PAGE TWO ppiiii ii iim iiwrmmmr',mr" u.u. ' M'i; ii''iw yiiii . U . -A "V v ; KFLW 1450 Kc. VHT Friday Evening. Jan 4 fl OO SporU MllhUjtitt 'V :IS Horn Town NWl t 6:25 World New Summary e 30 Suburban Sarenatie -0:43 HeuUIn Edition ADC , . fl::5 bmirtfl rtw.i itouiK.rp ABC.;. V; 7:00 Gllldtt riphU ABC .' a oo Richard Diamond ABC 8:30 Thla 1 Your 'FBI AHC 0.03 Oxne and Harriet ABC 8 30 Conreri -el' Favorites 30 00 10 P.M. Headline t ' i0:1S Clarcmont Urdu- ABC J0:30 In (omnia Club -31:00 New Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFLW IIM Kc-PST Saturday, Jan. 5 ' :00 Si in -On Newa Summary ' 6.05 Corn In the Morn 6:49 Farm l-'nre 7.00 Nowi Brkfrt Kdition - 1 7:15 Chad:' Roundup 7:30 Bob . Garred. News ABC i , 7:40. Toi ol tho Mottling 7:M Music 8:00 No School Today ABC 0:00 Saturday Serenade 0:30 Space Patrol ABC 10:00 Lady Skyhook 10:15 ll'a DancoUrce ' in:.i i ?ct-opMtin Opera ABG 3:15 Basin Brie fa ' 3:30 Fascinating fihythm. ABC 3:00 Junior Junction ABC ' .fl:?0 Vert Po.nt Prm. ABC 4:15 Errar.da of Mercy 4:3 Requcstfully Vour 5:30 Bnb Cratiy Shew 8:45 If Movie Time ... ; 6:00 SporU HlflMighti 6:15 Home Town New , 6:25 World Newa Summary f 6:30 Science Editor ABC 6 45 Word of Life 7 oo Mr. District Attorney ABC 7:25 Music 7:30 Bedtime Slorie 8:00 Lone. Banner AEC ' 8:30 U.S.S.B. ABC 9:00 Darrtn Prtr" ABC 10:00 10 P-M. Headline . in.t Dandnf Pn ABC . -10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newa Summary , 11:05 Sign Off KFJI X150 Ke-PST Friday Evening. Jan. ' 6 00 Gabriel Header MBS 6:15 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town New. 6:45 Sam Hayea New ABC 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:01 Mais'e MRS , 1 ; 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 8:00 Reporter. Rcunup MBS . B:?1 Proudly We Ha1! 0:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 0:15 Fulton Lewi Jr. MBS 0:30 Crime Firhtera MBS 0:55 5-Mlnute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Stars on Pa race 10:33 Bandstand USA MSS 11:00 Kite Owl News 11:05 Night Owla Club 12 00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc PST Saturday, Jan. 5 6:00 Musical Reveille 6:45 Farm Reporter P:55 I-oral Newa 7:00 Hemingway Newa MS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 News 7:45 Best Buys . 8:00 Morning Melodies 8:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Haven of Rest MBS. 8:00 Emil'a Saturday Special 0:15 Dance Tunes R:30 Your Inrcrrs Tar MBS 8:45 Favorite nf Veslerday 10:00 News MBS . 10:15 Name Bands .. t 10:33 4-H Club KLAMAYH rALLt. Oft CO Ob AMERICAN CHINESE Feeds ft Hieir ber! f. 4494 For Ordm To Teke 0t4 Ben 6. Lee, Mgr. AT LAST ... a Perfect Corn Bread That Can Be Toasted ... a Corn Bread That Doesn't Crumble! Corn and Honey ! A NEW FLAVOR It's the msr of mm The Old Southern Kernel Sayj 'Here'i a Bread Treat That Will Become a Habit" READY FOR YOUR TOASTER GET YOUR FREE RECIPE FOLDER MANY DELIGHTFUL This new Recipe Folder gives many WAYS TO SERVE delicious ways to serve this tempting OL' SOUTH'RN new orn "rca hot dinner recipes . cocki nor in 3ni a"dwiehes thot will delight your ' CORN BREAD fomiy ond guMtti , . Gcf Your FREE Recipe Folder At Your Food Store J Klamath's 110:45 OFS Program 10.50 Currtn'a Protram 10:55 Social Security Preg-am ll.oo Miulc 11:25 Newa MBS " ' j 11:30 Music 12:30 Ricky Requcat 1 1:30 Local Newa !:; Saturday Swing S:00 Mat'nee at Meadowbrook MBS 3:55 New MBS 3:00 Matinee at Meadowbrook MB9 4:00 You Never Know i . 