FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREK Committee Seeks KF's Man of Year .I Who m Kliimiith County's out ftnmllnii young clllwn in I0&1V A ice ret conimlllfB of tlm Jun lor Chamber or Commerce la now trying to rifcldr). Tha man they ni-locl U to be honororl at the mi- mini dinner intetlnir of the senior County Chamber Jan. 10, 6:30 p.m., at the Wlllnrd Hold. Identity ol the recipient of the Junior Chamber' annual Dlntln- KUlFihed Bervlce Award key In lo be kept aocret until the moment of prrncnlnllon. Onlv the live com mittee member will know who the honored young cltlten In. Only quiilldcntlon lor the honor . other than aervlce la ae; the DBA winner must be under 36 years ol Ke. The DBA award are made each year by Jayceca throuiihout the na tlon. Slate wlnuera are then aelrcl ed from the varloua club wlnnera and eventually a national winner la (elected. Candidates do not have lo be Javcee membera. City Councilman Darrell Miller wa lout yenra winner nere. rrc vioiu Kliunaih wlnnera were: 10'ja. Percy Murray: 193(1, Harlan Ilonworth; 1031 I,. Orth Hlsnmore: . 1938. Charlca Muck; IICID. Cllllord i q, JenkliiMi 1940, Marlln Bwanaon; mi, Don Drury; 19. JUilph Wan Iconer: 1943, Jnnien Kerna Jr.: 1944, John flnndmeyer: lB4t. Karl Doll llnmir; 1940, Robert R. Walker: 1941. Jamea Btllwell: 1848, Che'. Hamaker: 1949, Karl Kent. Stockman Says Ike Won't Run PORTLAND W Rep. Lowell Stockman (R.-Ore. bellevea den. UwIkIii KiMHihower will not run lor President thla year. predicted that Sen, noben Tall iR.-Ohloi would win me Kepuoncan nomlnallon and go on to win the presidency. in an interview here alter ar riving from hla Pendleton home, where he apent the holiday. Hlock man aald Elsenhower would not leave hla present European Job. "Uen. Eisenhower will not run on any parly'a ticket. He'a too en grossed in building up military ecurity in Europe," Stockman aid. Oldster Retains Skill With Sled JAFKREY CENTER, N.H. P' '. Mix Mabelle E. Cutter. 80, aaya t. she II be "darned" If she'll assume any "eletant (tiling position" on a i aled when Ita more fun to allele "belly bumps" faahlon. I She coasted down Main . Street ' In the prone position on her 80th i birliKiay last week and aayi she'll ' continue dolnr It at long as the t now Inats thu winter. , v Lad Timt Tadoy , FARLEY GKANUF.K SIIKLLY WINTIRS-. I" 'BEHAVE yourself' and . i "SATURDAY'S ;" HERO" with John Derek ROCKY LANE ; " GUNMAN OF 1 ABERLENE" : II " Whip Wilson in ... "OUN SLINGERS" U 0 J open f y i 'WW I mm. "yirym Assault Draws 3-Year Term Wlnfleld Chllonuin. 23-vear-old Klamath Indian, Tliursday w.-.i sen tenced to a three-year iedcral prison term for assault vitli a ounnerotis weapon. He was convicted at Portland Inst month of hitting a Mexican, Vincent Hurtndo, with a broken beer bottle at Chlloquln on the Klamath reservation. At the time of his trouble with Hurtndo, Chlloquln was already on probation from a previous assault conviction. Sentence was pu.'ised by Judge Claude McColloch in Port land. Also sentenced to prison by Judge McColloch was Murcciline Vera Herkshan, 22, Klamath Indian woman, for violation of probation. She was placed on probn'.ion for three years December 12, lBftf. originally charged with obstructing eflorts of officers attempting to r rcut Rex Butler and Percy Ball, wanted for shooting Indian Ollicer John Arkell. A burglary In Klamath Falls I an October was the basis of the revo cation of probation. Government Clamps Down On Sales Of Surplus Farm Goods; Korean War Blamed WAHHINOTON IIP) The wcll- fctocked special sales counter of aurnlus farm products Uncle Sam set up two years ago Is taking on i the appearance of a bargain base ment alter a shoppers' rampage. In short, It Is nearly empty rellccllng a heavy volume of sales and government withdrawal of some stocks for possible future emergencies. Two years ago this month, the Agriculture Department, holder of a mounting supply of farm com modities which at that time in volved an investment of more than four billion dollars, adopted a policy ol offering specific Items each month for sale at home and abroad. Many of them were priced , at bargain