SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TWO Kl-'l.u' I4M) Ke. PST Saturday Evening, Jan. 8 -.00 S-wrls Hlgnilgnts :15 Home Town Newt 0:33 World News Summary 0.30 Sclenct Editor ABC 11:49 Words o( Lit 7 00 Mr. District Ally. ABC 1:25 Muilo 7::10 Centime Stories ' 00 Th Lone Banger ABC 6:30, ABC ll:l.(l Dancing Panv ABC 10:00 10 'p.m Headlines 1 :: t T,a:icln I'artv ABC JljSO fmomnla Club 11:00 News Summary 11:09 Sign Oil KFLW 1450 Kc rST Sunday, Jan, I 00 Newi ABC B in Morning Song ABC 8 :io Light and LHe Hour ABC 0:0(1 Calvury Echoes 0:15 Chapel In Sky 9:311 Negro CollcEO Choir ABC 1(1:00 Sunday News Special APC 10:13 Crunch Time ABC . 1J:30 National Vespera ABC ) . in. -u.lieien Church 1!:00 Christian In Action AEC 12:30 Around the World ABC 1:03 Old Fashioned Revival ' 2:C Voice of Prophecy ABC S:.10 Creates! Story ABC 3:00 Hour of Decision ABC 3:30 Marino In Review, ABC 4:00 U.S. Navy Band 4:15 Jimmy Mdler . :m r-mm" Ke-e Serenade AEC ' 5:00 Step the Muilc ABC t:00 Walter Wlnchell ABC CMS Home Town News ' fl:TI World News Summary f 0:30 Cascading Rhythms ?: J i-aul Harvey ABC ?:H f-ienade in Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure. ABC 8:00 Drew Pearson ABC 8:15 Mon. Morning Hdins ABC 8:30 Walter Wlnchell ABC P-45 Chet Huntl-v ABC 6:00 CDC Symphony Concert 10:01 10 t. .a- i.ea.linej 7 1 ):15 Geo. E. Sokolsky ABC 10:- t Claren-ont Orch. ABC ll:Cft News Summary ll:oJ Sign Off KFMV 1450 Kc PST Monday, Jan. 7 6:00 Sign On News Sum. 6:05 Corn In the Morn 6:45 Farm Fare 7:00 News Breakfast Ed. 7:13 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Gorred, News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 Jcnn Conte ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 8:00 Hank Henry Show 9:ro Break the Bank ABC 13:00 Chet Huntley News ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11-00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:45 County Agent 'Speaks 11:53 Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition News 11:15 Pavless p'evalk S!"m 12:30 Lucky "U" Ranch ABC 1:0 -r.'u He' "C" 1:15 Better Living 1:30 Mary Marja:ct McBrlda ABC 2:01 Basin Briefs 8:1 Accent on Melody 2:: l Joyce Jorden. M.D. ABC 2 43 Rom Hveln "l-ttn ABC 3:00 Ted Malone ABC 3:15 When liirl llarr,es ABC 3:30 The Perfect Husband ABC 4:00 Mary Martin ABC 4:15 F.equestiu Somj; r:lO Fun Tnc' . AEt 3:30 Chet He - ABC 343 It's Mo me C:00 Sports t .ghls 6:15 Home l."..j News 6:25 Wcrld I.'ev.-s Summary 6:.TI S-ibi-rbnn F-renade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 The Lone Ranger AEC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:45 Preview of Tomorrow 8:00 Could This Be You 8:30 Time for Defenre. AEC 9:00 The Bis Hand. ABC 9:30 Piano Playhouse. ABC 10:00 10 P.M Headlines 10:15 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off v KFJI 1450 Kc PST Saturday Evening; Jan. 5 6:00 )' Heifer. Spirts MBS 6:15 Theater Quiz 6:30 Around Town News 0:4ii Marine Show ' 7:01 C-l!egc Choirs MBS 7:30 Klamath Tempi 8:00 Basketball Time 8:15 KUHS vs. Bend 9:00 News MBS 9:15 KUHS n. Bend , fl:.T Carver Mentor's! . 9:55 Cecil Brown MBS " 10:00 Monica Whalen, MBS 10:15 Dance Orch. 10:30 5th Army Band 11:00 Night Owls Edition 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Sunday, Jan, 6 8:00 8:30 8:35 8:45 9:00 9:30 9:45 10:00 l'l:15 10:30 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:13 12:30 1:01 1:30 1:55 2:00 2:30 a:00 3:30 3:35 4:00 :1S 4:30 5:. 11 5:30 6:00 6.15 6:30 Wings of Healing 5-Min. News Music Children's Chapel Radio Bible Class MBS K'am. "Rev. Center Music for Sunday Glenn Hardy News MBS Mark Rogers MBS Lutheran Hour MBS Frank and Ernest MBS Show Tunes Island Melodies Master Radio Can. MBS News BUI Cunningham MBS iiteamboat amuoree MBS Mysterious Traveler MBS Under Arrest. MBS Bobby Benson MBS The Shadow MBS True Det Mysteries MBS , Gabby Hayes MBS nick carter MBS Cecil Brown, News, MBS News MBS Mark Rogers MBS Armed Forces Review Kev ewln stand MFis Enchanted Hour MBS ' News Quiz Show Youth Views News MBS J. J. Anthony MBS Comedy of Errors. . 