In two years. Party The Christmas Workshop at the home of Mrs. M. E. Gla cominl. Merrill. December 23. was a Christmas program of piano duets, solos, trios, group singing and orchestra numbers of carols. At conclusion of the program there SALAMANDERS TROY V. COOK CO. South 6th at East Main Dmscon, & Padgett Insurance 806 Williams Building Klamath Falls, Oregon r III ' -w -JS JUMP LOAD S-Sgt. R. T. carries down with him when he makes a parachute jump on an aerial rescue mission. Sergeant Elliott is a member of the McChord Field search and rescue team seeking the tminr-lHM A! l A1 1 mi .... ..... uiiasiiig mi ruice ne.e. ine sergeant s jump load includes two parachutes, medi cal kit, snow shoes, 120 feet of rope for scaling cliffs, hand axe, sleeping bag, flares and a walkie-talkie radio. Sergeant Elliott has made 56 jumps, suffering two broken arms and a cracked rib. was a social time for parents, guests and members of the class. Mrs. Orvllle Hamilton Returned home today alter major surgery at Klamath Valley Hospital. A Bridal Shower in honor of Mrs. David House (Bernice Hilkeyi will be held at the Langell Valley parish ball, Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. All friends are cordially invited to at tend by hostesses Nonie Schoader, Margaret Burnett, Betty People, Mildred Novotny. Doris Hodge , Peggy Alberts and Cora Leavitl. Altamont Home Extension pro gram scheduled Tuesday at 10 a.m. has been changed to the second lesson on "Easier Ironing." Those interested please refer to the let ter sent out bv Mary Glenn's of fice, or call 9471 or 9693. Table service should include a bowl for chili. Klamath Lutheran Ladies Aid lis to meet Tuesday. 2 p.m.. at I the church. The program wili be : by Mary and Martha Circles and hostesses are to be Mrs. Melvin jFelland and Mrs. Lars Matson. Garden Club A special session I of the Klamath Falls Garden club has been scheduled for Monday to make plaas for the Siskiyou sub I district meeting to be held some 'time this spring, according to dis j trict Director Mrs. Will Wood. ! Knife -and Fork Felix H. Zaf I firo, noted consulting psychologist, .will be socaker at the Knife and . Fork Club, Jan. 14 at the Willard. ! Rainbow Girlg The newly formed Klamath Falls Assembly. Order of the Rainbow for Girls will be institute.! at 1:30 p.m. at the ' IOOF Hall Jan. 6. Institution will be followed by initiation of charter members. AH master Masons and Eastern Star members are invited. Installation of o'ficers which is open to the public, will take place at 3:30 p.m. Hope Lutheran Church is spon soring studies in "The Christian Wav of Life." The first clas will start Wednesday. Jan. 9. 8 p.m. at Shasta School. Forty persons hpve enrolled for the course. Rev. M. R. Anderson will instruct the classes. (Continued on Page Ten) Insurance poliries lo fit your needs. Hans Norland. 627 Pine St. Elliott (above), Mattoon 111.. Menagerie On Board Ship Keeps Purser Busy All Day ,? w ivan t. Hall a ship's purser, never lets his long seat voyages interfere with his hobby of collecting wild ani mals. He simply takes them along converting the freighter Anchorage Victory at times into a Noah's Ark. Hall has brought aboard leopards monkeys, cobras, pythons and Fremont Man Works On Drill LAKEVIEW John Kucera. ranire management staff officer on the Fremont Ntinnl pnti .. . leave Sunday for Arcadia, to as sist engineers at the Forest Serv ice equipment development center in work on the Fremont range seed drill. . This drill is a special machine created and built at the Fremont machine shops by Kucera and Nat Smith for use in seeding range areas. Smith, who is now mechanic at Lakeview Sales Company, was men neaa mecnamc for Fremont. The equipment development cen ter, using the original Fremont drill as a model, will work toward creating a machine for general range seeding use and toward get ting the machine produced com mercially. The machine was used in seeding about 1400 acres of new range de vlopment on the Chewaucan dur ing 1951. Its use there proved its success for that work. According to zoologists bats not make nests. do $sd TAAQjctJjD TAajuicj. SUPERIOR TROY'S NEW... Free Pick Up And Delivery Laundry is All Washed and Dried . . . Flat Work Neatly Folded! In at 9 . ..out at 4 The Same Day!! NO EXTRA CHARGE 10 lis. ALL ADDITIONAL ATTENTION HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, GARAGES "We have a commercial ' linen supply." PAGE THRER mt, - -- nrra -1 r-mr 4. poses with the equipment he ' many other specimens. Sometimes he keeps snakes in his cabin. Ani mals are penned on deck. 1 When the ship docks at an American port. Hall gives his pets to zoos or scientific laboratories. American president lines, which employs Hall, checked into his hob by and reported: He Just loves to collect animals and has no profit motive. "He collects them Just like we collect postage stamps. We've Just considered Hall's cobras and leop ards as his personal baggage and let it go at that." Hall's current project Is to trade a 5 year old iionness, Queenle, for two Bengal Tiger cubs.. The Gordon Hall (no kin) Zoo at i ?i?lc.aru- "ava' . an.ts "on: W,V 15 , i . . S offered an elephant in trade. Halt got Queenie from the Thousand Oaks. Calif., animal farm which furnishes beasts for jungle movies. But the manager there wants baby timers in trade; he has plenty of elephants. That didn't discourage nan ,wno s 'sure I can get them, some where." ' KLAMATH FALLS. ORfCMt AMERICAN CHINESE Foods at Mi it beat! h. M94 Fof Oretn To Take Oat ' Ben B. Lee, Mgr. WILL BE 8c A POUND 89' FiTP CiAR'kiCl'. IR1T , tzr&xtf' SUPERIOR LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS 700 So. 6th Phont 5119 or 7S13 L ' i ... ! " m i.U.1 j t