PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY. JANUARY B, 10.T2 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grain Prices Show Good Gains CHICAGO W Grain prices rolled upward in pretty brisk deal lugs lor a half-day session on the board of trade Saturday. Buying centered largely in near-by con tracts, particularly March wheat. Prospects ol exports next week to West Germany and Japan again were a lactor in wheat's strength. In addition, moderate mill buying against sales ol Hour developed. March 1.260 "j-&. corn 1 '.-1 ' higher, March $1.93 i, oats , to 1 cent higher, rye 'a-l '3 higher, May $2.12 soybeans 1 to 2 4 I nig.icr, January $2.98 puuuua U.BUB , ;....... WHEAT Open High Low Mar 2.59?, 2.61 2.59, JViay 2.57-5-7 2.57'i 2.56' t July 2.48?. 2.4-9. 2.48-', Sep 2.49 2.50-, 2.493 Close 2.60'a 2.57', 2.48 2.50 Stocks Steady As Week Closes NEW YORK liP Selective de mand imparted steadiness to the stock market Saturday. Although little or no progress was made on the extension of the yca.-ena rally into the New Year, . the gains made thus far this week 111 u:e st.-uigiU four-day rise re mained unimpaired. The volume of business came to an estimated half million shares, a bit under a week ago when the total was 560,000 shares. Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers American Airlines 27 77 5P, 16', 21'. loo1, 51 773, American Power & Light American Tel. tt Tel. American Tobacco ' Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrows Adding Machine California Pacing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation. , Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper John Manville Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. It Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney J. C. Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Ffd .Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Studebaker Corp. Standard Oil N. J. Standard Oil Calif Sunshine Mining Swift V Company Transamerica Corp Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westlnghouse Air Brae Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 51' 47 70': 102!. 34 18 377i 9P. 46' -143 59?a 51i 23 44J, 35' 49 87" 8'i 23 Vt 18 38i 67 18''. 18;, 64 17' 34' 109 V i 18'i 9', 27U 24'2 41'i 56, 33' 51' 563 35", 621 34 H 753, 50?, 33'i 23. 38 103'i 33' 4 32 43, 33i 40:a 15 42 26'i 40s, 433i INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWENS INVESTMENT SERVICE LlMfd, loactlve. Unlisted and OTertbeCounter boodi and ... 8tckt. Inrestment Fonda ! Meil-nen Blriir. Pho-e t-UZr, ' KLAMATH FALLS GROUCHO MARX GOT FIRST STAGE ROLE THROUGH WANT AO Groucho Marx got his first stage part when he walked sixty blocks from his home in New York to answer a Want Ad lor a boy soprano. He toured a oa female impersonator until his voice cracked in . V Donvr nno rA .t, had to be cast in male roles, Vanl Ad Open Doors to Success KanrJ f.,i,k, J., , nw k, Huii Here In (S 01 I 1 Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD In Ike ICaitNSsVbicici Livestock Prices Fairly Level Today CHICAGO tin Hors were quot ed bicuay at the end of an ad vancing week Saturday. Cattle and sliecp also were nominally steady. For the week, lighter weight bar rows and Kilts advanced 60 to 85 cents while butchers averaging around 1!40 pounds and more closed 85 cents to $1.00 or more higher, throughout the period. In the cattle section, demand centered on weiRhts around 1.200 pounds down and grading good or better. Such cattle closed stroni to 15 cents higher. Commercial grade lighter weights and most ... . .,.... m.rk,, ..,.' t closea strong to 50 cents higher 10r tl,e wecl!- Sheep sold strong. ' Weather i Western Oregon: Occasional rain j Saturday, freezing Columbia Gorge in morning: partly cloudy j with scattered showers Saturday night and early Sunday, clearing I lute Sunday. Warmer in north Sat ursday afternoon and night. Highs both days 40 to 50: low Saturday night 30 to 40. Southerly winds of 25-35 miles an hour oil the coast, with gusts to 45 miles an hour. Winds shifting to westerly to north westerly by Saturday night and diminishing slowly Sunday. Eastern Oregon: Occasional snow and quite windy Saturday through Saturday night: partly cloudy Sun day with scatterd snow or rain showers: rising temperatures. High Saturday 25 to 35; low Saturday night 20 to 30: high Sunday 25 to 40. Grants Pass and Vicinity Oc- cauonal light rain through Sunday. HI;h Saturday 45: low Saturday main 34: high Sunday 38. Northern California Increas. ing cloudiness with rain in extreme north Saturday, spreading to Fres- nn onri ' m,i i, ii... no and Santa Maria by night; snowers Sunday. Snow in moun tains. Not so cold Saturday night except in extreme north. Southerly wines of 30-40 miles an hour north of Point Arena and 15-30 miles an hour to the south, becoming ti-nctaol.. OA tn il i ..wtwij, -vow nines aii nour oun-j Max Mia 2J in Baker Bend Eugene Klamath La Grande Lakeview Medford North Bend . Ontario Pendleton Portland Roeburg . Salem 1 Bol;e Chicago ...... Denver 34 23 . .