SATURDAY, JANUARY 5. 10r2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREliON JO RIAL 1ST ATI FOR 5ALI MILLS ADDITION 3 lieiliunn iillni Mj'ilrrn linme. Mutur.'il voncr lulrrlur IlnlMi. A I) u lit If ttl r.ii:l well bulll homo In L t i.t co.rllllnn. Only J 1 j ."nun I'd. Prlio $IWt. You can't bmtt I, UK for Value, CHEAPIES li-iMMlrnom niojri n In cllv (in paved direct. Price UK0. Tcrim or till: pur In pint Untie. I -bedroom modern IiiinMicd In tit v. A rrnl buy lit $2500. 5.WI ilnuii, bii In in c :I5 per month. Don t NllMf Ulllt. a -room homo with itood burn nil iipprnxlmiitrly I iicie Irrlxuted. Pike $1930 or make ui nil oiler. STEWART We linvf two iiood 3 brdriiom mod cm Iioiiiph In ubove mibiiibnn men Hint lire prucU to sell fjulcX. Knell $n.'0 wllh itood terms. They war runt your Inr.pettlon. t WALT DII5TZ, With T. B. WATTERS REAl.TOIW ft INKUIIANCE 107 Oo. 1th Phono 4103 iKve. IMUOi THREE BEDROOMS Very livable home. Lame rooms, reparole illnlmt room, continuous fuumlnlion. lnme double enr minute on 100 x 106 loot corner lot. Uood tenim. Newhouse Real Estate 2000 8. 0th Phone 0832 -3742 ELDORADO BLVD. A very comfortable 2 bedroom home, nrnctlcnlly new. Fireplace, attractive yard, iiood Itnrnne. Clone to Itooacvell School. This excellent j location will not long. Price I iiiimmt ! ONLY $5250 A roomy well built I bedroom house wllii a double guraae. paved street. In a quiet rcMdenllnl aren, north of town. Partly furnished, newly decorated, available for Im mediate possession. Any reasonable terms will be accepted. YALTA GARDENS Jlere Is real value In this modern 3 bedroom home, located In Klam ath's exclusive suburban area. This home fealuirs dining room, fire place, attached Karaite, storm win flown, automatic heat, and Is com pletely In-.ulnted. Well InwUcaprd yard, paved street. Total price only HiSOO. DUPLEX - CLOSE IN Only 4 blocks north of Main Street, e::.rcmely well built duplex. 1 bed room apartment and a 3 bedroom w th 2 bath apartment. Ideal ren tul property. Only 112,000. Will c.-.rry max. mum loan. WANT ACTION? mht now buyers are walling to piy a good price for your home. Call us now if you want to sell. OPEN KVKNINGS BY APPOINTMENT See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-24(10 Eves. Don Sloan 50.'i8 fcves. l-'red Bcoti S703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Slnee 1000 111 N. 0th St. Phone 4SC4 or 5S2D We asked for listings and got them, o look these buys over OPPORTUNITY A FINE HOME IN PERFECT CONDITION Nicest home of this type that we have been prlvllcitcd to offer In a Ionic time. South Suburban, two bedrooms, large living room, din ing room, nice gnrnge. You can move rlgnt In, furnished or unfur nished. A TREASURE Have to go some to find fault wllh this super Yfllue. A very nice one bedroom home, nice largo living room, dining room, and lots of closet space. Nicely landscaped on ' acre of ground. Just off Shasta way. Be sure and are this excel lent buy for only $5500. $800 MOVES YOU IN Nice two bedroom home, two acres Vou can't afford not to see this buy. A look will convince you, but you must see it to bclicvo It. Total price $4250, BUSY CAFE Here Is a busy cafe nnd fountain for sale lease or trade. Verv rca- sonable rent. Also has good living quarters. Call 7321 for appointment. Apartment lor rent $30.00 Clnlre Ellis ph. Eves. 2-2001) Jay P. arlggs p,. Eves. 4204 W. W. Thompson at Mnlln J. W. SANDERS 34 Ren I tor 1213 Main St. Phono 7521 l ..i ", ... V111" rnnmy two A. ' , ''"-wiy rrrleturnieii. Aiilninalie henl. Ilnniwoort rlnors. At I iel-e-1 .irnKc. Well lo. aicd In South Wi'h-rhH. SITOO. Phone Hill. I CM.lroilNIA and Tlllnri ST. Saerl ii"r. ,,r. Two bedroom noma at pis California. Cnll 2-D2II2. fort SALE, good four room house to be moved. Fred Pope, U miles N. W. B -1 In. MOnitrtN two bedroom duplex. Newly p.ilnled, partly furnished, flinall down payment, Henlal of one side will mnkc most of monthly payment. Phona 7700 or 4330 evenings. 