i- 11 i v. i I- i i is U: 1 !- PAGE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, .JANUARY 4. 1flr' MARKETS and FINANCIAL Wheot Stoges Some Smair Gains Today - CHICAOO I.D Corn acivenced coupla ol cents under brisk de mand on the board ol treue In day. The yellow grain's strength Imparted a firm tone to the rest ol the market. Dealers said receipts of cash corn have not shown much, If any, ex Mansion since tne turn o( (lie year. That (act, plus more snow in the corn-hog belt, apparently Inspired buying. Wheat and soybeans were neipea along by hopes and rumors of ex port sales, although the only actual business was the sale of one cargo 0.' Pacific Coast wheal to India. Wheat closed 34 to 1 cents higher, March J.5-a.69 , corn 1 rye lt lo 1 centa higher. May 42.11 -Vi, soybeans 34-I '4 higher January ia.ss 4-V 3 cents a hundred pounds higher, January J14.6U. O.'Wtt. Hlrh 2.57 "1 2.59 2.55S 2.56' 2.4fl' 2.49'i J.49-H Weather Br Tbe Anaclatrd Treaa Northern California General ly fair Friday and Friday night, becoming cloudy nnnh 01 Ban Francisco Friday night with rain late Friday night In extreme norm portion; rain spreading to San Francisco and Sacramento late Saturday, with snow hi mountains. Little temperature change. Varia ble winds of 8-15 miles an hour off coast, becoming southerly and 20 to 30 miles an hour in extreme north Friday night and as tar as San Francisco Saturday. Grants Pass and Vicinity Con siderable cloudiness with occasion al showers Friday; Cloudy Satur day with rain in afternoon. High Friday 35; low Friday night 28; high Saturday 40. , western Oregon Mostly ciouay Most Roads Need Chains Police Say SALEM I Chains were need. ed over most of Oregon Friday because of snow and ice. the Stain Highway Commission reuortcd. . The g a.m. road report: uorernmem uuii ana Timber V. A. Eastman Power Cut Rites Held iciatafi Fa.. illlIKU I VI Local Mills ana larO tnl. In trm mrrt. mnA c-t. iered showers elsewhere Friday. . iCloudy Saturday followed by rain; Mar May July Sep Low J.57--. . 2.53' i 2.47 s. 2.58'. 2.5 2.58' 2.47' 2.4B,a Stocks Show Some Gains Again Today Funeral service wero held. Tliursday In Hombrook. Calif., for 1 waner A. Easunrn, 58, one-time resident of Klsn'aih Falls, who died Deo. 28 In a Yreka hospital irom a heart nttack. He had been a. patient for several days suffer ing from Influenia. He had been resident of Hilt, Calif., lor 11 jeart. , . I He was Identified with the lum- line - Packed snow. jo vlni. ITS" .?,' !S,.n f.i"- ciiio Fruit and Box Co. Following the death of his first wife. Eddeth Condrey In 1940, he was married to Ozabcle Peery who survives hlni. Surviving ulro are three sons, Robert Eastman. El Paso, Te::as, Rodney and Roger Eastman. Hilt. Calif., two stepsons. and Three Hurt In Accidents (rising temperature. High Fridcy 35 to 45; low Friday night 28 to 38; high Saturday 40 to 50. Variable winds of 5-15 miles an hour off the coeV. becoming southerly and 30 to SO miles an hour Friday night and early Saturday, and southwest erly to westerly uue Saturday. Kastern Oregon Mostly cioudy iwith snow flurriea Friday: fair Fri- NEW YORK tfl The stock mar- dev nlcht. Iniressins cloudiness ket was higher Friday with the sturtisv with rising tsmperatures. : railroads showing the way. It was Kish Fridav 15 to 40: low Fritav i the fourth straight advance. night 5 to "15 except aero In high: The rails went ahead by as much jvallevs: high Saturday 20 to 35.. as 1 10 J points, wnn a lew ex tending their gains even further at I times, but the bulk of the list post ed gains