5-Hln. JFInal MBS Twenty Questions -Forward America MBS Glenn Hardy News MBS Guest Star 7:00 7:30 7:5 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:15 EXTRA! IN ADDITION TO REGULAR SHOW AT NO EXTRA COST I ' ' ' ' IN Hh, - j. SALLY FORREST Richard stapik ifePS " 4X&7 M V I "iSffir111 " K "south of J yWigW" " Added "MAD ABOUT MOONSHINE" (Comedy - Color Cartoon V Ikw'i Cilns r J) ,n M, l,m L V 'tjmmmmmBSSBimmm y T "Lincoln in the white house" (Tech. spec.) -nw . -atan' 7 A' ' a v 9:30 The Whistler CBS 10:00 Serenade in Blue 10:15 Chic. Theater of Air MBS u:ou Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Monday. Jan. J 6:O0 Musical Hevel't 6:43 Farm Reporter . . ..i Ni... 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:13 Brca'tfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headline News 7:43 Beat Buys :O0 Cecil Brown MBS 8:15 Breakfast Gang MRS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Momemakcr Harmonies 9:15 Platter Party 9:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10:0.1 .New i MES 10:13 Tcllo Test 10:30 La Polntes 10:43 Capitol Commentary, UBS 10:53 Currln's 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day UBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 News Headlines 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:43 Market & Livestock ia::,5 News MBS 1:00 Jack Kirkwood MES 1.30 Tune Test 1:55 Local News 2:U3 News. MBS 2:05 News MBS 2:13 Tea Time Tips :::sa AnST.-er .'Ian 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 4:15 Hemingway News MBS 4:30 Speed Gibson MBS 4:43 Sam Hajes, News MBS 4:00 ,ame '.ne Record 5:31 Wild B'll Hlckok, MBS 5:53 News MBS 6:0J Gabriel Keatter MBS 6:13 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town News 6:45 Sam Hayes, News MBS 6:33 Bill Henry MES V:0 W.-maa ct the Year 7:30 Bright S;ar 6:03 Let George Do It MBS 8:3.1 b v "la house t S 9:00 Glenn HarCy News MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis News MES : 11 C::ne Fighters MBS 9:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 1 Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Country Music 10:30 Crowell's Nest MBS 11:00 Night OwU News 11:05 Night Owls Cub 12:00 Sign Off Barristers Hit Indian Service Plan WASHINGTON Ifl The Ameri can Bar Association Friday criti cized proposed Interior Deportment restrictions on contracts between Indian Tribes and their attorneys. Rufus G. Poole, chairman of a special committee which studied the proposed regulations, faid the Association is shocked by the ex tent to which the commission 01 Indian affairs proposes to "intrude into the relationship between the Indian client and his attorney." Poole presented the Bar Associa tion's views to Secretary of the In terior Chapman on the second day of a hearing into the attorney con tract dispute. Chapman, who must decide whether the proposed reg ulations will be put into effect, has said he will make his decision as soon as thorough study of the evi dence at the hearing will permit. Dog Consistent In Biting List ATLANTA W) Annette Evans. 