-.IB 47 43 18 32 48 fcureka .51 New York .. 38 Hea Bluff San Francisco . Seattle Spokane BIRTHS RADER Born at Klamath Valley HdspiUl. Jan 4, 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Otis Racier, Malin. Ore., a boy. Weight: 6 pounds H34 ounces. COMPLAINTS FILED Sydney S. Clauson vs. Richard Clau son. suit for divorce. Couple married Sept 8. 1945, Reno, Nev. Charge, Cruel ty. Plaintiff seeks property settlement. J. C. O'Neill, attorney for plaintiff. DECREES GRANTED Margaret K. Gregory vs. Lloyd E. Gregory. George R. Jolley vs. Isabel G. Jolley. PROBATE MATTERS COX Elsie K. Cherry named admin istratrix in estate of David W. Cox. estimated at $2500. Heirs: Elsie Cherrv, Elva Harris, Eva WinkJeman and Vel ma Clark. MARRIAGE LICENSES SWINDLER GLIDDEN. Rat oh L Swindler, 21. serviceman. Native of Ore gon. Resident of Klamath Palls. Ore. Catherine R. Glidden. 19. sales clerk. Native of California. Resident of Klam ath falls. Ore. DISTRfCT COURT Shlriev K. Crawford, no anonlnr't license, rine w -w. Jewel E. Anderaon. no ooerator'a li cense. Fine S5. Helen G. warv. no vehicl Ifr-ont Fine S5. William H. Wren, no PUC oermit. Forfeit S15 bail. Donald . Nored. no PUC oermit. Forfeit S15 bail. Carl D. Wiscom. no ooerator'a li cense. Fine $9.50. Lloyd V. Howard, no warninc de. Vice. Fine $7.50. Herman E. Alcorn, no huntinff li cense. Forfeit S15 bail. Jack Wood, failure to stop for school bus. Fine $6. Donald R. Ol&on, no operator's li cense. Fine S3. Rex Younfl. no vehicle llcenie. Fine 5. MUNICIPAL COURT Dwane Stephens, drunk driving. Fine $100 and 30 days. Mike Miller, drunk. Fine $15 and S days. Ralph W. Hunter, drunk. Fine $13 or 7' days. Edmond D. Barney, drunk. Fine $20 or lft r'n-c,. Readings for the 24 hours ending at 4: 4...... Saturday; rJ t ( tzv ft) . ;u ' v - Klamath & NEWS t- l 1 1 k VJEA AAMffliA ) I JERRY BECKHAM, U.S. Navy, was home for New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beckham, 2028 Siskiyou. He left Jan uary 2 by plane for Long Beach, where is is in Com munications. Jerry is a KUHS graduate and was employed at the Greyhound Bus Depot prior to going into the Navy. Negro Plight To Be Studied PORTLAND I.TI It ls prac. ! ,?, ,, .VhiTh. , . K" 10 Z? EU"ihr"t' "5-J" ,Ule ?i"em ana tugene areas. Edwin C Rerrv told the State Fair Employment Practices Committee Friday. Berry, executive secretary or the Urban League, said that condit ions at Eugene were particularly bad: "Many Negro families have been forced to move into an area where they have no sanitary facilities, where they have to carry thoir water half a mile, and are living in one and two-room shacks hastily thrown together." he said. The Urban League is a Portland organization which is interested m protecting the rights of minority groups. David Robinson, its presi dent, told the committee that Ne groes couldn't find any housing tn Salem. "The state does not discriminate against Negroes in employment in Salem chiefly because there are no Negroes to discriminate! against, uerry said. Five Nabbed In Drug Raid PORTLAND 1 The nation wide crackdown on suspected nar cotics handlers resulted Friday in the arrest of five person In Port land. They were picked up In three simultaneous evening raids. Arrested at the Medley Hotel and accused of selling heroin were Ben son Phillips and Pralmus Crosby. Officers broke down the locked door at the home of Val Wesley and arrested him and his wife. Wesley is accused of selling Mari juana and his wife, Estelle, of pos sessing narcotics. James Bush. 23, was picked up in the N. Williams Avenue district. He is accused of selling marijuana. All five are Negroes. Not For Rent NEW YORK W A landlord accused of furtively renting con demned tenement apartments for $50 a month has been sentenced to IS days in jail. The landlord. William McKnight. pleaded fruilty Friday before Mag istrate, Frederick L. Strong to vio lating city housing laws. The prosecution said McKnight sneaked the tenants and their household effects into the rickety building at night and he asked one month's rent in advance as securi ty. Eight families have been living in the condemned building. McKnight occupies a nine-room hou";e in suburban Mamaroneck, k. y. Grocery Tab Shows