4:15 Frank Hemingway. New MBS ; 4: Mark Rogers MBS I 4:45 Twin Views of Newa WS 5:00 TMirie Ranch Roundup MBF a:30 cnrtstian science 5:45 Bandstand USA MBS 5:55 Baukhare Talking MBS 0:00 Al Heffer, Sports MBS 6:15. Quia Show 6:30 Around Town Newa ti:43 Marine Show 4 7X3 Collere Choirs MBS 7:30 Klamatn Temple - Aim Hawaii Calls MBS 6 30 Guy Lrombardo MBS - 0:00 News MBS 0:13 Dance Orch. MBS ' 8:OT riner Memor al MM ' 0:35 Cecil Brown. News. MBS 10:00 Monica Vhalen. MBS 10:13 Dance . Orch., MBS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00 Ntte Owls News. 11:05 Night Owls Club U.-00 Sign Oft Row Nay Stop Ship Service SAN FRANCISCO W Unload- inir delays caused by a dispute be tween the CIO 'Marine EnRtneers and Isthmian Steamship Co. inay result In cancellation of Isthmian's Intercoastal Service from Gulf ports to the Pacific Northwest, a company official said Friday. Members of the International Longshoremen's and Warehouse men's Union have refused to pass picket lines set up cn Isthmian ships by the CIO union. Isthmian's Pacific Coast man ager. A. E. Blake, said further unloading delays at Seattle and Portland wculd force the company to retire from the northern route and return two chartered ships, the Clearwater Victory and the Lcs Ve?ras Victory, to the (rovernment. Blake said there would be a show down when the Las Vegas Victory arrives at Seattle about Feb. 1. The CIO engineers are disputing a company agreement with the ri val AFL Brotherhood of Marine Engineers. Plywood Mill To Be Built EUREKA.' Calif. A new I million dollar plywood mill Is being planned for Humboldt Coun ty. Calif., by Washington and Ore son men. The announcement Thursday said it will be built near Freshwater in the near future. A spokesman said the firm holds leases on 250 million feet of standing timber. Officers of the new firm were announced as William A. Mitchell, Seattle, president; Dr. William Nel son, Seattle, secretary: C. D. Thome. Portland, director. Humboldt County lies from about 40 to 100 miles south of the Oregon line, with Eureka as the principal town. The Eureka Chamber of Commerce reported there were 258 sawmills and related industries last month, with most of the lumbering expansion having occurred since Sensation A standard size loaf with a smooth, creamy texture and delicious, crunchy topping that's temptingly different. Made with golden corn meal and other select ingredients with HONEY ADDED to give it a marvelous flavor! SLICED Finest Bakery F. vi viS.-. Ski. . . jmr .... PLANNING the Lions Club traffic saiety program for schools are (I to r): Arnold Gra lapp, city school superintendent;' Paul Robertson, assistant city police chief; Gene Woods, Lions Club; and Dr. Robert Wood, Lions Club. Lions Club to Safety Instruction Plan By DAVE t.NDERUILL It's not too long a step from tri cycles to bicycles and then event ually to Atomoolles. That's, why policemen and educators will watch with interest an experiment in saiety education of sdhool chil dren to be tried Jan. 8 at Fre mont school. Throueh sponsorship of the Klamath Falls, Toketee Uoas Cluo, with aid of city police, Weyer haeuser Timber Co. and the city elementary school system, a prac tical application ol trallic saiety education wll be carried out with 22 fourth grade pupils at Fremonj. Weyerhaeuser will supply strips of belting to mark out simlluated crosswalks and intersections. City police will provide "Iron Mike"- a portable traffic control light. The uons have acquired 14 tricycles to take the place of automobiles. Under direction of a city traffic officer, the pupils will carry out tneir roles as drivers or peaestri' ans, making proper hand signals observing the stop-and-go lights and wait-and-walk. signals. This type of safety education Is not. new in the United States, and has been deemed highly success ful ; in - supplementing . theoretical safety training given In classrooms. Sgt. Odell Olson. City Police traf fic officer; who will