HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATl'RDAV. .TANHARY B. lf52 PAGE TWELVE t n i 4 t - If II lr . I I f rl er I yy SJ) II J i il VL :A h REFLECTIONS ' V 'l'" '" LITTLE CHARMER Linda Sue Pickett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Picket, Midland Road is two and one-half years old. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pickett, 4857 Clinton. Her maternal grandparents are Mrs. Thomas Harper, 623 Oak and Mr. Sam Woodley, Empire, Oregon. Mrs. Hattie Harmon, Malin, is her great grandmother. Photo by Guderian I? " .".. . . : .if. ft- - w - V ' t t. MR. AND MRS. STANLEY HEYWOOD and 15 months old daughter, Sydney Ann, who visited with her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heywood. They re turned to their home in the bay area the day after Christ , By CORA LEAVITT Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple of Bonanza who have had a run of bad luck were given a surprise Christmas Eve when Rev. Gordon Aslibee took a gift of over $300 to them from 98 friends. The Peo ple home burned to the ground sev eral weeks ago Just the day before Owen underwent major surgery at Klamath Valley Hospital. Another nice Christmas present was the bill from Dr. George H. Adler marked paid in full. The Pepples are living. in me am uecnaoiai nouse wnue the Bechdoldt's are in Portland vis iting their daughter and family. The Pepples will live in one of the apartments belonging to their daughter and family. The Pepples daughter and son-in-law, the O. C. Wells. They plan to build a new home in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Beavert and daughters, Jackie and Joan of Port land, spent Christmas holiday's with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Horn. George Maxwell of Monmouth was here visiting relatives and friends. He was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Prough on Christmas Day along with Mr. and Mrs. Elva Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Maxwell all of Bonanza, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Prough and Craig of Klamath Falls Mr. and Mrs. F. W. -Brown and the ties Leavitt's of Langell Valley visited at the Owen Pepple home on Christmas Eve. Ralph Dixon is home for the Christmas vacation from bis stud ies at Ashland College. Mr. and Mrs. Bill House of Bly visited her brother, Aaron Andrews and family on Christmas Day. Their father was out from Klamath Falls for a few days with Aaron. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bold and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Puddy spent Christmas In Klamath Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Happy Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Carnes from Texas visited their son, Ted Carnes and family. Other guests on Christ mas Day at the Carnes home were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lovelady, and Oliver and Charles and Howard Koertje. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pepple had Christmas dinner for the following: Mrs. O. C. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pepple and Pamela. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pepple and David, and Nonle Pepple. Their son Ted called from Anchorage on Christmas Day. PAULA CHRISTINE DAWES, six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dawes, Othello, Wash., visited at the home of her mother's brother, Mr. Claude Hill and his wife, 430 Washington. Her ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Coon, Mr. and Mrs. John Donley, Othello, are her paternal grandparents. Her great grandmother came from North Bend to attend the family reunion to see the young miss. Miller-Brumbaugh photo ALOHA CLUB Aloha club of Past Matrons of the Eastern Star met Friday, De cember 28, for their annual Christ mas party and gift exchange. Host esses for the one o'clock luncheon which preceded the party were. Mrs. William DeWitt, Mrs. Howard Listoe and May Phmney. Mrs. T. M. Moretz, club nresi- oent. was in charge of the short business meeting. Mrs. James Grimes and Mrs. Fred Cofer were appointed to visit the shut-ins dur ing January. Hostesses for the next meeting. January 25. are Mrs. H E. Getz. Mrs. Charles Gilbert and Mrs. Oscar Peyton. Mrs. Phllin Cole and Mrs. Wil. bur A. Jones were in charge of the Christmas party. Awards lor the afternoon went to Mrs. Eliza beth Norris and to Mrs. Jones- At the close of the afternoon the club had a distinguished caller. Major George Epperson and his two attractive twin daughters. Ma. jor Epperson is the son of Mrs. B. Epperson, club secretary. and has-been stationed in London the past three years as intelligence officer for the 3rd air force. H. v. ill be in Omaha. Neoraska, after me miaaie 01 this month. Past matrons Drespnt for thp rn. jcyablc afternoon were. Mrs. T. M. Moretz, Mrs. Fred Cofer. Mrs moretz, Mrs. A. B. Epperson, Mrs Philip Cole. Mrs. Fred Coter, Mrs. O. R. HoUoway. Mrs. Elizabeth Norris. Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones. Mr.i Marion Hanks. Mrs. James Grimes, Mrs. R. E. Wattenbure. Mrs. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. Louise O'Brien Mrs. H. G. Wortley. Mrs C. E. Dennis, Mrs. J. F. Penrod. Mrs Arthur Portpr. Mrs. nil Mrs. William DeWitt. Mrs. Howard' I D0I?e- i.istoe and May Phinney. Mrs. Harry Dickerson and Mrs- Rosella Renner. past matrons of chaDters in Idaho, were special guests. DR. GEORGE MERRYMAN and his fiinuly, Mrs. M. and daughter Lindsay, whose addicts was re cently ' Truth or Consequences, N. M., were visitors in Kb' ivcently Mrs. M. is remaining In KF until George finds a pluco to live in Chicago where he has sone to complete his last year in orthopedic work at Wesley Memorial Hospital. MARY HOOKER HAS returned to Dominican Collese and Lavcrne iMrs. Walter! Lassett and Bov leu Thursday to enter Bev as a Sopho more in Dominican couven'. Mary Hooker is a fre.shmnn in the col lege. MRS. ERNEST HA YCOX widow ot the beloved Oregon author who gained worldwide fume with his accurate portrayals of early days in the west visited over the holi days at the H. J. Sullivan home, 1323 Oak. While here, she wus en tertained at various affairs, and attended the Elk s New Year's ball January 4th Oregoniaii had a very interesting article on the edi torial page with an editor's note of high pralie for the author and his literary accomplishments. BOB HILTON'S PARENTS Dr. End Mrs. James Hilton and wile Elizabeth received word that he is now in Koreahe is a Cpl. in the U.S. Medical Corps stationed at the 12th Gen l Dispensary in 1'usan. THE KLAMATH Yacht Club Is I having another or those sucoesslul Sunday family dinners swim steak or tenderloins Iroin 4 p.n.. Cull Mike Kegun in a buddy lor reserva tions. THE OLE VILLAGE has settled down considerably alter llio New Year's activities Everybody In tc wn was clrculiittn' II seemed on Dec. 31st Whut with Rennies the. Yacht Club Elks etc. all crowded as usual. THE MANY FRIENDS OF Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Recce, now ot Seal- He where Mr. R. has charge of PRETTY LITTLE Jeralynn, one year old daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Brocks, 2320 Reclamation, celebrated her birthday November 24. Miller-RriiinbaiiKh SOROPTIMIST The regular Hireling of the 80- roplimtst Club of KhumilU Fulls was held Thursday noon with 1'ir.i dent Ofu Smith presiding. Mr. W. J. Owsley, lux acrount- iill Uie cunncd goods lor Swill and . was Introduced by Jennie Co In the N.W. were happy to seo Southwell. Mr. Owsley gave an en llieni while they wore visiung Willi lightening talk about our new re. Mrs. R's sister and funilly the 1 , ,,,., .. , , . ... US. Balentlnes and her pureni.i ls"' ,ax av! wl"1'" w,,,t "lt0 ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carden an ! 'l'cl rrcwitly. Tills proved n timely family they have two children 'and liiteresllng subject to all mem Mickey and Pamela brother is 16 bers. and sister is 8. :tliol Matthews reported that she 'litleiuled tt Soroiuliiilst im-t'lttig In THE DR. CURRINS-Dlck and Hukmiix. Arl.ona with Luurn and Alice hud houseguesls for the New i.oiene Bertram. both liirnirr Year same one's they hud last Klnmath Falls members Liiuiu year hud so much fun they asked Hcrlram li reported In good hrulili to come back this year that's the and sent her greetings to local Jack Mulhalls from SF KF ac-1 members. cepls the compliment with deep, ,. ..,... j.,,s rm.-iVM n.e WINSOME CHILDREN of tho John II. Stewarts. 