KHIIMY, JANUAKY 4, 10.V2 HERALD AND NEVs. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINI fflME OUT! 10 13 "Well, I wlh you'd forget you lirld Ihe Klamllnr broad Jump re cord Hi rolles. and buy a mow shovel!" 1! ft) t. 1 mti i t ncnwm.i. ininrm-. your wr.lcr Unit since Hie i.tory ill julor Tom Hunt Jim miitiuii; uw rKc j"u iiv vich"ii j-)P HCOKr.R nil ureRtin arm iniuurnis pit- 4?X thiouitli Auiorlulrd I'retH. lei. li.s of condolence have poured luln his office on I lid hill. Plus several offrnt of head bas. krlbnll coaching lob... somce of Gilmore Out With Injury The Pelicans will meet lion , Icuuue Hnicl of the Bin Six tonlfthl janci tomorrow nlKht on Pelican vi'uu munis tnc hcrviccH t)i tiu Ollmore. po'nl stingy Kuiutl who (llBlo-iiti'd a (Inner In workouts Hi In week, 'I ho Kin ninth Falls lunlor varslly occupies the (1:46 preliminary sol both nltthlji, aiialnsl (he Jn jlinv. It h of the Klnnmlli Bntln letmue to nlRht mid Bonanza of the Klamath county Class B leaiiuc tomorrow nluhl. The boys to witch on Roiicr Wllcy'a trim ire sr-nlorn Jerry ftrtnilltrin and Dick Laurren nnd FEN CASE SER ES st mm mmmi I.nursrn Is currently tile leadliiK scorer In the 111k GD: with I zi.o evenme In four games. Hamilton was reconrl onlv to Bend all-Mater RPKRle UnllRsii last union, while Hunt finished which ho iloosn't care to divulge, j third Skrel In Juki plsln perplexed about the reaction. llres'ine there Is no renon to nuke him tho tarijet for notes ol borrow. He Inn t sad others who could ulve llie hlithly- rated Pels some trouble ire Dean Demon, another senior forwnrd: forwards Vern Sainpels ind Oor H.,n iiiiiiiin uond backbonrd men: center Dick Ontes, nnd nuards He quit hi. Job of hi, own voll-'Oarv Motile! . Morri. H.aamusren. le quit beo.u,e he has always KUni.lh ''' M' ' wanted the chor. ol apendlnK lull he hadn I dee ded who i would e Academy Vs. Malin Tonight Sacred Heart hosts Malln tonluht In the local name on the four front Klamath county basketball lenKue-openuiK schedule. The Trojans, picked to win the catte bunluiK In the county this season, are heavy favorites to top ple the Mustangs. Tip-off time la approximately 8:15 In the academy gym with the Trobabes meeting the Malln Junior varsity In the 7 o'clock prelimin ary. In other league games tonight, Bly travels to Chtloquln. Henley to Bonanza and Gilchrist to Merrill. time In bulldliiK niurnl program. Orelech'i Intra- that It would be either Ken Young or Done Ponce. THIS ( OftNKK Is also nme-iMM)K)RD NKXT what taken aback by the letters ! 'l " ,h h-ior. Thev ooen hrague to Skee, that would make l,m, out ; j.keT rSS" .'Sf." l KrRS'SIW. OUUU,,. andlMneraUv conceded the Art Klrkland taking over made It .uempt to enter Hi very clear .both In the new. alory '". "tY'Ti. Tourru.menl. The other Pel starters will re- ! main the same, nay Bell and Jsck ; Morton hold down the lorwaru and the editorial comment I that the switch by no means was prompted bv any administration dissatisfaction at O Cornell's coaching ability. It couldn't be. Because tnere I. no doubt that few coaches on the roast in better versed In the cage sport. In fact, Skeet's conscientious it tltude toward his 'coaching Job Is one major reason he quit. In his own words It became an "ulcer ball" Job. PINCH-HIT ROLE? Doug Pence may get the starting as signment tonight against Bend with' the injury of Calvin Gilmore. Coach Paul McCall hasn't named a replacement for Gilmore, out with a dislocated finger, but admitted it would be cither Pence (above) or Ken Young. tpola, Ralph Carrol Is at center, Jerry Johnson at guard with either Young or Pence. Bend will come somewhat taller than