help In the ex periment, thought it a good idea. He said it Is necessary not only to train the youngsters for future years when they are adults, but tso-to provide training for the Im mediate future - when they with be riding their bikes to school some 1S45. Emphasis has been on fir operations and plywood. charles of the ritz ' makes your face powder to order just for you! Our expert consultant Vudies your ' coloring , . . ceaies your s'rinione formula . . . before she hand-blends your fees powder to match. But more than that . . . She adds the tints you may lack to giv your skin life and glow and bring cut beauty you never dreamed you pos:e::ed. $2, $3 the box (Introductory Size $1). All prices plus tax HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Try Novel probably gotten this Christmas or walking on city streets. Sgt. Olson said he believes II school children learn correct traf fic habits now they will, in the greater majority, follow that irain inff thrauffht. thi rtt f fhelr llvi - Members of the Lions Club con Icelved the Idea of sponsoring this I training program when the high 'raie of traffic fatalities in Klamath j county wes emphasised by the press and radio in recent months. With 22 persons dead In'traMc accidents as of December 17. the county has tolled Its ureatest num. ber of traffic deaths in post-war j years. . And on Dec. 22. 1951. the United : States recorded its one-millionth I traffic death since the turn of the century. Lions Club members, like Dr. ; Robert Woods who is heading this j particular project, felt that partial solution to the situation was in early education of youngsters to 'the wava of traifi- safrtv. Sgt. Olson said he felt the pro Jgram should bs adopted in all city 'elementary schools from the first I grade on. He said it Is best to In struct the children when they are J attentive and Impressionable. I - Principals of city elementary ! schools are to be at the experi ment Jan. 8. 30. p. m. in the Fremont school gymnasium. And if the experiment appears success ful It will probably be included in the present safety instruction pro grcm now carried on in the schools. 'During flight at tremendous speeds, "outerskin" temperature of missiles rhes to as much as 1,500 degrees, the heat increasing as much as 80 percent Fahrenheit per i second. FALLS. OREGON I 111 I 1 III - ""Till 1 I " Si: TELLS OF .TALK Rep. Wayne L. Hays (D-Ohio) poses at the While House door after a talk with Presi dent Truman. He quoted Mr. Truman as saying he hopes to make known be fore Feb. 6 whether ho will run again. Feb. 6 is the last day. for filing of candidates for delegates from Ohio to tha Democratic National convention. . . K-i "" Vtv '''.' -: t,Jlf 'tA i '-3 By MARY ECAV The eight days of holiday vaca tion came to a clo:e yesterday mornlnT lor tha students of Sacred Heart Academy. Strangely enough, the studenla didn't feel sorry, as they are eagerly looking forward to the first coherence banlcetball game tonli?ht In the Academy gym. j The Malin Mustangs will face the Trojans in this Ilrst tussel of the new year. I ''fib Htr'" tin it rnmmnn v. prcssion of the Juniors today as the one thousand word essay:; were due. The essays were written on the theme "Employ the Handi capped for National De.'ensc." They will be entered in the State con- i test. Once again the time has come for semester exams. Students will probably be seen Indulging in stud ying for the next si:: flays. But they will be rewarded Friday with a mid-year holiday. Confessions, Holy Hour.' and First Friday were observed by students this week. Confessions were heard Thursday morning and In the after noon studonts participated in Holy Hour servlceE. Today being the First Friday of