1410 Nim ilz, arc Rickey, five, Mary, one, and Stephen, two. Their grandparents are Mr. niul Mrs. John I). Stewart, Mcilford. Photo by Evergreen Uiunks. AT THE VAN SCOT MOLLISON home. 5020 S. 6th Mrs. Edgur Senders from Portland is enjoying an extended visit with her daughter Mrs. M and family she has been here since Dec 1st. award ol Uie day. Wi-iio-iiia COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Lunches Dinners from from l Southern Orcqon't Fincir Wesiside By MRS. MERLE O'NlilL Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelson and family spent Christmas with rela tives at Summer Lake. Mrs. Nci son went up on Friday before and spent the wcexena witn ner par- Visitors Home From Portland Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cleehnrn are home after spending Christmas and the holiday week with their daughter and family, Lt. Col. Ray Janz. Mrs. Janz and three children, of Portland. Elizabeth Cleghorn, another daughter. Joined the fam ily gathering, coming north from Fresno. California, where she is head dietician at the Veteran's hos Stella Clark of Klamath Is here lor several days visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sundct and children. Spending the day Christmas with the Merle O'Ncil iamily were, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Lee O'Neil and children, and Alfred Smith of the East Side. ... . v..,',:. Maudie Jeun, and diaries- Slier- Connie stayed up there for a visit. ; rard wcre dum on Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mulkev i mas Dav with Mr. and Mrs. Wal and family accompanied by her j ter Ligntle and Durlcne of. the Brother, Harold Hardisty. who was Enst Sldc. others present were Mr. here over the holidays, motored to i and Mrs. James Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Willow Ranch for Christmas Day Adrian Branch and Sharon, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo I The Perrv A5t,cra(t fnintly of Ox iviulKcy. ,,.. . norf. Calif., spent the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Jolmnv Morris of liere wu, u u Ashcrafts. Medford were here visiting rela- fPin.,fic Hiirinc ihp holi- Rock Alard was an overnlcht days They spent Christmas with I (tuest of the Alberston brothers on his mother at the Roy Roberts ; Christmas night. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swartz of Thorp was n community ounce Klamath Falls soenl the n eht on at the West Side grange hall on i Christmas at the home of Everett Christmas night and according to i Dccraft. They motored home next reDorts a good crowd was In at-1 day. , tendance. Mr and Mrs. Harry Crowl visit ed Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albcrtson. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT FJ, BY ATTENDING CHURCH WORSHIP WITH US SUNDAY! ASSEMBLY of GOD Tho Church where God ii Blctsinq 8th and Oak Sr. ... f !,- CIIUDAV crunni o.ict. Meet with U Sunday. ll i ' Morning Worship - H:00iA' jcrmon oy rosror f Youth Service -6:15 r Inspirational service for yourh i by youth Don't Miss It! Attend Farewell Service V 7:30 P.M. P' ffl ( i " ." ,jt ,3 Rev. Daniel Boyliss, Pastor Rev. Don Annas, Asst. Pastor when Rev. Don 'Annas will preach his Farewell Message. MIDWEEK SERVICES Tucs. and Wed. nights. Tune in to KFLW 9 a.m. Sunday for program of tho local church. ALL WELCOME AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRIERS NOW AVAILABLE The Automat Tuleloke or dial 9578 Klamath Falls First Federal Paid In 1951 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Complete Radio and Appliance SERVICE . . . We have the most complete and modern shop in the basin! OUR RADIO MAN, Jim Brady, holds First Class Radio-Telephone FCC com mercial license. Phone 2-2518 FYOCICS 1001 MAIN Phone 5111 For the Lowest Priced, Delivered Laundry Bundle in the Klamath Basin! ALL DRY BUDGET BUNDLE -10 lbs. for 89c (Each additional pound 8c) u- FAST ONE DAY SERVICE... FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY CASCADE Opp. Pest Office LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Klamath's Finest Phono 5111 'mm VM 'im. Wat if. $127,140 IN EARNINGS To Increase The Security of Klamath Basin Families ,', '.'"'. 'Ay., ,VV w Si You, too, can share in the prosperity this institution al ways brings those who save with them. You, too, can enjoy a liberal return on your savings-eitra money to buy the comfortable living you want for yourself and your loved ones. Start your account with us now, and keep saving regularly. Add "earnings dollars" to savings dollars for your greater security. FlMTFEOERALtoVING , ALOAN ASSOCIATION CURRENT RATE 22 PER ANNUM Shoes For All SH?L?"OE CLEARANCE van ormaW