Drop WASHINGTON 11 Th first decline in grocery food prices since October 1.2 per cent between Nov. 26 and Dec. 15 has been reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The index, based on a 1935-39 averaae base of 100. was 231.9 for Dec. 15. It was obtained by samp ling retail food prices in eight ma jor cities. Biggest decline included prices of eggs, down 13.6 per cent; fresh green beans 34 per cent: carrots 11 per cent: oranges 8 per cent: lettuce 5 per cent, and potatoes 3 per cent. Tomatoes and cabbage were up, 30 and 12 per cent, respectively. Meats, poultry ana nsn declined 9 per cent on the average. Dairymen Open Meeting Here The annual meeting of the Klam ath Dairymen's Assoc. got under way nt the Winema hotel this morning, with an election ot new officers the prime item on the agenda. Outgoing president is Wilbur Helling. Poe Valley. Production and promotion prob lems were scheduled for a thor ough going over. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA ftncrttufullr TrraU4 Kxcloilva Method 330 No. 1th Pliant 10flf C'hirnnrartlA Phvalrtan Civil Service Board To Move In On Departments Refusing To Cooperate Klamath Falls Civil Service lot the other members C. D. Long, Board has found a legal weapon Jack Henry and Merrill a. Kiuus with which to defend llselt and mau Hiiuuipi ueuermciH ot ronco Department working conditions, Since August of 1950 the Board has been comparatively Inactive af ter a tuss with me f ire Depart ment over appointment of a fire marshal. Since that time, accoi'tlinu to auura mcuiucrs at a meeting yes terday at the City Hall, City Atty. Henry Perkins opined the Board has no power to make recommen dations on appointments to either the Police or Fire Departments. But Municipal Judge Robert El der, secretary of the Board, brought this fact to light: In elections of 1936. Klamath Falls passed a resolution which in effect stated that 'all places on the Fire and Police Departments, with exception of the Chief of Po lice, were to be filled bv persons passing a public examination." With that backing the Board hopes to correct these Police De partment conditions: 1. Refusal of the Department to accept recommendations of the Board. 2. Lack of provisions for advance ment above the position of ser geant. 3. Lack of certification iinrlpr civil service status of three or lour t-once Department members. 4. Continual rrsienntinns nf nn. licemcn because of "lack of oppor tunity for advancement" and "the nign cost of living with low pay tor long working hours." These three reasons were stressed In resignations of six officers ap proved by the Board yesterday. The resignations have eiisucd since the Boards last meeting in August of 1950. Well founded rumors around City Hall and the Police Station indi cate there w ill be more resigna tions in the near future unless such conditions causing internal strife in the department are corrected. I In other Board business vester aay Judge Elder gained approval 1 Plane Search Swings West Nothing new had turned up in the search for a C-47 Army Trans port missing since, Dec. 26. and the aerial hunt today swung west toward Medford. Inclement weather allowed only the bis Air Force planes based at i former Balslger iotor Co. sales the Klamath Falls airport to take I un In the (all of 1950 to the air today. The car was found abandoned In ine plane was last hearcTfrom over Klamath Falls In the late afternoon of Dec. 26. There were eight military men aboard, lnclud inc the crew of three and five nucnniKers. tne plane was bound for Travis Air Force base from ! spoKanc. Apparently there was no slunlfi- mce in the swing toward Med- cance in the swing toward Med- iuiu eM-epi mat- searcners feel Uiey have pretty well covered the terri tory in other directions from Klam ath Falls. Meat Supply Outlook Glum WASHINGTON l Contrary to hopes, the nation will get little more meat this year than it did in 1951 because of dwindling feed Rraln supplies and prospects are even worse for 1953. The Agriculture Department Frl day estimated that reserves of such grain sorghums will drop to 18 million tons by next Oct. 1. That is about 10 million tons below last Oct. T. With feed scarce, farmers quit raising livestock. Hence, the de partment said, meat supplies are not expected to top last year's av erage 140 pounds per coasumer and may go even lower in 1953. Wife Okays Divorce Plan SANTA "OyiCV Calif, '.fl Writer William Saroyan and his estranged wile, the lormcr Carol Marcus, have reached an amicable property settlement and her law yer will file a divorce suit for her soon. Jerry Glesler, Mrs. Saroyan's at torney, told