Springfield, dumped twice bv the Pel last weekend, but not tall enough to match Klameth'a Blt TnrffCarroll 16-7), Bell (S) md Horton m-4). TAI.LKKT I "leer ball job. Tallest man for Ihe Lava Bears He worked on It 34 houri I day . Dlrc 0at , g.ji .. -iwake and isleep. j Bend nold, W0.g,e spills with HKEKT coaching dldn't ':t.ld n1 EU"M ii.i,t Im hnlhi him I' . i Hut the past few years have aeen O'Cnnnrll "die i thousand deaths" during i game. He a on the business end of every nhot and directing every do Iiunlve maneuver from the bench. After a lo..lng game, aleeu didn't t,V,ie ensy and eating was a chore. ' Life's loo short for that, ' 6keel admitted truthfully. And he's milck to add that he's "not Interested" In any other coaching Job. He's got what he wants now (the Intramural program) ind you can bet the mortgage on your house he'll make It go. nil Pelicans have lost lust one nod, lo Central Cst'noKc. ilthoutrh they beat the Rams In the first of the two-game series, Jack Dempsey Seeks Matthews-Maxim Tilt SANTA MONICA, Calif. OP Jack Jsold. "If Maxim Isn't tied Up by TEMPKRAMKNT plays a large role In coaching. Klrkland Is one who goes "all out" to win In fact I've known lew coaches who Ilk to win more than he does but after i losing ef fort, he's thinking about Ihe next game. ODDS 'N' KNDS: Itunior. at the recent wrestling clinic In Corvallls puts 8n!cm or Newbe.g down as the schools most likely to succeed Klamath Falls as the high school wrestling cham pions this year ... In the mean time. Pelican Coach Dutch Simons has nine mat leitermen bark. In cluding Slate Champion Orvllle Swindler . . . don't bet Simons and his Pels don't win liielr tilth ntralght atato title ... Ihe answer should come Monday on whether there will be a sixth team In the Far West league In the Mi race ., , Roseburg Is presumably the town where Pittsburg' franchise will end up . . . but nothing but silence has come from there . . . Ihe league mooting Monday will be held in Redding ... 1 personally think the girls missed the boit when they decided to play glrla rules In the city cage league . . . ns would go more for men's rules. In addition to the Interest of pretty girls playing biakelball in shorts . . . I'll close with this tie observation . . Jewelers Win 3rd Straight STANDINGS 1.000 Ml ,SS7 .S00 .Wl .000 Shoot Billed For Sunday Klamath Gun Club holds Its first Tegular practice shoot of the new year Sunday on Its Wocus range alter two highly successful mer chandise shoots In December, Pres. Vern Moore announced yesterday. Shooting starls at 10:30 a.m. One Iran will be used exclusively for amateur shooters with mem bers or the (run club on hand for Instruction If desired. The other traps wll be employed for the regulation 16-yard ind han dicap competition. Moore said the record-brealng turnouts st the December merchan dise shoots has prompted the club to schedule similar shoots once a month. The public Is Invited to watch shoots from tho large clubhouse. Stanford, UCLA Collide Tonight LOS ANGELES lPI A favored Stanford team Invades Westwood Friday night to play UCLA as the two teams contribute their bit to the start of the basketbRll race In the Southern division of the Pacific Coast Conference, t lVach Bob Burnett promises to fftjfl a veteran, fast breaking five m Stanford, while Johnny Wooden w UCLA plans. to stsrt two seniors, one sophomore and two freshmen. UOLA Is seeking Its fourth straight division tlUe. ' Slrliya .. . 3 PavltM 3 Con cola . ... .. 2 Hilltop 1 p:m-ton . ............ I 1'emii I lltrald-Ntwi 0 srr I-AM Mini Slrlc'fi SB Hirrulr V Coes Colt SB Hrl(l-Nwi SB Rlckys. leading the city basket ball league, won its third atralght last night against no lofses, while the Herald-News learn dropped i close one for its third atralght set back against no victories. Rlckys' Don Peterson and Cal Bonnev ganged up on Hercules with 10 points each to lead the Jewelers to a 88-39 decision. Hercules also had a lS-potnt man, Fred Floetke. It was never a contest with Rickva piling up 28-4 and 43-11 leads it the first two quarter marks. In all, Rlckys edged 10 players Into the scoring column. Jay Qrlggs dumped 28 points for Herald-News but not enough as the Typographical Errors and the Cokes entered the last quarter tied 47-all. Tho Cokes outacored Herald News, 12-11, In the big last frame. Qena Favell added 17 to Orlggs' 26 while Ihe Cokes spread scoring among Kuns, Newman and Hunter with 15, 14 and 13 points respectively- Monday night Payloss meets Pal merton it 7:30 and Hilltop and Coca Cola mix In the afterpiece it 9 o'clock. Dempsey said Friday he la nego. Hating lor a llght-heavywelght title ,'ifcht b."Uvrcu Joey Maxim and Hurry Matthews In Seattle some time next summer. . Dempsey told the Associated Press he expecia to contact cham pion MaMm's manager. Jack Xcsrns. within Ihe ne:;t two daya regarding Maxim's contractual sta tus with the International Boxing Club. TIKI) I P "Tlie whole thing hlnaes on what Reams thinks about It." Dempsey j Seattle I home Gunners, Craters Post Wins Gun Store and Crater Lake Creamery Jumped Into an early lead in the Victory league last night with wins it Falrvlew gym. Gun Btore walloped Til. es-is; Crater Lake coasted to a 57-33 tri umph over Men's Hand Laundry. Bud Mullens ana verne Alexan der led the onslaught for the Gun ners with 21 points each. T t I railed to score in me nrst quarter and trailed 32-6 at the half. George Hanton was h'gh for the Craters with 12. followed by Louie Taucher's 11, the same number garnered by the Laundry s Jonn Goddard. Next Tuesday night Metier Bros, clash with DeMolay In the 7 p.m. opener; Crater Laki seeks lis sec ond win against Klamath Pack, re cent Victory tourney champions, In the 8:15 showcloser. Washington Favored In ND Scramble Br The Associated Press Favored to rank one-two when Ihe firing ends, Wsshlngton ind Idaho clash at the very start of the Northern Division, Pacific Coast Conference hoop seasons Fri day night and Saturday while Ore gone State ind Washington Stite begin their own title quests it Cor villls, Ore. The battle of the favorites Is billed for the Wsshlngton Pavilion where the host team, now rated I third nationally, his run a string oi n victories over two seasons. This season the Conference cham pions warmed up with nine straight triumphs at home and abroad aft er losing their opener to Utah. Three of their victims were Big Ten teams and a fourth was St. Lottis University. Idaho, a team of tall men and re garded is the chief challenger tor the crown, won nine and lost five In Its warmup program. Washington State booked nine victories and four defeats and Oregon State has a mark of four and six. Oregon State's prospects bright ened Thursday when Danny John ston, the Beavers' leading scorer, was released from the Infirmary where he had been under treatment for Influenza. He is expected to team with Jack Orr at guard Fri day night. Other starters will be Bob Edwards at center and Jim Padgett and Jim Nau at forward positions. Oregon, which does not open con ference play until next week-end. '.las a 5-7 record. The Ducks lost rhursday night to San Jose State, 31-4B. Both Idaho and Washington have veteran clubs, while the other con- tenders are manned with iccruits and Junior varsity graduates. Oregon's chances will hinge largely on the play of Bob Peter son and Chet Noe who almost pulled the game out of the tire for the Ducks at San Jose Thursday night. Owls in Areata For Humboldt Cage Pair r.l'N STOBE 16) Blsby 10 F Mulleni 21 T McLaufhiln S C ll.v.nH.r 31 G Henry 4 C (Id Til 2 MUIK 3 Bird 1 Snd 2 Pro15 Riehjrdsoa atAr tuh Wood 8. T&I nib Linti. HauOer 4, Stoop, Calhoua. 