821 30 REAL 1ST (I FOR SALE SUBURBAN An unusual buy of five rooms on ' ncrc. Separate dining room, two bedrooms all on one floor. Th's property lomtil l,i fcoiilh Suburb), on pnved ulreet. (.52S0. Immediate Possession Oulntnndlng lariio family home. Mrul locution clone to whoo's and shniiplng center. I4-C10 llv'u't room with beautiful stone fireplace. Larue din iu room mid ktlchru, Throe spacious bedrooms with walk In do .els. glassed In sleepUm porch, sun deck, double gari'ge, full con crete bai.einenl. automatic heat lo n'l mini. A home ti bo proud of. 1 0,000 terms. Partly Furnished One bedroom home, plastered. Lo cated on Northslde. c:io.e lo cehcmls and stores, garage, heated with rias floor furnace. Immrillnte posi.e slon. Ideal for couple or Invest ment for rental purposes. Only fcOO. HARRY VAN lEves. 80241 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2 0D27) AL SCHMECK REALTOR AND INSURANCE 517 Main Pl 3-u AUTO COURTS We have two of the best motels In this area, lloth are excellently lo rated and show very goi.l Incomes. Please see us for drUILi. Owner i of each would con.lder taking u ranch in trade. GROCERY STORE 10 Cabins 3 modem houses Tavern Highway location The above business is all one ro erty. Locutcd cloie lo Klnmalh Fails. It warrant! your Inspection. Please see as for details. GROCERY STORE 2 Bedroom Home nils Is a well located community store KClltiU for $12,000 Including n good modern home. Plcu'.c see us lor details. WALT DIETZ. will' T. B. WATTERS 107 So. 7lh Phone 4103 (Eve. 0C0 WE ARE IN NEED OK GOOD EX CLUSIVE LISTINGS. See or CH Juines Headline Giayce Knlon 6009 . , , Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON P.F.AL ESTATE 434 Main St, Office Phone 6113 - X SEE THIS Beautiful two acre nuuururn lionir : near choppiuit center and In en mi nnrt coming community. Two larue b:drcom house. Shown by i anpnlntnirnl. Priced not too high House Is three years old. X YALTA X Splc and Span. Two bsdroom home, beautifully landscaped yard, double Rarnge. Located on Bryant Ave nue among the best of pcoplo fur only $9500. Y WPYPRHAFl KFR X i EMPLOYEES. If you need a three bedroom home, completely fur nished, we have It. lcated on Fawn for only $5000. Will go Gl loan. X GRADE A DAIRY X 100 acres of very good soil. All leveled and IrriRateu. Three bed room home plus lots of barns and tennant houses. Close In and on school bus line. Priced for only $30,000. FRED E. FLEET Realtor DENNIE COATE3. Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-13G5 South Sixth Street BUILDING PROPERTY. 150 foot frontage x 13.1 deep plus 150x135 cross alley. Price $15,000, terms. MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom home. Onk floors throughout, picture window, ward- robo closets, nutomntlc cas furnace, large attnclicd garage. Very good terms. Price $0000. Anne Mason Eves. 6711 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. Dill Phone ,72GG MU.MfcS FUR EVEHET1 DENNIS HEALIUR Don Klrkpalrlck. Salesman N att Phime mm FUEL HEATING X vr (STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Ot licnting Sntisfiictlou FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Slnca 1019 Spring St. Phone 4153 34 FUEL HEATING BLOCK WOOD DOUDLK LOAD $8.50 QUICK DELIVERY PEYTON & CO, 8TJ5 Market I'll. 5 140 i'ir.i''ioi.otjb riicaui, or