rates. I The first sales list Included dried Imllk, cheese, butter, peanuts, lln necci oil, dry beans, wheat flax seed, oats, barley, corn, potatoes, potato starch, Mexican canned 'meat, dried eggs, frozen turkeys, and cottonseed oil. I The list for this month Includes I only dry beans, dried eggs, dried vvtltl, llnt. Alt' ,T w...rl ...on, lllinCU W., liaKCU, HIIU very small quantities . of wheat, 1 tatu femrn anA ka rlati Twt Uaa ore the only Items offered foreign buyers. led sharply under Impact of the can ai, jub cunuiui nns spur red foreign as well as domestic buying. ' , Nutritionist To Speak In Klamath Miss Alice Anne Cerber, Oregon Dairy Council nutritionist, will be a guest speaker at tomorrow's Klamath County Dairymen's Assoc. annual meeting In the Winema ho tel. The meeting Is scheduled (or 10 a.m. In the Winema hotel. According to Pres. Wilbur Rell Ing, election of officers of the group for the coming yesr is also sched uled, as well as discussion of mar keting and promotion of the dairy products. CLASSIFIED 1-A Mrs. Joe Willie Riley (above), a Gold Star mother, displays a draft notice lo report for induc tion. Mrs. Riley classified 1-A by the draft board, has received frequent notices and says she is ready to go into service if the government continues its effort to draft her. She lost one son in World War II and has another in the civil air patrol. Strangler To Be Examined LOS ANGELES 'T A 10 year old bobby soxer who strangled a little girl left In her care will he examined by three psychiatrists. After they report their findings Jan. 18, the court will decide whether the girl, Delora Mac Campbell. Is to be treated as a Juvenile or tried as an adult. Dr. Marcua Crahan. county lull physician,, examined the bnby Ml ter and told Superior Judge Wil liam B, McKesson Thursday that she la 'courteous, cooperative and sane, . but was -motivated by an "irteslHtible Impulse" when she choked to death six-year-old Donna Joyce Inbell with a man's sock last Sunday. Dr. Crahan's report said Delora Mae has a "burning resentment against her 'mother. . . without a knowledgeable basis, but appa rently she and her father. tClcm Campbell. 44, of Fori Luplon, Colo. I- are very friendly." The father flew here to help her, but. she showed little response. She has been living wait an aunt be cause of difficulties with relatives in Colorado. The . court . ordered Dolors Mne transferred from Juvenile hall lo the county Jail "for her own pro tection." Judge McKesson anld he wanted her kept In segregation in the Jail to apare her any Injury or embarrassment. Check Passer Gets 5 Years Eugene Maurice dill, 33. lately of Portland, who used the name of Bob Porter to cash bum checks around these parts, got a livo-ycnr prison term yesterday afternoon In circuit court. Dili was arrested In Redding. Calif., late In November and plead ed guilty here to obtaining money by. false pretenses. , He admitted being still on pro bation from Toledo, Ore., on a check charge and being wanted in Montana for passing bad checks. Merrill Cubs Hold Party MERRILL Merrill Cub Scouts Pack 7 concluded a busy month on Tliursday evening, December 27, when a Pack meeting and party were held at recreation hall. Reverend George Milne said grace and polluck supper was en Joyed by Uie large group of par ents, Cubs and youngsters attend ing. The Cubs presented a skit "Christ mas In Foreign Lands." Numerous awards were made. Snmmy Carle ton and Billy Thompson were awarded the bear badge and ar row points. Richard Wilson has earned his woll badge, and Dwayne Cobb received his one year serv ice star. The den chiefs received their grand howl of thanks and scout oath plaque from the pack. Myron Haskins presented each Cub with a Cub Scout nromise plaque. Kathleen Brlckncr. Helen Carlcton, Leona Beasley and Syl via Haskins received den mother pins. Chris Lcmlcr received his den chid cord. Den 2 retained the Cub pennant for having the largest percentage of parents and Cubs present. All participated In the gift ex change. While the boys sang their closing song Santa burst into the room and distributed treat lo all. Km Iter In the month the