31v liu 2. Oregon Tech's basketball Owls. strictly home-cooking boys, are' on the road tonight where victory us ually comes the hard way and losses are more frequent than wins. But Art Klrkland, who took over the cage reins from Skeet O'Con nell recently, Indicates there'll be a New Deal tonight and tomorrow night when his Owllea clash with the Humboldt State Lumberjacks of Areata, Calif. A glance at Humboldt's record for the season (1-5) would Indicate Oretech has a good chance of run ning its record under Klrkland to 3-0. The overall record of the Owls is 6-3 In non-league competition, all losses against Southern Oregon. SWITCH Klrkland hinted before he left that he may make a line-up switch In an attempt to find more scor ing power. The changes would put Homer Duncan at center and Jerry Wyatt at the forward spot. Tom Schubert has been the start ing center since his transfer from Oregon State but the ex-Pellcan of Klamath Falls has been experienc ing some difficulty In hitting with his hook shots. Don Butphln and Len Genetln are down for opening guard assign ments with Jack Pinkley teaming with Wyatt at forward. Others on the trip are Jim Mc Gregor. Jim Paterson. John Koch. 'Wayne Holzfuss. Larry Terllsner and Tom Mumpnrey. The 'Jacks hold Just one victory this season, a 48-43 win over Mc- Namara and Peepe, conquerors of Southern Oregon, so HSC could come tough. LOSStS . Losses have been to McNsmara and Poepe (In the first meeting) , non Bomere two times, curt JO snd the Harlem Clowns (naturally). Coach Phil Sarboe. ex-Waahlnatom State grid star, will probably hive four freshmen In the starting Uae up lorwaros Boo uunaway ao Ray Mechala arrl guards Dob Flemmlng ind Dick Stacey. Jerry Anderson, center, la a, Jua lor. Hilltop Tops Merrill, 61-47 Hilltop Cife of the city basket bill league dumped Merrill VFW of the Klamath Basin league last night, ei-47. The gsme was played at Merrill. Paul Helns, ex-Oregon Techer, lead HUltop with 12 points. The Hilitoppers go to Beauy Saturday night to meet the Lakers. airKTS iw Pturaon IS Bncrhl Harvey 12 fMll, s Wills 10 fl G (111 HMCtll.ES IS rioetK Lohrcn S McKay ft Shlnmiin I, jitmner- hnlt . Bonney 16, MeCall S, Vallen- Waybrant 7. H-N (Ml ravrll 17 Odesard 7 Grlasa IS ixiwna l.) COCA COl.A p 14 Nowman r 4 Frrel C 13 Htintar G IS Ktinr lolav .1 OS AHxanr Herald-Newa atioi-Hartle.y a. .New !orl. Coca Cola aube-Aranl 8, Cema irakoa 1. Syracuse In Scoring Lead utw vnptr ia Svracuse Uni versity's basketball team has taken over the major concge team scor ing lead from Kentucky without liring a shot, the NCAA 8ervlce Bureau reported Friday. . in me ueirnsn iave, vBinuuiun AfeM was In Ihe familiar spot ahead of the field, replacing Penn State which led a week ago. Undefeated Syracuse has five game average of 84.6 points, and the twice-beaten Oklahoma Aggies have allowed Just 44.1 points a contest, Kentucky Restricts Proselyting LEXINOTON. Ky. f Football recruiting was restricted Friday at the University ol Kentucky to its own back yard. There Is still a hearty welcome awaiting any out of state player but he must voluntarily apply for a scholarship. The school will make no eflorl to recruit prospective grldders who live outside the com inonwealth. The maximum schol arships to non-Kcntucklans will be live a year. Coach Paul Bryant announced