of fractions to around 1 point. The volume came to an estimated 1.400,000 shares as compared with 1,220,000 shares traded Thursday. Quotations New York Stocks By Tbe Associated Press Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers '. American Airlines ' American Power & L American Tel 4: Tel, . American Tobacco .raconda Cooper . ' : Atchison Railroad : Bethlehem Steel " Boeing Airplane Co. . Borg Warner Burrows Adding Machine California Packing . , Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor e Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee t Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Tlouglas Aircraft . . duPont de Nemours. - Eastman Kodak ' 4 hours ta 4:30 .a.m. Baker Bond . Eugene CJ: -ne'e Lalcevl.w Friday: Mi Mia -.10 -4 :a :is 41 ss 57 North Bend Ontario renoleton Portland Roeburc . Salem B0L9 - C':r,:f3 Denver Eureka . Los Angelet New Yorli , Rea Bluff San Francisco - Seattle . . Spokane .... 1-6 21 carry chains. 4 to 8 Inches new snow. Portland Parked snow, nlow- Ing. carry chains. 3 inches new snow. Wilson River Summit Snow ins lightly, packed mow, plowing, carry chains. 8 Inches new snow. Sunset Summit Snowing hard, packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 7 inches new snow. Warm Springs Junction Snow ing lightly, packed snow, plowimr, carry chains. 4 inches new snow. Cascade Locks Packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 3 Inches new snow. Troutdale Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 8 inches new snow. Su Helens Packed snow. Sandy Snowing lightly, pack ed snow, plowing, carry chains. 2 inches new snow. Ar'.oria Slush, pack breaking up. 6 inches new snow. McMinnville Packed snow. : sanded. I Salmon River Summit Slush, j pac'-t breaking up. Rsea.ora packed snow, plow ing, chains required. Union Creek Packed snow plowing, chains required. Slskiyous Packed snow. plow. Ing. carry chains. in; u.'iic-s spots or ice. Industrial accidents vrstrrdav Itina tins morning sent three per I sons lo Klamath valley hospital for 1 .touiniem. I Lloyd Andrews, route 3, box 427. .1 Vieyerliaeuser einpluyo was brought to the hospital this morn Next week, for the fourth con-1 ing tor X-ray of hla rlrtht foot, secutlve week, the Klamath hint- .crushed under a lumber pile. Another Weyerhaeuser worker, John Hamlin, 4441 llometlnle road. was Heated yeatorday for laeo anti Ralph Pect-y, Olvmpia. Wash Hnro.l Peery. Yreka: one broth er, a sister, and three grandchil dren. Attending the services from Klamath Falls were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Condrey, Mis. Ccoigo Con drey and Mrs. Rollsnd King, Mrs. Wayne Keesee. a slster-ln-lnw and her son Gerald, Mcdford, also were present, ber Industry will have Its power uppiy curtailed oy the Callfornla Orego.11 Power Company. lite same curtailment aeheifule .xvellrt Inrerailnm. In eftect since the week of Deo. I 'Melvm L. Moore, 2134 Autumn. 17 will apply. Under that schedule, ; underwent surgery for a flushed the mills are cut to half the nor- hand sintered while working at inal electric supply between the .Southern Pacific Plywood Co. hours of 8 and 11:30 a.m., and 6 ana 1 p.m Thus far, most of the mills re. port they have been able to hold production and lnbor lnsveu at lnu jilgurcs by rescheduling shiits. n. f. soswortn Jr., Medioru, Copco's assistant general manager, says Copco's December load ex ceeded hint of December. Io0, by 4S.0OO Kilowatts. A good part 01 this additional demand has laid to Increased domestic i r. manly for home healing. .17 40 M S Two Hurt In Headon