Cliff Vallimt HljfM., I Hrrvll lit-iivnr'-ri a.nm an nih I' wii nf annuo 5 II (IHKKN "BTAMrn V,"n on h..Y (nil olli I'hnn. sain or 11 ovoii for orornoi dal've-v txirr vadknh hkinal HKiivict a.nii a,, sih KTANIMIIIJ IIKATINCI Oil titf .. lurnat lllhl fn.l, roal, wnori, 'hri'iml Peyton and Co U-1S Market I'M,, lie 514(1 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES Ml. A' 'K i pff- rr mimiM writ home W'i'-rf). w(M. rMlrVm. Plum t ro:i7. llf.Ai ) . it i iit W''-If ipf - t,tm it'tij e hioltrii. llcfftorinoly prlcf fl. l(rifllcrrt. KCiii KAl.t. 'lioruuhijioa ithii ' bt-i IT I' n7M. (,'1,I,IK pUtin, Li'lief rr.Btcru. Call Will. 'Oil UAWSlioiinn'lor'iiuli'attiZyn me .i;t;i i , KOtt SAi:,"V"finMjoi:.LhiiVnifpiip-' Onn rrt, (i (if jl;tfk un't Ion. Wnnnrii nnl i1ltrintipr lial. Cnll alter 3 pin KlrtriM, I'lioim hwm. ANI if. HHliN " Huat'Hnu Kijii1T Viioht H(H7 J'I'IH UrlMWif liomfll " U(iAifi)iNfi"Kr.NNi:i-fi " IJof inrnf illnB by Ok v. wnl( tit month Sim in ry KPimrU Wrll Unntu f) rtiei (Jlruii mrliviuul v'tuUntt run for e;ri iut U'di nunOlrd ijurii i mallnf Will olik up ") illvrr Vimoru Vr'tlrimi I'lujnt SOTK Mrrrlll Ku HI 2 o SII4 KI I A H I A CASl'AOr KCrjNKLS 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY KuuL i k y" wan 'Ted Cnnh puld for .ny amount Top nmriret pruu U r good quality For (uolnUon9 f'HONK 3r,7 JKt.ANUTH POMITHY PARMA Pn.r-.nly. In public lion. '1 urn IMt mUi- it t iimil t'lUih of Merrill Laknvivw Jilfull"fi. Will deliver. I.I.OY GHir'IS Phonr 2 iM Vt :t Hn B17 KUK HAltK Onr'nixlnVrnihi "olfl ilHf cr" tir four fimmtia old Hull Calf. I' none ' (mi:! i. WAN'l'hll li I cum- or rfil. .Vi o "iiUii arm Ituy '.ami Writ Itcrnlti Ncwi llo- 4 Vl fflvinff full fHrllrti ir w,. N KU rolorl" hen 'Phonr 5BI jlii.MKfiT prlr paid for poultry Huii and livraiork BKl V MKAI MARK Kt 1 av"trw Juorii'-n lhon 4or'' .'i 1 1 H 1 I A t . ! 1 1 KM Yl Vi t K K ti V I ( . Phrni- A7? M C iChurk Warren Pi 2 nn S22 44 miscellane6uswanted WIM. PAY C'AHM for fji'-t..r- ImiJI I'AY CASH Ir'jiHr r. I'hir. lin i. r MfC'i'Mr Citai.j irv, firri in. Two or tTirrr (in In Ceteron VAN"rl'KlJ fft ItKNtr hflrintfii ntlurnl-h-(l h WAMKI) T't JitJV. 20l i.nV ha'v. Dt livrrti ritil Ko u arc fin. Turn Lone. U'iihninon ltlvr Store, A K NKInC MIS f;?ttirT"orirlTow "irit-.f t'n inn . id rii WANTI'M ifi hr rmton -r burlao iKiinr-swAnnffiiFp WANTKO lo rent four lmoni t7r. n!thrrl hnur nr two houict in Mm I l Ihr, j.yryt ro: s 1.1:7 " Vo.f xrci'riuoathy. H-i Uroii HIv. Ore. I 'SKU r.ff'jt A ir c!riinefr?T&Phone 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Dirrnw PitT Onl tlOO 7 27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP i1 1300 ON rURNITIIlSa OR SAI.ARV UP TO 11200 ON CARS n?E IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient lo Borrow Convenient to pa Locally owned New Cars ''nance! at bitnk rutra "VVNhY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co 10 years serving K'Amsih Ba-.n gee Chuclt" Bailey NLst " n tui at. pnon. 3 Commercial Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS 50 to $300 Auto Furniture Llvcsiock Salary $50 to $500 Automchiles (paid for, or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals! Commercial Cinance Fopporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie s-abi - N-ans 107 No 9th Phon. 