Ihe change In the recruiting policy Thursday. Bryant said the Idea was his own. It applied only to football and "We have concluded that the best Interest will now be served by a change In the policy." Ken tucky in the past has gone far afield In lining up football talent. We are confident," Bryant add ed, "that If other institutions will follow thin plan, all the evils at tendant on recruiting will be end ed." Bryant drew praise from several coaches in the Southeastern Con ference, but none indicated he would follow the Kentucky pro posal 100 per cent. Out-of-state players have been Ihe bloodstream In Kentucky's rise In six yeors from a Southeastern Conference doormat to national prominence. IAST -M NIGHT the IBC, I think I can promote me ngm Matthews, whose lethal fists have boomed him to number two In the light-heavy rankings, recently turn' ed down an IBC offer to fight Max. mi for 20 per cent of the gate. Jack Hurley, Matthews manager, brand ea me offer as a "coolie wage." "I talked with Hurley about It while I was In Seattle," Dempsey said, "and he thought It was a good idea. I want to promote the fight In . Alter all, it's Matthews' town, and the bout could gross $300,000 up there." Dempsey added that he would stage the fight outdoors, prefer ably In Slck's Stadium, home park of the Seattle Baseball Club, In late June or early July. uuiniruL Dempsey said he also discussed with Hurley a possible bout be tween Matthews and Jersey Joe Walcott. but added: "That one Is extremely doubtful. Walcott Is def initely under contract to the IBC. and I don't sec how we can swing any deal there." Idaho Promoter Tex Hager said at Boise, meanwhile, he still has hopes of staging a Matthews-Maxim title bout in Boise next sum mer although a bigger gate prob ably would be drawn In Seattle. Hager has gusranteed Maxim 60, 00 to defend bis title against Matthews. .Al'NDBT ( Lund Stiles 1 Hawkins 4 C. Ganzale 7 Falti ; riATti 3 riora a id I Lentz U Taucher 4 iexr Laundry auha Goddard 11, Anderson 2. Woodward 2. J. oonzais rwwwu . Crater subs St. John . Hanton 12. Friends Rally For Loyola LOS ANGELES W Alumni and friends of Loyola University of Los Angeles raised $50,000 at the an nual football banquet Thursday night and it appeared that the Lions may field a grid team this tall. Lovola abandoned football last Sunday. The heavy financial ex pense was blamed for the aban donment, but failure to land on the schedule of either Southern Cal ifornia or UCLA was suggested by some as a major factor. West Virginia Ends NYU Skein By The Associated Press The nation's longest basketbsll winning stresk 12 straight by New York University was at in end Friday because a red-hot aggrega tion of Mountaineers from West Virginia capitalized on the expert scouting of their coach. It happened In Madison Square Garden Thursdsy night when West Virginia thumped NYU. 100-75. for the Mountaineers' seventh triumph In eight outings. HERE COMES CHARLIE NEW YORK (NEA) The last three winners of the football coach of-the-year award have the name CharlesCharles (Bud) Wilkinson, Charlie Caldwell and Chuck Taylor, PELICANS EYE FIFTH MAT TITLE Coach Dutch Simons' Pelican wrestlers who have been making a habit of winning state high school mat titles four In a row now test their strength today against Grants Pass in a practice meet on the Cavemen mats. The first regular meet for the Pels goes on here Jan. 12 against Medford. Although Salem and Newberg loom as possible successors to Klamath's mat throne, Simons has nine lettermen back to make a strong pitch for a fifth straight title. The lettermen. with weights, are Roland Blehn (139), Don Dexter (112), Floyd