15, told police she was walking along the street Thursday when a big dog ran from a yard and bit her 011 (he left leg. Sgt. W, D. Johnson went to In vestigate. Woof! A big German Shepherd dashed out and bit him also on the left leg. The police sergeant and the girl went to a hospital for treatment. The dog went to the pound. Sulphur is mined from deep domes" by a process which uses three pipes, one inside the other. Water is pumped down the outside pipe and compressed air down the inside pipe and the melted sulphur is forced up the middle pipe. CONTINUOUS DAILY The Place is Exploding with laughter and Hi-Jinx! - 1 nr " '3S'awy i .... i m SaiflsS'ifiri'V,. -rr MI L KHU l" OIyou'v. hod before... IHW & V U Hirer niiwrii i & i l.. trrrriakM tj - tb- UHI1L IIUUULLL fffja " flmM a -4 jr;f fig lk GJis 1 , .. - 'FLYING "BOXCAR' That's the inside of an airplane you're looking at. It's the famed C-82 cargo ship which the All Force also uses on air search and rescue missions. The picture above, taken at Municipal Airport here, shows the inte rior of the C-82 used her in the search for the lost Air Force transport which disappeared Dec. 28. The Flying Boxcar carries enough supplies to take care of 20 people for 48 hours. The plane can carry a 20,000-pound pay load. i. 1 .asp"! imtimttmwm'-iiHmKm&' viv-i"fpmtmm jLr?mmam''''mn PERFECT ATTENDANCE awards for a quarter of a century is presented these two members of the Klamath Kiwanis club by Attendance Chairman M. A. Carter, (center). He is shown here presenting Dr. George Massey (left) and Bert C. Thomas their 23-year and 28-year perfect record pins respectively. The Percy Williams Home forilsllp, Lone Island, N.Y. It was Actors, Pine Acres, is at East! SHOWS - BOX OFFICE OPENS SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT 12:30 founded in 1923. TODAY CONTINUOUS SUNDAY j (IQIEOGIXEZIB mrrr '1 fSM K'7'Tli: mm Ore. Homes In Limelight WASHINGTON Lfi Elorly Ore gon architecture currently is be ing spotlighted In the photographic gallery of tho American Institute of Architects. The pictures, taken by Walter Boychuck, were presented to tho Institute's library by Glenn Stanton of Portland, Institute president. Taken primarily at Jacksonville and Oregon City, the pictures por tray nearly all phases of pioneer life residences, coimncrctu! and public buildings, churches, hotels, taverns, and couch and stuge houses. One of the buildings shown Is the Orciton City residence of Dr. John McLoughlln. Hudson's Bay Company representative In Oregon Territory. The display will contlnuo through Jan. 11. Couni-y Clerks Mush Cooperate SALEM m A county clerk has no rlRht to refuse to sell atitle fishing and hunting licenses, At torney General George Ncuner ruled Friday. Neuner said the Lincoln County Clerk, because of Insufficient help, refused to sell the licenses this year. Neuner pointed out that the game laws make the sale of game licenses one of the duties of the county clerks. FROM 12:30 .. that the dreaded Sire de Malelroit alone commands! J"i I III l Crime Picture For County During 1951 Shows Abut Same Level As In Past lly UAVK I NDKItllll.l, When It comes time to suiiiniliiK up a your of crlmo In Kluiniith Ouunty inei'u Is liiinlly ever u donrth of niiiterliil. Lust year wits nu occiiiou to Unit nut), The (llffluult pint Is scpurnllntf thu . nun , null! tho chnlf. Good Indication of the full VI muuiiK oi iio.ivny was iocoipt nt tho Orciton Ulnlo Pi'lsun In bitlrin o. ii iiiinuios Horn Kluiiinui County. ,v ..,wi'rna tno 4U sent up in ixu and the 4? sciucucoU hi 1U6U. i Ituuu iiiuieituon of a pioanblo roitson iur oilino tho poiiMhllily ui aOinii vOIUClllillg ll'OIII hOlllt'OUO for nolhlnz was rovciiled In iUjI iiulihaca unit 10 percent of con victions resulted on the crime.! of roouui'y, utu'iiiury, larceny, forgery und wilting bud checks. nit) ycur bowed in etirly with senlonclng of Cloo Purks lo )i and 10 yenr., lor kitliiuplng nnu uuault wllh n tlnngcrouN wenpon, ii. cnucn up with sentencing oi Clx tet'iiiiiio youths to let ins ul 1U youra eucn for robbrry. Four dnys after 1UO0 look a pootiki', ii ulic AlcCuln wns sen tenced In Siskiyou county for the i).'