Crash A two-car headon crash this mile south of Mac's Store sent two 1 but 'op one ''"son or another none 5416 Cars Of Spuds Gone Smid shipments nut of Klamath UPPn BitJin to' date this aeasoii without use. California seed total 5418 cars, no cording to figures released today Bosworth said Couco had made by the state department 01 agn- arrangements to secure power irom iLU',,ulc- ,. three oiher sources, any one ot ! Those figures Include 112 cars which would have prevented the ,"" December by rail, and 205 more shortage, but that all three deals truck for a months total ol had fallen throuKh. , u?7 car"- .... Arrangements were made with1 Last year, official figures show Bonneville at Goshen, with the Pa- mipmenta at the end of December clllc Gas and Electric Company 1 totalled 5238 cars-liu-ltidlng Call and Couco honed to obtain addi- 'a seed end stockfeed diver tionr.l power irom its own new slons. Deoembsr. insq. showed 19.17 development on the North Umnoua cars of spuds shipped to market. i Chicago Livestock packfil sncw, plowing, chains re quired. 10 inches new snow. WU!ainete Pass Snowing lightly, packed snow, plowing, carry chains. 6 Incites new snow. Chemult Snowing lightly, packed snow, plotting, carry chains. 2 inches new snow. Bly Snowing lightly, packed tnov.. plowing, carry chains. Lakeview Packed snow, plow- 2S'i 77 5l 1 16 ! 22 I 155 I 634 ! 51)jj 7li 5!'; 47 t4 13' 28', 37', 4X 50 u-la-uw- sot.s 14.0016.S. 1 packed snow, plowing, carry chains 70f, I Baiaoie ccttte u; saiaute cai 2 inches new snow. 102'jiv&i steers s,eati-; cows steady j La Grande Snowing l.ghtly. 33', to 50 cents lower: bulls steady to spots of ic. 17 1 weak; vealers steady to 1.00 or j Baker Snowing lightly, packed S3 Imore lower; load prime. 1.039 lb . snow, plowing, carry chains, gsj : iow-prime 1,150 lb V7.00: few good ; Ontario Snowing lightly, pack- 58 91 46 TO SPKAK I EUGENE '. Walter Reulher. president of the United Automobile Workers, has accepted an Invlia- tveather was the mime factor In tlon to speak here Feb. M on a Xfitrh.n cifhru-n R.nri si.r stu ... . ! tne snortnge. Ana ne aaaea ne program ceieoraiing ine vmver- - Pack-d snow, plowms. carrv . clrl abrasions' " didn't expect any easing of the j alty of Oregon's 7th anniversary. chains. 1 to 5 inches new snow, j Mrs. Tyler was passenaer with 's!tu,lon '0r ,l "st notl,er l'A0 i santiam rass snowing itgntiv, vernon Thomas. 415 Martin, in a,"""' ' 'dismissal for some tune. women to Klamath Valley hospital I"' "f" . ,u ": for treatmenr of minor inlnries ",e additional potter. Mrs MayreV ?rPeci DvKe ' s" Rch Copco's Kl.ma'h .,.r,-.,-.j ..:J T Fel s manager, said today the -.., iit.-u luw- mill i.,;.".j.uir . Marie Crol'ne 'racturert :'kle CHICAGO U) (USDA1 Sal able uoj 15,000: butchers steady ; ing. ctrry chains. ;to 15 cents lower: sows steady Pendleton Packed snow, sand-! the accident, 1 -ji.. ou-ciie.-s it-i-sjo 10 18.ou-is.bj; ' ed. AAA ft- ,W t M , O Cn. A-AAft IK 1? - . . , r. . . . . I - I 1 , -. jv-:iu tu ii.ov-io.dv, w iw Aieacnam anoKuig itKntiy. ' n 1 Ca-a r .. ...,ik K. ' Kelly L. 1 -sarrus. 