the court Friday he wished to drop her separate main tenance suit and substitute the di vorce action. Saroyan, 43, and his wife, 27, were ilrst married in 1943. They were divorced In 1949. They sepa rated again last Sept. 1 after five months of marriage. Details of their settlement were not disclosed but Mrs. Saroyan is to have custody of their two chil dren, Aram, 8. and Lucy, 5.' Ralph Smith Sale Rumor Spiked Rumors that the Diamond Match Co. had bought out the Ralph L. Smith Lumber Company holdings In the Anderson. Calif, area were spiked today by A. W. Hood, the smitn uompanys general . man ager. Hood said negotiations In what was to have been a multi-million dollar deal, broke down In mid December and that there was no prospect of the negotiations being reopened. Farm Bureau To Meet On Monday The Klamath County Farm Bu reau's regular monthly meeting has been scheduled for Monday night at the Community Lounge, N. 8th St. On the agenda will be the new county farm safety program and potato price ceilings, according to Pres. E. E. Kilpatrlck, Merrill. ELECTED BEND Wl w. T. Welcome will continue as mayor of this city. He was selected for another term by commission members. to ask Police Chief Hamilton tliut perMiuuci records 01 somo 17 mem bers on the force be brought up to date. Elder was also given permission (0 advertise lor Civil Service ex aminations to be he'd soon lor po. sltlons on the Police and Fire De partments. Passing grades in the C!J"nu. "ted nt 75 per cent, with 5 per cent preference given veterans obtaining the' passing grade. (Continued from Tuie 3.) Sunday School Workshop for members of Hope Lutheran Church Sunday School .stuff will be held this Sunday at Shasta School from i,? J,.5:ls ' A politick supper will follow the workshop. Theme of the session wIM h- "Winv Persons Learn." A sound fllu will be shown and a discussion centered about the film. Date t'hante-vMectlnit of Aloha Chapter Social club. OES. sched uled for Jan. 4 hu.s been ch-nged to Jan. 11 at the Masonic Tuplc. Cues! Speaker at Congrega tional Church worship service at II a.m. Sunday will be Orvillc Etter. Henley PTA will meet Tuesday, Jan. 8, In the high school library at 3 p.m. All members are request ed to attend for a vote on the yearly project. Larceny Case Held Oyer Dale Eugene Rhodes. 41-vcnr-old logtior. was Riven till Jan. 12 this morning in Circuit Court to enter plea to a chante of larceny by bailer. U.S. Bnlentine. Rhode's attorney, asked or the additional time to contact witnesses for his client. Rhodes was scheduled to enter a plea to the charge this mornine. He U accused of stealing the 1050 Ford sedan of Layton J. Sleight, Portland and Rhodes was named In a secret indictment here. Oct, 20, lyjj. He was arrested in Salem the first of this week and ls held under $3500 ball In the County Jail. I hnp KillSnn IAUIIIIM Leads To Jail TULELAKE A dead doe deer, a loaded .22 caliber rllle and a plea of RUllty to a charge of hunt ing, pursuing and killing a deer our ot season netted sixty davs In the county clink. Yreka, yesterday for a Merrill resident. Lloyd Junior Shenherd. about 25. appeared in Justice court before Lee Sonnenbcrg and admitted kill ing the animal from a public high way. He was picked up bv a mem ber of the Fish and Game Com mission. , Sonnenberg fined him S250 or 60 days In Jail. Lacking funds he went to la II. Thre- other companions In "he car with Shepherd were not held. Thomas Creek Road Beirta Built LAKEVIEW Ranld progress on the construction of the timber ac cess road up Thomas Creek Is be ing made by the contractor. J. W. Briggs. Toledo. Ore., it was an nounced this week by John E. Mc Donald, supervisor of the Fremont National Forest. About four miles of the 6.16 mile contract has now been roughed In and the contractor hopes to work all through January, said McDon ald, If the weather docs not turn too rugged. The present work has taken the road through the Thomas Creek gorge. The contract covers the first 6.16 miles of 12-mile construction to give access to about 800,000,000 board feet of virgin timber In the Thomas Creek block of the Fre mont. The present contract was let by the Bureau of Public Roads at a figure of $163,856. Chamber Asks Delay In Hearing LAKEVIEW A request that a public hearing on local telephone rates be postponed has been for warded lo the Public Utilities Com mission and the Wcst Coast Tele phone Company by the Communi cations Committee of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce. The hearing has been set for 10 a.m., Jan. 11, in the courthouse. The Communications Committee made the request on the basis that