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOII KALE- Ulslrlct ugcucy, all fines, featuring Mnyflowrr Aulci liiMirancc whii inuesi rale in Ureuon. ncnewat over .M.tu month. Incltttics nl i oll'ce eciuipiue-il. Cash or letnvi. Tle.isfln for celling, promotion to ht.ile manager of , I, ,"'"e a. I., ler.lcae. U23 w. f'ajLHorehura or nhnne MISCELLANEOUS ToRSALE drivevay3iatiTkll FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1, Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Hi 'TANK e nrtcr 5 n. i hcnier Cor nn o. Call U9UU WAKirnp-Hcrirlr niohkct. siitfiie con !r"';.rtr,'J' -I'-r- Equals others nt 73 percent wool. 3 pcnviu cot h n-r"-,v t i v;i , p n- gup n ninlnsi moclnnknl (!efcrtt Choi.-r from ispvcnil rich color.. San e to'.mkrt with two flcpnrntr controls, .i7..i: Rjnntgomcry Ward, filh and Pine. Phone miy-s nfc'CLE!Mo. hono iiwio: IthMINGTON like new, tor Hn t, ttm. electric h.ilf price. typewriter. Phone Mr. Htli u v.t wo, i r o u" Wfla $lin.20, now M14 20. 10-IW12 wool frirro wna 81 37.00. now $lo:i.oo. Mont gomery Ward. 0th and Pine. Phone ntwi, DKSK $20 brenficf, large mirror-tl2, Pining Inhte nix chairs iwino seaUj- SI- MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK AUCTION Wednesday January 9 1:30 p.m. CATTLE - HOGS - SHEEP Special consignment of 25 head of Texas bred quarter iiorses consisting of well reigned gildings and quarter horse mares with papen. Horses will he sold following the regular livestock sale. LIVESTOCK TRUCKS FOR HIRE. ONE HEAD OR A CAR LOAD. KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Phone 3974 Midland Road R. E. "BOB" RHODES, AUCTIONEER Phone 4032 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE For Sale Grain Elevator 13,500 in. capacity truck un loading. All concrete founda tion. LOCATED AT SUTY SIDING G. N. RAILROAD SEE OR CALL j i Joe Chotard Malin, Orgon PHONE 135 FOR SALE 7 ft. Coronado refrigerator, table I mouci raoio uu table, chest of drawem. Montffntnrv w rr r luxe washing machiiie, davenpwt with new tailor made cover. White electrir sewing machine. gee at 3816 Boardman AUCTION Sunday - 12 Noon Complete furnishings of a two bed room home nil In perfect condition Including 9 cubic foot refrigerator, automatic washing machine, bod room set. chesterfield set. 300 Rai ranjc and other-excellent ' furni ture. SUMMERS LANE AUCTION MART 3303 Summers Lane ',. 5 Sewing Machine wim Ham Ito.i Bench keparate motor. Hard, wood calllnel. Eirellent ronclltlon. A' 5J4 a"n' M' &" U,r' mP'r Ho"'. iOK SALE. 20 loot trailer house SOOJ. Trrins nri-anard. Inquire Altimunl Trni'er Court. South Sixth Street. roil SAL1! lull ton good quant, c. ond ciittln haled alfalfa, covered. PhonejJlvenngsor 2-1007. FOB SALE. Frierdalre. 5 cu. feet, new sealed unit. sio. Iron Fireman oil mini, er. Klear Kleen furnace, 210 gallon ',.. V..Complc:c s,5- Baraboo Electric. r14 Kl-mnth Ave. tOK SALE. 20 assorted alaes. Slxlli. pairs med 1 pair. 4 ce akat,v. US South ruit SALE, tiood car baller, sj. Also J-rr. winnow and wln-lthleld glass for PTodrl A Tord. Phone 2-0037. 7 i' u. cal. pir l n.m. FOLKS who like food with the home m,"de W t ,hP Jhnny's Big Y Bakery. Merrill - Lakevlew June- tlon. LANDSCAPING. evergreens. shrubs nd irei. We trim. pry and remove large treei. LAKESIIORE CIARDRKS NURSERY m Phone 4336 OET YOUR SNOWCAPS NOW! We buy ured Hres O.K. Rubber Wtld 2m So 6th. Phone 43IS I-'1M..1,F:r brunhes. Phone 0H04 or" !W77 nuuinu machines, calculator, tvpe wrlten, cash resUten. doskt, chairs tile for ial or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY 120 Main Phone 741? CRUSHED rock .and driveway clnderi. Phone 2-1167. PI-MICE BLOCKS, drain tile, concrete culvert pipe PEYTON St CO. Mnrket LINOLKUM remnants up (o 6x12 1-3 off. Montgomery Ward, inn and Pine :tirtr. "u-Ai. , wt.iji vatL-h. Aian'-i iatc- n: rn ft" M enth. Phnne ?