1031 Laurel. McKinneV QuitS S'ae Ppl'ce reported LsTnrms at-1 . , , ail t-nnted to part a snwnlcw trav- i SlSKIVOU Ap JOD elltv- in the same d!r'on and j sklvou Co'untv Board of Dl .mashed headon into a 195ft Sl-e-! rectors Thlirsday acCeoted the res baker driven north by Marie Caro- j 1Rn!lUon of Agficnlturet Commls lire Fields of MaUn. J Isirner J. O. McKlnncy. Laserrus and Thomas received Tne resignation is dated effec- minor cuts. tlve June w. No immediate citation was made McXlnnev submitted his resigns by the f.tte Officer Investlga'mg ,ion ,, .n'rlier meeiini. but ill Thursday's meeting saw several I representatives on hand, and the I resignation was accepted. I Teenagers Cleared Out Of Drugstore City Police yesterday afternoon drilled a crowd of ubuut HO teen, duels out ol WnlKrcen' Hum o.oi't) oil ivqiicst 01 lid wind Webb, .iloto maniiuei'. ' This iiiiiriilng Webb told Ilio llcr uld and News tiio leatiitiiuiii purl of his iUiio wotiltl no lomtor (..iter to the irciiiiKtua n nil police wniild ue ciiilrti ukiiIii tutluy II the aiinic Munition arose. itio niiutituii, which Iiuh bran slmmeriiiH for some lime, t'liino io n otnl yrstcrdity itlieinoon when ' Webb tuld a youth It would t-o ,t ; ,inii JJ cents lor a cup of col Ice. OKltrrs said the until uppui eiuiy leu tno ttnie, rounded up a crowd of kids who crowded tile n,u,c o no oilier putrona could be 1 served, I vcuo suit! lie consulted nil at torney and hntdotllce oil Inn Is of I tne i.mpiiuy in Clili'nita and wua advised to accept no uioro of the , .eeiltigurs' bu.MiiebS. , The atom mniiitKcr (his morning shotted a llrrahl and New report er results of his store "being uietl :aa a leeiugo club." , Masoiilte lops ol eight new tublea iccviiuy niatuiled at a conl ol over 5300 were marred and ararrrd with carved inlliala and scribbling. Leather covciiiik.h of sevc.ni i.ruts tvoic rlipod and attHtlng pulled oul. lieveral of the beni-hes were ripped up irom fastenings lo the Hour. I Several nights ago. Webb Mated, he discovered one of the youths Involved In yesterday's disturbance ;,n possession of a bottle of liquor and ordered the boy from hit store I KU1IM Principal James Brown lst this morning said he Intended !;o talk with Webb and see II the situation couldn't be smoothed out. City Schools Superintendent Ar nold Gralaap Indicated school of- CIO Rechecks Lumber Vote fniiTLAND on - m, mn u., workers begin checking ballnii auiitii Friday Horn a recent elect. iuii in oiiii'i'rn, The recount was alarted afier a nuinber ol ballots wera nm,.i ed. Oilulnally A. f. Ilnrluiiu, I i-iirtiniHi, was announced as Hit ;lii'W pre-lcleiil alter a "very eln-a , litre" wllh James E. Fadlliig, iha Inciiinbent. I The unliin's execullve board lio. liim flietklilK bullnla In Dereiuber, but took time off lor the Christina liolldnvo wllhoiil completing Ilia Check. ! The bourd al-o nlnns to nam a new editor lor the Woodworker, ithr union publication, In nlare of Menley J. WIUoii, who died lt i week. Ilulnlit would try to bring control over the illuttlloii throiiuh emplin. "it nl student government and ilia si'liool syslem'a roiilliiiiDiisly upn, ittlug t'ltir.riiHlili program. KLAMATH COHPAHY MtH ! I.inti Hlt kirltlit OPIN SATURDAY 90 YOUR CONVINICNCI PROPANI Gai Svrvlca ovr Tht Inllrt Klamath latin Hf tf if run K rintr M4lrt Hrlia4l Wrrrill N ntsrit Tankt Rill Stf m Mnfr J-2341 II ant NorUnd 6M Pint St. Auto Inturaru-f. Hoop Game To Be Broadcast The Bend-Pellean basketball se ries (tonight and tomorrow night) laccsntance was delayed because : representatives of the Siskiyou County Farm Bureau were not pres ent. The Bureau had urged his i INVESTMENT SECURITIES OWINS INVISTMINT SERVICI Lliua. laafllva, t'allatt4 aai Orr-t-taaattr ka4i a4 Slarha. lovMlaaaal fa' hi x..n.ii nia. et.- .it: KLAMATH 'ALLS Emerson Radio . 