January, the stu dents attended Good luck Trojans in the game tonight I Toronto Streetcar Strike Called TORONTO Wl A strike of Tor- lonto's strcut-car and bus opera i tors started at 6 a.m. Friday. ! The sudden strike call caught Toronto unawares. Thousands of citizens In a metropolitan area of some 1,300,000 were stranded on street corners waiting for non-appearing trams to take them to work. Taxis did a roaring1 business. The Cabinet Room at No. 10 Downing Street is equipped with double doors and the windows have double sashes to balk would-be listeners. Ben Morrison, Mgr. JUCKELAMD TRUCK : SALES and SERVICE 11th & Klamath Ph.2-2581 Alien Goods Bureau May Be Checked WA8IIINOTON HI- Sen. Wllev (R.-Wls.) said Friday ho will ask a romplete Invv.itlgnt'oii of a "mas ol tips'' on niultl-mllllon dollar ! Ilvltles ol Uio Allen Property of lice. lhe aenntor said In n statement lie toxpccla the Inquiry to touch upen reports o fat tors and profits to lomo Individuals and corpora tion, "grave mis-nianagriiieiil" and "considorabln favoritism." Tlio Allen Property Olflce Is un drr V.t Justice Urpartmenl and hr.i had control of more than a bllllcn dollars worth of Urr ifinn and Jnpnnrro propertlm Jcued in this country during World War II. Wllry aalj 55 active comoanles still are under control and tint III ol them hftvo assets of more thuii one million dollaif. Ho proposed that the Inquiry be made bv a Senate Judiciary mib- commltlFO with a special Mad of exports able to trnca comnllcaled Aliuir.i of Uio seised properties and corporations. Wlicy Mild the inquiry should look Into management and deposi tion ol assets; personnel appointed io operate corporations and sal aries and foes paid; and rc&ulta ol tho agency's operations. Service Pay Boost Asked nil menWicis of tho Armed Purees a lu per cent Inrrrose may o, Conjrcss convening next i'ues- Houso Armed Scrvicfs c'ommitiec .viu ii.biui-ii rruiay ne nas as&cu tho rules committee to givo the llli'UNIirit nt-nmii pIi.fhi.,.. . ,, . r . v.,.,., k.H.HI.V BU Ik I can ue CiM on Immediately. There Us lu (urcsccablu major cppo.sltton in the House. l.iu increase would be elven to jwt.u tit tlllliuilll, low est ranking- private to the highest (funeral. It would apply not oniv to pay but nl-.o to tubslstence and quarters allowances. It would not lu. Retired service personnel alio ouid receive tho Increase. -r- 'I T By JEA OWENS Clrl's Athletic Association hv been unusually active recently In Uiat they are enlarging Uiclr group. The girls held a pre-lnltlotlon (or their prospective members in Uie OAA room on Monday, December 17. Entertainment was presented, and each girl brought gllta for needy children. Buiketball will start In January and will continue until March, when Softball season begins. The girl athletics are making up a team for the city leaguo basket ball tournament. Players include: Nancy Berg, Sue Bevans, Ramona Messlck, Barbara Paulson, Darlene Gordon, 8hella Marvin, Beverly Eclls, 8hcrry. Larson, Shirley Gor don. Jerri Harman and Margie Shreeves. Griggs Superior Market Is the sponsor of tho team and Miss John con is the advlcor. This week and next, students are going through a review period in their classes in preparation for final examinations. Regular classes will be cancelled on the three examination days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and students report for a two-hour class In the subject he Is being tested in. The exum schedule Is as follows: 8:30 Wednesday, first period, 1:00 Wednesday, fourth period, 830 Thursday, second period. 