-04. rOR SALE. Complete needs for new iiorn nany, irom d tapers to hatnincttc. Very rer-onnhle. Phone 2-3233. run bale, nenutlful slightly used iMisoicue n,imnnil D'nno. New STJX tpllln- price $373. Call 9902 or ace at in.:, waremv. ULhCTROLUX CLEANER and polishei aupnnca. rnont imi rarkel Tweet, ill Market CRUSHED ROCK, driveway rindcri MONARCH electric stove. Good condi tlon Phore 2-.11AJ. OIL storuge 0;i.1 Market. tanks. Peyton and Co. FIH Iwdy wood. Phone 9036. FOR SALE. Stroud player piano. $123 Ro'laway table top electric range $33. AUAM Schaf bungalow tjpe upright piano Flemish oak finish. Good con dition Easv terms. SHEPHERD MUSIC COMPANY 345 E Main SALE, used spinet pianos. Taken In during holidays. $393. $443. S423, etc. . Terms. $13 down, $13 monthly. Loul.i R Mnnn Piano Company, 120 North Seventh. r uh sale, incinerator, dining tot. breakfast net, high chair, baby uurhv, desk, cooking utensil. 301ft Sum mors nncniiernoona ana evening.. 11I4H CHOSI.KY Station Waoon. ni.ii consitfer befit ofCer. See at 107 N. 9th. Phme r'ay, 7711 or night 0007, MUST SACRIFICE 1048 Hudson Super "fl" Cluh Coupe. The "new-look" car: Rndio, hen:e'-, automatic drive. Ijow mUeage Call Willard (3221. evenings 2 07(1(1. ceninff H1431. cut lo iaM. KQUITY IN 1031 Dodge j ton Expresa ricuup. snow tire. 7.too miles. Phone SPECIAL 1040 Knlse.- Di uy Sedan. Very low mileage. Light blue. Radio, heater. Celling M47U. cut tn ll!f.V Phone Willard 6231, evenlnga 2-1)703. VOU SALE, 1041 Chevrolet Pickup. Qpnd ccnHM on. Four oeid. 'ho - w i-rj-in. 1040 PONTIAC 0. streamliner HnfKn heater. A-l engine. Full price H93, See nt 107 N. 0th. Phone, dav 77fl nr nieht 0007. , INC. 55 AUTOMOTIVE ! JUCKELAND'S DECLARE: The Time Is NOW to ; Take Advantcge of US! ; Come in . . . ht us tell and show you why you should buy ! demsTrators 1 21931 HUDSON SEDANS Mechanically Perfect j Prices Greatly Discounted 49 '49 49 '48 48 '48 47 41 PONTIAC "8" 2-dr. Sedan PACKARD '8'" Sedan DODGE 4-dr. sedan HUDSON Super -6' 4-D. PACKARD 4- Dr. Sedr.n CHEVROLET Styllnc Cpc. OLDS "8" Sedan CHEVROLET 5- Fass. Ope. $1845 $1595 $1645 $1395 $1495 $1145 $1295 $395 COMMERCIALS ! 1047 nodee Panl 4 1 ?H If"V 4'speCd " $395 1948 Dod-re Panel siSS 1943 Ford V-8 "- T Pickup S795 1949 Int. KB-8 SJ9P5 1950 Ford F7 w'trg $3795 1950 Ford F8 Air S1795 1948 G..M.C. - COE Tag. 2-sp. $3595 1942 G.I. 4x4 $595 JUCKELAND'S DLOCK-LONG LOT nth in isth on Klsmith Ph. 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED "i RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS HEPKESENTEO V'est-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR CMC DEALER 4T7 8 7th Phon. rni Kjr a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tn-ck Uoaler JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth unci Klamath 'hnne J-25S COMPLETE Radiator , Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplnnnne TRY THIS ONE OUT 1049 Ford v-a Custom ForUor Sedan. Radio. healer Well equipped. 1332 license. A very clean car. ?14i5. II. E. HAUC.En-BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 THE ONE YOU WANT 1943 Buick Super Sadanet. Radio, heat cr. plastic scat covers low mneaac. new car appearance and cundttion. Truly a beautiful car. SH:fj. H. E. 1IAUGEH-BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5151 WHY WALK? DRIVE MOKE MOTORS 302 E Main Phon. 3579 "We will sell .vour car for vou." We buy and trade' 1950 PLELTI.INS two door sedan. All extras. Original owner. Low mileage Priced t. fell. S153Q. Phone R177. tOK SALE. 1939 l'a ton Platucu Cnr. rolct trek. 45 motor. S400. Ca'l 7-1601 Ttilclakc. George Rieben. Tulelake Cab inet Shop. lu.W CHKVrtOLET. Five good tires, rtione r:ir.o. 19i0 CHEVROLET two door CICIUNc 24.000 mllej. Rad'o. heater, "ther extras new tires. Excellent condition. Plione :i 11ARGA1.NS riS Ford coupe. Rood. S125. lose Ford beaan, not bid, 9. 