14 General Electric 59 General Foods 44"j General Motors 51 "a Georgia Pec Plywood 23' a Goodyear Tire 44 Komestake Mining Co. 35 International Harvestei 35" v International Paper O'V Johns Manville H'j Kennecott Copper 83' j Libby. McNeil 8'- Lockheed Aircraft 23a Lockheed Aircraft 23', . Loew's Incorporated 18'- Long Bell A j Montgomery Ward 67 Nash Kelvinator 18'i j Northern Pacific 63 'i j Pacific American Fish IV2 i Pacific Gas ' Electric ' 34 i Pacific el. Tel. 109, ' Packard Motor Car 4-'a I Penny J. C. Co. '. 69'i ! Pennsylvania P.. R. 13'a Pennsylvania R.R. !a-7 Pepsi Cola Co. 9'i Philco Radio 21 Radio Coporation . 243 Rayonier Incorp 60 Rayonier Incorp Pfd "34 Republic Steel " ' 414 Reynolds Metals 56V Richfield Oil :. 55 Safeway Stores Inc. 33 Scott Paper Co. ; ' 51 ''4 Sears Roebuck Ta Co. 5S'i Socony-Vacuum Oil 35 Southern Pacific 63 Standard Oil Calif . 50i Standard Oil N. J.: 75, ; Sludebaker Corp. ' 34' Sunshine Mining 10 Swift Ta Company ,v 33 , Transamerica Corp. 23'jl, Twentieth Century Fox 20; Union Oil Company 38 , Union Pacific . , 103'i , United Airlines 33' i , United Aircraft 32 ' . United Corporation ' 4' . United States Plywood 33u, United States Steel 40!4 ' Warner Pictures 15 i Western Union Tel - 42 t Westlnghouse Air Brake 26?a Portland Groin : will De carried direct bv rad o sta .4istiu uioict itKts oi.jiw3.iw. com- ea snow, plowing, carry crmms. VWIT ';: : merciai and good neuers 2O.0O-31'.- John Day Snowing lightly. , nVrxi-viu win :t: co.nmerv.al cows 23.7o-25.50: spots of ,CJ. " VrZZTll? FX lutimy cows z1.7a-z4.0u: canners ana , Austin. Seneca. Bums Snowing : Ji'.7 g nrciari cutters 18.50-21.75: Utility to good 1 liffht!v. narked snow, nlowimr.car-! ctoc. to ry chains. 1 to 2 lncnis new snow. : I SALAMANDERS TROY V. COOK CO. South 6th at East Main bulls 26.00-30.00: commercial prime vealers 28.00-37.00. Salable sheep 1.090: choice to prune huidywe.ght fed lambs ab sent, quotable to 31.75 or be.ter: -rac coo:ce around 120 lb about 30.00; odd lots handy clipped lambs jO.tyj uo.vu: choice to prime quot able to 31.00: most utility to good natives 24.0-30.00: slaughter ewes steady at 12.50-15.00; cull ewes 10.- Potatoes . Tule Gives ft? Trip. CHICAGO 1 (USDA) Pot roes; Arrivals yi. on ua ..w. ,, total U.S. shipments 823: about S5,.i p steady; Colorado McClures S5.75 TULELAKE 'Sympathy of the entire Tulelake community In the death of Hugh Wllron Jr., West Point cadet killed in the crash of an Air Force C-47. Dec. 30 n$ar Phoenix. Ariz, was expressed when residents here financed th frm- to West Point for the funeral r- - ,-... . . Sf-Wn 22 '' E"ri Market where Hu3h Wil- uacs $5.10 washed. Portland Livestock ORTLAD (Jl fUSDA) Cat tle salable Friday 35; fully steady; suppiy mostly cows; for week, sal able 1,280; market uneven, steers generally steady: cows mostly 50c higher, instances 1.00 up) bulls tiny bOc higher; several lots and few loads good up to 1.232 lb fed steera &.QU-34.00: loaa arouna i.oo lbs good and choice 33.00: com ner and cutter cows mainly 1.00 22.0; shells down to 15.00 and un der; utility cows 22.5-25.00; high uui.iy anu commercial 23.00-27.00; utility bulls 25.50-28.00; commer cial 2.00-30.00: odd good to 30.50; one heavy holstein 32.0. Carves salable Friday 5; market market active, strong; choice and dd prime vealers 35.00-38.00: com lercial and good 27.00-34.00; cull nd utility 15.00-25.00. .-icg.i salable Friday none: hold- PORTLAND Wl Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast de livery: Oats, No. 2, 38 lb white, 79.50; barley. No. 2, 45 lb B.W., 71.50. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft Whit 2.44; . sort white tfex eluding rex) 2.44; white club 2.44. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.45; 10 per cent 2.45; 11 per cent 2.46; 12 per cent 2.47. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.45: 10 per cent 2.45; 11 per cent 2.46; 12 per cent 2.47. Today's car receipts: Wheat 71; barley 6; flour 6; corn 8; mlllfeed 5. lbs 1.0: iter; cholcd 180-235 y 21.00; negligible choice 35-550 lb 18.00 late; few medium liehtweieht feeder pigs 16.50; good and choice to l.UU. Sheep salable Friday none; mar ket nominal: for week, salable 435; market around 50c higher; good and choice wooled and early shorn lamb3 28.00-28.50: few choice 107 lbs 2.00: utility lambs 23.00-36.00: feeders scarce; large lot utllitv and good karakul ewes 101 lbs 12.00. son Sr. is employed and Ivan Rose. Mr. ana Mrs. wilscn, their son William and daughter Judith, leave tonight on th? Cascade for West Point, New York. Tentative pla-s teleohoned today oy en army colonel to the family, are for fw' -'-- et 10 a.m. weanesaay at tne Academy. Hugh, eldest .-on in fe familv. a cadet, appointed by Congressmen tuaire Engie or t? se-end Car fomia Congressional District 1950. had been home lor the Christ mas holidays. Potato Shipments January 3 Month to date Seavon to dat 1M0--.1 IDS' 52 41 52 Funeral JONES T-. od r H-.ir -T?nei who ded at Tule'ace Jan. 7. 1S5 has bn for-ard-d br Memorial Chaoel, etn ana rme st. to tne lidd ft su i' van Fune-at Home. Mar:-sville. for serv-leci and interment. Ton won't worry so murb if yonr home is insured with Hans Nor Und. 637 Pine SL CLIMB PORTLAND ( Idaho potatoe climbed 50 cents on the Portlan market Thursday to a new high of 87 a hundredweight. Orego Russets also went up 50 cents and were quoted at 86.00-75 ASPIRIN JJ6 AT feS j nritT'i-K'' imuiui IT'S HERE! YOU CAN SEE IT NOW I THE NEW PLYMOUTH , ?r:;. at - M OLSON AflOTOSS Ph. 5126 316 So. 6th HURRY! These and many other fine items are now on sale at DREWS Manstore ! CHECK THESE n Insulated JACKETS Gabardine and twill lined with 100po wool podded interlining. 12.95 Reg. 27.50 ... 18.95 ui FINE SUITS All Brand New Fall and Winter Stock! Regular $50.00 $39 Regular $5950 $48 Regular $69.50 $58 Regular $79.50 $63 Regular $98.50 $83 TOPCOATS Top Lines at Drastically Reduced Prices! Regular to $45.00 $29 Regular to $55.00 $34 to $39 Regular to $59.50 . $47 Regular to $75.00 $56 to $65 Colored DRESS SHIRTS Mode by Americo's fore most shirt monufocrurer! Both regular ond French cuff styles. Vqluei to 5.00 2" All Wool SLACKS Shorkskins Gabardines Worsteds Regular 195 to 21.50 1 100 Coihmere SWEATERS Choose from 6 Hondsome shades! Regular 95 to 20.00 Western Style SHIRTS Broken sizes in Levi Strouss. Tcm-Tex ond H-C brands in oil sites. Regula to 7.95 Sport COATS 100 wool In regulars, shorts, ond longs. Values to 30.00 19" Sport SHIRTS 2.95 3.95 5.95 Ret. I 5.00 R.i. U t.lS . Rtf. to I.M DIMS Mwu&mz 733 MAIN TELEPHONE 3463 JANUARY nmnni LAM SAVE! On This Great Second Floor Event At Your Store! Bffl Chenille Bed Spreads 889 ..... i White Terry TOWELS Hand size ReS. 45c 3TC Mattress PADS Ziq Zaq stitched. Full bed size. 496 Reg. 5.69 Chenille Bed Spreads Yellow only. Full size. rso 3 Reg. 5.98 Fancy Chenille Bed Spreads Three and (our colored denqni. 13" Reg. 15.95 Cotton Sheet BLANKETS 2" 70"x95" Reg. 2.95 Morgan Jones Dish Cloths With fancy colored borders. Reg 12c 9c Feather PILLOWS Full size. A.C.A. tick coverinq. I79 Reg. 1.98 I White Huck Hand Towels 39c 16"x32" Reg. 48c Monarch Heavy White Bath Towels 22"x44" Reg. 1.19 98c Monarch Hand Towels Re. 48c 39C Wash Cloths R. 29c 25c Cotton Sheet BLANKETS Fine heavy quality. Reg. 3.25 2 "For Distinctive Gifts" iiii i! vi'iim: 721 Main ,it