the phone company has undertaken to make surveys to determine the possibility of extending county-wide service, and to determine whether It can offer a new proposal for replacing the service at Warner Valley and Summer Lake. The Committee reasoned that If suitable proposals are made, the company will have to ask that by having the PUC hearing at a later date the matter could be taken up at one time rather than having two separate hearings. Legal Notice NOTICE ' IN THE ClnCUIT COtlFIT OF THE STATE Or OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Mailer of ttic Bntate ot AIJOUSTA MAY HESSIO, Deceaaed. Notice la hereby flven that 1 have noen appointed Executor ot the eatate of AuauBta May Hesalg, deceased. All persona having elalma nftalnut laid en late are required to present them to nie with proper vouchers, at the office of Hurry D. Ilolvln. 724 Mnln Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, wllhln six months from January o, 10.V2. which 1 the dala of first publication of this notice. Richard L. Hesslg, Executor J-J-IZ-IO-SS No. 843 1 i"--lyp.';.".''ii,yn. in i N 1 N CLASSIFIED RATES One day ....... per word 4' rhrre Days .. per word lie Week run per word 20c Mouth run prr wurd lie MINIMUM The minimum charge fur any uiiu d Is (Soo. BOX NUMBKHfl AiiKWrrs to ads may be handled Mii'uuitli box minion's nt the paper for service charge uf 25c. DEADLINES UliHttird sua accepted up to 6:30 pin tor 'following day s puullcatlun Classified display ads accepted up ic 12 noon I or lollowing cluy pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS I Please make an uaiuis lur adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 9:30 p in will De mads in following day's miniirstion Legal Notice NOTICE 1)1 HONIJ HAl.K Sealed p.-upol will li rvfciteri bv the Common L'ot'urM ol the City o( Kljtnath Kails. Urexon. fur I he 'pur ctwve .f . hewer ininiuvemrnt boitilt. Scilrs da, ntixiriiUhm, Knur rtuHiaurl Mve Hundu'cj 'iuonl -tw.. ami ;UHHI Dmiur... t-4.5aJ.3J) dul," autlKM ireci In ordinance of the snKI CUy of Klninnth u I In, fur the vtiiulrtu'llon and lo lni( of Mwrr lines In Hrwrr Cult No. HO, of Maul City and kci'VUiM the iirupeilv Iwluern Htm I It sixth Htiret. I hit O V St K. Hmlioncl Ki.ln nf Wnj, va and Waihbum Street 1' to purchase ald bonda will be uvoivrd bv the uiutri i!jiiih up lo and im-lurilni the 4th. day of Krltuar. ItlAJ. m iht hour of aevau-lhirlv o'clock pm. of aiti day and opened hi a rmular mectin of the rtwunuin funn el! immediately thereafter: alri borut hall be dated February 1. Id.U, and hn be In amounts of ftt0 00 at-h. except bond No. 1. of taid tcrlea. which Khali b for the fractional pail of aid aiun. and all hall h dua ten ear after the data of Utile, payment of the entire bonds ootionat with paid City at any coupon paving data on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bund will hear Intercut at the rate of nut to exceed l per cent per annum, pa able emlanuully on February Kt. and Aukum Wt. of each year, principal and Intereil pavable at the office of the tte;iucer of tlw City uf Klamath KalU. Oreaan. All propoMiU miut be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check fur five per cent nf the pro pot I. The Common Council rtficrvra the rtitht to reject any and all bid. The uccFitful bidder fr said bondi will be furnuhed with an op.nlnn lo the levaluv thereof bv the law firm nf Wmfree. MrCullm-h, Shulcr a 5ar, Spaldinc lluildlns. Portland. Orron. Thla notice l authorized by ordinance of the Common Council of tha City nf Klamath KalU, Oreoti. dated Decem ber 17. IftM. HonKHT m. Ei.nrn. Po Jud of the City of Klamath KalU, Oregon. D - Jl - J - I - 3 - .1 - 4 - S . 7 . a - 9 . 10 - H . 12 - U - IS . 18 - 17 - 18 - IB . 31 - 22 - Tt 3t - ;u - an 3a . an - m - ji . ri - 3 No notice or oatf or KIN A I. SKTTLKMFNT IN THE CIRCUIT COIIIIT Or THE STATE Or ONKCON FOR KLA MATH COUNTY In thr Matter of th EitaU of G. P. VANHIPER, who wm aUo known at UARI P. VAN RIPER. I)ccatU Nunc U hereby given thai 1 hav filled my final account of Ih adminis tration of (he above entitled estate and that tha Court ha apputnud January 14 ltlH at 10 A M. a tha ttma for hearing objections in urh final ar. count and the ettlemnl thereof. Angia M. Van Hi per Ranong St Gonong Attorney for Exci-iilrlK D-is-aa-ifl j-s No. Bia SUMMONS LN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK ST ATI. OK OfttU.ON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY John r orrrx and VIOLET K Or EL. Husband and Wife. 1'iaintlff. Vi. MARY HALSTT.N and JOHN HAISTTN. her huihand. and CIRARb INSURANCK COMPANY or IMIILA DKLPHIA, Pa, a