annual Christmas tree hunt was held. Many Cubs and parents waded through deep snow, but managed to get trees for all. On December 23, the Cubs went on their Clood-will tour. They dis tributed gills to the sick, shut-ins. and aged, and food baskets to the needy. A puck leoder's meeting will be held Wednesday January 2. at the recreation hall. Time Is 7:30 p.m., and all leader's arc urged lo attend. Falcon Island in the South Pa c'.lic disappears at Intervals of jeors without regard for geojroph ers. The tclcntlflc explanation Is that Falcon Island is produced by Intermittent eruptions of an under water volcano. Stricken Woman Said Recovering A woman, admitted to Klamath Valley Hospital yesterday afternoon critically 111 from lysol poisoning and, exposure, was reported un proved today. She was Identified as Mrs. Edna Jelinlson, 4454 Austin St. A. neighbor discovered the wom an' lying near an out building be hind her home about 2 p.m. yes terday. She was taken to the hos pital by Kaler's ambulance. y ' Baritone Back With Met Again NEW YORK Iffl Baritone. Rob ert Merrill Is back with the Met ropolitan Opera Company. Last April. Met manager Rudolf Blng fired the singer, for missing a matinee performance and doing some picture work In Hollywood instead. Blng announced Merrill's rein statement Thursday and released an exchange of correspondence In which the ainger expressed "deep regret for my action." Blng re- piled. "To. admit one's mistake i . . Is a sign', of i moral courage- and de cency," . ' Some of the oldest checks In the United States are now In the Chase National Bank collection. They were signed by a Dutch merchant and ' were dated March, and Sep tember,, 1864. , ALBUM SETS WW45-7I Kt.H. WESTERN DANCE k Semi-Classical CLASSICAL NOVELTY If you want qood music to enjoy, whatever type, we will do our best 'to satisfy you. MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th Phone 4519 Now! At Klamath Furniture1. Big January Savings On FLOOR COVERINGS! f Discontinued 1 CARPET I 1 SAMPLES g sm Check These Outstanding Buys! RUGS Reqular Price 72"x11'4" Green Carved Wilton 185.00 79.95 Plain Rose. BROADLOOM CARPETING Sale Price Regular Price Sole Price 8' 6" x 9' Carved Wilton Rose 119.50 59.50 12 ft. width Plain Beiqe. 8'6"x9'Beiae Cropoint 129.50 64.50 12 ft. width 9' x 9' 5" Green Carved Wilton 132.50 66.50 Rose Carved Axminster. 9'xl0'3"DarkCreen Carved Wilton 145.00 72.50 sq. yd. 7.95 . 5.95 sq. yd. 7.95 5.95 12 ft. width sq. yd. 10.95 8.95 9'xlO'3"Fiqured Green Axminster. Green Axminster 99.50 44.50 12 ft. width sq. yd. 9.95 7.95 9'x 10' 6" Figured Axminster 9'x 10' 6" Figured Axminster 9'x 12' 3" Blue Carved Axminster , 87.95 43.75 89.50 44.75 159.50 79.50 Figured Axminster. 9 ft. width sq. yd. 9.95 7.95 12x12 Rose Carved Wilton 225.00 115.00 12x14 Powder Blue Wilton 12x 12Tan . Axminster 308.05 155.00 99.50 44.75 (All sizes approximate) ASPHALT TILE t 9x9 Ke Size, 90 per carton C Colors carton 1 0.75 6.95 p Colors ."carton 12.85 7.95 E Colors ............ carton 15.95 9.95 INLAID LINOLEUM Standard Gauge, Marbelized and Jaspe .:.....:.'....... sq. yd. 2.25 1.69 Standard Cauqe, Spatter and Embossed sq.' yd. 2.35 1.99 Standard Gauge, Tile Effect sq. yd. 2.60 2.25 I REMNANTS J I We moy have iust'tho ' I Ineed . . . in 0 roV ,S,ze youl selection too V'.-Pottern (piece. ' toa A'l priced by the I I Uss 1 I Than 72 PRICE Less Than Vi Price ! LINO SAMPLES All inlaid linoleum. Choice of many colors. . 50c Terms if desired All items subject to prior sole! V Jg WTdA TO 0 0 Tht tmtttllm at a fittn yat sfurfr show that mdvUm foil to consvm adtquato milk for phylcol woll fcln. Dorf, who "lr" a lltllo arr thon ho one did, and Hothot, whooo potlonco whorton at tho and of tho toy, con bath bonoflt by Inaoatlnt tho ontount of MLK md dairy food Id tholt dlott. TRY THIS: For tho Mil waafca drink MILK Imtood coftoo or too with at loart two of yovr moolm aach day . and FIHD OUT how much BETTER you eon FEELI Do your YOUNG SELF ooolnt . . . for MILK I tho MOST VALUABLE ( food ON EARTH. Kfamatk unnttune Co. lfdhand Bnit hone conduction IASY PAYMENTS 221 Majn Phone 5353 or 5339 713 Main Street I fi