rKfckMY. JANIIAKY . ,1,),. H EH ALU AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE IT" I'Kfl J1 1 - n ? tut..'- "A t t ' V 'I; lluinc-Ui'llii MoOruUi. 324 No. 0 tli arrived homo TliuraUay niter anundlnR Ulo Clirlatinna unci Nw YiMtr IiiiIIuuvh with h "Inter. Mm, John CiivimiuiKli In Onkliind. Wlillo nouth t,he vlHltvd alao In Him Finn-clar-o mid aaw th Knal-Wral name. blio In iinnuclntcu Willi mo main- nth M (Mile ill Service bureau. Nov Mrthotl Newoat method of urllllclal rnilnitln will bo tlrj acrlljrd and explained lit u meet ing; of nil Kod croaa Water Hiifnty mid Flrat Aid Inalruclnra Monday nl 13:15 luncheon In Uio Wliiomu, lied Cruaa The Klamath County Chanter ol Iho American Heil I.'iom linn planned ll rciwlnr innnllily meellim fur Mm hoard of director lit It a.m. Monday. Junior Krnier I.adlea Nlnht linn hern aoltoduled for the Wlneiim hotel Tuoaday, Jan. B ill p.m. Heaervatlona nhould bo completed hy Mnnrhiy noon. Ilalry Meet-The Klamath Conn ly Dairyman's An-.oc. haa planned mi annuel nieetliiK Halurday niorn Iiik at 10 In Iho Winenm. Farm Merlins; Tlio Klnmnth I'rnduclliin Credit Aniioc. hun sched uled Iln annual inoetliiK for Jnn. 211. Spud (irou era 'llis KlnmnUi Po Into Grower Asnoc. hB art Jan. H an the dale for Ita unnuul meet ing for 1062. MerllnaAloha Chanter. Nn. (11. oks. will IimIiiII off Icem nt nn open 'Church called a board meeting The Forum on the iinlvernnl military trulnliiK bill before Con Kiu.ia Ihla month will bo the niib Jcct for dlacuaalun nt a moellnu lonlulil nt inn conKi'nKiilloniti Church. Hev. Don Caanlriy will moderate Hie mentlliK. Hpenkcrn will be Prank Jenklna, publlnher of iho Herald nnd Nnwa. Churlea lliihn. locnl electrician, Rev. Ed ward Lander, puator of the Church of dm Hrflhrin nnd Orvnl Kltor, lleikelrv. Herretnry of Krllowahlp ol Heconclllntlon. There will be an open fllicumlon period following the InlkH. The public la Invited. Vlalllng Mr. nnd Mra. I, enter Vernon, fanner rcaldenta of Tule hike, are apcndlnir a Jew day with fi'leud.i from their home In Promo. Hour (I Meet Mra. Frank How ard, premdont of the Oulld of the iiu-iitke communlly Pruauylerlan meeting Halurday. Janunry n. 8 i u. In the MiiKonlo Temple. Hetty nsmrr la worthy 0111: nam la worthy matron, patron. Alva Curate Mra, lllldur Lnraon, Tulelnke had a holiday nuela, Mr, and Mra. Bowman, Turlock. 'I hey vlnlled alao with their diintih-ler-ln-lnw, Mra. John Bowman iMnrne Larnon) who with her mii ii II ami Rdwln la miiklnv her home with her mother while her hunbnnd la In the ncrvlre In the l ombnl none of Korea. Preaent nlno for the Kel-tOKether were Mr. and Mra. Eldon Laraon and fnmlly. Promoted Jerry R. Wllllama. 20. member of the Air Poller for the ninth Aircraft Control and Wnrnlnn fkiuadron. Ilnmllton Field, aon of Mra. Ruth William. I.akevlew, haa been promoted to aergcanl. Ilnllated-Oene W. Mllllnan, 3202 Cnmby. Harold P. Patterson Jr., M4 No. 2nd, Orvld N. Flelda. am dent, O.T.I, and Gordon L. Truax. Uorrla, Calif., rnllatrri through the local Army and Air Force recruit ma; office for duty with the Air Force. Thev have been aaalnned to Lackland Field, Texaa. Due To Inclement weather the fiaat aeveral meellnna of the Am irleu Club have been postponed. Now there are aome Important mallera to be aettled ao It la urited that each member make a apeclal ffort lo be present for the next meeting at the home of Mra. Alma Lelaer. ISIS Sargent, I p.m. Tues day, January 8. The D.A.V. Christmas chlWren's party waa well attonded. Students at Norma Dean's Dance Studio prwentod aeveral numbers. Santa wm there and troata wore ao pirn Ural that aome were taken to men nd women at the Infirmary, Wi-dneMtiiv lo outline pinna for this yeiu'a work. Prcaent were Mra. uonnld Wnrd. Mra. Hoas HiiKlnnd, Mrs. Curl Jensen. Mrs. Horrv Mit. chell and Mrs. A. K. Hyckmnn. rho next mcellna: will bo Jun. 18. Holiday Visitors Mr. nnd Mra. Ocorni! M. Loiifr and aon. Richard Michael returned to Portland Tties day, nftcr spending the holiday with their pnrenta. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Cndn and Mr. and Mrg. E. M. Lonu, nnd Krnndpiirenta, Mr, nnd Mrs, John R. Sterner. Also joining ihpin for the hollduva were Jack I.. Long from Palmer. Alas ka, nnd Mr. nnd Mra. Hclmcr Oslrom, Nysaa. Garden Club Evergreen Garden Club meets Monday. 7:30 p.m., at Altnmont Junior High. Members are asked to bring material for dish garden. A demonstration will be given on making dried-flower piciuici. Food Costs Going Up--And Down WA8HINOTON Ml-If you think your food budget haa gone up since the war, you are both rlvht and wioiik, nnya the Agriculture De partment. A department food price report snld Friday that It la true, as ev ery housewife knows, that It token more dollars to buy a specllled quantity ol food today than per haps ever before. But the coat of that quantity of food rcprcacnta a amaller propor tion of the average consumer's In come than nt nny time since 1040, the department aald. Americans were aald to be spend ing at the annual average per cap Iln rata of 1378 for food. This was aald lo ho 26 per cent of the av erage dlsponnulo Income money left after payment of personal tax es. The department snld food expen dlturca averaged 8348 In lDbO, or 20 per cent of the average disposal Income. By comparison, food costa averaged 1338 or 27 per cent In IIKO, $300 or 27 per cent In 11)49. 32U or 28 per cent In 1047 and 1202 or 20 per cent In 1840. The dopiirlmenl snld farmers are receiving about 48 cents of the con sumer a food dollar compared with 48 cents In I860, a record of 54 cents In 1845 and 40 cents for the pre-war average. The auencv said the farmers' slime ranged from 18 cents out of every dollar spent for canned corn to 77 cents for choice beef. 73 cent for eggs, 72 cents for butter, and 68 cents for milk. Pleven Heads For Economy PARIS i Premier Rene Plev en went buck to his Unlit for gov ernment economy reforms and higher taxes Friday with a small majority vote of confidence behind him. The national nnscmbly voted 254 to 247 Thursday night to debate his plans for a 10 per cent Increase on most Indirect taxes and for changes In the national railways and social security systems. Pleven's victory was close and In some quarters unexpected. The numerically weak Socialist party, holding the balance of power, as sured Plcven'a victory by deciding to abstain on the vote ol confidence. In charge of the refreshment com mittee. In Korea Word has been re ceived by Mra. Robert Hilton (Eliz abeth Blakeman) that her huaband, Cpl. Robert Hilton, U.8. Army Medical Corps has arrived In' Ko rea. He Is now stationed at the 12th General Dispensary In Pusan. He la the aon of Dr. and Mra. James Hilton, 435 Hllslde. t.'nrnl . I I.I I. Bleber. Calif.. Dee. 30 for Mr. Moiiaaya-ecu r.nman ana nurv Ar.ieii,. n Mrii .. p a Mack, seniors nt Henley nign. Mariln of Bleber and mother of!'cnl nr,8lIn,,".. noiiaaya ai Harry Martin. Bonama. Ore. 8heK.c" nno- 'ly ana K was born In Iowa but rnent most l ""w Valley. oi her me In Cottage Grove, be- .nidea living In Klamath Falla from 1020 to 1935, before moving to Bleber. HST Defends New 'Health Bureau' WASHINGTON W President Truman said Thursday he Is de termined that "sick people receive adequate medical care" and vig orously defended his new Health Commission scheduled to hold Its first meeting here next week. The 15-membcr Commission Of The Health Needs Of The Nation haa been criticized by Dr. John W. Cllne. president of the Ameri can Medical Association, as a "mlMise of emergency lunds" for political propugandn. Mr. Truman said In a prepared statement that he act up the com mission solely because " I want to see to It that the health of our people la protected." Both hydrogen and helium are lighter than air and so can be used to fill balloons to lift obJectH. lecemnendtd By Many Leading DADY DDCTOKS to relieve distress of kiddies' CHEST COLDS Child ! Mild Miuwrole la made ! clall; lor klddlea to promptly re leva eomha. sore throat and break up local cor.iie.tlon of che.t cold. createa a aenaatlon of protcHt warmth, on cheat, throat and ba, brlnflng amazlnf rellell Neighbors of Woodcraft will hold their regular meeting at the K C. Hall. Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. Effle Redkey and Eva Richardson are WBmB Gentrol HaaaBaM I Hans Frei I I BOOKKEEPING I I Service I P 2254 So. 4th Ph.na 2-0293 AUCTIONEERING and Sale Management - Certified Pedigree Reader Successful Kales are the Result of Proper Promotion, Management and Auctioneering. Kpeciallilnc in FARM, PUREBRED LIVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AUCTIONEER 5304 Alva Klamath Falla Ph. 2-245! Free Service on t.'hurch Benefit Auctions I Handle All DeUila U0MJV r nn mill fell I i II i i h " I I ' .. .. 111 " J- i W yfi j'f; - i ' i - II 30' Model F127 Shown Abovo 30 INCH COMPACT RANGE OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME At the Amazingly Low Price of SPECIAL SALE! Limited Quantities Fully Automatic n a tire RAHUL ModeJTS6- Large oven-3 storage drawers, oven light, elec. clock, TK surface units, deep heat cooker. 229 MCMMS Including Clock, Light and Timerl III 609 So. 6th Ph.2-3429 fir. Ti i y i 'lXmi " Alarm CLOCK jr THURSDAY. ' FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE J.. lJ r,c"Zir 635 Main - Klamath Falls 'f SOe W00D3URY Society Box et 200 f iffWf.fj m)hii a. j- I After Shave Lotion FACE TISSUES WMt W' Science (Limit 1 only) ..., I Now! . . . U lr tfcU &S& S INERALmLl, with tha amaiini new advancea and diicovanea of H 27 PNT BOTTLE Of LESS ... . (Limit t) I - D medical acienca. You can count on him to offer the JL, mmgmmmmmmmmmmm W very Uaal prwtd owtfor-to brinf you. in Bf gj t g zzzr CAIVIAY SOAP Q591c I onuos with a hiputation Q REGULAR SHE CAKES. . . . (u U Rbi I - rT S 2Sc WAX PAPER Iftc Vl'Z Dry Up Sniff lit with HQiST-TEX 25-FOOT ROLL . . . . M JP J iflSlV' RINSO POWDER Ofic i t JJ K Economical Q He .Aa. ' ' riyj ii b ' 'VS (5 1 j) e BOTTLE of 10i ' t t x, j CLOTHS Deodorizer $u9Citwi sale priced!... I I JouSh VmW X a A ll tw. ne CANASTA 1 J ' ) pustic 3i 21c rrf- 1 twik-decks J ( ( V B,HLF0" Cotton MESH. AorTticv . fiQ (I BttI I 1 JJJSJjJjj' 986 (Umi,e' very effective. "'"'S"' " H ADACOL ((fligteSEcalil 69c 1 1 nil h ww i ii mmm itsaa v-msm - a aavcb.'yggai jawiait-j Ei a Aw syi l - . Prophylactic J6SBATH . S paper' Tooth Brash TOWELS TOWELS fc59e 2'-69 2336 , . 20x 40" size 150-sheet (LimttJ) a i ii 1 TSr- II Handy DtVilbhs ELECTRIC VAPORIZER II smt-o7 U 89c Cellulose Sponge MEASURING PITCHER Massagt-HtaJ 1.19 Bath Spray Buy fits ail one faucets , ' 57-inch tube. and Chamois combination Ol glass, quart-siza) 59c 29' 1 1 lil Ti a DaaLFor hanging ties and towels, set nn I UTIH'IIC rtuLRor closet door.fasteners on wall &' Median Size Cafccs ' IVORY SOAP 3-23' 33c GLYCERIN v SUPPOSITORIES Infant or adult, O c (Limit 2 only) . . W U GENERAL-ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 15 40, 50 or 60 watt size. Ea. Automatic Q50 ... u Seotne TAose cries ana Pains with a G-E Infra-Reel 4 10 HEAT BULB . RUBY FILTER HEAT BULB 995 tUduoei glara; built-in reflector. .... afm Plm 10 r.d.lol Elcli. To T0IUM.1. taeton aad BilUela Stock-Up Savtl Perfection Hand Cream sy CQe 9-ounctt Uv Say. ELMO ' SPECIAL FORMULA Creem . $1 Diiptnstr, too! ' 1 nnnM Both HOW t Jar , . . I or only . $2.50 HAND CREAM 10-OZ. HARRIET NDIIARD AVER deluxe skin nnoother .... $2.50 VELVET OF R05ES BARBARA lODlD't rich Drr Skln Cream, now . $2.00 CHERAMY SKIN BALM Softens, protects skin. 16-OUNCE bottle . , . , 98e 125 $1 vw if BUY fSLL now ffy and Save at IPANA TOOTH PASTE 63' Econom; size tube Box 10TAMPAX Sinittry Protection Worn Internally. Regular, QQe Jr., Super. . . . Ov V v I; 'saaivV..' '10c I POWDER I 1 PUFFS 1 I W.tA nri del 3' coupon .aCft I I 7i LUNCHBOX & A f I. V AtU U It I . iStody metal snap lock. j