corporation. Defend ant. TO: MARY HAISTRN and JOHN OOK HAISTK.N, defrndanta nove named IN THK NAME or THE STATE or OREGON: You and each of you are hereby re quired In appear and anawcr the com plaint filed ugiiinal you in the above enntled Court and ault on or before the expiration of four week from Decern brr 15, 1931. which la lite data of lira publication of ihu summon, and II ou fall ao to annwer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the relief prayed for In their complaint herein, lo-wll: 1. That there Ik found due and owing upon contract of ale wherein plaintiff were vendor, and you were vendee, covering real property In Klamath Count), Oregon, described aa H' t ol I,ot ri. Block 7. AIMmnnt Acres. I he aum of 41UI.V7H with interest at the rate of ff percent per annum from July .1. 1031; X. That defendant Clrard Im.uranre Company of Philadelphia, Pa. be re quired and permitted to depont the aum of $400 admitted due hy it for fire lott on ajiid premlaea with the clerk of thli Court to be applied on the unpaid balance of tald contract, and that upon said aum being o de posited aaid defendant Inaurnncfl com pany be nbnolved and relieved from furlhrr liability thereunder: X That the defendant Mnry Halaten be permitted wllhln ten day after the service of summons herein to pay to Klnmiith County Abstract Company, escrow holder, for benefit of plaint I (fa, the balance remaining unpnld on aaii contract after crediting thereon the aum of 400, together with plaintiffs' cosUi and disbursement, and that upon paying said aum within said time, or w Ithin auch further time as mnv be allowed by the court, she be permlttrd .lo acquire the eatate and title to snld firoperty as provided for In said con met but that upon failure of said de fendant to pay snld sum with the In terest and coaU that each of you and all persons claiming hy. through or under vou be forever barred and fore closed of any right, title, eninte nr lien In or to anid renl properly and Hint plalniiffi be placed In possession thereof; and 4. That plnlntffri have atirh nlher and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable In the premises. This summons la served upon you by publication thereof once each week for four successive weeks In the Herald St News, a daily newspaper of genera, circulation published In Klamath Coun. tv. Oreton, pursuant to order of Hon orable David n. Vandenberg. Judge of the above entitled Court, dated and entered December 12, in.1l. (ianong St Ganong Attorneys for Plaintiff 724 Mh I u Street Klamath Falls, Oregon D-10-23-20 J-5 No, Blfi NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATF. OF ORF.CON FOR KI.AMATII COUNTY tli. Mnlter of the Batata In of HonF.RT DONA HOE. Decenitcd NOTICE in hcrehv tflven that tha nmlprxliinpH has filed hi. Final Account and report aa administrator nf the above entitled e.lnte. and that the Court ha fixed Tuesday. January 8. HI.V.!, at 10 A.M.. In the Circuit Court room of the Court House, Klamath Fall., Oregon, a. Ihe time and place for hearing nf ohjecllonn. If any, In the aame and for the aelllemenl ot aid estate. Thoma W. Chatburn Admlntri'Glor D IH-22-2II J-.l No. 1117 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT j IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter nf tha Eatate of DENIS LACEY, Deceased. Notice Is hereby ffiven that 1 have filed my final account of the ndmlnis. trnllon of the above entitled estate and that the Court haa appointed January 211, HI.12 at 10 A. M. as the lime fur hearing ohlectlnna to such final account and the settlement thereof. Wm. Ganong, Administrator Gnnnng At Ganong Attorneys for Administrator JU-au J-B-U-la No. 630 Herald & News Want Ad Agents BLY HUNTS CASH CMOCI3RY Photic 76a Bon 341 ncuius MRS DOHA UltANHAM Phone 78 mi G Hiin Hunlev Tulolako RUTH KINO Phone BibJ Hie i. Box 01 LAKEVIEW N BLUK NOTE MUHIO Phone -J701 I'Jtl B Ht. No MERRILL ROUKUTA UKWEY ' Phone D'.'UI Morrill MALIN MRS. JOK HALOUB1JK Box 114 Mnlln Phone 374 C fUNERAl HOME WAItft '5 KramalTi PiMierai"tloiiVi"W litnh Phoit. ao;i4 MEETING NOI'CES MEKTINU: Aloha Chapter, No. 61, OV.H, will liinlitll offi cers Ht nil open meet ing. U.iturduy, January 5, H pin., Ill tho Mit unlc Lodge. HKTl'Y 1IUNTEH. WM Al.UA OLDHAM, WH " ANONYMOUS " ml. Friday. U put, for information, wrlle Hux M. Plume .T.UU LOST AND FOUND LOST YOUNG BLACK LARRADOK MALE RETRIEVEK Wriirlng Chnln Collnr Last Seen On Geary Undue $50 REWARD Fur Bnfe ami Immediate. Return PHONE 2-2072 Dot Cnn Be Prwltivtly Identified Hy Owner t.OKT. Mal l'eklngv dogTVhild pt Hrittni to Mm. L.. II. Olkhrm. Marrow, tOSTrMalUrmaniMiU-tfT'fltarV7in(l kllr. whlta rtl. Ian m, collar Finder pleat reply IUT Oak nr phona LOST, Tvomantluufd "lrlihHlter" in Mill addition. 