1942 Dodge Pickup, pood. s:i75. No trades. 1308 E. Main. 11131 CHEVHOLF.T UEL-A1R i'ijvvcr" gllde radio, hcnier, spotlight, only 4.000 miles. Substantial discount. Call tijtio aflor 6:30 p m. FOR SALE, 1047 Kaiser Sedan, 5575. Pse at :tln.i era o , all !'0,7. 194a CHEVROLET r LEI; I LINr. 4 door Sedan. ni"Mo nd hciler. ctfellent t'on (llilon. Will toka trade S12u. Plione 7780. FOR SALE or traiic. Equity in lot, Hudson. 4000 miles on new motor. Will take livestock or older car. Phone 9111. LOOKING I OK REAL nUYS Used Car Department We have .1 n'ce itc't cf vrl"ti. malces and models of used cart to select from. 1940s to 1951 s pr.ccd from S250 to $2000. Priced right! Drive right! Look right! Trftt'e.-, terms to suit you. 11. . llAUt-inttMUILK UAHAUS tired Car Department Main nt Broad Phone 5151 1040 OLDS SEDAN. $173. Small down layment. see at 1U7 ft. otn. rnune day 711 or night 9007. c Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "Klamath's Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AIR CONDITIONING i A" 13 E It fl OM 7h N 1J222 3 pfi i ri g P honi MIH Air Condltlonlnit Healing-Venll at ini Sheet Metai-Welciinf-Steel Fabrica- AnCHITECTS I PMiHIN, HOWARD R - AftCHITECT A I A, -Phone lMf7-1 12i Main Slrefl. I AUTO DEALERS USED imivk m(mk Morons win- tul: We buy. sell, t.-ade or el! on on lnment inl v tSe c'Mnc.l. fi iet AI.'iO GLASS KIMBAl.l.S GI.AfS S.'IO" Comnielc . auto g:ast tervlce. Sl Wa'nut. Phone BAKERIES I HOl.LY ANN BAKERY'l 19 North Hlh Ph- re 727T-"Blrthdoy CaSea Our Soe , e't'tv." VACS HAKHPV -- -Snertal Occailnn V..? 'A'-n lo Order " V.m South 6th fh, ne IM.14. CAMERA SHOPS Bt'D'3 PHOTO SERV!CE0:!1 Main Phone 3.VHJ. Everything Photorraorttr Film Developing In by 10 a m.. Ou by 4 r m. 1 1 .; i jeTTa'ood's cam "e";:a shop m Vein Phone 706.',. Lad!nir rancj I'htrtrraphtc Sunpl'es. Exoert Photo Ftrl'hinp Putcrr.ft firfrtfria C.irHv CHINA-SILVERWARE PICKVS JWKI.LRS - 7C0 Main rhone 2131 "Home of Fam'Ji Brai.ds " ' -no-pjr'-ard - P.oval York Roval nnulton Vd-Lnk - Corham - Wallace -Kirk Towle - Lunt - inte-rat!nnal CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 7026 rni ft-am ricr up ann JellvrT HOWAPOS CI.KANERS - P25 Easl Main Ph'in B2S3. "In At 10 a m.. Oul at .1 p.m." KLAMATH CLSANEPS "Klamathi O'drst and- Fines." 431 Ma'n. Phone M'.W METHOD CI.KANE.'IS--145 ; Kt nlanafre. Phone 4471. "For Particull Pe'-nle." CLOTHING NEW AND USED THK CLOTHES MART 125 South Dtn Fhor.e KI64. Clothing For Ail! Hano Ha-Ic G'.fts CLUBS TAVERNS TINY TAVErfN S. v.. "Perk" Peru ins. W. Z. "Bill" Halhe-. "Acres of Paiklne. "Mallory's Ei Y " DRUG STORES CASTLEBEKRY S Onl'CS P. D Mead Prop Drugs. PreYrripUoni. Sundries S.T1 Main Phore X:-3. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES .AST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Ron bir.s - Dewey Randolph. Owners. 6?J Klamath Phore 6388. "Your Friendly We-inrmie Dealer." MEKIY'S Sales and Service Mavtaft. Philco - Servel - Ironrite Hamilton NVcehl. 621 S-ulh filh Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 623 Klannth Phone 3134. Industrial Wiring and Sup Plies ELECTRIC KEATING EI.f.CTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car rol Colvtn. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2 .T2J1 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET EtCTR'C 2nd and Main Phone 4415. Modern Electrie Lighting Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE .MACHINERY CO Caterpillar - John Deere. Phnne 2-2544 FLOVER SHOPS CHARLIE MAtK'S KLAMATH FLOW ER SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 4153. Member FTD. i;OH.VS FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rita DePew. Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. - 221 Main Phone 5353. Willard Hotel Build ing GLASS ttt.MUALX'S liLASS SHOt Cotnoieie glass serice. Auto, plate, window and mirror. 521 Walnut. Phone 7378. 55 1946 Ford Station Wagon. Ra dio, heater, overdrive, new seats.. Good condition throughout $845 1950 Ford "6" Custom Delu.e Tudor Sedan, radio and heater $1595 1949 Ford 6 Custom Deluxe For. dor Sedan, radio, heater .... $1295 1946 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe For dor Sedan. Heater $795 1949 For dCustom Deluxe Ssdnn. Radio and heater $1295 194 FRAZER SEDAN Heater and overdrive SPECIAL $745 1941 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe For dor Sedan, radio and heater $445 1941 Chevrolet Super Deluxe Club Coupe, radio, heater $445 1939 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 2-door Sedan. Radio, heater $195 1938 Ford Tudor Sedan. Radio, heater, new tires, motor just re conditioned. Car is nice and clean $195 1937 Ford Coupe. '60' motor $50 T354 BALSIGER FOR SALE 1031 Mercury two door sedan. Hadio, heater, overdrive. Per fect throughout. Consider trade in older model. Phone 2-3293. rOR SALE. 1043 Scfanot Bulck. A-l nhapc, clean. ftiOO. 817 East Main after .1 p. n. KOrt SALE, 1IK19 Plymouth 4 door sedan Good condition Can be seen at Want'and or phone 9316. iV. INK ED CAHSl Ul iod or lie ouW Jtoia Motor Co, atb and Plum. THE HERALD AND NEWS ified ass GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants GROCERS MARKETS COMMUM'iV GROCERY 1040 a. Main. Phone SC3S. Free Delivery, Fresh V e peta b let. Meats. GKIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill rt Lennox. Three Stew- GUNSMITHS RALPH'S CUN SHOP - 4820 South 6th. Phone 4273. Authorized Winchester ind Remington Ginsmith. INSURANCE -GENERAL DrilSCOLi, AiN D PA DGETf fc'ire A'jto - Farm - 206 Williams Building Phn 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Years in One Block. Associates: Grayce Eaton - Bob Cause maker. 434 Main. Klamath Falls. Oregon. JEWELERS HAR WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out standing Values." 701 Main. Phone 8821 J C RENIS, JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4606. Watch, Clock & Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving Orange Blossom Diamond Rings. Ham llton . Elgin A Wyler Watches. Riluis -"Home ot Famous Brands " The finest r.mer In Watches, Diamonds Sliver, China ana Ef.s" Appliance Lenox-Pick a rd - Royal York Vd-Lok Gorham Wallace - Kirk - bv...U rowle Lunt Rolex Bu'ova Ham ilton Elcin - Art Carved Speidel - In ternational and many others. Rirkys Jewelers. Certified GemologiMs Reg istered Jeweler 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main Phona 9234. Kenmore Auto mattes. AUTOMOTIVE 1950 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. Was $1695. SPECIAL $1545 A-l SPECIAL 1948 FORD STATION WAGON Just like new. Radio, heater $1195 See Jack or Lloyd USED CAR LOT TWO REAL GOOD BUYS 1941 Olds "6" 74 4 Door Sedan. Radio, heater. Hydra ma tic drive, origi nal blacK finish. A dandy car at a low price r.23. 