1:00 Thursday, fifth period, 8:30 Friday, third period and 1:00 Friday, sixth period. A new noon recreation commit tee has been appointed with For rest Rutlcdge holding the chair manship. Other members are: Claudia Miller. Donna Long, Jo Herrcre, June 8tcarn, Beverly Fcr nlman, Sue Bevans, Margaret Stair and Warren Ross. The group Is now working on sug gestions for new recreation at noon to keep the students busy. Mr. O'Toolo Is tho commlttco advisor. Don't forget to attend this eve nlna's game in Pelican Court for ths Bend vs. Klamath basketball game. Remember, let's support the Pelican;, and we'll bo supporting a winning team! The art club Is sponsoring an after-gamo dance Saturday night. The music Is being lurnlnhed by the Starllghtcrs and It will be held In clicPan court. Red Cross Plans Dual Meeting A two-fold get-together of Klam ath Red Cross people has been scheduled Monday. At 11 a.m. the board of directors nf the Klamath County Chapter of the Amorican Red Cross will meet in tho Klamath Armory lor its reg iilni- mnnlhlv sessions. At 12:15, all water safely and first old Instructors In the Red Cross program are. Invited to at tend a luncheon at the Wlncma hotel at which time the new method of artificial respiration Is to bo ex plained. ' Disabled Engine Blackens Towns REDWOOD CITY, Calif. Ml A VWU-IIUUI nilUllGl Ul nuui uianbtitu Redwood City and San Carlos, on in? . Ban . r rangisto -cuiuoma, rtday, HleaUlft.1 - RnlltltArn Pcnltlf '.it engine poured soot onto 0L cars, lresniy . jvnsncu .ies on drying lines, and res .utnts. -Even white cats changed color. In raw powder form or combined In sulphuric acid, sulphur Is lndli- pensablo in malting chemicals, fcr tlllzers, Insecticides, palnta, explo sives, metals, foods and textiles, Columbia Basin gheat On Smutty Side Again, But Incidence Below Last Year A..r.t inn in Uanrlu OS irtl ruuiliniui '.I' I" . cent o( the Columbia Basin a 1051 wheal crop was aiinnty. n that is, It was a reduction from . . i..r .ml lltn flrNl limn m nine years smut failed 10 show an Increase in mo norinwrai. H. K. White made that report .....!.. ...n.iini,. in tnllhiu niMnhrrn 'l the Piu'llio Northwest Smut Con. t.t f.., ...til I mm U'linl hnil hMMit Hound this year In lu.auu maprc Hons of lai'nirr-owncil lots of wheat, i White l witl 'be f'nderiil Produc tion and Mi'i'kolhm Adinllllsli j Hop s gi nln branch. Iil.n.t..l. IIim ni.Mr.nll lisi-l'ltnlnue mimuon was belter than a year apo the lu.Ti prrcpiiiaK" oi nuns, latum was 'HI while lluit of IVM i was Whlto aald Ihero was one ill'.uuo:nK I In nil I Almol half of Ilia samples that were Miiillty. had more than one I halt of a per cant umiit. I the Mory ol Infnslallon varied with dlllerenl varieties. Club wheal j accounted lor about one-tllli d ol the loin t inspections, aim oj per TODAY OMM M((Mt 1 I Unjapai M I'M r. I ADVENTURE BLAZES ACIOSS THI BURNING SANDSI TONIGHT . P Yt 1 VV TO MAKE WAY lfCZt' sf . JiMhCjZA I COR ANOTHER rliV YfflMu3 SMASH COMEDY WtV ESV'JxL IVMV Y.l I SUCCESS, J iTnZL Mf nfFffiri 1JANE GROUCHO FRANK IT RUSSELL-MARX-SINATRA THEY C2S , ' i TRIPLE IMW n your 7 y f1:0ipii, ilil!l!imml'ii;!mMMiTim'l m2. cent of those club anmplra infesteil. T1iat w5 3 per cent hiji,, or for club ivhral llinn In lo.'.o. com, moll while wheal, on lh utlicr hand, showed n decrease uf 10 per cent, The rominon wlun varieties Included lioldcn, rrx) (-j, trillion and brevor. Tho clubi Included clKln, livirnin and cliiiar, Klain Is espeuially (Uh crpliblo to Miml. On the oilier hand, lliern writ .-.even samples ol tho new rlinar. and not i alnulo sainpla Kisiica aimiliy. While made his report ni m coiuiniliee met to consider what in.xht be done In combat smut, tin iNurinwest Wheat Industry'! most serious illsrusn problem. CAVE OUTUWS ""I HOPAIONC CAU1DY CVU AT 11.45 AJ. i'llAVEAili ' ' PLUS 4 CARTOOMS V .-'. AND PART CAME - CONTINUOUS WCEK DAYS PRtMi i-ti