33M Radrltfta. phone 2-oita RTHA YKb: f'roinilUrarVTuv Two Heifrra, one Ho'atem. ona Gtiern-m-V. lira n ded Ihamond "r" on Ivfl hip Plea rail J-II7S or writ (Jvorg l-w. Ii. AiHll Denver Avenue. I .OUT. Udvt "E'gin waliC Krp.akY Reward. I'hona awtf. LOST! ifjirge rr glilrratliU-otciT'TjolH! Six year old. Enlarged Joint front leg. Ilewaro phone 3 W24, Hud While. Merrilllllghwav. LOST" Terrier 'aneffruh Htter pupp naaied Cocoa Phone 3-1346 LOST. rhlneion nerltlara. Reward Phone Man after p m. GENERAL NOTICE Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet In K C. Hull, 4th unci Mnln. lt and 3rd Monday of each month ViMtlnv members welcome iUI'H Singer Swing""Center""7 open to the public. Thursday 3 JO to 5 30 for free atlachment instructions siNr:Eft at-UMMn rrvrm ! tXl3 Main Phone 1-2319 PERSONALS RfANLEYIomenucU."' Phone" MM I WE make records' of anything Hv'e i lUcording Co at Conntra Service Co ! Phone 0711 or 2-3413 i WATKKPHUOriNCi products fnr"ralV oaMmeni or root, fnone 847. oil ur.n NOW. 10 SERVICES Septic onks Cleaned Newent Sanitary Methoda Alan ROTO ROOTER SKKVICE Cie-ins Hcx Llnea ul Hoots. Etc ED P KINO 2434 Orrhnrrl Phnne 9R4I TUFTS for SERVICE CHIMNEYS FURNACES STOVES OIL BURNER 8ERVICE Phone flS!5 or 2-3316 EXCAVATING Mooil dhovfl and Trencri Hoe Bulldozer - Pill Dirt lopiuiil Criuhed Rork nnvrway Clndeit Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e SMI or SI in BRICK LAVINii-',"-your "flroolati rtraw? If not mil 0I4H IIOKS YO'ufl llr"oplacentcd repaYr"; Callfmill. PIPK TIlXwiNO. C'nTl4illlS'vVllTiii; antl wrrliMiflii. PAINtNfi7ii5i rork 'InTihTnK. lurlnff, wall pnpir cleaning, wall and woodwork wnnhlna hy hour or contract. Phoni 2..'l24:i hctwrcn s and n n. rn. WATCHMAKING, lie ncinahler 7li" Mnii Strccl. PANTING ana1 pnpcrhangin Plionr FLOORHnnllhecl.PI)ont uwm. TlllPPS AUTO painting. hodvTnd"fe"n" de, work Phone 4n40 CARPENTER work-Repairs.-leinoflel'. Inrf andnewcniiFilrnctton. Phone a-(HH7. MAC'S Fnrm KniiipmentCoT'r'rguVon dealer Phone ELECTRIC wfiliNtl-wiirTTby- h7.iiro"r i-onlract. Phone 2-1010. EXPERT drehuuahTngana' alteriiroTii". Phone 0701. PAiN"TlNG7efiraihTg, paper hnligTng plasler-bonrd finishing, spray palming. CURTAINS launds-ed ind stretcheVT Phone 40H J L DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 300 No. 7lh - Phnne 0.140 12 EDUCATIONAL CHILD" CARE and educatlonrPracliool cenler Phone 4270. dreil subjects, nflire machines KI.AMATH BUSINESS COI.I.EUE rim Phona 47511 M HELIVVANUD, FEMALE FliLi. OR PART f IMEhouscke?pcr wanted. Can live In or mil. Private Phi"1 'ni A,p,' ln nrsnn, 4(1'lXdynfnr-chird care In vH clnlty of High School, Phone 2-2077 aft- yinn 11.11. Experienced lumber secre lry. Call 3-2S40 office houra or call -..mi. wnu. if u, in. 16 HELP WANTED, MALE A HEAL PUT1IRB for you with Hv1 Comal Atilomntlp Firs extlnfiiilahera. hniti,.pTXct!.: PrMVrt 'r 20 yenr;:. Vrt-t oiilfl Fill or part, time. Kxchmive. N llonally advorllaeil. Write Rrd Comet ,P.r-.'I?.r',f!. M'p- '-Ittlelon. Cnlnmilo. KXPKRIGNCRO NiitomnhlU merha'mc wanted. Miisl havt nwn tnnla. Jtirk. land Truck Salu, llih and Klamath. if 16 HI LP WANTED, MALI WanTIII, iliif"" nil-mf "inanV h.wrw, Ore I'hoiit ;i VJMi after 0 p. m. I'liona ;t..n;i Me.ifum. "Wo oiler "hh upiioi irinity "(Tt exUiiluii yournelt III n pm intnteul. tllgnlflfd Itiui mp. KHt'rlknt profit, We will llnam yuii, Oiva lull purllculHrfl a hull I inu. Mlf ( leltnr. Will lit J, II. Wil li In. Co.. M I)r.lcr Ave., Heallle if, WuclltiiKloll. u 17 HELP WANTED " EKl'KlllriNt'Kl)' fwr Utm. Wgfk'a'r'i Dilvv In. Mil. Olh and Mai tin. IB SITUATIONS WANTED iiAiiYhrrTiNa p!tiin""i o.tlii.' i'llii.U CAHK lit my hotna tor two uf llne t-hlUlinil. tlMlon IU4i. h.M'...(IKNCKIf liiinhet e rlai y ami hooltkreitei- ileilrea full Hint ailtpluy. liieul. t'luine toili. OKI' woman liiVnt ""w'orlu Will oon liter liotiaeksepllig Job In town. Wi lltt IIok :I3. Kruii, Orvguit or V 0018. Wu.i 4)t('ipitig of 'any kii.din my lioine, Mofririuo given. Plum ttooo. CIIII.IJ l.Alli;, Phone a-IVW." IIAMY mitlng. Vhone il-IMfl."" " Wll.l I'Mia for i hlhlien In myotonia ur your home vaninga, Call llot'H VurK7''llio.ieillii.' 22 ROOMS FOR RENT T.AltiiL sleeping irooHiUlih"liTC'loi.t in. I In no .IfLil. ..iMi.M fit id utHiiuior genueman. Pnun ft:iSI. DOOMS, ;f week, HW Je'ffVrVou. HrATlClJlw'u. WJ' Parlfti'ja"rrai'ir IIOOMS. ' Iduck " off Malii. I'liona 2iW ItOilM.S. prii tfareMinaii)o. Ph'iiT.e 4"rfi7T LOVELY rooms" (or rout I -47 a Week. Cioit in. Phone 42S$. HooMS"'nu4 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR 'RENT LA 1 1 UK Hire room Menm healeil (tpdl imrtit. AdlllU, ttu pais, 2IJ Cedni, KOK " HKNT " thieo itKim" lunil.htd Mirlmenl. 