Pierce (175), Vernon Pryor (heavy), Joe Quinowskl (128). Harold Shearer (103). Orvllle Swindler (121), Jerry Williams (128) and Tom Wells (133). CAGE SCORES College Basketball By The Associated Frea FAR WEST : . Utah 69 New Mexico 47 Ban Jose State 51 Oregon 41 Seattle 82 Is Angeles State tt) .. Regis 62 Colorado State M - fjAST West Virginia 100 NYU 75 ' Seton Hall 77 Western Kentucky Massachusetts 65 Clark 62 Niagara 70 Arizona State ITtmpe) SOUTH Kentucky 116 Mississippi II Florida 64 Auburn 63 Murray (Ky) 66 Kentucky Wee. leyan 64 Louisville SO Vlllanova 61 North Carolina 61 Maryland 47 . MIDWEST . Bradley 98 Arizona 69 '. Oklahoma 61 Colorado (2 ' Duquesne 71 Cincinnati 41 Missouri 76 Ft. Leonard Wood T SOUTHWEST . Hardin-Simmons 72 Arizona State (Flagstaff) 47 Southwest Texas 83 Sul Ross 27 Sports Mirror By The Associated Press Today a year ago Veteran Jee key Johnny Gilbert was seriously hurt In a fall at Santa Anita race track. , Five years ago Elmore Harris won the Harry HUlman 600 yard run at the opening of the Kew , York indoor trick season. . - Ten years ago The Chicago " Bears defeated the professional football All-Stars 35-24 in New York on a mud and snow filled field. Twenty years . ago aermesj ' heavyweight Max Schmellng ar rived in this country to beglm a campaign in American rings. 8ET SEC RECORD ' ATLANTA, kn Georgia Teeh'ar grid squsd set a new Southeast Conference record when It drove 83 yards on 20 consecutive plays b eight minutes and 56 seconds to score against Alsbama. In 1U Ala bama drove 72 yards on It plays. tHE-a r i,iiit..,'t,Mtr'"'Jwgi 1 1 . WEATHER FORECAST: ICY Insure with safety on Allstate sawdust treads Br The Associated Press New York (Sunnyslde Gardens) Nino Valdez. 211. Havana, knocked out Joe McFaddcn, 200, Winston Solem, N. C. 7. IIATTON FOR KINER NEW YORK ll During the major league meetings In New York, Orady Hat ton of the Cincin nati Reds acted as the National league players' representatives in talks with the circuit's owners. He was filling In for Ralph Klner who was honeymooning in California, HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Calgary 6 Saskatoon 4 Friday's Schedule: Edmonton at. Victoria Tacoma at Vancouver. IT'S POOLE'S SKISand ' SKI BOOTS SKI BOOTS from $9.75 HERDS INSTALL A... ""lhirgmnn DBALT ENGINE w HEATER Ukalnato Ihe gamble In cold Hertitigl Your car, truck, er (area tractor Harts quickly and aaiUy whan ctulaped with a freeman Heetfbelt INGINI HIWTfR. Simple, permanent MtteHaHos. Ilectric plug prelrvdti Hireugh art". Connect eslentieei cerd M any 110-120 vert AC-DC evtUt . . . 30 le 40 minutti later your angina li warm, itartt hetasHy. FITS All CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTOU ADDS IIPI TO YOUR INOINI 'Ike SreemM Heaakell IN4UNI NIATII wemn the wsMt aas) antMrteit la year entlne Mmr . . . etevMes IntMnl tvMreNea when veur enelM aeiai II rMti. fat lers wlnM ttararte . . . tar strrive eiHjlM liWieMi . . . el yew Freeman HieOirl VMINf HI ATM MaVrl DRIVE IN TODAY . n85 JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11th and Klamath and SERVICE, Inc. Phone 2-2581 600x16 with old tire Try a set of Allstate safti-snow-cop saw dust retreads for those icy roads! Here's safety insurance at a premium Allstate heavy duty tubes A new tire deserves q new tube a heavy duty Allstate tube priced for your budget. Our best quality . in 600x16 sire.; 2 80 Plus Te 16.95 DELUXE FIBER COVERS NOW ONLY 11 88 Free installation finely tail ored fiber seat covers. Wear longer and fit smoother at this low price. Models for-most cars at similar savings. 2T - rrinr .ssst.i jac0fac0f( ptuwancua, w yvuv mmy vuw JIUR j phtnt Sill