., M- iV'M killing ol Mrs. Vcl.ile Alnsworlh lit tho Wcstsltlo grocery nu, t'la. Then litter on In 19M, In Miin-li. a riis.i ui bui'Khti'les mid nitfe crncklngs plugued the City Police lorct. Perhaps the crime story nt the year, bringing Into piny tho Investigating- force of the Sheriff's oificf. stiito Police, iho FlU and 8outlierti Pacific special ngenls, ot curred uurly In May. It was the snbotngo wracking of an 8!' freight Salvage Log Auction Held EUOENK Tho tlrst ol some Ot. 000.000 board feet of sal vugable timber Iroin Uie Helle Creek forest fire of last June was auctioned last week by tho Willa mette National Forest. 'Hie 1,050.000 bourtl feet bid In by Allum Bros., Eugene, was one of several parcels auctioned In a year-end sale that brought bids lolnllug $1148,001. Altogether, about 30,000.000 board feet of timber, mostly In areas which haven't .been burned, went on the block. ' Rex Wukelleld, timber nales of ficer for tho forest, said the Hello Creek purcel was the lirst of three or four offerings resulllng from thO'3000-Bcre fire. Tne oilier tim ber will be sold In February. The fire felled an estimated l'JO. 000,000 board feet, Wakefield suld. The salvageable 04,000,000 has an estimated v.ilue of 1,600 ,000. Modern domcstlo turkeys In the United Slates are developed from breeds Imported Into the country by early colonists. These breeds were developed from American wild ttirkeyj (hipped to Europe by the Spaniards. WILD ADVErmJRE RIDES THE J BURNING Susan CABOT Lon CHAWEY EXTRA UJ Xsiff U N JVERSAL-INURNATJONAL presents MA Maureen OUARA 4 Jeff CHANPLEB ,lllui?i'ia B4b" (Cwtoon) U '.A11. SiSSESt&m ORCHESTRA" !Atp15N YARD "ABIES" I,, ...S WEST WORLD NEWS REEL train nt Mnlono aiding;. The wrock at this writing wiih Mill unsolved uiiu being imosi.guiiHi. Moid aiifccruckliiRS followed In Jtuy, ihoso ul tho l.ubor Temple niirt nttempt nt Ihe telrpliiino twin liiiiiv onii'o within u few lioun ot rnrli other. August wns Us usual tiulet self ns far ns crlmo wua concerned, Hut September brought a report ed kltllliiplng attempt ' Metl lord mull front it inula! ni'i'O by two HI. l'litil, Minn., youllis ho hud pice.l up us hitchhikers. Tin youtln wore Inter nctiultlotl In a tiiicuiu Jli.y Ii mii in bncriimoulu. Liquor and Juveniles cumo to the folo .11 Oclouer wnen juvenile au thorities broke up n thinking anil iiccMni putty liiNolving a group of Junior lugh and high school am ..ciiw. on- weekend. A Ul-year-old nilllworkcr wus sonleiiued lo liO days In Ul.vlilct Court Iur getting beer for the teenugeu, but was .user pi'Dbiitt'd by the court and served only a couple of weeks ul UiU tc'lli. Bcverul dnys Inter nil lil yt'ur-ul I yoiuii win arrested for tho siiino crime, but never cumo to trial on the cuiiigi'. mo cntm wua continued In District Court and tho yuuili iuur cunv.cleti of a lolony. About the same time III OclWr a good-looking" guniniin rolilsnl two women clerks at the Vijllcy no, el ol M. ' Kurly In November Klamath AimiMiiit'iH Co. wus loobetl of 'M0 und late in the month two Indian (service olllccrn at ChllotUln were wounded by a plain! packing In dian, L,o Roy Alvin lllcks. Ho luces Indictment by a Federal grand jury in t'orllunu. December opened up wllh rob bery oi Oregon Food Btore No. 2, Dec. 10 of H'lt. A suspect, Thomun I'atrlck Hchram, 38. wna arreateil the same night, and still alts In toe county Juil awaiting prosecution on an armed robbery charge and a lorgery count. As seasonal In December i Oliiislniiia. lorgery and bad check crimes flourished along with shop lifting, Tho season and the crimes seem to ua tosettier. bo it goos irutu nioiiui to momn. And when- It romea to writing a Mimmnlloii of IXiJ crime activi ties In Klnnutth t'ouniy, the mi at hnnd will no doubt be Just as plentiful. Bring Ihe inj In nt '. I CM time . . .If I mm SANDS! Buddy BflER I Richard EGAN ENTERTAINMENT I I