1147 Kan I r-l'MNlHIIEU ' A 1 ' A It 'I'M KN'(ft jl Phone uwm tmilglil nr Huntlay. 4 TIIHKE " IIOOM furni-lted apar'rnreiit. t'loae In, Inundrv fscllltiet. Coupa onf,, no pet t'rtii a.:ino i.MH'.sl) iliK.r. pilvale eitlrance'. three room furnuhed airtmant. Electrically cmiiiiiwHl on heat tH Main KOIl ItENT Nma'l clean" partmetVt"m duplex Suitable lur couple 3HIW Sum. mera Ine Afternoon and evening Olt HI.NT AllracltVD two' riMiut part ly ruttiuhrd apuiment. Electrlv heat. Clnte. to town. I'hune 3 (W70 't llitkl. IIOOM ', furtiiahtiT. HlMllip, tnrluiled. J7 an. .10 Main. TWO It tut MS comiiletely"'fui'Vtihed 91 repl BrocrtM, 1H; Pine, Eoit ItKNT. l'u uwm Vr indent! Cull a airrn KOH " ICE NT ruruihed una livdnim apart mem I'rlvate bath Phone 3 OJ3H. Kit H IIOOM fiimutied apdrtment. Soi Martin Phone nil 7 r Oil KENT Three utoin liameni apartment EurnUhrd- Electric heet. PlKine JLI-'M Kt'HNISIiri. three room""" apai tmenlT Newly rederoreled. ulra view. 3tif North ftoger. Pho 3)J4 M)H KENT Two rottrn turnuhrd a pari", ment, Ihki Owens alter A p. m. I'hona a!ii Eon HE NT Nlcr"riean mode"rnaprt" ment tjulrt Couple preferred. Villa MerquUr lniuire 1 3.14 Oak. EOlt KENT, clean two rooniapartiii'nr tin euiiiKd llefriaeraior Light and water furnuhed. .13 M. 142 So. niver- ule A PA HTM K NTH ""for wnL tnquir 241 tlroad Hrv Manager. Et'MNtSHEl) twu riMMi,partmantfw large one room rahlit, $TT SO, all Utll lite included 4IU No tOlh. KJH MENT. two room" ftirnuedrapartT merit Couple Phone TTU. KOIt itENT, nice unYurnUhediupiein twn OaU r'tjlt ItENT. two room" wilS Is e or vate hath Elect rle heal, stove, rrfrigeralor and hot water. A.14 N ath. ron'iiKNT "furnishad "apartrenL la" quire Sin High M WHY decor air private bath, kit" rheuette 8ieam heat, electric rang. I 1" wrk Ut Arms Aoarlment 1 ONE imtroom unfurnuhed apartment? j C.A4 equipped. Call 2-Oull THI'.l'.E room fiirnithed court apart inrnL 1421 Walt. Adults, no pett. Phou 7: wo. H.d.Al.l- clean tiparlmeni """ Eletfrirall? -u .'( 4ti North loth YllKKE room furnuhed apartment. Ceiitinllv I ik-a led 171 Ho. 2nd. M'ltNlHIIEt) bachelor' apartment tltlH Itlrs paid. f.tZM. Phuna 40M. I60S Mar tin. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT you HKNT." Ihrri "rmm huuM. hliK-k off CnliroriilaAva.9nCoolf !tl. iKN'f l,()W. J-r-Kim clran n'iiu"wiVn ruiniilelf ly braLtlllul (urnlthlna. 3 Oak ONK'tk!)l(VV)M furttiakVRnua for rnnl. C"n!l -ll2f). Anl.4"fl nr IMTl. iiNrUMNIHMKD n Irfdrivnm d'tiplrv. Kent. t-Irt'trh' tiv, rrrrliarnlor, not am rnirl water furnihtd. No. 7th. t'h'ine dil KOIl ilKNT tivn WdriHn"liJrnuhtM? lnnitt :ti;i nnardman. Inquire at 3701 IVrhv TWU auto ronrt hoiuekef pinf rahln I 'i rent (or wlntrr. Cl In, Phon XJ.VI ONE ItOOMVatiin t.iiit and alr furnuhed Acrm front Pelican ichool. XV Slrrrl. TWO nri)llfi(i.Mou"rurnlah1e((0 mine riM Knt Main lOlt "lll'NT. ModVrn two room fiirnuhrd lioiur. Phone T.Wft. 6nk" ltKl)i:ooMfiirnih-d and oni lrdriKin nnfurnUhed houe. Modern. Phoni a-njim, MODKMN rnliliu fur rint Junrtton Hcrvit-o .Station, Weyertiaaiiner- Phone AUtltl. roil It V. HTT'MVn" W l'n ler . two iiedrwm. f mr far n'l Ihmiic, y acrit, tin riirnlolird. 70 month. 1220 linwn Twrt IxMlrutJiu (inliirnn had home. 4A. Phone flrii.. KOll l7fA.SK Modrrit two' bedroom hnntp. Oil (urnarr- Kurnlnhrd or un fnrni'hnl Call 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. iMifinr 7ltn. , j-'OH lil-INT. TwolifdrWin "duplex, fur niihf tf. cIot In. Iiinulrr 7ao North ! Ith. OIt IIKNT fiean, mcrlv fiir.iUrietl one bedroom home. Couple only. 223 Lincoln. KOir"llKN'r Two iirdnioin tiifnuhert ti on re. Av.illnhle Jan. 7. Phone 721)4 after 4 n'rlork. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE TRUCKS (J DRIVE Move Yourself SAVE y2 New Trucks for Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E Main Phone 830 6fICK 7or""'rcnt. IIZI Main. Phone 7 Hi 1 L Foil RENT finorsan'ders latest typi etiulpnient Sulmrhan Lumbar Co. 11th and Wnlnut Phone 77IHI CAR RTORAC.F. - HEATED, day week or month. Karl Lamh, phona 467:1 or 77011; 30 REAL ESTrt FOR SALE STEAL You won't be priiKccutcd for buy ing this one brdinoin cottnsi' In rll.y llmlis. Insulnlwl, wenllirr ntrlpppfl. Oil linitirr lucliiflrcl. Ncnr bus, nehool nnd ntoven $2250. AllO MlLHOll Eddie Hoslcy Even. 0714 S-01BS BOGUE DALE, Realror 122 8. Oth P,1)ll0 nlta flE I NT llli!" V w n, v P" i j - --- " " " i m uu nil" Rid & News ClitHlfcd nds dnlly. sj :v uin inicsi iniormnllim on what what ln voryday bualneti Uendi.