1041 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater. A-l me chanical condition. Good rubber. A bar gain at $335. H. E. H AUGER BU1CK GARAGE Uxed Liar tienarLment Main at Broad Phone 3191 FOR SALE. 1037 Packard. Uood condl. tlon. One owner. Phona 3-1489. MASSAGES Vf AS.SA)Ja; Natural hot wrier"' mine rift hwth. Onri rffri'in. nh 'O H401. MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phona 74liS M2.1 South 6th Moving - Local Long Distance. Storage . HH Gooda - Furni ture. Attents B?ktns. ORNAMENTAL IkJN HOWIE BftOS ProKut Ornamental Iron - Fences and Railings 2337 South 6th. Phone 43Ga. PHOTOGkAPHERS PHOTOS BY CTJDERIAN - 1125 Main Plione 2-2701 Cnmmerrlal - Portraits Aortal - Copying - Picture Framing OM CVnriPT. j sii uiJiu in U.S. .National Bank Building. Phone 3252. "Worth while t Photography at Reasonable Pi A NO MATERS KM.K iVlOuGAN PIANOS-1033 Main. Baldwin pfnnof, orfians: SelmeMfoltoi bard inrtriiment:; piano tunln; pano, fcad instrumeils (er . rent. LUi'JS R MANN PIANO CO 130 North 7th. One of Lirr-H Stocks Lead ing Mahe Piancs In West Hammond Orfr, . q-tlovrr. Rnntn' Sa! Plan. PLUMBIKG G. C. MOTLEY-812 Klan'ath. Phont Cfilfl. Plumhlm - Heitlnt . Sheet Metal. PUMPS GAR Hf SON EQUIPMENT COMPANY MerriTI-Lakevlew Junction. Jacuzzi pumos and wauv ny stems Sales, and '''V. BV T-t'. RADIATOR SERVICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1801 South 6lh. P-ione m). Eves. BH67. RADIO STATIONS KTLW American Broadcasting Co. "Tops In radio listening:" 1490 on vour dial. - RESTA'.'XANTS CArCS BARNEY'S CHAT-N'N1BBT.S Eat the fnmous PAR-N"!E-BUPGER. Hon-0 made Pies Esolanade. Dial 3-2406. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 331 East Main Sales and Service. Lawnmowers. R S A. Motorcycles. A1 Saws and Tools SAWS POWER MrCUi-LOCH SAW SHOP McCulloch Chain Saw sales, partt service. SEED STORES MURPHEY'S S:ED STORE "Seed! Thai Grow " 834 Klnm?.h. Phona 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S FXCHANOVRoland Cofer, Owner. 610 Klimath. Phone Phone 7 ICO. Houae of 1001 Bargain" New and Used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPHS MOBIL SWVlCE llth and Klamath. Phone 542?. Auto Repair ing Motor tune-un - MoblIg.ii Mobil oil "Como'ete Line Accessor!!! SEWING Sl.S'UER SEV1NG CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2313. Complete Line of No tions SHEET METAL PADS & HOLLAND - 222 Spring Phcre 36!0 Stain? Steel, riue Ex tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR . ED'S SHOE SHl'' Tom Dunn. Phon 60211(122 Main St. (tfUALli t Sr:Or: KEPA1R 9H Mai 1 Str Phn RTn. E-t"ert poalHne. SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturalize? Roblee Buster Brown. 717 Main. Phone 7383. VAN ORMANS "K'amath Falls New est Family Shoe Store." Trim-Trel Pott Parrot - Rand - Star Brand. 927 Mafn S&H GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4533 Soutn 6th Phone 6403. "For Those Who Care." 1950 Ford V-8 Pickup, '.i Ton 4 speed transmission, heater and defroster W$ 1950 Ford 6 Pickup, !i Ton 4 speed transmission, heater . and defrosters 13D5 1919 Ford 6 Pickup, ,;Ton, 4 speed transmission, heater and defroster $1295 1947 Ford V-8 'i Ton Pickup, ' Stake bed. 4-speed transmis sion ?795 1949 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Overdrive, heater. Whs $1695. SPECIAL $1545 ; 1950 Ford 6 Panel, radio Blid heater, new paint $1395 1950 Ford V-8 Panel, 3-epeed transmission, heater $1295 1913 Ford V-8 Chassis and Cab, 2-Ton truck, heater 15BJ 1949 International KB7 Chasgis and Cab, truck heater, long wheel base $1985 1948 Ford V-8 Stake Ton heater and defroster, new paint, good rubber $865 2152 So. 6th LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1047 Olds "6" 76 Club Sedan. Radio, heater. Hydra ma tic drive, plastic seat covers, lots of accessories, new tutona finish. A real keen looking car, First das, condition in every way. A ateal at alios. Ji. E. HAUGKR-BUICK OAHAGS 1 Used Car Uaparlmtnt Mainat Broad Hnont 8lftl 1047 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan, ruliy equipped, tooa. Sea at 2078 Eberleln.